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Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

July 2019

National Irrigation Administration – Region VI

Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................. ES-1
1.1 PROJECT FACT SHEET ................................................................................................................ ES-1
1.2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION SUMMARY........................................................................................... ES-2
1.3 PROJECT RATIONALE .................................................................................................................. ES-5
1.4 PROCESS DOCUMENTATION IN THE CONDUCT OF EIA .......................................................... ES-5
1.4.1 Terms of Reference (TOR) of the EIA Study ............................................................................... ES-5
1.4.2 EIS Team .................................................................................................................................... ES-5
1.4.3 EIS Study Schedule and Area ..................................................................................................... ES-6
1.4.4 Location of Burrow Sites ............................................................................................................. ES-6
1.4.5 SEIA Methodology ...................................................................................................................... ES-7 Legal Framework ................................................................................................................ ES-7 Environmental Baseline Studies ......................................................................................... ES-7 Impact Identification, Prediction and Assessment .............................................................. ES-8 Environmental Management and Monitoring Plans ........................................................... ES-8 Public Participation and Certificate of Land Use Compatibility ........................................... ES-9 Accountability Statement and Proof of Ownership ............................................................. ES-9
1.5.1 Summary of Baseline Environmental Conditions ...................................................................... ES-10
1.5.2 Summary of Project Alternatives ............................................................................................... ES-12
1.5.3 Summary of Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Plan .................................. ES-13
1.5.4 Summary of Environmental Monitoring Plan ............................................................................. ES-13
1.5.5 Environmental Guarantee and Monitoring Fund Commitment .................................................. ES-13
1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Rationale ........................................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Need for the Project ......................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.3 Project Location and Area ............................................................................................................... 1-2
1.3.1 Project Location ............................................................................................................................. 1-2
1.3.2 Service Area and Features............................................................................................................. 1-5
1.3.3 Accessibility .................................................................................................................................... 1-5
1.3.4 Delineation of Primary and Secondary Impact Areas ..................................................................... 1-5
1.4 Project Alternatives .......................................................................................................................... 1-9
1.4.1 Site Selection ................................................................................................................................. 1-9
1.4.2 Technology Selection ..................................................................................................................... 1-9 Dam Type .............................................................................................................................. 1-9 Dam Height ........................................................................................................................... 1-9 Dam Embankment ................................................................................................................. 1-9 Stability of Slope .................................................................................................................... 1-9 Quarry Area ........................................................................................................................... 1-9 Alternative Source of Power, Water, etc. ............................................................................. 1-10 Summary of Environmental Impacts Considered for the Alternative ................................... 1-10
1.4.3 With-the-Project and Without-the-Project Scenarios .................................................................... 1-10 Alternative 1 (Without the Project) ....................................................................................... 1-10 Alternative 2 (With the Project) ............................................................................................ 1-10
1.5 Project Components ...................................................................................................................... 1-10
1.5.1 Proposed Storage Dam ................................................................................................................ 1-12 Dam and Appurtenant Structures ........................................................................................ 1-12

Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Axis Alignment ..................................................................................................................... 1-12 Dam Embankment ............................................................................................................... 1-14
1.5.2 Protection Dike ............................................................................................................................. 1-14
1.5.3 Foundation & Excavation Level .................................................................................................... 1-14
1.5.4 Cofferdam .................................................................................................................................... 1-20
1.5.5 Spillway ........................................................................................................................................ 1-20
1.5.6 Diversion and Outlet Works.......................................................................................................... 1-24
1.5.7 Irrigation and Drainage Works...................................................................................................... 1-27 Design Standard .................................................................................................................. 1-27 Irrigation Network Layout..................................................................................................... 1-32
1.5.8 Reservoir and Reservoir Watershed ............................................................................................ 1-39 Reservoir Watershed ........................................................................................................... 1-39 Drainage Network ................................................................................................................ 1-40
1.5.9 Project Support Facilities.............................................................................................................. 1-44
1.5.10 Power Generation and Water Supply System.......................................................................... 1-45 Power Utilities ...................................................................................................................... 1-45 Water Sources ..................................................................................................................... 1-45
1.6 Process/Technology ...................................................................................................................... 1-46
1.6.1 Technology Description and Performance Specification .............................................................. 1-46
1.6.2 Pollution Control System and Waste Management System ......................................................... 1-48 Domestic Solid Waste ......................................................................................................... 1-48 Liquid Waste........................................................................................................................ 1-48 Air Pollutants ....................................................................................................................... 1-48
1.7 Project Size ..................................................................................................................................... 1-51
1.8 Development Plan, Description of Project Phases and Corresponding Timeframes ............... 1-51
1.8.1 Pre-construction Phase ................................................................................................................ 1-51
1.8.2 Construction Phase ...................................................................................................................... 1-51 Construction Plan ................................................................................................................ 1-51 Construction Schedule ................................................................................................... 1-51 Quarry ............................................................................................................................ 1-51 Dam ............................................................................................................................... 1-51 Spillway .......................................................................................................................... 1-52 Outlet Works .................................................................................................................. 1-52 Irrigation and Drainage................................................................................................... 1-52 Workable Days for Construction Works ......................................................................... 1-52 Construction Equipment ................................................................................................. 1-53 Construction Supervision Organization .......................................................................... 1-53
1.8.3 Operation and Maintenance Phase .............................................................................................. 1-55
1.8.4 Organizational and Implementing Office ...................................................................................... 1-55
1.8.5 Operation and Maintenance of Facilities ...................................................................................... 1-55 Dam Operation .................................................................................................................... 1-55 Dam Maintenance .............................................................................................................. 1-56 Maintenance of the Irrigation System .................................................................................. 1-56
1.8.6 Abandonment Phase .................................................................................................................... 1-56
1.8.7 Project Implementation Schedule................................................................................................. 1-57
1.8.8 Manpower .................................................................................................................................... 1-59
1.8.9 Indicative Project Investment Cost ............................................................................................... 1-59
2 KEY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MANAGEMENT/MONITORING PLAN ..................................... 2-1
2.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 2-1
2.2 The Land............................................................................................................................................ 2-1
Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

2.2.1 Land Use and Classification ........................................................................................................... 2-1 Baseline Conditions ............................................................................................................... 2-1 Arable Lands .................................................................................................................... 2-4 Riceland Classes: ..................................................................................................... 2-4 Class 1R Rice Land .................................................................................................. 2-4 Class 2R ................................................................................................................... 2-4 Dual Crop Land......................................................................................................... 2-4 Dual Class 2R (2) ..................................................................................................... 2-4 Non-arable Lands............................................................................................................. 2-5 Class 6 ...................................................................................................................... 2-5 M Land ...................................................................................................................... 2-5 Present Land Use ............................................................................................................ 2-5 Impact in Terms of Compatibility with Existing Land Use ...................................................... 2-5 Impact on Compatibility with Classification ECA ................................................................... 2-6 Impact in Existing Land Tenure Issues .................................................................................. 2-6 Impairment of Visual Aesthetics ............................................................................................ 2-8 Projected Effects on Landscape and Visual Amenity ........................................................ 11 Recommended Actions to Restore or Mitigate Impact on Landscape and Visual Amenity 2-
11 Devaluation of Land Value as a Result of Improper Solid Waste Management and Other
Related Impacts................................................................................................................................ 2-11
2.2.2 Geology/Geomorphology ............................................................................................................. 2-11 Baseline Conditions ............................................................................................................. 2-11 Geography, Location, Topography & Accessibility ......................................................... 2-11 Regional Geology........................................................................................................... 2-11 Seismicity ....................................................................................................................... 2-12 Site Geology ........................................................................................................................ 2-16 Dam Site Area ................................................................................................................ 2-16 Reservoir Area ............................................................................................................... 2-16 Appurtenant Structures Area.......................................................................................... 2-17 Sub-surface investigation .................................................................................................... 2-17 Core Drilling ................................................................................................................... 2-17 Test Pitting ..................................................................................................................... 2-18 Geotechnical Conditions at the Project Sites....................................................................... 2-18 Orientation & Behavior of Discontinuities ....................................................................... 2-18 Hydrogeologic/ Groundwater Conditions & Watertightness ........................................... 2-18 Foundation Conditions ................................................................................................... 2-18 Slope Stability ................................................................................................................ 2-19 Rock Mass Rating .......................................................................................................... 2-19 Grouting ......................................................................................................................... 2-19 Siltation .......................................................................................................................... 2-20 Construction Materials ......................................................................................................... 2-20 Impact Assessment and Mitigation ...................................................................................... 2-20 Change in Surface Landform/Geomorphology/Topography/Terrain/Slope .................... 2-20 Change in Sub-surface/Underground Geomorphology .................................................. 2-21 Inducement of Subsidence, Liquefaction, Landslide and Mud/Debris Flow, etc. ........... 2-27 Construction Impacts .............................................................................................. 2-27 Climate-related Hazard Assessment ...................................................................... 2-27 Geohazard Assessment ......................................................................................... 2-27 Seismic ............................................................................................................ 2-27 Liquefaction ..................................................................................................... 2-27 Channel Erosion .............................................................................................. 2-27 Landslides ....................................................................................................... 2-28

Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Mitigating Measures................................................................................................ 2-28 Ground Shaking and Landslide ....................................................................... 2-28
2- Channel Erosion .............................................................................................. 2-28
2.2.3 Pedology ...................................................................................................................................... 2-30 Baseline Conditions ............................................................................................................. 2-30 Topography and Slope ................................................................................................... 2-30 Soil Classification ........................................................................................................... 2-30 Soils of the Lowland................................................................................................ 2-30 Soils of the Intermediate Upland ............................................................................. 2-30 Soil Physical and Chemical Properties........................................................................... 2-31 Physical Properties ................................................................................................. 2-34 Chemical Properties ............................................................................................... 2-34 Impact Assessment and Mitigation ...................................................................................... 2-35 Soil Erosion/Loss of Topsoil/Overburden ....................................................................... 2-35 Change in Soil Quality/Fertility ....................................................................................... 2-36
2.2.4 Terrestrial Ecology ....................................................................................................................... 2-36 Floral Composition............................................................................................................... 2-36 Faunal Composition............................................................................................................. 2-48 Impact Assessment and Mitigation ...................................................................................... 2-48 Vegetation Removal and Loss of Habitat ....................................................................... 2-48 Threat to Abundance, Frequency and Distribution of Important Species ....................... 2-48 Hindrance to Wildlife Access .......................................................................................... 2-48
2.3 The Water ........................................................................................................................................ 2-48 Freshwater Ecology ............................................................................................................. 2-48
2.3.2 Hydrology/Hydrogeology .............................................................................................................. 2-51 Baseline Conditions ............................................................................................................. 2-51 Threat to Existence and/or Loss of Important Local Species ......................................... 2-51 Threat to Abundance, Frequency and Distribution of Species ....................................... 2-51 Stream flow Data ................................................................................................................. 2-51 Reservoir Inflow Study......................................................................................................... 2-51 Water Supply.................................................................................................................. 2-51 Inflow Generation ........................................................................................................... 2-51 Irrigation Water Requirement .............................................................................................. 2-52 Cropping Pattern ............................................................................................................ 2-52 Crop Water Requirement ............................................................................................... 2-52 Land Soaking ................................................................................................................. 2-60 Land Preparation............................................................................................................ 2-60 Nursery........................................................................................................................... 2-61 Field Crop Requirement ................................................................................................. 2-61 Farm Water Requirement............................................................................................... 2-61 Irrigation Diversion Requirement .................................................................................... 2-62 Flood Studies ...................................................................................................................... 2-62 General .......................................................................................................................... 2-62 Design Flood Determination........................................................................................... 2-62 Design Storm .......................................................................................................... 2-62 Rainfall-Intensity-Duration-Frequency Data ............................................................ 2-62 Unit Hydrograph...................................................................................................... 2-66 Lag Time and Time of Concentration...................................................................... 2-66 Rainfall Duration ..................................................................................................... 2-67 Mean Dimensionless Graph ................................................................................... 2-67 Design Flood .................................................................................................................. 2-69 Reservoir Operation Study .................................................................................................. 2-72 Reservoir Inflows............................................................................................................ 2-72
Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Reservoir Evaporation.................................................................................................... 2-72 Reservoir Demand ......................................................................................................... 2-72 Reservoir Sedimentation ................................................................................................ 2-72 Operational Criteria ........................................................................................................ 2-72 Simulation Result ........................................................................................................... 2-73 Impact Assessment and Mitigation ...................................................................................... 2-76 Change in Drainage Morphology/ Inducement of Flooding/ Reduction in Stream Volumetric
Flow 2-76 Change in Stream and Water Depth .............................................................................. 2-76 Depletion of Water Resources/Competition in Water Use.............................................. 2-76 Water Quality ....................................................................................................................... 2-77 Impact Assessment and Mitigation................................................................................. 2-83 Degradation of Groundwater Quality ...................................................................... 2-83 Degradation of Surface Water Quality .................................................................... 2-83 Degradation of Coastal/Marine Water Quality ........................................................ 2-83
2.4 The Air ............................................................................................................................................. 2-84
2.4.1 Meteorology/Climatology .............................................................................................................. 2-84 Baseline Conditions ............................................................................................................. 2-84 Climate Description ........................................................................................................ 2-84 Typhoons ....................................................................................................................... 2-86 Rainfall Data................................................................................................................... 2-87 Evaporation Data ........................................................................................................... 2-89 Temperature and Wind Speed ....................................................................................... 2-89 Climate Projections ........................................................................................................ 2-89 Impact Assessment and Mitigation ...................................................................................... 2-90 Change in Local Climate ................................................................................................ 2-90 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emission ...................................................................................... 2-90 The Global Carbon Cycle ............................................................................................... 2-90 Sources of GHG Emission in Reservoir ................................................................................. 92 Calculation for the GHG emission ....................................................................................... 2-93 Pre and Post Impoundment GHG .................................................................................. 2-93
= 2,250 tonnes .............................................................................................................................................. 2-95 The total GHG (CO2) emission for the Dam Project and GHG Management ................ 2-96
2.4.2 Air Quality and Noise.................................................................................................................... 2-97 Baseline Conditions ............................................................................................................. 2-97 Degradation of Air Quality ............................................................................................ 2-100 Increase in Ambient Noise Level .................................................................................. 2-100
2.5 The People .................................................................................................................................... 2-100
2.5.1 Demography............................................................................................................................... 2-100 Population Distribution, Population Growth and Density ................................................... 2-100 Health Sector ..................................................................................................................... 2-103 Dialect ............................................................................................................................... 2-105 Education Profile ............................................................................................................... 2-105 Religion ............................................................................................................................. 2-105 Tenurial Instruments/Issuances ......................................................................................... 2-105 Peace and order condition................................................................................................. 2-105 Garbage Disposal .............................................................................................................. 2-105 Power Supply .................................................................................................................... 2-105 Road Network and Transportation..................................................................................... 2-105 Domestic Water ................................................................................................................. 2-105 Communication.................................................................................................................. 2-105 Sources of Livelihood ........................................................................................................ 2-105
Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Indigenous People ............................................................................................................. 2-106 Perception Survey Results ................................................................................................ 2-106 Displacement of Settlers.................................................................................................... 2-107
2.6 Impact Assessment and Mitigation............................................................................................. 2-107
2.6.1 Preconstruction Phase ............................................................................................................... 2-107 The Land ........................................................................................................................... 2-107 Crops and Improvements .................................................................................................. 2-107 Mitigation Measures ..................................................................................................... 2-108
2.6.2 Environmental Impacts Arising during Construction Phase........................................................ 2-108 In-migration ....................................................................................................................... 2-108 Archaeological/Heritage .................................................................................................... 2-108 Threat to delivery of Basic Services .................................................................................. 2-108 Occupational health and safety for construction workers .................................................. 2-109 Public health and safety .................................................................................................... 2-109 Generation of local benefits from the project ..................................................................... 2-109 Increase in traffic congestion and worsening of traffic flow ............................................... 2-110
2.6.3 Environmental Impacts Arising during Operation and Maintenance Phase................................ 2-110 In-migration ....................................................................................................................... 2-110 Cultural/Lifestyle Change .................................................................................................. 2-110 Threat to public health and safety (third party risk)............................................................ 2-111 Socio-economic benefits from the project.......................................................................... 2-111
2.6.4 Summary of Environmental Impacts .......................................................................................... 2-111
3 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN ............................................................................................... 3-1
3.2.1 The Land ........................................................................................................................................ 3-1 Change in Surface Landform/Topography/Terrain/Slope ...................................................... 3-1 Inducement of Subsidence, Landslides or Other Natural Hazards ........................................ 3-1 Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control and Management ................................................... 3-2 Vegetation Removal and Loss of Wildlife Habitat .................................................................. 3-2
3.2.2 The Water ...................................................................................................................................... 3-3 Degradation of Surface Water Quality ................................................................................... 3-3
3.2.3 The Air............................................................................................................................................ 3-5 Contribution in Terms of Greenhouse Gas Emissions........................................................... 3-5 Degradation of Air Quality ..................................................................................................... 3-5 Asphalt Hot Mix Plant, Rock Crushing and Bitumen Supply.................................................. 3-5 Generation of Noise and Vibration ........................................................................................ 3-6
3.2.4 The People ..................................................................................................................................... 3-6 In-migration ........................................................................................................................... 3-6 Threat to Public Health and Safety ........................................................................................ 3-7 Generation of Local Benefits from the Project ....................................................................... 3-7 Chance Find Procedures ....................................................................................................... 3-7 Watershed Management Implementation Plan...................................................................... 3-9
3.3 Mitigating/enhancement measures for the operation and maintenance phase ........................ 3-10
3.3.1 The Land ...................................................................................................................................... 3-11 Potential Geologic-Related and Other Natural Events Impacts ........................................... 3-11 Change in Soil Quality ......................................................................................................... 3-11
3.3.2 The Water .................................................................................................................................... 3-12 Change in Drainage Morphology/Inducement of Flooding/Reduction in Stream Volumetric
Flow 3-12 Change in Stream and Water Depth ................................................................................... 3-12
Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Degradation of Surface Water Quality ................................................................................. 3-12 Degradation of Groundwater Quality ................................................................................... 3-13 Long-term Water Security Concerns ................................................................................... 3-14
3.3.3 The People: Threat to Public Health and Safety .......................................................................... 3-15
Control of Schistosomiasis Diseases .................................................................................................... 3-15
3.4.1 The Land ...................................................................................................................................... 3-15
3.4.2 The Water .................................................................................................................................... 3-15
3.4.3 The People ................................................................................................................................... 3-15
3.5 SUMMARY OF IMP.......................................................................................................................... 3-15
GUIDELINES ....................................................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.1.1 Risk of Dam Failure ........................................................................................................................ 4-7
4.1.2 Emergency Plan Based on Hazard Analysis .................................................................................. 4-7
4.2 RISK MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................................................ 4-7
4.2.1 Management in case of Occurrence of any Natural Events such as Typhoons and other Geologic-
related events .............................................................................................................................................. 4-7
4.2.2 Contingency Plan for Natural Disasters ......................................................................................... 4-7 Floods.................................................................................................................................... 4-8 Extreme Weather Abnormalities ............................................................................................ 4-8
4.2.3 Explosion During Construction ....................................................................................................... 4-8
4.2.4 Catastrophic Dam Failure/Dam Break............................................................................................ 4-9
5 SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN (SDP) AND IEC FRAMEWORK ............................................................ 5-1
5.1 Social Development Program (SDP) ............................................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Information and Education Campaign (IEC) .................................................................................. 5-1
5.3 Summary of SDP and IEC ................................................................................................................ 5-2
6 ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE MONITORING .................................................................................... 6-1
6.1 Self-Monitoring Plan for Cabano SRIP ........................................................................................... 6-1
6.1.1 Monitoring Activities during Construction Phase of Project ............................................................ 6-1
6.1.2 Monitoring Activities during Operation Phase of the Project .......................................................... 6-2
6.2 Multi-Sectoral Monitoring Framework ............................................................................................ 6-2
6.2.1 Multi-Partite Monitoring Team (MMT) Composition and Leadership .............................................. 6-2
6.3 Environmental Guarantee and Monitoring Fund Commitment .................................................... 6-3
7 DECOMMISSIONING/ABANDONMENT/REHABILITATION POLICY ...................................................... 7-1
8 INSTITUTIONAL PLAN FOR EMP IMPLEMENTATION ............................................................................ 8-1
8.1 Designation of the Environmental Officer ...................................................................................... 8-1
8.2 Institutional Plan for Effective Irrigation Project Implementation ................................................ 8-1
8.2.1 Turn-Over Scheme Between NIA and the IAs................................................................................ 8-3
8.2.2 Watershed Management Planning Approach ................................................................................. 8-4
8.2.3 Implementing Guideline for the Interventions/Strategies. ............................................................... 8-4
9 HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN ................................................................................................................... 9-1
9.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................................... 9-1
9.1.1 Objective .................................................................................................................................... 9-1

Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

9.1.2 Site Description and Site History .................................................................................................... 9-1

9.1.3 Policy Statement ............................................................................................................................ 9-1
9.1.4 Modifications to the Health and Safety Plan ................................................................................... 9-2
9.1.5 Reference....................................................................................................................................... 9-2
9.1.6 Definitions ...................................................................................................................................... 9-3
9.2 Roles and Responsibilities .............................................................................................................. 9-4
9.2.1 All Personnel .................................................................................................................................. 9-4
9.2.2 Stop Work Authority ....................................................................................................................... 9-5
9.2.3 Tenets of Operational Quality......................................................................................................... 9-5
9.2.4 Compliance Reporting Process ...................................................................................................... 9-5
9.2.5 Near-Miss Reporting ...................................................................................................................... 9-6
9.2.6 Short-Service Employee Program .................................................................................................. 9-6
9.2.7 NIA Personnel ................................................................................................................................ 9-6
9.3 Project Hazards and Control Measures .......................................................................................... 9-8
9.3.1 Scope of Work................................................................................................................................ 9-8
9.3.2 Job Hazard Assessment ................................................................................................................ 9-8
9.3.3 Field Activities, Hazards, and Control Procedure ........................................................................... 9-8 Mobilization/Demobilization ................................................................................................... 9-8 Site Clearing and Preparation ............................................................................................... 9-9 Delivery of construction materials and equipment ................................................................. 9-9 Dispatching and Monitoring of Vehicles ................................................................................ 9-9 Operation of the Dam and Irrigation Facilities ....................................................................... 9-9
9.4 General Safety Practices ............................................................................................................... 9-10
9.4.1 General Safety Rules ................................................................................................................... 9-10
9.4.2 Drug, Alcohol, and Search Policy ................................................................................................. 9-11
9.4.3 Loss Prevention System............................................................................................................... 9-11 Safe Performance Self-Assessment.................................................................................... 9-11 Loss Prevention System Reporting ..................................................................................... 9-12 Incident Investigation ..................................................................................................... 9-12 Loss Prevention Observation .............................................................................................. 9-12
9.4.4 Department of Environment and Natural Resources Requirements ............................................ 9-12
9.4.5 Job Safety Analysis ...................................................................................................................... 9-12
9.4.6 Motor Vehicle Safety .................................................................................................................... 9-13
9.4.7 Buddy System .............................................................................................................................. 9-13
9.4.8 Heat Stress Management and Precautionary Measures .............................................................. 9-13
9.4.9 Biological Hazards ....................................................................................................................... 9-14
9.4.10 Noise........................................................................................................................................ 9-14
9.4.11 Spill Control ............................................................................................................................. 9-14
9.4.12 Sanitation and Sanitary Facilities ............................................................................................. 9-14
9.4.13 Break Area ............................................................................................................................... 9-14
9.4.14 Potable Water .......................................................................................................................... 9-14
9.4.15 Emergency Equipment............................................................................................................. 9-15
9.4.16 Lockout/Tag out Procedures .................................................................................................... 9-15
9.4.17 Electrical Safety ....................................................................................................................... 9-15
9.4.18 Lifting Safety ............................................................................................................................ 9-15
9.4.19 Ladder Safety .......................................................................................................................... 9-15
9.4.20 Waste Management ................................................................................................................. 9-15
9.5 Personnel Protective Equipment .................................................................................................. 9-15
9.6 Work Zones and Decontamination................................................................................................ 9-15
9.6.1 Site Orientation and Hazard Briefing ............................................................................................ 9-15
9.6.2 Certification Documents ............................................................................................................... 9-16
Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

9.6.3 Entry Log ...................................................................................................................................... 9-16

9.6.4 Entry Requirements...................................................................................................................... 9-16
9.6.5 Emergency Entry and Exit ............................................................................................................ 9-16
9.6.6 Contamination Control Zone ........................................................................................................ 9-16 Exclusion Zones .................................................................................................................. 9-16 Contamination Reduction Zone ........................................................................................... 9-16 Support Zone....................................................................................................................... 9-17 Posting ................................................................................................................................ 9-17 Site Inspections ................................................................................................................... 9-17
9.6.7 Decontamination .......................................................................................................................... 9-17
9.7 Training and Medical Surveillance ................................................................................................ 9-17
9.8 Emergency Procedures ................................................................................................................. 9-17
9.8.1 Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedure ....................................................................... 9-18 Incident ................................................................................................................................ 9-18 Fire ...................................................................................................................................... 9-18 Contaminant Release .......................................................................................................... 9-18 Medical Emergency ............................................................................................................. 9-18
9.9 Appendices ..................................................................................................................................... 9-19
9.9.1 Appendix A. Safety Rules and Regulations .................................................................................. 9-19 Safety Briefing ..................................................................................................................... 9-19 Smoking .............................................................................................................................. 9-19 Contractor Personnel List .................................................................................................... 9-19 Traffic and Parking Regulations .......................................................................................... 9-19 Working Clothes .................................................................................................................. 9-19 Misconduct .......................................................................................................................... 9-19 Housekeeping Standards .................................................................................................... 9-20 Personal Protective Equipment and Fire Extinguisher ........................................................ 9-20

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Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)



Project Name Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Project Location: Location of Dam Site: Sitio Tiprosan, Brgy. Aguilar, San Lorenzo, Guimaras

Location of Irrigation Service Area: Barangay Aguilar, M. Chavez, Suclaran, San

Enrique, Cabungahan, and Cabano, in the Municipality of San Lorenzo

The project location map is shown in Figure ES-1. Locations of borrow materials are
in Figure ES-2.
Key action: Construction of a 29.0-meter-high zoned earthfill embankment dam with 215 meters
long and 8 meters wide crest and elevation of 80 meters with irrigation faci lities and
appurtenant structures which will serve six (6) barangays of San Lorenzo, Guimaras.
Total Project Land 3,823 ha
Total Impoundment 3.69 million cubic meters
Flooded Area 51.0 ha
Service Area 550 ha
Watershed Area 3,228 ha
Project Proponent Main Office:
National Irrigation Administration (NIA)-IGIMO
Tacas St., NIA Compound
Jaro, Iloilo City, Iloilo
Telephone: (033) 320 3849

Contact Person:
Regional Manager A
(033) 329-3862; 331-2315
Environmental Global Environmental Concepts Corporation (GECC)
Consultant Block 14 Lot 4, Lapu-Lapu Street, New Capitol Estates 1, Batasan Hills, Quezon
City; Telefax (02) 287-6931
Email:; website:

Contact Person:
Dr. Leizel L. Rombaua
(02) 940-2911; +639159503970


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Geographic Coordinates of Corner Latitude Longitude
Project Boundaries (PRS 1 10.625602 122.650785
92 Data) 2 10.633691 122.650726
3 10.609011 122.668759
4 10.630049 122.718290
5 10.615552 122.728834
6 10.592822 122.696429
7 10.569002 122.694472
8 10.556527 122.668968
9 10.556505 122.631193
10 10.575661 122.633719
11 10.589660 122.666516
12 10.626985 122.640275
Geographic Coordinates of
Lat: 10°37'32.21"N Long: 122°39'3.09"E
Dam Site (PRS 92 Data)
Threshold Limits Applied - Infrastructure Projects (Category A: ECP)
- Dams (for irrigation and provision for hydropower plant)
- reservoir inundated area ≥ 25 hectares,
Size and Scale The project will be composed of 29.0 meters high dam by 215.0 meters
long and 8.0 m wide crest, zoned earth-fill embankment irrigation dam to
irrigate a total of 550.0 hectares of agricultural lands. Its reservoir has an
area of 51.0 ha @ MWSE with total storage capacity of 3.69 million
cubic meters of water.
Project Components Components Specifications
A. Watershed
Drainage Area 32.28 sq. km.
Inflow Design Flood 619.68 cms
B. Dam
Type Zoned Earth-fill
Crest Elevation Elev. 80 m
River Bed Elevation Elev. 51 m
Dam Height 29.0 m
Crest Length 215.0 m
Crest Width 8.0 m
Embankment Slope
- upstream 2.75:1
- downstream 2.50:1
C. Irrigation Network
Irrigable Area 550.0 has.
D. Access Road 165.0 m long
20.0 cm thick
Manpower Requirements  Construction Phase: 205 skilled and unskilled workers
 Operation Phase: 21 Employees
Project Cost Total project cost of the Cabano SRIP is PhP 533.012 Million


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure ES-0-1: Location Map


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure ES-0-2: Location of Borrow Materials


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)


Rice production is directly linked to the Government’s policy of national self-sufficiency in food production
and the promotion of rural development in the pursuit of equitable, efficient and environmentally sustainable
growth. This is further reinforced by the Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act of 1997 (AFMA) which
provides a more comprehensive support to agricultural programs.

Such strategy will likewise revitalize the country's irrigation sector and subsequently improve the performance
of irrigation systems. Present performance of irrigation systems has been observed at levels below their
respective potential cropping intensities and crop yields as average cropping intensity and yield are estimated
at 144 percent and 3.30 tons/ha, respectively.

Through the Cabano SRIP, about 550 hectares of irrigable land which are operated by 833 farmers within the
farming communities of six (6) Barangays of San Lorenzo, Guimaras, namely: Aguilar, Cabano, San Enrique,
M. Chavez, Cabungahan and Suclaran will be benefited. The area currently consists of rain fed croplands
except those covered by the Cabano CIS. These areas are devoted mostly to paddy rice. Diversified crops
are planted in aggregate to contiguous areas during the dry season. Due to inadequate water supply,
widespread use of irrigation pumps is resorted to by a number of farmers.

In line with the NIA’s environmental policy, the proponent is committed to comply with all pertinent
environmental laws and regulations and put into practice these compliance requirements. Among those being
targeted for full compliance are the environmental requirements of EMB-DENR in securing an Environmental
Compliance Certificate (ECC) for the project through this EIS documentation and ECC application.


1.4.1 Terms of Reference (TOR) of the EIA Study

The Terms of Reference for this EIS preparation was decided among the Project Proponent, EIA Consultants
(EIS Preparers), EMB and EIA Review Committee members, and following the guidelines set in the EIS
scoping and screening form for dam projects.

1.4.2 EIS Team

For this EIS documentation, the proponent has commissioned the Global Environmental Concepts
Corporation (GECC) to undertake the conduct of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) study. In this
regard, all data and information used in this EIS report are based on actual study and accumulated data by
the project proponent. Secondary data acquired from various Government.

Agencies concerning the project were also utilized. A copy of the main body of the Public Scoping Report
(PSR) is appended in this report as Annex B, while the attachments are in e lectronic copy (CD).
Accountabilities on the contents and the entirety of this EIS are jointly the responsibilities of National Irrigation
Administration (NIA) as Project Proponent and GECC as EIS Preparer and Consultant. The EIS Study Team
is composed of the following experts/specialists:

Table ES- 0-1: EIS Team

Name Designation Registration No.
1. Ms. Louernie F. de Sales, Ph.D. Environmental Specialist/Team Leader
2. Mr. Welesito M. Rombaua, M.A. Social Safeguards Specialist/RAP Specialist
3. Mr. Angel S. Morcozo, Jr. M.A. IEC Expert IPCO-392
4. Mr. Leonides M. Loares Agriculturist/Agronomist IPCO-412
5. Ms. Jean Angelique Magsakay Aquatic Resource Specialist
6. Ms. Alaine Claudette Gutierrez Geologist
7. Ms. Phloem M. Dal Watershed Management Specialist


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
8. Engr. Fernando Victor Manicad III Hydrologist
9/ Mr. Jeremiah Joseph L. Revereza GIS Specialist

The signed and notarized Accountability Statements of the Project Proponent and the EIA Prep arers are
shown under Attachment G.

1.4.3 EIS Study Schedule and Area

Table ES-2 shows the EIA study main tasks and the dates the tasks were carried out. For the purpose of this
study, the direct impact area (DIA) covers the dam site and reservoir area located in Brgy. Aguilar, San
Lorenzo, Guimaras and the irrigation service area covers 6 barangays of San Lorenzo namely: Cabano, M.
Chavez, Cabungahan, Suclaran, Aguilar and San Enrique. The indirect impact areas (IIAs) on the other hand
comprised those outside of the designated DIA and is extended to the stretch of passing rivers and tributaries
as the ultimate receiver.

On the basis of identification of project impact areas, Chapter 2 of this EIS report describes the baseline
environmental conditions at the project site which serves as references in identifying the potential
environmental impacts associated with the different project activities. For direct impact areas, primary data
were gathered which are also supported by secondary data. For the IIA, data gathered are mostly secondary
in nature.

Table ES 1: EIA Study Work Schedule

Activities Date Performed
IEC 3 to 20 March 2018
Public Scoping 22 March 2018
Technical Scoping 10 August 2018
Water/Quality Sampling 23 March 2018
Data Collection and Assessments 11 August to 24 September 2018
First Draft Procedural Screening 25 September 2018
Air Quality and Npise Survey 31 Oct 2018 to 03 November 2018
Resubmission of Revised Draft 20 March 2019
Second Draft Procedural Screening Checklist Received 01 April 2019

1.4.4 Location of Burrow Sites

Borrowing of earth aggregates within the vicinity of the proposed dam location may involve stripping of top soil and
stockpiling. Figure ES-2 shows the location of borrow sites. Excavations in the burrow areas will affect the surface
landform since topsoil will be removed. Borrow pits areas chosen will increase the upstream storage capacity of
the reservoir. The sites are far from the downstream toe area of the dam, the spillway or outfall or in any area
prone to erosion. Borrow pits are located not too far to the dam site to minimize construction costs.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
1.4.5 SEIA Methodology Legal Framework

This EIS Report was prepared based on the following documents:

1) DAO 2003-30 otherwise known as the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulation of PD 1586
establishing the Philippine Environmental Impact Statement System / Revised Procedural Manual
2) DAO 34/35 (Water Quality);
3) DAO 2000-81 IRR for RA 8749 Clean Air Act;
4) DAO 2005-10 IRR of RA 9275 Clean Water Act;
5) DAO 2017-015 Guidelines on Public Participation under the Philippine Environmental Impact
Statement (PEIS) System
6) RA 9003 Ecological Solid Waste Management Act;
7) Requirements of the Local Government Units;
8) Sound engineering practices on construction debris;
9) Other relevant DENR environmental laws and regulations; and,
10) Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) and LGU Profile of San Lorenzo, Guimaras. Environmental Baseline Studies

The Project Proponent and GECC have conducted investigation of the existing environmental setting by
environmental module of the study area. These modules, their settings and data sources are presented in
the Table ES-3, below:

Table ES-2: Project Environmental and Social Modules and Study Methodology
Description and Data Source
The Land  Data on land modules were obtained from various sources particularly from
Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) and LGU Profile of the Municipality of San
Lorenzo, Guimaras. The objectives of describing the land features of the Cabano SRIP
are the following:

- Describe the existing physical features of the project area in terms of geology,
hydro-geology, topography and soil conditions, among other physical features of the
project area;

- Identify possible physical hazards and assess the threats it poses to the project;

- Recommend measures to minimize the impacts of the project on geologic and

hydro-geologic condition and to recommend means to minimize the geologic and
hydro-geologic hazards, if any.

 Terrestrial flora was surveyed using standard methodologies: random transect and
quadrant sampling along the proposed dam location and inundation area.

 Terrestrial fauna survey was done by ocular observation and interview with the locals.
Flora and fauna survey were done for three (3) days.

The Water and Air  Data on hydrology and meteorological characteristics were sourced from PAGASA.
Quality Survey Primary data were collected for water quality. All parameters were analyzed in
accordance with DENR Standard Method of Analysis.

 Water quality survey were done during dry and wet season. Four (4) parameters were


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
tested for the dry season and eight (8) parameters were done tested during the wet
season. These parameters are pH, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Bio-chemical oxygen
Demand (BOD), Total Suspended Solid (TSS), Oil and Grease, Chloride, Nitrate and
Phosphate. The sampling sites for these parameters are 50.0 m upstream, 50.0 m
downstream and near the existing Cabano dam.

 Four (4) parameters were tested for the air quality: Total Suspended Particulates (TSP),
Particulate Matter (PM 10), Sulfur dioxide (SO 2), and Nitrogen dioxide (NO 2). Noise level
was also measured. These were done in three (3) sampling sites (At the back of Aguilar
Elementary School, Dam Area, Quarry Area) and conducted for four (4) days.

