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Previous Years' Questions


Solved Paper Case Studies Yearwise

Every year, the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts

the Civil Services Examination (CSE) to recruit for various
Civil Services of the Government of India, including the Indian
Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Foreign Service (IFS), and
Indian Police Service (IPS) and other Central Services.

One of the most difficult exams in the world, it aims to select the
best of the best through a rigorous testing process. Consequently,
it becomes challenging for the candidates to prepare for the exam
because the previous year's papers and guidance are not readily

Therefore, we at Unacademy have designed the explanations of

the Case Studies of UPSC Mains Paper (GS IV) featured in the last

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Q7. Prabhat was working as Vice President (Marketing) brought to his notice that his CV has been received
at Sterling Electric Ltd., a reputed multinational through the office of the Minister of Defence.
company. But presently the company was passing During the interview of the candidate-Subhash
through the difficult times as the sales were Verma, he found him technically sound,
continuously showing a downward trend in the resourceful and an experienced marketeer. He
last two quarters. His division, which hitherto seemed to be well-conversant with tendering
had been a major revenue contributor to the procedures and having a knack of follow-up and
company’s financial health, was now desperately liaising in this regard Prabhat felt that he was a
trying to procure some big government order better choice than the rest of the candidates who
for them. But their best efforts did not yield any were recently interviewed by him in the last few
positive success or breakthrough. days.
His was a professional company and his local Subhash Verma also indicated that he was in
bosses were under pressure from their London- possession of the copies of the bid documents that
based HO to show some positive results. In the Unique Electronics Ltd. would be submitting
the last performance review meeting taken by the next day to the Defence Ministry for their
the Executive Director (India Head), he was tender. He offered to hand over those documents
reprimanded for his poor performance. He subject to his employment in the company on
assured them that his division is working on a suitable terms and conditions. He made it clear
special contract from the Ministry of Defence for that in the process, the Sterling Electric Ltd. could
a secret installation near Gwalior and tender is outbid their rival company and get the bid and
being submitted shortly. hefty Defence Ministry order. He indicated that it
He was under extreme pressure and he was deeply will be a win-win situation for both-him and the
perturbed. What aggravated the situation further company.
was a warning from the top that if the deal is not Prabhat was absolutely stunned. It was a mixed
clinched in favour of the company, his division feeling of shock and thrill. He was uncomfortable
might have to be closed and he may have to quit and perspiring. If accepted, all his problems
his lucrative job. would vanish instantly and he may be rewarded
There was another dimension which was causing for securing the much awaited tender and thereby
him deep mental torture and agony. This pertained boosting the company’s sales and financial health.
to his personal precarious financial health. He He was in a fix as to the future course of action.
was a single earner in the family with two school- He was wonder-struck at the guts of Subhash
college going children and his old ailing mother. Verma in having surreptitiously removing his
The heavy expenditure on education and medical own company papers and offering to the rival
was causing a big strain to his monthly pay packet. company for a job. Being an experienced person,
Regular EMI for housing loans taken from banks he was examining the pros and cons of the
is unavoidable and any default would render him proposal/situation and he asked him to come the
liable for severe legal action. next day.
In the above backdrop, he was hoping for some (a) Discuss the ethical issues involved in the case.
miracle to happen. There was a sudden turn of (b) Critically examine the options available to
events. His Secretary informed that a gentleman Prabhat in the above situation.
Subhas Verma wanted to see him as he was (c) Which of the above would be the most
interested in the position of Manager which was appropriate for Prabhat and why? (250 words,
to be filled by him in the company. He further 20 Marks)

Previous Year Questions (2022) 4

Answer: business practices by using stolen bid documents
(a) Ethical issues involved in the case: to outbid their competitor.
y Conflict of Interest: Subhash Verma’s offer y Pressures Leading to Unethical Decision:
represents a clear conflict of interest. He is using The immense pressure Prabhat is under, both
insider information from his current employer professionally and personally, could lead him to
(Unique Electronics Ltd.) to gain a personal make unethical decisions that may be detrimental
advantage (employment with Sterling Electric to his professional integrity and the company’s
Ltd.). This is a breach of loyalty and trust. reputation.
y Unfair Competition: Prabhat is being offered y Breach of Confidentiality: Verma has violated his
an opportunity to gain an unfair competitive duty to protect his current employer’s proprietary
advantage. If he accepts Verma’s offer, Sterling information. This suggests he might do the same
Electric Ltd. would be engaging in unethical in the future, posing a potential risk to Sterling
Electric Ltd.

(b) Options available to Prabhat:

Option Merits Demerits

Prabhat could save his job This choice involves unethical practices that could
and the division, potentially severely damage Prabhat’s professional reputation
Accept Verma’s offer
receiving a reward from his and the company’s public image if discovered. It
company. also undermines fair business competition.

Prabhat would be employing It might set a precedent that unethical behavior is

Reject Verma’s offer but hire
a qualified and experienced acceptable, especially if Verma repeats such actions
him based on his qualifications
candidate. in the future.

Depending on his superiors’ values, this could

This would demonstrate
Report Verma’s offer to either enhance or hinder Prabhat’s career. If the
Prabhat’s integrity and
his superiors or to Unique unethical offer isn’t seen as a serious issue, Prabhat
adherence to ethical business
Electronics Ltd. might be viewed as not doing everything he can to
save the division.

Prabhat maintains ethical Prabhat is still left without a solution for the failing
Decline Verma’s offer and don’t
standards by refusing to engage sales of his division, and he might lose a potentially
hire him
with someone acting unethically. good candidate.

(c) Most Appropriate Option for Prabhat: his professional reputation and the reputation of
y The most ethical and appropriate option for Sterling Electric Ltd.
Prabhat is to reject Verma’s offer and report the y Prabhat could continue looking for other ethical
situation to his superiors or directly to Unique ways to improve his division’s sales and secure his
Electronics Ltd. position.
y This course of action would uphold the principles In the long run, maintaining integrity in business
of fair competition and ethical business practices. operations is essential for sustainable success and
y Although this choice might not provide an growth. His decision could also encourage a culture
immediate solution to Prabhat’s professional and of ethical conduct within his company, promoting
personal problems, it could potentially safeguard trust and respect among employees, customers, and

Previous Year Questions (2022) 5

Q8. Ramesh is State Civil Services Officer who got the Answer:
opportunity of getting posted to the capital of a (a) Options available to Ramesh:
border State after rendering 20 years of service. 1. Withdraw the report as instructed by the
Ramesh’s mother has recently been detected Additional Home Secretary.
cancer and has been admitted in the leading 2. Refuse to withdraw the report and face the
cancer hospital of the city. His two adolescent potential consequences.
children have also got admission in one of the 3. Approach higher authorities or other stakeholders
best public schools of the town. After settling about the issue.
down in his appointment as Director in the Home 4. Leak the report to the press or an investigative
Department of the State, Ramesh got confidential journalism outlet.
report through intelligence sources that illegal (b) Option Ramesh should adopt:
migrants are infiltrating in the State from the Ramesh should refuse to withdraw the report. It is
neighbouring country. He decided to personally essential to maintain the integrity of his office and
carry out surprise check of the border posts fulfill his responsibilities to the public. If he experiences
along with his Home Department team. To his retaliation for doing so, he should appeal to higher
surprise, he caught red-handed two families of 12 authorities or even take legal action if necessary.
members infiltrated with the connivance of the (c) Evaluation of options:
security personnel at the border posts. On further y Withdraw the report: This would maintain
inquiry and investigation, it was found that Ramesh’s professional standing and ensure his
after the migrants from neighbouring country promotion. However, it would compromise his
infiltrate, their documentation like Aadhaar integrity, allow illegal activities to continue, and
Card, Ration Card and Voter Card are also forged potentially harm the state’s security and societal
and they are made to settle down in a particular stability.
area of the State. Ramesh prepared the detailed y Refuse to withdraw the report: This would uphold
and comprehensive report and submitted it to the Ramesh’s integrity and commitment to his duties.
Additional Secretary of the State. However, he has However, it may jeopardize his job, and promotion,
summoned by the Additional Home Secretary and could potentially strain his relationship with
after a week and was instructed to withdraw the superiors.
report. The Additional Home Secretary informed y Approach higher authorities or stakeholders:
Ramesh that the report submitted by him has not This might lead to a thorough investigation and
been appreciated by the higher authorities. He possible correction of the problem, maintaining
further cautioned him that if he fails to withdraw Ramesh’s integrity. However, it may still risk
the confidential ort, he will not only be posted out Ramesh’s professional standing and relationships
from the prestigious appointment from the State if those authorities also resist addressing the issue.
capital but his further promotion which is due in y Leak the report to the media: This could force the
near future will also get in jeopardy. issue into public discussion and lead to actions
(a) What are the options available to Ramesh as to address the problem. However, it would risk
the Director of the Home Department of the Ramesh’s job and potentially put him in legal
bordering State? jeopardy. It could also be seen as a breach of
(b) What option should Ramesh adopt and why? professional protocol.
(c) Critically evaluate each of the options. (d) Ethical dilemmas faced by Ramesh:
(d) What are the ethical dilemmas being faced by y Personal vs Professional: Ramesh is torn between
Ramesh? his professional duty to uphold justice and law
(e) What policy measures would you suggest to and the personal needs of his ailing mother and
combat the menace of infiltration of illegal children’s education.
migrants from the neighbouring country? y Loyalty vs Integrity: His loyalty to his superiors
(250 words, 20 Marks) and the department is at odds with his personal
integrity and his duty to the public.

6 Previous Year Questions (2022)

(e) Policy measures to combat the menace of and politicians. The politician who was involved
infiltration of illegal migrants: in the mafia was no one else but local MLA who
y Strengthen border security: Invest in better was considered to be very close to the Chief
surveillance technology, more personnel, and Minister. After going through the investigative
improved training to prevent infiltration. report, the CMD advised Ashok to drop the idea
y Increase penalties for corrupt practices: Harsher of making the story public through electronic
punishments for officials who facilitate illegal media. He informed that the local MLA was not
immigration might deter such behavior. only the relative of the owner of the TV channel
y Develop a robust identification system: Improve but also had unofficially 20 percent share in the
the process of identification to prevent forgery of channel. The CMD further informed Ashok that
documents. his further promotion and hike in pay will be
y Increase international cooperation: Work closely taken care of in addition the soft loan of 10 lakhs
with the neighboring countries to better manage which he has taken from the TV channel for his
the cross-border movement of people. son’s chronic disease will be suitably adjusted if
y Address root causes: Support economic he hands over the investigative report to him.
development and stability in the neighboring (a) What are the options available with Ashok to cope
countries to reduce the push factors leading people up with the situation?
to migrate illegally. (b) Critically evaluate/examine each of the options
y Strengthen legal immigration pathways: identified by Ashok.
Providing legal channels for those seeking to (c) What are the ethical dilemmas being faced by
immigrate can help control the flow of people and Ashok?
reduce the demand for illegal pathways. (d) Which of the options, do you think, would be the
most appropriate for Ashok to adopt and why?
Q9. The Supreme Court has banned mining in the (e) In the above scenario, what type of training would
Aravalli Hills to stop degradation of the forest you suggest for police officers posted to such
cover and to maintain ecological balance. districts where stone mining illegal activities are
However, the stone mining is still prevalent in rampant? (250 words, 20 Marks)
the border district of the affected State with
connivance of certain corrupt forest officials Answer:
and politicians. Young and dynamic SP who was (a) Options available to Ashok:
recently posted in the affected district promised 1. Comply with the CMD’s advice, hand over the
to himself to stop this menace. In one of his investigative report, and not expose the corruption.
surprise checks with his team, he found loaded 2. Refuse the CMD’s advice, and make the
truck with stone trying to escape the mining investigative report public through a different
area. He tried to stop the truck but the truck media outlet or through social media.
driver overrun the police officer, killing him on 3. Submit the evidence and findings of the
the spot and thereafter managed to flee. Police investigation to law enforcement agencies or anti-
filed FIR but no breakthrough was achieved in corruption bodies.
the case for almost three months. Ashok who was 4. Confront the involved politician and try to
the Investigative Journalist working with leading persuade him to end the illegal mining activities.
TV channel, suo moto started investigating the (b) Evaluation of the options:
case. Within one month, Ashok got breakthrough y Comply with the CMD’s advice: This would
by interacting with local people, stone mining ensure Ashok’s job security, promotion, and
mafia and government officials. He prepared his financial relief concerning his son’s medical loan.
investigative story and presented to the CMD of However, it would compromise his professional
the TV channel. He exposed in his investigative integrity, contribute to the corruption issue, and
report the complete nexus of stone mafia working fail to address the environmental and societal
with blessing of corrupt police and civil officials harm caused by illegal mining.

Previous Year Questions (2022) 7

y Refuse the CMD’s advice, and make the report y Specific Illegal Mining Training: Officers should
public through a different outlet: This action receive training on the environmental, societal,
would uphold Ashok’s journalistic integrity and legal aspects of illegal mining. They should
and could force authorities to address the issue. understand how to identify and investigate such
However, it would risk his job and financial activities.
stability, and potentially lead to retaliation from y Community Interaction: Officers should be
powerful individuals involved in the corruption. trained in community policing techniques,
y Submit the evidence to law enforcement or anti- learning to build trust and rapport with local
corruption bodies: This would ensure that the residents who can provide information on illegal
evidence is given to the authorities and potentially activities.
initiate an official investigation. However, it might y Self-Defense and Emergency Response: Given the
not guarantee any immediate action, particularly violence that can be associated with such illegal
if the corruption is deeply entrenched within the activities, officers should receive robust training in
system. self-defense and emergency response.
y Confront the involved politician: This could y Whistleblower Protection: Officers should be
potentially lead to a resolution if the politician educated about their rights and protections
responds positively. However, it is a risky strategy as whistleblowers, to encourage reporting of
and could lead to retaliation. corruption within the police force.

(c) Ethical dilemmas faced by Ashok: Q10. You have done MBA from a reputed institution
y Personal vs Professional: Ashok is torn between three years back but could not get campus
his professional duty as a journalist to report the placement due to COVID-19 generated recession.
truth, and his personal need to maintain his job, However, after a lot of persuasion and a series of
promotion, and financial stability for his son’s competitive tests including written and interview,
medical treatment. you managed to get a job in a leading shoe company.
y Integrity vs Loyalty: Ashok’s commitment to You have ageur parents who are dependent and
integrity and truth is in conflict with his loyalty to staying with you. You also recently got married
his employer and the channel he works for. after getting this decent job. You were allotted
the Inspection Section which is responsible for
(d) The most appropriate option: clearing the final product. In the first year, you
The most appropriate option would be for Ashok learnt your job well and was appreciated for your
to refuse the CMD’s advice and submit his evidence performance by the management. The company
and findings to law enforcement agencies or anti- is doing good business for the last five years
corruption bodies. As a journalist, his first duty is to in the domestic market and this year it is even
the truth. While it might risk his job and personal decided to export to Europe and Gulf countries.
finances, he would be upholding his professional However, one large consignment to Europe
integrity. Furthermore, by involving law enforcement was rejected by their Inspecting Team due to
or anti-corruption bodies, he ensures that the issue is certain poor quality and was sent back. The top
brought to the attention of those who can take formal management ordered that ibid consignment to be
action. cleared for the domestic market. As a part of the
Inspecting Team, you observed the glaring poor
(e) Suggested training for police officers in such quality and brought to the knowledge of the Team
districts: Commander. However, the top management
y Ethical Training: Officers should be educated advised all the members of the team to overlook
about the importance of integrity and ethical these defects as the management cannot bear such
behavior in law enforcement. They should be a huge loss. Rest of the team members except you
trained to resist bribes and to report corruption. promptly signed and cleared the consignment for
the domestic market, overlooking glaring defects.

8 Previous Year Questions (2022)

You again brought to the knowledge of the Team company’s financial performance and long-term
Commander that such consignment, if cleared profitability.
even for the domestic market, will tarnish the y Dependent Family Members (Elderly Parents
image and reputation of the company and will be and Spouse): The employee’s dependent family
counter-productive in the long run. However, you members are stakeholders with interests in their
were further advised by the top management that well-being, financial stability, and job security.
if you do not clear the consignment, the company y Domestic and International Markets: The
will not hesitate to terminate your services citing markets where the company sells its products
certain innocuous reasons. are stakeholders with interests in the quality and
(a) Under the given conditions, what are the reputation of the brand. The company’s image can
options available to you as a member of the significantly impact its market share and growth
Inspecting Team? opportunities.
(b) Critically evaluate each of the options listed y Competitors: Competing shoe companies are
by you. stakeholders with interests in the market dynamics,
(c) What option would you adopt and why? potential market share gains, and the reputation of
(d) What are the ethical dilemmas being faced by their own brands compared to the leading shoe
you? company.
(e) What can be the consequences of overlooking y Regulatory Authorities: Government agencies and
the observations raised by the Inspecting regulatory bodies may have an interest in ensuring
Team? compliance with quality standards and consumer
(250 words, 20 Marks) protection laws.

Answer: (a) Options available to you as a member of the

Stakeholders involved in the given case: Inspecting Team:
y MBA Graduate (Employee): The MBA graduate, y Comply with the Top Management: Clear the
who secured the job in the Inspection Section, consignment for the domestic market as instructed
is a crucial stakeholder. Their interests include by the top management, despite the glaring defects,
job security, professional integrity, and ethical to avoid potential termination of your services.
responsibility towards their role in the company. y Stand Firm on Ethical Grounds: Refuse to clear
y Top Management: The top management of the the consignment, despite the consequences
leading shoe company holds significant power and threatened by the top management, and maintain
authority. Their interests lie in maximizing profits, your integrity and professional ethics.
minimizing losses, and maintaining the company’s
reputation. (b) Critical evaluation of each option:
y Inspecting Team Members: The other members of Comply with the Top Management:
the Inspecting Team are stakeholders with interests Pros: Following the top management’s directive may
in job security and conformity to the management’s protect your job and financial stability in the short
directives. Their decisions may be influenced by term.
the company’s culture, job dependency, and fear of Cons: Clearing a substandard product can harm
potential consequences. the company’s reputation and jeopardize long-term
y Customers: The company’s customers are essential business prospects. It may also lead to ethical dilemmas
stakeholders with interests in receiving high- and personal guilt.
quality products. Their satisfaction and trust in
the company’s products impact its reputation and Stand Firm on Ethical Grounds:
long-term success. Pros: Upholding ethical standards can build trust,
y Company Shareholders: Shareholders invest in integrity, and credibility, not only for you but also for
the company with the expectation of returns on the company. It may lead to long-term benefits and a
their investment. They are concerned about the positive impact on the company’s reputation.

Previous Year Questions (2022) 9

Cons: Standing against the top management’s Lost Opportunities: Compromised product quality
decision may result in termination of your job and may result in lost opportunities to expand into
financial uncertainty. It could also lead to professional international markets like Europe and Gulf countries,
repercussions and strained relationships within the impacting the company’s growth prospects.
organisation. Trust Erosion: Customers may lose trust in the
company’s products, leading to decreased sales and
(c) Option to adopt and why: diminished customer loyalty.
Given the situation, the most appropriate option would In conclusion, as a member of the Inspecting Team,
be to stand firm on ethical grounds and refuse to clear standing firm on ethical grounds and refusing to clear
the consignment despite the consequences threatened the substandard consignment is essential to protect the
by the top management. This decision is based on the company’s reputation, maintain personal integrity, and
following reasons: ensure long-term sustainability and growth. While
Ethical Responsibility: As an employee, you have the decision may come with immediate challenges,
a moral duty to ensure that the products released the potential benefits of upholding ethical principles
by the company meet quality standards and do not outweigh the short-term consequences.
compromise customer satisfaction or safety.
Long-term Repercussions: Clearing a substandard Q11. Rakesh was working as a Joint Commissioner
consignment for the domestic market could have in the Transport department of a city. As a part
severe long-term consequences for the company’s of his job profile, among others, he was entrusted
image and reputation, resulting in potential loss of with the task of overseeing the control and
customers and business opportunities. functioning of the City Transport Department. A
Personal Integrity: Upholding ethical values and case strike by drivers’ union of the City Transport
professional integrity is crucial for your self-respect Department over the issue of compensation to
and credibility in the industry. It will showcase a driver who died on duty while driving the bus
your commitment to doing the right thing, even in came up before him for decision in the matter.
challenging situations. He gathered that the driver (deceased) was
plying Bus No. 528 which passed through busy
(d) Ethical dilemmas being faced by you: and congested roads of the city. It so happened
Job Security vs. Ethical Integrity: The dilemma that near an intersection on the way, there was
between safeguarding your job and adhering to ethical an accident involving a middle-aged man. It
principles is a significant challenge. It puts your was found that there was an altercation between
financial stability at odds with maintaining personal the driver and the car driver. Heated arguments
integrity. between them led to a fight and the driver gave
Professional Obligations vs. Organisational Pressure: him a blow. Lot of passersby had gathered and
The conflict arises between your duty to ensure tried to intervene but without success. Eventually,
quality inspection and the pressure exerted by the top both of them were badly injured and profusely
management to overlook the defects for the sake of bleeding and were taken to the nearby hospital.
financial gains. The driver succumbed to the injuries and could
not be saved. The middle-aged driver’s condition
(e) Consequences of overlooking the observations was also critical but after a day, he recovered
raised by the Inspecting Team: and was discharged. Police had immediately
Reputation Damage: Clearing substandard products come to the spot and an FIR was registered.
may lead to negative reviews and feedback from Police investigation revealed that the quarrel was
customers, causing significant damage to the started by the bus driver and he had resorted to
company’s reputation. physical violence. There was an exchange of blows
Legal Implications: Releasing defective products could between them.
expose the company to legal liabilities and potential The City Transport Department management is
lawsuits from customers or regulatory authorities. considering not giving any extra compensation to

10 Previous Year Questions (2022)

the driver’s (deceased) family. The family is very may impact their work environment and cause
aggrieved. depressed and agitated against the disruptions to public transportation services.
discriminatory and non-sympathetic approach y City Residents and Commuters: The general public
of the City Transport Department management. and commuters who rely on the City Transport
The bus driver (deceased) was 52 years of age, was Department’s services are stakeholders. The
survived by his wife and two school-college going ongoing strike may disrupt public transportation,
daughters. He was the sole earner of the family. affecting their daily lives.
The City Transport Department workers’ union y Local Authorities and Government: Local
took up this case and when found no favourable authorities and government officials may be
response from the management, decided to go on stakeholders as the situation involves labour issues
strike. The union’s demand was two fold. First was and public services. They may be involved in
full extra compensation as given to other drivers overseeing the resolution of the strike.
who died on duty and secondly employment to y Police Department: The police department is
one family member. The strike has continued for involved as they have registered an FIR related to
10 days and the deadlock remains. the altercation and accident involving the deceased
(a) What are the options available to Rakesh to bus driver.
meet the above situation? y Hospital Staff: The hospital staff who attended to
(b) Critically examine each of the options the injured parties are stakeholders, as they were
identified by Rakesh involved in providing medical assistance after the
(c) What are the ethical dilemmas being faced by altercation and accident.
(d) What course of action would Rakesh adopt to (a) Options available to Rakesh to meet the above
diffuse the above situation? situation:
(250 words, 20 Marks) Recommend Full Extra Compensation: Rakesh
can recommend to the City Transport Department
Answer: management to grant the deceased driver’s family full
In the given scenario, the stakeholders involved are extra compensation, similar to what is given to other
as follows: drivers who died on duty.
y Deceased Driver’s Family: The wife and two Advocate for Employment for a Family Member:
school-college going daughters of the deceased Rakesh can also advocate for providing employment
bus driver are directly impacted stakeholders. to one family member of the deceased driver as a
They are seeking fair compensation and support compassionate gesture to support the family during
after the loss of their sole earner. their difficult time.
y City Transport Department Management: The Mediate between Management and Union: Rakesh
management of the City Transport Department can act as a mediator between the City Transport
is responsible for making decisions regarding Department management and the workers’ union to
compensation and benefits for employees and find a middle ground and resolve the deadlock through
their families. They are responsible for addressing negotiations.
the demands of the workers’ union and resolving Seek Legal Advice: Rakesh can seek legal advice to
the strike. understand the legal obligations and implications
y Drivers’ Union: The workers’ union representing regarding compensation and employment benefits for
the drivers is a significant stakeholder. They are the deceased driver’s family.
advocating for fair compensation and employment
opportunities for the deceased driver’s family and (b) Critical examination of each option:
are responsible for the ongoing strike. Recommend Full Extra Compensation:
y City Transport Department Employees: Other Pros: Granting full extra compensation to the deceased
employees of the City Transport Department driver’s family would demonstrate empathy and
are indirectly affected stakeholders. The strike

Previous Year Questions (2022) 11

compassion, mitigating their financial hardships and the above situation:
grievances. Rakesh would adopt a multi-pronged approach to
Cons: The City Transport Department management address the situation:
may perceive this as setting a precedent, leading Immediate Relief: Rakesh would recommend providing
to similar demands from other drivers’ families in full extra compensation to the deceased driver’s family
the future, potentially burdening the organisation as a gesture of support and compassion during their
financially. difficult time.
Long-term Support: He would advocate for providing
Advocate for Employment for a Family Member: employment opportunities to one family member,
Pros: Providing employment to one family member taking into account their qualifications and preferences.
could offer long-term support and stability to the Mediation and Negotiation: Rakesh would actively
family. mediate between the workers’ union and the City
Cons: It may be challenging to find suitable job Transport Department management to find a middle
opportunities within the department, and this option ground and resolve the deadlock through negotiations.
may not address the immediate financial needs of the Legal Advice: Seeking legal advice would ensure that
family. the recommended compensation and benefits align
with the relevant laws and regulations.
Mediate between Management and Union: Communication and Empathy: Rakesh would
Pros: Mediation may lead to a mutually acceptable communicate transparently with the driver’s family and
solution, avoiding prolonged strike and its impact on union members, showing empathy and understanding
public transportation. their concerns while explaining the constraints and
Cons: The management and union may have challenges faced by the department.
entrenched positions, making it difficult to find By adopting this approach, Rakesh aims to strike
common ground and reach a consensus. a balance between addressing the driver’s family’s
immediate needs, resolving the strike, and maintaining
Seek Legal Advice: the City Transport Department’s operational efficiency
Pros: Legal advice can provide clarity on the legal and financial sustainability.
obligations and ensure compliance with relevant laws
and regulations. Q12. You are appointed as an officer heading the
Cons: Legal proceedings could be time-consuming section in Environment Pollution Control Board
and may not immediately resolve the emotional and to ensure compliance and its follow-up. In that
agitated state of the driver’s family and union members. region, there were large number of small and
medium industries which had been granted
(c) Ethical dilemmas being faced by Rakesh: clearance. You learnt that these industries provide
Balancing Fairness and Precedent: Rakesh faces the employment to many migrant workers. Most of the
dilemma of ensuring fairness to the deceased driver’s industrial units have got environmental clearance
family while considering the potential precedent this certificate in their possession. The environmental
decision may set for future cases. clearance seeks to curb industries and projects
Managing Conflicting Interests: Rakesh must navigate that supposedly hamper environment and living
the interests of the driver’s family, the workers’ union, species in the region, But in practice most of these
and the City Transport Department management, units remain to be polluting units in several ways
which may not align with one another. like air, water and soil pollution. As such, local
Resolving the Strike: Rakesh faces the ethical people encountered persistent health problems.
dilemma of resolving the strike promptly to restore It was confirmed that the majority of the industries
public transportation while addressing the legitimate were violating environmental compliance. You
concerns of the drivers’ union. issued notice to all the industrial units to apply
for fresh environmental clearance certificate from
(d) Course of action Rakesh would adopt to diffuse the competent authority. However, your action

