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7) “For nearly a decade, the Vietnam War divided our nation in bitterness and violence.

Kind of sentence: Simple declarative positive statement.

Finite verb: divided
Kind of finite: TVCP + D.O. (monotransitive)

(For (nearly a decade,))
A.A. of time
P.P. h np. complement
pm pm h (n)
adv rd

S (np) P (vp)
_________________ ____________________________________________________
(the Vietnam War) (divided (our nation) (in bitterness and violence))
pm h (n) TVCP D.O. O.C.
rd pp. h np complement
da np. h (n) h (n) conj h (n)
rd cumulative
genitive coord.

8) “After the death of Mr. Mangrove, the town mourned for days.”

Kind of sentence: Simple declarative positive statement.

Finite verb: mourned
Kind of finite: IVCP

(After (the death (of Mr. Mangrove,)))
A.A. of cause
pp. h
np. complement
pm h (n) noun complement
rd prep. noun
S (np) P (vp)
_________ ______________________
(the town) (mourned (for days))
pm h (n) IVCP A.A. of time
rd pp. (h)
da np complement
h (n)

9) “I couldn’t help overhearing the terrible news about Igor.”

Kind of sentence: Simple declarative negative statement.

Finite verb: help
Kind of finite: TVCP + D.O. (monotransitive)

S (np) P (vp)
______ ________________________________________________________
(I) (couldn’t help overhearing (the terrible news) (about Igor))
h (n) aux TVCP gerund D.O. A.A.
modal np. pm pm h (n) pp. h np complement
neg rd adj h (n)

10) “Ludmilla and Rowena, two girls from Latvia, went on a long bike ride through the Black

Kind of sentence: Simple declarative positive statement.

Finite verb: went
Kind of finite: IVCP + AC

S (np)
(Ludmilla and Rowena,) (two girls (from Latvia))
h (n) conj h (n) POSTM
coord np. pm h(n) A.A. of place
cumulative adj pp. h np complement
P (vp)
(went (on a long bike ride) (through the Black Forest))
IVCP AC A.A. of place
pp. h np. complement
pm pm h (n)
rd adj pp. h np. complement
ia pm h (n)

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