The People  Primary and secondary data on several socio-economic aspects were obtained from the
affected barangays and town/city. Data parameters include population dynamics, health
conditions, traffic conditions and access amenities among others. Updated population
count was sourced from the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) Census and Socio-
Economic Profiles.

 Initial perception survey was conducted in the barangays of Cabano, San Enrique,
Suclaran, Cabungahan, M. Chaves and Aguilar. IEC materials were also distributed to
the different government establishments such as barangay halls, RHUs, churches and
other organization halls and waiting sheds.

 The public scoping activity was conducted on March 22, 2018 at the Legislative Building,
San Lorenzo, Guimaras. In attendance to the said activity are the following organizations
(women, senior citizen, farmers, teachers, residents, persons with disability, youth,
barangay health workers, tricycle drivers, government office representatives. etc.) Impact Identification, Prediction and Assessment

After compiling and assessing all relevant environmental data, the Proponent proceeded with the three
sequential phases of EIS – impact identification, prediction and assessment. Impact identification revealed
components of the existing project that may impact the social and physical environment. It was designed to
be comprehensive in order to include all possible options and alternatives and provide sufficient information
for effective decision-making. Meanwhile, impact prediction forecasted the nature and extent of identified
environmental impacts and estimated the likelihood of their occurrence. Population groups that may be
directly or indirectly affected by the project were identified. Lastly, impact assessment provided in-depth
analysis with the end-view of instilling confidence among users and the general public. Results of the overall
analysis in terms of beneficial and adverse impacts of the project were communicated to the Project
Proponent. Environmental Management and Monitoring Plans

Based on the results of impact identification, prediction and assessment, the Project Proponent planned and
designed an Impact Management Plan (IMP) for implementation. The major g oal of the EMP is to develop a
feasible set of environmental protection measures that aim to:

 Mitigate environmental impacts;

 Provide in-kind compensation for lost environmental resources; and,
 Enhance the quality of environmental resources.

The EMP discussed the project approach, pertinent issues during the pre-construction, construction,
operation and maintenance, and abandonment phases as well as the implementation of environmental
management requirements. The plan outlined environmental protection and other measures that will be


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
undertaken to ensure compliance with environmental laws and regulations and to reduce or eliminate adverse
project impacts. Mitigation measures defined the following:

 The technical work program of mitigating adverse impacts, including details of required tasks and
reports, necessary staff, skills, supplies and equipment;
 A detailed accounting of the estimated costs of implementing the plan; and,
 The planned operation or implementation scheme including a staffing chart and propose d schedules
of participation by the project management as well as activities and inputs from various government

Meanwhile, an environmental Monitoring Plan (EMoP) was prepared as part of overall quality control to
ensure that detailed environmental protection and necessary enforcement measures are adopted and in
place. The plan aimed to:

 Assess the effectiveness or necessity of environmental management measures;

 Provide information on which to base additional environmental protection measures wh ere
necessary; and,
 Provide feedback on the magnitude and nature of actual impacts.

In the monitoring program, the Proponent outlined the specific information to be collected, the data collection
program, and the management of the monitoring program. Management involves assigning institutional
responsibility, defining reporting requirements and ensuring the availability and adequacy of skilled staff,
equipment, training and funds. Public Participation and Certificate of Land Use Compatibility

Prior to the actual EIA study, series of stakeholders’ meetings were conducted by NIA -IGIMO with the
Irrigators Association, barangay level LGUs and the concerned locality as a whole. Together with the
representatives from NIA6-IGIMO, public consultations were also conducted with local government units and
different stakeholders which include the following: Municipal Planning and Development Officer (MPDO) of
San Lorenzo, Cabano Irrigators Association (CBDA), presidents of Farmers and Fisherfolk associations,
Women’s Association President, Principal representing DepEd, other local residents that are directly affected
and/or benefited by the project. In terms of project’s compatibility with the existing land use plan, MPDO
Catherine Ann Gaurana advised the EIS Team that their CLUP is still for updating as this was crafted way
back in 2001. However, the Municipal Zoning in- charge sent us the Zoning Compatibility certification which
is appended as Attachment A based on the existing CLUP and the current Socio -Economic Profile (SEP) of
the municipality. Accountability Statement and Proof of Ownership

In consideration of this EIS documentation, both the Project Proponent (National Irrigation Administration -
IGIMO) and the EIS Preparer (Global Environmental Concepts Corporati on) bind themselves and certify that
the material contents of this EIS are true, accurate and complete. The accomplished accountability
statements are presented in Attachment G.

Furthermore, a certification of the project site from the provincial government will be secured by the proponent
as proof that it is not identified as forest land. Moreover, the application for the Gratuitous Permit from
Guimaras Environment and Natural Resources Office, and Water Rights Permit from National Water
Resources Board are incorporated as Attachment B and Attachment C.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

1.5.1 Summary of Baseline Environmental Conditions

Module Baseline Environmental Condition
Land Land Use/Classification
The Proposed Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) located at Barangay Aguilar, San Lorenzo,
Guimaras is classified as partly second growth forest and partly agricultural, therefore compatible with the
existing Land Use Plan of the area as per Comprehensive Land Use Plan (old) and Zoning Ordinance of the
municipality. On the other hand, the project service area located in six (6) barangays of San Lorenzo, Guimaras
are classified as Agricultural. The project will cover six (6) barangays with 550 ha irrigable during wet season
and 470 ha during dry season. 49.3 percent of the project is classified as arable land which is equivalent to
550 ha and 50.7 percent (565 ha) is classified as non-arable land consisting of residential/built-up area (50
ha), river/creeks/ponds (55 ha), high grounds (375 ha) and roads and ROW (85 ha).

The formational units that comprise the stratigraphy of Guimaras from oldest to youngest, are: (a) the Dos
Hermanos Melange; (b) the Bangui Formation; (c) the Suyo Formation; (d) the Pasuquin Limestone; (e) the
Bojeador Pyroclastics and; (f) the Laoag Formation; (g) the Dos Hermanos Melange; (h) the Suyo Formation;
and (i) the Bojeador Pyroclastics.

There are two distinct physiographic landforms, namely: the alluvial flood plain and a limited extent of slightly
sloping and undulating area. The general physical outlook of the proposed service area is dominated by level
to nearly level that comprised of about 78.51% of the total delineated area. Remaining patches of areas are
gently sloping to steep covering the 21.49% of the total area. The watershed topography is undulating to
moderately steep in slope. Slope distribution is predominantly characterized by rolling to moderately steep
covering about 71.47 percent of the total watershed area. The rest is already undulating to rolling with a total
coverage of only 28.53 percent.

There are three mapping units identified in the project area: the SrA; Sta Rita clay loam, the SrB; Sta Rita clay
loam and the SaB; Sara sandy loam. Distribution of arable lands according to these classifications are as

Soil Mapping Percentage

Soil Series Area (ha) Percentage (%)
Unit (% Arable)
SrA Sta Rita clay loam 0.0-3.0% slope 380.0 34.1 69.1
SrB Sta Rita clay loam 3.01-5.0% slope 45.0 4.0 8.2
SaB Sara sandy loam 3.01-5.0% slope 125.0 11.2 22.7
Total 550.0 49.3 100

Soil classification survey was carried out for the Cabano SRIP for the purpose of determining the basic
information on the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil. The result of soil investigation
indicates that majority of the soils have shallow to moderate and deep solum varying from 30 to 150 cm deep.
A moderate development of soil structure consisting of granular, sub angular and angular blocky structures
was found.

Laboratory analysis indicates slightly acidic to neutral, with an average pH value of 6.2. This range is within
the favorable limit for rice and other diversified crops production. Data indicate a low O.M. content with
recorded average data of 1.64% - considered unfavorable thus 70-80 kg of nitrogen per hectare is
recommended to be applied for high yielding varieties of rice. The present average level of available
phosphorus of the soils in the project area is 4.1 ppm which is moderately low. Therefore 20 to 40 kg of
phosphorus per hectare are recommended for rice crop. The average amount of potassium is 56ppm or
.14m.e/100g of soil which is insufficient, thus application is recommended. The overall assessment of inherent
fertility of the soils in the project area is considered moderately low. It is recommended to apply the needed
requirement of various selected crops to increase production.

Terrestrial Ecology
In the dam site and reservoir area, presence of tree plantations are evident along gullies and ridges
interspersed with cultivated plants and cogonal areas. The forest vegetation is predominantly secondary


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Module Baseline Environmental Condition
growth forest composed of small to medium-sized trees. On the other hand, the service area is predominantly
agriculture in nature is dominated with rice crops and fruit trees.

Water Hydrology
The watershed that will serve as the source of water for the Cabano SRIP is located along the Cabano
River in the North-Eastern portion of San Lorenzo. It is connected to Cabano River which has a total
drainage area of 32.8 sq. km. Discharge measurements conducted at proposed dam site on 21 July 2010
at the water source registered a measurement of 175.93 Ips or 0.17593 CMS. Based on the results of
hydrology and given the land classification, agriculture studies and design of irrigation and drainage
facilities, the project can irrigate a service area of 550 ha during wet season and 470 ha during dry

Water Quality
Water samples were collected from the upstream and downstream of Cabano River at the proposed dam
site. Laboratory analysis shows that the river water samples conforms with the DENR DAO 34 Class A
fresh water classification. The pH of the water samples collected within the vicinity of the proposed dam
site falls within the threshold of freshwater Class AA and Class A. BOD upstream the proposed dam site
is within DENR Class AA while downstream exceeds the Class A standard. TSS level of upstream and
downstream regions are 11 mg/L and 17 mg/L, respectively. Both water samples from the two stations
falls within the threshold for Class AA which is 25 mg/L. Total Coliform/Fecal Coliform exceeds the
threshold for Class AA and A. Dissolved oxygen in both sampling stations are within the threshold of
Class AA and A for both dry and rainy seasons. Nitrates and chloride values taken for all the sampling
sites passed both the Class AA and A standards while for phosphates, all values failed the Class AA
standard but passed the Class A.

Air Climate Description

Using the Coronas climate classification system, the province of Guimaras belongs to two climate types,
namely Type III in the eastern portion and Type I in the western part including where the Cabano SRIP
Dam project lies. The area is partly sheltered from the northeast monsoon and trade winds but is exposed
to the southwest monsoon or at least to frequent to very frequent cyclonic storms with an occurrence of
32 percent, which raise the average flows particularly during July through September.

Meteorological Data
Meteorological data such as temperature, relative humidity, wind velocity and other climatological data
are being observed at the agro-met station in Jordan, Guimaras Island from 1975 up to the present,
however, wind speed and cloudiness data currently on hand, as transmitted by the regional office, cover
only the period 2002 – 2009. Temperature and Relative humidity data have a period of record 1975 –
2009. The monthly mean temperature varies from 26.0 degrees Centigrade to 28.9 degrees C while the
monthly mean RH varies from 83.0 percent to 89 percent. Wind Speed ranges from 3.0 to 4.0 mps.

Air quality and noise

Air quality and noise survey were conducted last October 31 to November 3, 2018. TSP, PM10, SO2,
and NO2 were taken from three (3) sampling sites: At the back of Aguilar Elementary School, Dam Area,
and Quarry Area. The results of the ambient air sampling are as follows.

Station no. Location NO2 SO2 TSP PM10

1 At the back of Aguilar Elementary School 0.73 <1.85* 33.8 9.00
2 Dam Area <0.630 <1.84* 4.41 3.06
3 Quarry Area 0.724 <1.83* 18.1 5.08
DENR NAAQSSAP 150 180 230 150

The result demonstrated that the ambient concentrations of NO2, SO2, TSP and PM10 are within the
acceptable limits of the standards stipulated DENR NAAQSSAP in the IRR of the Philippines Clean Ai r
Act. Air condition is perceived to be still fresh due to absence of major sources of air pollutants such as
factories, machineries etc. Presence of vegetation within the immediate surroundings helps in
maintaining the freshness and quality of air in the project area.

The results of noise level measurement were compared to the standards on the proposed land use within


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Module Baseline Environmental Condition
the sampling location. Sampling stations were also located in the same areas as the ambient air sampling
which are: Station 1 (At the back of Aguilar Elementary School), Station 2 (Dam Area), and Station 3
(Quarry Area). Station 1 was considered as Category AA (Areas within 100m from schools, hospitals,
etc), while Station 2 and Station 3 were considered as Category A (Residential Areas). Exc eedances are
not significant and can be reduced due to limited human population and activities.

People Socio-Economic Aspects

The current socio-economic situation in the project area was based on data gathered from the survey
conducted during pre-scoping and from secondary sources. Total population of San Lorenzo was 26,112
in 2015 census and steadily growing at a rate of more than 1%. The population of the barangays covering
the project area are given below. There were nine (9) house structures found within the inundation area.
There are no Indigenous Peoples (IPs) in the project area. There is no Ancestral Domain claim nor
Certificate of Ancestral Domain Title (CADT) released within the said area according to the MPDO and
the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) data file of released CADT’s nationwide.

Barangay Population Household Household Size

Aguilar 1,868 311 5.28
Cabano 4,917 592 5.53
Constancia 3,416 481 5.33
M. Chavez 2,803 411 5.39
Sapal 1,547 265 4.94
Suclaran 1,934 317 4.89

Details of the baseline data is presented in Chapter 2.

1.5.2 Summary of Project Alternatives

Based on the investigation done throughout the Cabano River, the proposed dam location is the best dam
site location and there is no other alternative location. The following are the criteria in selecting the best dam

 Narrow valley forming steep cliff which can resist the loads exerted by the dam
 The dam area is located across a narrow section of about 10.0 m from bank to bank with extended upslope
of up to 20.0-25.0 m high.
 Economical
 The location of the dam site requires less carving, streamlining and stripping of rocks on both flanks
 Can store up to 3.69 MCM of water to irrigate 550 ha of agricultural lands.

The selected dam type is zoned earth-filled because it was cost effective, the construction materials are
readily available in the area and that the foundation requirements are not as rigorous as other dams. The
dam height depends on the topography of the area and the reservoir capacity to irrigate 550 ha o f agricultural
lands. The design of the body of the dam satisfies the following:

 The foundation of the dam will be able to resist the loads exerted by the dam
 The dam body is effectively cohesive to the foundation.

A 10.0-meter-high protection dike will be provided on the right side of the spillway to compensate in the low
lying ridge beside the spillway location. An ungated spillway structure was chosen for its ability to function
under least maintenance cost- and trouble-free operation. Other criteria considered in siting, technology
selection and process design are the following:

 Reservoir Surface Area

 Biomass Flooded
 Length of River Impounded
 Persons Requiring Resettlement
 Natural Habitat Affected
Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

No alternative sites were considered since the selected site is the only choice based on the location of the
service area for the project. However, the above-mentioned indicators were considered to minimize the
environmental and social impacts of the project. Data regarding the alternative source of resourc e materials
are not yet available.

1.5.3 Summary of Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Plan

Potential environmental impacts were comprehensively evaluated with-the-project scenario from the pre-
construction, construction and operation phases of the irrigation project. Presentation of impact matrices for
all these phases intend to simplify the presentation of identified impacts. Only the most significant impacts
were discussed in detail together with their corresponding mitigating and enhancement meas ures (see
Chapter 2). Table ES - 4 presents the impact matrix for this project without mitigation.

The potential impacts were identified and described in terms of its polarity (negative and positive), geographic
extent (localized or regional), reversibility (reversible/irreversible), magnitude (nil/minimal/moderate/
significant/unknown), probability of occurrence (low/medium/high) and duration (short term and long term).
Impacts were rated accordingly using the following criteria:

1) Type of consequence: Positive (+) / Adverse (-)

2) Geographic extent of impact
3) Impact duration: Long-term or short-term
4) Possible rectification of impact: Reversible or irreversible
5) Magnitude: nil/minimal/moderate/significant
6) Probability of occurrence: Low/medium/high

Any actions or activities of the project are considered negative impacts if they: (1) alter or have detrimental
effects on natural systems (processes and conditions); (2) affect any area/item that the government seeks to
protect; (3) violate or exceed government standards and/or known best practices. On the other hand, activities
are classified as positive impacts when they: (1) ecologically and environmentally enhance existing conditions
and processes; (2) reinforce the use of best practices; and (3) support government programs and efforts for
environmental protection. The magnitude of an impact is rated using a relative scale of nil, minimal, moderate,
significant and unknown. The magnitude is assessed based, among others, on the area or size of the land
that will be affected, the volume of waste or material that will be generated, the number of animals and plants
affected, the cost of damage, the length of time the impact will prevail and the reversibility of an impact.

Since the project activity is expected to be completed within a 2-year period, temporal nature of certain
impacts is expected to be relatively of short duration. Nevertheless, the duration of an impact is described
using relative rating of short term and long term. Those impacts predicted to prevail duri ng the pre-
construction or construction stages are classified as short-term impacts while those that are identified to be
co-terminus or are expected to persist beyond the project life are considered as long -term impacts.

This EIS document ensures that the overall project benefits are optimized, and adverse impacts are
minimized. The details of the impact management plan are presented in Chapter 4. Table ES -5 shows the
summary table for the Environmental Management Plan (EMP).

1.5.4 Summary of Environmental Monitoring Plan

The summary table for the Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMoP) is presented in Table ES -6. Details of
monitoring activities during construction and operation phases are discussed in Chapter 6.

1.5.5 Environmental Guarantee and Monitoring Fund Commitment

An Environmental Monitoring Fund (EMF) on the other hand, will be established not later than the initial
construction phase. The fund will be used to support the cost of the monitoring activities of the MMT and
environmental information programs, as proposed in the Impact Management Plan. EMF and EGF will be part
of the MMT MOA.
Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Table ES-3: Impact matrix for the project without mitigation
Impact Parameter/Potential Reversibility/ Impact Geographic
Impact Description Nature Magnitude of
Area Impacts Permanence Duration Extent
A. Pre-Construction Phase
The Land 1. Change/Consistency in land use Possible conflict with the existing land Negative Minimal Low Reversible Long term Project site
use of the project area
2. Encroachment in Encroachment in areas that are Negative Minimal Low Reversible Long term Project area and
Environmentally Critical Areas susceptible to natural hazards (i.e. Vicinity
(ECAs) landslides, erosion, etc.)
3. Possible Tenurial / Land Issue Potential conflict on land ownership Negative Minimal Medium Irreversible Long term Project site
related to tenurial status
The 1. Land acquisition, ROW conflict Displacement of farmers/ residents in Negative Significant High Permanent Long term Project area
People the project site and within its vicinity
during ROW acquisition
B. Construction Phase
The Land 1. Change in surface Alteration of the existing topography Negative Medium Medium Irreversible Long Term Project area and
landform/topography/terrain/slope due to excavation in dam site and Vicinity
irrigation canals, and in quarry areas
2. Change in sub- Alteration of subsurface or underground Negative Minimal Low Irreversible Long Term Dam site and
surface/underground geomorphology irrigation
geomorphology canal network
3. Inducement of Subsidence, Caused by agitation of riverbed during Negative Minimal Low Irreversible Short term Dam site and
Liquefaction, Landslides and construction, unstable slopes in quarry irrigation canal
mud/debris flow, etc. areas and in construction areas network
4. Soil erosion/ loss of topsoil/ Occurrence of soil erosion during Negative Significant High Reversible Short term Project site and
overburden earthworks at source of
5. Vegetation removal and loss of Loss of ecologically important tree/flora Negative Significant High (dam site) Reversible Long term Irrigation canal
habitat species within the project area Low (irrigation network and
canals) reservoir area
6. Threat to existence and/or loss Extinction of any species. Negative Minimal Medium Reversible Long term Project site (dam
of important local species. site and
7. Hindrance to wildlife access Blocking of animal movement Negative Minimal Medium Reversible Short term Project site
The 1. Degradation of surface water Increase in siltation along river stream Negative Significant High Reversible Short term Downstream of
Water quality Oil and Grease contamination project site
Untreated wastewater from camp sites
2. Degradation of ground water Untreated domestic wastewater from Negative Medium Low Reversible Short term Project site
quality construction workers, construction


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Impact Parameter/Potential Reversibility/ Impact Geographic
Impact Description Nature Magnitude of
Area Impacts Permanence Duration Extent
The Air 1. Contribution in terms of Air pollution from generated Negative Minimal High Irreversible Short term Project site and
greenhouse gas emissions greenhouse gases vicinity
2. Degradation of air quality Air pollution from generated dust and Negative Significant Medium Reversible Short term Project site and
from consumption of fuel from vehicles vicinity
3. Increase in ambient noise level Increase noise levels during Negative Significant High Reversible Short term Project site and
construction vicinity
The 1. In-migration Increase in population due to migrant Negative Minimal Low Reversible Short term Project site and
People workers vicinity
2. Archaeology/Heritage Possible findings of archaeological Positive Minimal Low Reversible Short term Construction site
relics, remains and objects during
excavation works
3. Threat to delivery of basic Disruption to the existing utilities such Negative Minimal Low Reversible Short term Project area and
services as underground sewer and water lines vicinity
during construction
4. Occupational health and safety Exposure of workers to work-related Negative Minimal Low to high Reversible Short term Project site
hazards for construction workers accidents and illnesses;
and the public Exposure of public to risk of accidents
at the construction site
5. Generation of local benefits from Increase employment opportunities and Positive Significant High Reversible Short term Project area and
the income vicinity
C. Operation Phase
The Land 1. Potential Geologic-related and Destruction caused by uncontrolled Negative Significant Low Reversible Short term Project site
other natural events impacts geologic hazards/events
2. Change in subsurface/ Alteration of sub-surface and Negative Nil Low Irreversible Long term Project site
underground underground geomorphology
3. Change in soil quality/fertility Undisposed construction wastes may Negative Medium Medium Reversible Long term Project site and
alter soil quality Vicinity
Agricultural operations may degrade
soil quality
The 1. Change in drainage Alteration of drainage morphology Negative Medium Medium Reversible Short term Downstream of
Water morphology/inducement of Cabano River
flooding/reduction in stream
volumetric flow
2. Change in stream and water Decrease water depth downstream Negative Medium Medium Reversible Long term Downstream of
depth Cabano
3. Depletion of water resources/ Conflict in water supply and demand Negative Minimal Low Reversible Long term Downstream of


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Impact Parameter/Potential Reversibility/ Impact Geographic
Impact Description Nature Magnitude of
Area Impacts Permanence Duration Extent
Competition on water use Cabano River
4. Threat to existence and/or loss Hindrance to mobility of local water Negative Minimal Low Reversible Short term Cabano River
of species
important local species and habitat
5. Degradation of surface water Water pollution from significant Negative Significant High Reversible Long term Cabano River
and groundwater quality quantities of pesticides and fertilizers and service area
used, siltation of rivers
The Air 1. Change in local climate Increase temperature during summer Negative Minimal Low Reversible Short term Project site and
months vicinity
2. Air Pollution Increase in TSPs due to wind erosion Negative Minimal Low Reversible Short Term Irrigation Service
and increase in pollutants due to Area
increase in volume of vehicles and
agricultural machineries in project area,
Increase in Green House Gasses
3. Noise Increase in noise levels due to increase Negative Minimal Low Reversible Short Term Irrigation Service
in agricultural activities Area
The 1. In-migration Increase in population due to project Negative Moderate High Reversible Long term Project corridor
People operation
2. Cultural/Lifestyle change Cumulative impact of tourism to the Negative Significant Medium Irreversible Long term Project corridor
local people
3. Threat to public health and Risk of passengers and the public to Negative Moderate Low Reversible Long term Project area and
safety road accidents, terrorism threats, and vicinity
(third party risk) health problems
4. Socioeconomic benefits from the Create direct, indirect, induced and Positive Significant High Reversible Long term Project area and
project catalytic type of employment that could vicinity
encourage economic
development and increase revenue of
5. Traffic congestion Increase traffic congestion due to Negative Moderate Low Reversible Long term Project area and
project operation vicinity


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Table ES-4: Environmental Management Plan (EMP)
Location of Responsible Guarantee/ Financial
Project Phase/ Affected Project Activity Potential Impact [+/-] Options for Prevention or Mitigation or Enhancement Cost
Impacts Entity Arrangements
1) Vegetation removal The Civil works such as  Localized tree cutting or 1) Limit land clearing as much as possible. Direct impact NIA-IN-IMO / PhP ± 0.5 Part of the construction
and loss of habitat Land clearing and grubbing vegetation clearing, prior to 2) Provide a temporary fencing to vegetation that will be retained areas Contractor M cost under the GAA.
construction 3) Revegetation with double purpose of serving as vegetation buffer to
1) Change in surface The Civil works such as  Improper implementation of 1) Install necessary slope protection where steep slopes are present. Direct impact NIA-IN-IMO / PhP± 5 M Part of the construction
landform /topography Land dam and slope slope protection may cause 2) Install proper barrier and warning signs where excavation or other altered areas Contractor cost under the General
/terrain/slope alteration in failure. terrain may cause danger to workers. Appropriations Act
 Excavated earth from the 3) Designate a Spoils Storage Area, with topsoil set aside for later use and (GAA).
Excavation of canals proposed canal stretch may allow maximum re-use of spoils.
cause danger and
2) Soil erosion and The Civil works  Uncontrolled sediment 1) Construction during dry season. Direct impact NIA-IN-IMO / PhP ± Part of the construction
sedimentation control and Land transport. 2) Loose sediment will be carried into the service area and not in the areas Contractor 0.10 M cost under the General
management watercourse. Appropriations Act
3) Surplus excavated materials be used as backfill for canal embankment, (GAA).
service/access road and NIA/IA office/housing.
4) Proper management of spoils.
5) Re-use of excavated soil.
6) Excavated materials that cannot be hauled immediately should be covered
and/or surrounded by a bund.
7) Good construction practices which are specified within the Contract
8) Major excavation work especially for the modified intake system are
scheduled during the low flow season.
9) Site Soil Protection and Rehabilitation Program is included within the
10) Contract Documents that is the Contractor’s responsibility.
3) Vegetation removal The Civil works such as Localized tree cutting or 1) Limit land clearing as much as possible. Direct impact NIA-IN-IMO / PhP ± 0.5 Part of the construction
and loss of habitat Land clearing and grubbing vegetation clearing, and 2) P0rovide a temporary fencing to vegetation that will be retained. areas Contractor M cost under the General
disturbance to wildlife. 3) Use of markers and fences to direct heavy equipment traffic in the Appropriations Act
construction site and avoid damage to plants. (GAA).
4) Undertake proper maintenance of equipment and use of mufflers to avoid
wildlife disturbance due to noise.
5) Implement tree planting around the facility.
6) Revegetation with double purpose of serving as vegetation buffer to wildlife.
4) Degradation of surface The Construction activities Increase water bodies 1) The extent of earthworks should be minimized to those that are necessary. Direct and NIA-IN-IMO / PhP ± Part of the construction
water quality Water turbidity due to siltation. 2) Extensive grading and earthworks should be minimized in erosion prone indirect Contractor 0.10 M cost under the General
areas. impact areas Appropriations Act
Release of untreated Fuel, oil and grease 3) The stockpile area should be sited on higher ground. (GAA).
domestic wastewater contamination of rivers and 4) A site protection and rehabilitation measure that addresses soil erosion
by construction creeks. Increase BOD load of resulting from construction, as well as good operating procedures, should be
workers receiving water adopted by the Contractor.
bodies. 5) Sediments must be contained within the construction site through
6) sediment basins or other retention structures such as rock dikes.
7) Hydraulic conveyance facilities to handle increased surface run-off should
be installed.
8) Run-off velocities should be reduced by benching, back sloping, vegetative
fences along the contour such as vetiver grass, concave slopes instead of
convex slopes.
9) Run-off should be diverted away from the steep slopes and denuded areas
by constructing interceptors, drains and berms.
Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Location of Responsible Guarantee/ Financial
Project Phase/ Affected Project Activity Potential Impact [+/-] Options for Prevention or Mitigation or Enhancement Cost
Impacts Entity Arrangements
10) The extent and duration that bare soil is exposed to erosion by wind and
water should be minimized using mulches and fast growing herbaceous covers.
11) Disturbed areas should be stabilized as soon as possible by slope
flattening, re-vegetation and diversion of surface run-off.
12) Topsoil, whenever it is available, should be removed separately from the
rest of the overburden.
13) The erosion control measures should be inspected and maintained
14) Spills of oil and grease especially in the equipment maintenance area must
be avoided by good housekeeping, regular inspection of working areas, and
provision of waste containment area for filters and other consumables, and
proper maintenance of the oil-water separator.
15) Fuel and oil storage areas should be located well away from any
watercourses and be provided with interceptor traps so that accidental spills do
not contaminate the aquatic environment.
16) All waste oil should be stored and disposed of according to acceptable oil
industry standards. Washing down water also needs to be directed into this
system and held in retention areas for treatment.
17) As much as possible, the contractor should employ the ecological waste
management. Compostable materials must be segregated from the non-
biodegradable. Compost pits may be provided; markets for the recyclables
determined. Wastes, which are neither compostable nor recyclables, should be
stored in an HDPE lined landfill.
18) Camp and construction areas will need to be provided with septic sanitation
facilities (i.e. portable portalets) that are prevented from draining to any
watercourse. No untreated human waste or washings should be allowed to
enter any water course as this will affect downstream water quality, aquatic
environments and human health.
19) When construction is completed, the Contractor must be directed to clean
up the construction site by removing all equipment and buildings and carry out
site remediation work. This should be included in the contract documents and
the specifications determined.
20) Formulation watershed management plan for Cabano River.

1) Contribution in terms The Air Construction activities Air emission from movement 1) Conduct regular maintenance of heavy equipment to minimize air emissions. Direct impact NIA-IN-IMO / PhP Part of the construction
of greenhouse gas using heavy of construction machineries. 2) Conduct of emission test for construction vehicles. areas Contractor 120,000 cost under the GAA.
emissions equipment /yr
2) Degradation of air The Air Construction activities Increase dust generation 1) Regular sprinkling of water in the exposed areas to minimize dust. Direct impact NIA-IN-IMO / PhP Part of the construction
quality such as clearing and 2) Gravel crushing and screening, and concrete batching plants be located at areas Contractor 50,000/yr cost
grubbing least 500m from camp sites. under the GAA.
3) Generation of Noise The Air Construction activities 1) Scheduling of construction works during day time only. Direct and NIA-IN-IMO / PhP Part of the construction
and Vibration using heavy 2) Transport route of trucks delivering construction materials at site must avoid indirect Contractor 50,000/yr cost under the General
equipment noise sensitive areas. impact areas Appropriations Act
3) In transporting construction materials, proper speed must be observed to (GAA).
avoid too much noise and vibration.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Location of Responsible Guarantee/ Financial
Project Phase/ Affected Project Activity Potential Impact [+/-] Options for Prevention or Mitigation or Enhancement Cost
Impacts Entity Arrangements
1) Potential Geologic- The Effect of natural Structural failures due to 1) Implementation of contingency plans or disaster risk management Irrigation NIA-IN-IMO PhP Part of NIA’s
related and other natural Land geologic hazards and natural catastrophe such as and mitigation plans during and after the event. facilities and 50,000/yr Environmental
events impacts calamities earthquakes which may cause 2) Designs and specifications of all structures shall be in accordance appurtenances Guarantee Fund (EGF)
damage with NIA, local and international Structural Codes.
to property and lives.
2) Change in soil quality The Various operation and Waterlogging and salination 1) The soils subjected to irrigation should be assess together with Direct Impact NIA-IN-IMO / PhP Farmer’s individual
Land maintenance activities their management needs under irrigated agriculture. Area IAs 50,000/yr monitoring
2) Water should be applied efficiently.
3) Drainage should be adequate both surface and subsurface.
4) Canals should be lined to prevent seepage.
5) Exposed soils should be mulch to reduce evaporation.
3) Inducement of The Design error Conduct of necessary pre-engineering investigations for consideration Irrigation NIA-IN-IMO Part of the Part of NIA’s
subsidence, landslides or Land during the DED stage. facilities and overall Environmental
other natural hazards appurtenances project cost Guarantee Fund (EGF)
(Problems from Oversights
in Planning and Design)
4) Change in drainage The Design of dam, intake Irrigation water requirement 1) Careful planning of dam specifications taking into consideration Direct and NIA-IN-IMO PhP Included in Detailed
morphology/Inducement of Water structure and irrigation will reduce volumetric flow the end user of the project. indirect impact / DENR ±200,000 Engineering Cost
flooding/Reduction in canals downstream the river source. 2) Assessment of the impact of the resulting change in stream flow areas
stream volumetric flow of the source river. The main factor that will contribute to this effect will be
the discharge the intake structure can divert for irrigation use.
3) Assessment of the resulting inundation level the presence of dam
structure will produce. The main factor that will contribute to the inundation
level at the immediate upstream of the dam will be its
5) Degradation of surface The Various O&M activities Water pollution due to 1) Proper use of Agro-chemicals. Direct and NIA-IN-IMO / PhP Part of the overall
water quality Water excessive use of pesticides 2) Adoption of Integrated Pest Management Program (IPM). indirect impact IAs 50,000/yr project operation and
and fertilizers 3) Teach farmers composting of organic fertilizers that could be areas maintenance cost.
recommended to project farmers to reduce inorganic fertilizer input
6) Degradation of The Various O&M activities Water pollution due to 1) Farmer training on the proper application of chemical fertilizers. Direct and NIA-IN-IMO / (Included Part of the overall
groundwater quality Water excessive use of pesticides 2) Adoption of the Integrated Pest Management (IPM). indirect impact IAs Above) project operation and
and fertilizers 3) Information and educational campaign on what pesticide to use. areas maintenance cost.
4) Educating the farmers on the proper disposal of pesticide
containers, waste and left over.
5) Proper storage of pesticides.
6) Groundwater quality monitoring.
7) Long term Water The Various O&M activities Depletion of water source 1) Holistic Watershed Management Plan for Cabano River. Direct and NIA-IN-IMO / PhP Part of the overall
Security concerns Water indirect impact IAs/ LGU 30,000/yr project operation and
areas maintenance cost.
1) Waste generation The Deconstruction Improper domestic solid Dump trucks will be provided to carry those wastes into the nearest Direct and NIA-IN-IMO / Part of construction
(excess domestic solid Land activities waste and construction sanitary landfill and recyclable materials will be recycled. indirect impact Contractor /demobilization cost
waste and construction materials disposal areas
2) Degradation of The Deconstruction Water pollution due to siltation Mitigating measure from the start of the construction will be carried out Direct impact NIA-IN-IMO / Part of construction
surface water quality Water activities until demobilization phase areas Contractor /demobilization cost


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Location of Responsible Guarantee/ Financial
Project Phase/ Affected Project Activity Potential Impact [+/-] Options for Prevention or Mitigation or Enhancement Cost
Impacts Entity Arrangements
1) Potential Geologic- The Effect of natural Structural failures due to 3) Implementation of contingency plans or disaster risk management Irrigation NIA-IN-IMO PhP Part of NIA’s
related and other natural Land geologic hazards and natural catastrophe such as and mitigation plans during and after the event. facilities and 50,000/yr Environmental
events impacts calamities earthquakes which may cause 4) Designs and specifications of all structures shall be in accordance appurtenances Guarantee Fund (EGF)
damage with NIA, local and international Structural Codes.
to property and lives.
2) Change in soil quality The Various operation and Waterlogging and salination 6) The soils subjected to irrigation should be assess together with Direct Impact NIA-IN-IMO / PhP Farmer’s individual
Land maintenance activities their management needs under irrigated agriculture. Area IAs 50,000/yr monitoring
7) Water should be applied efficiently.
8) Drainage should be adequate both surface and subsurface.
9) Canals should be lined to prevent seepage.
10) Exposed soils should be mulch to reduce evaporation.
3) Inducement of The Design error Conduct of necessary pre-engineering investigations for consideration Irrigation NIA-IN-IMO Part of the Part of NIA’s
subsidence, landslides or Land during the DED stage. facilities and overall Environmental
other natural hazards appurtenances project cost Guarantee Fund (EGF)
(Problems from Oversights
in Planning and Design)
4) Change in drainage The Design of dam, intake Irrigation water requirement 4) Careful planning of dam specifications taking into consideration Direct and NIA-IN-IMO PhP Included in Detailed
morphology/Inducement of Water structure and irrigation will reduce volumetric flow the end user of the project. indirect impact / DENR ±200,000 Engineering Cost
flooding/Reduction in canals downstream the river source. 5) Assessment of the impact of the resulting change in stream flow areas
stream volumetric flow of the source river. The main factor that will contribute to this effect will be
the discharge the intake structure can divert for irrigation use.
6) Assessment of the resulting inundation level the presence of dam
structure will produce. The main factor that will contribute to the inundation
level at the immediate upstream of the dam will be its
5) Degradation of surface The Various O&M activities Water pollution due to 4) Proper use of Agro-chemicals. Direct and NIA-IN-IMO / PhP Part of the overall
water quality Water excessive use of pesticides 5) Adoption of Integrated Pest Management Program (IPM). indirect impact IAs 50,000/yr project operation and
and fertilizers 6) Teach farmers composting of organic fertilizers that could be areas maintenance cost.
recommended to project farmers to reduce inorganic fertilizer input
6) Degradation of The Various O&M activities Water pollution due to 7) Farmer training on the proper application of chemical fertilizers. Direct and NIA-IN-IMO / (Included Part of the overall
groundwater quality Water excessive use of pesticides 8) Adoption of the Integrated Pest Management (IPM). indirect impact IAs Above) project operation and
and fertilizers 9) Information and educational campaign on what pesticide to use. areas maintenance cost.
10) Educating the farmers on the proper disposal of pesticide
containers, waste and left over.
11) Proper storage of pesticides.
12) Groundwater quality monitoring.
7) Long term Water The Various O&M activities Depletion of water source 1) Holistic Watershed Management Plan for Cabano River. Direct and NIA-IN-IMO / PhP Part of the overall
Security concerns Water indirect impact IAs/ LGU 30,000/yr project operation and
areas maintenance cost.
1) Waste generation The Deconstruction Improper domestic solid Dump trucks will be provided to carry those wastes into the nearest Direct and NIA-IN-IMO / Part of construction
(excess domestic solid Land activities waste and construction sanitary landfill and recyclable materials will be recycled. indirect impact Contractor /demobilization cost
waste and construction materials disposal areas
2) Degradation of The Deconstruction Water pollution due to siltation Mitigating measure from the start of the construction will be carried out Direct impact NIA-IN-IMO / Part of construction
surface water quality Water activities until demobilization phase areas Contractor /demobilization cost