12 Previous Year Questions (2022)

met with hostile response from a section of the who rely on these jobs for their livelihoods. They
industrial units, other vested interest persons and fear potential unemployment if the industries are
a section of the local politicians. The workers also forced to shut down due to non-compliance issues.
became hostile to you as they felt that your action y Local Community: The local community residing
would lead to the closure of these industrial around these industries is directly impacted by the
units, and the resultant unemployment will lead pollution generated. They experience persistent
to insecurity and uncertainty in their livelihood. health problems and are concerned about their
Many owners of the industries approached you well-being and quality of life.
with the plea that you should not initiate harsh y Consumers: Consumers who purchase products
action as it would compel them to sell their from these industries are stakeholders as they
units, and cause huge financial loss, shortage may be affected by any shortages or disruptions in
of their products in the market. These would the market due to the closure or modification of
obviously add to the sufferings of the labourers industrial operations.
and the consumers alike. The labour union also y Local Politicians: Some local politicians may have
sent you a representation requesting against the vested interests in these industries and could
closure of the units. You simultaneously started be opposing the officer’s actions to protect their
receiving threats from unknown corners. You political affiliations and connections.
however received support from some of your y Competent Authority for Environmental
colleagues, who advised you to act freely to Clearance: The competent authority responsible
ensure environmental compliance. Local NGOs for issuing environmental clearance certificates is
also came to your support and they demanded a stakeholder, as their decision and cooperation
the closure of the polluting units immediately. are crucial in this situation.
(a) What are the options available to you under y Labour Union: The labour union representing
the given situation? the workers is involved in advocating for the
(b) Critically examine the options listed by you. continuation of industrial operations to protect
(c) What type of mechanism would you suggest the workers’ jobs and livelihoods.
to ensure environmental compliance? y Colleagues: The colleagues who support the
(d) What are the ethical dilemmas you faced in officer in their efforts to ensure environmental
exercising your option? compliance and follow-up are also stakeholders, as
(250 words, 20 Marks) they influence the officer’s decisions and actions.
y Local NGOs: Local Non-Governmental
Answer: Organisations advocating for the closure of
In the given scenario, the stakeholders involved are polluting units and environmental protection are
as follows: stakeholders with interests in safeguarding the
y Officer Heading the Environment Pollution environment and public health.
Control Board Section: The officer responsible y Unknown Threatening Parties: The unidentified
for ensuring compliance and follow-up is a individuals or groups making threats against the
critical stakeholder. Their decisions and actions officer for their actions to enforce environmental
will directly impact the industries, workers, local compliance are also stakeholders as their actions
community, and environment. impact the decision-making process.
y Small and Medium Industries: These industries
are the main entities being regulated for (a) Options available to you under the given situation:
environmental compliance. They are concerned Enforce Strict Compliance Measures: Continue
about the potential consequences of the officer’s with the enforcement of environmental compliance
actions on their operations, financial status, and measures and insist on the industrial units applying for
continuity. fresh environmental clearance certificates to address
y Migrant Workers: The workers employed by the the pollution issues.
small and medium industries are stakeholders

Previous Year Questions (2022) 13

Engage in Dialogue and Negotiation: Initiate a dialogue (c) Mechanism to ensure environmental compliance:
with the industrial unit owners, local politicians, and To ensure environmental compliance effectively, the
labour union representatives to understand their following mechanisms can be suggested:
concerns and explore potential solutions that balance Regular Monitoring and Inspections: Establish a
environmental protection and economic livelihoods. regular monitoring and inspection system to assess
Seek Support from Higher Authorities: Report the industrial units’ compliance with environmental
hostile response and threats to higher authorities regulations.
and seek their support in ensuring the enforcement Strengthen Enforcement: Implement strict penalties
of environmental regulations without compromising for violations to deter industries from non-compliance
your safety. and ensure that the law is enforced without bias.
Involve Local NGOs and Community: Engage with Public Awareness Campaigns: Conduct public
local NGOs and community members to collaborate awareness campaigns to educate the local community
on creating awareness about the importance of about the importance of environmental protection and
environmental compliance and the potential benefits the potential benefits it brings.
it can bring to the region. Incentives for Sustainable Practices: Provide incentives
and support for industrial units that adopt sustainable
(b) Critical examination of the options listed: and eco-friendly practices to encourage compliance.
Enforce Strict Compliance Measures:
Pros: Upholding environmental compliance will (d) Ethical dilemmas faced in exercising your
protect the health of the local community and options:
environment in the long run. Balancing Environmental Protection and Livelihoods:
Cons: The immediate closure of polluting industries The ethical dilemma of finding a balance between
may lead to unemployment and economic instability enforcing environmental compliance to protect the
for the labourers and owners. environment and considering the economic impact on
Engage in Dialogue and Negotiation: labourers and owners who rely on these industries for
Pros: Open communication and negotiation may lead their livelihoods.
to finding middle-ground solutions that address both Handling Threats and Hostile Response: The ethical
environmental concerns and economic livelihoods. dilemma of ensuring your own safety and well-
Cons: Some industrial unit owners may not be willing being while upholding your responsibility to enforce
to cooperate, leading to delays in addressing pollution environmental compliance despite threats and hostility.
issues. Addressing Stakeholder Interests: The ethical dilemma
Seek Support from Higher Authorities: of addressing the interests and concerns of various
Pros: Seeking support from higher authorities can stakeholders, including the local community, industrial
provide protection and ensure that you can continue unit owners, and labour union, while striving for a
your efforts to enforce environmental compliance. resolution that benefits all parties.
Cons: It may take time to receive a response from Dealing with Pressure and Influence: The ethical
higher authorities, and immediate action may be dilemma of maintaining independence and objectivity
required to address the pressing pollution issues. in decision-making while dealing with pressure from
Involve Local NGOs and Community: vested interests and local politicians who may attempt
Pros: Involving local NGOs and community members to influence the outcome.
can garner support for environmental compliance and Navigating these ethical dilemmas requires a
create a collective understanding of its importance. careful consideration of the long-term impact on
Cons: There may be resistance from some stakeholders the environment and the community’s well-being,
who prioritise economic interests over environmental while seeking solutions that promote sustainable
concerns. development and environmental protection.

14 Previous Year Questions (2022)

Q7. Sunil is a young civil servant and has a reputation otherwise, his fate will not be different than some of
for his competence, integrity, dedication and relentless his predecessors (ten years back one officer was killed
pursuit of difficult and onerous jobs. Considering by the mafia).
his profile, he was picked up by his bosses to handle (a) Identify the different options available to Sunil in
a very challenging and sensitive assignment. He attending to this situation.
was posted in a tribal dominated district notorious (b) Critically evaluate each of the options listed by
for illegal sand mining. Excavating sand from river you.
belt and transporting through trucks and selling (c) Which of the above, do you think, would be the
them in black market was rampant. This illegal sand most appropriate for Sunil to adopt and why?
mining mafia was operating with the support of local (20 Marks, 250 Words)
functionaries and tribal musclemen who in turn were
bribing selected poor tribals and had kept the tribals Tags: Case Study
under fear and intimidation.
Sunil being a sharp and energetic officer immediately
grasped the ground realities and the modus operandi Answer:
followed by the mafia through their devious and Stakeholders of the Case Study:
dubious mechanism. On making inquiries, he y Sunil, the Civil Servant
gathered that some of their own office employees y Sand Mining Mafia
are in hand and glove with them and have developed y His family
close unholy nexus. Sunil initiated stringent action y Local Officials
against them and started conducting raids on their y Employees of the office Sunil
illegal operations of movement of trucks filled with
sand. The mafia got rattled as not many officers in the Ethical issues:
past had taken such steps against the mafia. Some of y Integrity, Organisational Culture, Taking
the office employees who were allegedly close to mafia Care of Vulnerable Sections, Personal Safety
informed them that the officer is determined to clean Vs Professional Commitment, Emotional
up the mafia’s illegal sand mining operations in that Intelligence.
the district and may cause them irreparable damage.
The mafia turned hostile and launched counter- Choice:
offensive. The tribal musclemen and mafia started y Choice 1: Sunil shall continue his tirade against
threatening him with dire consequences. His family the Mafia and all people involved. He can seek
(wife and old mother) were stalked and were under police protection. At the same time, he should
virtual surveillance and thus causing mental torture, inform his superiors about the whole situation.
agony and stress to all of them. The matter assumed y Choice 2: Sunil should stop on his actions and can
serious proportions when a muscleman came to choose to ignore current irregularities.
his office and threatened him to stop raids, etc., y Choice 3: Sunil can request for his transfer from
the district.

Previous Year Questions (2021) 15

Merits and Demerits of Choice 1:

Merits Demerits

y It will strengthen the tribal district’s rule of law. y Sunil’s family may bear the brunt of his
y It will help to combat corruption in government offices. actions.
y Sunil, his mother, and his wife will be safe with police y It is possible that some police officers are
protection. also in cahoots with the mafia.
y It will also liberate tribals from the sand mafias’ fear y Sunil’s subordinates will continue to oppose
and intimidation. him.

Merits and Demerits of Choice 2:

Merits Demerits

y It will put an end to the mafias’ y It will jeopardise the district’s law and order situation.
hostility toward Sunil and his family y Ongoing illegal sand mining will harm the state exchequer,
members. tribals, and the environment.
y Sunil will be able to finish his term in y The corrupt officials and sand mafia’s will be emboldened.
peace. y Sunil, as an honest officer, will be mentally exhausted.
y Sunil’s reputation as a dedicated and competent officer in the
eyes of his superiors will be jeopardised.

Merits and Demerits of Choice 3:

Merits Demerits

y It will exacerbate the issue of illegal sand mining.

y It will put an end to the stalking,
y It will jeopardise Sunil’s obligation and commitment to his
mental anguish, and trauma for the
public duty.
family members.
y Corruption in public offices will continue with no hindrance
y Sunil could work peacefully on his
or check.
next assignment.
y The district’s rule of law will be jeopardised.

y Even though the first option is difficult and full y This option is also advantageous for the local
of mental agony/trauma, it is still the best option tribals, who live in fear of the Mafia. It will also help
because: it will reduce illegal sand mining incidents to restore the district’s river’s ecological wealth.
and uphold the rule of law in the region. y Officials who are corrupt can be prosecuted.
y The police protection will deter the mafias and
goons from intimidating Sunil and his family. Q8. You are Vice Principal of a degree college in
y Sunil will carry out his responsibilities by one of the middle – class towns. Principal has
combating corruption in government agencies recently retired, and management is looking for
and restoring law and order. his replacement. There are also feelers that the
y This option will make Sunil an even more management may promote you as Principal. In the
courageous and experienced civil servant who meantime, during annual examination the flying
has stood firm in the face of adversity. It will be squad came from the university caught two students
beneficial to him in his future career. red-handed involving in unfair means. A senior

16 Previous Year Questions (2021)

lecturer of the college was personally helping these y 1st Option: Follow management’s orders and
students in this act. This senior lecturer also happens reach an agreement by concealing the truth from
to be close to the management. One of the students the flying squad.
was son of a local politician who was responsible y 2nd Option: Demonstrate to management your
in getting college affiliated to the present reputed inability to deal with the flying squad.
university. The second student was son of a local y 3rd Option: Refuse to support an illegal act and
businessman who has donated maximum funds for tell the truth to the flying squad.
running of the college. You immediately informed the
management regarding this unfortunate incident. The I, as a vice principal, will choose the 3rd option which
management told you to resolve the issue with flying has following merit and demerits:
squad at any cost. They further said that such incident Merits:
will not only tarnish the image of the college but also y By maintaining my professional integrity, I set a
the politician and businessman are very important good example for both students, senior lecturers,
personalities for the functioning of the college. You and management.
were also given hint that your further promotion to y Except for the senior lecturer, all other college staff
Principal depends on your capability in resolving this are honest, according to the flying squad.
issue with flying squad. In the meantime, you were y The student learns the importance of honesty in
intimated by your administrative officer that certain both school and life.
members of the student union are protesting outside y Do justice to a large number of students, including
the college gate against the senior lecturer and the those protesting outside the college.
students involved in this incident and demanding
strict action against defaulters. Demerits:
(a) Discuss the ethical issues involved in the case. y It is possible that I will not be promoted to
(b) Critically examine the options available with you principal.
as Vice Principal. What option will you adopt and y The college’s image and reputation may be harmed,
why? funding may be halted, and affiliation may be
(20 Marks, 250 Words) terminated.
y Local politicians and businessmen may also harm
Tags: Case Study me in all aspects of my life.

Justification for 3rd option:

Answer: y As a vice principal, I chose the third option to
Stakeholders: maintain my professional integrity, which may
y Self as vice principal jeopardise my current personal gains but will
y College management undoubtedly give me a sense of confidence and job
y Senior lecturer satisfaction in the future.
y Students Protesting y By doing so, I convey to management that the
y Flying squad college’s image will not be tarnished, but that a
proper precedent will be set in college, and that
Ethical issues involved: supporting such senior lecturers will further
y Professional duty vs personal gains degrade the college in the future.
y Order of management and image of college vs y I also express that supporting such dishonest
justice to other honest students students will tarnish the image of the college in the
y Fund and affiliation for college vs voice of future and will be unpopular with society and the
protesting students nation at large.
y I would like to request that the flying squad not
Options: take such harsh action that destroys a student’s
future, but rather that a light punishment be given

Previous Year Questions (2021) 17

so that their career prospects are not harmed, and
they learn a lesson. Tags: Case Study

Q9. An elevated corridor is being constructed to

reduce traffic congestion in the capital of a particular
state. You have been selected as project manager of this (a)
prestigious project on your professional competence Options available to me as the project manager are as
and experience. The deadline is to complete the project under:
in next two years by 20 June, 2021, since this project y Option 1: I have the option of continuing with the
is to be inaugurated by the Chief Minister before the work because my superior, the chief engineer, has
elections are announced in the second week of July overruled the inspection team’s findings.
2021. While carrying out the surprise inspection by y Option 2: I can conduct additional research into
inspecting team, a minor crack was noticed in one of the issue and bring it to the attention of senior
the piers of the elevated corridor possibly due to poor political leaders or the CM himself.
material used. You immediately informed the chief y Option 3: Because I believe the project’s quality
engineer and stopped further work. It was assessed is compromised and have expressed my concerns
by you that minimum three piers of the elevated to my superiors, I can request my removal from
corridor have to be demolished and reconstructed. the project to avoid liability in the event of a
But this process will delay the project minimum by contingency.
four to six months. But the chief engineer overruled
the observation of inspecting team on the ground that (b)
it was a minor crack which will not in any way impact Ethical dilemma faced by the project manager are as
the strength and durability of the bridge. He ordered under:
you to overlook the observation of inspecting team y Personal interest vs. public interest: While
and continue working with same speed and tempo. moving forward with the project will guarantee
He informed you that the minister does not want any a promotion, it may jeopardise the lives of many
delay as he wants the chief Minister to inaugurate the citizens.
elevated corridor before the elections are declared. y Ends vs. means: While moving forward with
Also informed you that the contractor is far relative the project will meet the end goal of a timely
of the minister, and he wants him to finish the project. inauguration and my promotion, it will degrade
He also gave you hint that your further promotion the purity of the means involved.
as additional chief engineer is under consideration y Cost vs. quality of service.: While demolishing
with the ministry. However, you strongly felt that the the three pillars will increase the project’s cost and
minor crack in the pier of the elevated corridor will time overrun, especially if approved by the chief
adversely affect the health and life of the bridge and engineer, continuing will compromise the quality-
therefore it will be very dangerous not to repair the of-service delivery.
elevated corridor. y Administrative ethics vs. work efficiency: While
(a) Under the given conditions, what are the options the project manager will be praised for his
available to you as a project manager? efficiency in completing the project on time, it will
(b) What are the ethical dilemmas being faced by the jeopardise his administrative ethics.
project manager?
(c) What are the professional challenges likely to be (c)
faced by the project manager and his response to Professional challenges likely to be faced by the
overcome such challenges? manager are as under:
(d) What can be the consequences of overlooking the y Pressure from superiors: The Chief Engineer
exhorted the project manager to continue working
observation raised by the inspecting team?
at the same pace.
(20 Marks, 250 Words)

18 Previous Year Questions (2021)

y Political pressure: The contractor is a minister’s transmission of coronavirus among its population.
relative, and the CM wants to open the project Multiple strategies became necessary to handle this
before the elections. outbreak. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
y Career advancement: Because the project of India raised awareness about this outbreak and
manager’s career prospects are linked to the to take all necessary actions to control the spread of
project’s completion. COVID-19. Indian Government implemented a 55-
y Possible liability: If the project fails and the day lockdown throughout the country to reduce the
bridge collapses, the project manager may face a transmission of the virus. Schools and colleges had
departmental/judicial investigation. shifted to alternative mode of teaching- learning-
y Corruption: Because the material used was of evaluation and certification. Online mode became
poor quality, the project manager must deal with popular during these days. India was not prepared
corruption in his department. for a sudden onslaught of such a crisis due to
limited infrastructure in terms of human resource,
The project manager can overcome these challenges money and other facilities needed for taking care of
by: this situation. This disease did not spare anybody
y Presenting a detailed report on his assessment and irrespective of caste, creed, religion on the one hand
sending a copy to the CM, concerned minister, and have and have not’ on the other. Deficiencies in
chief engineer, chief secretary, and state vigilance hospital beds, oxygen cylinders, ambulances, hospital
officer. staff and crematorium were the most crucial aspects
y In the event of an anomaly, conducting an You are a hospital administrator in a public hospital
investigation into the quality of the material used at the time when coronavirus had attacked large
and sending a show cause notice to the concerned number of people and patients were pouring into
parties. hospital day in and day out.
y Involving a third party to conduct an independent (a) What are your criteria and justification for
survey on the corridor’s fitness/health. putting your clinical and non-clinical staff to
attend to the patients knowing fully well that it
(d) is highly infectious disease and resources, and
The consequences of overlooking the observations of infrastructure are limited?
the inspecting team could be: (b) If yours is a private hospital, whether your
y The corridor could collapse, causing severe justification and decision would remain same as
damage to citizens’ lives and property. that of a public hospital?
y The collapse will result in a higher cost and time (25 Marks, 250 Words)
overrun in the project, as the entire project will
have to be restarted. Tags: Case Study
y Failure of the project will bring a bad name to both
the department and the state’s political leadership.
y Ignoring the inspection team’s observations also Answer:
means avoiding the issue of poor material quality (a)
in the project. If I were the hospital’s administrator, I would assign
y It will also have the unintended consequence of my clinical and non-clinical staff to the patient based
encouraging nepotism in the administration of on the considerations and arguments listed below:
government projects. y First and first, and most significantly, I would set up
rigid rules mandating that no one work on hospital
Q10. The coronavirus disease (CoVID-19) pandemic property without a mask and facial protection.
has quickly spread to various countries. As on May Clinical and non-clinical staff members’ safety
8th, 2020, in India 56342 positive cases of corona must come first, especially those who have direct
had been reported. India with a population of more contact with patients who are covid positive.
than 1-35 billion had difficulty in controlling the

Previous Year Questions (2021) 19

y Both clinical and non-clinical staff members at My ethics require me to perform public service under
the hospital would be required to wear personal trying conditions as an administrator in a public
protection equipment (PPE). or private hospital during a pandemic. I have the
y The importance of routinely sanitising the hospital opportunity to resolve my moral problem as a private
grounds must be emphasised. administrator by giving my staff extra attention and
y Under the programme, any staff employees who addressing the demand for healthcare equity.
contract the virus, whether clinical or non-clinical,
as well as their families, will be given free medical Q11. A Reputed food product company based in
care. As a hospital administrator, it is my moral India developed a food product for international
duty to protect their wellbeing. market and started exporting the same after getting
y I would strongly urge the state government to necessary approvals. The company announced this
provide social security benefits to the facility’s staff achievement and also indicated that soon the product
if it were a public hospital. I would also put out a will be made available for the domestic consumers
proposal at the same time to offer rewards to the with almost same quality and health benefits.
front-line staff at my facility. Accordingly, the company got its product approved
y Patients’ relatives who degrade or otherwise by the domestic competent authority and launched
violate the dignity of hospital staff members— the product in Indian market. The company could
both clinical and non-clinical—will be subject to increase its market share over a period of time and
harsh disciplinary action. earned substantial profit both domestically and
y Due to their increased susceptibility to the virus, internationally. However, the random sample test
employees with other conditions including conducted by inspecting team found the product
diabetes or high blood pressure must be granted being sold domestically in variance with the approval
compensated time off. obtained from the competent authority. On further
y With the aforementioned requirements and investigation, it was also discovered that the food
guidelines in place, I will make sure that each company was not only selling products which were
employee is effectively carrying out their duties not meeting the health standard of the country
and abiding by medical ethics and regulations. but also selling the rejected export products in the
domestic market. This episode adversely affected the
(b) reputation and profitability of the food company.
I would continue to be committed to public health as (a) What action do you visualise should be taken
the leader of a private institution. The following are by the competent authority against the food
additional steps I would take: company for violating the laid down domestic
y By hiring more workers, alternating shifts, and food standard and selling rejected export
offering sporadic rest and breaks, I would strive products in domestic market?
to lighten the workload of my team as much as (b) What course of action is available with the food
was practical under the circumstances. Patients company to resolve the crisis and bring back its
may only be cared for by staff who are mentally, lost reputation?
emotionally, and physically sound. (c) Examine the ethical dilemma involved in the
y According to the patient’s financial capacity, case.
medical charges would be calculated, utilising (20 Marks, 250 Words)
both formal and informal verification techniques
such as tax returns and assets. A reduction in Tags: Case Study
health care costs would help my team feel more
motivated while simultaneously addressing the
needs of low-income people. Answer:
y I would take steps to safeguard my staff members Key stakeholders in this scenario:
from infection, such as immunizations and the y Company: Breach of contract that put public
provision of top-notch safety equipment. health at risk.

20 Previous Year Questions (2021)

y Competent Authority. By implementing these actions, the company can
y The general populace, who suffers from subpar restore its damaged reputation by winning back the
food quality. confidence of the general public in both domestic
and foreign markets as well as that of the appropriate
(a) authorities.
I have the following choices as the relevant authority:
To take decisive action against the business, levying (c)
severe fines and penalising transgressions in line with The moral conundrums the business is faced with are:
the law, as the business: y Increasing profits at the expense of commitment
y First, it violated the requirements for getting to the job or work
clearances that were outlined in its prospectus. y Personal gain versus a commitment to the larger
○ As a result, it is unlawful to deceive the community
government by hiding the truth or tasks that y Free trade rights versus unethical corporate
will eventually be contracted. practises
y Second, it broke its promise to the general public y Contrasting unlawful profit-making with mental
in the home market by making an announcement. suffering
○ The general population has been the victim of
this crime. Q12. Pawan is working as an officer in the State
y Top authorities should face criminal charges based Government for the last ten years. As a part of routine
on a graduated response based on the public health transfer, he was posted to another department. He
repercussions, such as carcinogenic or genetic joined in a new office along with five other colleagues.
impacts, effects on children, etc. The head of the office was a senior officer conversant
y Until it is examined and reapproved, revoke the with the functioning of the office. As a part of general
permission to sell both locally and abroad. inquiry, Pawan gathered that his senior officer carries
○ This will help safeguard the nation’s standing the reputation of being difficult and insensitive
as a source and encourage adherence to legal person having his own disturbed family life. Initially,
requirements. all seem to go well. However, after some time Pawan
felt that the senior officer was belittling him and at
(b) times unreasonable. Whatever suggestions given
The company can take the following actions to fix the or views expressed by Pawan in the meetings were
situation and recover its reputation: summarily rejected and the senior officer would
y Changes in quality control governance that express displeasure in the presence of others. It
involve a direct line of communication between became a pattern of boss’s style of functioning to
senior management and the production floor can show him in bad light highlighting his shortcomings
improve quality standards. and humiliating publicly. It became apparent that
y Genuine apology for wrongdoing should be though there are no serious work-related problems/
expressed in a public apology, and benchmarking shortcomings, the senior officer was always on one
using national data should reflect internal pretext or the other and would scold and shout at
communication that prioritises quality and health him. The continuous harassment and public criticism
over short-term revenue. of Pawan resulted in loss of confidence, self-esteem,
y It is necessary to conduct internal audits and and equanimity. Pawan realised that his relations with
investigations to identify those accountable for the his senior officer are becoming more toxic and due to
choices that caused the calamity. this, he felt perpetually tensed, anxious, and stressed.
y Look at the company’s values and how top His mind was occupied with negativity and caused
management, middle management, and employees him mental torture, anguish, and agony. Eventually,
are all instilled with them. There might be a need it badly affected his personal and family life. He
for fresh leadership. was no longer joyous, happy, and contented even at
home. Rather without any reason he would lose his

Previous Year Questions (2021) 21

temper with his wife and other family members. y For a while, Pawan can try to be nice with his
The family environment was no longer pleasant and seniors, but if it doesn’t work out, he can look into
congenial. His wife who was always supportive to alternative possibilities.
him also became a victim of his negativity and hostile y Anyone’s overall development and a healthy life
behaviour. Due to harassment and humiliation depend on their level of emotional intelligence. To
suffering by him in the office, comfort and happiness learn this, Pawan should practise techniques like
virtually vanished from his life. Thus, it damaged his yoga and meditation. His personal and professional
physical and mental health. lives will become more integrated as a result.
(a) What are the options available with Pawan to y For emotional well-being, family engagement and
cope with the situation? conversation are essential. Pawan needs to discuss
(b) What approach Pawan should adopt for bringing his situation with his wife. He will receive moral
peace, tranquillity and congenial environment in and emotional support from this. His family will
the office and home? also give him critical support at the same time.
(c) As an outsider, what are your suggestions for both
boss and subordinate to overcome this situation (c)
and for improving the work performance, mental As an outsider, I think the situation calls for any higher
and emotional hygiene? authority to step in and intervene. Additionally, a
(d) In the above scenario, what type of training transparent committee must be formed to monitor
would you suggest for officers at various levels in and investigate the issue.
the government offices? y The top official must endure harsh penalties if
(20 Marks, 250 Words) the committee finds him guilty after conducting
a thorough investigation in order to set a good
Tags: Case Study example of professionalism.
y Seminars and team-building exercises must be
held frequently to maintain the workplace’s peace
Answer: and harmony. Students should be taught emotional
(a) intelligence, compassion, empathy, and teamwork.
The following options are available to Pawan for y If required, Pawan must be sent to a counselling
handling the circumstance: facility. At the same time, senior officials should
y Resign from your current position: This is a be directed to a counselling centre if they are
cowardly and escapism-filled action. It would also experiencing emotional or psychological issues.
put his obligations to himself in danger.
y Take a leave of absence from work: While this (d)
will temporarily relieve Pawan, he will still have For government employees, I would advise the
difficulties upon his return. following training:
y Request a transfer to another department: Pawan y Training in assertiveness involves using authority
has minimal control over this administrative without patronising others and encouraging
choice. cooperation and teamwork.
y Ignore his boss at work: Coordination and quality y Exercise and meditation combined with relaxation
of work will suffer. He can get disinterested in his training can help maintain the body and mind
work as a whole as a result. healthy while also lowering negative feelings and
(b) y Being conscious of how one’s actions influence
The senior official has a turbulent home life, as was those around them is a requirement of sensitivity
previously mentioned, but this cannot be used as training.
a justification for his emotionally ill professional y Role-playing training: To comprehend others’
behaviour. difficulties and limitations by imagining things
from their perspective.

22 Previous Year Questions (2021)

Q7. Rajesh Kumar is a senior public servant, with Rajesh Kumar discussed the matter with seniors.
a reputation of honesty and forthrightness, He was conveyed that this politically sensitive
currently posted in the Finance Ministry as the situation needs to be processed immediately.
Head of the Budget Division. His department is Rajesh Kumar realized that diversion of funds
presently busy in organizing budgetary support from the NHS could raise difficult questions for
to the states, four of which are due to polls within the government in the Parliament.
the financial year.
This year’s annual budget had allotted Rs 8300 Discuss the following with reference to this case:
crores for the National Housing Scheme (NHS), (a) Ethical issues involved in re-appropriation of
a centrally sponsored social housing scheme for funds from a welfare project to the development
the weaker sections of society. Rs 775 crores have projects.
been drawn for the NHS till June.
The Ministry of Commerce had long been Tag: Case Studies.
pursuing a case for setting up a Special Economic
Zone (SEZ) in a southern state to boost exports.
After two years of detailed discussion between Answer:
the centre and state, the Union Cabinet approved Case Summary:
the project in August. Process was initiated to Rajesh Kumar, Head of Budget Division in the Finance
acquire the necessary land. Ministry, Known for his honesty and forthrightness.
Eighteen months ago a leading Public Sector The main issues of concern before him are:
Unit (PSU) had projected the need for setting y Budget allocated for the NHS scheme is Rs. 8300
up a large natural gas processing plant in a cr of which 775 cr is drawn already in June, now
northern state for the regional gas grid. The land left with Rs. 7525 cr.
is already in possession of the PSU. The gas grid y In August, the Union Cabinet approved a project
is an essential component of the national energy to set up SEZ by the Ministry of Commerce
security strategy. After three rounds of global to increase exports, and the process for land
bidding the project was allotted to an MNC, M/S acquisition began.
XYZ Hydrocarbons. The first tranche of payment y PSU to set up a natural gas processing plant after
to the MNC is scheduled to be made in December. global bidding allot the project to MNC, M/S XYZ,
The Finance Ministry was asked for a timely for which the first tranche of payment to MNC to
allocation of an additional Rs 6000 crores for be made in December.
these two developmental projects. It was decided y The Finance Ministry was asked for a timely
to recommend re-appropriation of this entire allocation of an additional Rs. 6000 Cr for these
amount from NHS allocation. The file was two development projects. It was decided to
forwarded to the Budget Department for their recommend re-appropriation of this entire
comments and further processing. On studying amount from allocation.
the case file, Rajesh Kumar realized that this re-
appropriation may cause inordinate delay in the Rajesh Kumar discussed the matter with his seniors.
execution of NHS, a project much publicized in He was conveyed that this politically sensitive situation
the rallies of senior politicians. Correspondingly, needs to be processed immediately. Rajesh Kumar
non-availability of finances would cause financial realized that diversion of funds from the NHS could
loss in the SEZ and national embarrassment due raise difficult questions for the government in the
to delayed payment in the international project. Parliament.