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Table ES-5: Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMoP) and EQPLs, Cabano SRIP
Sampling & Measurement Plan EQPL MANAGEMENT SCHEME
Project Phase Potential Impacts Parameter to be Monitored Lead Person Annual Estimated Cost Red Flag Level Action Level
Method Frequency Location
Standard Limit Red Flag Limit Course of Action Action Limit Course of Action
Land or ROW Land tenure problem  Legal proof of land Undertake Land Quarterly Along  Environmental P40,000.00 Just compensation --- --- --- ---
acquisition / ownership Acquisition and ROW/Easement Officer (EO) / for affected farmers
Easement  Proof of compensation/ Resettlement  MMT
payment before (LARP) activities
construction works
Conduct of Erosion and  Qualitative indicator such Periodic ocular Monthly Project Area  Environmental P60,000.00 Clear / or No visual Obvious or Conduct of immediate Severe visual Temporary stoppage of
various civil Sedimentation as complaints and visible inspection/ Officer (EO) / significant significant visual investigation on the turbidity earthworks and check soil
works during impairment of water bodies visual  MMT discoloration of discoloration of possible sources of erosion control measures
construction (i.e., water discoloration) observation; water bodies water problem
Localized tree cutting or  Compliance with conditions Periodic ocular Monthly Construction Site  Environmental P60,000.00 --- --- --- --- ---
vegetation clearing and of DENR (Permit to Cut inspection/ Officer (EO) /
disturbance to wildlife Trees) visual  MMT
 Area replanted/ observation
 Presence of fences and
Siltation of the  Qualitative indicator such Periodic ocular Quarterly Project Area  Environmental P40,000.00 Clear / or No visual Obvious or Conduct of immediate Severe visual Temporary stoppage of
surrounding river which as complaints and visible inspection/ Officer (EO) / significant significant visual investigation on the turbidity earthworks and check soil
could increase turbidity impairment of water bodies visual  MMT discoloration of discoloration of possible sources of erosion control measures
to downstream river (i.e., water discoloration) observation; water bodies water problem
especially during rainy Complaints
season  TSS level (mg/L) Grab sampling Quarterly Downstream of  Environmental P450/sample; 1 50 mg/L (Class A 45 mg/L Conduct closer and > 50 mg/L Conduct of immediate
Quioait River Officer (EO) / sample/station/quarter; 4 water) more frequent investigation n on the
 MMT quarters/yr = P1,800 monitoring possible sources of
problem; if found cause by
the project, temporarily stop
earthworks and check soil
erosion control measures
Pollution from  No scattered Periodic ocular Monthly Construction site  Environmental P36,000.00 Clear / or No Visible scattered Conduct of immediate Ample amount of Temporary stop earthworks
generation of domestic rubbish/construction inspection/ Officer (EO) / scattered wastes rubbish. housekeeping in scattered rubbish and conduct immediate
solid wastes wastes visual  MMT 50 % of the holding 75 % of the accordance to RA housekeeping in the
 No. of public complaints on observation capacity of garbage holding capacity of 9003 (Ecological Solid construction area.
solid wastes bins. the garbage bins. Waste Management) Implement measures not to
exceed the limit capacity of
the garbage bins.
Air pollution at  Qualitative indicator such Periodic ocular Quarterly Construction site  Environmental To be determined during Clear Obvious or Sprinkle expose areas Severe visual Temporary stop earthworks
construction site due to as haziness inspection/ Officer (EO) / finalization of the MMT MOA significant visual with water haziness and sprinkle expose areas
dust and air emission visual  MMT and its Work and Financial increase in fugitive with water
observation Plan dust
 Ambient air concentration Air quality 50% variable
(in case there are survey or parameter from
complaints) Emission test DENR-EMB
Noise pollution from  Tolerable noise levels in Use of noise Quarterly Project vicinity  Environmental To be determined during Morning – 70 Morning – 65 Determine the actual Morning – 68 If source of noise is coming
heavy construction residential areas meter Officer (EO) / finalization of the MMT MOA Daytime – 75 Daytime – 70 source of noise Daytime – 72 from active construction
equipment  No. of public complaints  MMT and its Work and Financial Evening – 70 Evening – 65 Evening – 68 site, minimize noise with
received by the Proponent/ Plan Nighttime – 65 Nighttime – 61 Nighttime – 63 installation of mufflers into
Contractor 60% of the limit both 75% of the limit each equipment and limit
daytime and night both daytime and works during daytime only.
time. night time.

Hiring of Labor and employment  Number of actual hired Actual Quarterly Construction site  Environmental To be determined during Within or more than Less than the Dialogue with NIA or Significantly less Dialogue with NIA or with
construction opportunity for the local local labor force which employment Officer (EO) finalization of the MMT MOA the agreed number agreed number of with the Contractor than the agreed the Contractor
workers folks should be in accordance records and its Work and Financial with concerned employed local number of locally
with agreement of NIA or Plan LGUs force employed labor
its contractor with force
concerned LGUs
Generation of Inability to pay the  Number of farmers who Actual payment Quarterly Project site  Environmental To be determined during All farmer Less than 5% of NIA to provide Non-paying NIA to provide payment
farmer’s equity required 25% equity could not afford to pay / nonpayment Officer (EO) finalization of the MMT MOA beneficiaries to pay the total payment options to the beneficiaries is options to the non-paying


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Sampling & Measurement Plan EQPL MANAGEMENT SCHEME

Project Phase Potential Impacts Parameter to be Monitored Lead Person Annual Estimated Cost Red Flag Level Action Level
Method Frequency Location
Standard Limit Red Flag Limit Course of Action Action Limit Course of Action
for the project contribution for low- records and its Work and Financial the required equity beneficiaries non-paying farmer more than 25% of farmer beneficiaries; NIA to
income farmer- Plan beneficiaries the total re-assess the feasibility of
beneficiaries. beneficiaries the project
Occupational Exposure of construction  No. of job-related Actual heath Quarterly Project site  Environmental To be determined during No incidence of 5 incidences of Check cause/s of 10 incidences of Comprehensive
health hazards workers to job-related incidence; records of the Officer (EO) / finalization of the MMT MOA work related illness illness per week illness incidence illness per week investigation of the cause/s
of construction accidents and diseases  Number of sick workers workers  MMT and its Work and Financial of workers in the are recorded are recorded of illness incidence
workers such as malaria triggered by water-borne Plan project area


Actual farming Sedimentation concern  Qualitative indicator such Periodic ocular Quarterly Project Area  Environmental To be determined during Clear / or No visual Obvious or Conduct of immediate Severe visual Temporary stoppage of
by the in the intake system; as complaints and visible inspection/ Officer (EO) / finalization of the MMT MOA significant significant visual investigation on the turbidity earthworks and check soil
beneficiaries; Bed load problem may impairment of water bodies visual  MMT and its Work and Financial discoloration of discoloration of possible sources of erosion control measures
affect the effectivity of (i.e., water discoloration) observation; Plan water bodies water problem
Operation of installed weirs Complaints
the facilities;  TSS level (mg/L) Grab sampling Quarterly Downstream of  Environmental P450/sample; 1 50 mg/L (Class A 45 mg/L Conduct closer and > 50 mg/L Conduct of immediate
Quioait River Officer (EO) / sample/station/quarter; 4 water) more frequent investigation n on the
Various O& M  MMT quarters/yr = P1,800 monitoring possible sources of
activities problem; if found cause by
the project, temporarily stop
earthworks and check soil
erosion control measures
Logging of water or slow  Incidence of Actual site Quarterly Project area  Environmental To be determined during Zero incidence of 1 reported and Identification of the More 3 cases of Conduct of immediate
moving irrigation water schistosomiasis / survey Officer (EO) finalization of the MMT MOA schistosomiasis recorded case of habitat of the host schistosomiasis investigation; more
flow which could proliferation of host snails  MMT and its Work and Financial schistosomiasis snail and application of aggressive identification of
increase hazard of water in irrigation canals  DOH Plan appropriate population the habitat of the host snail
related diseases such as control of the host and application of
Schistosomiasis and snail; treatment and appropriate population
Malaria confinement of the control of the host snail;
victim treatment and confinement
of the victim
Impairment of  River samples to be tested Water quality Semi- Main water body  Environmental Actual cost of sample Within standard limit Laboratory Aggressive IEC in the Laboratory findings Conduct of immediate
downstream water for conventional survey through annual (CabanoRiver) Officer (EO) / collection and laboratory set by DENR (DAO findings is 5% proper use of agro- is 20% higher than investigation; more
quality/ Potential parameters (pH, color, accredited  MMT analyses; 34) higher than the set chemical inputs the set residue Aggressive IEC in the
groundwater TSS) DENR To be determined during residue standards standards proper use of agro-
contamination laboratories finalization of the MMT MOA chemical inputs by the
and its Work and Financial farmers;
1) pH Grab Semi- 3 identified  Environmental P100/sample; 1 6.5 – 8.5 (Class A 6.5 – 8.5 Conduct closer and < 6.0 &> 8.5 Investigate source of
sampling; annual sampling sites Officer (EO) / sample/station/semiannual; 2 water & PSDW) more frequent problem and institute
RA9275 lab along Cabano  MMT semi-annual/y = P600 monitoring of water measures until the problem
analysis method River quality has been rectified and the
values will conform to
DENR standards.
2) Bio-chemical Oxygen Grab sampling; Semi- 3 identified  Environmental P1,300/sample; 1  3mg/L (Class A) 2mg/L -do- >3mg/L -do-
Demand (BOD) RA9275 lab annual sampling sites Officer (EO) sample/station/semiannual; 2
analysis method along Cabano  MMT semi-annual/y = P7,800
3) TSS, mg/L Grab sampling; Semi- -do-  Environmental P650/sample; 1  1000 mg/L 950 mg/L -do- > 1000 mg/L -do-
RA9275 lab annual Officer (EO) / sample/station/semiannual; 2 (Class A water)
analysis method  MMT semi-annual/y = P3,900  500 mg/L 450 mg/L > 500 mg/L
4) Dissolved Oxygen Grab sampling; Semi- -do-  Environmental P200/sample; 1  5mg/L 3.5mg/L -do- >5mg/L -do-
RA9275 lab annual Officer (EO) sample/station/semiannual; 2 (Class A)
analysis method  MMT semi-annual/y = P1,200
5) Oil and Grease Grab sampling; Semi- -do-  Environmental P750/sample; 1  1mg/L 0.5mg/L -do- >1mg/L -do-
RA9275 lab annual Officer (EO) sample/station/semiannual; 2 (Class A)
analysis method  MMT semi-annual/y = P4,500
6) Chloride Grab sampling; Semi- -do-  Environmental P450/sample; 1  250mg/L 200mg/L -do- >250mg/L -do-
RA9275 lab annual Officer (EO) sample/station/semiannual; 2 (Class A)
analysis method  MMT semi-annual/y = P2,700


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Sampling & Measurement Plan EQPL MANAGEMENT SCHEME

Project Phase Potential Impacts Parameter to be Monitored Lead Person Annual Estimated Cost Red Flag Level Action Level
Method Frequency Location
Standard Limit Red Flag Limit Course of Action Action Limit Course of Action
7) Nitrate Grab sampling; Semi- -do-  Environmental P750/sample; 1  7mg/L 5.5mg/L -do- >7mg/L -do-
RA9275 lab annual Officer (EO) sample/station/semiannual; 2 (Class A)
analysis method  MMT semi-annual/y = P4,500
8) Phosphate Grab sampling; Semi- -do-  Environmental P750/sample; 1  0.5mg/L 0.3mg/L -do- >0.5mg/L -do-
RA9275 lab annual Officer (EO) sample/station/semiannual; 2 (Class A)
analysis method  MMT semi-annual/y = P4,500
Solid Waste Pollution from  No scattered Periodic ocular Monthly Construction site  Environmental P36,000.00 Clear / or No Visible scattered Conduct of immediate Ample amount of Temporary stop earthworks
Generation generation of domestic rubbish/construction inspection/ Officer (EO) / scattered wastes rubbish. housekeeping in scattered rubbish and conduct immediate
solid wastes wastes visual  MMT 50 % of the holding 75 % of the accordance to RA housekeeping in the
 No. of public complaints on observation capacity of garbage holding capacity of 9003 (Ecological Solid construction area.
solid wastes bins. the garbage bins. Waste Management) Implement measures not to
exceed the limit capacity of
the garbage bins.
Siltation of the  Qualitative indicator such Periodic ocular Quarterly Project Area  Environmental P40,000.00 Clear / or No visual Obvious or Conduct of immediate Severe visual Temporary stoppage of
surrounding river which as complaints and visible inspection/ Officer (EO) / significant significant visual investigation on the turbidity earthworks and check soil
could increase turbidity impairment of water bodies visual  MMT discoloration of discoloration of possible sources of erosion control measures
to downstream river (i.e., water discoloration) observation; water bodies water problem
especially during rainy Complaints
season  TSS level (mg/L) Grab sampling Quarterly Downstream of  Environmental P450/sample; 1 50 mg/L (Class A 45 mg/L Conduct closer and > 50 mg/L Conduct of immediate
Quioait River Officer (EO) / sample/station/quarter; 4 water) more frequent investigation n on the
 MMT quarters/yr = P1,800 monitoring possible sources of
problem; if found cause by
the project, temporarily stop
earthworks and check soil
erosion control measures


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)


1.1 Rationale

The National Irrigation Administration (NIA) has been mandated by the government to delegate the management
of operation and maintenance (O&M) of Communal and National Irrigation Systems (CIS/NIS) to duly organized
and registered Irrigators’ Associations as provided for in the Presidential Decree 552 of 1974. This was re-affirmed
by the Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act (AFMA) of 1977 which further specifies that the O&M of lateral
canals have to be transferred to the IAs while NIA will continue to manage the O&M of the system’s head works.
The reason for this mandate point to the fact that farmers, if organized, can further improve the system’s capacity
to irrigate more lands and to ensure sustainability of its operation.

The province of Guimaras is largely agriculture-based in economic terms. Agriculture however is threatened by a
multitude of problems: the increasing demand for residential and commercial lands as a result of regional
population growth is causing agriculture land use to decline; and low productivity and farm income are among the
problems in the project area. The root causes of which, as mentioned by barangay officials and farmers
interviewed, are insufficient water for irrigation to have a second or third cropping in a year.

The Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) is aimed to address these concerns, The project is consistent
with PDP 2017-2022 goals of ensuring the sustainability of government efforts to improve the productivity of the
agriculture, forestry, and fisheries (AFF) sector; to continuously build the capacity of AFF stakeholders; and to
expand the access of farmers and fisherfolk to economic opportunities by improving AFF productivity within the
ecological limit through, among others, accelerating construction of disaster- and climate-resilient small-scale
irrigation systems and improve existing ones, facilitating the use of appropriate farm and fishery machinery and
equipment, and pursuing an ecosystems approach to fisheries management. This Environmental Impact Statement
(EIS) is therefore being submitted to secure the required Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) for the
Cabano SRIP implementation.

1.2 Need for the Project

The agricultural sector continues to play a significant role in the Philippine economy. In 2011, it accounted
for 11% of the country's gross domestic product (GDP) and employed 33.6% of the country's labor force. Its
weak performance has significantly contributed to the continuance of substantial rural poverty in the cou ntry.
This, along with concerns on food security, makes increasing agricultural production and productivity a priority
objective of the Government. The country's irrigation sector is envisioned to play a major role in the attainment
of this objective.

The potential irrigable area in the Philippines has been estimated to be 3.13 million hectares of land, 1.57
million hectares of which or about 50% have been provided with irrigation facilities. Current government
strategy towards increasing rice production, as indicated in the Medium-Term Agricultural Development Plan
(MTADP), is to bring potential areas under irrigation and rehabilitate existing irrigation systems which are in
need of repair.

Rice production is directly linked to the Government’s policy of national self-sufficiency in food production
and the promotion of rural development in the pursuit of equitable, efficient, and environmentally sustainable
growth. This is further reinforced by the Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act of 1997 (AFMA) which
provides a more comprehensive support to agricultural programs.

Such a strategy will likewise revitalize the country's irrigation sector and subsequently improve the
performance of irrigation systems. Present performance of irrigation systems has b een observed at levels
below their respective potential cropping intensities and crop yields as average cropping intensity and yield
are estimated at 144 percent and 3.30 tons/ha, respectively.

The service area consisting of 550 hectares currently consists of croplands devoted mostly to paddy rice
during the wet season and irrigated by pump. Diversified crops are planted in aggregate to contiguous areas


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

during wet and dry season. Due to inadequate water supply, widespread use of irrigation pumps is prevale nt
to a number of farmers. The residents of the proposed service area are dependent on agriculture for their
livelihood. They plant rice on their rain-fed rice farms only during the wet season and plant tobacco, corn,
and other crops during the dry season. Due to the low rice yields, they could not sell their produce and just
reserve these for family consumption. They depend on the sale of other crops for their livelihood. Thus, there
is an urgent need to put up a dam that would enable them to plant rice two (2) times a year and still plant
other crops after.

1.3 Project Location and Area

1.3.1 Project Location

The proposed Cabano SRIP covers the municipality of San Lorenzo in Guimaras, Region 6. The project has
a potential irrigable area of 550.0 hectares located in the municipality of San Lorenzo, Guimaras province. It
is about 50.0 kilometers southwest of the Regional Irrigation Office in Brgy. Tacas, Jaro, Iloilo Province. The
Municipality of San Lorenzo is bounded on the north by the municipality of Buenavista, on the east by
Guimaras Strait, on the south by the Municipality of Sibunag, and on the west by Jordan as shown in Figure
1-1. It is drained by many creeks and their tributaries from north to south easterly direction through the
Cabano River out to the strait of Guimaras. It is lying between 10 degrees, 32 minutes to 10 degrees 37
minutes north latitude and 122 degrees 38 minutes to 122 degrees 43 minutes east longitude. The damsite
is bounded in the north and west by the Oro Berde Mango Plantation and the south and east portion by low
mountains and it is 1.5 km away from Aguilar Elementary School. Figure 1-2 shows the location map of the
dam site and the service are. There are no other critical structures near the dam area except for the Aguilar
Elementary School.

The municipality of San Lorenzo has a total land area of 93.04 km 2 composing of 12 barangays. Based on
the 2015 National Statistics Census, the total population of San Lorenzo is 26,112 with a population density
of 280/km 2.

The proposed dam site is located in Barangay Aguilar within the geographical coordinates of 10 o37’35”
Latitude and 122 o38’52” Longitude. Shape file map is shown in Figure 1-2 while the spatial coordinates of the
shape file map is shown in

Table 1-1: Spatial Coordinates of the Shape File Map

No. Latitude Longitude
Dam Site 10.625602 122.650785
1 10.6306016 122.650955
2 10.6126225 122.667906
3 10.6195573 122.694618
4 10.6321427 122.696288
5 10.6487091 122.711698
6 10.6492228 122.724669
7 10.6166036 122.724155
8 10.5878371 122.712212
9 10.5481547 122.695132
10 10.5561169 122.678951
11 10.5952856 122.68473
12 10.5965698 122.659816
13 10.6267489 122.643249


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 1-1: Map of Guimaras Province


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 1-2: Shape File Map


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
1.3.2 Service Area and Features

The general physical outlook of the proposed service area is dominated by level to nearly level terrain that
comprises of about 78.51 percent of the total delineated area. The remaining 21.49 percent of the total area
are gently sloping to steep. The project is consistent with the existing land usage within the proposed service
area. The general land use within the proposed Cabano dam site and service areas is mostly classified as
paddy rice non- irrigated areas.

The service area is determined based on the results of hydrology, land classification, agriculture studies and
design of irrigation and drainage facilities. The project can irrigate a service area of 550 ha during wet season
and 470 ha during dry season. There are six (6) barangays in San Lorenzo that will benefit from the project,
namely the barangays of: Aguilar, Constancia, Sapal, Cabano, Suclaran and M. Chavez as shown in Figure
1-3. The existing CIS – which is only operational during rainy season – is presently assessed for possible
inclusion in the project area. Farmers expressed willingness to participate in the project, and land acquisition
for ROW is therefore not expected to be a problem.

1.3.3 Accessibility

There are two ways to reach the island of Guimaras. First is through its western side via Iloilo. This is
considered as the most popular route. From the Ortiz dock, pump boats ply the Iloilo Strait regularl y to Jordan
Port in Guimaras. The second is via the town of Pulupandan and Valladolid in Negros Occidental. The ports
in Brgy. Hoskyn and Sebaste in Jordan and Sibunag has been upgraded to accommodate the RORO (Roll -
On-Roll-Off) Sea Transport System capable of transporting products, passengers, vehicles and buses. The
RORO system in Brgy Hoskyn, Iloilo City is presently plying the route between Iloilo and Guimaras while The
RORO system in Brgy. Sebaste is plying between Negros to Guimaras.

Barangay Aguilar is accessible by any type of vehicle up to the barangay center. From here, dam could be
reached by driving a car downstream along an unequal road that leads up to Cabano River where the dam to
be constructed.

1.3.4 Delineation of Primary and Secondary Impact Areas

After compiling and assessing all relevant environmental data, the study team proceeded with the three
sequential phases of environmental and social assessments – impact identification, prediction, and
assessment. Impact identification revealed components of the existing project that may impact the social and
physical environment. Impact prediction forecasted the nature and extent of identified environmental impacts
and estimated the likelihood of their occurrence. Population groups that may be direct ly or indirectly affected
by the project were identified. Lastly, impact assessment provided an analysis of the beneficial and adverse
impacts of the project.

The Project’s impact areas were identified based on the socioeconomic, hydrological, and biophys ical
assessments conducted within and near the vicinity of the project area. Specific impact areas are delineated
into two categories: the primary or direct impact areas, and the secondary or indirect impact areas. Figure 1 -
4 shows the delineated impact areas. Table 1.2 summarizes the delineation of direct and indirect impact
areas of the project.

The primary impact zones or direct impact areas of the project are the areas where the project facilities or
infrastructure are located, or those areas traversed by the irrigation networks, access roads, and others to be
setup during the construction and operation phases. On the other hand, there may be some adverse and
beneficial environmental impacts which cannot be immediately traced to the project activities b ut can be
casually linked. These are classified as the secondary or the Indirect Impact Area (IIA). A complete discussion
about the impact areas during pre-construction, construction and operation phase is found in Chapter 2.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Direct Impact Areas

a) Dam site and reservoir areas

b) Access road to the dam site
c) Service area covers the existing and new area where improvements/facilities/irrigation canals and
new facilities will be constructed

Indirect Impact Areas

a) Immediate vicinity of the dam site and reservoir

b) Transport route
c) Drain areas downstream the service area

Table 1-2: Delineation of Direct and Indirect Impact Areas of Cabano SRIP
Impact Impact Areas
Category Direct Impact Areas Indirect Impact Areas
In terms of Irrigable Service Areas - the 550 hectares
Socio- agricultural lands which serves as the service area
economic of the project that will benefit from the irrigation.
Impacts Fishery Development Areas – 0.32 hectares of
reservoir area would be devoted to fish culture
Local Employment Beneficiaries – the municipality
of San Lorenzo will be benefited through on-farm
and off-farm
employment generated by the Project.
In terms of Reservoir Inundation Area - communities, Watershed Area - catchment
Hydrological properties, and flora and fauna located inside the area or watershed of Cabano
Impacts reservoir area which will be inundated after the River which will be impacted
construction of the dam. through Watershed Management
Flood Vulnerable Areas - low lying areas Activities of the Project.
vulnerable to flood which will be positively
impacted due to flood control benefit from the
Project and negatively impacted in case of dam
Downstream Water Bodies - downstream and
tributary rivers/creeks of Cabano River which will
be affected by the sedimentation during the
of dam and canal structures.
In terms of Dam Construction Danger Zone - communities Irrigation Network Buffer Zone –
Biophysical around the 1 km danger zone of the dam site which the 500 meter buffer zone in
Impacts will be cleared before the construction of the dam. areas traversed by the irrigation
Quarry Areas – nearby quarry areas which will be canals and farm ditches which
the source of clay, gravel, rocks, and sand for the will be affected during the
dam embankment construction. construction of irrigation canals.
Irrigation Network Alignment – areas to be Access Road Alongside
traversed by the irrigation canals and farm ditches. Communities – the access roads’
Access Roads – the access roads which will be alongside communities which will
deteriorated/damaged due to transport of be impacted by air and noise
construction materials during construction of the pollution and erosion due to
project. transport of construction


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 1-3. Barangay Map


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 1-4: Delineation of Impact Area Map


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

1.4 Project Alternatives

1.4.1 Site Selection

Based on ocular inspection and investigation, and results of mapping/lay-outing, no other sites are
comparable with the proposed dam location with the geographical coordinates of 10 o37’35” latitude and
122o38’52” longitude. The following are the factors considered in selecting the best dam sit e location:

 Narrow valley forming steep cliff which can resist the loads exerted by the dam
 Economic factors
 Can store up to 3.69 MCM of water to irrigate 550 ha of agricultural lands.
 Persons Requiring Settlements - dam siting should generally seek to minimize the number of
households required to resettle from lands affected by the reservoir. There are only nine (9) houses
within the inundation area that should be relocated.

Since the topography/terrain of the Cabano River is relatively flat surrounded b y undulating terrain, presence
of the dam will inundate a large portion on land.

1.4.2 Technology Selection Dam Type

An earth-fill dam was selected to be the type of dam for this project because foundation requirements are not
as rigorous as other dams; local available soil is the main construction material which is readily available in
the area. Among the earth-fill type of dam, the zoned earth-fill is the most cost effective in terms of Cabano
SRIP location, purpose and resources. Dam Height

The height of the dam depends on the topography of the area and the reservoir volume that adequately
satisfies the intended needs of the project. Dam Embankment

For the dam structure to attain the requisite degree of imperviousness, its midsection or central core woul d
be of clay materials. A downstream sand and gravel filter drain would be placed directly adjacent to the clay
central core, with its horizontal segment extending up to the boulder toe drain.
To provide additional structural stability and more protection to the impervious zone, a random fill composed
of inorganic materials with low to medium plasticity and preferably with preponderant gravel particles would
blanket in enormous quantity the upstream side of the aforesaid zone, and similarly with the downstr eam side
in such a manner that their respective slope requirements could be attained. In turn, the upstream random fill
is kept firm and stable against erosion, especially due to run- off and the possible occurrence of wave action
arising from high velocity winds, by the placement of boulder riprap mantling its inclined surface area. Stability of Slope

No problems in rim stability or water holding capability of the reservoir are expected since no disclosures of
potential sliding areas have been observed during the field investigation. Quarry Area

Details about the quarry area are not yet finalized. As of the preparation of this document, the primary sites
considered for the quarry are the same as the sites identified for the burrow materials.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Alternative Source of Power, Water, etc.

There is no other power provider in San Lorenzo except for Guimaras Electric Cooperative (GUIMELCO) and
the only source of water is underground/dug wells. Data about resource materials is not yet available. Summary of Environmental Impacts Considered for the Alternative

In general, the following environmental considerations were taken into account in selecting alternatives:

1. Reservoir surface area – The area inundated by the reservoir is a strong indicator of the environmental
and social impacts of the project however the terrain of the surrounding the Cabano River is relatively
flat so placement of dam will create a large inundation area.

2. Length of River Impounded - This was considered to conserve aquatic and riparian biodiversity
impounded by the reservoir.

3. Biomass flooded –. This was considered because flooded vegetation will release ample amount of
greenhouse gas methane and carbon dioxide.

There is no other alternative site for the dam location so the project will greatly affect the environment of the
site. However, there are mitigating measures to be discussed in the next chapter to minimize the
environmental impacts of the project.

1.4.3 With-the-Project and Without-the-Project Scenarios Alternative 1 (Without the Project)

At present, farming in the proposed service area is usually rain-fed, wherein farmers rely on rainfall water.
Hence, without the Project, agricultural productivity will remain poor and farm yields will be stagnant or
decrease especially during extreme wet and dry conditions, until such a time that a reliable irrigation system
is implemented in the area.

The secondary purpose of the project which act as flood control facility and the additional benefit of the dam
reservoir for local fishing will not materialize. Alternative 2 (With the Project)

With the implementation of the project, the local farmers in the proposed service areas will have the
opportunity to improve their agricultural productivity, particularly their rice production. Idle lands will also be
converted into productive rice lands. Eventually, there will be a positive contribution in achieving rice
sufficiency and food security in the locality with the project.

As a result of the increased agricultural productivity, there will be substantial increase in labor demand that
will translate into additional employment for local residents. With employment opportunities, the locals will
improve their income which will lead to improved living conditions.

The dam will also act as a flood control facility which will control flood waters of Cabano River to avoid flooding
in the lower barangays within the vicinity of the river. Moreover, the fishing industry in the dam reservoir will
also benefit the surrounding communities.

1.5 Project Components

The proposed project aims to utilize the water resources potential of Cabano River for irrigation purposes; it
involves the construction of a dam and its appurtenant structures across Cabano River in Barangay Aguilar


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

in the municipality of San Lorenzo. This could store about 3.69 MCM of water at Normal Water Surface
Elevation. Other features would include canal network and pertinent structures such as protection dikes,
cofferdams, spillways, on-farm facilities, and diversion outlets.

The project envisaged the construction of a 29.00 m dam and the impounded water will be used to provide
irrigation water for about 550 ha of agricultural lands of San Lorenzo. Canal network consisting of 13 km of
main canal and 4.65 km of laterals will effect equitable distribution of irrigation water within 400 ha of service
area. The existing 4.53 main canal will be utilized to irrigate 150 ha. About 0.32 hectares of the reservoir area
would be devoted to fish culture. Summary of features and performance specification of Caba no SRIP is
presented in Table 1-3.

Table 1-3: Summary of Features and Performance Specification of Cabano SRIP

Particular Unit Pertinent Data
Drain Area at Dam site Km2 32.38
Inflow Design Flood cms 619.68
Flood frequency yr 200.00
Type Zoned Earthfill
U/S Slope 3:1
D/S Slope 2.5:1
Crest Elevation m El. 80.00
River Bed Elevation m El. 51.00
Dam Height m 29.00
Crest Length m 215.00
Crest Width m 8.00
Volume of Embankment m3
U/S Slope 3:1
D/S Slope 1:1
Length m 150.00
Width m 6.00
Type Ungated Ogee
Crest Elevation m El. 74.00
Design Capacity cms 551.51
Chute Length m 87.00
Chute Width m 36.00
Type of Energy Dissipator Stilling Basin Type II
Total Length of Spillway m 175.00
Height m 10.00
Length m 74.00
Width m 8.00


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)


Type Ungated Ogee
No. and Size m 2-3.00
Design Capacity
Q - Irrigation cms 0.974
Q - Diversion (5-year Flood) cms 284.68
Outlet Control Structure Impact Type
Maximum Water Surface Elevation m El. 77.75
Normal Water Surface Elevation m El. 74.00
Minimum Water Surface Elevation m El. 64.51
Water Surface Area @ MWSE km2 0.51
Water Surface Area @ NWSE km2 0.45
Water Surface Area @ MinWSE km2 0.16
Total Storage Capacity mcm 3.69
Surcharge Capacity mcm 1.8
Active Storage Capacity mcm 2.96
Dead Storage capacity mcm 0.73
Wet Season ha 550
Dry season ha 470
NO. OF BENEFICIARIES household 833

1.5.1 Proposed Storage Dam Dam and Appurtenant Structures

The height of the dam is 29.00 m and a freeboard will be added to the height of the dam to guard against the
rise in the reservoir water due to wave action, etc. The dam crest elevation was determined by adding the
freeboard and fall water surface. Crest elevation of the dam was set at elevation 80.00 meters. Axis Alignment

The dam is located in Barangay Aguilar across the Cabano River. The abutment al ong the selected axis and
in the immediate riverbed vicinity have moderate to steep slope banks. The ground contours varies in both
banks with the river turning 90 degrees south of the downstream area. The general layout for the dam is
shown in Figure 1-5.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 1-5. General layout for the dam


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Dam Embankment

The maximum dam height above the streambed is 29 meters. The crest of the dam, which is at elevation is
80.00 meters, will be 8 meters wide and 215 meters long. The upstream face of the dam will be sloping 3:1
and the downstream face 2.5:1. Underneath the impervious core is a six-meter wide trench with a grout hole
at the centerline of its longitudinal axis. The Maximum dam section and the longitud inal section is presented
in Figure 1-6, and the cross section showing both the dam and protection dike are shown in Figure 1 -7 to
Figure 1-10.

1.5.2 Protection Dike

A protection dike of about 10 meters high, 74 meters long with 8-meter wide crest is also provided on the
right side of the spillway to compensate in the low-lying ridge beside the spillway location.

1.5.3 Foundation & Excavation Level

The dam foundation excavation lines will essentially follow the sound rock strata. The interred sound rock
strata are about 8 m to 12 m deep. Overburden materials are stiff to very dense transported and residual soil.
At the river bed, the alluvial deposit should be no more than 5.55 m in thickness.

The level down to which it will be necessary to carry the foundation excavation for each of the sections of the
dam will vary according to the position of the rock strata and state of weathering. Fully weathered layers will
have to be removed from the foundation areas since these are mechanically weak and potentially semi -
pervious. The final excavation levels would be determined upon visual inspection during excavation at
construction time.

The sound rock, defined as the hard rock limiting surface for mechanical excavation, must be reached. The
sound rock, once exposed, will have to be cleaned by hand excavation and air and water jets. The main
purpose of the cleaning is to remove the filling from the joints especially from those joints crossing the axis
at angles 90 degrees.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 1-6: Maximum Dam Section & Longitudinal Profile of Dam


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 1-7: Dam Cross Section


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 1-8: Dam Cross Section


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 1-9: Dam Cross Section


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 1-10: Dam Cross Section


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

1.5.4 Cofferdam

The purpose of the cofferdam will be to divert the rivers’ low water flow into the diversion conduit. The
cofferdam embankment will consist of a homogenous material with slopes 3.0 H to 1.0 V on the upstream
side and on the downstream side the slope is 1.0 H to 1.0 V. The crest would be 6.0 meters wide and about
150 meters long. The cofferdam will be incorporated into the main dam body, and it is anticipated that this
embankment can be built using materials coming from dam excavation.

1.5.5 Spillway

To accommodate the design flood (200-year flood frequency) estimated at 619.68 cms, various combinations
of flood storage, spillway lengths and capacities were investigated. These investigations required flood
routings, spillway layouts and estimates. An un-gated structure was chosen since it requires little manpower
and is low-cost to operate.

The hydraulic size and outflow characteristics of the spillway were determined by routing the design flood.
Flood routing for selected spillway length together with the inflow/outflow hydrographs are presented in Table
1.4 and Figure 1-11.

The proposed spillway of the dam is located at the right end bank of the dam axis. The width of the spillway
is 36.00 meters throughout its length of 87.00 meters. The inlet portion is a straight ungated ogee crest type,
one meter in height; a guide portion of the rectangular chute type with a length of 37.2 meters and a 29.00-
meter long energy dissipator of the Type II USBR Stilling Basin as shown in

Table 1-4: Flood Routing for Selected Spillway Length

Crest Length 36.00 M
Crest Elevation 74.00 M
Initial Water Surface Elevation 74.00 M
Maximum Water Surface Elevation 77.75 M
Height of Ogee 1.00 M
0.00 0.00 0.00 74.00
1.00 2.50 0.09 74.01
2.00 2.68 0.34 74.03
3.00 3.17 0.72 74.02
4.00 4.44 1.28 74.08
5.00 7.79 2.34 74.12
6.00 17.83 5.19 74.20
7.00 38.45 13.39 74.36
8.00 59.12 29.60 74.61
9.00 71.15 48.98 74.83
10.00 78.53 64.67 75.00
11.00 84.92 74.11 75.08
12.00 91.08 81.97 75.15
13.00 98.27 89.35 75.22
14.00 106.13 97.00 75.28
15.00 116.65 105.77 75.36
16.00 129.50 116.57 75.44
17.00 158.15 134.15 75.57
18.00 164.15 152.23 75.70


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

19.00 196.21 171.56 75.83

20.00 251.07 208.99 76.07
21.00 343.11 276.35 76.46
22.00 517.21 403.42 77.10
23.00 619.68 551.51 77.75
24.00 405.19 515.45 77.60
25.00 252.59 352.10 76.85
26.00 178.47 242.63 76.27
27.00 140.14 181.06 75.89
28.00 115.91 144.38 75.64
29.00 95.76 119.17 75.46
30.00 69.98 96.70 75.28
31.00 38.40 72.13 75.07
32.00 21.86 47.45 74.82
33.00 14019 31.37 74.63
34.00 1018 21.98 74.50
35.00 7.73 16.17 74.41
36.00 6.00 12.34 74.35
37.00 4.72 9.68 74.29
38.00 3.76 7.75 74.25
39.00 3.06 6.30 74.22
40.00 2.57 5.21 74.20
41.00 2.20 4.37 74.18
42.00 1.94 3.72 74.16
43.00 1.73 3.22 74.14
44.00 1.52 2.81 74.13
45.00 1.44 2.47 74.12
46.00 1.39 2.23 74.11
47.00 1.35 1.06 74.11
48.00 1.33 1.87 74.10
49.00 1.31 1.75 74.10


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 1-11: Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 1-12: Spillway Plan and Profile


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

1.5.6 Diversion and Outlet Works

To divert river flows during construction, two concrete conduits with a diameter of 3 meters would be
constructed along the right bank of the river channel. The diversion conduit in combination with cof ferdam
would protect against the 5-year flood frequency of 284.7 cms. The results of the flood routing for the size of
conduit together with the inflow/outflow hydrographs are presented in Table 1-5 and Figure 1-13. After
construction, one of the conduits will be modified and incorporated into the outlet works for releasing water
needed for irrigation. The outlet works would include an inlet trash rack structure, a vertical intake shaft
connecting the inlet structure to the horizontal conduit, and high pressure gates installed on a gate house
constructed at the terminus of the outlet as presented in

Table 1-5: Conduit Routing

Crest Length 36.00 M
Crest Elevation 74.00 M
Initial Water Surface Elevation 53.00 M
Maximum Water Surface Elevation : 63.01 M
Conduit Size 2 – 3.00 M
Invert Entrance Elevation 53.00 M
Invert Entrance Elevation 52.70 M
Slope 0.0014 M
Roughness Coefficient 0.015
0.00 0.00 0.00 74.00
1.00 1.73 0.21 0.50
2.00 1.77 0.56 1.22
3.00 1.86 0.86 1.75
4.00 2.07 0.97 1.97
5.00 2.68 1.36 2.75
6.00 4.16 2.53 5.12
7.00 8.98 4.98 10.09
8.00 17.03 7.66 15.50
9.00 22.00 9.47 19.17
10.00 24.99 10.72 21.71
11.00 27.54 11.80 23.89
12.00 30.01 12.91 26.15
13.00 32.93 14.17 28.68
14.00 36.14 15.70 31.79
15.00 40.52 17.67 35.76
16.00 45.94 21.29 43.11
17.00 59.35 24.48 49.56
18.00 60.85 27.74 56.10
19.00 75.11 32.75 56.74
20.00 100.31 41.60 58.11
21.00 143.69 53.05 60.37
22.00 230.65 59.76 61.94
23.00 284.68 63.92 63.01
24.00 178.52 63.37 62.87
25.00 104.47 60.30 62.08
26.00 69.56 56.11 61.06
27.00 52.21 51.22 59.97


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

28.00 41.75 36.08 57.21

29.00 33.61 20.33 41.15
30.00 24.55 9.93 20.10
31.00 14.26 5.57 11.28
32.00 8.79 3.48 7.04
33.00 6.11 2.25 4.55
34.00 3.65 1.65 3.33
35.00 3.74 1.46 2.95
36.00 3.08 1.22 2.48
37.00 2.59 1.04 2.10
38.00 2.23 0.90 1.82
39.00 1.96 0.80 1.61
40.00 1.77 0.73 1.47
41.00 1.64 0.67 1.36
42.00 1.54 0.63 1.28
43.00 1.46 0.60 1.21
44.00 1.37 0.57 1.15
45.00 1.34 0.56 1.13
46.00 1.32 0.55 1.11
47.00 1.31 0.55 1.11
48.00 1.31 0.54 1.10
49.00 1.30 0.54 0.00

Figure 1-13: Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 1-14: Conduit Plan and Profile


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
1.5.7 Irrigation and Drainage Works

The main canal is laid out to maximize the service area to be served for irrigation. The main and lateral canal
alignment would traverse several numbers of depressions and natural wa terways up to end check of canal.

The main canal is going to southeast to southwest direction while the new Lateral canal heading to northeast
direction. The main canal will distribute irrigation water all over the service area through only one lateral ca nal
and existing Cabano main canal its lateral.

The layout of irrigation canal, considers the optimum area to be irrigated based on design standard. Figure
1-15 shows the irrigation network layout. Design Standard

The layout and design of irrigation facilities conform to the NIA accepted criteria, among others;

a. The shape of concrete main and lateral canals are rectangular while the farm ditches and farm
drains are trapezoidal.

b. Canals should have at least 20m/ha intensity. Similarly, the number of cana l structures

c. Depend on the topography as shown in Figure 1-17 and Figure 1-18.

d. Service road would be provided on one bank of the canal at side where the service area is located.
Gravel surfacing would be 0.20m thick.

e. On-farm facilities have an intensity of 40 m to 60 m per ha for main and supplementary farm
ditches as shown in Figure 1-19.

f. Existing waterways/creeks that will adequately drain rain water are considered project drains.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 1-15: Schematic Diagram


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 1-16: Standard Irrigation Structures


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 1-17: Standard Irrigation Structures


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 1-18: Typical Layout of On-farm Facilities


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Irrigation Network Layout

The main canal has a total length of 12.969 km with a service area of 220 hectares while the lateral canal
has a total length of 4.65 km with a service area of 180 hectares. The existing Cabano main canal has a total
length of 4.53 km. with a service area of 150 hectares.

Irrigation development involves the construction of irrigation facilities such as canal structures, on -farm
facilities, drainage system and service roads.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 1-19: Canal Profile


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 1-20: Canal Profile


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 1-21: Canal Profile


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 1-22: Canal Profile


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 1-23: Canal Profile


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 1-24: Canal Profile


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

1.5.8 Reservoir and Reservoir Watershed

In an impounding project, clearing of the reservoir is essential to its operation. Prevailing winds and watershed
flow conditions move trees, logs and other debris to the shoreline and outlets of the res ervoir. Under extreme
flood conditions with high flows passing through the spillway, large trees and other floating debris could plug
the spillway to a certain degree, thereby reducing the spillway outflows to a point of endangering the safety
of the dam.

In this respect, the project plan will account for the removal of all trees, brushes and other structures below
the top of maximum water surface elevation of 77.75 meters down to two meters below the minimum reservoir
water surface level of 64.51 meters.

The drainage area upstream of the proposed dam site is about 32.28 square kilometers. The reservoir when
filled to capacity at normal water surface elevation (El. 74.00) would submerge an area of 45 ha and have
corresponding storage of 3.69 million cubic meters. This consists of an active storage of 2.96 million cubic
meters at elevation 74.00 meters and an inactive storage of 0.73 million cubic meters. The water surface area
at minimum water surface level (El. 64.51) is about 16 ha.

Under maximum probable flood conditions (reservoir water level at elevation 77.75 m) about 51 ha of land
area would be inundated. Reservoir volume at this elevation is about 5.49 million cubic meters. Water flow
lines of the reservoir area are presented in Figure 1-26. Reservoir Watershed

The Cabano River Watershed is approximately 8,400 and is located in the center of Guimaras Island. There
are twenty-five (25) local watershed in the Guimaras as shown in Figure 1-27. The reservoir watershed is
about 3,358 ha which covers portions of the municipality of Jordan, Buenavista, Sibunag and San Lorenzo.
It is medium in size, fan like in shape, short and broad in size.

The dominant land cover of the watershed based on the 2003 data from NAMRIA showed that cultivated
areas planted with annual, perennial crops and wooded lands as shown in Table 1.6 and Figure 1 -27.

Table 1-6: Cabano SRIP Watershed Land Cover

Land Cover Area (ha) Percent (%)
Cultivated Area 1,756 52.30
Wooded Lands 1,472 43.84
Grass Land 118 3.51
Natural Barren 12 .35
Total 3,358 100

The watershed’s land cover is generally utilized into upland agriculture planted with aggregates of perennial
and annual crops. Primarily, mango is among of the common vegetation with sm all to medium size trees
together with varieties of grasses immediately covering the ground.

During the site assessment made during the conduct of Feasibility and EIA study, it was observed that general
land use of the watershed is upland agriculture planted with mango, coconut and other fruit bearing trees,
some annual crops such as cassava, corn and other more. In low lying areas upstream, the dam site there
are small patches of rainfeds with aggregate area of about 6 ha. Tree crops are also prevalent pl anted in
patches within the watershed such as Gmelina, Mahogany, Eucalyptus and Mangium species.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Drainage Network

The proposed project will tapped the Cabano River as source of irrigation water. The river has a total length
of about 19 km with an average width of about 10 meters. The head water of the river emanates from the
mountainous area of Jordan and Nueva Valencia, northwestern part of San Lorenzo. It drains in an easterly
direction towards the municipal proper of San Lorenzo before it merges with the ocean’s body in Guimaras


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 1-25: Reservoir Layout


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Source: Guimaras Environment and Natural Resources Office

Figure 1-26: Watershed and Drainage Map


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 1-27: Watershed Land Use Map


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

1.5.9 Project Support Facilities

In time of emergency support facilities were properly identified to reduce vulnerability to hazards and cope
with disasters. Disaster Management does not avert to present or eliminate the threats, instead focuses on
creating plans to decrease the impact of disasters. Events covered by disaster management plan include acts
of fire, terrorism, industrial sabotage, and public disorder, construction-related accident and
telecommunication failure.

Support facilities in case of wide scale power failures are standby generator sets that would sufficiently
provide emergency power during construction and operation period. Process control is an engineering
discipline that deals with the technical procedures for maintaining the desirable quality output of a specific
activity. Other installations that can be considered in the construction sites are ventilators to maintain ambient
air and sensors to detect the presence of hazardous and toxic gases to avoid intoxication.

Quarry area should be provided with alarm systems which are necessary during blasting operations for
workers’ quick response to avoid quick accidents caused by flying debris. Dam monitoring instruments should
also be installed which can serve as gauge and measure for water pressure and seepage in the foundation
of the dam.

Transportation related to services, equipment, parts and maintenance for the project will be pr ovided. Storm
water drainage will be provided to accommodate excess surface water/run-off from impervious surfaces such
as road ditches at camp facilities.

Contractors should set a policy to design a comprehensive storm drain facility that is project oper ation friendly.
It is advisable to provide storm-server facilities that will collect storm water runoff and convey it away from
any structures in a manner that will adequately drain project sites, roadways, home sites in a way that will
minimize the potential for flooding and erosion to projects. Hydraulic capacities of storm server facilities
should be designed to take into consideration the damages to adjust properly the project structure and to
ensure a low degree of risk of traffic interruptions due to flooding.

Waste collection transport and material recovery facilities shall also be encouraged to the local barangays.

Transport of project hazardous waste is an activity requiring appropriate equipment and suitably and trained
staff. Recommended measures to prevent spills and release during waste transport.

Follow applicable regulations and accepted standards for packaging, labeling and transport of hazardous
materials and waste.

 If drum or other containers are the utilized means of transporting waste, they should be in good
condition and compatible with waste, and adequately secured in the transport vehicle.

 Adequately label all transport tanks and containers to identify the contents, hazard and action
required in situation of emergency.


The Contractor shall provide field offices, quarters/staff quarters/dormitories and workshops in the project


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

1.5.10 Power Generation and Water Supply System Power Utilities

The power requirement for the project is minimal since the only facilities that need to be powered are the
small office beside the dam site and bunk houses during construction. Water Sources

The Cabano river will serve as the source of water for the Cabano SRIP. Table 1.7 show the list of required
construction equipment
Table 1-7: List of Required Construction Equipment
Equipment Type No. of Pieces
Crawler Tractor. w/ RIP. 180 hp 2
Crawler Tractor. w/ Dozer 180 hp 2
Crawler Tractor. w/ Dozer 140 hp 2
Backhoe 0.84 cu. M. cap. 2
Backhoe. 0.50 cu. M. cap 1
Pay Loader 1.50 cu. M 4
Dump Trucks 8 cu. M. 13
Motor Grader, 130 hp. 1
Hydraulic Crane 30 tons w/ concrete 1
Bucket 3
Vibratory Roller, 10 tons 1
Water Truck, 6000 liters 1
Concrete Batching Plant Transit 2
Mixer 5.0 cu. m. 1
Low-bed Trailer w/ Tractor 1
Stake truck 1
Fuel Truck, 6000 liters capacity 2
Service Vehicle 4x4 4
Bagger Mixer 4
Concrete Vibrator 2
Plate Compactor 1
Air Compressor 1
Rock Driller w/ accessories 2
Bar Cutter 2
Bar Bender 1
Grout Pump w/ accessories 1
Machine 400 amp. 3
Genset 50 KVA 4
Water Pump 6” diameter 2
Pressurized Water pump ¾ “ diameter


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

1.6 Process/Technology

1.6.1 Technology Description and Performance Specification

To ensure the reliability of the dam, all available climatologic, hydrologic, topographic, reservoir-related data
as well as past studies and reports of the watershed and water resources data in the project area were
considered. Most of the data and reports collected and provided by NIA, while c limatologic and hydrologic
data were from National Mango Research and Development Center (Guimaras Island) NMRDC by the Bureau
of Plant Industry, Department of Agriculture, with observations meteorological & climatological data.

For the purpose of the optimization-simulation model, the major reservoir and dam specifications used were:
1) dam height is 29m;
2) spillway elevation is at 74masl;
3) storage capacity of 3.697 MCM; and
4) minimum storage elevation is at 64.51masl. Figure 1-29 and Figure 1-30 shows the Capacity-elevation
Curve and Area-Elevation Curve derived respectively.

The study assumes that the Cabano SRIP has a targeted total irrigation service area of 550 ha during wet
season and 470 ha during dry season. The reservoir


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 1-28: Capacity-Elevation Curve

Figure 1-29: Area-Elevation Curve


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
1.6.2 Pollution Control System and Waste Management System Domestic Solid Waste

To avoid accumulation of domestic solid waste from construction and work camps waste segregation and
compost pits will be provided in the construction and work campsites. During construction, solid wastes shall
consist of construction solid wastes such as excavated soil, rocks, rubble, concrete, metal debris and other
spoils. All of these are manageable, considering there is enough space for disposal within the vicinity of the
construction site. All recyclable wastes will be sold to accredited scrap buyers/recyclers. Surplus exca vated
materials and other spoils will be used as backfill for canal embankment, service/access road and NIA/IA
office. Cut trees and stripped overburden shall be disposed of in a designated disposal area. This area shall
be properly managed and maintained to prevent siltation of nearby river and creeks.

Solid waste generation during operation would be very minimal. The estimated 20 personnel who will be
assigned to man the facility shall generate ordinary office garbage and domestic wastes. The daily volum e of
domestic waste is very little and manageable. Liquid Waste

Waste treatment facilities such as septic tanks or portable toilets must be installed on site during construction.
No untreated human waste will be allowed to enter any water course that will affect downstream water quality,
aquatic environment and human health.

Water courses will be provided with inceptor traps so that accidental spills do not contaminate the site.
Contained waste and use engine oils must be subjected for recycling by giving it to the Certified Collection
Centers (CCC) nearest to the project area. Air Pollutants

Activities prior and during construction such as vegetation removal, quarrying hauling, transport of materials,
stock piling of excavated earth materials and rocks will raise the concentration of dust. During construction
phase, access roads and other dust generating area will be frequently sprayed using water trucks. Slower
speed of vehicles in dusty areas will also be observed.

Possible wastes to be generated from the operation activities of the proposed project are presented in Table


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Table 1-8: Summary of Waste Generated During the Different Project Phases
Associated Wastes
Activities/ Environ- Other Key Environmental
Project Phases Estimated Wastes Volume for the Built-in Pollution control
mental Aspects Types of Wastes and Social Issues
Generation Rate Duration of the Measures
Project Phase
Pre-Construction Not applicable --- --- --- --- ---
Construction of Multiple-
chambered septic tank will be
Domestic wastewater (from
Generation of More or less --- provided if possible. If not,
204 contractual and regular 50L/capita/day
wastewater 10.2 m3 /day portalets will be provided which
will undergo periodic
maintenance by the
Domestic solid wastes and 40.8 kg/day All recyclable wastes are to be
Construction miscellaneous domestic sold to an accredited scrap
Domestic solid wastes
Phase Generation of garbage. The project is buyers/ recyclers;
are estimated at 0.2
domestic and Construction solid wastes implementing solid waste Surplus excavated materials
construction solid include excavated earth management in and other spoils will be used as
generation rate
wastes materials, removed accordance with RA 9003 backfill for canal embankment,
vegetation, debris, rubble, service/access road and NIA/IA
concrete and other spoils. Variable office/housing.
Mostly carbon dioxide, Generation of fugitive Perform preventive
Generation of NOx, SOx, from the dust from open spaces maintenance and regular check-
Variable Variable
emission gases construction equipment. during dry season may up of all the construction
be visible
but manageable.
Maintenance of Multiple-
No process wastewater is
Generation of Domestic wastewater from More or less generated. chambered anaerobic septic
wastewater 20 assigned personnel 1,000 L/day- tank is provided to treat its


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Operation Phase All recyclable wastes are to be
Domestic solid wastes sold to an accredited scrap
Domestic solid wastes The project is
Generation of generated by the assigned buyers/ recyclers;
are estimated at 0.2 More or less 4 implementing solid waste
domestic solid personnel comprised All residual solid wastes are to
kg/capita/day kg/day management in
wastes mainly of office garbage be collected by accredited
generation rate accordance with RA 9003
such as paper, plastics, garbage collector and disposed
carton, etc. to nearest sanitary landfill.
Not applicable --- --- --- --- ---


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

1.7 Project Size

The project will be composed of a 29.0 m high zone earth-fill embankment dam and would have a crest length
215.0 m at elevation 80.00 m to irrigate a total of about 550 hectares of agricultural lands. Its reservoir has
an inundation area of 45 hectares with total storage capacity of 3.69 MCM of water.

1.8 Development Plan, Description of Project Phases and Corresponding Timeframes

1.8.1 Pre-construction Phase

During the pre-construction stage, the Proponent has undertaken (or shall undertake) the following

 Conduct of the Project Feasibility Study;

 Completion of the Detailed Engineering Design;
 Conduct of the required Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and the subsequent securing of an
Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) for the project (the subject of this application/study);
 Securing of relevant permits, endorsements and clearances;
 Land acquisition and resettlement for affected households;
 Agricultural strengthening and IEC Action Program;
 Procurement of construction services and of facilities; and,
 Setting up of institutional arrangements such as Watershed Management as support program to
ensure sustainability of the project and complement the physical infrastructure component.

1.8.2 Construction Phase Construction Plan Construction Schedule

The construction of Cabano SRIP is scheduled for 3 years. This is in line with one of the established criteria
by SRIP that dam with height more than 15 meters shall have a construction period of three (3) dry seasons.
The major components included in the project are the embankment dam, spillway, outlet works and irrigation.

The start of project implementation is the mobilization of the staff and heavy equipment in January.
Preparatory activities such as survey, construction of camp facilities, construction of permanent and
temporary access roads, and utilities shall immediately follow. Upon completion of the preparato ry works
especially in survey and ROW negotiations, the construction of the civil works shall then proceed. Each major
component shall have separate construction crew and heavy equipment. The sequence of the activities for
each major component in relation with the others is discussed as follows: Quarry

Details about the quarry area are not yet finalized. As of the preparation of this document, the primary sites
considered for the quarry are the same as the sites identified for the burrow materials. Dam

The clearing, grubbing and stripping shall start before the onset of the rainy season. The core trench
excavation shall follow simultaneously at Sta. 0+200 at the right abutment sloping towards the river at Sta.
0+100 and at left abutment, Sta. 0+000, and likewise sloping towards the river. The river section shall be
continued as the last stretch. Upon attaining the designed elevation and trench channel section, drilling and


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

grouting shall immediately follow. The start of this activity shall fall at the start of the rainy season and should
be finished at the end of the first year.

Embankment activities can start at the right abutment where the drilling and grouting have been completed.
Upon completion of the concreting works and other activities at the outlet, embankment shall-continue from
the right abutment, and sloping towards the river.

In January of the 3rd year, the original flow of the river shall be diverted to the outlet works. All the other
components such as the intake tower, valve house and stilling basin should be completed by then. Likewise,
the cofferdam crest elevation at 64.00 meters should have been completed. The closure dam shall be
constructed during this month and continued up to the crest elevation of the dam at 80.00 meters until
November of the 3rd year. Spillway

The foundation excavation and channel formation for the spillway shall start simultaneously with the dam core
trench excavation in March of the 1st year. The preparatory works such as filter drains, anchor bars,
reinforcing bars and formworks shall follow immediately after attaining the designed channel floor elevations.
The concreting of the spillway chute down to the stilling basin shall then follow. However, the completion of
the stilling basin should be given priority and should be finished before the start of the rainy season in May
of the 2nd year. This is to avoid the problem of dewatering. Outlet Works

The foundation excavation for the pipe conduit shall also start in March of the 1st year. The preparatory works
should be ready for the start of concreting of the pipe conduit. Simultaneous activities shall be undertaken at
the intake tower, valve house and stilling basin.

River diversion shall be conducted in January of the 3rd year, so it is of prime importance that the activities
at the outlet works be finished beforehand. Irrigation and Drainage

The construction of the irrigation and drainage facilities shall start immediately after having cleared of the
ROW problems and also after having completed the construction drawings. The irrigation and drainage
component is expected to be finished in October of the 3rd year in time for the test run and completion of
project within the prescribed duration of 3 years. Workable Days for Construction Works

It is known that the construction of earth fill type dam is quite affected by the meteorological and seasonal
conditions especially by rainfall. The actual workable days for the embankment works vary with the kind of
embankment materials. In constructing the dam, it is usually required to embank the various kinds of materials
at the same elevation. The delay of impervious zone embankments due to bad weather condition shall cause
the delay of the other zones of the dam embankment. Consequently, planning of construction works should
be made taking into consideration the workable days which would be affected by the seasonal conditions.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

The workable days for the construction works are computed based on the rainfall data taken from PAGASA,
Burias, Mambusao, Capiz for the period of 12 years from 1987 to 1998 as presented in Table 1.9. Construction Equipment

The necessary construction equipment for the construction of the dam and the appurtenant structures and
irrigation facilities are estimated based on the expected workable days , construction schedule and the
quantities involved per item of work. The number of hours per day for equipment operation is 7 hours,
considering the adjustment of equipment before operation. The list of construction equipment is shown in
Table 1.7. Construction Supervision Organization

The proposed construction organization for the Cabano SRIP is patterned in the existing set up of the SRIPs
under construction. A task force at the project site level is handling the supervision, which is directly
responsible to the SRIP-PMO. This task force, which supervises the contract, consists of a Resident Engineer,
Office Engineer, Material Testing Engineer, Construction Engineer and Geologist (on call basis). The
organizational chart is shown in Figure 1-31.

Table 1-9: Workable Days for Construction Works

Month Rainfall (mm) Number of Rainy Days Number of Workable Days
January 187.87 19 12
February 75.28 10 19
March 94.53 8 23
April 64.58 7 23
May 170.88 15 16
June 334.26 22 8
July 272.85 21 10
August 322.04 21 10
September 304.08 19 11
October 300.37 21 10
November 369.01 22 8
December 267.15 21 10
Total 2,762.92 206 160

For a 3-year construction period, the total number of workable days is 480.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 1-30: Organizational Chart


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

1.8.3 Operation and Maintenance Phase

Once all the construction activities are completed, an evaluation of all construction activities will be
undertaken as to whether improvements in schedule and costing have been implemented.

As practiced by NIA, the completed project will be turned over to restored and trained Irrigator’s Association
(IAs) for management including the planning and budgeting of the operation and maintenance (O&M). N IA
will have a 3-year period to build-up the IAs capability in system management as well as improvement of
agricultural-related practices.

The prime objective of the operation is to control the water levels in the irrigation and drainage canal network,
effectively tailored to achieve efficient and effective water management and in satisfying the needs of the

The introduction of the proportional flow divider (with an option to measure the delivered water) would help
improve and simplify the operation and maintenance aspects. At available high or low flow levels, water
deliveries would be automatic and proportional to areas being served. Under special cases, some degree of
control may be effected to:

1) Prevent flood(s) entering into the system;

2) Cut-off flows at scheduled maintenance; and,
3) Affect slight modification i.e. shutting off the deliveries to upstream farmers at night times when
called for by using wooden stop logs and/or plastic bags/sacks filled with soil.

Only those maintenance works that directly serve water management should be pursued. These activities
are categorized into:

1) Preventive maintenance of infrastructures – which is planned and undertaken throughout the year,
at intervals or continuously;
2) Periodic maintenance – that essentially returns the condition of the system’s component(s) to its
originally designed state, but implemented on a more frequent basis so that the component would
not fall into such disrepair to require extensive rehabilitation. In particular, deposited silt d ue to
erosion on an open canal which traverses side hill shall be regularly desilted to avoid clogging/over
tapping of water;
3) Emergency maintenance – is the setting aside part of the O&M budget for unforeseen urgent
repairs that may be due to force majeure or the likes.

1.8.4 Organizational and Implementing Office

Upon completion of the Cabano SRIP, the entire project works will be turned over to the NIA Provincial
irrigation office which is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the dam and its appur tenant
structures. The operation and maintenance of the irrigation facilities shall be performed by the Irrigators
Association with technical assistance from NIA-IMO.

1.8.5 Operation and Maintenance of Facilities Dam Operation

The operation of the reservoir, dam and its appurtenant structures include a series of works prior to normal
use. These are the works to be done prior to the initial full storage, from the end of the full storage to the
steady behavior onwards.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

These preparatory works or inspection works must confirm that the dam, spillway and outlet works are
computed and/or sufficiently functional.

Besides the operational, the other works include the release of water from the dam for irrigation and other
purposes and the emergency release of excess water during periods of heavy rains and anticipated flooding. Dam Maintenance

The reservoir, dam and its appurtenant structures have to be well maintained so as to keep the facilities, as
long as possible. Any damage or breach to these facilities should be p revented to protect the people from
dangerous deluge. The maintenance works of the dam are divided into three (3) categories, which are as

 Routine Works – these include the routine inspection of the dam, its appurtenant structures and vicinities
to observe leakage, seepage and shrinkage or deformation from the dam instrumentation and seepage

 Periodic Works – these include the removal of floating obstacles around the inlet of the spillway and the
intake of the outlet works, greasing of the gears of the control gates/valves, repair and refilling of
undulation of dam crest and slopes and the moving or cutting of shrubs and grasses on the dam slopes.

 Emergency Repairs – these are the repairs needed for the damaged facilities and structures caus ed by
unusual weather or geological disturbances like very strong rains, big floods, or devastating earthquakes. Maintenance of the Irrigation System

 Routine Works – these works include the cutting of grasses at the canals and ditches, particularly the
inner section prior to regular irrigation. These works may also include the removal of debris and
obstruction in the canals, ditches and related structures.

 Periodic Works – these works include the repairs of canals and ditches, removal of silt inside the canal
prism, removal of debris in canals and structures, and repair of upstream and downstream transition and
protection works of structures. The work should be done prior to the start of or just after the cropping
season that is during pre-irrigation or post-irrigation stage.

 Emergency Repair – This repair may include partial breach and break of canals and ditches due mainly
to the overtopping of excessive water supply and collapse of cross drains, road crossings, etc. by big

1.8.6 Abandonment Phase

For this project, abandonment phase refers to a particular period after construction when the contractor will
have vacated the construction site and subsequently turn-over the completed project to NIA-PMO and the
Irrigators’ Association (IA). The phase will involve final inspection, turnover and acceptance of completed
structures and equipment, clean-up, and demobilization. Construction works and debris shall be properly
collected and disposed of before the site is turned over by the contractor to the projec t proponent.

Historically, NIA does not abandon any completed irrigation facilities. What has been practiced is the turnover
of the completed irrigation project to the Irrigator’s Associations of the intended service area, in line with
improving agricultural strategies and strengthening agricultural support services of the farmer -beneficiaries.
The irrigation system is envisioned to serve its farmer beneficiaries within the next 50 years or so. Under
normal situation, abandonment of the project is not being considered. Periodic O&M shall be undertaken by
NIA and IAs to prolong the service life of the project.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

However, in case abandonment of the project is necessary, all waste materials and garbage left behind will
be sorted for recycling and will be sold to interested buyers while the remaining residual wastes will be
dumped to either landfill (for non-hazardous wastes) and or treated by third party waste treaters (for
hazardous wastes).

1.8.7 Project Implementation Schedule

The implementation of the dam and its appurtenant structures has a three (3) year construction period.
Preparatory works, like right-of-way acquisition would take place right at the start of the implementation
schedule. Spillway and diversion tunnel construction will start in the middle of the first quarter of the first year
while dam embankment will start in the middle of the first year. The construction schedule in bar chart of
project is presented in Figure 1-31.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 1-31. Construction Implementation Schedule


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

1.8.8 Manpower

During the construction phase, the project will require about 205 personnel consisting of experts and laborers.
On the other hand, 21 personnel will be required during the operation phase. The manpower requirement
during construction and operation phase of the project is presented in Table 1-10 and Table 1-11. A
recruitment strategy will be developed to ensure the right skills required by the project can be locally sourced
as much as practicable and giving equal opportunities. Training and upgrading of skills will also be provided
to the labor pool as part of the sustainability strategy of the company.

Table 1-10: Manpower Requirement During Construction Phase of the Project

Manpower Requirement Expertise/Skills Total
Resident Engineer Dam Structural Engineer Specialist 1
Material Testing Engineer Material Testing 1
Construction Engineer Civil/Structural 1
Geologist (on call basis) Engineering Geology 1
Laborers Skilled and Unskilled 200
Environmental Officer Pollution Control Officer 1
Total 205

Table 1-11: Manpower Requirement during Operation Phase of the Project

Manpower Requirement Expertise/Skills Total
Irrigator’s Association with the Operation and maintenance of
assistance of NIA-IGIMO the irrigation facilities
Environmental Officer Pollution Control Officer 1
Total 21

1.8.9 Indicative Project Investment Cost

The estimates of the construction cost for the dam and reservoir include the spillway and outlet works as well
as the preparatory works such as the mobilization, right of way, payment, construction of access road, service
facilities and reservoir clearing.

The cost estimates for the dam and the appurtenant structures are based on the Feasibility Study grade
design drawings such as the dam profile and geometric section, spillway and outlet work profile and section.

For the irrigation facilities, the estimates include the main canal and canal related structur e, drainage facilities
and structures and the on-farm facilities. Estimates are based on the irrigation main canal profile and cross -
sections, drainage canal and cross section, standard structures and typical sections.

The unit costs used in the feasibility study are based on the prevailing prices as of January 2016. Derivations
of the unit cost for all items are based on the detailed analysis as to the rate of labor, sources of material and
equipment requirements and capabilities.

The total project cost is estimated by the following rate of indirect costs:
1 Contingency - 10% of the total direct cost
2 Taxes - 3% of the foreign cost per year and 12 % of the local cost per year based on the
construction schedule


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

The total project cost of Cabano SRIP based on the above criteria is P 533,012,000.00 of which P320,996,280.00 is
the local component and P 212,015,720.00 is the foreign component. Table 1-12 show the cost summary.

Table 1-12: Breakdown Of Cost Estimates



CONSTRUCTION 1.00 1,500,000.00 - 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00
1.00 2,495,000.00 - 2,495,000.00 2,495,000.00
1.00 2,000,000.00 - 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00
Right of Way (Land L.S.
1.00 13,502,000.00 - 13,502,000.00 13,502,000.00
Formulation of LARP L.S. 1.00 500,000.00 - 500,000.00 500,000.00
Conduct of EIA L.S. 1.00 4,200,000.00 - 4,200,000.00 4,200,000.00
Watershed L.S.
Management Plan 1.00 400,000.00 - 400,000.00 400,000.00
- -
24,597,000.00 24,597,000.00


A. Dam Foundation

21,383.50 67.79 507,500.00 942,500.00 1,450,000.00
a) ROCK cu.
4,276.70 483.21 1,033,500.00 1,033,500.00 2,067,000.00
b) COMMON cu.
17,106.80 136.75 1,169,500.00 1,169,500.00 2,339,000.00
2,138.35 257.34 - 550,000.00 550,000.00
4) GROUTING L.S. 1.00 2,000,000.00 700,000.00 1,300,000.00 2,000,000.00
TOTAL (II-A) 3,410,500.00 4,995,500.00 8,406,000.00

B. Dam Embankment


110,387.80 440.56 17,021,200.00 31,610,800.00 48,632,000.00
2) SAND & GRAVEL cu. 7,314.00 778.53 1,992,900.00 3,701,100.00 5,694,000.00


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

122,242.00 257.34 11,010,300.00 20,447,700.00 31,458,000.00
26,300.00 257.34 2,368,800.00 4,399,200.00 6,768,000.00
5) Sand & Gravel Bedding cu.
12,034.00 1,594.00 6,713,700.00 12,468,300.00 19,182,000.00
7,420.00 1,150.25 2,987,250.00 5,547,750.00 8,535,000.00
2,956.00 730.28 755,650.00 1,403,350.00 2,159,000.00

TOTAL (II-B) 42,849,800.00 79,578,200.00 122,428,000.00

C. Spill way

a) COMMON cu.
68,993.63 136.75 - 9,435,000.00 9,435,000.00
b) ROCK cu.
17,248.41 483.21 5,417,750.00 2,917,250.00 8,335,000.00
2) CLASS "A" cu.
3,810.84 12,659.54 31,357,950.00 16,885,050.00 48,243,000.00
304,867.20 76.40 15,139,800.00 8,152,200.00 23,292,000.00
689.04 722.00 173,950.00 323,050.00 497,000.00
43,121.02 224.00 1,931,800.00 7,727,200.00 9,659,000.00
6) JOINT FILLER sq.m. 156.60 1,224.00 124,800.00 67,200.00 192,000.00
8) JOINT SEALANT lit. 120.00 1,071.00 83,850.00 45,150.00 129,000.00
9) PVC Pipe 4" dia. l.m.
174.00 513.60 48,950.00 40,050.00 89,000.00
10) PVC Pipe 2" dia. l.m.
313.20 455.29 78,650.00 64,350.00 143,000.00
11) SAND & GRAVEL cu.
487.20 778.53 125,070.00 253,930.00 379,000.00
TOTAL (II-C) 54,482,570.00 45,910,430.00 100,393,000.00

D. Irrigation & Diversion


a) COMMON cu.
914.39 136.75 43,750.00 81,250.00 125,000.00
b) ROCK cu.
228.60 483.21 38,500.00 71,500.00 110,000.00
2) CLASS "A" cu.
1,678.12 12,659.54 13,808,600.00 7,435,400.00 21,244,000.00
134,249.36 76.40 6,667,050.00 3,589,950.00 10,257,000.00
4) CONCRETE PLUG cu. 84.82 9,814.00 - 832,000.00 832,000.00
Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

38,813.13 224.00 1,738,800.00 6,955,200.00 8,694,000.00
0.34 9,814.00 1,950.00 1,050.00 3,000.00
7) pvc Water Stop l.m. 164.85 2,258.00 204,600.00 167,400.00 372,000.00

TOTAL (II-D) 22,503,250.00 19,133,750.00 41,637,000.00

E. Dam Instrumentation l.s. - 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00

TOTAL (II-E) - 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00


123,246,120.00 150,617,880.00 273,864,000.00


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)


2.1 General

This chapter describes the present environmental conditions at the proposed project site and its surroundings.
The documented baseline data on the project site’s environmental conditions served as the reference for the
impact study associated to the implementation of the project.

This section will also identify environmental impacts that will likely be associated with the different acti vities
inherent to the operation of the proposed Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project. Impacts of interest are
particularly those that have significant negative environmental effects. It is also envisioned that the
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) will be instrumental in the overall decision- making process of the
project proponent in instituting plans to address all significant environmental impacts that warrant impact
minimization or mitigating measures.