Previous Year Questions (2020) 23

Stakeholders in the case: trickle down effect on poor and weaker sections of
y Beneficiaries of National Housing Scheme (NHS). society, which did not happen. Hence, there was a
y Public Sector Unit for Natural gas processing plant need to have seperate welfare program for the weaker
y MNC M/S XYZ Hydrocarbons section of society to ensure sustainable and inclusive
y Southern State where SEZ to be set up. growth.
y Senior bureaucrats and Politicians of different In the above case, there were issues associated with
Ministries. re-appropriation of funds meant for the NHS for the
y Society at large. development of the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in
the Southern state for export promotion and PSU led
Ethical Issues Involved in re-appropriation of funds National gas processing plant for a regional gas grid
from a welfare project to the development projects: to ensure national energy security by an MNC. SEZ
y Business Environment Vs Budget guidelines: and the gas grid may be important from an economic
Based on budget guidelines, funds are allocated on growth perspective but often the interest of the poor
different schemes. One may have to compromise gets ignored. NHS is an essential aspect of equity and
with the budgetary provisions in order to maintain meaning distribution of welfare benefits to every
the business environment favourable for setting section of society. Thus, a balance between equity and
up of SEZ or natural gas processing plants. economic growth must be the best way forward.
y Public Accountability Vs International Ethics
(Commitment): This is again an ethical dilemma Given the need for proper utilization of public funds,
whether we should look for welfare projects or the options available to Rajesh Kumar are:
we should look for India’s international image or
commitment made to foreign companies. Resigning from Job:
y Infrastructure Development Project Vs Welfare This will ensure an easier way out to the problem
Project: Both Infrastructure development project encountering Rajesh Kumar. But again, it would be
and welfare project are crucial for the development akin to the escapist tendency where Rajesh Kumar
of the country. Infrastructure development could be seen as running away from responsibility.
projects like, the SEZ and natural gas processing An honest and forthright public servant is expected
plant are developmental proiect, which has huge to handle the situation to the best of their capabilities
regional growth potential in terms of employment and take decisions as per their merit. Hence, this
generation, economic growth of the regions, etc. option would be least preferable.
On the other hand, welfare projects are also crucial
for their weaker section of the society. Therefore, it Divert the Fund:
is also an ethical dilemma. This will ensure that both SEZ projects and Natural
y Rights based Approach Vs administrative Gas processing plants would have sufficient funds to
discretion: Though the Ministry of Finance has initiate their process. However, after re-appropriation
given administrative discretion to allocate 6000 or diversion of funds demanded, i.e. 600 cr. only 1525 cr
cr rupees or go for reappropriation but again the would be left for the NHS, which is why it is insufficient
ethical dilemma will arise when administrative for its implementation. It was observed that poor and
discretion is used as it will be against the right of marginalised are often overlooked in the development
the people (having the right to have basic amenity process and this action would strengthen this view
of housing). point. Hence, this option too is not preferable.
y Policy dilemma to prioritize welfare or
Development: This is also an ethical issue or Do not Divert the Fund:
ethical dilemma as we need to prioritise between By not diverting the fund, the NHS would be
welfare scheme or development. implemented in the way it was planned and the poor
would get their own housing accommodation. It also
This is a classic dilemma between welfare and Growth. serves the government face in parliament. However,
It was believed that Development would lead to a it will lead to default in payment to M/S XYZ for

24 Previous Year Questions (2020)

Natural gas processing plants that would det Country’s This would give an impetus to financing the
international reputation. Likewise, the SEZ Project development and manufacturing of indigenous
land acquisition process would further get delayed. weapons in the country. He also stated that all
Hence, this option too is not preferable. indigenous arms manufacturing nations have a
very good record of international arms trade.
Balancing the Reappropriation of Fund: As the Chairman of BML, what are your views on
Here, the budget reappropriation is done in a way that the following points?
payment of the first tranche to M/S XYZ is made on a. As an arms exporter of a responsible nation
time along with some funds for SEZ Project to ensure like India, what are the ethical issues involved
its kick start. However, the majority of funds that was in the arms trade? (250 Words, 20 Marks)
allocated for the NHS scheme should be there with
a clause of release of funds in a phased manner with Tag: Case study
progress of Housing Construction to ensure houses for
need one built on time.
In this case, the best course of action would be to Case Summary:
balance the economic growth initiative under the It is given in the case, the Chairman of BML who
SEZ and National Grid project with people’s rights believed the country would not export its state of art
and welfare. It could be done with the help of better Anti Tank Guided Missile (ATGM) weapons. Later he
resource and budget management during allocation gets to know about the intention of the government
based on outcome based budgeting principles. Hence, to export ATGM to friendly countries and double the
the 4th option would be the most appropriate option. weapon export within the next 5 years. It impetus and
boost to indeginous defence manufacturing and will
Q8. The Chairman of Bharat Missiles Ltd (BML) lead to export of arms.
was watching a program on TV wherein the
Prime Minister was addressing the nation on the Stakeholders Involved in the Case:
necessity of developing a self-reliant India. He y Chairman of BML and its employees
subconsciously nodded in agreement and smiled y The Government of India
to himself as he mentally reviewed BML’s journey y Foreign government
in the past two decades. BML had admirably y Society at large
progressed from producing first generation anti-
tank guided missiles (ATGMs) to designing and Ethical issues involved in the case:
producing state of the art ATGM weapon systems y As an arm exporter of a responsible nation like
that would be the envy of any army. He sighed India, he must ensure that the arms exported
in reconciliation with his assumptions that the should not be used for any unethical conduct or
government would probably not alter the status should not cause any destruction. This can be
quo of a ban on export of military weaponry. ensured by signing a formal agreement on the
To his surprise, the very next day he got a use of arms with the friendly nations (who are the
telephone call from the Director General, importers).
Ministry of Defence, asking him to discuss the y India has always been an ardent supporter of
modalities of increasing BML production of multilateral nuclear disarmament and non-
ATGMs as there is a probability of exporting the proliferation efforts. So, exporting arms may
same to a friendly country. The Director General increase arm proliferation in different parts of
wanted the Chairman to discuss the details with the world, which further may become a threat to
his staff in Delhi next week. internal peace and security..
Two days later, at a press conference, the Defence y Export of arms might create some kind of threat of
Minister stated that he aims to double the international peace and security if the arms reach
current weapons export levels within five years. the wrong hands or terrorist groups.

Previous Year Questions (2020) 25

y He must also ensure that export of arms should of the minor girls are well suited for plucking
not promote or trigger arm race. the cotton. The inadequate living and working
y It also needs to be taken care that the country conditions in these farms have caused serious
(who imported arms from India) should not use health issues for the minor girls. NGOs in the
it against its own people as it is the principle of districts of domicile and the cotton farms appear
International ethics especially human rights. to be compromised and have not effectively
y Economic interests of India need to be taken into espoused the twin issues of child labour and
consideration as arms export helps to earn foreign development of the area.
exchange as well as its impetus and boost to You are appointed as the District Collector of
indeginous defence manufacturing. Rampura. Identify the ethical issues involved.
Which specific steps will you initiate to ameliorate
The ethical factors that would influence the decision the conditions of minor girls of your district and
to sell arms to foreign governments: to improve the overall economic scenario in the
y India’s National Interest: Anything which is district. (250 Words, 20 Marks)
India’s national interest, we would go for that and
anything which is not India’s national interest, we Tag: Case studies
would not go for that.
y India’s policy towards foreign government and
their legitimate needs: Answer:
y It should be at par with international regulation.
No international arm trade could be conducted Case Summary:
without following the international regulation. Rampura is a remote district, backward with tribal
y Combating regional and international terrorism population, having poverty and locals are associated
and organised crime. with subsistence agriculture. Insignificant industries,
y Foreign governments guarantee protection against inadequate targeted welfare programs leading to
misuse. migration of youth including minor girls to work
with poor working conditions that affect the health of
India needs to boost its arm export to reduce its
minor girls. NGOs failed to deal with twin problems
dependence from foreign countries and become
such as child labour and area development. I am the
self-reliant in defence needs. At the same time, as
district collector of Rampura.
a responsible country, India would never engage in
unethical; arms trade with foreign government having Stakeholder in the case:
dubious human right record, violation of international
norms and poor track record in arm proliferation y I, appointed as a district collector in Rampura.
y Local population of Rampura.
Q9. Rampura, a remote district inhabited by a tribal y Labour contractor.
y Local Non Government Organizations (NGOs).
population, is marked by extreme backwardness
and abject poverty. Agriculture is the mainstay Ethical Issues involved in the case:
of the local population, though it is subsistence
due to the very small landholdings. There is y Corruption: Corruption is an ethical issue. It is the
result of erosion of values of the public servants.
insignificant industrial or mining activity. Even
The practice of corruption is well visualised in
the targeted welfare programs have inadequately
this case as the district has insignificant industrial
benefited the tribal population. In this restrictive
or mining activity and even the targeted welfare
scenario, the youth has begun to migrate to other
programs have inadequately benefited the tribal
states to supplement the family income. Plight of
population. This is because the benefit has not
minor girls is that their parents are persuaded by
reached the end people.
labour contractors to send them to work in the Bt
Cotton farms of a nearby state. The soft fingers

26 Previous Year Questions (2020)

y Neglect of Regional Development: It is a serious Steps that will taken to improve the overall economic
ethical issue because, due to the backwardness of scenario in the district:
the district and lack of will of the public servant y Promotion of Development Programs: Being a
or the concerned authority, the development of district collector in Rampura, i will promote and
the region (Rampura district) gets neglected. implement all the state or centrally sponsored
If the concerned authority works as per their development programmes or schemes like Deen
administrative and official capacity, they could Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana,
develop the region through proper utilisation of MGNREGA etc. This will help in improving the
funds and proper implementation of schemes. economic scenario in the district to a great extent.
y Child Labour: Here in this case, child labour is y Focus on Skill Development: I will focus more on
an ethical issue because child labour is prohibited skill development of the locals under the Pradhan
under the Child Labour (Prohibition and Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) and also
Regulation) Act of 1986. provide all the necessary administrative support to
y Exploitation of Labour: Labour are being make them skilled. If the locals are skilled, they
exploited by employers or managers in various can get decent jobs with decent wages, that will
ways like, long working hours and forced overtime definitely help them to have a good and quality life.
work with less wage. This practice is prevalent y Implementation of Tribal Welfare Schemes:
in most of the industries, especially in garment I will implement various state or centrally
industries. This is also an ethical issue in this case sponsored tribal welfare schemes (if they are not
as inadequate living and working conditions in implemented) and also provide resources
these farms have caused serious health issues for under the administrative capacity to make them
the minor girls. forward.
y Establishment and Promotion of Agro-based
Steps that will taken to ameliorate the conditions of Small Scale Industries: Establishment and
minor girls: promotion of agro-based small scale industries
y Strictly Implement Child Labour Act: The will play as a catalytic role in the improvement
Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act of the overall economic scenario and will also
of 1986 designates a child as a person who has generate employment.
not completed their 14th year of age. It aims to y Promotion of Tribal Products: Promotion of tribal
regulate the hours and the working conditions of products under TRIFED (Tribal Cooperative
child workers and to prohibit child workers from Marketing Development Federation of India).
being employed in hazardous industries. Proper This will significantly increase the income of the
enforcement of and implementation of this Act is locals and also improve the economic scenario of
crucial to ameliorate the conditions of minor girls. the district.
y Alternative Livelihood Opportunity: Need to y Regulation of NGO: Needs to regulate NGOs
provide alternative livelihood opportunity by and their funding based on their work. It is a very
implementing targeted government programs and crucial step that needs to be taken for the advantage
government schemes like MGNREGA, Mudra of the deprived and poor locals.
Loan, etc., to support them economically. y Support from Legislatures: I will try to gather
y Rehabilitation of Minor Girl Child: Rehabilitation support from local MLAs, MPs of the region to
of minor girl child under the Ujjawala Yojana is take developmental initiatives from MLA lad and
crucial. MP lad fund.
y Education of Minor Girl Child: To ameliorate the
minor girl child, education is crucial. Thus, in this way, the problems of the Rampura district
y Others: Need to provide vocational and skill will be resolved and this will also ensure and promote
development training for minor girl children. faster, sustainable and inclusive growth.
They are also provided with nutrition and health
care under the Poshan Abhiyan.

Previous Year Questions (2020) 27

Q10. You are a municipal commissioner of a large Case Summary:
city, having the reputation of a very honest and As per the case, I am an honest and upright officer,
upright officer. A huge multipurpose mall is currently municipal commissioner of a large city.
under construction in your city in which a large Collapse of an under construction building resulting
number of daily wage earners are employed. One in the death of 4 labourers including 2 minors and
night, during monsoons, a big chunk of the roof many injured.
collapsed causing instant death of four labourers My preliminary enquiry reveals anomalies like poor
including two minors. Many more were seriously quality construction material, violation of building
injured requiring immediate medical attention. permission, building inspector overlooking, green
The mishap resulted in a big hue and cry, forcing belt encroachment.
the government to institute an enquiry. Permission to build by my senior, who is well known
Your preliminary enquiry has revealed a series of to me and a good friend. Threat from the builder, who
anomalies. The material used for the construction is politically well connected with offer /bribes/good
was of poor quality. Despite the approved fortunes or face a false harassment case by a women
building plans permitting only one basement, an employee under POSH Act.
additional basement has been constructed. This
was overlooked during the periodic inspections Stakeholders in the Case:
by the building inspector of the municipal y I, as a municipal commissioner.
corporation. In your enquiry, you noticed that y Builder of an under construction building.
the construction of the mall was given the green y Labour families, whose members lost their lives.
signal despite encroaching on areas earmarked y Injured people.
for a green belt and a slip road in the Zonal Master y Previous Municipal commissioner.
Plan of the city. The permission to construct the y Building inspector.
mall was accorded by the previous Municipal y Employee of Municipal commission.
Commissioner who is not only your senior and y Government.
well known to you professionally, but also a good y Society at large.
Prima facie, the case appears to be of a widespread Ethical issues involved in the case:
nexus between officials of the Municipal y Crony capitalism: An economic system
Corporation and the builders. Your colleagues are characterized by close, mutually advantageous
putting pressure on you to go slow in the enquiry. relationships between business leaders and
The builder, who is rich and influential, happens government officials. They both work for their
to be a close relative of a powerful minister in vested interest and support each other.
the state cabinet. The builder is persuading you y Violation of Building norms and Law: It is not
to hush up the matter, promising you a fortune ethical for someone (builder) to violate laws and
to do so. He also hinted that if this matter is roles. Overlooking during periodic inspection or
not resolved at the earliest in his favour there is giving green signal despite many issues by public
somebody in his office who is waiting to file a case officials for personal gain is also an ethical issue.
against you under the POSH Act. y Integrity, Impartiality and Non-partisanship: As I
Discuss the ethical issues involved in the case. am supposed to take decisions based on integrity,
What are the options available to you in this impartiality, non partisanship. So, ethical issues
situation? Explain your selected course of action. are involved when I am giving a preliminary
(250 Words, 20 Marks) investigation report.
y Objectivity, Dedication to Public Service,
Tag: Case study Empathy: The report should be objective rather
y Tolerance and compassion towards the weaker
Answer: sections

28 Previous Year Questions (2020)

y Corruption In 2010 Anil, an industrialist decided to take
y Interpersonal Relationship within senior and benefits to set up Amria Plastic Works (APW) in
junior Noora village, about 20km from Amria. While the
factory was being built, Anil hired the required
Options available to me in this situations: key labour and got them trained at the skill
y Present a blessed enquiry report favoring no training centres at Amria. This act of his made the
wrongdoing: This will ensure that I am protected key personnel very loyal to APW.
from the wrath of powerful politicians, builders APW started production in 2011 with the labour
and save my predecessor from accusation. It will drawn fully from Noora village. The villagers were
bring fortunes to me as promised by the builder. very happy to get employment near their homes
However, it will undermine the ideals of justice and were motivated by the key personnel to meet
and evade my responsibility as an upright officer. the production targets with high quality. APW
This makes me part of this corruption, kil my inner started making large profits, a sizeable portion of
conscience and attach guilt for the time. which was used to improve the quality of life in
y Withdraw from Investigation: This reflects an Noora. By 2016, Noora could boast of a greener
escapist mindset with surrendering of duty. This village and a renovated village temple. Anil liaised
will be against virtue and deontological ethics . with the local MLA to increase the frequency of
y Unbiased and fair enquiry: It will ensure justice to the bus services to Amria. The government also
be delivered. Threats are parts and parcel of public opened a primary health care centre and primary
duty , even if a false accusation by an employee school at Noora in buildings constructed by APW.
under POSH Act is registered, after enquiry, It will APW used its CSR funds to set up women’s self-
be proven. It will set a good precedent for future help groups, subsidize primary education to the
officers. village children and procure an ambulance for
use by its employeed and the needy.
My Course of Action: In 2019, there was a minor fire in APW. It was
Based on the above analysis, the 3rd course of action is quickly extinguished as fire safety protocols were
best suited as it will ensure accountability, transparency in place in the factory. Investigations revealed that
in investigation and break the unholy nexus between the factory had been using electricity in excess of
politician, bureaucrat and businessman. This will also its authorized capacity. This was soon rectified.
provide justice to the families of labour, who lost their The next year, due to nationwide lockdown, the
lives and reposed faith in administration. requirement of production fell for four months.
Anil decided that all employees would be paid
Q11. Parmal is a small but underdeveloped district. regularly. He employed them to plant trees and
It has a rocky terrain that is not suitable for improve the village habitat.
agriculture, though some subsistence agriculture
is being done on small plots of land. The area APW had developed a reputation of high-quality
receives adequate rainfall and has an irrigation production and a motivated workforce.
canal flowing through it. Amria, its administrative Critically analyse the story of APW and state the
centre, is a medium-sized town. It houses a large ethical issues involved. Do you consider APW as
district hospital, an Industrial Training Institute a role model for the development of backward
and some privately owned skill training centres. areas? Give reasons. (250 Words, 20 Marks)
It has all the facilities of a district headquarters.
A trunk railway line passes approximately 50 Tag: Case study
kilometers from Amria. Its poor connectivity
is a major reason for the absence of any major
Case Summary:
industry therein. The state government offers a 10
year tax holiday as an incentive to new industry.

Previous Year Questions (2020) 29

y Parmal is an underdeveloped district, not suitable with high quality. APW brought prosperity ,
for agriculture despite having irrigation facilities boosted greenery and renovated the village temple.
and adequate rainfall due to rocky terrains. y Social consciousness of APW enterprise reflected
y Amria, the district headquarter where there is an with the using of CSR fund to set up womens
industrial institute and skill training centre but SHG, subsidised primary education, and provide
poor connectivity. ambulances for use by the needy.
y The state government has already provided a 10 y A small glitch in operation i.e., overdrawing
year tax holiday to start industry in this region. electricity then authorised limit lead to minor file
y Anil, an industrialist, set up Arima Plastic Work in APW in 2019, that was rectified.
(APW) in Noora village 20 Km away from Amria. y Ethical and environment consciousness during
He plans to use local labour, get them skilled at lockdown, paying salaries for its employees and
Amria training centre. utilized their labour to plant trees and improve the
y APW started production in 2011 and met the village habitat.
production target to bring prosperity in the region.
y Government with APW support opened a primary Ethical Issues involved in the case:
health care centre and primary school. Moreover, y Ethics in private and public relations
APW used its CSR funding to set up women Self- y Dedication to public services, empathy ,tolerance
help Group (SHG), subsidised primary education and compassion towards the weaker sections.
and procure ambulances for the use by its y Work culture, Quality of service delivery.
employees and the needy. y Integrity,impartiality and non-partisanship
y In 2019 , there was a minor fire in APW due to y Social influence and persuasion
its usage of excess electricity than its authorized y Inclusive characteristics of organization-health,
capacity. education, women empowerment, environment
y During lockdown all employees were regularly consciousness.
paid and APW utilised their labour to plant trees y Wage payment during pandemic despite decline in
and improve the village habitat. production.

Stakeholders involved in the case: Reasons for considering APW as role model for the
y Anil, the entrepreneur who started APW in the development of backward areas:
village. y The APW enterprise showed a robust model of
y Local population of Amria HQ/Parmal district/ private sector led growth utilizing the government
Noora village. incentive creating a win-win situation.
y Government that provides tax holidays to set up y Many backward regions of India had
new industries in the region. similar conditions like Amria/ where there
y Society at large. is underdevelopment and only subsistence
Critical Analysis: y APW leads by example, how the private sector can
y APW, indicates a sign of an ethical driven fill the gap left by the state in ensuring welfare of
organization that used available resources and people even in small villages by transforming their
labour force for its enterprise. life.
y Anit, who is owner of APW, shows the image of y APW ensures best utilisation of local resources
compassionate capitalism, where it is believed with skill development and attempted inclusive
that growth of enterprise is invariably linked development.
with growth of its employee and society where it y APW would also take care of various problems like
operates. migration, education, health, local employment
y Skill Development of local population and their generation in villages.
high morale leading to meeting production targets y APW presented an ethical, social and
environmental conscious organization focused on

30 Previous Year Questions (2020)

overall growth of the place and not just for their You have learnt many lessons from this situation
profits. when you were tasked to oversee the functioning
of the District Disaster Relief Force in your
Reasons for APW not as a role model for the district.
development of backward areas: In your opinion what ethical issues arose in the
y Every backward region had its own unique issues. current migrant crisis? What do you understand
The APW model for all backward areas would be by an ethical caregiving state? What assistance can
akin to the “one size fit all” approach. the civil society render to mitigate the sufferings
y Some backward regions would require more of migrants in similar situations?
government support than just tax holidays for (250 Words, 20 Marks)
new industry and private sector initiatives.
y Every private enterprise may not have APW Tag: Case Study
like ethos and they might start over exploiting
resources, if left unchecked by the government.
Hence, in this regard, the best way to strengthen the Case Summary:
model of a mixed economy where the government will y Migrant workers are serving as the instrumental
provide a business friendly atmosphere for industries labour force of urban economics.
to set up their operation in backward regions with y Due to countrywide lockdown, a large number of
regulation under the government protecting rights of migrant labour decided to move to native village.
people. This will result in proper checks andbanalce to Moreover, non availability of transport,hunger and
private enterprise while ensuring welfare of people and inconvenience to families makes them mentally
inclusive development. stressed and forces them to demand wages and
transport facilities.
Q12. Migrant workers have always remained at the y Their mental agony was accentuated by multiple
socio-economic margins of our society, silently factors. Also, lackadaisical response of some
serving as the instrumental labour force of urban district authority multiplied their fear.
economics. The pandemic has brought them into y And I was tasked to oversee the functioning of the
national focus. district disaster relief force in your district.
On the announcement of a countrywide lockdown,
a very large number of migrant workers decided Stakeholders in the Case:
to move back from their places of employment y Migrant workers
to their native villages. The non-availability of y District Disaster Relief Force
transport created its own problems. Added to this y I, as an official, was tasked to oversee the
was the fear of starvation and inconvenience to functioning of the District Disaster Relief Force in
their families. This caused, the migrant workers my district.
to demand wages and transport facilities for y The government
returning to their villages. Their mental agony y Society at large
was accentuated by multiple factors such as a
sudden loss of livelihood, possibility of lack of In my opinion, ethical issues arose in the current
food and inability to assist in harvesting their migrant crisis are:
rabi crop due to not being able to reach home
y Lack of Empathy and Compassion: Sudden
in time. Reports of inadequate response of some
nationwide lockdown had impacted the migrant
districts in providing the essential boarding and
workers and the urban poors the maximum. Lack
lodging arrangements along the way multiplied
of empathy and compassion, especially towards
their fears.
the weaker sections from the administrative end
has made the situation more measurable.

Previous Year Questions (2020) 31

y Ethical duty of the State towards the citizen: The ○ Use of NDRF for providing food and shelter to
state in many ways failed to provide adequate the migrants.
services towards the need of migrant labour. For ○ The government issued sweeping orders
example, non availability of transport facilities directing that the landlords should not demand
for the migrant or no immediate government rent during the period of the lockdown. and
assurance. that employers should pay wages without
y Food and Job Security: Though the government deduction.
has given food ○ The government announced the National
y Right to health and dignified life: Every human Migrant Information System, an online
being is entitled to a dignified life and proper database to help streamline the movement of
health care and it is the duty of the state to provide the migrant workers.
health care facilities and dignified life. India being ○ State government set up thousands of camps
a welfare state, could not manage to provide this to house lakhs of migrants and stop exodus.
services to migrant labour as seen in the months The Central government permitted the Indian
long nationwide lockdown. Railways to launch :Shramik Train” for the
migrant workers and others stranded.
Ethical Caregiving State:
y An ethical care-giving state is based on the idea Role of Civil Society:
of the ethics of care, i.e., care to all without any A civil society comprises Non Government Organization
discrimnitation (on the ground of sex, caste, (NGOs), Community Based Organizations and people
religion, community, etc), care in time, care that in General. Role of civil society render to mitigate the
is adequate, and care that comes without asking sufferings of migrants
(which means, i being a suffering ctizen should in similar situations were important. They can support
not ask for it repetedly). in:
y It holds moral actions which center on y Boarding and lodging.
interpersonal relationships and consider care or y ‘Food and transport facilities, masks, Sanitizer
benevolence as a virtue. and PPE Kit to needy people.
y In present pandemic times, we may face a genuine y Raising voice for the voiceless people including
caregiving crisis with more needy individuals and differently abled, LGBT, migrant worker, sex
fewer available caregivers, and with growing costs workers, poor, etc. rescue and relief to people who
of long-term care and fewer workers to support need support.
social programs.
y In this situation, the role of an ethical care-giving Migrant workers are silent contributors to the urban
state is important. India is a welfare State, whose economy. They are neither identified nor appreciated.
ideas are embodied upon rights and entitlements Despite widespread public empathy for migrant
provided to all its citizens. The Constitution worker, their social marginalisation in the cities is
of India promises social justice, equality and a direct result of their inability to pervade public
fraternity. Hence, in this difficult times, India consciousness as equal citizens, but merely as the
with Union and States government took various “commodity of labour”, the migrant labour crisis due to
initiatives for welfare of migrant workers like: covid pandemic raises the need to have more inclusive
urban policies that recognise and include migrants.