A systematic identification, prediction, and evaluation of the project’s potential impacts to the environment
are also presented in this chapter. To enhance the beneficial impacts and lessen the adverse impacts of the
project, specific measures for handling the potential impacts identified will be implemented.

2.2 The Land

Guimaras is an island province located in the region of Western Visayas. It is located between the islands of
Panay and Negros. To the northwest is the province of Iloilo and to the southeast is Negros Occidental. The
province of Guimaras comprises primarily of Guimaras Island, and the minor islets of Inampulugan,
Guiwanon, Panobolon, Natunga, Nadulao and many more. Guimaras is known as the ‘Mango Capital of the
Philippines’ wherein more than 50,000 mango trees are planted within the province.

The proposed Cabano SRIP and its service area covering 550.0 hectares will be situated in the municipality
of San Lorenzo. The dam site is located across Cabano River within the geographical coordinates of 10 037’35
latitude and 122 038’52 longitude in Sto. Tiprosan, Brgy. Aguilar. The project area is bounded in the north by
the Municipality of Buenavista, in the east by the Guimaras Strait, the municipality of Jordan in the west and
municipality of Sibunag in the south, all in the province of Guimaras.

2.2.1 Land Use and Classification Baseline Conditions

The total project area has an aggregate of 1115.0 hectares; 550.0 hectares (49.3 percent) of which are
classified as arable lands and 50.7 percent or 565.0 hectares of the total land area is classif ied as non- arable
lands. The summary of hectarage of the major land classes is shown in Table 2 -1 and Figure 2-1 shows the
land use map.

Table 2-1: Hectarage Summary of Major Land Classes

Land Classes Area (ha) Percentage (%) Percentage (% Arable)
A. Arable Land
Class 1R Riceland 380.0 34.1 69.1
Class 2R Riceland 45.0 4.0 8.2
Dual Class Land 2R (2) 125.0 11.2 22.7
Sub-total 550.0 49.3 100
B. Non-Arable Land


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Residential/Built-up 50.0 4.5

River/Creeks/Pond 55.0 4.9
High Grounds 375.0 33.7
Roads & ROW 85.0 7.6
Sub-total 565.0 50.7 0
TOTAL 1,115.0 100.0


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 2-1: Land Use Map of the Project Area


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Arable Lands

Arable lands are lands that can be converted to crop/agricultural lands. When provided with the essential
improvement of levelling, drainage and irrigation facilities, these lands would have a productive capacity sufficient
to meet the production cost, give a reasonable return on the farm investment and provide satisfactory level of
living to farm families. Riceland Classes:

The riceland classes are characterized by moderately deep to deep solum, fine to medium textured- soils with
restricted to poor drainability and shallow water table. Topography is level to nearly level, slightly sloping and
gently undulating with slopes ranging from 0.0 to 5.0 percent and can be easily flooded without excessive deep
percolation losses. The area had long been developed to paddies for the production of irrigated and rainfed rice
with some areas grown to diversified crops. And aggregate area of 1115.0 hectares or 49.3 percent of the total
arable land was classified suitable for irrigated lowland rice production. Class 1R Rice Land

The lands under this class have the highest potential capacity for irrigated paddy rice in all aspects during wet
and dry seasons without the necessity of special farm management practices. The soils of Class 1R lands are
mainly fine to medium textures, grey to greyish brown, dark brown, and poor internal drainage with moderate
profile development. With the provision of irrigation and drainage, the lands are capable of producing two
excellent rice productions during the wet and dry seasons. A total of 380.0 hect ares (69.1 percent) of the total
arable area are delineated as Class 1R. Class 2R

This class consists of lands that have moderate deficiency either on soil, topography or drainage, hence
moderately suitable for rice production in both seasons. The soil characteristics are similar to Class 1R land but
have lower productive capacity due to its topographic deficiency. Topography is nearly level to slightly sloping
with slope not exceeding 5.0 percent. Class 2R has a total of 45.0 hectares or 8.2 percent of the total arable
land. This class covers the residual fan terrace along the foot slope in the eastern portion of the project area. Dual Crop Land

The lands under this class have multiple suitability for lowland rice and diversified crop production. Th e soils are
medium textured, moderately deep with good and restricted external and internal drainage. Dominant colors vary
from grayish brown, yellowish brown, dark brown with yellow red and gray mottles. Occasional gravels are
present as depth increases. Most dual classes lands are formed on level to nearly level found at the western
section of the project area primarily devoted for the production of low land rice and diversified crops. The lands
could be economically drained to produce irrigated diversified crops in the dry season and irrigated lowland rice
during the wet season. Dual Class 2R (2)

This class consists of lands which are moderately suitable for the production of irrigated paddy rice during the
wet season and with the provision of proper drainage system the land is moderately suitable for diversified crop
production. The limitation in the production of diversified crop is subsurface drainage which entails low cost. Its
topographic limitation which range from 3.01 to 5.0 percent slope reduces the productive potential of crops. This
class also consists of productive land that is moderately suitable for rice production in the wet season, with
adequate water supply and proper drainage system. It is likewise moderately suitable for diversified c rops in the
dry season. A total of 125.0 hectares (22.7%) are classified as dual class 2R (2).


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Non-arable Lands

Non-arable lands are those identified and classified as not suitable for irrigation development. Included is Class
4, M-lands or built-up areas, class 6, river and creeks, food protection dikes, roads and right-of- way (ROW). A
total of 565.0 hectares are classified as non-arable lands. Class 6

This class covers the lands not suitable for agriculture and irrigation development due to serious physical
limitations which include rivers, creeks, ponds, high grounds and right of ways. Class 6 lands have a total of
515.0 hectares (46.2 percent) of the total project area. M Land

These are mainly the lands occupied by residential and commercial establishments comprising a total of 50.0
hectares. Present Land Use

The project area is primarily planted with rice during the wet season. However, only areas with existing communal
irrigation system are capable of cultivating their lands for planting rice. Some associated diversified crops are
also grown in backyards but are only limited for house consumption. Other areas remain fallow or idle during dry
season due to lack of water for irrigation. Table 2-2 shows the hectarage summary of the present land use of dry
and wet season.

Table 2-2: Hectarage Summary of Present Land Use (Wet and Dry Season)
Land Use Wet Season Dry Season Percentage
Wet Season Dry Season
Paddy Rice Rainfed 345.0 185.0 30.9 16.6
Paddy Rice Irrigated 205.0 18.4
Fallow 365.0 32.7
Sub-total 550 550.0 49.3 49.3
Residential, Built-up 50.0 4.5
River/Creeks/Ponds 55.0 4.9
High Grounds 375.0 33.7
Roads and ROW 85.0 7.6
Sub-total 565.0 50.7
Total 1,115.0 100 Impact in Terms of Compatibility with Existing Land Use

The project is consistent with the existing land usage within the proposed service area as shown in the Certificate
of Zoning Compatibility in Attachment A. The area is mostly agricultural area wherein arable lands are cropped
with rice, corn, coconut and mango. With the implementation of the Project, significant positive impacts are
expected since the Project caters to the improvement of the existing agricultur al activities within the service
areas. The Project will provide reliable water source to the rice farmers.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Impact on Compatibility with Classification ECA

The watershed of the proposed location of the diversion point within the Cabano River is outside an y protected
area. The project components – the diversion dam and the irrigation network and its delineated impact areas are
not physically encroaching the boundary of any protected area. The Project is not seen to have negative impacts
on the identified environmentally critical area. Impact in Existing Land Tenure Issues

Tenurial instruments of the stakeholders covering the A&D land area commonly holders of land titles tenants and
caretakers. Table 2-3 shows the initial master list of affected land owners of Cabano SRIP. There are nine (9)
houses to be affected by the project within the inundation area. Figure 2-2 shows the house structures within the
inundation area. There are no Indigenous Peoples (IP) to be affected by the project.

Table 2-3: Initial Master List of Affected Land Owners of Cabano SRIP
Name Land Location
Franklin Magno Brgy. Aguilar, San Lorenzo, Guimaras
Tagalogon Brgy. Aguilar, San Lorenzo, Guimaras
Talaban Cifriano Brgy. Aguilar, San Lorenzo, Guimaras
Tagalogon Gema Lagahit Brgy. Aguilar, San Lorenzo, Guimaras
Rogelio Talaban Brgy. Aguilar, San Lorenzo, Guimaras
Eulogio Magno Brgy. Aguilar, San Lorenzo, Guimaras
Josefino Tagalogon Brgy. Aguilar, San Lorenzo, Guimaras
Marsman Group Of Company Brgy. Aguilar, San Lorenzo, Guimaras
Elesio Londres Brgy. Aguilar, San Lorenzo, Guimaras
Victor Talaban Brgy. Aguilar, San Lorenzo, Guimaras
Charito Gellamutso Brgy. Aguilar, San Lorenzo, Guimaras
Rodulfo Talaban Brgy. Aguilar, San Lorenzo, Guimaras
Vicente Talaban Brgy. Aguilar, San Lorenzo, Guimaras
Cipriano Talaban Brgy. Aguilar, San Lorenzo, Guimaras
Ricardo Tagalogon Brgy. Aguilar, San Lorenzo, Guimaras
Danilo Ong Sio Brgy. Aguilar, San Lorenzo, Guimaras
Alfredo Tabugo Brgy. Aguilar, San Lorenzo, Guimaras
Salvador Riolo Brgy. Aguilar, San Lorenzo, Guimaras
Jolito Roxan Brgy. Aguilar, San Lorenzo, Guimaras
Carlito Talaban Brgy. Aguilar, San Lorenzo, Guimaras
Arnel Talaban Brgy. Aguilar, San Lorenzo, Guimaras
Lito Talaban / Vicente Talaban Brgy. Aguilar, San Lorenzo, Guimaras
Nelson Golez Brgy. Aguilar, San Lorenzo, Guimaras
Rico Blones Brgy. Aguilar, San Lorenzo, Guimaras
Ma. Fe Galfo Brgy. Aguilar, San Lorenzo, Guimaras
Ma. Talaban Brgy. Aguilar, San Lorenzo, Guimaras


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 2-2: House Structures Within the Inundation Area


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Impairment of Visual Aesthetics

The Cabano Irrigation Project will have the following components:

1. Dam – 29.0 meters

2. Crest Length – 80.0 meters
3. Capacity – 3.69 mcm
4. Irrigable Area – 550.0 hectares
5. Inundated Area- 45.0 hectares

The dam area and the ensuing inundated area are approximately 45 hectares. As of this writing, the project area
still has a rural ambiance emanating from the green foliage that covers it. Approximately five (5) hectares from
the area, there is a plantation called Oro Verde Mango, adding to the over-all green look to the site. With the
project, visual changes in the area are anticipated.

Barangay Aguilar of San Lorenzo, Guimaras is not frequently visited since there is no tourist attraction around
the province. Therefore, the commencement of the project will not cause a commotion in the area when the dam
and other irrigation structures are built.

Visual receptors in the area are mostly the residents in the barangay and those farmers working in their fields or
grazing their animals in the grasslands of the area. The vicinity and social infrastructure map are shown in Figure
2-3 and Figure 2-4 respectively.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 2-3: Vicinity Map


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 2-4: Social Infrastructure Map


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Projected Effects on Landscape and Visual Amenity

Utmost, the structure will be a welcome visual come-on for old residents in the province. The dam with its appurtenant
structures conveys the message of progress. Irrigation means at least twice a year rice planting and a higher than
average production rate per hectare. Having more income, the farmer population can have better living conditions
and will have an opportunity to save higher amount of money. On the socio -environmental side, they will be more
climate resilient, especially when there are droughts, compared to farmers in the non -irrigated areas. Recommended Actions to Restore or Mitigate Impact on Landscape and Visual Amenity

The completion of the irrigation project will not change the view point of the residents who are still the visual receptors
of the project area. If ever there are possible changes in their perception in the project, it will probably be positive
since the project will help them in the long run.

To restore to landscape and visual viewpoint to the regular receptors who are the residents in the barangay,
immediate replanting of trees in the area adjacent to the dam site and inundated area is highly recommended. While
this might not totally restore the vista to the original mindset, it will restore the greenness of the surrounding, tranquil
and rural character of the place. Devaluation of Land Value as a Result of Improper Solid Waste Management and Other Related

The usual manner of waste disposal being practiced by every household is by burning and dumping on pits within
their backyard, as per the municipal data of the covering municipalities. This is due to the absence of municipal dump
site and lack of solid waste management program of the covering municipalities.

The influx of construction workers may result in proliferation of informal settlers and competition in basic services.
Establishments around the project will also increase. The boomtown effect during construction phase will increase
solid waste generation which can be harmful to the aesthetics and over -all wellness of the place.

2.2.2 Geology/Geomorphology Baseline Conditions Geography, Location, Topography & Accessibility

The project site is located within the municipalities of Aguilar & San Lorenzo, Guimaras Island. Specifically, the
proposed dam site is located along Cabano River which runs approximately perpendicular to Guimaras Island.
Cabano River systems that emanate from Guimaras Island generally flow southeast to Baran gay Aguilar.

Barangay Aguilar is accessible by any type of vehicle up to the barangay center. From here, the dam could be
reached by driving a car downstream along an unequal road that leads up to Cabano River where the dam is to be
constructed. Regional Geology

Guimaras Island presents one of the most convincing proofs that the Philippine Archipelago as a whole is a product
of subduction between the Pacific Plate on the east and the China Plate on the west, and it emerged slowly from the
pushing action of these two plates against one another. The major faulting and folding within Guimaras Island along
a North-South trend, as in most islands in the country, lend credence to this theory.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
The composite stratigraphy of Guimaras Island arranged from youngest to oldest is as follows:

Table 2-4: Composite stratigraphy of Guimaras Island

Age Formation
Quaternary Alluvium Terrace Gravel
Pleistocene Buenavista Limestone
Miocene Jordan Formation
Eocene Guimaras Formation
Paleocene Mt. Pandan Volcanics

The island of Guimaras is a complex of rocks from the oldest as well as the youngest that can be found anywhere in
the Island. Easily, the oldest are those that are located on the central part area of Guimaras be tween the towns of
Jordan and San Lorenzo.

These areas are underlain by a rock suite bunched together as andesite, silicified andesite intercalated with tuffs,
basalt flows, volcanic breccias and some dacites of lower member (San Miguel silicified volcani cs) and basalt flows,
volcanic basalt breccias, massive basalt and columnar jointed basalt with intercalated andesites facies of the upper
member (Inampulugan basalt).

The Guimaras diorite is mostly quartz diorite porphyry, highly silicified diorite porph yry and associated andesite
porphyry. Next in age is the Jordan Formation which is recognized as the 3rd oldest rock unit within the Guimaras
Island. It antedates and underlies the Guimaras Formation. Fourth oldest in age in the stratigraphic sequence is t he
Buenavista Limestone which consists of low dipping, massive, fossiliferous coraline and lime-rich limestone. Terrace
Gravel & Quaternary Alluvium – these deposits cover the coastal plains, along the river channels and mouth of big
river systems. They consist of unconsolidated mud, silt, sand and gravel derived from older rocks. Seismicity

The significant structures found in the province are essentially north-south trending faults. This is typified by the
presence of the West Panay Fault that runs roughly from San Joaquin, Iloilo in the south to Numancia, Aklan in the
northern part of Panay Island. One other thrust fault runs parallel to this fault and also transects the length of the
Antique Range. Figure 2-6 shows the seismicity map of Iloilo showing earthquakes with magnitude 5.0 and above.
Shown also in Figure 2-7 are the previous earthquakes which hit Guimaras Island with corresponding year and

Based on the Active Faults and Trenches Map of PHIVOLCS, this fault is about 45 km away from the dam site. The
attenuation relationship equation of Fukushima and Tanaka for peak ground acceleration (PGA) is used to determine
the applicable g factor to be considered for the project. The M8.2 adopted for West Panay Fault is based on the
highest Magnitude already recorded in the history of the Philippines. The computed g and corrected values are in
Table 2-5.

Table 2-5: PGA values and g values corrected for various ground conditions
g Bedrock Hard soil Medium soil Soft soil
0.274 0.164 0.293 0.238 0.381

It has to be noted, however, that there may be other near active but still unmapped faults in the vicinity of the area
that may generate earthquake during the lifetime of the structure. This is emphasized particularly by the latest
earthquake episodes which caused severe damages in the country including the 2013 M7.2 EQ in Bohol and the
2017 M5.5 EQ in Mabini, Batangas.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 2-5: Geologic Map


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 2-6: Seismicity map of Iloilo showing earthquakes with Magnitude 5.0 and above


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 2-7: Historical Earthquake Map of Guimaras Island


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Site Geology Dam Site Area

The dam axis shall be located across a narrow section of about 10 meters from bank to bank, with low steeping
sides that extend upslope up to 20 – 25 meters high. Both abutments of this considerably wide but small river
canyon are underlain by andesite and dacite that is generally massive, slightly jointed, and moderately weathered
to fresh. The general orientation readings of joints exposed on both flanks are tabulated in Table 2-6.

Table 2-6: Major Joint Readings in the Dam Site Area

Strike Dip
N700-800E 700-800 NW
N100-200E 700-800 NW
N600-700E 500-600 NE
N500-550E Vertical
N400-450E 400-500 SE
N500-600E Vertical
N600-700E 600-650 NW

Except for some carving or streamlining to maximize the advantage of the foundation material, stripping of the
rock on both flanks is necessary. At the river bed, it is reckoned that the alluvial deposit should be no more than
5.55 m in thickness. Reservoir Area

The reservoir area stretching for 7.3 km upstream from the finally chosen dam axis is underlain by volcanic rocks
of Eocene (Pgd) age. From the dam site area up to an indeterminate distance upstream of Cabano River, the
prevalent rock type along the river banks are intercalation or alternate appearances of mostly quartz diorite
porphyry, highly silicified diorite porphyry and associated andesite porphyry.

As in the dam site area, the rocks alternately consist of intrusive and extrusive volcanic rocks. The intrusive
volcanic rocks are represented by quartz diorite porphyry and diorite porphyry which displays light texture and
porphyritic, moderately jointed as a whole, and generally dense and hard. Intercalated with andesite porphyry
which is slightly weathered and slightly jointed. Lastly, limited alluvial deposits can be found along the generally
narrow floodplain/waterway of Cabano River. These river deposits consist mostly of sand and gravel with
considerable percentage of cobbles and a few boulders. These large grains, mostly comprising of sub -rounded
to sub-angular, hard and dense volcanic, and igneous rocks that have apparently travelled considerable
distances from their original bedrock locations within the watershed/ drainage area of the river, increase in
volume and prevalence upstream.

The envisioned reservoir is definitely water-tight; no faults that may become conduits of leakage had been
mapped within the said area. Neither were potential big-scale slides noted that could contribute to wholesale
siltation and sedimentation within the same. There are however a few instances of small - scale slides along both
flanks of the river valley mostly due to the susceptibility to weathering, erosion and the alternating effects of wet
and dry conditions specially on the volcanic rock, but on the whole, have minimal effects on siltation and
sedimentation of Cabano River.

As in the dam site area, vegetation is relatively thin to non-existent. A few trees, some brush, shrub and weed
outgrowths comprise the vegetative cover of the reservoir area.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Appurtenant Structures Area

Appurtenant structures refer to the spillway and outlet works of the envisioned dam. For Cabano SRIP, the
spillway shall be located on the right abutment; while the outlet works shall be on the right bank.

The proposed spillway shall be carved out of the right flank where a generally steep slope underlain by generally
firm, hard, slightly weathered and slightly jointed intercalated rocks of indurated andesite where this structure
shall be founded. However, before the foundation level is attained, excavation shall be undertaken through 7.5
m of clayey gravel soil and, finally a generally fresh and sound rock foundation level of the spillway is attained.
Going down the chute, the soil maintains its 7.5 m thickness, until it reaches station 0+m where the soil 7.5 m
before reaching the plunge pool near the river.

The outlet work alignment shall be excavated on the right abutment parallel to the river course but slightly above
it. The diversion conduit may be in the form of reinforced concrete pipe or barrel, and it shall be excavated within
m elevation through a maximum thickness of 7.5 m of overburden materials consisting mostly of soil and then
through mostly combined volcanic rocks that range in weathering from moderately weathered, with an induration
of being generally hard. Sub-surface investigation Core Drilling

Limited core drilling had been originally programmed at the present feasibility of study for ten (10) boreholes with
a total meterage of 160.0 meters, all allotted to be drilled along the originally proposed dam axis of Cabano

The list of drill holes alongside their respective meterage accomplished by the drilling contractor is enumerated
below as follows:

Table 2-7: Location of Drill Holes and Their Respective Depth

Borehole No. Location Depth (m)
BH-1 Left Abutment, Dam Axis 25
BH-2 River Bed, Dam Axis 20
BH-3 Right Abutment, Dam Axis 15
BH-4 Right Abutment, Dam Axis 20
BH-5 Right Abutment, Dam Axis 25
BH-6 Right Abutment 10
BH-7 Outlet Conduit Axis 15
BH-8 Approach Channel Spillway 15
BH-9 Stilling Basin Spillway 10
BH-10 Inlet Conduit Axis 10

The borehole logs are presented in the Annexes. The drilling explorations in the feasibility study had disclosed
that the rock foundation of the dam site consist of andesite. The bedrock which is buried under relatively thin
river deposits of 7.5 meters. For a more straightforward reference, all related figures such as the borehole
location plan, the corresponding geologic profiles of the dam, spillway and conduit alignments showing the
recommended limit of excavation are included in the drawings and plans in Chapter 7 (Engineering Plans,
Designs and Estimates).

Water Pressure Tests (WPT) conducted during the FS gave values between 10 -5 to 10-4 cm/s, all of which fall
under pervious to semi-pervious classification.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Test Pitting

Excavation of test pits within the proposed reservoir was primarily undertaken as a tool for construction materials
investigation. The main objective is actually to assess initially if there is enough volume of clay core, random fill
materials as well as hard-fill mixing materials that can be extracted amongst the residual and colluvial/ alluvial
soil that blankets the flatter hills and ridges nearest the dam axis.

A test pit is a column that is dug into the ground by means of pick, bar and/or shovel. For this projec t, the diggers
were asked to excavate each pit with dimensions of 1 meter x 1 meter x 3 meters, the last dimension being the
depth, which could be more or less depending upon the facility or difficulty posed by the material being excavated.

A total of ten (10) test pits were dug, logged and sampled. The soil samples were sent to a materials testing
laboratory for a series of tests on its mechanical and other engineering properties. The results of the tests shall
be discussed later under Construction Materials. Geotechnical Conditions at the Project Sites Orientation & Behavior of Discontinuities

Most of the joints and shears within the project area are oriented along a northeast -southwest direction, which
is the trend of the Guimaras Island. Also, most joints here develop along the said direction, sympathetic to this
implied structural trend. The joints and shears are mostly dipping (70°- 80°) to vertical with dips mostly towards
the east, although reversals into the west side are also randomly noted. Few joints strike East-West and NE-SW,
and their dips are always steep to very steep as well. Hydrogeologic/ Groundwater Conditions & Watertightness

The weir sites do not have river, slope wash or residual deposits on their river/creek beds, banks or slopes .
Hence, their permeability condition will be mainly those of the rock underlying them. Many of the joints noted in
the dam site were closed by calcite, chert, quartz or zeoliths. It is then anticipated that the permeability of the
bedrocks is moderate and this is supported by the k values of 10– 4 and 10– 5 cm/s derived from the WPT.

On the basis of observations made in the field, it is assumed that the grout curtain will be shallow, i.e. it will reach
20 m below foundation level. Final depth and the inclination of the grout holes would be determined after core
drillings become available during the next level of study.

No fault has been detected at the proximities of the dam site safe for the usually present shearing normal to the
river course which can be remedied by grout curtain during construction. Foundation Conditions

The proposed weir along Cabano River shall be founded on rocks ranging from volcanic to sedimentary in nature.
Since the bedrock is concealed at the center line, the question about excavation depths could only be resolved
after some amount of drilling exploration is conducted. Otherwise, the alternative option is to make use of the
river deposit as foundation material for a dam that is in fact less than 20.0 m in height.

Based on the drilling results, the excavations in each section of the weir site can be inferred as follows:

Table 2-8: Inferred depth of excavation

Location Depth
Left Bank 11.0 meters
River 7.0 meters
Right Bank 5.0 meters


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Slope Stability

The abovementioned foundation material for the dam is generally stable. The residual soils and/or the silty talus
on both banks, if these are encountered at all, should be excavated as steep as possible to avoid their erosion.
It is recommended to excavate the slope with 80 degrees for a height up to 3 meters, providing a 2 -meter-wide
berm with a hillside ditch. Uphill of the slope, another ditch shall be provided to catch the surface run -off. All the
ditches should be drained towards the downstream side of the construction pit.

Some of the geotechnical conditions at the dam site will most probably be encountered in the excavation for the
headrace canal, hence some of the recommendations for the weir above might also apply for the c anal as well. Rock Mass Rating

Based mainly on the results of geological field traverse undertaken, a preliminary rock mass rating may be
provided here as follows:

Table 2-9: Initial rock mass rating

Description Relative Distribution
Very Good Rockmass 40 %
Good Rockmass 30 %
Fair Rockmass 15 %
Poor Rockmass 13 %

Water bearing fault zones may add the rating Very Poor Rockmass. However, no fault zones had been identified
thus far. Grouting

Grouting shall reduce seepage losses along joints. For the 25-meter high dam structure, a permeability lower
than 1 Lugeon unit should remain after grouting.

Grouting would be performed by means of an ordinary mix cement, bentonite and water. In case of high takes,
a filler with the same grain size as cement, such as rock flour or fly ash would be added.

It is recommended to drill boreholes with a diamond bit with a diameter of 56 mm. It is expected that the stability
of the borehole walls permits up hole grouting in general. The grout pressure has to be limited by the size of the
weir structure, and to avoid cracking of the rock mass by hydraulic fracturing. The pressure should not exceed
the prescribed values in Table 2-10.

Table 2-10: Recommended grouting pressure per 5-m depth interval

Recommended Pressure Depth of section
30 Psi Depth 0-5 m
60 Psi Depth 5-10 m
90 Psi Depth 10-15 m
120 Psi Depth 15-20 m
150 Psi Depth 20-25 m

The grout curtain should comprise a single row of a set of boreholes drilled at certain spacing. It is recommended
to apply the following sequence:


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Table 2-11: Prescribed Spacing Of Grout Holes
Gout Line Recommended Spacing
A Series at a spacing of 6.00 m
B Series to reduce spacing to 3.00 m
C Series to reduce spacing to 1.50 m

It is deemed that three series of grout holes will be sufficient for Cabano Dam. Both abutments shall be grouted
by a fan from the crest level for about 20 m of length.

Excavation of the foundation level of the dam by smooth blasting, even if executed with utmost care, will create
artificial crack in the rock mass. Consolidation grouting has to be performed after concreting the weir body to
seal the cracks and to seal the joints between rock mass and concrete. Siltation

The catchment area is covered mostly by trees and shrubs, albeit second growth in nature, with just a few areas
covered by grasses. Hence, only small-scale siltation of the pond will occur. And besides, the pond does require
an active pondage volume, so this would not constitute a risk for the operation of the project. Construction Materials

Concrete aggregate materials are abundant for the Cabano project site. Cabano River, with its relatively w ide
river valley and floodplain, is awash with sand and gravel deposits starting from a short distance downstream of
the dam site.

Nearly 90 percent of the fractions are composed of materials of volcanic and carbonate origins that are
undoubtedly well indurated and hence the required strength is sufficient for concrete. The alkali reactivity,
however, still remains to be tested due to presence of deleterious materials originating from the bedded
sedimentary rocks. Small amount of washing may be done as well to get rid of excess clayey and silty materials
also coming from the latter rock types.

The need for cobbles and boulders as slope protection, among others, for the dam body will not be a problem as
well as these could be selectively mined and sorted out from river deposits. Samples were being tested for the
quality of the prospect quarry areas however; the data for the quarry operations are limited. Impact Assessment and Mitigation Change in Surface Landform/Geomorphology/Topography/Terrain/Slope

During construction phase, the project will involve construction of a 29.0 m zoned earth -fill irrigation dam and its
appurtenant structures. Borrowing of earth aggregates within the vicinity of the proposed dam location may
involve stripping of top soil and stockpiling. These borrow areas will be altered. Figure 2-8 shows the topographic
map of the study area. The location of the borrow materials is shown in Figure 2 -9. Excavations in the burrow
areas will affect the surface landform since topsoil will be removed. This will also flatten the terrain. Due to
climate change heavy rain will be expected in the project area this will cause the widening of the floodplains
upstream of the dam. The slope map is also shown in Figure 2-10.

Data about the quarry area are not yet available except for the proposed location of the burrow materials.

Before construction of the dam, tunneling of the diversion tunnel will be done. Earth materials from tunneling
should be properly moved to stockpile areas as to prevent heavy siltation and sedimentation of Cabano River as
well as soil erosion of improperly stored excavated materials.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Construction of the dam requires excavation to bed rock and thus excavated earth materials should also be
properly handled to prevent heavy siltation of Cabano River downstream of the dam site. During construction of
the dam, earth movement will be prevalent in the dam site area. After the construction of the dam, borrow areas
should be properly rehabilitated as to prevent further soil erosion. These a reas will be altered. Stockpile areas
should also be

The project also requires excavation for the proposed main and lateral canals. Though, these activities will hasten
siltation/sedimentation of nearby rivers especially during rainy seasons, no other surface landform will be altered
at the project irrigation service areas. Meanwhile, there has been no foreseen impact on the subsurface and
underground geomorphology of the area during the operation and maintenance phase of the project.

Mitigation to be observed:

 Development of erosion control plan which involve proper timing of construction activities, provision of
temporary boundary cut-off drains, installation of drainage facilities, embankments silt traps, or detention
 Provide erosion control and slope protection measures in borrow areas, stockpile areas, and dam site
construction area
 Designate a Spoils Storage Area, with topsoil set aside for later use and allow maximum re-use of spoils
 Ensure proper clearance of excavated materials
 Proper rehabilitation of quarry areas and stockpile areas Change in Sub-surface/Underground Geomorphology

The project involves excavation for the construction of the dam, intake structures, and irrigation network. The
dam site will be excavated to sound bedrock.

Mitigation to be observed:

 Detailed structural geologic investigation and analysis during excavation to properly determine the
required grouting requirement and procedures


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 2-8: Drainage Density Map


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 2-9: Location of Burrow Materials


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 2-10: Slope Map


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Inducement of Subsidence, Liquefaction, Landslide and Mud/Debris Flow, etc. Construction Impacts

During construction of the dam, earthworks along the river and its embankments will take place. Earthworks
along the slope and the presence of heavy equipment may trigger mass movement if not properly implemented.
Agitation of the river bed during construction may cause silt and debris to flow downstream. Borrow areas may
also have unstable slopes if not properly engineered and managed. Stock pile areas may also be eroded
especially during rainy season. The dam should also be designed to be stable from soil erosion.

Mitigation to be observed:

 Observe proper engineering measures on slope stabilization

 Provide silt and debris traps in the immediate downstream Climate-related Hazard Assessment

Phenomena associated with climate change include long dry seasons and heavy rains. The Philippines, located
on both the typhoon belt and the Pacific Ring of Fire, is prone to geologic and natural hazards such as
earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides and even flooding. With climate change, the risks of these hazards
have increased and have worsened the living conditions in areas greatly affected by climate change by depletion
of some resources.

Due to the aforementioned worsening climatic conditions, it is expected that the structure of the dam would be
improved to reduce its vulnerability to climate change impacts. These impacts include landslides within the river’s
proximity, possibly leading to channel erosion and siltation, as well as overflow of the dam. Geohazard Assessment Seismic

The project site is susceptible to seismic hazards since the project site is proximal to the earthquake - generate
faults in the region - West Panay Fault, Negros Trench, and Central Negros Fault. PHIVOLCS identifies them as
potential source of earthquakes because they are considered active faults (Figure 2-6).

The computed peak horizontal ground acceleration using Fukishima and Tanaka formula in case of earthquake
of Magnitude 8.0 originating from nearest active fault, which is the West Pa nay Fault about 45.9 km west of the
proposed site, are 0.152 g in bedrock, 0.220 g in medium soil and 0.352 g in soft soil. Since the dam structure
will be founded on the andesitic rock the value for bedrock can be applied at the site. The other structure such
as the spillway which will be founded on the dense to very dense soil, the value for medium soil may be used. Liquefaction

There is approximately 3 meters thick of sandy silt in the site of BH-2 and shallow water table of 1.5 meters. This
potentially makes the proposed dam site susceptible to liquefaction if high magnitude earthquake occurs at the
site. Other portions of the proposed site underlain by cohesive soil and immediately below the soil is a competent
tuffaceous bedrock and volcanic rocks. It may be concluded that in these areas, liquefaction hazard is virtually
absent. Channel Erosion

The presence of the 2 to 5 meters thick loose soil in the project site results in its vulnerability to channel erosion.
This leads to siltation of the dam reservoir, potentially reducing the lifespan of the dam.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Landslides

Landslides were observed to occur at the northern areas of the dam site. It was found to exhibit steep slope
faces with intersecting fractures and joint sets. Rocks with these attributes are known to be prone to toppling and
wedge failure collapse. On the other hand, southern areas of the dam site have thick soil cover especially on
upper portions of slopes. Surficial and minor shallow soil slips may occur in these areas. Shown in Figure 2-11
are the areas with various susceptibility to landslides and floods. Mitigating Measures Ground Shaking and Landslide

Spillways usually are the risk mitigation measures used to minimize impact caused by ground shaking eve nts. It
is necessary to drain excess water from the dam to prevent flood breaching in the event of a landslide. This is
because regular outflow maintains the normal water level. Channel Erosion

Slope alteration methods may be done to prevent erosion of riverbanks. This includes cut slope, grading, and
artificial fill or backfill, all of which conform to the standard engineering procedures. Steep slopes may also be
stabilized by covering or spraying with concrete covered with wire mesh. Retaining walls or riprap is another
way to stabilize the slope. Although drainage pipes must be inserted into it to allow outflow and avoid increase
in fluid pressure or increased weight because of the addition of water. If slopes are composed of hanging large
blocks of rocks, rock bolts may be installed to hold it together.

Given the river’s geologic composition which is andesitic or basaltic rock, the foundation of the dam should be
built on it. These stable and competent rocks would prevent slide or failure of the dam.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 2-11: Geohazard Map of Cabano SRIP


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

2.2.3 Pedology Baseline Conditions Topography and Slope


The watershed topography is undulating to moderately steep in slope. Slope distribution is predominantly
characterized by rolling to moderately steep covering about 71.47 percent of the total watershed area. The rest
is already undulating to rolling with a total coverage of only 28.53 percent.

Service Area

The general physical outlook of the proposed service area is dominated by level to nearly level that comprised
of about 78.51% of the total delineated area. Remaining patches of areas are gently sloping to steep covering
the 21.49% of the total area. Soil Classification

The soil of the project area were formed from residual materials and alluvial sediments brought and deposited
by surface run-off and river flooding through the alternating process of erosion and sediment deposition in the
lower slopes and in the closed valley floor respectively. The soils are characterized by sandy loam, fine sandy
clay loam, silt loam, clay loam, clay and silty clay soil texture. Soils of the Lowland

Sta. Rita Series

The Sta. Rita series belongs to the fine clayey, very deep and poorly drained soil that occurs on level to nearly
level of the broad alluvial plain subject for slight seasonal flooding during rainy season. The areas are used for
the cultivation of rain-fed and irrigated rice. Surface soil 20-25 cm depth are characterized by black to very dark
brown, moderately strong sub-angular to angular blocky structure, clay loam to clay texture. Soil consistency is
sticky and plastic when wet and hard when dry. The sub surface layer is black to dark brown, brown to light
brown clay with consistencies of sticky and plastic when wet, very hard when dry, strong sub angular to angular
blocky structure. The sub-stratum is light brown clay loam to silty clay loam, sticky, plastic when wet, friable when
moist. Soils of the Intermediate Upland

Sara Series

The Sara soil series is a member of the fine loamy family, moderately deep with fair to good bo th external and
internal drainage. The soils are formed on slightly sloping to undulating topography with slopes ranging from
3.01 to 5.0%. Surface layer 13-17 cm thick are grayish brown, dark brown to reddish brown, fine sandy loam
texture and with fine granular structure. Soil consistencies are slightly sticky and slightly plastic when wet, friable
when moist. Sub-surface layer 75-80 cm thick re yellowish brown, reddish brown, brown to gray silty clay loam
with streaks of red mottles. It is characterized by weak sub angular breaking to granular structure. Some gravels
ad black fine concretions are present. Sub-stratum are grayish brown to reddish brown silt and silty clay loam
moderately medium weak granular structure, friable but slightly compact when moist. Few fine black concretions
are imbedded in the profile.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Table 2-12: Hectarage Summary of Soil Mapping Units
Soil Mapping Percentage
Soil Series Area (ha) Percentage (%)
Unit (% Arable)
Sta Rita clay loam 0.0-3.0%
SrA 380.0 34.1 69.1
Sta Rita clay loam 3.01-
SrB 45.0 4.0 8.2
5.0% slope
Sara sandy loam 3.01-5.0%
SaB 125.0 11.2 22.7
Sub total 550.0 49.3 100
Class M Residential/ Built-up area 50.0 4.5
Class 6 River/Creeks/Pond 55.0 4.9
High ground 375.0 33.7
Roads & ROW 85.0 7.6
Sub-total 565.0 50.7
TOTAL 1115.0 100

There are three mapping units identified in the project area: the SrA; Sta Rita clay loam, the SrB; Sta Rita clay
loam and the SaB; Sara sandy loam.

SrA; Sta Rita clay loam; 0.0-3.0% slope

This soil mapping unit has the most extensive area delineated and mapped in the area. This soil unit occupied
the downstream portion of the project area situated in low-lying slightly dissected broad alluvial plain near to the
shore line with slope ranging from 0.0-3.0%. This soil unit is mainly cultivated to rainfed and irrigated paddy rice
during wet season and those areas with no irrigation lies fallow in the dry months. This soil unit is best suited for
cultivation in both seasons due to its fine texture and poor drainability

SrB; Sta Rita clay loam; 3.01.-5.3% slope

This soil mapping unit is similar to a SrA in all respect except for the topographical position which is gently
sloping. It is situated higher than the soil mapping unit SrA. Cultivation of rainfed paddy rice during wet season
usually practiced in this part of the service area.

SaB; Sara sandy loam; 3.01-5.0% slope

This mapping unit is the second most extensive soil delineated and mapped in the project area. The soil
characteristics are similar to the representative profile described for the series. It is characterized by fine sandy
loam surface texture occurring on slightly sloping to gently undulating topography with slope range of 3.01-5.0%.
It has concretionary layer of varying depth. Soil Physical and Chemical Properties

The soil physical and chemical properties are the basic parameters in assessing and evaluating the suitability of
land for irrigation and agricultural development and essential in solving agronomic, economic and engineering
problems which may be encountered during project design and planning. The physical and chemical properties
of the soil were taken from the Feasibility Study no actual soil survey was conducted to the soil investigation for
this report.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 2-12: Soil Map


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Physical Properties

Soil texture refers to the relative proportion of sand and clay, having a considerable effect on plant growth and
agricultural management. It has direct bearing on water holding capacity. A medium to heavy textured soils have
higher water holding capacity compared to light and coarse textured soils. Nutrient availability, infiltration,
percolation and erosion susceptibility depends on soil structural aggregates. Run -off, infiltration and permeability
rates of the surface and sub-surface soil are influenced by texture. The soils of the lowland alluvial plain consist
of fine loamy and fine clayey, while the soils of the upland are mainly fine clayey soil texture.

Soil depth is the effective layer of which the plant roots can penetrate for anchorage and source of nutrients.
Generally, soils of favorable depth are able to store water and nutrients that supply the plants. However, for rice
and other shallow rooted crops a depth of 50 cm is good enough for the crops. The result of soil investigation
indicates that majority of the soils have shallow to moderate and deep solum varying from 30 to 150 cm deep

Soil structure refers to the arrangement of individual soil particles into one unit called aggregates. It modifies
and influences soil texture with regards to availability of plant nutrients, degree and resistance of soil to erosion,
root development, moisture and air relationship. The soil investigation in the project indicates a moderate
development of soil structure consisting of granular, sub angular and angular blocky structures. Chemical Properties

Soil reaction (pH) refers to the degree of acidity and alkalinity of the soil. It influences the availability of nutrients
to plants and activity of microorganisms in the soil. Laboratory analysis indicates slightly acidic to neutral, with
an average pH value of 6.2. This range is within the favorable limit for rice and other diversified crops production.

Organic Matter (O.M) is the source of organic nitrogen which is one of the macro nutrients needed by all living
plants. It also enhances soil infiltration and permeability, tilt, aeration and root penetration development. Data
indicate a low O.M. content with recorded average data of 1.64%. This unfavorable level of organic matter might
be the result of continuous cultivation. Considering the present level of organic matter in the area, it was
recommended that 70-80kg of nitrogen per hectare be applied for high yielding varieties of rice.

Phosphorus (P) is a component of every living plant cell and tends to be concentrated in the seeds and in the
growing joints of plants. Low availability of phosphorus is disadvantageous because it is directly involved in most
plant growth processes. Analysis showed that the present average level of available phosphorus of the soils in
the project area is 4.1ppm which is moderately low. It is recommended that the application of 20 to 40 kg of
phosphorus per hectares be applied to attain high production of rice crop.

Potassium (K) is the third nutrient element most likely to limit plant growth and every common constituents of
fertilizer. It helps maintain the electrical neutrality in both the soil and plant by balancing the negative charges of
nitrate, phosphate and other anions. Data shows that the average amount of potassium is 56ppm or .14m.e/100g
of soil which is insufficient, thus application is recommended.

Inherent or natural fertility of the soil refers to the readily available nutrients in suitable concentration for use by
plant growth and development. This is determined by assessing the organic matter content (OM), available
phosphorus (P), exchangeable potassium (K), soil reaction (pH) and cation exchange capacity (CEC).

The overall assessment of inherent fertility of the soils in the project area is considered moderately low. It is
recommended to apply the needed requirement of various selected crops to increase production


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Impact Assessment and Mitigation Soil Erosion/Loss of Topsoil/Overburden

Earth moving, excavation, land leveling and removal of vegetation during project construction would disturb
natural soil formation and cover. Such activities would render the soil vulnerable to erosion. The process can
cause sedimentation and siltation of the reservoir, river systems downstream of the dam and eventually the
service area.

Before the construction of the dam and irrigation canals, the site will be cleared of vegetation. The removal of
vegetation will increase the risk to soil erosion in the area especially during rainy season. The construction of
the dam, diversion tunnel and irrigation canals require excavation of the top and subsurface soil. Construction
materials will be quarried near the project area however the final area and oth er studies for the quarry area are
not yet finalized. During the quarry operation, burrow materials will be stored in stockpile areas. As such, it is
expected that there will be an increase in the possibility of soil erosion in the dam site, quarry areas, and stockpile
areas. The eroded soil will eventually be transported to the downstream of Cabano River and thus will affect the
quality of the river. Also, improper removal of the coffer dam may introduce sediments downstream of the dam

It is important to minimize erosion and control sediments as near to the source as possible. In this way lesser
amount of sediment load is placed on downstream sediment controls (Sloat and Redden,). Proper water
management in construction, quarry and other disturbed areas such as along access roads is critical in erosion
and sediment control. It typically consists of upslope diversion ditches, onsite collection ditches, and a large
sediment pond or number of ponds at a single location throughout the mine site; typically , at the point of lowest
elevation. Surface runoff is minimized, thereby limiting the potential for rill and gully development on disturbed
landscapes and saturation of the soil at specific areas, which can produce deep seated slope failures in unstable

Due to the increase in agricultural activities within the project service areas, the increase in soil tillage activity
will also increase the loose soil within the project area. Loose soil could be easily eroded during heavy rainfall
and be transported into canals and adjacent river systems increasing turbidity and siltation of the system. A
resulting deterioration of water quality and productivity of the resource could then be expected in the process. If
effective farm management methods are not applied, nearby creeks and rivers within this river basin are
anticipated to have increase in suspended sediments.

The project will consist mostly of earthworks encompassing vast areas specifically for the service irrigation canal.
Mitigation measures to prevent or minimize erosion are as follows:

 Construction during dry season;

 Development of erosion control plan which involve proper timing of construction activities, provision of
temporary boundary cut-off drains, installation of drainage facilities, embankments silt traps or detention
 Provide erosion control and slope protection measures in quarry areas, stockpile areas, and dam site
construction area;
 Benches should be incorporated even in moderate slopes to shorten the slope length and limit runof f.
 Stabilization of embankment with grasses or other soil cover;
 Compliance with DENR Administrative Guidelines on Engineering Geological and Geo -hazard
Assessment (EGGA);
 Structural measures may be accompanied by vegetative measures, which include plantin g of endemic
trees, shrubs and grasses; and,
 Application of efficient farm management methods.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Change in Soil Quality/Fertility

During construction, wastes may include construction debris and spoils such as used wood materials, excess
pipes, steel works cuttings, paint and solvents containers, used oil from equipment, unused aggregates, heavy
metals, etc. If these items are not removed from the site after completion of the construction, these solid wastes
will be potential sources of contaminants for surface runoffs which may lead to soil contamination as well.

The use of chemical based fertilizers and pesticides in farming should be discouraged as these will be potential
sources of contamination of the soil.

Mitigation measures to prevent or minimize change in soil quality are as follow:

 Implementation of the Ecological Solid Waste Management Plan (ESWMP);

 Implement re-use and recycling of waste materials;
 Implement proper segregation, collection and disposal of domestic wastes in designated areas;
 Provide receptacles / bins for solid wastes;
 Upon completion, construction site should be free from construction solid wastes; and,
 Proper handling, storage and disposal of all construction solid wastes and spoils.

2.2.4 Terrestrial Ecology Floral Composition

Transect and quadrat sampling at the proposed project site was conducted to determine the characteristic
vegetation at the primary impact zone such as the proposed dam site, watershed. It was observed that the
proposed dam and watershed consist of secondary forest, tree plantations and patches of grass/pasture lands.
Most of the remaining forest covers are confined along rugged slopes and highly steep areas. The forest
vegetation is predominantly composed of small to medium-sized tree. The service area that is predominantly
agriculture in nature is dominated with rice crops and other cash crops. A total of Two Hundred Twenty -nine
(229) plants were recorded during the field survey. The species richness, abundance and diversity of the species
found in the area is presented in table Table 2-13. Secondary data for the floral computation in the area is shown
in Table 2-14.

Most of the plant species observed in the area are use as source of fire food, especially the mango tree. Part of
the Oro Verde Mango Plantation is within the inundation area. Mahogany is a good source of income for its wood.
The sampling site map is shown in Figure 2-13.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Table 2-13: Species Richness, Abundance and Diversity Result

Name of Species Species Richness Species Abundance Diversity
Mahogany 75 32.75 9.41
Coconut 33 14.41 49.44
Mango 31 13.54 56.14
Eucalyptus 4 1.75 4351
Langka 1 0.44 -
Duhat 7 3.06 1243.14
Gmelina 21 9.17 124.31
Bamboo 9 3.93 725.17
Madre Cacao 35 15.28 43.88
Acacia 1 0.44 -
Unknown 1 2 0.87 26106
Unknown 2 5 2.18 2610.6
Unknown 3 2 0.87
Unknown 4 3 1.31


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Table 2-14: Floral Composition of the Project Area
Common Scientific Name Family Uses
Acacia Acacia auriculiformes FABACEAE Valued for its shade. Popularly used in carving, making tables, wood basins and bowls.
Akle Albizia acle FABACEAE The wood is one of the best materials for cabinet-making because of its color, good grain quality, and
durability. It is also used for gunstocks, carvings, sculpture, and musical instruments, as well as for
interior finish, panels, and high-grade furniture. The tree is also a substitute for black walnut. It is also
used for house construction, naval construction, railroad ties, high-quality furniture, sills, general
construction, charcoal, and interior trim of automobiles and other vehicles
Anahaw Livistona rutondifolia PALM TREES Anahaw fan-shaped leaves are used for building house roofs interior and exterior design, wall covers
and fans. Anahaw trunk is used as house pillars, house floors, bows, fishing rods, canes or walking
sticks, arrow shafts, spear handles and polo clubs.
Antipolo Artocarpus blancoi MORACEAE The wood is locally used as terap for light construction. Probably more important is the use as a fibre
plant for the production of pulp and paper. The bast is made into weak r opes, which have, for
instance, been used for yoking buffaloes. An extract of the bark has high antimicrobial activity.
Anubing Artocarpus ovatus MORACEAE The wood is used for furniture, house building, turnery, light carpentry, interior joinery and paneling,
boxes and crates, boats etc.
Balete Ficus benjamina MORACEAE The bark, roots and leaves are used to cure wounds and bruises and rheumatic headache. The inner
bark is a source of fibre. The wood is of low quality, but is used for temporary constructions,
mouldings, interior work, cladding drawers fruit crates and fuel.
Balihasai Buchanania arborescens ANACARDIACEAE It is used for light construction, canoes, furniture, drawers, mouldings, light framing, interior finish,
household implements, cigar boxes, turnery articles, veneer and blockboard, and also for pulp and as
firewood. Extracted tannin is used for toughening fishing nets.
Bamboo Bambusa sp. POACEAE Bamboo has been used for a wide range of purposes. It can be used as decorations (interior and exterior
decoration), building materials (furniture, flooring), fabric and clothing (bamboo fibers are being used in
clothes, beddings and drapes), cooking (bamboo shoots are common food in the Philippines. Bamboo
barks are used as cooking utensils and chopping boards), agriculture, instrument etc.
Banana Musa sp. MUSACEAE Source of food and livelihood
Batino Alstonia macrophylla APOCYNACEAE The bark in the form of a powder, decoction, infusion, tincture or wine preparation, is used as an
antiamoebic, anticholeric, antidysenteric, antimalarial, antiperiodic, emmenagogue, febrifuge, tonic and
a vulnerary. The scraped bark is mixed with water and drunk, as well as used as a wash on the forehead,
in order to relieve a headache. The powder bark, mixed with water, is used against skin diseases. A
decoction of the young leaves is drunk to cure lung and ear congestion. The wood is used as hard


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

It is used for construction purposes, furniture and flooring.

Binayuyo Antidesma ghaesembilla PHYLLANTACEAE The fully ripe fruit can be eaten raw, cooked or made into jams and jellie. The leaves are used as a
poultice to treat headaches, scurf, abdominal swellings and fevers. The stems are emmenagogue.
The fruit is purgative.
Buri Corypha utan ARACACEAE A sweet sap is obtained from the inflorescence. his can be used as a sugar or fermented into an
alcoholic drink. The apical bud can be eaten raw, pickled, cooked with rice or cooked as vegetable. The
roots are demulcent, diuretic, emollient and stimulant. The roots are chewed in the treatment of cough.
The juice of the roots is used for treating diarrhea. The leaves are used as roofs and w alls, weaving
into baskets, mats and hats while the ribs of the leaves are used for making brooms. The mature seeds
are made into buttons or used as beads on rosaries.
Cashew Anacardium occidentale ANACARDIACEAE Source of food and income
Coconut Cocos nucifera PALM TREES One of the most useful plants in the world, providing a multitude of uses, from arrack to food staple,
sugar to vinegar, fibers and fodder, thatching and lumber, and virgin coconut oil among many others
Dita Alstonia scholaris APOCYNACEAE The latex provides a good quality chewing gum. The bark is used as alternative herb that lowers fevers,
relaxes spasms. Stimulates lactation and expels intestinal worms. It is anthelmintic, anticholeric,
antispasmodic, astringent, emmenagogue, febrifuge, tonic and vulnerary. It is used to treat bowel
complaints, abdominal pains, fevers and irregular menstruation, and has proved a valuable remedy for
chronic diarrhea and the advanced stages of dysentery. A decoction is applied as a wash for skin
diseases, and as a gargle. The latex is used for treating neuralgia and toothache. The latex is drunk in
small amounts as a poison antidote, used to treat ulcers for rheumatic pains. The leaves are used for
treating beriberi, dropsy and congested liver. The timber is used for light construction, ceilings, pattern
making, corestock, plywood, carving and mouldings. The wood is also used in making coffin s,
blackboards and pulp is used in paper production.
Duhat Syzygium cumini MYRTACEAE Raw fruits are made into jams, sherbet, jellies, juice, tarts, puddings etc. Both seeds and the fruit are
diuretic and have important carminative and astringent properties. The seeds also reduce blood sugar
levels and are useful in the treatment of diabetes. The seeds and bark are us ed to treat dysentery can
control hyperglycemia and glycosuria in diabetic patients. The bark is used to treat irregular
menstruation, diarrhea, dysentery, children’s thrush, strengthen gums and treat mouth ulcers. The roots
are sometimes used as a treatment for epilepsy. The wood is used in construction, boat building,
commercial tea and chest plywood, agricultural implements, tool handles, cart wheels, well curbs and
troughs, sleepers, furnitures and as props for shafts and galleries in mine. The wood als o provides
excellent firewood and charcoal.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Eucalyptus Eucalyptus MYRTACEAE Dried leaves and oil are used to make medicine. People used eucalyptus for many conditions
includingasthma, bronchitis, plaque and gingivitis, head lice, toe nail fungus,etc.
Gmelina Gmelina arborea LAMIACEAE The fruit is edible. The bark, leaves and roots are used to treat bilious fever, stomachache gonorrhea,
cough, wounds and ulcers, leprosy and blood diseases, antidote to poison serves as blood purifier,
laxative. The wood is used to manufacture furniture, plywood core stick, mine props, matches and
timber for light construction. It is also used for making canoes, musical instruments, for carving
images and it is a good fuel and charcoal.

Guyabano Annona muricata ANNONACEAE Source of food and income

Guava Psidium guajava MYRTACEAE Source of food and income. A decoction of the plant is antispasmodic, astringent, defrifuge and
vulneray. Guava exhibits antibacterial action against intestinal pathogens such as staphylococcus.
Dreid ripe fruits are recommended as a remedy for dysentery, while leaves and fruits are used as cure
for diarrhea. The ripe fresh fruit is eaten as a cure for constipation. The oil from the seed contains
bisabolene and flavonoids that exhibit anti-inflammatory properties. The plant has insecticidal
Hawili Ficus septica MORACEAE The latex is used to cure certain varieties of herpes and wounds caused by poisonous fish. The latex
of the leaves and fruits id used to produce purging. The leaves are used as a sudorific to treat headache.
he leaves, applied externally, are said to be antirheumatic. They are applied to cure colds, coughs,
fever and fungal and bacterial diseases. Root scrapings, or the leaves, have been mixed with water
and drunk to cure dysentery or diarrhea. The crushed root, mixed with coconut water, is drunk daily to
treat urinary tract infections.
Kakawate Gliricidia sepium FABACEAE The plant is reported to be expectorant, sedative and suppurative. Crude extracts have been shown to
have antifungal activity. The plant is a folk remedy for alopecia, boils, bruises, burns, colds, cough,
debility, eruption, erysipelas, fever, fracture, gangrene, headache, itch, prickly heat, rheumatism, ski
tumours, ulcers, urticarial and wounds. The roots are said to have a sweetish taste and to be deadly to
the field mice and rats which invariably eat them in preference to those of cacao or coffee trees. The
wood is utilized for railway sleepers, farm implements, tool handles, furniture, house constr uction and
as mother posts in live-fence establishment. The wood is also used for fuel and charcoal production.
Kalamansi Citrofortunella RUTACEAE The fruit is usually pickled, preserved or used in drinks, teas, marmalades, chutneys etc. The p reserved
microcarpa peel is used as a flavoring in other foods. The juice is used to treat skin irritations, as a cough remedy,
an antichloristic, laxative and, when combined with pepper, it is prescribed to expel phlegm. The roots
are used for a traditional treatment at childbirth. The distilled oil of the leaves is used to cure flatulence.
The juice is also used as a stain remover, body deodorant, skin bleach and hair.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Kamachile Pithecellobium dulce FABACEAE The leaves can be used as a plaster to allay pain even from venereal sores, and can relieve convulsions.
A paste made from the leaves is applied externally to treat muscular swellings caused by some
inflammations. The bark of the root is a good remedy for diarrhea and dysentery. The bark is used
medicinally as a febrifuge. The fruit pulp is taken orally to stop blood flow in case of hemoptysis. The
seed juice is inhaled into the nostrils against chest congestion and pulverized seeds are ingested for
internal ulcers. The seeds are used in making soap and can be used as substitute kapok and ground
nut seed oils. The wood is use in construction and for posts.
Kamias Averrhoa bilimbi OXALIDACEAE It is used extensively as a souring agent for many native dishes. It may also be processed into candies
or made into chutneys, relishes and pickles. The leaves can be used to cure syphilis when taken
internally, either fresh or fermented. Three leaves are put in water and the liquid is drunk daily as a
remedy for high blood pressure. A decoction of leaves is used to cure inflammation of the rectum and
the paste is applied for mumps, rheumatism and pimples. An infusion of the flowers is used for coughs.
The fruit is an astringent, stomachic and refrigerant and its juice is made into syrup as a cooling drink
for reducing fever. It is antiscorbutic and is used in some slight cases of hemorrhage from the bowels
as well as the stomach and internal hemorrhage. It is also used to cure beriberi, biliousness and coughs.
A rotten fruit is rubbed into the skin to treat fungal diseases. The raw juice of the fruit is an effective
remover of stains or spots on clothes, rust stains on brassware and stubborn food particles on
enamelware. The wood is used for fuel.
Katoang Neolamarckia cadamba RUBIACEAE The fruit and inflorescences are reportedly edible. The dried bark is used to relieve fever and as a tonic.
bangkal An extract of the leaves serves as a mouth gargle. The plant is considered to be astringent, digestive,
expectorant and febrifuge. It is used in the treatment of conditions such as ulcers, digestive problems,
fevers and vomiting. The timber is used for plywood, light construction, pulp and paper, boxes and
crates, dug-out canoes, and furniture components. The tree yields a pulp of satisfactory brightness and
performance as a hand sheet. The wood can be easily impregnated with synthetic resins to increase its
density and compressive strength.
Kulatingan Pterosperum obliquum MALVACEAE It is used for posts, beams, joists, rafters, flooring, sheathing, ceiling, furniture, cabinetwork , household
implements, and combs. If impregnated with preservative, it would make good ties and paving blocks.
Lanete Wrightia pubescens APOCYNACEAE The latex has been used as a treatment against severe dysentery. Extracts from the roots and bark are
used to treat scrofula and rheumatic arthralgia. The roots and bark are used in poultices. The tree is
used in reforestation projects. Bark fibers are used for making paper and artificial cotton. The wood is
used for purposes such as general construction, pencil, musical instruments, wayang figures and
Ligas Semecarpus cuneiformis ANACARDIACEAE The oil obtained from the pericarp is escharotic and caustic. It is sometimes applied externally in the
treatment of certain indolent ulcers.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Lingo-lingo Viticipremna LAMIACEAE The wood is used for general construction and production of musical instruments, and household and
philippinensis agricultural implements. It is very durable for interior work and moderately durable when exposed to
the weather or when in intact with the ground.
Mahogany Swietenia macrophyla MELIACEAE The bark is astringent, bitter and febrifuge. An infusion is used to treat diarrhea and fevers. The
attractive wood is particularly valued for high-class furniture and cabinet work; it has also been used in
interior paneling, joinery work, turnery, plywood and heavy construction work. Its outstanding technical
qualities make it particularly suitable for precision woodwork such as models and patterns, instrument
cases, clocks, printer blocks and parts of musical instruments.
Malabuho Sterculia oblongata MALVACEAE The fibers are used for the manufacture of elegant hats, handbags, place -mats and wallets. The wood
is suitable for light cabinet work and for matches. The wood is used for house construction,
particularly for sides, ceilings and partitions, and is also suitable for pulp and paper manufacture.
Malapapaya Polyscias nodosa ARALIACEAE It is one of the best sources of wood in the manufacture, among others, of plywood and veneer,
wooden shoes, handicrafts/wood works.
Malatabaco Solanum erianthum SOLANACEAE Fruits can be eaten when cooked. The leaves are considered abortifacient and diuretic. hey are
considered a potent medicine for expelling all impurities through the urine, and in particular to treat
leucorrhoea. Decoction of the leaves is drunk as a treatment against vertigo. Applied externally, the
pounded leaves are used as a poultice to treat piles, hemorrhoids and scrofula. Heated leaves are
applied as a cream to the forehead as a treatment against headache. The leaf juice is used as a rinse
for sores in the mouth. A decoction from the roots is applied to treat violent pains all over the body or
to relieve digestive troubles; it is also given to treat dysentery, diarrhea and fe ver. The root bark is
poisonous and can be used as an antiphlogistic and against arthritis.
Mamalis PIttosporum pentadrum PITTOSPORACEAE The powdered bark is used, in small doses, as a febrifuge. If taken in larger doses, it is considered a
general antidote. It is also effective in the treatment of bronchitis and coughs. The juice of the fruit,
and a decoction, has been used externally for cleansing wounds. The wood is used for fuel.
Mangium Acacia mangium FABACEAE The germinating seeds can be cooked and eaten as a vegetable. Applied externally, often as a wash,
they are used to treat wounds and other skin problems, hemorrhoids, perspiring feet, some eye
problems, as a mouth wash etc. The wood is suitable for construction, boat building, furniture and
cabinet making, particleboard, plywood, veneer and fence posts. The tree is widely grown to provide
pulp for the paper industry. he tree provides good quality charcoal and is suitable for the manufacture
of charcoal briquettes and artificial carbon
Mango Mangifera indica ANARCADIACEAE The infusion from its leaves is drunk to reduce blood pressure and as a treatment for conditions such
as angina, asthma, coughs and diabetes. A mouthwash made from the leaves is effective in hardening
the gums and helping to treat dental problems. The leaves are used to treat skin irritations. The charred
and pulverized leaves are used to make a plaster for removing warts and also act as a styptic. The
stem is used for diarrhea and remedy to stomachache. The flowers are used to repel mosquitoes. The
slender branches are used as toothbrushes to treat toothache. The wood is used for many purposes,


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

including indoor construction, meat-chopping blocks, furniture, carpentry, flooring, boxes, crates and
boat building (canoes and dugouts). The wood is suitable for light construction, turnery, flooring, interior
boxes, crates, pallets and plywood manufacture. The wood makes excellent charcoal and firewood.
Marang Artocarpus odoratissimus MORACEAE The ripe fruits are fleshy, aromatic, sweet and juicy - similar to the jackfruit (A. heterophyllus) but of
Banguhan much better quality. The latex is used to treat inflammation from wounds. The large leaves are used as
thatch, to make partitions in long houses, and for temporary field huts. Locally, the wood is used for
light construction, for making boxes, crates, wooden pallets and veneer. The wood is sometimes nicely
and therefore is suitable for decorative purposes like furniture, joinery and paneling
Nangka Artocarpus heterophyllus MORACEAE The pulp of young fruit is rich in carbohydrates and is usually cooked as a vegetable. The fruit becomes
sweeter as it ripens, as some of the carbohydrates are converted into sugars. It is often eaten raw at
this stage, but is also still cooked as a vegetable. The rind of the fruit yields a fair jelly. The ashes of
leaves, with or without oil, are used to treat ulcers, diarrhea, boils, stomach-ache and wounds. The sap
is an anti-syphilitic and a vermifuge. A root decoction is used to alleviate fever, treat diarrhea, skin
diseases and asthma. Dried latex yields rotenone, a compound with marked androgenic action; it can
also be mixed with vinegar to promote healing of abscesses, snakebite and glandular swellings. Locally,
the wood is used for light construction, for making boxes, crates, wooden pallets and veneer. The wood
is sometimes nicely figured and therefore is suitable for decorative purposes like furniture, joinery and
Narra Pterocarpus indicus FABACEAE The kino obtained from the trunk is said to be antibilious, emetic, and sternutatory and is used to treat
throat ailments, mouth sores and is a folk remedy for tumors, especially of the mouth. The dried leaves
are mixed with water and drunk daily as a treatment for headaches. An infusion of the young leaves is
used in the treatment of constipation, stomach pains, fevers, asthma and mouth ulcers. The fresh leaves
are chewed with betel nut in order to ease coughs. The root juice is used to treat syphilis. The leaf
infusion is used as a shampoo. The wood is used for high class furniture and cabinets, decorative sliced
veneer, interior wall paneling, feature flooring (including strip and parquet), musical instruments, gun
stocks, rifle butts, turned articles, knife handles, boat building and specialized joinery.
Niyog- Ficus pseudopalma MORACEAE A decoction of the leaves is used in the treatment of diabetes and kidney stones. Young shoots are
niyogan eaten raw or cooked. Delicious in salads, they are also cooked as a potherb
Pagsahingin Canarium asperum BURSERACEAE Latex obtained from the tree is used to make candles and torches. It can also be used as a caulking
material. It is suitable as a general utility timber for planking, cladding, plywood, flooring, furniture,
packing cases, pallets and general carpentry work.
The wood is used for fuel. The wood is an important source of kedondong timber, used in house
construction. The wood is suitable for internal use as a general utility timber for planking, cladding,
plywood, flooring, furniture, packing cases, pallets and general carpentry work.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Salingogon Cratoxylum formosum CLUSIACEAE The young shoots are eaten raw while the young leaves are used as a substitute for tea. The bark is
used as a treatment for diarrhea in domestic animals. The bark and leaves, pounded and mixed with
coconut milk, are applied topically as a treatment for skin troubles. The resinous exudate from the base
of the trunk is used as a remedy for scabies and leg wounds. The wood is used for making woodcuts,
interior construction, etc.
Santol Sandoricum koetjape MALIACEAE The fruit is eaten raw or cooked. It can also be dried, used in making jams, jellies, marmalade etc. The
pounded leaves are sudorific when applied to the skin and are used to make a decoctio n against
diarrhoea and fever. The powdered bark is an effective treatment for ringworms, and contains
triterpenes with anti-cancer activity. The aromatic roots are employed as an anti-diarrheic, anti-
spasmodic, carminative, antiseptic, astringent, and stomachic and are prescribed as a general tonic
after childbirth. The root can be bruised then soaked in vinegar and water to be used as an effective
remedy for diarrhea and dysentery. The fragrant wood is used in perfumery. The wood is used for
making furniture, cabinet work, joinery, interior construction, shop fitting, paneling, planking and decking
of boats, scantlings, carving, butlers chopping blocks, packing cases, household and agricultural
implements, for production of veneer, plywood, blackboard, pulp and paper. It is used in the construction
of traditional houses and boats.
Star apple Chrysophyllum cainito SAPOTACEAE The fruit is eaten raw or preserved. The ripe fruit is eaten to sooth inflammation in laryngitis and
pneumonia. It is given as a treatment for diabetes mellitus, and as a decoction is gargled to relieve
angina. The fruit is used in treating hemorrhage or is cooked and used for fever. A decoction of the rind,
or of the leaves, is taken as a pectoral. The undersides of the leaves are gra ted and applied as a
poultice to wounds. A decoction of the leaves is taken orally to treat hypoglycemia. A decoction of the
tannin-rich, astringent bark is drunk as a tonic and stimulant, and is taken to halt diarrhea, dysentery
and hemorrhages, and as a treatment for gonorrhea and catarrh of the bladder. The bitter, pulverized
seed is taken as a tonic, diuretic and febrifuge. The latex of the tree is applied on abscesses and, when
dried and powdered, it is given as a potent vermifuge. It is also taken as a diuretic, febrifuge and remedy
for dysentery. A good quality paper can be obtained from the wood pulp. he wood is used for general
indoor construction, such as planking, light framing, flooring, interior trim, lining, shelving, cladding,
paneling and partitioning. It is also suitable for moldings, light tool handles, inlaying, carving, joinery,
furniture and cabinet making. Good-quality veneer and plywood can be obtained from it. The wood is
sometimes used for fuel.
Tangisang Ficus variegata MORACEAE The roots are used as an antidote. The bark and fruit is used as a remedy for dysentery. The wood is
Bayawak of low quality, but is used for temporary construction, moldings, interior work, cladding, drawers, fruit
crates, floats and knife sheaths. The wood is used for fuel.
Tibig Ficus nota MORACEAE The fruit is eaten raw. The stems contain drinkable water.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 2-13: Sampling Site Map


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Site 1

Site 2


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Site 1

Site 2

Figure 2-14: Site Photographs at Terrestrial Survey Sampling Areas


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Faunal Composition

More so during the field assessment, bird species such as Philippine coucal, Philippine yellow -vented bulbul,
Brown Shrike, Eurasian Tree Sparrow were observed. The locals also reported sighti ngs of Brahminy Kite, Rail
species, White earned brown dove, Swift species, Great Egret, Quail, owl species, Monitor lizard, species of
snakes and musang. Other animals seen in the area are domesticated animals such as dogs, cats, ducks,
chickens, goats, cows and carabaos. No actual samplings were conducted for the faunal species in the area.
The data gathered are based from ocular survey and interviews from the locals. Impact Assessment and Mitigation Vegetation Removal and Loss of Habitat

Forest land vegetation along the river banks of the dam site location will be cleared. Vegetation along the
alignment of the various canal structures will be cleared out as well.

Mitigation and preventive measures are the following:

• Compliance with conditions of DENR/LGU SLUP, Tree Cutting Permit, ROW, PCA Permit
• Limit land clearing as much as possible
• Provide temporary fencing for vegetation that will be retained
• Promote restoration of damaged or destroyed vegetation where possible (e.g., tree planting); Threat to Abundance, Frequency and Distribution of Important Species

Endemic species along the river banks of the dam site and irrigation canal alignments are low in number; hence,
the project is not expected to directly alter the frequency and distribution of endem ic species in the area. The
project will not be a threat to abundance and distribution of important species in the area. Hindrance to Wildlife Access

During construction phase, there could be possible blocking or hindrance of animal movements native to t he
area, as they are not accustomed to the presence of humans, so they will become more vulnerable to harmful
interactions with humans. However, these species have shown considerable resilience to human settlement in
the area. Due to this, it is expected that the project will have minimal ecological impact on wildlife species at the
project area.

2.3 The Water Freshwater Ecology

Eight species of fish, one species of mollusc and three species of crustaceans are found i n the sampling sites.
Table 2-15 shows the species composition and abundance of fish and other fauna collected at the sampling


Three species were classified as native or species found living beyond its historic native range (GLERL NOAA
2016), which include mottled eel Anguilla marmorata, goby Glossogobius sp., and halfbeak Zenarchopterus cf.
dispar. Most of the native species were collected at Station 3 (upstream area). The mottled eel is a widely
distributed species and can be found in freshwater, brackish, and saline habitats thr oughout most of the tropical
and subtropical western-central Pacific and Indian Oceans (Jacoby and Gollock 2014). The other native species,


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Glossogobius sp. and Z. dispar, also occur in the Indo-Pacific. The former is strictly freshwater species (Larson
2012), while the latter species inhabits both freshwater and brackish water systems (Shaji, 2012). Introduced or
non-native species were composed of snakehead murrel Channa striata, walking catfish Clarias batrachus, tilapia
Oreochromis sp., and molly Poecilia sphenops. All of the non-native species such as snakehead murrel, walking
catfish, and tilapia were introduced for cultivation, while the molly was introduced through the aquarium trade
(Froese and Pauly 2016). Endemic species or species only found in the country was represented by silver perch
Leiopotherapon plumbeus, which was collected at Station 2 (midstream area). This species occurs in freshwater
habitats of Luzon, mostly lakes and rivers (Herre 1953 in Froese and Pauly 2016). It is considered as i mportant
species for freshwater commercial fisheries (Anaño and Eguia 2016). Among the species, Oreochormis sp. was
the most common, occurring across the three stations. In terms of species richness, the majority of species were
collected at Station 3 (upstream), while only two species were found at Station1 and Station 2. Highest abundance
was also recorded at Station 3, followed by Station 1. Station 2 had the lowest fish abundance with only two
individuals. Gobiidae or gobies at the study site is the most abundant species.

Mollusc and Crustaceans

Apart from fish, crustacean and molluscan fauna were also found at the sampling stations. These groups were
mostly represented by native species such as the shrimp Macrobrachium lar, crabs Sundathelphusa sp. and
Varuna sp., and gastropod Melanoides cf. granifera. All the species were found at Station 3, while Station 1 had
the least number of species. The abundance of other fauna was very limited with values ranging only from 2 to
4 individuals, mostly belonging to Palaemonidae and Thiaridae The low species richness, abundance, and
diversity of other fauna may be relative to the present environmental condition of the study site. It could also be
due to spatial or temporal variation in the fauna population as some species, for instance M. lar and
Sundathelphusa sp., can adapt to a wide variety of habitats (De Grave 2013; Husana et al. 2015).

Table 2-15: Species Composition and Abundance of Fish and Other Fauna collected at the Sampling Stations
Family Scientific Name Occurrence
S1 S2 S3
Anguillidae Anguilla marmorata Native 0 0 2
Channidae Channa striata Introduced 0 0 1
Clariidae Clarias batrachus Introduced 0 0 2
Gobiidae Glossogobius sp. Native 2 0 5
Terapontidae Leiopotherapon plumbeus Endemic 0 1 0
Cichlidae Oreochromis sp. Introduced 2 1 1
Poeciliidae Poecilia sphenops Introduced 0 0 1
Zenarchopteridae Zenarchopterus cf. dispar Native 0 0 4
Sub-Total 4 2 16
(Mollusca) Thiaridae Tarebia cf. granifera Native 0 2 1
Subtotal 0 2 1
(Malacostraca) Palaemonidae Macrobrachium lar Native 2 0 1
(Malacostraca) Gecarcinucidae Sundathelphusa sp. Native 0 0 1
(Malacostraca) Varunidae Varuna sp. Native 0 2 0
Subtotal 2 2 2
Grand Total 6 6 19


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Phytoplankton and Zooplankton

Phytoplankton (or photosynthetic micro-algae) is made up of representatives of at least five very diverse
taxonomic groups within the plant kingdom. Like all plants, the photosynthetic phytoplankto n converts light energy
and carbon dioxide into organic material, and so represent the primary producers forming the base of the food
web upon which almost all-aquatic animal life depends.