32 Previous Year Questions (2020)

Q7. You are heading the rescue operations in an area Response in order:
affected by severe natural calamity, thousands of y My immediate response will be to motivate the
people are rendered homeless and deprived of team to put rescue operations as the first priority.
food, drinking water and other basic amenities. It is because when people see that administration
Rescue work has been disrupted by heavy rainfall is in action for their help, their anger will come
and damage to supply routes. The local people are under control. Team members need to keep
seeding with anger against the delayed limited public service before self. This is where values
rescue operations. When your team reaches the like empathy, dedication to public service and
affected area, the people there heckle and even emotional intelligence will be out to test.
assault some of the team members. One of your y Securing the lives of children, women and elderly
team members is even severely injured. Faced will be my priority because they are the ones
with this crisis some team member pleads with who are most vulnerable. When people see their
you to call off the operations freeing threats to children being saved by the administration, it is
their life. possible that they will cooperate.
In such trying circumstances, what will be your y Shifting dislocated people to a temporary
response? Examine the qualities of a public arrangement. Community resilience is put to test
servant which will be required to manage the at times of crisis. People at a common place can be
situations. supplied basic amenities effectively.
(250 Words, 20 Marks) y Restoration of basic supplies like food, water and
medicine by roping in Special Forces if needed.
Tag: Case Study. y Contacting superior authorities to update them
about the situation, seeking guidance and asking
for help.
Answer: y Taking the help of civil society in rehabilitation.
This case demonstrates the leadership crisis. The y Taking help from able bodied youth in the
situation is in demand for leadership skills that can operations.
find solutions where there is lack of cooperation from y Once an emergency situation gets normalized,
the public, the supplies are interrupted, and the team restoration of normal life by relocating people
is discouraged. I am facing competing urgencies to to their original places and undertaking
undertake rescue operations, manage fury of victims reconstructions.
and keep the team’s morale up. The problem is that all
these goals are interrelated and posed as challenges at Following are the qualities needed to manage the
the same time. Without motivated team, the rescue situation:
work cannot be effective. Without effective and visible y Dedication to public services to gathering up all
rescue process, the anger of stranded people won’t be resources and will to solve the problem.
controllable. Still, it is the action of the team that can y Presence of mind and intelligence to find
thaw some ice with the victims. innovative solutions.
y Leadership qualities for leading by example,
Stakeholders in the Case: inspiring and instilling confidence and showing
y I, as the head of a rescue operation team. motivational capacity to energize the team.
y Local people who are affected by natural calamity. y Compassion towards victims of the calamity.
y Other team team members. y Emotional Intelligence to not let anger, frustration
y Society at large. and fear to deviate me from work at hand and

Previous Year Questions (2019) 33

to understand the frustration of victims and y It basically discourages decision making. If one
empathize with them. is always vulnerable about being held guilty for
Thus, we need to be sensitive in such situation and an outcome which one can anyhow not predict
not blame people for their reactions. Compassion and completely, one often prefer to play safe with
support is the key to rescue people in problems. keeping status quo.
Q8. Honesty and uprightness are the hallmarks of y When situations demand innovation and creative
civil servants. Civil servants possessing these thinking on which laws silent or vague, immediate
qualities are considered as a backbone of any action is needed, precedents don’t exist, officials
strong organization. In the line of duty, they make are left confused about what to do.
various decisions, at times some become bonafide
mistakes. As long as such decisions are not taken Measures that can be taken to ensure honest civil
intentionally and do not benefit personally, servants are not implicated for bonafide mistakes on
the officer cannot be said to be guilty. Though their part:
such decisions may, at times, lead to unforeseen y All allegation of corrupt practices received as
adverse consequences in the long term. In the complaints against a civil servant should be
recent past, a few instances have surfaced wherein examined in depth at the preliminary stage itself
civil servants have been implicated for bonafide before initiating any inquiry.
mistakes. They have often been prosecuted and y In cases relating to allegations of corruption, open
even imprisoned. These instances have greatly inquiries must be avoided immediately on the basis
rattled the moral fiber of the civil servants. of complaints/source information. The Inquiry/
How does this trend affect the functioning of civil Verification Officers should be able appreciate the
services? What measures can be taken to ensure sensitivities involved in handling allegations of
that honest civil servants are not implicated for corruption.
bonafide mistakes on their part? Justify your y The assessment of the results of enquiries should
answer. be done in a competent and fair manner. Injustice
(250 Words, 20 Marks) can befall because of faulty evaluation of the facts
and the evidence.
Tag: Case Study y Capacity building of the anti-corruption agencies
can be assured through training and by associating
with the required experts during enquiries.
Answer: y The supervising authority in the investigating
This case study is about the day to day functioning agencies should confirm that only those public
of the civil servant that involves decision making on servants are prosecuted against whom the evidence
several issues and it also highlights the risks involved is compelling.
in such decision making process. Values and ethical y A special investigation unit can be linked to the
dilemmas include- accountability, honesty, integrity, Lokpal (Rashtriya Lokayukta), to investigate
and decision making. charges of corruption against investigative
In Indian civil services, major administrative decisions agencies.
are taken by civil servants, who like normal humans Therefore, we can observe that the public services are
are susceptible to making errors. However, there is a prone to mistakes which may not be always intentional.
thin line between deliberate and bonafide mistakes, The need is to segregate mistakes from conspiracy in
which needs identification for making administration order to protect the honest and punish the guilty.
easy, transparent and effective. But instances of
wrongful examination of honest officers deeply impact Q9. An apparel manufacturing company having a
the morale of such officers. large number of women employees was losing
sales due to various factors. The company hired
Trend that affect the functioning of civil servants in a reputed marketing executive, who increased
the following ways: the volume of sales within a short span of time.

34 Previous Year Questions (2019)

However, some unconfirmed reports came up Options that are available to the women employee:
regarding his indulgence in sexual harassment at y Rejecting the offer of the management and
the workplace. continuing with filing of the FIR and complaint.
After sometime a woman employee launched a y Accepting the offer and withdrawing the complaint
formal complaint to the management against the without giving in writing.
marketing executive about sexually harassing her. y Accepting the offer fully and letting the executive
Faced with the companies’ indifference, in not go free in writing.
taking cognizance of her grievances, she lodged y Move ahead with legal proceedings and resign
an FIR with the police. from the job and start looking for alternates.
Realizing the sensitivity and gravity of the y Refuse the offer of money and take back the
situation, the company called the women complaint but work silently to raise a #MeToo
employee to negotiate. In that she was offered a movement within.
hefty sum of money to withdraw the complaint
and the FIR and also give in writing that the Possible outcomes of the decisions:
marketing executive is not involved in the case. y The woman requires to keep in mind that such
Identify the ethical issues involved in this actions at the workplace do not affect an individual
case. What options are available to the women victim only. Her decisions and actions will set
employee? a example also for future such cases. If she gets
(250 Words, 20 Marks) tempted by the monetary offer and takes back her
grievance, all such allegations, may be genuine,
Tag: Case Study. will be seen with distrust. It will also restrain
victims from opening up.
y Also, her own character will be seen in wrong
Answer: ways if she withdraws the complaint. She will
Case Summary: lose reliability. And on the other hand, there is
Alleged sexual harassment at workplace by a an impending threat that if she doesn’t cooperate
marketing executive, who is an important resource with the management, she may lose the job. In our
for the company. After complaints, the women faced society, law support the victim, societal sanctions
companies’ indifference and filed FIR with police. are normally on the women in such circumstances.
Realizing the gravity of the situation, the company y It will be difficult for her to find the next job with
called the women employee to negotiate and she such record.
was offered a huge sum of money to withdraw the
complaint and the FIR. So, she has to maintain a delicate balance between
her own dignity, social responsibility, and her harsh
Stakeholders involved in the case: material necessities. Bravado should not be her
y Apparel manufacturing company and its motivation but a cool headed method that seeks to
management. eradicate this evil in society.
y Women employees from the sales team.
y Newly hired marketing executive. Q10. In a modern democratic polity, there is a concept
y Legal authority or the Police. of the political executive and permanent executive
elected people’s representatives form the political
Ethical issues involved in the case: executive and bureaucracy form the permanent
y Sexual harassment of women at workplace. executive. Ministers frame policy decisions and
y Abuse of power by marketing executives. bureaucrats execute these. In the initial decades
y Missing proactiveness on the part of management after independence, the relationship between the
to take suo moto cognizance of sexual misbehavior. permanent executives and the political executives
y Non-responsive internal complaints mechanism. were characterized by mutual understanding,
y Loss of integrity of the management. respect, and cooperation, without encroaching

Previous Year Questions (2019) 35

upon each other’s domain. y Civil service like is likely to evolve with an ethical
However, in subsequent decades, the situation basis for its functioning.
has changed. There are instances of the political
executive insisting upon the permanent executives Areas of Friction:
to follow its agenda. Respect for an appreciation The key areas of potential conflict in the relationship
of upright bureaucrats has declined. There is an between the political executive and the permanent
increasing tendency among the political executive civil service can be identified as follows:
to get involved in routine administrative matters y The concept of neutrality.
such as transfers, posting etc. Under this scenario, y Appointments/Recruitment to the civil services.
there is a definitive trend towards ‘politicization y Transfers and postings of civil servants.
of bureaucracy’. The rising materialism and
acquisitiveness in social life has also adversely Consequences of politicization of bureaucracy:
impacted upon the ethical values of both the y Detrimental to moral fibre of bureaucrats: Even
permanent executive and the political executive. honest civil servants with political leanings have
What are the consequences of this ‘politicization compulsion to take biased decisions in favour of
of bureaucracy? Discuss. (250 Words, 20 Marks) one political group.
y Personal Vs. Professional Dilemma: A bureaucrat
Tag: Case Study indulged in material benefits has to compromise
with his conscience merely for outside reality,
thereby disturbing his mental peace and work
Answer: ethics. The person loses self respect and trust of his
In a democracy, power lies with the people. Such power family and children who inculcate such inadequate
is exercised through its elected representatives with values from him.
the mandate to govern people for a specific duration. y Impact on governance: Partiality in functioning
The public services by virtue of its knowledge, of public servants has a direct bearing on their
understanding and experience of public affairs support decisions in daily administration.
the elected representatives in policies framing and y Chaotic situations: Problematic circumstances
implementation. like communal riots demand officers with political
neutrality. Partial decisions can lead to loss of lives
Some advantages of having an independent, and property. Therefore, a public servant should
permanent and impartial civil service are as follows: be accountable for his decisions in such situations.
y The spoils system has the tendency to turn into a y Policy paralysis: red-tapism and culture of secrecy
system of nepotism, patronage and corruption. in their decision making due to the fear of political
y Public policy is becoming complex day by day revenge against non-cooperative officers in the
demanding detailed knowledge and expertise form of frequent transfers, delay in promotions,
in public arena. A permanent public service is etc.
benefitted with continuity and develops expertise
as well as institutional learning for effective policy A civil servant must ensure utmost political neutrality.
formulation. As a public servant, one has the responsibility towards
y An impartial civil service is more likely to assess the public and must adhere to constitutional principles
the long-term social payoffs of any policy whereas keeping his conscience intact. His primary job is
the political executive may have a tendency to look to perform selfless and desire less duty (Nishkama
for short term political gain. Karma). He must be rational, exemplary, and
y A permanent public service helps to ensure committed to the public cause.
consistency in the administration and also acts
as a unifying force in a vast and culturally diverse Q11. In one of the districts of a frontier state,
nation like India. narcotics menace has been rampant. This has
resulted in money laundering, mushrooming of

36 Previous Year Questions (2019)

poppy farming, arms smuggling and near stalling y There can also be a crisis of social institutions like
of education. The system is on the verge of family that propels youth towards consumption
collapse. The situation has been further worsened of drugs and giving up education and some
by unconfirmed reports that local politicians, as constructive work.
well as some senior police officers, are providing
surreptitious patronage to the drug mafia. Measures to deal with the crisis:
At that point of time a woman police officer, y First of all, there should be stocktaking of the
known for her skills in handling such situations condition in detail to get a grassroots details of the
is appointed as superintendent of police to bring problem. Any knee jerk response or crackdown by
the situation to normalcy. the administration may backfire at both personal
If you are the same police officer, identify the and professional level without solving the issue. I
various dimensions of the crisis. Based on your must realize that the problem is deeply entrenched
understanding, suggest measures to deal with the and has multiple strong stakeholders. Any
crisis. (250 Words, 20 Marks) adventurism or bravado is bound to create more
pain than pleasure.
Tag: Case Study y Coercive and constructive steps need to be
initiated in alongside because one cannot wait
for all things to be normal before some positive
Answer: direction is given to youth. It is when positivity
Case Summary: comes that negativity goes away.
One of the districts is on the verge of collapse due to y I will rope in authorities responsible for border
various illegal activities and stalled education. Some security to ensure that the supply chain of drugs,
of the senior police officers are providing surreptitious arms and counterfeit currency is interrupted. This
patronage to the drug mafias in the district. A skilled will at least put a brake on the momentum of the
woman police officer is appointed as superintendent of situation which is worsening.
police to bring the situation to normalcy. y There will be a total ban on illegal poppy farming
within the territory and area under jurisdiction.
Stakeholders involved in the case: y There will be raids on infamous locations in police
y Drug mafia records to seize illegal arms and currency. Habitual
y Senior police officers and local politicians. offenders will be taken into judicial custody and
y A newly appointed women police officer. interrogated to get inputs about people involved.
y Society at large. y Side by side, an internal department enquiry will
be initiated to nab culprit police officers and strict
Various dimensions of the crisis: actions will be taken on them.
y They are drug mafia, money launderers, arms y Side by side, a massive campaign against drugs
dealers, politicians and police officers. Each one will be started. Large sign boards will be placed
has clear personal interest to protect that helps in public spaces to educate people about the
this system sustain. Youth are the victims who fallout of these practices. There will be a door to
are deprived of education and are engaged in self- door outreach campaign to raise awareness and
destructive practices like drugs and crime. bringing children to schools.
y There is a loop in which the system has been y Rehabilitation centers will be opened to help those
caught. It has been a self- sustaining system since who have been made aware and want to de-engage
products of a failed education system supply with drugs.
necessary manpower to run this ecosystem.
Challenges and administrative limitations:
y Those who are responsible to deal with such crises
are themselves involved. Possibly, this money from y All powerful stakeholders can come together
drug menace is being ploughed back into elections against me and my actions. I may face physical
that sustains the political career of many people. barrier and threats. There is a possibility of getting

Previous Year Questions (2019) 37

transferred for a punishment posting. I need to be
prepared for all this. What should drive me in my y Anticipating specific threats to ethics standards
quest is public service. and integrity in the public sector.
y There may also be lack of institutional support y Strengthening the ethical competence of civil
from border security agencies, political class, my servants, and strengthening mechanisms to
colleagues in the police department etc. support “professional ethics”.
y Raising awareness itself is a long term task which y Developing administrative practices and processes
may be frustrating in wake of limited of public which promote ethical values and integrity.
enthusiasm. Attention needs to be paid to systemic threats that
could weaken adherence to core public sector ethics
Q12. In recent times, there has been an increasing values, and commitment to good governance, and to
concern in India to develop effective civil service preparing the necessary political and management
ethics, code of conduct, transparency measures, responses.
ethics and integrity systems and anti-corruption New methods need to be accepted to institutionalize
agencies. In view of this, there is a need being ethically competent decision making, disinterested
felt to focus on three specific areas, which are advice to Government, and, ultimately, an ‘ethical
directly relevant to the problems of internalizing culture’ which supports professional responsibility,
integrity and ethics in the civil services. These are self-discipline, and support for the rule of law.
as follows: New and proposed pro-ethics laws require effective
Anticipating specific threats to ethical standards implementation through, for example, effective
and integrity in the civil services, performance management techniques which support
Strengthening the ethical competence of civil the entrenchment of the ethical values set out in Civil
servant and Service (and parastatals) Codes of Ethics.
Developing administrative processes and
practices which promote ethical values and Institutional measures to deal with above three issues
integrity in civil services. are as follows:
Suggest institutional measures to address the y Effective laws which require civil servants to give
above three issues. reasons for their official decisions, (for example: a
(250 Words, 20 Marks) Freedom of Information law).
y Management approaches which encourage all
Tag: Case Study public officials and civil servants to deal positively
Decoding the Question: with corruption and unethical practice when they
y In Introduction, try to write the context of the encounter it.
case. y ‘Whistleblower’ protection law to protect
y In Body, appropriate ‘public interest disclosures’ of
wrongdoing by officials.
y Ethics audits to identify risks to the integrity
Answer: of the most important processes (for example
In most countries today there are increasing financial management, tendering, recruitment
expectations from ordinary citizens, business leaders and promotion, dismissal and discipline).
and Civil Society that Governments will establish and y New Human Resource Management strategies
deliver higher standards of ethicality and integrity in (which link, for example, ethical performance
the Civil Service, agencies of government (Ministries with entry and advancement, and ethical ‘under-
and parastatals), and Government itself. There is now performance’ with disciplinary processes),
a need to concentrate on three areas of concern in merit based promotion and recruitment,
particular, which are directly relevant to the problems antidiscrimination protections.
of internalising integrity and Ethics in democratic y Training and development in the content and
governments and the Civil Service. rationale of Ethics Codes, the application of ethical

38 Previous Year Questions (2019)

management principles, the proper use of official y In some countries, citizens have an unqualified
power, and the requirements of professional right, under law, to be advised of the reasons for
responsibility. any official decision of which they are directly the
y Effective external and internal complaint and subject. This includes the right to be advised, at the
redress procedures. time of the decision and in writing, of the evidence
y It is now generally recognised that meaningful and other information taken into account by the
and enforceable Ethics codes, linked to systemic decision maker, and of the procedure, if any, for
practices and procedures, based on legislation, and having the decision reviewed.
backed by management leadership and high level y All significant official decisions can be made
political commitment, and ongoing ‘professional subject to independent review, and effective
ethics’ training, are essential. administrative procedures (in particular the
y Official decisions affected by ‘Maladministration’ keeping of proper records), can be required to be
may be reviewed independently, (for example by maintained, so as to assist effective independent
an Ombudsman, Administrative Appeals Tribunal review.
or Court), and corrected. Officials responsible y In the interests of improving accountability and
for maladministration may also be disciplined by fostering the fight against corruption, some
their employer. countries have passed laws to establish a right
y Failure to report known or reasonably suspected whereby a person may make a protected ‘public
cases may be used as the grounds for disciplinary interest disclosure’ of any suspected or actual
measures to be taken against civil servants. corruption, misconduct, or Maladministration by
y The provision of FoI rights to citizens is now a civil servant or public official.
considered essential to ensuring accountability by
public officials and Governments.

Previous Year Questions (2019) 39

Q7. Rakesh is a responsible district level officer, who
enjoys the trust of his higher officials. Knowing to consider insertion of sub categories for
his honesty, the government entrusted him with economically weaker sections.
the responsibility of identifying the beneficiaries
under a health care scheme meant for senior
The criteria to be a beneficiary are the following: Case Summary:
(a) 60 years of age or above. y Rakesh is an honest, trustable and responsible
(b) Belonging to a reserved community. district level officer. He was given the responsibility
(c) Family income of less than 1 Lakh rupees per of identifying the beneficiaries under a health
annum. scheme.
(d) Post-treatment prognosis is likely to be high y Oneday, an old couple visited Rakesh’s office
to make a positive difference to the quality of seeking help as they don’t have any children to
life of the beneficiary. support them.
One day, an old couple visited Rakesh’s office with y They fulfil all the criteria (as mentioned) which
their application. They have been the residents help them to get included in the beneficiary list
of a village in his district since their birth. The but except one criteria (they do not belong to
old man is diagnosed with a rare condition that a reserved family). Any financial help makes a
causes obstruction in the large intestine. As significant difference in their quality life.
a consequence, he has severe abdominal pain
frequently that prevents him from doing any Stakeholders in the case:
physical labour. The couple has no children to y Rakesh as a responsible district level officer.
support them. The expert surgeon whom they y An old couple, who visited Rakesh’s office with
contacted is willing to do the surgery without their application for help.
charging any fee. However, the couple will have y Society at large.
to bear the cost of incidental charges, such as
medicines, hospitalization, etc., to the tune of Being a responsible public servant, he is strictly guided
rupees one lakh. The couple fulfils all the criteria by the law and criteria and it is necessary because the
except criterion ‘b’. However, any financial aid set of given criteria instill the element of transparency
would certainly make a significant difference in and probity and help in governance to be just and fair.
their quality of life.
How should Rakesh respond to the situation? In this given situation, the immediate response of
(250 Words, 20 Marks) Rakesh should be:
y Find Government Facilities: As the expert surgeon
Tag: Case Study whom they contacted is willing to do the surgery
Decoding the Question: without charging any fee. The problem is with the
y In Introduction, try to write a case summary. cost of hospitalization, medicines etc. So in this
y In Body, situation Rakesh should check for the available
○ Mention the stakeholder involved. facilities (bed, medicines, etc) for the concerned
○ Discuss how Rakesh should respond in disease at the district government hospitals.
the prevailing situation? y NGOs: Rakesh should hold meetings with Non-
y In Conclusion, try to mention that taking this government Organizations (NGOs) working in
case as a base, he may propose his seniors the health sector for old age people and public
spirited citizens.

Previous Year Questions (2018) 40

y Find Exception or use discretion: Rakesh may find already in place. Sufficient care was taken by the
provisions of exception and discretion in the health planners to make use of the government land
scheme to consider extremely needy patients. This with the minimum land acquisition from private
is unclear from the conditions given above, but a parties. Compensation rate for private parties
trusted and responsible officer in charge can seek was also finalized as per government rules. Care
exemptions and support from higher ups for the was also taken to minimize deforestation. Once
patient within the scheme by forwarding a case on the project is announced, it is expected that there
compassionate and humanitarian grounds. will be a huge spurt in real estate prices in and
y Seek help from executive funds: if relaxation around that area.
within the health scheme is not permissible, Meanwhile, the Minister concerned insists that
Rakesh should explore other possibilities like you realign the road in such a way that it comes
Chief Minister’s Relief Fund or even Prime closer to his 20 acres farmhouse. He also suggests
Minister’s relief fund after getting an endorsement that he would facilitate the purchase of a big
from the MLA and MP of the region. Every year a plot of land in your wife’s name at the prevailing
certain number of people are given assistance for rate which is very nominal, in and around the
treatment of severe diseases from these funds. proposed mega road project. He also tries to
y Look for other alternatives: Rakesh should also convince you by saying that there is no harm in it
forward an application to his superiors in the as he is buying the land legally. He even promises
district with the details of the case requesting to supplement your savings in case you do not
them, if possible, from DM welfare fund for have sufficient funds to buy the land. However, by
financial support for this specific case or go for the act of realignment, a lot of agricultural lands
crowdfunding. has to be acquired, thereby causing a considerable
y These immediate steps are to ensure support financial burden on the government, and also
to the couple in consideration. As a midterm the displacement of the farmers. As if this is
solution, Rakesh should try to organise awareness not enough, it will involve cutting down a large
among citizens of the district regarding Integrated number of trees denuding the area of its green
Programme for Older Persons (IPOP). Secondly, cover.
he should hold meetings with NGOs, public Faced with this situation, what will you do?
institutions and public-spirited citizens to organise Critically examine various conflicts of interest
outreach programmes. He should make proposals and explain what your responsibilities are as a
and efforts for providing space and creating public servant. (250 Words, 20 Marks)
awareness about PM Jan Aushadhi Kendra at
District, Block and Village level. Tag: Case Study
Decoding the Question:
This case cannot be taken in isolation as there would y In Introduction, try to write a case summary.
be many more poor people in need. Taking this case y In Body,
as base, Rakesh may propose his seniors to consider ○ Mention the stakeholders involved.
insertion of subcategories for economically weaker ○ Discuss the conflict of interest that
sections. Sub categorization can be considered as arises.
inclusive of landless poor, old people without children ○ Discuss your responsibilities and your
and people without any permanent source of income. take being a civil servant.
y In Conclusion,try to write a neutral opinion.
Q8. As a senior officer in the Ministry, you have access
to important policy decisions and upcoming
big announcements such as road construction Answer:
projects before they are notified in the public Case Summary:
domain. The Ministry is about to announce a This is a case of political interference and conflict of
mega road project for which the drawings are interest if he uses inside information for private gain.

Previous Year Questions (2018) 41

Using inside information is also seen as a conflict of y Moral Conflict: Till now, I have done my services
interest even if one is not a direct beneficiary. A Public on moral values and with honesty and accepting
Servant is needed to serve the greater public interest, the offer will rob me of my mental peace. It will
save the government resources wherever it is possible also degrade my values which are my pillars of
and help realise the sustainable development goals. strength. For fulfilling my economic needs, the
salary provided to me from the Government is
Stakeholders Involved: enough
y I, as a senior scientific officer in the Ministry.
y Private parties, with whom the government deals As a responsible civil servant having faced with this
as the government roles. situation, i will
y The Minister who insists to realign the road in y I will continue to implement the road project as
such a way that it comes closer to his 20 acres planned rather than buckling under the minister’s
farmhouse. pressure or getting alluded to by personal gains.
y Farmers. It is because, It is expected from a civil servant to
A conflict of interest occurs when there is an serve the larger public interest, save government
involvement of both personal and professional resources wherever it is possible and help realise
factors in decision making. Conflicts of interest often the goal of sustainable development. So, in this
deteriorate standards of governance. situation
y As a responsible public servant, I shall keep aside
In the above case, the conflict of interest which arises the vested interests and shall consider the original
are: project.
y Professional interest vs. Ministers Interest:
Disregarding his wish or proposal may cost me Agreeing to the minister may improve my fortunes
maybe in the form of an unfavourable transfer. and the minister may also benefit in the future in
But if I consider or accept his proposal, I may get several ways. However, this greed and connivance
benefits in the near future with higher posts. But is not desirable as it defies the peoples trust and
being a public servant I will go by the plan and will national interest and leads to loss of a lot of arable
take the decision in favour of the society not the land and destitution. It will also lead to loss to the
Minister. government exchequer and it would be detrimental
y Minister’s Interest vs. Financial burden on the to the environment as it involves cutting down large
Government: The proposal by the Minister will numbers of trees.
cause a financial burden on the government Moreover, being in a more responsible position, My
as more money and labour will be needed for decision will have ramifications on many lives. Hence,
realigning the road. Instead, this money can be acting ethically is the most reasonable choice.
used for other welfare programmes.
y Personal Economic Interest vs. Interest of Q9. It is a State where prohibition is in force. You
Farmers: If I accept the offer of the Minister, it were recently appointed as the Superintendent of
will definitely strengthen me economically but it Police of a district notorious for illicit distillation
will also result in great loss to the farmers as large of liquor. The illicit liquor leads to many deaths,
displacement of farmers will take place. Moreover, reported and unreported, and causes a major
my ethical values do not allow me to favour the problem for the district authorities.
Minister and thus I will stand with the original The approach till now had been to view it as a
project. law and order problem and tackle it accordingly.
y Our Combined Interest Vs. Environment: If Raids, arrest, police cases, and criminal trials –
I agree with his proposal, then our combined all these had only limited impact. The problem
interest will be harmful for the environment as it remains as serious as ever.
may result in cutting down a large number of trees Your inspections show that the parts of the
denuding the area of its green cover. district where the distillation flourishes are

42 Previous Year Questions (2018)

economically, industrially and educationally y Along with conventional policing, I will fall back
backward. Agriculture is badly affected by poor on ‘community policing’ as done in Kerala as
irrigation facilities. Frequent clashes among well to seek a complete and effective solution to
communities gave a boost to illicit distillation. the problem. Based upon this particular case,
No major initiatives had taken place in the past conventional policing comprising raids, arrest,
either from the government’s side or from social police cases and criminal cases are ineffective in
organizations to improve the lot of the people. decreasing illegal distilling and consumption of
Which new approach will you adopt to bring the liquor. Apart from the fact that the Superintendent
problem under control? (250 Words, 20 Marks) of Police has the mandate for policing to look after
the state of law and order and to take measures to
Tag: Case Study check illegal and criminal activities. So I will carry
Decoding the Question: out my role according to the mandate.
y In Introduction, try to write a case summary. y If I look at today’s policing, it is facing many
y In Body, challenges which have roots in socio-economic
○ Mention the stakeholders involved in deprivation and development deficit such as
the case. agricultural and industrial backwardness , poor
○ Discuss your approach to bring the infrastructure, lack of employment opportunities,
problem under control. health and education facilities etc.
y In Conclusion, try to write an opinion. y To understand the socioeconomic context of
crime and illegal activities a police officer needs to
be aware and sensitive. So I will
Answer: ○ Open a communication and interaction
Case Summary: channel for the community and locals to
A State where prohibition is in force and i was appointed understand their plight and also to make them
as the SP of a district notorious for illicit distillation aware about the legal and ethical sources of
of liquor, causes many deaths. All the administrative livelihood.
measures had limited impact. ○ Even while resorting to conventional policing
My inspection revealed that the concerned area of the I will try to stay ‘humane and sensitive’ and
district is economically and educationally backward not generally take ‘third degree’ measures till
and no initiatives were taken by the government or it becomes indispensable.
social organizations in the past to improve the life of ○ I will try to urge other stakeholders with
the people. authority in the loop such as district
magistrate, MLAs and MPs to carry on
Stakeholders involved in the case: development initiatives in the right earnest
y I, appointed as the Superintendent of Police of the and efficiently so as to eradicate deprivation
concerned district. and lack of development that drives people to
y People of the district who were involved in illicit seek livelihood from illegal distillation which
distillation of liquor. has other serious repercussions.
y Government and social organizations. y Community policing will not be possible without
y Society at large. taking all the stakeholders together. In the same
spirit, the elders can be asked support through
The approach that i will adopt to bring the problem awareness campaign. This kind of participatory
under control are: policing has often proved very effective.
y I will take up this case not only as a law and order y And lastly I will collaborate with the school and
problem because this method is not producing colleges to educate and make people cognizant
desired results as in the case it is mentioned that about ill effects of illegal distillation and
raids, arrest, police cases, and criminal trials – all possibilities of better livelihood opportunities and
these had only limited impact.

Previous Year Questions (2018) 43

dignified life. This will touch a very large number
of families and youths. y In Conclusion, try to write a way forward.

The prime motive is total prohibition on illicit

distillation but given the situation on ground, it
is prudent to first pursue with socio-economic, Case Summary:
psychological, and ethical considerations. Going by A big corporate house, engaged in manufacturing
this, it will curb the demand of liquor by locals and industrial chemicals proposed to set additional units
would help in proper enforcement by taking legal but rejected the proposal by many states. One state
recourse at last. government has allowed the plant to be set up despite
Q10. A big corporate house is engaged in Pollution caused by this plant was affecting land, water
manufacturing industrial chemicals on a large and crops and it gave rise to agitation of thousands of
scale. It proposes to set upon the additional people, creating a law and order problem.
unit. Many states rejected its proposal due to The state government ordered the closure of the
the detrimental effect on the environment. But factory, which resulted in the unemployment of many
one state government acceded to the request and associates.
permitted the unit close to a city, brushing aside And I as a senior officer entrusted with the responsibility
all opposition. of handling these issues.
The unit was set up 10 years ago and was in full
swing till recently. The pollution caused by the Stakeholders involved in the case:
industrial effluents was affecting the land, water y A big corporate house.
and crops in the area. It was also causing serious y State Governments.
health problems to human beings and animals. y Local people and employees of the organization.
This gave rise to a series of agitation thousands of y Society at large.
people took part, creating a law and order problem
necessitating stern police action. Following the Addressing the issue:
public outcry, the State government ordered the y As a senior civil servant my concern will not be
closure of the factory. just maintaining law and order or putting a stop
The closure of the factory resulted in the on economic activities which lead to pollution and
unemployment of not only those workers who other harmful consequences, but trying to find
were engaged in the factory but also those who better arrangements to keep the businesses going
were working in the ancillary units. It also very with least adverse effect on natural resources as
badly affected those industries which depended well as people.
on the chemicals manufactured by it. y Civil servants are seen as administrators and
As a senior officer entrusted with the responsibility agents of socio-economic change and law and
of handling these issues, how are you going to order enforcers. In this spirit, I will not recourse
address it? (250 Words, 20 Marks) to linear and straight solutions in favour of either
the businesses or people; a good solution to this
Tag: Case Study problem does not warrant a one-sided solution.
Decoding the Question: y Businesses create wealth and generate employment,
y In Introduction, try to write a case summary. but these also lead to pollution and destitution if
y In Body, these units do not follow the principle of Corporate
○ Mention the stakeholders involved. Social Responsibility and corporate ethics.
○ Address and discuss the issues.
○ Discuss your take on the prevailing Therefore, as a responsible officer, I would like to
issues. suggest the following steps:

44 Previous Year Questions (2018)

y I will actively engage with the directors and CEO industry to run. Such solutions may take time and may
of the chemical unit to find out the best solution be difficult to negotiate with different stakeholders.
could be reconciled with interest of the people and Even then I would not fall victim to ‘knee jerk’ reactions
sustainable development rather than giving an or ‘quick fixes’; there are times when trampling on the
order to close down. difficult paths yields a complete solution to a problem,
y I will use empathy while dealing with protestors and so I will do the same. I will try put all my efforts and
against the chemical project, but will not decide might to reach a solution which makes development
about the fate of the chemical units instantly. possible with the least real externality while maximises
Instead I will take some time to buy peace and talk income, output and employment.
with people’s representatives to convince them
about the importance of the chemical industry Q11. Dr X is a leading medical practitioner in a city.
for employment and raising standard of living He has set up a charitable trust through which
highlighting its backward and forward linkages. he plans to establish a super-speciality hospital
y I will convene a platform to frequently bring the in the city to cater to the medical needs of all
business, people and government officials together sections of the society. Incidentally, that part of
to analyse and evaluate and act against the the State had been neglected over the years. The
evolving challenges due to the chemical and other proposed hospital would be a boon for the region.
industries in the vicinity. Many times people’s You are heading the tax investigation agency of
protests in such cases are aggravated and flared up that region. During an inspection of the doctor’s
by local politicians. clinic, your officers have found some major
irregularities. A few of them are substantial
This problem can be dealt with other way: which had resulted in considerable withholding
y An immediate scientific assessment of damage of tax that should be paid by him now. The doctor
done to the surrounding environment should be is cooperative. He undertakes to pay the tax
done. The company, guided by the local community, immediately.
should take immediate steps to decontaminate the However, there are certain other deficiencies in
site and surrounding environment. his tax compliance which are purely technical
y The company along with the government should in nature. If these technical defaults are pursued
be asked to provide monetary compensation by the agency, considerable time and energy of
for those affected, including those who were the doctor will be diverted to issues which are
unemployed during closure of the factory, in order not so serious, urgent or even helpful to the tax
to address their health problems and economic collection process. Further, in all probability, it
losses. will hamper the prospects of the hospital coming
y The company should be allowed to show the above up.
expenditure in its Corporate Social Responsibility There are two options before you:
(CSR) contribution, to provide reasonable relief to 1. Taking a broader view, ensure substantial
the company as well. tax compliance and ignore defaults that are
y An investigation should be done to find out merely technical in nature.
whether environmental rules were flouted while 2. Pursue the matter strictly and proceed on
giving permission to set up a factory ten years back all fronts, whether substantial or merely
or were there lacunae in the state’s Environmental technical.
Impact Assessment norms which were used by the As the head of the tax agency, which course of
company. At the same time the inspection should action will you opt and why? (250 Words, 20
be done to find out that other companies are not Marks)
flouting norms and polluting the environment.
Tag: Case Study
Looking at the case issue, I will seek experts opinion Decoding the Question:
to find a workable solution which allows the chemical

Previous Year Questions (2018) 45

of technical nature and do not help much in tax
y In Introduction, try to write a case summary. compliance.
y In Body,
○ Mention the stakeholders involved. Pursue the matter strictly and proceed on all fronts,
○ Discuss all possible options. whether substantial or merely technical
○ Discuss your course of action. y I would take a broad view and be compassionate
y In Conclusion, try to write your opinion on technical defaults which are non-consequential
(give example if possible) either for tax compliance or for revenue to
exchequer after knowing about the good intention
of the doctor to establish a super speciality hospital
Answer: in the city for all the sections, especially the poor
Case Summary: and needy people.
Dr. X, a medical practitioner. Through his charitable y This option would optimize tax collection on
trust he is planning to establish a super specialty one hand and augment public welfare if a super
hospital in a backward region of the state. specialty hospital is established in the city on the
I am heading the tax investigation agency of that other.
region, and found some major irregularities in his y Nevertheless, a broad view should be taken with
clinic, a few of them substantial. care and caution with regard to nondiscrimination
There are certain other deficiencies in his tax compliance and equality before law on one hand and promoting
and if these defaults are pursued, considerable time Good Samaritan acts on the other. In fact generally
and energy of the doctor will be diverted to issues and these two goals are seen separately and the second,
will probably hamper the prospects of the hospital ie., good acts, do not absolve a citizen from a crime
coming up. or non-compliance of law.

Stakeholders involved in the case: The principles of jurisprudence, provide for leniency
y Dr. X, a leading medical practitioner. where the culprit has good intentions and good track
y I am the head of a tax investigation agency. record of social and community work including
y Other officers of the department. philanthropy as seen in the US court’s judgement
about iconic Rajat Gupta’s failures on insider trading.
Options available before me: This principle can be applied to the good governance
Taking a broader view, ensure substantial tax with discretion and caution in the larger interest of
compliance and ignore defaults that are merely nation and public.
technical in nature:
y As a civil servant that law does not forgive a law Q12. Edward Snowden, a computer expert and
breaking citizen because he has done or he intends former CIA administrator, released confidential
to do good work. Law should take its own path for Government documents to the press about
non-compliance and the government and society the existence of Government surveillance
should cooperate with a citizen who intends to programmes. According to many legal experts
do good work separately. Law considers these two and the US Government, his action violated the
acts as mutually exclusive. Espionage act of 1971, which identified the leak
y However, there are discrepancies available to a of State secrets as an act of treason. Yet, despite
judge in court and a civil servant in administration the fact that he broke the law, Snowden argued
to be lenient for good intentions and good works that he had a moral obligation to act. He gave a
so as to give a fair chance to goodness and overall justification for his “whistle blowing” by stating
welfare of the people. that he had a duty “to inform the public as to that
y Having said this, I will certainly exercise this option which is done in their name and that which is
because it leads to substantial tax compliance done against them.”
while the points of default by the doctor are mainly

46 Previous Year Questions (2018)

According to Snowden, the Government’s The argument provided by Edward Snowden is valid
violation of privacy had to be exposed regardless under his own beliefs but the government’s claims are
of legality since more substantive issues of social also acceptable under certain circumstances such as
action and public morality were involved here. national security.
Many agreed with Snowden. Few argued that he In this case, there are two conflicting values that
broke the law and compromised national security, created the ethical dilemma which are:
for which he should be held accountable.
Do you agree that Snowden’s actions were Morality Vs. legality
ethically justified even if legally prohibited? Why y Morality, principles concerning the distinction
or why not? Make an argument by weighing the between right and wrong or good and bad
competing values in this case. (250 Words, 20 behaviour. Whereas, legality is the quality or state
Marks) of being in accordance with the law. Both these
values are closely related as they seek to regulate
Tag: Case Study human behavior and actions. But actions which
Decoding the Question: may be legally right may not be morally correct or
y In Introduction, try to write a case summary. vice-versa.
y In Body, y It is an everlasting dilemma which will occur in
○ Mention the stakeholders involved. the future as well. Law is necessary to maintain
○ Discuss the conflicting values that order and minimum coordination in the society.
created ethical dilemmas. y Both seek justice in different ways and help attain
○ Give your justification with valid points. stability in the society. Establishing primacy of one
y In Conclusion, try to write an opinion on the over other would not be a wise option. Edward
case. Snowden has violated the Espionage Act, 1917,
but his act must be looked at with his intentions to
serve the greater public good.
Case Summary: Individual Liberty vs National Security
Edward Snowden, a computer expert and a CIA y Individual liberty and privacy seeks to provide
administrator, made government documents public, personal space to humans. This value respects the
which violated the Espionage Act, 1971. According intricate relations of a person, personal feelings of
to him he had a moral obligation to act and give his people etc. National security, on the other hand
justification. Many argued with Snowden and many seeks protection of society from all kinds of threats
agreed with his act. and it is the responsibility of the state to protect
its citizens, boundaries, economy etc. No nation
Stakeholders involved in the case: can become great by reducing its own individual
y Edward Snowden, a computer expert and a former citizen.
CIA administrator. y The surveillance programme was a gross violation
y Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), United States. of its own mandate. Snowden’s act in this case
y The United States Government. should not be considered a threat to national
The organizational and social ethics play an important
role in inducing our actions and justifying the motives The US Government’s view in Snowden’s case:
for doing so. When there is a conflict between y Every organisation has a set of rules, beliefs and
social ethics and organisational ethics, a dilemma conventions that have to be preserved at all extent.
is imminent. The perennial sources of conflict is This keeps the organisation from failing due to
individual freedom and rights on one hand and larger misdeeds. By violating the rules of organisation,
interest of the nation or the society on the other hand. Edward Snowden has committed an offence and
he is should be punished.

Previous Year Questions (2018) 47

y Organisations have certain secrets or insider y So, what Snowden did was morally correct and
information that have to be kept from leaking. was in favour of democracy, freedom, justice and
Individual working in the organisation is fairness. Such occasions are rare in history and
committed towards maintaining such secrecy. those who speak against unfair practices of state
Snowden’s actions would have created great risk and violate state’s dictates for a truly great cause,
for functioning of the organisation and thus was they become Socrates or Gandhi. But doing such
charged. acts for populism, and personal gains should be
My justification:
y When Snowden leaked documents pertaining to As the New York Times rightly stated on Snowden’s
the existing government’s surveillance program, it actions, “He may have committed a crime, but he has
may be treated as a paradigm shift in an individual’s done his country a great service.”
life due may be to the voice of conscience and a In the mentioned case, Snowden strugging with a
sense of justice and fairness. dilemma. Surveillance was a gross violation in the
y Breaching the privacy of people is also an name of national security, so he was correct in revealing
infringement on their freedom and dignity. It is the government. On ethical principles it seems right to
undemocratic. What Snowden did might have act as a whistleblower to bring out the truth in order
violated the law, but it upheld the cause of freedom to make a just and fair system for the people and a just
and dignity of the people and justice and fairness. and fair global order.

48 Previous Year Questions (2018)

Q9. You are an honest and responsible civil servant. peace, strength of character, clear conscience and
You often observe the following: brings harmony and balance in life.
(a) There is a general perception that by adhering y Realizing goals by unfair means would affect our
to ethical conduct one may face difficulties conscience and erode strength of character.
to oneself and cause problems for the family, y The safety of life and family members can also be
whereas unfair practices may help to reach the guaranteed for a person of upright character by
career goals. preventing him from being implicated on charges
(b) When the number of people adopting unfair of wrongdoing.
means is large, a small minority having a penchant y Not adhering to ethical conduct will promote
towards ethical means makes no difference. corruption and mismanagement. Moreover,
(c) Sticking to ethical means is detrimental to the strictly adherence to ethical conduct may also
larger developmental goals. create problems in professional and private
(d) While one may not involve oneself in large spheres.
unethical practices, giving and accepting small
gifts makes the system more efficient. It is indeed the general perception but not always
Examine the above statements with their merits the case. Civil servants who are adhering to ethical
and demerits. conduct face difficulties in many dimensions (personal
(250 Words, 20 Marks) or professional) in their service period but at the same
time we have many examples of people who have been
Tag: Case study honest have indeed been successful and have led a
dignified life without guilt or fear.

(a) When the number of people adopting unfair means

Answer: is large, a small minority having a penchant towards
Honesty or absolute integrity is a priceless asset ethical means makes no difference:
for a civil servant. Honesty or absolute integrity, y Even though there might be instances of a large
truthfulness and hard work without indulgences form number of corrupt people prevailing over few
an inherent part of the life of a civil servant whose sole honest individuals, it’s these few upright men that
objective is to efficiently deliver services to the public. sustain the faith of people in humanity and society.
These attributes cannot be viewed through prisms of y They act as a check against larger wrongdoings,
additional qualifiers and costs. constraining their power and also exposing and
uprooting them.
Stakeholders involved: I, as a responsible civil servant y They act as role models for larger society to adhere
and society at large. to what is correct. For example, Anna Hazare
stands tall as a crusader against corruption.
Adhering to ethical conduct one may face difficulties y When a large number of people are corrupt, a few
whereas unfair practices may help to reach career good men cannot help salvaging the situation as
goals: their voices drown in the majority.
y Devotion to ethical conduct may produce y Besides, in such a scenario upright men are
estrangement from inability to reach certain deemed as obstacle by others in achieving their
short term career goals, but mere attainment of selfish aims through unfair means. Such situations
materialistic goals cannot be the essence of life. bring the upright men in direct confrontation
y In the long run ethical conduct always helps in with such corrupt forces, sometimes risking their
achieving life’s larger goals, for instance mental values, life and career.

Previous Year Questions (2017) 49

If we think that practicing unfair means is right just Q10. You are aspiring to become an IAS officer and
because the majority of people practice it, then it calls you have cleared various stages and now you have
for a greater assessment of candidates. All those who go been selected for the personal interview. On the
by majority opinion without any concern for right and day of the interview, on the way to the venue you
wrong are more dangerous than actual perpetrators. saw an accident where a mother and child who
happen to be your relatives were badly injured.
Ethical means - detrimental to the larger They needed immediate help.
developmental ends: What would you have done in such a situation?
y To preserve the ethical values it is important that Justify your action. (250 Words, 20 Marks)
both means and ends are right.
y Working to achieve a noble goal with unethical Tag: Case study
means impinges upon the ethical fabric of
individual and society at large, prompting a person
for further compromises in the future. Answer:
y It will invoke self-confidence and belief in your Case Summary:
abilities. Makes you determined to succeed The above mentioned case is a classic example of an
because you have been through hard times. ethical dilemma that is quite common in the life of
y Ethical means may at times not in sync with the an individual, especially the ones with high moral
larger developmental goals. integrity. So, choice is about the life’s aim and saving
Doing work in an ethical and honest way will show a life.
the results over a period of time. Your measures will
certainly inspire a generation of ethical individuals. In the above case:
y Stakeholders involved: Me and the mother and
Despite seemingly ethical, giving and accepting small child.
gifts makes the system more efficient. y Ethical dilemmas: Personal cost ethical dilemma
y Sometimes corruption is not carried out overtly Vs. civic duty
but is masked in the form of these small exchanges, y Values at play: Compassion, civic and moral duty.
rendering bigger scandals probable.
y Therefore, it is essential to nip this menace in the My course of action will be:
bud. Saying no to acceptance for any form of gifts y My action will be based on the gravity of the
indicates a strong moral and ethical character accident which requires my immediate and active
preserving the trust of people in person in the long involvement.
run. y If the situation requires me to actively participate,
y Exchange of small gifts is sometimes seen as involve and take the family to the hospital, then I
essential to maintain formal relations, as a symbol will take the family to the hospital with immediate
of gratitude for the services rendered. effect.
y Not accepting gifts may be perceived to be rude, y If I need to take the action, I will try to involvemy
arrogant and at times may isolate the person from close friend or family so that a time space can be
the larger circle of this give and take culture. made available to me for interview.

In line of duty accepting gifts or favors is corruption My actions are based on aspects:
even though you may not have demanded it. This will y Ethical and moral responsibility: Every human
pave the way for a more organized way of bribing. has a duty towards another human and these
Thus, as an honest official, it becomes necessary that I responsibilities are governed by principles of
follow an ethical and honest way of doing my duty and humanity. In situations such as this where it is a
serve the society to the fullest. matter of life and death, then humanistic duties
outweigh any other duty including self-goals. In

50 Previous Year Questions (2017)

this regard saving a life is a more important action
than any other one. y In Introduction, write your general
y Family and official duties: The individual understanding of the case.
being part of my family puts extra onus on me y In Body, Mention your recommendations
forensuring their safety. My timely action can save along with merits and demerits.
two lives and a family. In addition to that, being an y Conclude, with an opinion.
aspirant for civil services, one must be ready to go
beyond for doing something that is right.
y Test of my courage and emotional management: Answer:
This will this will not be an easy task it will require Case Summary:
definitely a strong courage to see somebody The above-mentioned situation is an example of an
injured on the road at the accident site show I need ethical dilemma between professional duty and human
to gather myself emotionally to ensure that my values. The situation demands the need of a balance
actions would not yield any negative consequences. between the ability to uphold professionalism but not
Courage supported by my emotional intelligence compromise on values.
will help me rescue the family. As a Chairman, I would provide the following
recommendation to the management:
Future action:
y I will rush to the interview procedure as fast as I Recommend the company to offer compensation:
finish my part of the job and explain the situation y I would recommend the company to offer
that required my intervention. compensation. But this would set a bad precedent
among the management as well as the workers.
Thus, it would be absolutely shocking if any person To offer compensation would mean to let down
chooses any other action such as driving past the the safety regulations of the company. The
victims because there is no other job more important management may also not appreciate the payment
than saving a precious life. These values form the as they were not liable for compensation due to
foundation of civil service and aspirants are expected negligence shown by the worker.
to uphold them sincerely. y Merits: The biggest merit of this recommendation
would be upholding the values that define human
Q11. You are the head of the Human Resources beings. This will also help in sustenance of the
department of an organisation. One day one of the family members of the deceased victim.
workers died on duty. His family was demanding y Demerit: The demerit would be collapse of
compensation. However, the company denied discipline in workers. The workforces will consider
compensation because it was revealed in that it is fine to consume alcohol during working
investigation that he was drunk at the time of the hours as the management has acted leniently.
accident. The workers of the company went to
Offer Job to nearest relative:
strike demanding compensation for the family of
the deceased. The Chairman of the management y This step is actually the most suitable one because
board has asked for your recommendation. it will send a message that management will not
What recommendation would you provide the tolerate acts such as consuming of alcohol, but it
management? will also indicate the softer side of the management
Discuss the merits and demerits of each of the towards family members of staff.
recommendations. y Merits: Chances of questions asked on a company’s
(250 Words, 20 Marks) discipline will be removed altogether with this
step. This will also honor the company’s legacy
Tag: Case studies. towards employees and their families.
Decoding the Question:

Previous Year Questions (2017) 51

y Demerits: Family members may employ blackmail your response to the situation? (250 Words, 20
techniques to get more benefits from the company Marks)
Tag: Case Study
Recommendation on legal ground:
y As the worker was drunk during duty, the company
cannot be held responsible for his death. Answer:
y Merits: This may sound right as the worker was Case Summary:
bound to follow rules at the place of work. The above case study is the ethical dilemma of self-
y Demerits: However, the strike by the remaining interest/individual benefit, responsibility, intellectual
workers could affect the image and productivity integrity and negative consequences.
of the company. No matter the outcome, the trust
between workers and the management would be
lost. Stakeholders involved in the case:
y Manager of company A that is me and the company
The second option (offer a job to the nearest relative) itself
is suitable as it would be better to bring the situation y Manager of company B
under control. The workers could be placated if the kin y The motorcyclist
of the deceased would be offered a job. And also, the
company may prefer to not lose image and man days In the given situation following ethical dilemmas
due to the strike. arise:
My recommendation would be to provide options in y Personal Cost Ethical Dilemma:If I give an
the current context and the rest of the decision has honest account of incidents to the investigating
to be taken by the management. Eventually, care has authorities, the critical deal will be lost for my
to be taken to balance both the humane values and company.
discipline that the company aims to honour. y Moral Dilemma:If I do not report the incident,
fearing the loss of deal, the defaulter will not be
Q12. You are the manager of a spare parts company brought to book and the motorcyclist will not
A and you have to negotiate a deal with the be assured justice, who is critically injured. My
manager of a large manufacturing company B. conscience would prick me in the long term for
The deal is highly competitive and sealing the not taking the right action in pursuance of selfish
deal is critical for your company. The deal is interests.
being worked out over dinner. After dinner the y Legal Dilemma:Not giving the correct account
manager of manufacturing company B offered of an accident would also be legally wrong since
to drop you to the hotel in his car. On the way to an accident has taken place critically injuring a
the hotel he happens to hit a motorcycle injuring person.
the motorcyclist badly. You know the manager y Honest civilian vs Loyal Employee: Legal service
was driving fast and thus lost control. The law is one of the duties of a citizen. It is therefore
enforcement officer comes to investigate the issue necessary to decide whether to speak the truth and
and you are the sole eyewitness to it. Knowing the implicate the business partner or lie and save the
strict laws pertaining to road accidents you are company’s business.
aware that your honest account of the incident
would lead to the prosecution of the manager My Response to the Situation:
and as a consequence the deal is likely to be y The situation involves the life of a person who
jeopardised, which is of immense importance to has been critically injured and my personal
your company. interests regarding the deal, being at stake. There
What are the dilemmas you face? What will be is also a legal dimension to it as the Manager of

52 Previous Year Questions (2017)

another company was over speeding that led to the The reasons that could be attributed to such incidence
accident. on regular basis are discussed in following points:
y In this situation, I would cooperate with the y The builders make use of low quality materials
investigating agency, giving the correct details of for constructing buildings so that they can earn
the accident and let law take its own course. This large profits. Insufficient usage of basic items like
would affect the deal thereby affecting the interests cement or steel during construction will make the
of company but it would be unethical, illegal and building weak and may result in its collapse either
immoral on my part to continue a deal with the during construction or after some time.
person implicated for an accident for negligent y The ease with which rule and regulations are
driving and shield him from authorities, moreover, bypassed by the builders remains the main
it would be wrong for the motorcyclist to be denied concern. The National Building Code that provides
justice, who is critically injured despite being guidelines for regulating building construction
innocent. activities, are not adhered to by builders.
y The growth of a company can be ensured along y Apathy towards laws makes illegal construction
with adhering to moral principles of truth, justice a trend that continues to take the life of innocent
and moral uprightness, which need to be protected. citizens.
y Moreover, the standards prescribed for
Thus, I would try to take the right path regardless of construction are at best poorly defined that people
the economic consequences of this step. My action is either do not understand or are not aware of.
based on the idea that the right of life takes precedence y At the root of such incidence is unplanned
over any other issue. urbanisation that forces one to opt for
accommodation that is built illegally in face of
Q13. A building permitted for three floors, while limited choices that people get in ever expanding
being extended illegally for 6 floors by a builder, urban areas.
collapses. As a consequence, a number of innocent y Somewhere the government has also failed in
labourers including women and children died. providing affordable accommodation to citizens
These labourers are migrants from different hence they go for illegal properties.
places. The government immediately announced y Above all the builders’ moral attributes are
cash relief to the aggrieved families and arrested to be blamed in totality that finds it alright to
the builder. compromise people’s life in return for monetary
Give reasons for such incidents taking place gains.
across the country. Suggest measures to prevent
their occurrence. (250 Words, 20 Marks) Measures to prevent such occurrences:
y It is necessary to levy heavy penalties on builders
Tag: Case studies. who violate guidelines so that such incidents are
prevented from taking place. Penalties can be
followed by Jail term or cancellation of license
Answer: for discouraging illegal construction. In addition,
Infrastructure development requires following certain civic officials who permitted the construction have
guidelines that ensure minimal risk for workers as to be booked.
well as future occupants. Flouting the rules will result y Rules and regulations need to be defined in clear
in an occurrence of disaster that can put lives at risk. terms and enforced effectively. Standards defined
There are numerous incidents of building collapse in the National Building Code need to be effectively
reported across the country on a regular basis killing adhered to.
innocent laborers and people living in them. Poor and y Those who break laws should be given stringent
shoddy construction along with non-compliance of punishment to deter others from breaking such
regulations has done immense damage to the life of laws.

Previous Year Questions (2017) 53

y Citizens should be made more aware about laws Being a PIO in a government department, I observed
and rules regarding construction activities, so that there are citizens who filed RTI not for themselves
that they avoid purchasing any such illegally but on behalf of stakeholders who want to have access
constructed property/building. to information to further their own interests. There
y Crèche facilities and proper welfare mechanisms are other RTI activists who file RTI and attempt to
should be put in place for children of women extort money from the decision makers. This type
laborers working at construction sites. of RTI activism has affected the functioning of the
y Planned urbanization will go a long way in administration adversely.
addressing this concern. Satellite towns need to be
built to ease the pressure on main cities.
y The buildings have to be examined on a regular Stakeholders Involved in the case:
basis, preferably annually so that any problems in y I, as a Public Relation Officer in a government
its structure are identified and repaired. department.
y Citizens of India.
Thus, it is necessary that action is taken to avert y RTI Activists
incidents of building collapse. Such incidents not only
threaten lives of people inside them, but they also result The RTI Act has played a major role in bringing
in economic losses for the owners, who have invested transparency and accountability in the system. It has
their life savings. allowed a common citizen to seek answers to questions
from the government and scrutinize the decision
Q14. You are a Public Information Officer (PIO) in making. The Act has also helped in exposing serious
a government department. You are aware that scams as well. However, it has also been seen that there
the RTI Act, 2005 envisages transparency and is a spurt in the filing of the RTI application for their
accountability in administration. The act has private interest. But these RTIs have also been used for
functioned as a check on the supposedly arbitrarily the blackmailing of the officers.
administrative behaviour and actions. However,
as a PIO you have observed that there are citizens Measures to separate genuine and non-genuine
who filed RTI applications not for themselves but applications:
on behalf of such stakeholders who purportedly y Formation of a task force: Form a taskforce to
want to have access to information to further their look into the issue before filing the RTI. Moreover,
own interests. At the same time there are those it should ask the RTI applicant to disclose his/her
RTI activists who routinely file RTI applications personal or professional interest.
and attempt to extort money from the decision ○ Merits: Scrutinising the people who are
makers. This type of RTI activism has affected involved in misuse of RTI and other
the functioning of the administration adversely wrongdoings.
and also possibly jeopardizes the genuineness of ○ Demerits: This will make the process more
the applications which are essentially aimed at tedious for the genuine RTIs and it will also
getting justice. prevent the honest RTI activists from filing
What measures would you suggest to separate applications.
genuine and non-genuine applications? Give the y Maintain Records of Activists: Need to maintain
merits and demerits of your suggestions. (250 the past records of activists. When any activists file
Words, 20 Marks) a RTI, it will be easy for the authority to identify
the purpose of RTI filings.
Tag: Case Study ○ Merits: Help to find out the actual reason
for RTI filings based on the previous filling
Answer: ○ Demerits: This is going to add another burden
Case Summary: of task with the officials.

54 Previous Year Questions (2017)

y Changes in fee: Some changes in charges and fees The above steps will help in segregating genuine
associated with providing information can be applications from the non genuine ones and will
made in the law. There should be no changes in the help take the effective actions accordingly. However
fee for initial filing of the applications. But if they in the given question, there are RTI activists who are
are found to be false or serving the vested interests attempting to extort money from the decision makers.
of someone in later investigations, then a suitable It indicates the systemic flaws in the government
monetary fine may be imposed. department itself. Besides it points to the fact that
○ Merit: It will act as a restraint on insincere decision makers want to hide the information as it
and dishonest applicants and hit others might expose the wrongdoings in the governance.
economically for wrong doing. Therefore the governance itself should be reformed
○ Demerit: It will create a divide and and transparency and accountability should never be
discrimination between rich and poor people. forsaken. The genuine applicants must be provided
Economically well off and non genuine with the requisite information. Better option would be
applicants will not hesitate to file applications to play a proactive role and put most of the information
while the poor will be discouraged to do so. that is not exempted under the act in the public domain
for easy accessibility by the public.