Zooplankton (or animal plankton) are consumer organisms and depend upon the phytoplankton, and to some
extent on dead organic matter, for their source of food and energy. Table 2-16 shows the phytoplankton and
zooplankton collected at the sampling stations.

Table 2-16: Phytoplankton and Zooplankton Collected at the Sampling Station

Mean Total Mean Relative
Taxa Sta.1 Sta. 2 Sta. 3 Density (No./L) Abundance (%)

Diatoms (Bacillariophyceae)
Diatoma 140 40 80 86 7.44
Synedra 420 340 253 21.90
Subtotal 570 380 80 339 29.34
Green Algae (Chlorophyceae)
Coelastrum 40 40 26 2.25
Cladophora 80 140 180 133 11.52
Staurastrum 40 13 1.13
Sub-Total 160 140 220 172 14.9
Blue-Green Algae (Cyanophycea)
Oscillatoria 220 80 100 133 11.52
Sub-Total 220 80 100 133 11.52
Paramecium 80 40 60 60 41.10
Copepod 60 20 26 17.80
nauplius larvae

Sub-Total 140 60 60 86 58.9

Grand Total 1,090 660 460 730 114.66

Riparian Ecology

Riparian area is the interface between land and a river or stream. The riparian zone of the project area provides
food chain support to the land and freshwater fauna. It also serves as a nesting and hatching place for other
aquatic animals in the area. The riparian area is dominated by bambusa sp. and Salix nigra. However, plants
such as Chromolaena odorata, Lantana camara, Mimosa pudica and some common weed are also observed in
the area.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
2.3.2 Hydrology/Hydrogeology Baseline Conditions Threat to Existence and/or Loss of Important Local Species

The project is not foreseen to cause extinction to any species within the project area during its service. Threat to Abundance, Frequency and Distribution of Species

Endemic species along the river banks of the proposed dam site and irrigation canal alignments are low in
number; hence, the project is not expected to directly alter the frequency and distribution of endemic species in
the area. The project will not be a threat to abundance and distribution of important species in the area. Stream flow Data

The Bureau of Research and Standards (BRS), DPWH, is given charge of stream flow gauging since 1955 and
publishes the records in the water bulletin up to Year 2000. However, there are no gauging stations being
maintained in the island which means no information on the hydrological behaviour of the river sources is
available. The only data information gathered was the series of discharge measurements conducted in the river
source during fieldwork activity, the results of which will be used as basis in the derivation of a long term run off
series at proposed dam site. Reservoir Inflow Study Water Supply

The source of water supply for the proposed project will be the Cabano River located at Jordan, Guimaras Island
with a drainage area of32.28 reckoned at the proposed dam site with coordinates 10°37'35" Latitude and
122°38'52" Longitude. To derive a long term discharge record for the water source to be used in the reservoir
operation study, gauged stream flow stations were considered and analysed at nearby Iloilo Province. Inflow Generation

Estimate of the monthly stream flow at the proposed dam site was done by rainfall -runoff regression analysis.
Firstly, the discharge records particularly the specific discharges of the several river gauging stations selected
for the purpose were evaluated. The Jalaur River gauging station, located at Calinog, San Agustin, Iloilo, with a
drainage area of 120.0 and period of record: 1960- 1972, was considered, among others, as base station
in the derivation of a long term runoff for Cabano at proposed dam site. The result of a series of discharge
measurements conducted at proposed dam site on July 21, 2010 at the water source registered a measurement
of 175.93 Ips or 0.17593 CMS.

As previously mentioned, there are no gauging stations being maintained in Guimaras Island. As such, in order
to establish the monthly rainfall-runoff correlation relationship of Guimaras rainfall and Jalaur River runoff, several
steps have to be undertaken. The relationship between the rainfall data at Iloilo stat ion and at Guimaras station
was first determined using concurrent monthly values. Adopting the rainfall data of Iloilo as the independent
variable, the resulting linear regression equation is:

Y = 28.65 + 0.993 X

Where, Y = dependent variable, Guimaras rainfall in mm and X = independent variable, Iloilo rainfall in mm.
The resulting correlation coefficient is 87.7%. This equation reveals the correlative relationship between the
two stations.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Next step is to establish the correlation relationship between Iloilo rainfall and Jalaur River runoff. Using monthly
concurrent values, the resulting correlation coefficient is 76.6% which reveals the correlative relationship between
the two stations.

Based from the results of the regression/correlation analyses, the monthly rainfall-runoff regression/correlation
analysis was undertaken for Guimaras rainfall and Jalaur River runoff. Adopting concurrent monthly values and
considering the result of the discharge measurement done at the water source, the resulting rainf all-runoff linear
regression equation fit for the system is:

Y = 7.292 + 0.38161 X

where, Y = dependent variable, Jalaur River runoff depth in mm. and X = independent variable, Guimaras
regressed rainfall in mm. The resulting correlation coefficient is 79.6%. This equation was used to derive a runoff
depth base data series using the whole monthly rainfall record of Guimaras station. The derived data series was
subsequently converted in cubic meters per second (CMS.) units to derive the runoff for Cabano R iver (D.A.=
32.28 at proposed dam site. The derived mean monthly runoff data at the proposed dam site in CMS.
and in MCM are presented Table 2-17 and Table 2-18.

Table 2-17: Summary of Mean Monthly Generated Runoff of Cabano River at Poposed Damsite
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
Q in 0.41 0.31 0.36 0.42 0.90 1.65 1.86 1.94 1.53 1.37 0.97 0.63 1.03
Q in 1.09 0.75 0.97 1.08 2.40 4.28 4.99 5.19 3.97 3.66 2.52 1.69 32.59
N 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 Irrigation Water Requirement Cropping Pattern

Rice crop will be the dominant crop in the project area, wherein during dry season, a portion of the total area will
be converted to plant corn. The proposed cropping pattern for rice and corn allows the farmers to stagger planting
within a 30-day period. The proposed cropping pattern for paddy rice allows the farmers to stagger planting within
a 30-day period as per agronomic studies. The proposed cropping pattern/calendar for paddy rice is presented
in Figure 2-15. Crop Water Requirement

There are six stages of field activities involved in rice production. These are land soaking, land preparation,
nursery and transplanting, crop maintenance, drainage and harvest.

For corn, initial irrigation was estimated based on the requirement for land preparation to bring the soil to field
capacity. Succeeding irrigation volumes shall be estimates of amounts to replenish moisture depletions caused
primarily by evapotranspiration.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Table 2-18: Derived Mean Monthly Runoff in CMS
Name of Station: CABANO RIVER D.A. = 32.28
Location: Jordan, Guimaras Island @ Proposed Dam site Unit: CMS

1949 0.53 0.32 0.25 0.41 1.08 1.48 1.79 1.26 1.30 2.37 1.89 1.10 1.15
1950 0.41 0.26 0.59 0.60 0.91 1.63 1.46 1.54 1.42 1.15 0.88 0.59 0.95
1951 0.33 0.39 0.27 0.46 1.05 2.16 1.20 1.61 1.16 1.47 0.97 1.59 1.06
1952 0.32 0.29 0.40 0.25 0.77 1.35 1.55 2.59 0.82 2.03 0.82 1.07 1.02
1953 0.33 0.41 0.68 0.42 0.45 1.08 1.68 1.96 0.66 1.22 0.78 0.60 0.86
1954 0.41 0.39 0.54 0.29 0.93 1.05 1.19 1.37 2.09 0.37 1.13 1.08 0.90
1955 0.58 0.40 0.39 0.81 0.99 1.86 0.69 1.33 0.77 1.51 1.99 0.45 0.98
1956 0.43 0.34 0.55 0.86 1.85 1.07 1.05 1.86 2.60 1.38 0.96 1.29 1.19
1957 0.82 0.38 0.25 0.55 0.25 1.38 1.69 2.91 2.09 0.85 0.47 0.32 1.00
1958 0.36 0.27 0.32 0.35 0.34 1.15 1.62 1.63 1.41 1.06 1.59 0.38 0.87
1959 0.27 0.35 0.51 0.31 0.51 1.52 1.61 1.53 0.88 1.37 1.22 0.91 0.91
1960 0.32 0.33 0.29 0.76 0.74 1.56 1.37 1.40 1.50 1.18 1.10 0.45 0.92
1961 0.22 0.29 0.29 0.36 1.14 2.43 1.81 2.56 0.98 1.91 0.84 0.54 1.11
1962 0.29 0.39 0.26 0.36 0.78 0.64 3.13 1.75 2.68 0.85 0.85 0.34 1.03
1963 0.23 0.25 0.28 0.25 0.30 1.52 1.04 1.92 1.75 1.32 0.53 0.64 0.83
1964 0.39 0.42 0.28 0.40 1.36 1.68 0.59 1.70 1.20 1.11 2.40 0.46 1.00
1965 0.48 0.31 0.59 0.38 0.54 1.40 1.87 1.44 1.26 0.98 1.42 0.77 0.95
1966 0.59 0.35 0.27 0.28 2.57 1.43 1.89 0.75 1.33 1.14 1.43 0.54 1.05
1967 1.06 0.49 0.40 0.29 0.58 1.39 1.71 2.16 0.71 1.69 1.10 0.36 0.99
1968 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.30 0.57 0.97 1.06 2.09 0.89 0.45 1.13 0.26 0.71
1969 0.25 0.24 0.26 0.27 0.43 0.95 2.17 0.79 1.09 0.72 0.48 0.54 0.68
1970 0.34 0.28 0.38 0.25 0.91 2.18 1.11 1.38 1.34 1.25 0.71 0.50 0.89
1971 0.26 0.26 0.25 0.62 0.65 1.02 1.83 1.05 0.43 1.60 0.59 0.72 0.77
1972 0.87 0.35 0.34 0.37 0.76 1.34 3.72 1.23 2.01 1.08 1.11 0.90 1.18
1973 0.24 0.35 0.23 0.29 0.22 0.79 2.01 2.66 2.50 1.46 2.51 0.96 1.18
1974 0.44 0.35 0.37 0.36 0.39 1.48 1.60 1.71 0.67 3.27 0.92 0.85 1.03
1975 0.99 0.35 0.10 1.02 0.63 1.94 0.75 0.96 1.02 2.22 0.30 0.76 0.92


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

1976 0.23 0.22 0.25 0.23 1.89 2.92 2.43 2.06 1.23 0.49 0.66 0.47 1.09
1977 0.68 0.46 0.41 0.12 0.44 1.33 2.30 1.83 3.46 0.47 0.48 0.22 1.02
1978 0.26 0.19 0.09 0.49 0.60 1.37 2.23 3.29 1.79 1.79 0.71 0.63 1.12
1979 0.17 0.13 0.10 0.68 0.77 0.82 3.23 2.50 1.92 3.65 0.46 0.31 1.23
1980 0.40 0.30 0.82 0.15 0.63 2.20 1.00 0.94 1.74 1.76 1.18 0.53 0.97
1981 0.17 0.10 0.10 0.13 0.55 1.54 2.85 2.42 0.58 3.21 0.67 0.43 1.06
1982 0.14 0.11 0.75 0.14 0.75 1.92 1.87 2.93 1.74 1.06 0.40 0.20 1.00
1983 0.18 0.11 0.18 0.09 0.23 0.72 1.93 1.68 1.85 1.50 0.89 0.40 0.81
1984 0.26 0.53 0.45 0.94 0.78 2.41 1.41 2.41 2.34 2.33 1.48 0.56 1.32
1985 0.60 0.41 0.37 1.48 0.54 2.54 1.69 1.39 0.96 0.80 0.59 0.31 0.97
1986 0.28 0.17 0.21 0.34 0.65 1.11 3.14 4.96 1.29 0.75 1.07 0.42 1.20
1987 0.48 0.28 0.09 0.09 0.55 1.16 1.80 1.86 3.49 0.65 1.64 0.54 1.05
1988 0.24 0.13 0.13 0.84 0.79 2.27 1.61 1.47 1.80 3.25 2.08 0.46 1.26
1989 0.57 0.31 0.40 0.26 1.21 1.67 1.21 3.27 0.81 1.15 0.39 0.15 0.95
1990 0.33 0.19 0.10 0.16 1.80 1.88 2.38 2.60 0.91 0.60 1.62 0.26 1.07
1991 0.12 0.33 0.23 0.19 0.38 2.30 1.75 3.59 0.83 0.95 0.69 0.41 0.98
1992 0.13 0.12 0.09 0.12 0.13 2.02 0.99 2.10 1.45 1.71 0.45 0.43 0.81
1993 0.15 0.22 0.27 0.10 0.09 1.29 2.39 2.78 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.65 1.00
1994 0.23 0.20 0.30 1.51 0.99 2.59 3.37 1.47 1.60 0.66 0.46 1.09 1.21
1995 0.30 0.11 0.26 0.19 0.55 1.29 2.21 1.04 1.49 2.28 2.48 0.62 1.07
1996 0.96 0.13 0.71 0.69 1.31 1.84 1.66 1.34 3.16 0.81 2.47 0.71 1.32
1997 0.11 0.95 0.16 0.09 1.39 4.46 3.68 1.09 1.45 0.94 0.40 0.72 1.29
1998 0.17 0.12 0.10 0.10 1.31 1.41 1.08 0.85 1.56 1.64 0.64 1.40 0.86
1999 0.94 0.40 0.68 1.28 1.20 1.59 1.91 1.98 1.32 1.13 1.11 0.49 1.17
2000 0.19 0.35 0.80 0.45 1.42 1.70 2.18 2.60 1.76 1.26 0.41 0.15 1.11
2001 0.59 0.81 0.87 0.18 0.88 1.67 0.80 2.22 1.14 1.77 2.20 0.92 1.17
2002 1.13 0.13 0.95 0.17 0.35 1.37 2.48 2.07 1.48 1.40 0.24 0.21 1.00
2003 0.47 0.12 0.15 0.32 2.37 0.55 1.72 3.43 1.56 1.16 0.27 0.40 1.04
2004 0.14 0.77 0.30 0.13 0.91 2.19 1.18 2.67 0.92 1.15 0.47 0.49 0.94
2005 0.15 0.10 0.15 0.20 1.48 1.44 2.08 1.78 1.48 0.94 0.20 *** 0.91
2006 0.25 0.27 0.37 0.21 2.29 *** 2.02 3.79 1.93 1.05 0.31 1.37 1.26


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

2007 0.53 0.10 0.09 0.29 0.57 1.93 2.39 1.22 4.54 0.79 *** *** 1.25
2008 0.73 0.46 0.43 0.83 1.68 2.21 1.27 1.32 1.64 0.78 0.73 0.85 1.08
2009 0.27 0.65 0.16 1.14 1.01 *** 3.77 1.22 *** *** 0.40 0.14 0.97
2010 0.19 0.10 0.11 0.09 0.48 1.03 1.80 1.87 1.20 2.05 0.41 0.63 0.83
2011 1.03 0.37 1.29 0.12 1.83 2.26 2.00 2.26 1.23 1.45 0.76 1.04 1.31
2012 0.21 0.23 0.53 0.23 0.97 2.81 2.20 0.69 1.28 0.69 0.81 0.42 0.92
2013 0.18 0.33 0.09 0.43 0.38 0.55 1.52 0.99 3.13 0.45 0.82 0.11 0.75

MEAN 0.40 0.31 0.36 0.42 0.89 1.63 1.86 1.92 1.56 1.35 0.97 0.62 1.02


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Table 2-19: Derived Mean Monthly Runoff in MCM

Name of Station: CABANO RIVER D.A. = 32.28

Location: Jordan, Guimaras Island @ Proposed Dam site UNIT: MCM

1949 1.43 0.78 0.68 1.06 2.90 3.82 4.79 3.38 3.37 6.35 4.91 2.96 36.43
1950 1.10 0.62 1.59 1.56 2.44 4.23 3.90 4.12 3.67 3.09 2.29 1.57 30.20
1951 0.90 0.94 0.72 1.18 2.82 5.61 3.21 4.31 3.02 3.93 2.51 4.27 33.42
1952 0.87 0.73 1.07 0.64 2.06 3.50 4.15 6.94 2.14 5.44 2.13 2.87 32.53
1953 0.89 0.99 1.83 1.08 1.21 2.79 4.51 5.25 1.72 3.26 2.01 1.61 27.15
1954 1.10 0.93 1.45 0.76 2.49 2.72 3.20 3.67 5.42 0.98 2.94 2.89 28.56
1955 1.54 0.97 1.05 2.09 2.66 4.82 1.84 3.56 1.99 4.04 5.16 1.20 30.91
1956 1.14 0.85 1.48 2.23 4.95 2.77 2.82 4.99 6.75 3.71 2.48 3.44 37.61
1957 2.20 0.93 0.67 1.43 0.66 3.58 4.51 7.78 5.43 2.27 1.22 0.87 31.55
1958 0.96 0.65 0.85 0.90 0.91 2.99 4.34 4.38 3.66 2.85 4.12 1.03 27.63
1959 0.73 0.84 1.36 0.79 1.35 3.95 4.31 4.10 2.28 3.66 3.17 2.44 28.97
1960 0.86 0.82 0.77 1.96 1.98 4.05 3.66 3.74 3.88 3.15 2.85 1.21 28.94
1961 0.59 0.71 0.77 0.93 3.05 6.29 4.86 6.85 2.53 5.13 2.18 1.45 35.35
1962 0.79 0.95 0.70 0.93 2.10 1.65 8.39 4.69 6.93 2.27 2.20 0.90 32.51
1963 0.63 0.60 0.74 0.65 0.80 3.95 2.77 5.15 4.54 3.53 1.37 1.71 26.42
1964 1.06 1.06 0.76 1.05 3.65 4.37 1.59 4.55 3.11 2.98 6.22 1.23 31.63
1965 1.30 0.74 1.59 1.00 1.45 3.64 5.00 3.86 3.27 2.62 3.67 2.07 30.20
1966 1.58 0.85 0.72 0.72 6.88 3.71 5.05 2.00 3.45 3.04 3.71 1.45 33.17
1967 2.85 1.19 1.08 0.74 1.54 3.60 4.58 5.79 1.84 4.53 2.86 0.95 31.54
1968 0.73 0.68 0.72 0.77 1.51 2.53 2.84 5.60 2.32 1.21 2.92 0.71 22.53
1969 0.67 0.59 0.70 0.71 1.14 2.45 5.80 2.11 2.83 1.93 1.24 1.46 21.64


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

1970 0.91 0.68 1.02 0.65 2.44 5.66 2.98 3.71 3.46 3.34 1.83 1.33 28.01
1971 0.70 0.64 0.66 1.62 1.74 2.65 4.91 2.82 1.11 4.27 1.54 1.94 24.59
1972 2.34 0.87 0.91 0.97 2.04 3.48 9.98 3.30 5.21 2.89 2.89 2.42 37.30
1973 0.63 0.84 0.61 0.74 0.59 2.06 5.39 7.12 6.47 3.92 6.50 2.57 37.44
1974 1.19 0.86 0.99 0.92 1.04 3.83 4.29 4.59 1.72 8.77 2.39 2.29 32.88
1975 2.66 0.86 0.28 2.64 1.70 5.03 2.00 2.57 2.65 5.96 0.77 2.04 29.15
1976 0.61 0.55 0.66 0.59 5.07 7.56 6.51 5.52 3.18 1.30 1.70 1.27 34.52
1977 1.82 1.12 1.10 0.31 1.17 3.44 6.15 4.91 8.96 1.26 1.25 0.60 32.10
1978 0.69 0.47 0.24 1.26 1.62 3.55 5.97 8.82 4.64 4.80 1.84 1.69 35.59
1979 0.44 0.31 0.27 1.76 2.05 2.12 8.64 6.69 4.99 9.76 1.20 0.83 39.06
1980 1.08 0.76 2.18 0.40 1.68 5.70 2.69 2.53 4.51 4.71 3.05 1.43 30.71
1981 0.47 0.25 0.26 0.35 1.48 3.99 7.64 6.48 1.51 8.60 1.73 1.16 33.91
1982 0.38 0.26 2.01 0.37 2.02 4.97 5.02 7.85 4.50 2.83 1.03 0.53 31.77
1983 0.49 0.27 0.49 0.24 0.62 1.86 5.17 4.50 4.80 4.01 2.31 1.07 25.82
1984 0.69 1.32 1.21 2.43 2.09 6.24 3.77 6.45 6.06 6.25 3.82 1.50 41.85
1985 1.59 0.98 0.99 3.85 1.44 6.60 4.51 3.73 2.48 2.16 1.53 0.84 30.70
1986 0.74 0.41 0.56 0.88 1.73 2.87 8.42 13.29 3.33 2.01 2.77 1.12 38.13
1987 1.28 0.67 0.24 0.24 1.46 3.02 4.82 4.98 9.04 1.74 4.25 1.45 33.19
1988 0.64 0.31 0.36 2.19 2.11 5.89 4.31 3.93 4.66 8.71 5.39 1.22 39.71
1989 1.52 0.75 1.07 0.68 3.23 4.32 3.24 8.76 2.10 3.08 1.01 0.40 30.16
1990 0.89 0.45 0.26 0.41 4.82 4.86 6.37 6.97 2.37 1.62 4.19 0.69 33.90
1991 0.33 0.81 0.61 0.50 1.01 5.97 4.70 9.63 2.16 2.55 1.78 1.11 31.15
1992 0.34 0.30 0.24 0.32 0.36 5.24 2.64 5.62 3.75 4.59 1.16 1.15 25.69
1993 0.41 0.53 0.71 0.25 0.24 3.34 6.41 7.44 2.65 2.71 2.61 4.41 31.71
1994 0.62 0.47 0.80 3.91 2.65 6.72 9.02 3.92 4.15 1.77 1.19 2.92 38.16
1995 0.82 0.26 0.70 0.51 1.48 3.34 5.91 2.78 3.85 6.11 6.44 1.65 33.84
1996 2.58 0.32 1.91 1.79 3.50 4.77 4.46 3.59 8.18 2.18 6.40 1.90 41.57
1997 0.28 2.30 0.43 0.24 3.71 11.57 9.87 2.91 3.75 2.51 1.03 1.92 40.53
1998 0.46 0.28 0.26 0.27 3.52 3.66 2.88 2.27 4.05 4.40 1.65 3.76 27.45
1999 2.53 0.97 1.82 3.33 3.22 4.11 5.11 5.29 3.42 3.03 2.89 1.31 37.02


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

2000 0.50 0.87 2.15 1.16 3.80 4.42 5.83 6.96 4.57 3.38 1.06 0.40 35.10
2001 1.59 1.95 2.34 0.46 2.36 4.32 2.15 5.94 2.96 4.74 5.69 2.47 36.97
2002 3.03 0.32 2.55 0.43 0.94 3.56 6.65 5.54 3.83 3.75 0.61 0.56 31.76
2003 1.26 0.29 0.41 0.82 6.34 1.41 4.60 9.18 4.03 3.11 0.69 1.08 33.24
2004 0.37 1.94 0.79 0.33 2.43 5.66 3.16 7.15 2.39 3.08 1.21 1.32 29.83
2005 0.41 0.24 0.41 0.53 3.95 3.72 5.58 4.77 3.83 2.53 0.53 1.66 28.16
2006 0.67 0.66 0.98 0.53 6.14 4.23 5.42 10.14 5.01 2.82 0.81 3.66 41.07
2007 1.42 0.24 0.24 0.76 1.53 5.00 6.41 3.26 11.77 2.12 2.52 1.66 36.92
2008 1.95 1.14 1.15 2.15 4.50 5.72 3.40 3.53 4.25 2.09 1.89 2.28 34.06
2009 0.72 1.58 0.43 2.96 2.71 4.23 10.10 3.27 4.03 3.62 1.05 0.37 35.07
2010 0.50 0.24 0.30 0.24 1.28 2.67 4.81 5.02 3.10 5.50 1.05 1.68 26.38
2011 2.77 0.91 3.47 0.31 4.91 5.86 5.37 6.06 3.18 3.88 1.97 2.79 41.47
2012 0.55 0.58 1.43 0.59 2.60 7.30 5.90 1.84 3.33 1.84 2.09 1.13 29.18
2013 0.49 0.82 0.24 1.11 1.02 1.42 4.06 2.65 8.11 1.21 2.13 0.29 23.57

MEAN 1.08 0.75 0.95 1.08 2.38 4.23 4.97 5.16 4.03 3.62 2.52 1.66 32.45


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 2-15: Proposed Cropping Pattern & Irrigation Water Requirement Computation


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

The crop water requirement is the amount of water needed to meet the consumptive use of the crop (paddy
rice) for optimum growth from nursery up to harvesting. This is represented as follows:

CWR = [ (kls*LS) + (klp*LP) + (kn*N) + (kfc*FC) ] * Tunits


CWR – Crop water requirement in mm Kn – area factor of nursery

Kls – area factor of land soaking N – nursery requirement in mm
LS – land soaking requirement in mm. Kfc – area factor of field crop requirement
Kip – area factor of land preparation FC – field crop requirement in mm
LP – land preparation requirement in mm Tunits – number of days for calculation basis Land Soaking

The land soaking requirement for paddy rice is the amount of water needed to saturate the soil prior to the
initial tilling given by:

LS = Sn/t + Ev + p
Sn = {[ Sc – (Mc * Bd)] / 100} * Drz

LS - land soaking requirement in mm/day Me - soil moisture content in %

Sn - soil saturation requirement in mm.  wet season paddy, Me= Pwp
 dry season paddy, Me= (Fe+ Pwp) /2
t- number of days to saturate the soil ( 7 days )
Pwp - permanent wilting point in %
Ev- evaporation rate in mm/day Bd – bulk density
p - percolation rate in mm/day Drz – depth of root zone, 300 mm
Sc- soil saturation capacity in %

The rate of Sc, Pwp, Fe and Bd are selected from the following table acc ording to the following soil texture:

Table 2-20: Sc, Pwp, Fe and Bd rate according to soil texture

Soil Texture Sc (%) Pwp (%) Fc (%) Bd
Sand 42 6 14 1.55
Sandy Loam 44 9 21 1.50
Loam 46 14 30 1.40
Clay Loam 49 17 36 1.35
Silty Clay 52 21 41 1.30
Clay 53 23 43 1.25 Land Preparation

The requirement for land preparation for paddy rice is the amount of water needed to replace the losses due to
evaporation and percolation as well as to ponding at desired depth during seedling transplanting after land
soaking has been satisfied. For non-rice crops, requirement for percolation and ponding were not considered.

LP = Ev + p + (Sp/tsp)

LP – land preparation requirement in mm/day Sp – depth of pending for transplanting, 25 mm.

Ev – evaporation rate in mm/day Tsp – number of days for land preparation, 20 days


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Nursery

The requirement for nursery for paddy rice is the amount of water needed to maintain the seedlings until
transplanting date. Five percent of the total paddy field is required for nursery bed.

N = (LP + (kc*Eto) + p) * 1/20

N – Nursery requirement in mm/day Eto – reference evaporation in mm/day
LP – land preparation requirement in mm/day (kc*Eto) – Crop evaporation in mm/day
Kc – crop coefficient P – Percolation rate in mm/day Field Crop Requirement

The field crop requirement for paddy rice is the amount of water consumed by the crop from transplanting up to
the period of 15 days before harvesting that includes allowance for the deep percolation in the paddy field. For
non-rice crops, the requirement for percolation was not considered.

FC = (kc*Eto) + p


FC - field crop requirement in mm/day Eto - reference evapotranspiration in mm/day

kc - crop coefficient (kc*Eto) -crop evapotranspiration in mm./day
P-percolation rate in mm/day

Table 2-21 presents the computation of the Reference Evapotranspiration by the Modified Penman method.
Value considered for percolation rate was set at 2.0 mm/day per field test results for clay loam.

Table 2-21: Estimated Reference Evapotranspiration Rate

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Average

Daily 3.47 4.19 4.82 5.11 4.52 3.91 3.81 3.84 3.82 4.04 3.68 3.35 4.05

Estimated by The Modified Penman Method using the Meteorological Data measured at NMRDC Agromet
Experimental Station in Brgy. San Miguel, Jordan, Guimaras Island Farm Water Requirement

The farm water requirement is estimated as follows:



FWR -farm water requirement in mm.

CWR - crop water requirement in mm.
RE - effective rainfall in mm.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Irrigation Diversion Requirement

The irrigation diversion requirement is define as the farm water requirement plus allowances for farm waste,
operational losses and conveyance losses where the overall irrigation efficiency can be derived. This is
expressed as:

DWR = FWR / Oeff


DWR -diversion water requirement in mm. FWR -farm water requirement in mm.
Oeff -overall irrigation efficiency

The irrigation efficiencies adopted for both wet and dry seasons for paddy rice are 43% and 50% respectively,
allowing for the following efficiencies:

Wet Season Dry Season

On-farm Efficiency 60% 70%
Conveyance Efficiency 80% 80%
Operational Efficiency 90% 90% Flood Studies General

One of the most important considerations in the design of dams and associated reservoir is its hydraulic efficiency
as well as dam stability during the occurrence of floods. To gain relatively, accurate indicators on how the dam
and reservoir will perform, flood studies have to be conducted.
For high dams, the most common methods used in deriving the parameter is the unit hydrograph approach using
the USBR and SCS methods, Design of Small Dams. This usually consists the following procedures:

a. Estimation of design storm

b. Derivation of the unit hydrograph
c. Rainfall (design storm)- Runoff (unit hydrograph) routing by convolution process

In the absence of actual flood records, empirical formulae and synthetic hydrograph were used. In this study, a
synthetic flood hydrograph was derived for the reservoir. Design Flood Determination Design Storm

Basic to the derivation of design flood for reservoir studies is the availability of a short duration data near the
watershed of the proposed project. Maximum amounts of rainfall for different durations are available at Iloilo City
synoptic station as furnished by the Hydrometeorological Data Applications Section, Hydrometeorology Division,
PAGASA Flood Forecasting Center. Rainfall-Intensity-Duration-Frequency Data

The synoptic station at llolo City has been identified which record maximum amounts of rainfall for different
durations. The following table, Table 2-22 shows the several acquired extreme rainfall amounts of different


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Table 2-22: Maximum Rainfall Amounts-Duration-Frequency Data Iloilo City Synoptic Station
Period 10 min 20 min 30 min 1 hr. 2 hr. 3 hr. 6 hr. 12 hr. 24 hr.
in Years
2 20.7 29.9 36.4 46.3 59.8 69.5 86.1 96.0 114.2
5 28.6 39.4 47.9 59.4 74.9 90.0 114.7 140.6 173.4
10 33.9 45.6 55.6 68.2 84.9 103.6 133.6 172.7 216.6
15 36.9 49.2 59.9 73.1 90.6 111.3 144.3 190.8 241.0
20 38.9 51.6 62.9 76.5 94.6 116.6 151.8 203.5 258.1
25 40.5 53.5 65.3 79.2 97.6 120.8 157.6 213.3 271.3
50 45.4 59.4 72.4 87.3 107.0 133.5 175.3 243.3 311.8
100 50.3 65.2 79.5 95.4 116.4 146.2 192.9 273.2 352.0
200 62.8 78.8 96.2 113.5 136.2 174.8 235.1 356.5 470.7
500 76.8 94.2 114.9 134.1 158.8 207.3 282.8 452.9 608.8
1000 89.6 107.8 131.6 152.0 178.2 235.3 325.3 542.9 739.8
10000 149.0 168.8 206.3 230.8 261.9 361.9 527.6 990.9 1412.4

The maximum rainfall amounts for 200, 500, 1,000 and 10,000 years return period were estimated by curve fitting
procedures using the logarithmic transformation of the recorded data.

Under the medium range emission scenario formulated by PAGASA , seasonal rainfall increase ranges from 1.1
to 54.7%. For climate adaptation, the RIDF values were adjusted upward to 20% rai nfall change. The adjusted
extreme values are shown in Table 2-23.

Table 2-23: Adjusted Maximum Rainfall Amounts-Duration-Frequency Data Cabano Project Area
Period in
Years 10 min 20 min 30 min 1 hr. 2 hr. 3 hr. 6 hr. 12 hr. 24 hr.

2 24.9 35.9 43.7 55.5 71.7 83.4 103.3 115.2 137.1

5 34.4 47.2 57.6 71.3 8.9 108.0 137.6 168.7 208. 1
10 40.7 54.7 66.7 81.8 102.0 124.3 160.4 207.2 259.9
15 44.2 59.0 71.9 87.7 108.7 133.5 173.2 229.0 289.2
20 46.7 61.9 75.5 91.8 113.5 140.0 182.2 244.2 309.7
25 48.6 64.2 78.3 95.0 117.2 144.9 189.1 256.0 325.6
50 54.5 71 .3 86.9 104.8 128.4 160.2 210.4 292.0 374.2
100 60.4 78.2 95.4 114.5 139.6 175.4 231.6 327.8 422.4
200 75.3 94.55 115.4 136.2 163.5 209 .8 282.1 427.8 564.8
500 92.2 113.0 137.9 160.9 190.5 248.8 339.4 543.6 730.6
1000 107.5 129.4 157.9 182.4 213.9 283.0 390.3 651.5 887.8
10000 178.8 202.6 247.5 276.9 314.2 434 .3 621 .1 1189.1 1694.9
Values were adjusted and increased by 205 for climate change scenario projection in the province

The maximum rainfall amounts for 200, 500, 1,000 and 10, 000 years return period were estimated by curve
fitting procedures using the logarithmic transformation of the recorded data.

The logarithmic transformation of the adjusted amounts of maximum rainfall for different durations as indicated
in Table 2-23 were evaluated by regression analysis and were then plotted in logarithmic paper to derive the
equation of the resulting curve. Figure 2-16 presents the rainfall depth-frequency-duration curve for various return
periods. The resulting rainfall depth in mm (Y) – duration in hrs. (X) equations are shown Table 2-24..


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Table 2-24: Rainfall Depth
Return Period (years) Regression Equation
10,000 Y=317.05*X0.454390
1,000 y = 199.20 *X 0.424603
500 y = 173.19 *X 0.415870
200 y = 143.95 *X 0.404102
100 y = 118.12 * X 0.389127
50 Y=107.35 *X 0.384897
25 Y = 96.48 * X 0.379581
20 Y = 92.95 *X 0.377498
15 Y = 88.36 *X 0.374529
10 Y = 81.80 *X 0.369633
5 Y = 70.15 * X 0.358211
2 Y = 52.68 *X 0.337691

The rainfall depth-frequency-duration curves for 10,000, 1000, 500, 200, 50, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5 and 2 years return
periods are shown in Figure 2-16.

Figure 2-16: Rainfall Depth-Duration-Frequency Curve for Various Return Periods

It was assumed that the hourly increments of the 24-hour rainfall were rearranged so that the peak occurs at the
161h hour or 2/3 of the 24-hour duration after deducting the initial and retention losses from the total watershed
rainfall. The design storm computation for 100 years return period is presented in Table 2-25 below.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Table 2-25: Design Storm Computation for 100 Years Return Period

Name of Project : CABANO SRIP

Location : Brgy.Cabano, Jordan, Guimaras
Design Storm for 100 Years Return Period
Unit: MM.
1.00 118.1 118.1 118.1 6.7 5.0 1.7
2.00 154.7 36.6 36.6 6.9 1.0 5.9
3.00 181.1 26.4 26.4 7.3 1.0 6.3
4.00 202.6 21.5 21.5 7.5 1.0 6.5
5.00 221.0 18.4 18.4 8.0 1.0 7.0
6.00 237.2 16.2 16.2 8.3 1.0 7.3
7.00 251.9 14.7 14.7 9.0 1.0 8.0
8.00 265.3 13.4 13.4 9.4 1.0 8.4
9.00 277.8 12.4 12.4 10.3 1.0 9.3
10.00 289.4 11.6 11.6 10.9 1.0 9.9
11.00 300.3 10.9 10.9 12.4 1.0 11.4
12.00 310.7 10.3 10.3 13.4 1.0 12.4
13.00 320.5 9.8 9.8 16.2 1.0 15.2
14.00 329.9 9.4 9.4 18.4 1.0 17.4
15.00 338.8 9.0 9.0 26.4 1.0 25.4
16.00 347.5 8.6 8.6 36.6 1.0 35.6
17.00 355.7 8.3 8.3 118.1 1.0 117.1
18.00 363.7 8.0 8.0 21.5 1.0 20.5
19.00 371.5 7.7 7.7 14.7 1.0 13.7
20.00 379.0 7.5 7.5 11.6 1.0 10.6
21.00 386.2 7.3 7.3 9.8 1.0 8.8
22.00 393.3 7.1 7.1 8.6 1.0 7.6
23.00 400.2 6.9 6.9 7.7 1.0 6.7
24.00 406.8 6.7 6.7 7.1 1.0 6.1

Initial Loss = 4.0 mm/hr.