Previous Year Questions (2017) 55

Q9. A fresh engineering graduate gets a job in a Arguments in favour of not keeping quiet are as
prestigious chemical industry. She likes the work. follows:
The salary is also good. However, after a few y Keeping quiet is not morally right because the
months she accidentally discovers that a highly decision of giving a blind eye to the situation is
toxic waste is being secretly discharged into a river incorrect as water pollution is affecting the lives
nearby. This is causing health problems to the of many villagers including children. It is also
villagers downstream who depend on the river for affecting the environment.
their water needs. She is perturbed and mentions y Keeping quiet for the sake of career and salary is
her concern to her colleagues who have been with unbecoming as due to this selfish act many lives
the company for longer periods. They advise her are at risk.
to keep quiet as anyone who mentions the topic is y It is not morally right to keep quiet, because the
summarily dismissed. She cannot risk losing her education that got her this job is not only for a
job as she is the sole bread-winner for her family good salary but to serve society.
and has to support her ailing parents and siblings. y The popullated river can cause life threatening
At first, she thinks that if her seniors are keeping disease. Therefore, as an engineer she has more
quiet, why should she stick out her neck. But her scope to find remedies to treat toxic chemicals.
conscience pricks her to do something to save
the river and the people who depend upon it. At Course of action that I would advise her:
heart she feels that the advice of silence given by y She should do some groundwork,like talking
her friends is not correct though she cannot give to villagers, the health problems faced by them,
reasons for it. She thinks you are a wise person testing the level of toxicity of rivers and must make
and seeks your advice. a report. She can show the report to her immediate
What arguments can you advance to show her that senior to remind the company of the environment
keeping quiet is not morally right? laws as well as corporate social responsibility.
What course of action would you advise her to adopt y Even after the report seniors are indifferent
and why? (250 Words, 20 Marks) towards this issue, the report can be submitted in
a government organization like National Green
Tag: Case Study Tribunal (NGT).
y She has also the option to inform the district
administration of the same wrongdoing and seek
Answer: their help.
Case Summary: y She can take assistance from the local Non
This case is related to an ethical dilemma between job Government Organization (NGO) as well as the
security or working for the greatest good of the people media to create pressure on the company.
(villagers) or for the society. Either she has to take y Other jobs can be persuaded and the Public
the side of the villagers who depend on the river for Interest Litigation (PIL) on the above stated issue
their livelihood and get affected due to pollution or to can be filed in the court submitting proper data
keep quiet and save her job. Absolute morality is not and records.
Her conduct may be ethical and moral but there is a
Stakeholders Involved: risk of losing her job. So, simultaneously she can start
y A fresh engineering graduate looking for a new job since even if the complaints go
y Her colleague unheard she might not continue in the company on
y Villagers moral grounds.

Previous Year Questions (2016) 56

y The cultural structure of the tribal community
Q10. Land needed for mining, dams and other large- should be preserved while formulating
scale projects is acquired mostly from Adivasis, rehabilitation policy.
hill dwellers and rural communities. The displaced y Compensation should not be equated with
persons are paid monetary compensation as monetary compensation alone, proper vocational
per the legal provisions. However, the payment and skill development training should be provided.
is often tardy. In any case, it cannot sustain the
displaced families for long. These people do not Thus the steps which can be initiated are:
possess marketable skills to engage in some other y Rehabilitation planning before displacement;
accusation. They end up as low paid migrant y Skill development support and choice in project
laborers. Moreover, their development goes to jobs;
industries, industrialists and urban communities y Option for stocks in companies implementing
whereas the costs are passed on to these poor projects to affected families;
helpless people. This unjust distribution of costs y Providing housing benefits to all affected families;
and benefits is unethical. y Monthly pension to all vulnerables, such as
Suppose you have been entrusted with the disabled, destitute, orphans, widows, unmarried
task of drafting a better compensation-cum- girls;
rehabilitation policy for such displaced persons, y Resettlement areas necessary infrastructural
how would you approach the problem and what facilities and amenities.
would be the main elements of your suggested y Initiate livelihood generation programmes such as
policy? (250 Words, 20 Marks) initiation of financial inclusion drive or formation
of Self Help Groups;
Tag: Case Study y Deliver a basic education for all people and
outreach initiatives to create awareness about their
rights provided under different laws, programmes
Answer: and policies.
Case Summary:
Land needed for mining and large scale projects It can be understood that any development which does
is acquired from adivasis, hill dwellers and rural not cater to the needs in a holistic manner is bound to
communities by paying monetary compensation is yield skewed results. Therefore the policy must have
less and often tardy. The compensation which they this holistic sight only then implementation can be
get is very less to sustain a good life and due to lack realized.
of marketable skills, they end up as migrant laborers.
Their development goes to industries but cost is passed Q11. Suppose you are an officer in-charge of
on to the poor people. I am entrusted with the task implementing a social service scheme to provide
of drafting a better compensation-cum- rehabilitation support to old and destitute women. An old and
policy for such displaced persons. illiterate woman comes to you to avail the benefits
of the scheme. However, she has no documents to
Stakeholders involved in the case: show that she fulfils the eligibility-criteria. But
y Adivasis, hill dwellers and rural communities. after meeting her and listening to her you feel
y Industrialists that she certainly needs support. Your enquiries
y Urban Communities. also show that she is really destitute and living in
a pitiable condition. You are in a dilemma as to
The compensation-cum-rehabilitation policy should what to do. Putting her under the scheme without
be based on the following principles: necessary documents would clearly be a violation
y Rehabilitation of tribals with proper plan of basic of rules. But denying her the support would be
amenities. cruel and inhuman.

Previous Year Questions (2016) 57

Can you think of a rational way to resolve this it does not mean that honest and needy individuals
dilemma? without necessary documents cannot live with
Give your reasons for it. (250 Words, 20 Marks) dignity. The need to handle such extreme cases
based on humanity.
Tag: Case studies. y Professional Duty: My duty does not conclude
within office, profession requiress me to be ready
to work even beyond condition being legitimate
Answer: and justifiable actions.
The given case is an example of an ethical dilemma y Empathy: Every human has sympathy towards
that a person faces between professional ethics and the emotions of other human, especially towards
empathy towards others. You want to perform your the helpless. Empathy will allow us to overcome
duty honestly but sometimes cases arise that may force barriers and perform our duties that lie beyond
you to overcome rules and guidelines. In such times our immediate control.
these moral dilemmas arise.
Thus, balance professional duty and human duty is the
Stakeholders involved in the Case: way. Our human inclinations must take over whenever
y I am the officer-in-charge of implementing a social professional tendencies fail to address the issue.
service scheme.
y An old and illiterate woman. Q12. You are a young, aspiring and sincere employee
in a Government office working as an assistant to
My course of action: the director of your department. Since you have
y The first and the foremost step would be to analyse joined recently, you need to learn and progress.
if any guidelines exist to deal with such a condition Luckily your superior is very kind and ready to
or one that allows exception. train you for your job. He is a very intelligent
y If there are no such guidelines, it means that I and well-informed person having knowledge of
cannot agree to continue the procedure without various departments. In short, you respect your
the due documents and evidence and my duty on boss and are looking forward to learn a lot from
a professional note ends here. him. Since you have good tuning with the boss,
y Considering that the person is a genuine needy he started depending on you. One day due to ill
person, I would be compelled to take certain health he invited you to his place to finish some
actions which may not be under my official urgent work. You reached his house and before
jurisdiction. you could ring the bell you heard shouting noises.
y I would look for alternative foundations or NGOs You waited for a while. After entering the house
that provide similar social service schemes to poor the boss greeted you and explained the work. But
and destitute women. This will be outside my duty, you were constantly disturbed by the crying of a
but exceptions can be made in special cases such woman. At last, you inquired with the boss but
as this. his answer did not satisfy you. Next day, you were
y I would personally guarantee the genuine nature compelled to inquire further in the office and
of the person in question so that she receives her found out that his behavior is very bad at home
benefits without fail. with his wife. He also beats up his wife. His wife
y All this will not be in my official capacity but as is not well educated and is a simple woman in
a concerned citizen looking for an opportunity to comparison to her husband. You see that though
improve the lives of those who have less resources your boss is a nice person in the office, he is
to survive. engaged in domestic violence at home.
In such a situation, you are left with the
Reasons for my action: following options. Analyse each option with its
y Humanity: Government schemes suffer with red consequences.
tapism and unnecessary rules and regulations. But

58 Previous Year Questions (2016)

(a) Just ignore thinking about it because it is are chances that my case may be heard or it may
their personal matter. be dismissed as everyone else including the higher
(b) Report the case to the appropriate authority. authorities may be already aware of such callous
(c) Your own innovative approach towards the behaviour of my boss.
situation. (250 Words, 20 Marks) y If it is heard, then that can pave way for justice for
the victim, but in case it is ignored, it may create
Tag: Case Study problems for me in the short run, however, even in
that scenario I would like to take the case further
for the sake of gaining justice for the oppressed.
The case here presents two faces of a man in his Your own innovative approach towards situation
professional and personal life. For a public servant a y Since the boss is good to me, I would try to gather
dilemma is created here between following the call of as much information about that strange behaviour
inner conscience against domestic violence and keeping of my boss as I can. If the findings turn out to be
the professional relation intact. If I follow the voice of in little favour to the boss, I would try to arrange
my conscience it will deteriorate my relationship with a personal meeting with the boss to propose some
my boss which may hamper my career and efficiency prospective solutions to the problem such as
in public service and If I keep quiet it will be against meeting a doctor or so.
the values and duties of a citizen to report the crime. y I will approach my to his wife and make her aware
of her rights especially under the Protection of
Stakeholders involved in the case: Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005. The
y I,working as a assistant to the director wife is not educated, she may not be aware of
y The director of my department. her legal rights and therefore, informing her is
y A woman, wife of my boss. important so that she can herself file a case against
her husband.
As an assistant to the officer, the options available to y I will also try to engage my boss to help change
me are: his mindset by explaining to him the implications
Ignore thinking about it because it is their personal of his actions and also getting him in touch with
matter his relatives and friends to persuade him to see the
y As the boss is a good employee at work and there wrongness of his behavior so that he is dissuaded
are no such complaints regarding his behaviour from doing something similar in future.
with fellow workers, I might ignore it considering
the incident as his personal matter. That however, Q13. ABC Ltd. Is a large transnational company
shows that I am only confined to professional having diversified business activities with a huge
ethics, whereas personal ethics has no existence shareholder base. The company is continuously
for me. expanding and generating employment. The
y In such a situation I may not have to worry about company, in its expansion and diversification
any pressure from my boss, however the internal programme, decides to establish a new plant at
conflicts with my own soul would throttle me Vikaspuri, an area which is underdeveloped.
every other moment. The opportunity of saving The new plant is designed to use energy efficient
someone from cruelty was granted to me, however technology that will help the company to save
losing in knowingly will be immoral. This will production cost by 20%. The company’s decision
further decide my attitude towards any such issue goes well with the Government policy of attracting
& force me to make an indifferent person. investment to develop such underdeveloped
regions. The government has also announced a
Report the case to the appropriate authority tax holiday for five years for the companies that
y If inspired by overwhelming thoughts within me, invest in underdeveloped areas. However, the
I report the case to appropriate authorities. There new plant may bring chaos for the inhabitants of

Previous Year Questions (2016) 59

Vikaspuri region, which is otherwise tranquil. The concern:
new plant may result in increased cost of living, y Environment impact assessment should be
aliens migrating to the region, disturbing the conducted in the first place with a non-partisan
social and economic order. The company sensing approach.
the possible protest tried to educate the people of y Government and Company must work in tandem
Vikaspuri region and public in general that how to ensure that the problems of the residents
its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy are taken care of through the CSR programs.
would help overcome the likely difficulties of the However, CSR programs alone will not be able to
residents of Vikaspuri region. In spite of this the do much, so correct initiatives must be taken by
protests began and some of the residents decided the government too.
to approach the judiciary as their plea before the y Legislative representatives of the area should
Government did not yield any result. accompany the company officials when
Identify the issues involved in the case. information camps about the project are set up to
What can be suggested to satisfy the company’s develop a sense of belief amongst the residents. If
goal and to address the residents’ concern? the residents are convinced that the intentions are
(300 Words, 25 marks) as genuine as the talks they will not be bothered
with the project.
Tag: Case Study Blockade always arises due to lack of faith and doubt
on the intentions of the company, which is always
seen as profit making. To negate this company should
Answer: adhere to its promises which in turn will be benevolent
The business should include a sense of social for both the parties. Such cases bring in the question
responsibility. Social responsibility is an obligation that of right of life versus development of community.
industries have to act in ways that benefit the society. For example, lands were acquired by the Andhra
It means that businesses have a compulsion to help out government for developing the capital city of Amravati
the poor, or to help clean up the environment because and they were promised that 20% of their land will be
a lot they extract from society and the environment to returned after being developed. Such initiatives instill
grow economically. confidence in people, and they would eventually not
oppose such development.
Issues involved in this case: Q14. Saraswati was a successful IT professional in
y Due to limited livelihood options, increased cost of the USA. Moved by the patriotic sense of doing
living for the people most of which might belong something for the country she returned to India.
to lower middle-class strata or below will become Together with some other like minded friends,
a major problem to handle. she formed an NGO to build a school for a poor
y Since the area is already underdeveloped resources rural community. The objective of the school was
like land, water, public services like health, to provide the best quality modern education at a
education, a planned sewer management system nominal cost. She soon discovered that she had to
will be inadequate. An under planned area with seek permission from a number of Government
sudden migration of people will not be able to agencies. The rules and procedures were quite
cater to the basic needs like health, residence or confusing and cumbersome. What frustrated her
education for the people which is known to have most was delays, callous attitude of officials and
long term effects. constant demand for bribes. Her experience and
y Though the company claims to tackle all the the experience of many others like her has deterred
difficulties through CSR, construction of basic people from taking up social service projects.
infrastructure can take a lot of time which may A measure of Government control over voluntary
further add to the chaos. social work is necessary. But it should not be
exercised in a coercive and corrupt manner.
Ways to satisfy company’s goals to address resident’s What measures can you suggest to ensure that

60 Previous Year Questions (2016)

due control is exercised but well meaning, honest y Corrupt NGOs that receive foreign funds may
NGO efforts are not thwarted? (300 Words, 25 serve as nodes and networks for money laundering.
Marks). y NGOs have acted as a cover for organised crimes
in the past and are often seen as fronts for extremist
Tag: Case Studies causes.
There are many NGOs or social organizations, who
really work at the ground and make significant
Answer: positive impact in the society and there are a few
The issue discussed in the case is faced by individuals, who are involved in various crimes and fraudulent
intended to work for the welfare of the society and activities. Therefore, government’s control over NGO’s
for the country but gets stuck up in red tape and is necessary but it should not be exercised in a coercive
bureaucratic apathy. The novel intentions such as and corrupt manner.
building a school for poorer sections without aiming
for profit, facing such a problem shows that selflessness My suggested measures are:
also has a price. y There is a need to establish a single window
clearance mechanism to reduce the registration
Stakeholder in the case: time.
y Saraswati, a successful IT professional and few of y A National Accreditation Council including
her like minded friends. academicians, activists, retired bureaucrats etc.,
y NGO formed by Saraswati. must be set up to ensure compliance by the NGOs.
y Government agencies. y A centralized system can be designed for
Cases of connection of NGO in corruption and mis- registration of NGOs and then they can be linked
utilisation of funds are on increase. However, there with respective ministries to improve coordination
are many genuine initiatives also which require and transparency in funding patterns.
government support to initiate positive steps for the y The funding mechanism from the donors should
betterment of the marginalized people. involve accountablity and money beyond a certain
amount should be disclosed to the government.
A measure of Government control over voluntary y Third party Audit mechanisms should be
social work is necessary because: made mandatory so that genuine efforts can be
y To ensure transparency in financial transactions differentiated properly with malpractices.
or deals. According to a CBI investigation, only y Changes ought to be proposed in the management
10% of the total registered NGOs under the Social and marketing of the NGOs.
Registration Act file annual financial statements. A new outline has to be framed to look into works
y Most of the NGOs that are funded by foreign of charity that does not involve any alleged financial
sources are accused of organising agitations and misappropriation. Therefore, the measures of the
preventing developmental projects in India. It is government must be intended at rebuilding the trust
often said that these NGOs are used by foreign with philanthropists so that society will not suffer due
countries to create propaganda to stall the to tussle between government and social organizations.
developmental projects.

Previous Year Questions (2016) 61

Q9. A private company is known for its efficiency, Ethical Issues/Ethical Dilemmas: Integrity of the
transparency and employee welfare. The post, accountability towards company, safety and
company, though owned by a private individual, employment rights of workers, transparency of
has a cooperative character where employees selection process.
feel a sense of ownership. The company employs
nearly 700 personnel and they have voluntarily (a) Assume you are the CEO of the company. What
decided not to form a union. would you do to diffuse the volatile situation on the
One day suddenly in the morning, about 40 men date of gate crashing with the violent mob sitting
belonging to a political party gate-crashed into inside the company premises?
the factory demanding jobs in the factory. They As the CEO of the company, it would be my
threatened the management and employees, responsibility to exhibit leadership in such situations
and also used foul language. The employees feel which puts my employees at risk and I need to be
demoralized. It was clear that those people who courageous in taking a stand for my company and my
gate-crashed wanted to be on the payroll of the people. I would take the following steps to diffuse the
company as well as continue as the volunteers/ aggravated situation:
members of the party. y Bringing in the Emotional Intelligence
The company maintains high standards in Component: In such volatile situations, Emotional
integrity and does not extend favours to civil intelligence (EI) can help cope with pressure
administration that also includes law enforcement and stress by understanding and managing the
agency. Such incidents occur in the public sector emotions of myself and that of the employees.
also. (250 Words, 20 Marks) ○ I will arrange a meeting with the chief of the
(a) Assume you are the CEO of the company. mob and try to convince him about the panic
What would you do to diffuse the volatile situation they are creating in the premises.
situation on the date of gate crashing with ○ I will try to communicate effectively to him
the violent mob sitting inside the company the recruitment policies of the company. This
premises? would be done primarily to buy some time and
(b) What can be the long term solution to the keep them calm as the safety of my employees
issue discussed in the case? is my first priority. Also, with EI I can prioritize
(c) Every solution/action that you suggest will that vulnerable among employees are taken
have a negative and a positive impact on you care of.
as (CEO), the employees and the performance y Informing the Police: Since the situation involves
of the employees. Analyse the consequences law and order problems, I will inform the police
of each of your suggested actions. about it. If the issue is resolved peacefully then
fine, otherwise police may take suitable action to
Tags: Case Studies tackle the menace in the premises.
y Talk with the Political Leader: I will call the
Case Summary: I am the CEO of a private company. political leader, informing my inability to provide
The company was stormed by a mob of 40 persons jobs to the men. I will also request him to call back
belonging to a political party and demanding jobs in his party members, as on his orders, they will agree
the factory. The company maintains high standards in to leave.
integrity and doesn’t extend favours to anyone.
Stakeholders: CEO of the Private Company, (b) What can be the long term solution to the issue
management and employees, 40 men belonging to a discussed in the case?
political party and political party.

Previous Year Questions (2015) 62

Following steps can be taken in the long term to uplift Action Plan 2: Issuing strict guidelines regarding
the morale of the employees, to ensure and uphold the Recruitment Policy.
values of non-partisanship and to also take advantage Merits:
of technological advancements to eventually leading y It will foster the cooperative character of the
to effective and uninterrupted implementation of the company and also instill a sense of confidence
company’s targets and vision: among the employees.
y I will put a detailed security department within the y Our organizational values will be clearly spelt out
factory premises providing them all the modern for everyone.
facilities like CCTVs and also extra security Demerits:
personnel for securing the company with any such y It may not be that much effective for outside
attacks in the future. people.
y I will issue strict guidelines regarding the y There is a possibility of ego clashes and passing
recruitment policy of the company. This will down wrong information.
sensitize the people regarding our organizational
values. Action Plan 3: Approach the head of Local District
y Approach the head of local district administration Administration.
and request him to maintain law and order Merits: This will be a positive way and should be
situation in the region. welcomed by all the employees. Involvement of district
y I will also take help from the media, to make the administration will create a sense of security among
issue public. It will help in preventing any such the employees.
attempt in the future since no political party would Demerits: This act might annoy the leaders of the
want to gain negative publicity. political party and relations with them might suffer.
y Motivating employees from time to time, working The fallout of this action might put my life in danger
towards employee welfare by organising events as well.
and activities to make sure they feel a sense of
attachment to the company and its vision. Action Plan 4: Assistance from Media.
Merits: It will help in preventing any such attempt
(c) Every solution/action that you suggest will have a
in the future since no political party would risk their
negative and a positive impact on you as (CEO), the
reputation in the society.
employees and the performance of the employees.
Demerits: This act might annoy the leaders of the
Analyse the consequences of each of your suggested
political party and may backfire for the company.
Evaluation of the consequences is as follows: Action Plan 5: Employee Welfare and Brotherhood.
Merits: This step could ensure brotherhood among
Action Plan 1: Detailed Security Department.
employees which could prove to be a strength for the
Merits: company in difficult times whenever encountered.
y It will boost the morale of employees, as there will Demerits: This may or may not be able to involve
be a sense of security among them. all the employees in an inclusive manner because
y It will help in maintaining the performance of the of differences and biases and in turn could prove to
company at highest standards. be a measure, not as effective in implementation as
Demerits: I would need investment in installing planned.
CCTV cameras and appointment of more security
personnel, which would put extra financial burden on Taking care of the responsibilities at hand and to ensure
the company. farfetched goals being met in vision, Professional Ethics
in the form of above discussed steps can help ensure
proper and uninterrupted functioning of the company,
even when presented with difficult situations.

Previous Year Questions (2015) 63

Q10. You are the Sarpanch of a Panchayat. There is represents the evidence, ideologies, and aspirations
a primary school run by the government in your that individuals take for granted and use to make
area. Midday meals are provided to children decisions. Interventions can target them to promote
attending the school. The headmaster has now developmental and ethical objectives eventually
appointed a new cook in the school to prepare leading to development of a country.
the meals. However, when it is found that cook is y Involving the Government Bodies and
from Dalit community, almost half of the children Authorities: As the Sarpanch of the village, it is my
belonging to higher castes are not allowed to duty to bring the matter and consequences of such
take meals by their parents. Consequently the an evil practice into the notice of the gram Sabha
attendance in the schools falls sharply. This could members, so that appropriate measures can be
result in the possibility of discontinuation of taken. Government must be also be pressured to
midday meal scheme, thereafter of teaching staff take measures to make local police and judiciary
and subsequent closing down the school. (250 corruption free and unbiased, so that enforcement
Words, 20 Marks) of laws such as the Prevention of Atrocities Act,
(a) Discuss some feasible strategies to overcome can be ensured.
the conflict and to create the right ambiance. y Ensuring Right to Education and necessary
(b) What should be the responsibilities of Learnings: Schools and educational institutes as
different social segments and agencies to well as family should be encouraged to inculcate
create positive social ambiance for accepting moral values among children to strengthen
such changes? their Social Values from an early age. The future
generation must be aware about the ill-effects of
Tags: Case Studies discrimination. Parents should be persuaded to
adhere to the fundamental duty of sending their
Case Summary: I am the Sarpanch of a Panchayat. A children to school.
primary school run by the government had provision y Changing Attitude of People: Mental models and
of Midday meals being provided to children attending social beliefs and practices often become deeply
the school, almost half of which belong to higher caste. rooted in individuals. The caste discrimination
School had a cook appointed from the Dalit community can be eliminated through changing attitudes of
becase of which parents refused children to take meals people. I would use social influence and persuasion
resulting in attendance falling short and school may be techniques for achieving this. For example, social
closed down due to eventual dysfunction. proof, reciprocity, dissemination of information,
Stakeholders: Sarpanch of the Panchayat,Government, breaking stereotypes, etc., can be used.
Cook, Dalit Community, Children attending the y Community Gathering and Cultural Festivals: The
school, Headmaster and the Teaching Staff. barriers dividing society into various segments can
Ethical Issues/Ethical Dilemmas: Integrity of the be overcome only when there is more interaction
institution, accountability towards students and among people. Festivals provide an opportunity
society, Mental models, Social constructs, Caste for everyone to come closer.
Divide, Untouchability. y Leading by Example: If the sarpanch is willing to
The situation mentioned in the case portrays the walk the extra mile to set an example, others will
practice of untouchability, an age-old traditional also be ready to accept change. Being Sarpanch
practice, mainly in rural India. There is an urgent need of the village, my first step will be to ensure that
to curb this practice before it ends up tearing the social I become an example for others to follow. I will
fabric of India. encourage and send children from my family to
the school and consume food cooked by the new
(a) Discuss some feasible strategies to overcome the cook.
conflict and to create the right ambiance. y Legal Course: This has to be the last resort. It may
Social relations and structures, in turn, are the basis create problems between villagers but considering
of socially constructed “common sense,” which

64 Previous Year Questions (2015)

the need for proving the seriousness of equality, it by various social agencies where participation of every
needs to be carried out. community, including Dalits, should be promoted
and an atmosphere of respect and confidence can be
(b) What should be the responsibilities of different created in the society.
social segments and agencies to create positive social
ambiance for accepting such changes? Q11. One of the scientists working in the R&D
Strong belief system that is not in conformity with laboratory of a major pharmaceutical company
constitutionally enshrined ideals is the reason for such discovers that one of the company’s best selling
issues prevalent in the society, even today. In order veterinary drugs has the potential to cure
to create positive social ambience for such changes, a currently incurable liver disease which is
various social agencies like families, education institutes prevalent in tribal areas. However, developing
and local self government institutes should take some a variant of the drug suitable for human beings
proactive steps and have certain responsibilities such entailed a lot of research and development having
as: a huge expenditure to the extent of Rs. 50 crores.
y Interaction with Influential Person: Parents’ It was unlikely that the company would recover
attitude needs to be moulded to the changing times. the cost as the disease was rampant only in
For this a well respected learned person, such as poverty stricken areas having very little market
District Collector can be requested to meet people otherwise. (250 Words, 20 Marks)
and try to persuade them of their action which is If you were the CEO, then
even violative of some laws and constitution. (a) Identify the various actions that you could
y Role of the Village Head: As sarpanch of take;
panchayat, I should abide by the Indian Laws and (b) Evaluate the pros and cons of each of your
Constitution I will act in the authority of my power actions.
to take action to curb caste discrimination in
society , which will make our society much more Tags: Case Studies
mature and rational.
y Education system and responsibility of Teachers: Case Summary: I am the CEO of a major
Our education system must focus more on pharmaceutical company. One of the scientists in my
propagating social elements such as equality in company discovers a potential drug to cure a currently
society and values of fraternity and brotherhood. incurable liver disease. Developing the variant of
If these values are inculcated in students they can drug required R&D worth extending Rs. 50 crores.
become better citizens. The Company cannot recover the cost as there’s little
y Responsibility of Reformers: It would be to teach market since disease is only prevalent in tribal areas.
children the value of reforms and religion. Stakeholders: Pharmaceutical Company ,CEO of the
y Responsibility of Administration: It would be to company, Scientist working in the R&D laboratory,
treat every person equally without regard to caste, people living in the tribal areas.
to enshrine equality. Ethical Issues/Ethical Dilemmas: Professional Ethics
y Responsibility of NGOs: It would be to undertake v/s Personal Ethics
awareness campaigns and to make people aware
of the disadvantages of such acts on society and (a) Identify the various actions that you could take;
children’s minds. My first action will be to adhere to my duties and
y Media(Local Newspaper): It could help by professional ethics, that is to serve my company and to
highlighting the case on media with negative ensure its maximum profit. Though, this should not be
effects of caste discrimination, so as to make inconsistent to my personal ethics which derives from
parents realise that whatever they are doing is my societal obligations and my conscience. This will
incorrect. confirm that I fulfil my professional responsibilities
In order to promote harmony and respect, social as a CEO, while also confirming fulfilment of my
functions and cultural programmes should be organised

Previous Year Questions (2015) 65

individual ethics - empathy and compassion for the possibility that nobody would care if a company
vulnerable. I could do this in the following ways: dedicated a drug to fight a disease in some obscure
y Doing a cost-benefit analysis on the profitability of tribal area. The financial risk of the project is
the medicine, as the medicine can be subsidized by inflated further.
the government under their public health services. Action Plan 3: Collaboration with a Foreign Firm.
Also I would look for any of the foundations who Merits:
could be ready to fund the project. y Not just the poor of India, but the whole world will
y Covering the viability gap under my company’s benefit.
Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) so that my y The problem can be solved in a holistic manner.
company keeps the patents for that drug while Demerits:
allowing affordable access to most needy people. y Issues of Intellectual property rights may obstruct
I will also use this opportunity to build the brand the functioning of this collaboration.
value of the company by adequate advertisement y Foreign companies may sell the drug at higher
of the initiative by asking the Advertising and prices.
Corporate Communications team to assess the Action Plan 4: Help from common people and funds
possible benefits and do the required brand value through sale of products.
enhancement. Merits:
y I will try to collaborate with foreign company that y Pool for social activities will be created.
shares a similar vision on this matter. y Good publicity of the company will be ensured
y Appealing common people through media and through this initiative.
NGOs for collaboration and funds through sale of y Increase in sales and profits which then could be
products. transferred to the project.
(b) Evaluate the pros and cons of each of your actions. y It may also decrease the sale as the price of the
Evaluation of the consequences is as follows: company’s products will be increased.
Action Plan 1: Taking benefit of the subsidy from the y This may take a long time to collect necessary
government. funds for the project implementation.
Merits: This would help the poverty-stricken tribals to
recover from the disease and also ensure my company’s To ensure public goodwill for my company as well
money is recovered. as affordable access. Compromises have to be struck
Demerits: My company won’t be able to make between the profit motive of my company and the
exorbitant profits. public good in a way that both benefit from each other
Action Plan 2: Company’s policy of Corporate Social in a complementary manner. This will also create a
Responsibility(CSR). precedent for others to follow who are faced with such
Merits: a dilemma thus increasing social capital and trust in
y This will build a soft place for the company in the society.
minds of the people. It will help the other products
and increase the status of the company. Q12. There is a disaster prone state having frequent
y At a cost of 50 Crores plus Ad spends, this has landslides, forest fires, cloudbursts, flash floods
the potential of giving a boost to the company’s and earthquakes, etc. Some of these are seasonal
image in the country as well as on the global scale. and often unpredictable. The magnitude of the
Whatever is lost in cash would be gained in the disaster is always unanticipated. During one
form of a positive brand image. of the seasons a cloudburst caused devastating
Demerits: floods and landslides leading to high casualties.
y Loss/Expenditure to the company in the short There was major damage to infrastructure like
run. roads, bridges and power generating units. This
y This endeavor stands the chance of being totally led to more than 100000 pilgrims, tourists and
neglected by the media and public alike. There’s a other locals trapped across different routes and

66 Previous Year Questions (2015)

locations. The people trapped in your area of 2) Senior Citizens
responsibility include senior citizens, patients in y They are valuable members of society, and cannot
hospitals, women and children, hikers, tourists, be left without help for too long because they are
ruling parties, regional presidents along with physically as well as emotionally feeble.
his family, additional chief secretary of the y They are also vulnerable because of their age and
neighboring state and prisoners in jail. have a tendency to be left behind by the people.
As a civil services officer of the state, what would Thus, priority shall be given to them.
be the order in which you would rescue these
people and why? Give Justifications. (200 Words, 3) Women and Children
20 Marks) y Children are our future generation, and hence
they must be rescued first of all.
Tags: Case Studies y Women and Children are highly vulnerable during
disasters, not just physically but emotionally as
Case Summary: I am the civil service officer of the well.
disaster-prone state. Th cloudburst caused devastating
floods and landslides leading to high casualties along 4) Prisoners in jail
with major damage to infrastructure. The people y Since they are in jail, their mobility is highly
trapped in my area of responsibility include people restricted because of the structure of the institution.
from varying vulnerability groups. This makes them vulnerable in disaster situations
Stakeholders: Civil Services Officer, senior citizens, and there’s a chance that they may get stuck and
patients in hospitals, women and children, hikers, lose their lives.
tourists, ruling parties, regional presidents along y Even though they are prisoners, they are still human
with their family, Additional Chief Secretary of the beings. So, they must be rescued, considering their
neighboring state and prisoners in jail. vulnerability.
Ethical Issues/Ethical Dilemmas: Leverage to the y But provisions must be made for them to not take
political-backed people, Dilemma of rescuing people advantage of the situation and escape in the less
in different vulnerability groups, Maintaining an capacity of the administration.
environment of calm, Avoiding Panic.
Situations like these of natural calamities pose a 5) Tourists
problem to the administration and rescue of the people y Because they lack any means to tackle the disaster
affected by it. And since there are people with varying themselves and are also unaware of the topography
vulnerabilities, this task would come with different of the area, they have to be rescued next. Since they
challenges to its implementation. I will maintain my know very little about the local conditions and may
calm and be responsible and aware about the difficulties lack acquaintances in the region, efforts should be
of different groups involved here and would prove to made to mobilize them for their evacuation.
be a good leader when the times are difficult to keep y But, since they are healthy, they can wait till other
myself and my team motivated and also to avoid the more vulnerable people are rescued.
situation of panic. I will follow the following sequence
for the rescue operation. 6) Ruling party’s Regional President with his family
y Since he has political linkages and resources of
1) Patients in Hospitals
his party at his disposal, he can mobilise workers
y They are highly vulnerable during disasters, and use additional resources for the aid of
because of their inability to take care of themselves. administration at the time of a disaster and help in
So , they should be rescued first,even before disaster management.
women and children. y He can also make temporary arrangements for
y Since their number is less and the position is the safety of his family in that capacity till other
known, it will be easy for the relief team to evacuate vulnerable people are rescued.
them with fewer effort.

Previous Year Questions (2015) 67

y But since he has a family with him, which includes into a larger residential area. The development
women and children, I will rescue them after the charges on the existing plot, at the fort, will be
elderly have been rescued while the President very high and the question of heritage site has not
himself can wait until others above him on the been addressed. Moreover, the Sarpanch, at the
vulnerability priority list are rescued. time of acquisition of the land, was a relative of
your predecessor. The whole transaction appears
7) Chief Secretary of other state to have been done with some vested interest. (250
y He has been well trained to handle situations like Words, 25 Marks)
these, hence this priority level for him. (a) List the likely vested interest of the concerned
y Also, he can help in rescue operations since he parties.
has experience in this regard and also is dutifully (b) Some of the options for action available to
bound for his services. you are listed below. Discuss the merits and
demerits of each of the options:
8) Hikers (i) You can await the visit of the superior officer
y Being physically fit and well trained and equipped and let him take a decision.
to tackle these situations and also the challenging (ii) You can seek his advice in writing or on the
terrain, they can be risked to rescue at the last. phone.
y They can also help in the rescue operation and can (iii) You can consult your predecessor/ colleagues,
wait till others are rescued and are safe. etc., and then decide what to do.
So, I will conduct the rescue operation according to the (iv) You can find out if any alternate plot can be got
above mentioned priority list. However, in some cases, in exchange and then send a comprehensive
simultaneous rescue missions can be launched for written report.
different categories as they are not mutually exclusive. Can you suggest any other option with proper
Q13. You are heading a district administration in a
particular department. Your senior officer calls Tags: Case Studies
you from the State Headquarters and tells you
that a plot in Rampur village is to have a building Case Summary: I am heading a district administration
constructed on it for a school. A visit is scheduled in a particular department. A visit is scheduled for my
during which he will visit the site along with senior for a site. The land that is under consideration
the chief engineer and the senior architect. He for school building turns out to be acquired for the
wants you to check out all the papers relating to local Panchayat at a nominal cost , having potential to
it and ensure that the visit is properly arranged. expand into a larger residential area and is without the
You examine the file which relates to the period clearance certificates being up to the mark. Apparently,
before you joined the department. The land was the Sarpanch, at the time of acquisition of the land, was
acquired for the local panchayat at a nominal cost a relative of my predecessor. The case here suggests the
and the papers showed that clearance certificates issue of ‘Collusive Corruption”.
are available for the two of the three authorities Stakeholders: Head of District Administration,
who have to certify the site’s suitability. There is Superior Officer, Sarpanch, Predecessor, Certifying
no certification by the architect available on file. Authorities, Children from village who will be
You decide to visit Rampur to ensure that all is in attending the School.
the order as stated on file. When you visit Rampur, Ethical Issues/Ethical Dilemmas: Collusive
you find that the plot under reference is a part of Corruption, Issues with the Heritage Site.
Thakurgarh fort and that the walls, ramparts, etc.,
(a) List the likely vested interest of the concerned
are running across it. The fort is well away from
the main village, therefore a school here will be a
serious inconvenience for the children. However, The main problem in this issue is that the plot of land
the area near the village has potential to expand for the school is far away from the village and it would

68 Previous Year Questions (2015)

be difficult for the children to attend this school. y It would help in following the line of command
Another problem is that the plot of land is located in the bureaucratic process of decision making
within the heritage site and it would not be possible to on an issue as sensitive as this and I will also be
construct a school without damaging the site. performing my duty efficiently.
The issue here can be seen of the negligence in Demerits:
administering the cultural heritage and also the bigger y It will delay the solution of the problem.
concern of “Collusive Corruption”. The vested interests y It will be like transferring my duty to my seniors
of various parties can be summed up as follows: and may portray my indecisiveness and poor
problem solving abilities leading to dereliction of
1) Concerned Party: Sarpanch my duty.
y It is possible that the predecessor officer was (ii) You can seek his advice in writing or on the phone.
colluding with Sarpanch so that the government Merits:
develops the area near the village under some y It will help in appraising the seniors of the situation
future development scheme so that they can sell and would be subjected to higher scrutiny.
the land at much higher price later. y It will also help in quicker decision making as it
y Sarpanch could acquire a larger share of the land may help in solving the issue before seniors visit
that falls near the project so that he can have the site.
maximum financial advantage during the time of y Seeking advice in writing would legitimise
the development of a residential complex. any order and create evidence about my non-
involvement in the issue and for any future inquiry.
2) Concerned Party: Predecessor Demerits:
y The predecessor provided undue advantage to y Taking advice will again be like shifting
Sarpanch, by misusing his authority. This could responsibility on seniors.
have been for the financial gains by earning money y Getting written instructions may delay the process
illegally through approving the transaction of of resolution.
acquisition of land without any investigation. y Also, formal requirements of advice may result in
y It could also be to maintain good relations with our department getting investigated as well.
Sarpanch to have favours in case of any future (iii) You can consult your predecessor/ colleagues,
investigations by the authority. etc, and then decide what to do.
3) Concerned Party: Certifying Authorities y I can know about the precise reasons behind the
y The two certifying authorities, certifying the decisions of my predecessor.
suitability of plot, may have had some monetary y I will have a democratic and legal method towards
or other gratification for approving such clearance. problem resolution.
y There could also be a case of financial Demerits:
misappropriation or shared benefits, as the plot y It may not help in solving the problem, because of
was acquired at nominal cost. the interests of the predecessor.
y It will delay the decision making process.
(b) Some of the options for action available to you are y I will have to accept the responsibility for their
listed below. Discuss the merits and demerits of each actions based on their advice. Also, they may
of the options: provide me with varied opinions so that I may not
(i) You can await the visit of the superior officer and know of their involvement.
let him take a decision. (iv) You can find out if any alternate plot can be got
Merits: in exchange and then send a comprehensive written
y Based on the current facts and evidence, the report.
senior, being more experienced, may be able to Merits:
take objective decisions in this regard. y The ancient heritage site will be preserved and
simultaneously, villagers can get much-needed

Previous Year Questions (2015) 69

school in their vicinity which would be convenient molested, when they were en route to schools.
for the children. The incident led to clashes between several
y Sending detailed reports will help in appraising groups and a law and order problem has arisen.
seniors on every aspect of the issue. The elder after heated discussion have taken a
y I will perform my duty efficiently since the joint decision not to allow girls to go to school
standard operating procedure will be followed in and to socially boycott all such families, which do
resolving the issue. not follow their dictate. (250 Words, 25 Marks)
Demerits: (a) What steps would you take to ensure girls’
y Providing alternative options may conceal the safety without disrupting their education?
vested interest of the concerned persons. (b) How would you manage and mould
y It may lead to delay in the project as finding patriarchic attitude of the village elders to
alternative land may be difficult. ensure harmony in the inter- generational
Can you suggest any other option with proper relations?
The best course of action would be to involve other Tags: Case Studies
stakeholders like the Ministry of Culture, Ministry of
HRD and Archaeological Survey of India apart from Case Summary: I am posted as district development
discussing the matter in detail with the superiors. This officer of a district where the rural areas don’t welcome
would help to reach consensus and bring out a well girl’s education. The elders are divided from the younger
informed decision. But simultaneously, the vested generation on girl’s education being responsible for
interest needs to be brought out by reopening the file a lot of problems including unemployment amongst
and carrying out impartial investigation so that future male population. A recent incident of molestation
cases of collusive corruption can be kept in check. of girls made elders decide not to allow girls to go to
school and socially boycott all such families who do
Q14. You are recently posted as district development so. The issue here suggests the ill-effects of patriarchal
officer of a district. Shortly thereafter you found attitude and gender-bias for girls in education and
that there is considerable tension in the rural employment.
areas of your district on the issue of sending girls Stakeholders: District Development Officer, Elders of
to schools. the Village, Male Population facing unemployment,
The elders of the village feel that many problems Families in support of sending their girls to School,
have come up because girls are being educated panchayats/Local Bodies.
and they are stepping out of the safe environment Ethical Issues/Ethical Dilemmas: Safety of Girls,
of the household. They are of the view that Education to Girls, Gender Bias in Education and
the girls should be quickly married off with Employment, Patriarchal attitude of Villagers.
minimum education. The girls are also competing
for jobs after education, which have traditionally (a) What steps would you take to ensure girls’ safety
remained in boys’ exclusive domain, adding to without disrupting their education?
unemployment amongst male population. The issue involves ensuring the safety for girls
The younger generation feels that in the present while ensuring equal educational and employment
era, girls should have equal opportunities for opportunities for them in comparison to the boys.
education and employment, and other means of It also involves ironing out the difference of opinion
livelihood. The entire locality is divided between between the different generations.
sexes in both generations. You come to know that Steps for safety and education of girls include:
in Panchayat or in other local bodies or even in y Persuasion Techniques and Social influence:
busy crosswords, the issue is being acrimoniously For bringing social change through attitude
debated. transformation, different techniques of social
One day you are informed that an unpleasant influence and persuasion could be used. Elders
incident has taken place. Some girls were

70 Previous Year Questions (2015)

should be persuaded to allow education for girls, ○ Holding sessions by calling women, who have
while promising them of their safety. achieved a lot in their career aspect due to
y Altering Socialization Pattern: Gender typecasts their education, so that they can act as role
need to be shattered by changing the socialization models for the younger generation and help in
process of children. It is important to eliminate the bringing attitudinal change and elders.
gender discrimination encountered by girls. Child ○ It also requires me to be emotionally intelligent,
rearing practices can be modified in accordance in order to understand and manage the
with the Social Values. emotions of the village elders. This is crucial
y Infrastructural Development: Safety of girls in for the success of other steps. The issue has a
rural areas is often compromised because of lack lot of emotional components which need to be
of adequate infrastructure, like street lights, toilet managed properly.
facilities etc. Bridging these gaps by providing ○ Sarpanch of the village can play a substantial
necessities along with CCTVs and an arrangement role in this, since this position has authority to
of transport facility with lady police personnel, influence behaviour of people.
will help in providing a sense of security to girls. y Help from NGOs and Similar Organizations:
y Security Provisions and Self-Defense: Engage Taking help of NGOs working in the field of
the police so that patrolling can be increased on education to create awareness among elders
routes to schools. Girls can also be taught self regarding girl education.
defense techniques for their own safety at the time y Talk with the Influencers: Asking local influential
of threat. people, leaders to interact with the villagers and
y Tackling Crime Incidents: In case of any crime bring about the positives for the encouragement of
against girls, strict and quick action should be girl education.
taken against the culprits. y Educating about Laws relating to Girl Education:
Making people familiar with laws, policies of
(b) How would you manage and mould patriarchic the government like ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’
attitude of the village elders to ensure harmony in the bringing positive changes in the lives of the girls
inter- generational relations? and development in the village.
Patriarchal attitude of the village elders has been deep y Raising Awareness by bursting Myths: Defying
rooted and would require a variety of measures to be the myths of job loss by citing examples where
changed but nevertheless, with the right approach and developmental activities for girls have generated
with the support of the younger generation, which is employment in the villages and society for both
already instrumental in bringing about change, it can men and women.
be possible to bring about a change in the mindset of
people. Some of the ways include: While social change can be difficult to bring about,
y Attitude Change: Persuading the leaders of both with the right efforts and with the right beneficiaries, it
generations through rationale, logic, emotions can happen if the targeted steps are taken and the road-
and expressions regarding the importance of blocks are eliminated. Following the above measures
girl education. Stereotypes and prejudice can be can help in attitudinal changes of the society which
broken through education and dissemination can gradually open the door of development for the
of information regarding the benefits of girl deprived sections of the society and also ensure that
education even among adults. there is intergenerational harmony.

Previous Year Questions (2015) 71

Q9. Now-a-days, there is an increasing thrust on y We must try to reduce our carbon footprint.
economic development all around the globe. At Need to work on a low carbon growth strategy,
the same time, there is also an increasing concern especially in energy and related sectors, reduces
about environmental degradation caused by environmental damage.
development. Many a time, we face a direct y The use of more clean technologies which will
conflict between developmental activity and promote economic growth and cause less pollution.
environmental quality. It is neither feasible to y While developing projects for economic benefits,
stop or curtail the development process, nor it is their impacts on the environment have to be
advisable to keep degrading the environment, as minimized.
it threatens our very survival. y By conserving ecologically fragile areas such as the
Discuss some possible strategies which could be Himalayas and Western Ghats, we can preserve
adopted to eliminate this conflict and which could the environment, speed up growth and protect the
lead to sustainable development. (250 Words, 20 livelihoods of the poor.
Marks) y Conservation strategies have to cover lakes, water
bodies, rivers, mangroves and coastal areas.
Tags: Case Studies y It is essential to conserve the biodiversity of the
nation. Unless the extensive and rich gene pool of
crops and biota is safeguarded, our food security
Answer: will be endangered. Such biodiversity is best
Case Summary: conserved in biospheres and other protected areas.
To minimize the adverse effect of projects, they are
Direct conflict between developmental activities
environmentally assessed, and suitable safeguards
and environmental quality can be seen frequently.
are built-in.
Economic development is important for human well-
y Projects can be located in areas where they will
being but should not be at the cost of environmental
have least harmful effects.
y Children have to imbibe lessons about the need to
Stakeholders Involved in the case: Human beings and
conserve the environment. Then it will get into the
society at large.
mindset of future generations.
Population growth, urbanisation, welfare and well-
y In order to predict environmental impacts of any
being of the society calls for developmental activity.
development activity and to provide an opportunity
Like economic, social changes, environmental
to mitigate against negative impacts and enhance
change is also inherent to development. While
positive impacts, the Environmental Impact
development intends to bring about positive change
Assessment (EIA) procedure can be taken which
it can lead to conflicts. Although conflicts arise often
is a formal process to predict the environmental
between economic development and environmental
consequences of human development activities
preservation, they can be largely reconciled.
and to plan appropriate measures to eliminate or
Some possible strategies to tackle this conflict: reduce adverse effects and to augment positive
y We should not adopt an approach, favouring
Some ecologists argue developmental activity
exclusively the environment or development.
invariably leads to environmental damage where others
Sustainable development aims at balancing the
argue that developmental activity can be consistent
with a stable environment and even improvement
y Environmental concerns should be built into
in the environmental impact. However, in order to
comply with the Sustainable Development Goal and

Previous Year Questions (2014) 72

to achieve a better place to live, development activities One of my friends, a civil services aspirant, comes to
should be carried out in a way that does not lead to any me to discuss issues related to ethical conduct in public
environmental consequences. services. He raises a few points like,
y If unethical activities give us happiness, should we
Q10. Suppose one of your close friends, who is also encourage it?
aspiring for civil services, comes to you for y Can minor efforts create any differences where
discussing some of the issues related to ethical major efforts are against it?
conduct in public service. He raises the following y If small favours or accepting small gifts increases
points: motivation then should we pursue it?
1. In the present times, when an unethical Stakeholders involved in the case: My close friend, a
environment is quite prevalent, individual civil services aspirant and me.
attempts to stick to ethical principles may Ethical Issues involved in the case:All around us we
cause a lot of problems in one’s career. It may can find many unethical people. So what is the utility
also cause hardship to the family members of being ethical and what can we do for the society
as well as risk to one’s life. Why should we where ethical people are being the minority.
not be pragmatic and follow the path of least
resistance, and be happy with doing whatever Analysing the above mentioned viewpoints:
good we can? Be pragmatic and follow the path of least resistance
2. When so many people are adopting wrong and be happy with doing whatever we can:
means and are grossly harming the system, y In the present times, when an immoral environment
what difference would it make if only a small is quite prevalent, individual attempts to stick to
minority tries to be ethical? They are going ethical values may cause a lot of problems in one’s
to be rather ineffective and are bound to get profession. It may also cause adversity to the family
frustrated. members as well as risk to one’s life.
3. If we become fussy about ethical y This argument is unscrupulous (showing no moral
considerations, will it not hamper the principles or non-honesty). Due to hypothetical
economic progress of our country? After all, career problems, family hardship and threats to
in the present age of high competition, we life, one cannot abandon one’s duty. If needed, one
cannot afford to be left behind in the race of can seek police protection. What others do is not
development. his concern. As the Bible says, ‘Am I my brother’s
4. It is understandable that we should not get keeper?’ One agrees to adopt an ethical code as a
involved in grossly unethical practices, but civil servant. That is his duty. He should not look
giving and accepting small gratifications and beyond it.
doing small favours increases everybody’s
motivation. It also makes the system more If a small minority tries to be ethical, they are going to
efficient. What is wrong in adopting such be rather ineffective and are bound to get frustrated:
practices? y It is asked that when so many people are adopting
Critically analyse the above viewpoints. On the wrong means and are grossly harming the system,
basis of this analysis, what will be your advice to it hardly makes any difference if a small minority
your friend? (250 Words, 20 Marks) tries to be ethical.
y This argument is irrational. Julia Carney in her
Tags: Case Studies poem ‘Little Things’ says, “Little drops of water, /
Little grains of sand, /Make the mighty ocean”.
Sanskrit Hitopadesha says, “With the falling of
Answer: just drops of water, the pot gradually gets filled up”.
Case Summary: No effort, however small it looks, goes in vain. It
may not have any instant result but have long term

Previous Year Questions (2014) 73

Becoming fussy about ethical considerations, will Q11. You are a no-nonsense, honest officer. You have
hamper the economic progress of our country and in been transferred to a remote district to head a
the present age of high competition, we cannot afford department that is notorious for its inefficiency
to be left behind in the race of development. and callousness. You find that the main cause
y This argument is fallacious and rationalizes of the poor state of affairs is the indiscipline
immoral behaviour. of a section of employees. They do not work
y Macro issues facing the nation have to be themselves and also disrupt the working of others.
considered by political and other leaders. We You first warned the troublemakers to mend
should do our assigned tasks diligently. their ways or else face disciplinary action. When
y Corruption does not promote but retards the warning had little effect, you issued a show
development. The fact that poor governance slows cause notice to the ringleaders. As a retaliatory
down development is accepted by the World measure, these troublemakers instigated a woman
Bank and other agencies. Hence, great emphasis employee amongst them to file a complaint of
is being placed on good governance. Corruption sexual harassment against you with the Women’s
free and efficient administration form part of the Commission. The Commission promptly seeks
institutional system which promotes growth. your explanation. The matter is also publicized
We should not get involved in grossly unethical in the media to embarrass you further. Some of
practices, but giving and accepting small gratifications the options to handle this situation could be as
and doing small favours increases everybody’s follows:
motivation. It also makes the system more efficient. 1. Give your explanation to the Commission
y This viewpoint is also invalid. It is called greasing and go soft on the disciplinary action.
the wheels justification of corruption, and is 2. Ignore the Commission and proceed firmly
cynical. with the disciplinary action.
y Corruption, whether on a small scale or large 3. Brief your higher-ups, seek directions from
scale, does not improve efficiency. It increases the them and act accordingly.
difficulty of doing business, business costs and Suggest any other possible option(s). Evaluate
economic inefficiency. all of them and suggest the best course of action,
y Corrupt officials may profit, but others are giving your reasons for it. (250 Words, 20 Marks)
demotivated in the process. You should advise your
friend to ignore such fears and negative thoughts Tags: Case Studies
and take the examination. Logicians describe such Decoding the Question:
arguments as Sophism. If he is still unconvinced,
he should look elsewhere for jobs. He is unfit for
meeting the challenges of civil service. Answer:
Case Summary:
Advice to my friend: Being an honest officer, I have been transferred to
I would advice my friend to ignore such harmful a remote district to head a department where the
thoughts, and state clearly that there are no shortcuts to employees are notorious and inefficient. After taking a
ethical behaviour. One must strive to be ethical despite disciplinary action against them, they tried to subdue
and not be swayed by others’ unethical behaviour. me by filing a fictitious grievance of sexual harassment
It takes many minute bricks to build one large wall. by a female employee with Women’s Commission. The
Thus, to make an ethical society it needs many ethical Commission seeks my clarification. The matter is also
people. Others are not ethical is not a reason for one published in the media.
to be unethical. It is our responsibility to do the right
despite other people’s actions. We must not let such Stakeholders involved in the case:
extraneous considerations affect us. y I am the head of a department.
y Section of employees in the department who are
undisciplined and inefficient.

74 Previous Year Questions (2014)

y A women employee, being instigated by Reply to the commission’s notice, brief higher-ups
troublemakers to file a complaint of sexual about the incident and continue disciplinary action:
harassment against me. Preventing personal harm by clarifying the case to the
y Women’s Commission. commission, responding to calls of the commission,
ensuring effective communication with seniors and
An evaluation of options available to me: doing duty to maintain departmental efficiency by
Give my explanation to the Commission and go soft continuing with the departmental inquiry.
on the disciplinary action: Hence, the last option is the holistic course of action
y Giving my explanation to the commission with least possible demerits. With this option that I
and going soft on disciplinary action prevents can fulfil all my obligations, reply to authority of the
personal harm by clarifying facts of the case to the Commission, take seniors into assurance as well as
commission. Moreover, responding to a call of the minimising personal harm.
commission exhibits a sense of my transparency It could still lead to personal harm as the case of sexual
and accountability. harassment may cause emotional stress to me as well
y It will maintain a good public image in the media as my family and may also affect my record.
and also shows sensitivity towards women and
women issues. Q12. Suppose you are the CEO of a company that
manufactures specialized electronic equipment
Ignore the Commission and proceed firmly with the used by a government department. You have
disciplinary action: submitted your bid for the supply of this
y The officer cannot ignore the Commission which equipment to the department. Both the quality
is a legally constituted authority. It will be an act of and cost of your offer are better than those of
indiscipline which may amount to defiance. the competitors. Yet the concerned officer is
y Moreover, doing duty to maintain departmental demanding a hefty bribe for approving the tender.
efficiency by continuing with the departmental Getting the order is important both for you and
enquiry fulfills the moral responsibility of checking for your company. Not getting the order would
wrongdoing. mean closing a production line. It may also affect
your own career. However, as a value-conscious
Brief your higher-ups, seek directions from them and
person, you do not want to give bribes.
act accordingly:
Valid arguments can be advanced both for giving
y There is no harm in informing senior officers and the bribe and getting the order, and for refusing
taking their advice. to pay the bribe and risking the loss of the order.
y It is better to keep the senior officers in the loop so What those arguments could be? Could there
that they may not form any false impressions. They be any better way to get out of this dilemma? If
are likely to give me practical and correct advice. so, outline the main elements of this third way,
y But the Commission’s notice arose due to a pointing out its merits. (250 Words, 20 Marks)
complaint against the officer inconsequence of
his official action. So, finally he has to answer the Tags: Case Studies
Commission. However,

Appeal to close friend: Answer:

y One other possibility is to appeal to the good friend Case Summary:
or some one who is very close to the employee Considering me as the CEO of a company that
either directly or through other reliable persons to manufactures specialized electronic equipment used
withdraw the false complaint. I should tell her to by a government department. In bidding my product
be truthful and not misuse the law. was better both quality wise and cost wise. Still the
concerned officer is demanding a hefty bribe for

Previous Year Questions (2014) 75

approving the tender. The order is very important for funds under various schemes and grants were
my career and my company but being a value conscious being misappropriated. The official facilities were
person, I do not want to give bribes. frequently being used for personal needs by the
Stakeholders involved in the case: I am the CEO of a officers and staff. After some time, he noticed
Company and the concerned officer who is demanding that the process of recruiting the staff was also
hafety bribe. not up to the mark. Prospective candidates were
required to write an examination in which a
Though plausible arguments can be given for paying lot of cheating was going on. Some candidates
bribes and getting the order, their moral validity is were provided external help in the examination.
dubious. Such arguments can be: Rameshwar brought these incidents to the notice
y The company should not lose the order when its of his seniors. However, he was advised to keep
product is superior and cheaper than those of his eyes, ears and mouth shut and ignore all
competitors. these things which were taking place with the
y If the company fails to get the order, it has to reduce connivance of the higher-ups. Rameshwar felt
production and retrench some labour. highly disillusioned and uncomfortable. He
y It will suffer commercial losses for no fault of its comes to you seeking your advice.
own. Indicate various options that you think are
y The CEO’s career may also suffer. available in this situation. How would you help
him to evaluate these options and choose the most
Arguments against giving bribe: appropriate path to be adopted? (250 Words, 20
y While the above reasons are valid at one level, giving Marks)
bribes violates law and corporate governance.
y If by some chance, the CEO is caught, he may end Tags: Case Studies
up in jail. This risk is worse than any damage to
his career.
y Company should take the loss in its stride; running Answer:
into corrupt officials is an unforeseen contingency Case Summary:
outside the company’s control. Rameshwar cleared the prestigious civil services
y Loss mitigation is no legal or moral justification examination and was excited to get the opportunity to
for bribe giving. As a way out, the company can serve the country. He found a number of malpractices
approach the bosses of the officer seeking bribes. dominant in the department assigned to him and
In all probability, the senior officers will intervene when shared this with his seniors they advised him to
in the matter suitably. This will immediately put the stay silent and aloof. In this situation Rameshwar seeks
bribe seeking official on guard. If he is making a wrong my advice.
decision by ignoring the better quality and lower price Stakeholders involved in the case: Rameshwar, who
of a product, he will be questioned. He will be unable to successfully cleared the prestigious civil services
justify his decision on merits and will get into trouble. examination, Seniors of Rameshwar and other officers.
He will go by the merits of the matter, and the situation Ethical Issues/Ethical Dilemmas: Ethical values are
may get resolved. emphasising to serve the country, hierarchy, corruption
creating the barrier.
Q13. Rameshwar successfully cleared the prestigious
civil services examination and was excited about Options that are available in this situation:
the opportunity that he would get through the y Rameshwar should have the mental tenacity to
civil services to serve the country. However, soon accept the harsh reality. In this case, he may be
after joining the service, he realized that things heading a department or an office. Being a head
are not as rosy as he had imagined. of the department, he is responsible for managing
He found a number of malpractices prevailing it in accordance with rules and regulations. He
in the department assigned to him. For example, should act immediately to correct matters.

76 Previous Year Questions (2014)

○ In any office, accounts have to be kept misconduct of Mr. A, who has been making
accurately and pilfering money is a crime. He undesirable advances towards her and has even
should ensure that accounts and records are tried to touch her inappropriately in his cabin.
maintained properly. If necessary, he should She tenders her resignation and leaves your office.
arrange an audit. Based on it, he should start (20 marks | 250 words)
action against the fraudsters. a. What are the options available to you?
○ As regards misuse of office facilities, he should b. Evaluate each of these options and choose the
instruct those responsible for their custody option you would adopt, giving reasons.
and proper use to prevent private use of office
facilities. Tags: Case Studies
○ No examination is conducted without
invigilators. He should take action against Case Summary: I am the Executive Director of an
erring invigilators and candidates if upcoming InfoTech Company. Mr. A heads the
malpractices are detected. marketing team and is a star performer. His promotion
In a hierarchy, the primary responsibility rests with is being considered but there has been information on
the official who has been assigned the task. If things go his misconduct towards women which resulted in one
wrong, he will be responsible. If something falls within of the female employees resigning. The case talks about
his exclusive power, he should act without consulting the serious case of sexual harassment in the corporate
others. world.
y If he has to work on the instructions of superiors, Stakeholders: Executive Director of InfoTech
he should bring these matters to their notice in Company, Mr.A, Mrs.X, Female employees of the
writing. Then they will be forced to act. Otherwise, company.
they will become knowingly parties to wrongdoing Ethical Issues/Ethical Dilemmas: Safety of Women,
and liable for penalties. Empathy and Compassion for Women, Sexual
In any case, Rameshwar should not become privy to Harassment, Constitutional Morality, Leadership
unlawful actions. Ultimately, one cannot do anything Quality, Ethical Management, Management of Ethics,
illegal, irrespective of any compulsions. Officers have Professional Ethics and Personal Ethics.
to perform their duties ignoring distracting thoughts
about office or state of society. Rameshwar should a. What are the options available to you?
refuse to play ball. The case has a serious issue of ‘sexual harassment’ and
also it poses a threat to the comapny’s future in the form
Q14. You are the Executive Director of an upcoming of pragmatism to save the star performer, performance
InfoTech Company which is making a name for of the company and adverse publicity of the company.
itself in the market. This is a very sensitive matter, and shall be dealt with
Mr. A, who is a star performer, is heading the great responsibility. The various legitimate options
marketing team. In a short period of one year, available are:
he has helped in doubling the revenues as well as 1. Explain to Mrs. X about the credentials of Mr. A and
creating a high brand equity for the Company so ask her to ignore the issue so that the profitability
much so that you are thinking of promoting him. and brand of the company are not affected.
However, you have been receiving information 2. Outright suspension of Mr. A and request Mrs. X
from many corners about his attitude towards to reconsider her decision to quit in order to send
the female colleagues; particularly his habit of a strong signal to the employees.
making loose comments on women. In addition, 3. Call a meeting of all the employees and discuss
he regularly sends indecent SMS’s to all the team the issue. Then, take the decision According to
members including his female colleagues. the disciplinary action process guided by Sexual
One day, late in the evening, Mrs. X, who is one Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention,
of Mr. A’s team members, comes to you visibly Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 and
disturbed. She complains against the continued Vishakha guidelines.

Previous Year Questions (2014) 77

(b) Evaluate each of these options and choose the Option 3: Call a meeting of all the employees and
option you would adopt, giving reasons. discuss the issue. Then, take the decision according to
Option 1: Explain to Mrs. X about the credentials the disciplinary action process guided by the Sexual
of Mr. A and ask her to ignore the issue so that the Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention,
profitability and brand of the company are not affected. Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 and Vishakha
Merits: guidelines.
y There would not be any adverse publicity in the Merits:
media. y Discussion of the issue with the office colleagues
y The top performer will retain his job and this will establish an environment of trust and bonding.
might benefit the company further in terms of It will show that the management is serious about
performance. any such incidents against women.
Demerits: y Legal course will be followed which can result in
y It would be highly unethical to expect Mrs. X to the policy enquiry of the employee. It can prevent
forget the issue. any such incidents in the future.
y It is likely that the same behaviour will be repeated Demerits:
with different women colleagues as it has happened y It may result in adverse publicity in the media.
in the past. My course of action being an accountable leader would
y Such inaction in this regard can create be such that it ensures fairness and safety of everyone
dissatisfaction as well as distrust among women working in the company, regardless of gender and
employees which is not suited to your organization asserts the constitutional morality in the steps followed:
in the long run. This may result in the exodus of Step1: Since Mrs. X has faced an assault, she is in a
women employees from the company. disturbed state. It is my foremost duty as the head, to
y If Mrs. X complained to the police, the matter can calm her, and make her understand that justice would
get serious with the lack of action taken against Mr. be done. She shall also be assured that her privacy
A and you could land in trouble for your inaction. would be protected.
Option 2: Outright suspension of Mr. A and request Step 2: I will call an urgent meeting of the employees
Mrs. X to reconsider her decision to quit in order to and discuss the issue with them. I will discuss all the
send a strong signal to the employees. legal provisions of the sexual harassment act and
Merits: course of action to be taken.
y No tolerance attitude to the sexual harassment. It Step 3: An enquiry committee will be set up and
will curb any such incidents in the future. mandated to complete the enquiry within 90 days
Demerits: according to the Sexual Harassment of Women at
y As there is no formal enquiry of the employee, there Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal)
would not be any criminal charges framed against Act, 2013 and Vishakha guidelines.
him and he might repeat the same behaviour in Step 4: I will allow the law to take its own course in the
some other organisation. case. If Mr. A is found guilty, immediate expulsion
y It is always proper to hear both sides of the followed by a police complaint would be the step forward.
arguments before giving the final judgement. Step 5: I will conduct education and sensitisation
Hence for the fairness of the process, it will be programmes and develop policies against sexual
advisable to hear Mr. A’s side of the argument. harassment to keep the environment of the company
y This might not be the best course of action, because safe and inclusive for the women to work.
in an organization, decisions are made through The Executive Director of the Company is faced with
proper channels and procedures. Whatever the the challenge of ensuring a healthy and safe working
case has been, it should be handled by following environment for its employees without jeopardizing
organizational procedure. company’s profits. Above mentioned steps could be
y If the star performer is suspended, the team will get taken to handle the situation and no employee should
demoralised and there might be serious revenue ever be under the impression that their contribution to
and brand implications for the organization. the growth of the company can hide all their misdeeds.

78 Previous Year Questions (2014)

Q9. A Public Information Officer has received an compromise can be made on the contents of
application under RTI Act. Having gathered the information.
the information, the PIO discovers that the (iv) The PIO could consult his other colleagues
information pertains to some of the decisions who are party to the decision and take action
taken by him, which were found to be not as per their advice.
altogether right. There were other employees also Also please indicate (without necessarily
who were party to these decisions. Disclosure of restricting to the above options) what you would
the information is likely to lead to disciplinary like to advise, giving proper reasons. (250 words
action with possibility of punishment against him 20 marks)
as well as some of his colleagues. Non-disclosure
or part disclosure or camouflaged disclosure of Tags: Case Studies
information will result in lesser punishment or y Case Summary: A Public Information
no punishment. Officer has in an application under RTI
The PIO is otherwise an honest and conscientious Act discovers that the information related
person but this particular decision, on which the to some of his own decisions taken by him
RTI application has been filed, turned out to be were not correct. other employees were
wrong. He comes to you for advice. involved in his decisions. Disclosure of the
The following are some suggested options. Please information will lead to disciplinary action
evaluate the merits and demerits of each of the and chances of punishment against PIO and
options: some employees. Although Non-disclosure
(i) The PIO could refer the matter to his superior will result in lesser or no punishment.
officer and seek his advice and act strictly in y Stakeholders: Public Information Officer,
accordance with the advice, even though he is other employees
not completely in agreement with the advice y Ethical Issues/Ethical Dilemmas: To maintain
of the superior. the duty of PIO, to uphold his own honesty
(ii) The PIO could proceed on leave and leave the and conscientiousness, jeopardizing other
matter to be dealt by his successor in office employees, to maintain Transparency and
or request for transfer of the application to accountability while imparting information.
another PIO. (i) The PIO could refer the matter to his
(iii) The PIO could weigh the consequences superior officer and seek his advice
of disclosing the information truthfully, and act strictly in accordance with the
including the effect on his career, and reply advice, even though he is not completely
in a manner that would not place him or his in agreement with the advice of the
career in jeopardy, but at the same time a little superior.

Previous Year Questions (2013) 79

Merits Demerits
There is little merit in option (i) except for the fact that y The Public Information Officer plays a pivotal role
PIO can use his senior’s experience to solve this Issue. in the implementation of the Right to Information
Act, 2005. The compliance with various provisions
of the Act requires a certain level of preparedness
on part of the PIO. He/she should have complete
knowledge of and experience in office procedures.
y Therefore, a senior can question his assuredness
for the role of PIO.
y The decision was taken by PIO. So, it’s his
responsibility to tackle that mistake on his own
rather than dragging his senior into it.
y There can be a situation where he may not agree
with his senior’s advice, which will again put him
in an ethical dilemma whether to follow his senior’s
y If he doesn’t abide by his senior’s advice, then that
could restrain his relationship with his senior.

(ii) The PIO could proceed on leave and leave the matter to be dealt by his successor in office or request for
transfer of the application to another PIO.
Merit Demerit
Option (ii) holds less merit except for the fact that y Going on leave and leaving the matter to be dealt
going on leave can give PIO a chance to introspect his with by his successor can question the role of PIO
mistake. as responsible officer. This option will show that
the PIO is running away from his responsibility.
y Also, in option (ii), probability of getting
punishment is much higher as it will be enquired
by someone else with his/her perspective which
may not match with PIO perspective. The successor
may not empathize with PIO.

(iii) The PIO could weigh the consequences of disclosing the information truthfully, including the effect on his
career, and reply in a manner that would not place him or his career in jeopardy, but at the same time a little
compromise can be made on the contents of the information.
Merit Demerit
Minor compromise can be made on the contents of the Such compromise can be made on the contents of the
information holds a merit if the PIO is not tweaking information can bring high chances of fact getting
with the factual Information. distorted which can evoke Section 20 (2) of the Act
which says that Commission shall, while deciding
a complaint or appeal, recommend for disciplinary
action against the Public Information Officer under the
service rules applicable to him or her provides wrong
information intentionally.

80 Previous Year Questions (2013)

(iv)The PIO could consult his other colleagues who are party to the decision and take action as per their advice.
Merit Demerit
y Option (iv) holds merit as there is no harm in As a PIO, he has to decide the matter using his best
taking advice from colleagues. individual judgement, in this regard his decisions
y Option (iv) can widen available options in front of should not be based on other’s advice.

(v) Also please indicate (without necessarily and should not be left unaddressed.
restricting to the above options) what you would like What will you do in such a situation? Some of
to advise, giving proper reasons. the options are given below. Evaluate the merits
As, Section 20(1) of the Central Act allows for the and demerits of each of these options and finally
imposition of penalties most notably, where a PIO suggest what course of action you would like to
has, without any reasonable cause knowingly given take, giving reasons. (250 words 20 marks)
incorrect, incomplete or misleading information. (i) Follow the advice of the Chief Engineer and
But in this case, PIO has done this by mistake and go ahead.
Unintentional. So, chances of punishment are almost (ii) Make an exhaustive report of the situation
negligible if it can be proved that the mistake was not bringing out all facts and analysis along with
deliberate. your own viewpoints stated clearly and seek
for written orders from the chief Engineer.
Q10. You are working as an Executive Engineer in (iii) Call for explanation from the Junior
the construction cell of a Municipal Corporation Engineers and issue orders to the contractor
and are presently in-charge of the construction for necessary correction within targeted time.
of a flyover. There are two Junior Engineers (iv) Highlight the issue so that it reaches superiors
under you who have the responsibility of day- above the Chief Engineer.
to-day inspection of the site and are reporting (v) Considering the rigid attitude of the Chief
to you, while you are finally reporting to the Engineer, seek transfer from the project or
Chief Engineer who heads the cell. While the report sickness.
construction is heading towards completion, the
Junior Engineers have been regularly reporting Tags: Case Studies
that all construction is taking place as per design y Case Summary: An Executive Engineer in the
specifications. However, in one of your surprise construction cell of a Municipal Corporation
inspections, you have noticed some serious and is presently in-charge of the construction
deviations and lacunae which, in your opinion, of a flyover noticed flaws in the construction
are likely to affect the safety of the flyover. of the bridge. There is a lot of public pressure
Rectification of these lacunae at this stage would on the Corporation to get the construction
require a substantial amount of demolition and completed. The flaws in construction of the
rework which will cause a tangible loss to the bridge were brought to the notice of the
contractor and will also delay completion. There Chief Engineer, who advised the executive
is a lot of public pressure on the Corporation to engineer to ignore the matter. So, this case is
get this construction completed because of heavy essentially regarding the public service with
traffic congestion in the area. When you brought responsibility and public safety.
this matter to the notice of the Chief Engineer, y Stakeholders: Executive Engineer, Junior
he advised you that in his opinion it is not a very Engineers, Chief Engineer, Municipal
serious lapse and may be ignored. He advised for Corporation, Public.
further expediting the project for completion in y Ethical Issues/Ethical Dilemmas: To uphold
time. However, you are convinced that this was Ethical standards and values as a practicing
a serious matter which might affect public safety engineer, Work ethic will be compromised,

Previous Year Questions (2013) 81

Injustice to Public Service, Jeopardizing many people’s life.

(i) Follow the advice of the Chief Engineer and go ahead.
Merit(s) Demerit(s)
Option (i) holds no merit except the pressure is handled y By following the advice of the chief engineer, he
for the time being. will be running from his responsibility and will not
be able to uphold ethical standards and values as a
practicing engineer.
y On a personal level he will always be in guilt.
(ii) Make an exhaustive report of the situation bringing out all facts and analysis along with your own viewpoints
stated clearly and seek for written orders from the Chief Engineer.
Merit(s) Demerit(s)
y Option(ii) holds the merit as by preparing an Option(ii) holds no demerit except for the professional
exhaustive report of the situation by bringing out relation at personal level with the senior may get
all facts and analysis, a clear assessment can be affected.
y On the basis of data and facts, reports can be shared
with top authorities.
(iii) Call for explanation from the Junior Engineers and issue orders to the contractor for necessary correction
within targeted time.
Merit(s) Demerit(s)
Option (iii) holds merit, as it will make Junior engineers Calling for an explanation from JE can jeopardize his
and contractors accountable and also, they won’t be relationship with them. But that can be ignore as this
able to skip from their responsibility. step will save lakhs of commuter’s lives if any mishap
happens in future.
(iv) Highlight the issue so that it reaches superiors above the Chief Engineer.
Merit(s) Demerit(s)
Option (iv) does have a merit as it will make the chief Doing so, the executive engineer can strain his
engineer realise his mistake. relationship with the chief engineer.
Allegations of breaking the hierarchy of seniors can
come against executive engineers.
(v) Considering the rigid attitude of the Chief Engineer, seek transfer from the project or report sickness.
Merit(s) Demerit(s)
Option (v) holds little merit except for the fact that Option (v) will make the executive engineer run away
an executive engineer can recuse himself from the from his responsibility.
responsibility given.

My course of action:
As an executive engineer, I will make an exhaustive report with all data and facts and also dangers that can come if
the issue is ignored. The report will be submitted to the chief engineer to take further action along with the caveat
that proceeding further in work can raise many issues. Further, Junior engineers will be made accountable and will
be asked to submit the report on their lackadaisical behaviour.

82 Previous Year Questions (2013)

Q11. Sivakasi in Tamil Nadu is known for its
manufacturing clusters on the firecrackers and evade child labour norms, several units
matches. The local economy of the area is largely project themselves as household-based
dependent on firecrackers industry. It has led to works but employ children from outside. On
a visit to one of the units you see that unit
tangible economic development and improved
has about 10-15 children below 14 years of
standard of living in the area.
age. On deeper enquiry, you find out that
So far as child labour norms for hazardous
neither the owner nor the children are able to
industries like firecrackers industry are
satisfactorily establish their relationship with
concerned, International Labour Organization
each other.
(ILO) has set the minimum age as 18 years. In
y Stakeholders: children, households, owners.
India, however, this age is 14 years.
y Ethical Issues/Ethical Dilemmas: child
The units in industrial clusters of firecrackers can
labour, poverty, multi-stakeholders.
be classified into registered and non-registered
entities. One typical unit is household-based
work. Though the law is clear on the use of child Answers:
labour employment norms in registered/non-
(a) The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation)
registered units, it does not include household-
Act, 1986 prohibits the employment of children
based works. Household-based work means
below the age of 14 years in 18 occupations and 65
children working under the supervision of their
processes that are hazardous to the children’s lives and
parents/relatives. To evade child labour norms, health. Firecracker industry comes under hazardous
several units project themselves as household- occupation.
based works but employ children from outside. y According to the case given, children working in
Needless to say, employing children saves the SivaKasi fire factory which comes under hazardous
costs for these units leading to higher profits to occupation which is violation of the child labour
the owners. (prohibition and regulation) Act, 1986.
On your visit to one of the units at Sivakasi, y The children those who are working in fire factory
the owner takes you around the unit which has are amounted to brutal torture from denying proper
about 10-15 children below 14 years of age. The sleep to proper food, with no education imparted
owner tells you that in his household-based unit, to them. Large children are stuffed in small filthy
the children are all his relatives. You notice that rooms with no ventilation, no windows.
several children smirk, when the owner tells y Children also have an essential vulnerability, in
you this. On deeper enquiry, you figure out that that they are often the first to suffer when things
neither the owner nor the children are able to go wrong. They are physically small and weak
satisfactorily establish their relationship with compared to adults, and can be easily coerced
each other. into actions they might not wish to do. Their
(a) Bring out and discuss the ethical issues relative weakness can also mean that they are first
involved in the above case. to suffer from disasters such as fire breakouts.
(b) What would be your reaction after your above y Utilitarianists would support the idea of child
visit? (300 Words, 25 Marks) labour as long as they are the sole providers for the
family and without their income, the family would
Tags: Case Studies not survive and as long as the labour is voluntarily
y Case Summary: Sivakasi in Tamil Nadu is provided. The ends justify the means.
known for its manufacturing clusters on ○ Forced child labour is unethical because it is
firecrackers and matches. One typical unit against the autonomy of the children.
is household-based work. Household-based ○ The consent of the working child is mostly
work means children working under the manipulated by the parents or relatives.
supervision of their parents/relatives. To

Previous Year Questions (2013) 83

○ To give consent, a child needs to understand the with the experience and capacity to work with
situation, the consequences, and voluntarily children and their families to identify appropriate
agree to work. Children of young age, who solutions.
have a less than fully competent capacity, can y Strict actions against the owners will be ensured.
assent to an action by getting involved in the
decision-making process. Q12. You are heading a leading technical institute
Children fall easy victims to unfair job conditions, of the country. The institute is planning to
and they do not have the power to stand-up against convene an interview panel shortly under
mistreatments. The maleficence of this act has long- your chairmanship for selection of the post of
term physical, psychological, behavioural, and societal professors. A few days before the interview, you
consequences. Even if they are lacking the competency get a call from the Personal Secretary (PS) of a
of making informed decisions, they are considered senior government functionary seeking your
individuals with autonomy that should be protected intervention in favour of the selection of a close
and safeguarded. relative of the functionary for this post. The PS
also informs you that he is aware of the long
(b) Steps to be taken: pending and urgent proposals of your institute
If it is suspected that workers in a factory may be for grant of funds for modernization, which are
underage, the first priority will be to check their ID awaiting the functionary’s approval. He assures
as part of a routine document check process without you that he would get these proposals cleared.
raising the alarm. If document checks confirm the (a) What are the options available to you?
child is underage or if ID checks are inconclusive, (b) Evaluate each of these options and choose
following actions to be taken: the option which you would adopt, giving
y Remove the child from all work immediately. reasons. (250 Words, 20 Marks)
Preventing the continuation of work gives a clear
message to factory managers. It also reduces the Tags: Case Studies
risk that managers may try to continue to use child y Case Summary: I am head of a leading
workers under the guise of bogus ‘training centres’ technical institute of the country. The
or ‘apprenticeship schemes’. institute is planning to organize an interview
y Ensure the child is in a safe place, Obtain contact panel shortly under your chairmanship
details (ideally mobile phone number) of child and for selection of the post of professors.
parents/guardian, and wherever possible, home A few days before the interview, I got a
address. call from the Personal Secretary (PS) of a
y Clarify the true identity and age of the child. senior government functionary seeking my
Review age documents of the child and verify that intervention in favour of the selection of a
they are genuine. close relative of the functionary for this post.
y Talk to the child to ensure they understand what is y Stakeholders: Me, the Institute, Personal
happening and why. Listen to them to understand Secretary (PS) of a senior government
their needs. Explain the possible remediation functionary.
options and other measures to be put in place. y Ethical Issues/Ethical Dilemmas: Merit
y It is vital to identify and establish a remediation of institution, favoritism, my ethical
team. This should be made up of representatives responsibility as a Head.
from the factory, the agent, the purchaser, local
NGOs, trade unions (if active in the factory where
child labour has been found) and local experts Answers:

84 Previous Year Questions (2013)

Options Merits Demerits
(i) Favour Personnel secretary Long pending and urgent proposals This option is morally wrong as
relative of the institute for grant of funds for it will compromise the merit of
modernization, which are awaiting Institutions and promote nepotism.
the functionary’s approval will be
(ii) Say no to PS directly The merit of the institution will be This option can hurt the ego of
upheld. PS and he may misuse his power
against the institution’s interest.
(iii) Shall bring this issue in The decision to select PS kin will be As a head of Institute, this option
front of Institute’s directors and taken collectively. will show that I am incompetent to
members take decision independently.

(b) In this case, the option I will choose is the method of information to the said builder. (250 words 20
persuasion and sticking to the path of non-favouritism Marks)
and putting forward a merit-based objective selection (a) What are the options available to you?
process. (b) Evaluate each of these options and choose
Persuading PS that the selection decision is not my the option which you would adopt, giving
discretion, I have to take other member’s advice. And reasons.
also following the Institute’s policy that selection is
based on test, the preferred candidate has to follow Tags: Case Studies
the selection protocols of the company which can’t be y Case Summary: I am a senior officer in the
compromised. Finance Ministry, and I have access to some
of the confidential information about policy
Q13. As a senior officer in the Finance Ministry, decisions of the Government which are likely
you have access to some confidential and to have a sweeping impact on the housing and
crucial information about policy decisions that construction industry. In case builders get
the Government is about to announce. These access to this information beforehand, they
decisions are likely to have a far-reaching impact can make huge profits. One of the builders is
on the housing and construction industry. If known to be close to my immediate superior,
the builders have access to this information who asks me to disclose this information to
beforehand, they can make huge profits. One of the builder.
the builders has done a lot of quality work for y Stakeholders: Me, My Department, Builders.
the Government and is known to be close to your y Ethical Issues/Ethical Dilemmas: Disclosure
immediate superior, who asks you to disclose this of information, impartiality, loyal

Options Merits Demerits
(i) disclosing the information As the builder has done so much By disclosing the information, my
for the department, so quid pro ethics as a Government servant will
quo for his work. be compromised.
(ii) say directly No to my senior. I will not be further pressurized to This option can hurt my senior’s ego
disclose the information. and strain my relationship with him.

Previous Year Questions (2013) 85

(b) By discussing with seniors and emphasizing on She tendered her resignation and left your office.
rules and regulations, I will tell my obligations to not (a) What are the options available to you?
disclose the information to anybody. (b) Evaluate each of these options and choose the
option you would adopt, giving reasons. (250
Q14. You are the Executive Director of an upcoming words 20 marks)
InfoTech Company which is making a name for
itself in the market. Tags: Case Studies
Mr. A, who is a star performer, is heading the y Case Summary: Mr. A, a star performer,
marketing team. In a short period of one year, is heading the marketing team. But, you
he has helped in doubling the revenues as well as have been receiving information from
creating a high brand equity for the Company so many corners about his attitude towards
much so that you are thinking of promoting him. the female coworkers. One day, late in the
However, you have been receiving information evening, Mrs. X, who is one of Mr. A’s team
from many corners about his attitude towards associates, comes to you visibly distressed.
the female colleagues; particularly his habit of She complains against the misconduct of Mr.
making loose comments on women. In addition, A and tendered her resignation and left your
he regularly sends indecent SMS to all the team office.
members including his female colleagues. y Stakeholders: Mr. A, Mrs. X, Office, Me,
One day, late in the evening, Mrs. X, who is one InfoTech company.
of Mr. A’s team members, comes to you visibly y Ethical Issues/Ethical Dilemmas: Sexual
disturbed. She complains against the continued Harassment at work place
misconduct of Mr. A, who has been making
undesirable advances towards her and has even
tried to touch her inappropriately in his cabin. (a) Options available to me are as follows:

Options Available Merits Demerits

(i). Accept the resignation of Mrs. X Option(i) holds little merit except As an Executive director of a
that, The star performer Mr. A company, Option (i) is making me
will be there in my office and will shrug off my responsibility.
continue to strive for the excellence
(ii). Call both Mr. A and Mrs. X in This option holds little merit except As an Executive director, my
my cabin and ask them to resolve that, as an Executive Director tried sensitization towards female
amicably. to save the company’s image. employees will be questioned.
Nowhere option (ii) is promoting
gender neutrality.
(iii) Calling Mr. A and asking him to Option (iii) holds some merit as it Option (iii) will not ensure justice
explain himself. will give a chance to Mr. A to speak for Mrs. X.
about him and explain his situation.

(b). Choose the option you would adopt, giving Act, 2013, I will constitute Internal Complaint
reasons: committee. The committee will enquire within a
y As an Executive director of the company, I will time frame.
request Mrs. X not to resign from the Company. y Also, I will ensure that such things do not get
y Under the sexual Harassment of Women at repeated in the office in future.
Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) y Further after the enquiry by the committee, action
will be taken accordingly.

86 Previous Year Questions (2013)

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