Retention Loss = 1.0 mm/hr.
NOTE: All units in Millimeters (mm.) unless otherwise indicated.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Unit Hydrograph

The unit hydrograph represents the direct runoff at specified time interval caused by a unit depth (1 mm) of
effective rainfall generated over the basin area at a uniform rate two methods were employed in the development
of a unit hydrograph for the Cabano River at proposed damsite, the USBR, where the Snyder formula was utilized
in the estimation of the lag time and a derived mean dimensionless graph of Jalaur River (D.A. = 120.0
and the SCS method utilizing the Bransby-Williams equation for the time of concentration and the SCS derived
synthetic mean dimensionless graph. Lag Time and Time of Concentration

The lag time, Ti is the time in hours between centroids of rainfall and runoff hydrographs. The Snyder’s
equation for lag time is shown below:

L * Lea
Tl=C *(-----------------) ^n
L = length of main stream in km. S = slope of the river course in m./m.
Lca = distance measured along the stream course C = lag coefficient
from the reservoir head to the point nearest to the n = roughness coefficient
centroid of catchment area in km.

The time of concentration, Tc was estimated using the Bransby-Williams formula for the SCS method as shown

Tc = fp*L /(A^0.1 * S^0.2)

Tc = time of concentration in hrs.
Fp = a factor of proportionality related to units used for area of catchmen t
= 0.975, when area is expressed in
L = mainstream length in km
S = mainstream slope in m./km

Peak discharge (Qp) for SCS is calculated using the formula below:

Qp = (484 * A * q) / Tp (English standard units)

Qp = peak discharge in cubic feet per second per q = equivalent storm unit runoff equal to 1 inch
inch Tp - Time to peak in hours
A= drainage area in square miles Adapted Peak rate factor = 484

The equivalent formula of the above equation in metric standard units is shown below and was adapted in the
Qp = (0.208 * A * q) /Tp

Qp = peak discharge in cubic meters per second q = equivalent storm unit runoff equal to 1
per millimeter millimeter
A= drainage area in square kilometres Tp = time to peak in hours


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Rainfall Duration

Due to insufficient rainfall data from automatic rainfall gauges to accurately determine the duration of rainfall
producing floods, the storm rainfall duration was estimated to be one-fourth of the basin lag time. Mean Dimensionless Graph

For the USBR method, a derived mean dimensionless graph for Jalaur River (D.A.= 120.0 was used as
shown below.

Figure 2-17: Mean Dimensionless Graph

For the SCS method, the graphical representation as well as the ordinates is shown Table 2-26.

Table 2-26: SCS Dimensionless Unitgraph Ordinates

t/tp q/qp t/tp q/qp t/tp q/qp
0.0 0.000 1.1 0.990 2.4 0.147
0.1 0.030 1.2 0.930 2.6 0.107
0.2 0.100 1.3 0.860 2.8 0.077
0.3 0.190 1.4 0.780 3.0 0.055
0.4 0.310 1.5 0.680 3.2 0.040
0.5 0.470 1.6 0.560 3.4 0.029
0.6 0.660 1.7 0.460 3.6 0.021
0.7 0.820 1.8 0.390 3.8 0.015
0.8 0.930 1.9 0.330 4.0 0.011
0.9 0.990 2.0 0.280 4.5 0.005
1.0 1.000 2.2 0.207 5.0 0.000

The corresponding SCS unit hydrograph is shown in Figure 2-18 below.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 2-18: SCS Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph

In deriving the unit hydrograph of the river source at proposed dam and reservoir sites, the following were

a. The reservoir is full at the beginning of the storm

b. Computation of basin lag is based on the river stretch from its source to the point of inflow at the reservoir
head instead of at the dam axis.
c. Gross precipitation over the reservoir is considered direct runoff

The two-unit hydrographs derived for the Cabano reservoir by different methods are shown in Figure 2-19.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 2-19: 1.5 and 0.7 Hour Unit hydrograph Design Flood

The volume and duration of a flood are the two important factors to be determined in the estimation of the design
flood for a reservoir. The re-arranged effective rainfall was applied to the unit hydrograph by convolution process.
The resulting design flood peaks computed by the two methods for the Cabano catchmen t are summarized in
Table 2-27.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Table 2-27: Design Flood Results
Return Period USBR Unit Hydrograph Method SCS Unit Hydrograph Method
2 207.64 157.73
5 284.68 219.16
10 336.99 262.02
15 366.39 285.66
20 386.95 302.19
25 402.78 314.92
50 451.39 353.96
100 499.57 392.64
200 619.68 491.44
500 756.06 603.77
1000 878.67 705.29
10000 1,446.37 1,180.08

The resulting peak discharges calculated using the unit hydrograph by the USBR method exhibits higher values
compared with that estimated by the SCS.

Thus, for a conservative estimate, the design flood results estimated by the USBR method govern over the design
flood results by the SCS method. The design flood hydrographs estimated by the USBR method for various return
periods are shown in Figure 2-20.

Figure 2-20: Design Flood Hydrographs

The corresponding design flood ordinates are shown in Table 2-28.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Table 2-28: Design Flood Hydrograph Ordinates at Various Return Periods
CABANO SRIP, Jordan, Guimaras
Cabano River, D.A. = 32.28, R.A. = 0.472 @ NWS Elev. = 75.0 m.
(Unit Hydrograph based from Jalaur River, D.A.= 120.0 Mean Dimensionless Graph)
Time 10,000 1000 500 200 100 50 25 20 15 10 5 2
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1.00 4.90 3.20 2.86 2.50 2.19 2.08 1.97 1.94 1.90 1.84 1.73 1.58
2.00 5.60 3.53 3.12 2.68 2.30 2.17 2.04 2.00 1.95 1.89 1.77 1.61
3.00 7.52 4.44 3.82 3.17 2.61 2.41 2.21 2.16 2.10 2.01 1.86 1.66
4.00 12.75 6.86 5.68 4.44 3.36 2.98 2.61 2.50 2.42 2.29 2.07 1.77
5.00 26.23 13.16 10.56 7.79 5.40 4.57 3.73 3.51 3.34 3.10 2.68 2.10
6.00 69.01 32.72 25.51 17.83 11.20 8.90 6.59 5.99 5.62 5.10 4.16 2.89
7.00 143.61 69.04 54.23 38.45 24.82 20.09 15.33 14.03 13.02 11.56 8.98 5.46
8.00 194.44 98.52 79.44 59.12 41.55 35.46 29.32 27.44 25.35 22.36 17.03 9.78
9.00 222.55 115.28 93.92 71.15 51.46 44.62 37.72 35.52 32.80 28.92 22.00 12.57
10.00 240.79 125.88 102.97 78.53 57.38 50.01 42.59 40.19 37.13 32.76 24.99 14.38
11.00 257.34 135.32 110.94 84.92 62.38 54.52 46.59 44.01 40.70 35.97 27.54 16.03
12.00 273.51 144.49 118.67 91.08 67.17 58.81 50.38 47.63 44.09 39.02 30.01 17.67
13.00 292.26 155.18 127.69 98.27 72.77 63.82 54.80 51.85 48.05 42.61 32.93 19.64
14.00 312.61 166.83 137.52 106.13 78.88 69.30 59.63 56.47 52.38 46.54 36.14 21.84
15.00 339.48 182.34 150.65 116.65 87.12 76.68 66.14 62.70 58.25 51.88 40.52 24.88
16.00 371.87 201.18 166.63 129.50 97.21 85.73 74.15 70.36 65.46 58.45 45.94 28.66
17.00 401.69 219.17 182.07 142.11 107.33 94.87 82.30 78.19 72.86 65.25 51.67 32.81
18.00 457.81 251.64 209.57 164.15 124.57 110.32 95.94 91.24 85.14 76.41 60.85 39.18
19.00 534.68 297.66 248.96 196.21 150.14 133.37 116.44 110.91 103.72 93.45 75.11 49.41
20.00 662.10 375.37 315.87 251.07 194.35 173.33 152.11 145.18 136.18 123.30 100.31 67.78
21.00 870.29 504.31 427.41 343.11 269.13 241.08 212.77 203.53 191.52 174.34 143.69 99.78
22.00 1241.12 742.15 635.38 517.21 413.23 372.35 331.09 317.64 300.17 275.17 230.65 165.70
23.00 1446.37 878.67 756.06 619.68 499.57 451.39 402.78 386.95 366.39 336.99 284.68 207.64
24.00 984.69 584.40 499.22 405.19 322.57 290.30 257.74 247.12 233.34 213.62 178.52 127.48
25.00 648.64 373.10 315.53 252.59 197.47 176.66 155.65 148.79 139.89 127.16 104.47 72.05
26.00 480.14 269.11 225.64 178.47 137.29 122.14 106.84 101.85 95.36 86.09 69.56 46.27
27.00 389.38 214.41 178.70 140.14 106.56 94.40 82.12 78.11 72.91 65.46 52.21 33.68
28.00 329.30 179.14 148.69 115.91 87.41 77.19 66.88 63.51 59.14 52.89 41.75 26.29
29.00 276.59 149.13 123.40 95.76 71.77 63.22 54.61 51.79 48.14 42.91 33.61 20.75
30.00 202.56 109.07 90.21 69.98 52.43 46.18 39.89 37.83 35.16 31.34 24.55 15.16
31.00 108.05 59.02 49.09 38.40 29.12 25.79 22.44 21.34 19.91 17.88 14.26 9.23
32.00 58.96 32.91 27.59 21.86 16.87 15.06 13.23 12.64 11.86 10.76 8.79 6.03
33.00 36.86 20.97 17.71 14.19 11.12 10.00 8.87 8.50 8.02 7.33 6.11 4.40
34.00 25.62 14.80 12.58 10.18 8.08 7.31 6.54 6.28 5.95 5.48 4.65 3.47
35.00 18.86 11.07 9.47 7.73 6.22 5.67 5.11 4.92 4.68 4.34 3.74 2.89
36.00 14.11 8.43 7.26 6.00 4.89 4.49 4.08 3.95 3.77 3.52 3.08 2.46
37.00 10.64 6.49 5.64 4.72 3.91 3.62 3.32 3.22 3.10 2.92 2.59 2.14
38.00 8.04 5.04 4.43 3.76 3.18 2.97 2.75 2.68 2.59 2.46 2.23 1.90
39.00 6.13 3.98 3.54 3.06 2.64 2.49 2.33 2.28 2.22 2.12 1.96 1.72
40.00 4.78 3.23 2.91 2.57 2.27 2.16 2.04 2.01 1.96 1.89 1.77 1.61
41.00 3.79 2.68 2.45 2.20 1.99 1.91 1.83 1.80 1.77 1.72 1.64 1.52
42.00 3.07 2.28 2.12 1.94 1.79 1.73 1.68 1.66 1.63 1.60 1.54 1.45
43.00 2.50 1.96 1.85 1.73 1.63 1.59 1.55 1.54 1.52 1.50 1.46 1.40


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

44.00 1.96 1.65 1.58 1.52 1.46 1.44 1.42 1.41 1.40 1.39 1.37 1.34
45.00 1.72 1.52 1.48 1.44 1.40 1.39 1.37 1.37 1.36 1.35 1.34 1.32
46.00 1.57 1.44 1.41 1.39 1.36 1.35 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.33 1.32 1.31
47.00 1.47 1.39 1.37 1.35 1.34 1.33 1.33 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.31 1.30
48.00 1.40 1.35 1.34 1.33 1.32 1.32 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.30
49.00 1.35 1.32 1.32 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30
50.00 1.32 1.31 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30

NOTE: All units in Cubic Meters per Second (CMS.), unless otherwise indicated.
Time of Peak = 23.0 hrs. Reservoir Operation Study Reservoir Inflows

Monthly inflows at the proposed dam site consisted of 35 years of generated runoff data (1949 -2013) in million
cubic meters (MCM) for the Cabano catchment as presented in Table 2-19. For the operation study, a basic
assumption adopted as regards to reservoir water availability is that the reservoir is full at the start of the 1 st
cropping season which is May. Reservoir Evaporation

Water lost due to evaporation in the reservoir is a function of the reservoir area & evaporation rate and was
assumed to be about 60% of the measured evaporation data at Jordan, Guimaras Island. Reservoir Demand

The demand from the reservoir is comprised of releases to irrigate cropped area for paddy rice and corn. Irrigation
demand was based on the diversion water requirement for each crop. Table 2 -29 present the monthly total
diversion water requirement, cropped area and the equivalent water demand in MCM for Rice - Rice schemes
respectively, based on the proposed cropping pattern / calendar and other considerations, which include soil
suitability and agronomy requirements. Reservoir Sedimentation

The sediment is assumed to be concentrated close to the base of the dam. In the absence of sediment data, the
rate of sediment was assumed to be equal to 500 tons/ or approximately 454 cu.m./,
derived from the annual sediment yield of several catchments in the country. For a drainage area of 32.28
and an expected life of 50 years, the total volume would be 0.732756 MCM. This was adopted and considered
as dead storage for the Cabano reservoir. Operational Criteria

The following criteria were employed in the operation study, to wit:

i. Maximum annual shortage should be less than 25% of average demand
ii. Maximum cumulative shortage for ten (10) successive years should be less than 50% of the average
annual demand.
iii. Reservoir reliability should be equal or greater than 95%
iv. Shortage should not be exhibited in three (3) successive years.
v. Allowable carryover period should be less than 24 months.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Table 2-29: Monthly Total Diversion Water Requirement Simulation Result

Several simulation runs were done to optimize reservoir operation taking into account the water demand and
cropped area for as presented in Table 2-29. The result must be in conformity with the operational criteria set for
the purpose, in addition to the set of parameters below:

i. Normal Water surface Elevation (NWS) = 74.0 m.

ii. Maximum Allowable Storage = 0.7328 MCM
iii. Minimum Water Surface Elevation = 64.514 m.
iv. Dead Storage = 0.7328 MCM
v. Dam Height = 23 m. (reckoned from riverbed elevation to NWS elevation)
vi. Riverbed Elevation = 51.0 m.

The annual summaries of the reservoir operation studies are presented in Table 2-30 for Rice-Rice, based on
the abovementioned criteria and considerations. The result shows an irrigable area of 470 ha . during dry season
and 550 ha. during wet season for paddy rice for both wet and dry seasons. The resulting cropping intensity is


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Table 2-30: Annual Summary of Reservoir Operation Study

Name of Project: Cabano SRIP
Details of Analysis: Rice (470 ha.) - Rice (550 ha.)
Min. Allowable Storage: 0.732756 MCM Min. WS Elevation: 64.514
Max. Operating Storage: 3.697 MCM Normal WS Elevation: 74
1949 36.428 0.356 10.441 3.697 25.631 0.0000 0.00
1950 30.196 0.353 10.441 3.564 19.534 0.0000 0.00
1951 33.415 0.348 10.441 3.697 22.493 0.0000 0.00
1952 32.534 0.348 10.441 3.697 21.745 0.0000 0.00
1953 27.151 0.354 10.441 3.606 16.447 0.0000 0.00
1954 28.555 0.354 10.441 3.697 17.669 0.0000 0.00
1955 30.912 0.359 10.441 3.202 20.607 0.0000 0.00
1956 37.609 0.348 10.441 3.697 26.891 0.0000 0.00
1957 31.551 0.355 10.441 2.318 22.133 0.0000 0.00
1958 27.630 0.304 10.441 3.023 16.180 0.0000 0.00
1959 28.966 0.336 10.441 3.697 17.516 0.0000 0.00
1960 28.936 0.348 10.441 3.208 18.635 0.0000 0.00
1961 35.345 0.328 10.441 3.447 24.337 0.0000 0.00
1962 32.514 0.341 10.441 2.900 22.278 0.0000 0.00
1963 26.423 0.308 10.441 3.308 15.266 0.0000 0.00
1964 31.629 0.346 10.441 3.227 20.922 0.0000 0.00
1965 30.204 0.350 10.441 3.697 18.943 0.0000 0.00
1966 33.169 0.358 10.441 3.450 22.617 0.0000 0.00
1967 31.544 0.360 10.441 2.949 21.243 0.0000 0.00
1968 22.532 0.318 10.441 2.707 12.014 0.0000 0.00
1969 21.636 0.299 10.441 2.927 10.676 0.0000 0.00
1970 28.007 0.330 10.441 3.327 16.836 0.0000 0.00
1971 24.593 0.334 10.441 3.697 13.449 0.0000 0.00
1972 37.298 0.360 10.441 3.697 26.496 0.0000 0.00
1973 37.439 0.339 10.441 3.697 26.659 0.0000 0.00
1974 32.877 0.354 10.441 3.697 22.081 0.0000 0.00
1975 29.146 0.353 10.441 3.035 19.014 0.0000 0.00
1976 34.519 0.316 10.441 3.192 23.604 0.0000 0.00
1977 32.102 0.353 10.441 2.084 22.417 0.0000 0.00
1978 35.592 0.284 10.441 3.683 23.760 0.4936 4.73
1979 39.064 0.322 10.441 2.262 29.722 0.0000 0.00
1980 30.712 0.329 10.441 3.427 18.777 0.0000 0.00
1981 33.907 0.300 10.441 3.124 23.468 0.0000 0.00
1982 31.773 0.317 10.441 1.796 22.344 0.0000 0.00
1983 25.821 0.258 10.441 3.068 15.030 1.1807 11.31
1984 41.846 0.343 10.441 3.493 30.636 0.0000 0.00
1985 30.705 0.355 10.441 2.601 20.801 0.0000 0.00
1986 38.125 0.296 10.441 3.119 26.872 0.0018 0.02
1987 33.189 0.330 10.441 3.449 22.088 0.0000 0.00


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

1988 39.713 0.327 10.441 3.219 29.175 0.0000 0.00

1989 30.157 0.344 10.441 1.644 20.946 0.0000 0.00
1990 33.898 0.279 10.441 2.685 22.881 0.7447 7.13
1991 31.151 0.291 10.441 3.103 20.000 0.0000 0.00
1992 25.692 0.269 10.441 2.540 15.557 0.0108 0.10
1993 31.711 0.276 10.441 3.697 20.096 0.2589 2.48
1994 38.156 0.342 10.441 3.697 27.372 0.0000 0.00
1995 33.839 0.334 10.441 3.650 23.109 0.0000 0.00
1996 41.570 0.358 10.441 3.697 30.723 0.0000 0.00
1997 40.535 0.349 10.441 3.182 30.259 0.0000 0.00
1998 27.448 0.296 10.441 3.697 16.196 0.0000 0.00
1999 37.025 0.360 10.441 3.305 26.615 0.0000 0.00
2000 35.104 0.000 10.441 1.736 26.232 0.0000 0.00
2001 36.974 0.000 10.441 3.697 24.571 0.0000 0.00
2002 31.764 0.000 10.441 1.451 23.569 0.0000 0.00
2003 33.244 0.000 10.441 2.051 22.906 0.7045 6.75
2004 29.834 0.000 10.441 2.805 18.638 0.0000 0.00
2005 28.188 0.000 10.441 2.496 18.317 0.2598 2.49
2006 41.119 0.000 10.441 3.697 29.476 0.0000 0.00
2007 36.954 0.000 10.441 3.697 26.512 0.0000 0.00
2008 34.056 0.000 10.441 3.697 23.614 0.0000 0.00
2009 35.097 0.346 10.441 1.654 26.353 0.0000 0.00
2010 26.384 0.258 10.441 2.961 15.720 1.3416 12.85
2011 41.471 0.360 10.441 3.697 29.934 0.0000 0.00
2012 29.184 0.000 10.441 3.157 19.283 0.0000 0.00
2013 23.569 0.000 10.441 2.313 13.971 0.0000 0.00
MEAN 32.453 0.330 10.441 3.129 21.844 1.181 5.317
Max. Yearly Shortage: 1.181 Max. Ten Years Short: 1.674

Year of Max. Shortage: 1983 Ratio w/ Ave. Demand 0.160

Ratio w/ Ave. Demand: 0.113

Max. 1 Year Cum. Short: 1.181 No. of Months Shortage 11

No. of Months: 2 No. of Months Spillage 489

Longest Carryover Mon.: 8 Reservoir Reliability: 98.59%


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Impact Assessment and Mitigation Change in Drainage Morphology/ Inducement of Flooding/ Reduction in Stream Volumetric Flow

During the construction of the dam, water will be diverted to the diversion tunnel and a portion of the river whe re
the dam site is located will be blocked. During this phase, water is expected to rise upstream of the dam
construction as a result of river diversion. After construction of the dam, water will be stored and allowed to rise
upstream of the dam. The drainage morphology upstream of the dam is expected to change as a result of water
impoundment in the reservoir.

The river regime of Cabano River downstream of the dam site is expected to change. The river regime is
considered as the discharge variability throughout the year as response to hydrologic and basin characteristics.
Moreover, the sediment inflow to the downstream reach of the river will be minimized as sediments will be trapped
in the reservoir. The sinuosity of the river will change and there will b e a decrease in river bed sediments as
replenishing sediments will be trapped in the reservoir. In the long run, the river will grow deeper and wider and
this may affect the current river ecology. The Proposed Cabano Small Reservoir, in general, shall serv e as flood
attenuator and shall thereby generally decrease the flooding in low lying areas downstream of the dam site.

Since available water in the reservoir shall be diverted for agricultural purposes, one of the major impacts of the
proposed project will be the reduction in volumetric flow downstream of the project area. Monitoring of
downstream water levels and flows should be done and minimum stream flow requirement for ecological
purposes should always be maintained.

If not properly designed, irrigation canals may block natural drainage systems and may induce localized flooding
in the project area. Natural waterways should be considered in the design of alignment of irrigation canals.
Siphons or culverts should be provided for canals crossing natural waterways. Change in Stream and Water Depth

The presence of the dam in upper reach of Cabano River will create a reservoir that will inundate around 45
hectares of land affecting communities, and flora and fauna within the inundated area. The environment within
the reservoir inundation area will be totally changed due to water inundation; therefore, existing flora and fauna
will be destroyed. Endangered species should be relocated to similar natural habitat and that affected
communities should be relocated and a resettlement action plan should be prepared.

Fluctuations in the water level of the reservoir will have impact in the soil geotechnical properties and slope
stability of the surrounding slopes within the reservoir. The rise and fall of water in the banks of the reservoir may
cause soil instability which may lead to soil erosion and localized landslide within the reservoir area. Though this
has minimal impact to the environment, soil erosion within the reservoir will decrease its storage capacity. T hus,
it is necessary to monitor the surrounding slopes of the reservoir regularly to observe these possible effects and
implement mitigating measures. Depletion of Water Resources/Competition in Water Use

On Water Resources competition, it was observed that the water from the Cabano River are used mainly for
irrigation (thru pumping) and for bathing of work animals (carabaos). For household/domestic consumption like
kitchen use and washing of clothes, the people use water from deep well pumps. These uses would not
significantly be affected by the reduced riparian flow, due to the current extraction/abstraction rate when the dam
is made operational.

Diversion of water from Cabano River to the service irrigation areas entails decrease in volumetric flow
downstream of the river, especially during dry season. Currently, the source of domestic water supply in San
Lorenzo is groundwater. The effects on the volumetric flow downstream of the proposed dam location are not
expected to have significant negative impacts in domestic water usage downstream.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
The proposed project alleviates the negative impacts of climate change on agriculture by collecting and storing
water during the rainy season and providing water during the dry season in which water becomes significan tly
insufficient. Water Quality

Water samples were collected using grab sampling last March 23, 2018 and were analyzed for physiochemical
analysis to provide baseline water quality information of Cabano River 50.0 m upstream and downstream of the
proposed dam site. The samples are then put in an icebox with ice and transported to a DENR accredited
laboratory for analysis. The methods of laboratory analysis are all in accordance with the guidelines prescribed
by DENR (DAO 34 s. 1990), and are based on Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater
22nd Edition. Several water parameters such as pH, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Bio-chemical oxygen Demand
(BOD) Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Oil and Grease and Total Fecal Coliform. Results are then comp ared to
DENR Standards for Freshwater. Results of the analysis are summarized in Table 2-31. Water quality monitoring
results for wet season with eight parameters (pH, BOD, Chloride, Oil and Grease, TSS, DO, Phosphate and
Nitrate as NO3-N) will soon to follow.

Table 2-31: Water Quality Monitoring Results of Cabano River at Proposed Cabano SRIP Dam Site for Dry Season

Parameter Method of Analysis Baseline Water Quality DENR Standard

Upstream Downstream Class AA* Class A**

March 23, March 23,
Date of Sampling ---
2018 2018
Time of Sampling --- 10:46 AM 11:30 AM
Total Coliform Multiple Tube
170 700
(MPN/100ml) Fermentation Technique
<1.1 <1.1
Thermotolerant Multiple Tube
20 170
(Fecal) Coliform Fermentation Technique
pH Electrode Method 8.0 7.5 6.5-8.5 6.5-8.5
Dissolved Oxygen Azide Modification-
8.5 9.0 5.0 5.0
(DO) Winkler Method
Bio-Chemical Azide Modification
<2 <2 1.0 5.0
Oxygen Demand Dilution Technique
Total Suspended Gravimetric Method
4 3 25 50
Solids Dried @ 105 0 C


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Table 2-32: Water Quality Monitoring Results of Cabano River at Proposed Cabano SRIP Dam Site for Wet Season
Parameter Method of Analysis Result DENR Standards
Existing Upstream Downstream Class AA Class A
pH Glass Electrode 8.0 7.8 7.6 6.5-8.5 6.5-8.5
Dissolved Azide Modification – 8.7 8.8 8.8 5 5
Oxygen (mg/L) Winkler Method
Bio-chemical Azide Modification <2 <2 <2 1 3
Oxygen Demand Dilution Technique

Total Gravimetric Method 25 19 20 25 50

Suspended dried @105 0C
Solids (mg/L)
Oil and Grease Gravimetric Method 1.3 1.2 1.2 <1 1
(mg/L) (Petroleum Ether
Chloride 4500B-Argentometric 2 1 4 250 250
(mg/L) Method
Nitrate (mg/L) Brucine Method 0.106 0.103 0.114 7 7
Phosphate 4500D - Stannous 0.027 0.025 0.045 0.5 0.5
(mg/L) Chloride Method
*Upstream and downstream results are for the 50.0 m upstream and downstream of the proposed dam


pH is a measure of the acidity of water. pH stands for the negative log (p) of the hydrogen ion concentration [H+]
in a solution. It is important because water that is too acidic or too basic can be toxic to fish and other aquatic
life. pH also plays an important role in how other pollutants, such as heavy m etals, behave in the environment.

The pH of the water samples collected within the vicinity of the proposed dam site falls within the threshold of
freshwater Class AA and Class A.

Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)

BOD is a measure of the oxygen used by microorganisms to decompose waste. If there is a large quantity of
organic waste in the water, then there will also be a large number of microorganisms decomposing the waste.

The surface water sample result upstream the proposed dam site is within DENR Class AA while the water
sample result downstream the proposed site exceeds the Class A standard.

Total Suspended Solid (TSS)

Total Suspended Solids (TSS) is a measure of dust, dirt, sand, and other particles stirred up in the water; it is
measured in milligrams per liter (mg/l). Excessive amounts of suspended solids can bury fish and aquatic plants,
and can make rivers and streams unpleasant for recreation. In addition, other pollutants, such as oil, heavy
metals, and nutrients are frequently attached to suspended solids. Thus, TSS can sometimes give a very rough
indication of the presence of these other pollutants in a stream.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Sampling results for TSS level of upstream and downstream regions are 11 mg/L and 17 mg/L, respectively.
Both water samples from the two stations falls within the threshold for Class AA which is 25 mg/L.

Total Coliform/Fecal Coliform

Coliform bacteria are present in the environment and in the feces of all warm-blooded animals and humans but
are not likely to cause illness. However, it indicates that disease-causing organisms (pathogens) could be in the
water system. Fecal coliform bacteria are sub-group of total coliform bacteria. The presence of fecal coliform in
a water system indicates recent contamination and that there is a greater risk of pathogens.

Sampling results from both stations exceeds the threshold for Class AA and A.

Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

Dissolved oxygen is the measure of oxygen dissolved in water which vary in daily and seasonal patterns and is
greatly affected by temperature, salinity and elevation. Dissolved oxygen is essential for a healthy aquatic
ecosystem. Dissolved oxygen can affect the solubility and availability of nutrients, which can be released from
sediments under conditions of low dissolved oxygen.

The dissolved oxygen in both sampling stations are within the threshold of Class AA and A for both dry and
rainy seasons.

Nitrates, Phosphates and Chlorides

The nitrates and chloride values taken for all the sampling sites passed both the Class AA and A standards
while for phosphates, all values failed the Class AA standard but passed the Class A.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 2-21: Sampling Sites for Water Quality Analysis


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Impact Assessment and Mitigation Degradation of Groundwater Quality

During the construction phase, the project will generate domestic wastewater from construction workers. If not
properly contained and/or disposed of, these wastes may percolate and contaminate the groundwater.
Temporary/portable sanitation facilities shall be used in the treatment and management of this domestic wastewater.

The increase in agricultural activities within the project area may result to degradation of groundwater. Excessive
use of pesticides and fertilizers may cause increase in mineralization of the groundwater. During operational phase,
the use of pesticides and fertilizers should be controlled. Degradation of Surface Water Quality

During construction of the dam, disturbance along the river may cause increase in siltation along the stream. One
measure to mitigate this effect is to set up silt trap to minimize downstream siltation. Oils from heavy machineries
present on site during construction period may also be a source of pollution of the surface water. Good housekeeping
is recommended to avoid unwarranted spills of hazardous materials to the river and other water bodi es during
construction. Storage of waste and other hazardous materials should be placed in a reasonable area, far from any
surface water.

During operation, increase in usage of pesticides and fertilizers, which is expected in the service area, could
potentially expose the surface waters (i.e., river and creeks) to risk of contamination. Leaks from pesticide containers,
accidental spills, and excessive usage, may cause surface water contamination through runoff, and/or infiltration into
the subsurface, eventually finding its way into streams and rivers. Fertilizers and sewages are the main source of
ammonia and nitrate in water. Contamination of surface water will pose threat to aquatic resources, health of the
community who use water from contaminated wells for drinking and livelihood of some residents engaged in fishing.
During operational phase, the use of pesticides and fertilizers should be controlled. Tillage of agricultural lands may
also increase suspended sediments in nearby rivers and creeks. Degradation of Coastal/Marine Water Quality

The proposed dam location is part of the upstream sub-basin of the Cabano River Basin which ultimately drains to
the Guimaras Strait. This means that potential surface water quality degradation discussed in the previ ous sub-
section may affect the coastal waters of Guimaras.
Mitigation and prevention are the following:

 Regular monitoring of water quality (groundwater and surface water quality of nearby rivers and creeks)
 Provide sanitation facilities in the construction camp site
 Effective construction management plans to prevent oil spillage
 Minimize downstream siltation in Cabano River during the construction of the dam by providing silt traps
 Provide safe location of storage area for hazardous materials
 Effective farm management methods and training of farmers for effective use of pesticides and fertilizers
 Institutionalization of irrigators’ associations for effective communication and farm management


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

2.4 The Air

2.4.1 Meteorology/Climatology Baseline Conditions Climate Description

Climate is classified in terms of rainfall differences due to the combined influence of topography and air storm
direction received in the locality during different months of the year. As such; under the Coronas system of climate
classification, the climate of the Philippines is categorized into four (4) types according to the rainfall distribution as

 Type I: Two pronounced seasons. Dry from November to April, wet during the rest of the year.
 Type II: No dry season with a very pronounced rainfall from November to April and wet during the rest of the
 Type III: Seasons are not very pronounced, relatively dry from November to April, wet during the rest of the
 Type IV: Rainfall is more or less evenly distributed throughout the ye ar.

The Cabano River SRIP area falls under the 1st climate type as shown in the climatological map as shown in
Figure 2-22.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 2-22: Climate Map of the Philippines

The monthly meteorological normal are presented in Table 2-33.

Table 2-33: Monthly Normals of Measured Meteorological Data at NMRDC, Jordan, Guimaras Island
Monthly Mean Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Ave.
Temp (C°) 26.0 26.3 27.6 28.9 28.7 28.0 27.2 27.1 27.4 27.5 27.5 26.3 27.4
Relative Humidity 87.5 86.4 83.5 83.1 83.9 86.8 88.1 88.8 88.1 88.0 88.0 89.1 86.8
Wind Speed, mps 4.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
Cloudiness, oktas 5.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Typhoons

The frequency of tropical cyclones affecting the country is rather latitudinal in nature, such that all the four climatic
regions are exposed to typhoons. The southern part of the archipelago up to 8 o North latitude is nearly free from
typhoons with frequency of occurrence of only 1%. From 8 to 11 o North latitude, which includes Guimaras Island,
the occurrence is less frequent at 7%. Regions from 11 to 15 o North latitude, are subject to about 19% becoming
more frequent. Finally, the northern part of the archipelago from 16 of North latitude and up is mostly visited by
typhoons with a 32% frequency of occurrence. Figure 2-23 shows the climatological map of the Philippine archipelago
with the frequency of occurrence of typhoons for each region.


Figure 2-23: Typhoon Vulnerability of Philippine Regions


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Rainfall Data

The rainfall data that is available at the NMRDC Agromet Experimental station in Jordan, Guimaras from the period
1975 to 2013 were used in the study. The daily rainfall data were arranged in decades and were ut ilized as basis for
the ten-day rainfall distribution and the estimation of the ten-day rainfall of 80% probability of occurrence. The
average annual rainfall is 2541.1 mm. ranging from 1856.4 mm. to 3167.7 mm. The rainfall data on hand at Iloilo City
synoptic station is also available with period of record 1949- 2010. and will be used in the rainfall-rainfall regression
analysis. Table 2-34 and Table 2-35 present the monthly rainfall data and Mean Ten Day Rainfall, respectively.

Table 2-34: Summary of Mean Monthly Rainfall at NMRDC Station, Guimaras Island
Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
Mean 65.0 38.86 56.93 68.54 185.89 357.85 417.35 432.04 334.95 277.11 159.91 103.76 2497.11

Table 2-35: Summary of Mean Ten-Day rainfall at NMRDC Station, Guimaras Island
Month January February March April
Decade 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd
Rain (mm)
42.0 29.7 2.4 15.6 23.4 7.6 20.8 1.5 1.5 13.0 27.5 68.3
Month May June July August
Decade 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd
Rain (mm)
36.9 78.1 69.3 93/4 130.9 146.6 168.0 148.0 171.6 146.2 70.8 69.8


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Month September October November December
Decade 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd
Rain (mm) 155.4 254.0 165.5 118.3 42.1 45.2 58.4 18.9 23.1 46.6 6.4 35.3

Table 2-36: Monthly Rainfall

Monthly Rainfall
Name of Station: NMRDC Agromet Experimental
Location: Jordan, Guimaras UNIT : mm

1975 196.8 50.6 3.4 195.3 118.8 389.45 143.3 189.4 195.65 464.64 43.2 146.2 2136.74
1976 30.2 25.3 34.5 29.1 392.4 594.7 509.6 428.6 239.2 86.8 118.8 83.7 2572.90
1977 129 72.1 70.5 6 75.6 260 479.9 379.85 708.5 83.1 82.6 29.6 2376.75
1978 37.05 18.9 0 83.5 112.12 269.4 465.8 697.1 357.6 370.8 129.9 117.85 2660.02
1979 16.8 6.1 2.8 124 147.4 152.8 682.4 523.6 385.8 773.5 78.2 48.5 2941.90
1980 68.6 42.85 158.1 13.4 117.12 443.4 199.2 185.9 346.8 363 228.5 97 2263.87
1981 18.7 0.9 1.8 8.9 101 304.6 601.1 507.1 103.46 678.7 121.6 75.4 2523.26
1982 11.8 2.3 144.3 10.75 144.7 384.5 388.2 618.2 346.3 210.3 64.6 24.1 2350.05
1983 20.3 3 20.6 0 31 131.9 400.3 346.2 370.8 306.6 168.3 67.8 1866.80
1984 36.5 88.11 79.5 178.4 150.2 487.7 287.2 504.9 473.1 488.4 291.3 102.4 3167.71
1985 110.3 60.7 61.5 293.3 97.8 516.4 347.3 283.7 182.1 155.85 105.25 49.1 2263.30
1986 40.8 13.8 26 52.4 121.2 214.2 664.3 1059.5 251.3 144.4 205.8 72 2865.70
1987 85 35.2 0 0.7 99.5 226 371.8 385.44 714.6 121.8 326.1 98.8 2464.94
1988 32.9 6.4 10.1 158.4 152.5 458.8 330.4 299.6 359.5 687.7 418.2 80.1 2994.60
1989 103.9 41.7 67.43 36.2 243 331.5 243.6 692.3 151.5 231.3 62.8 13.6 2218.83
1990 53.3 17.7 1.9 14.5 371.8 375.7 498.2 546.71 172.9 112.1 321 36.7 2522.51
1991 7.6 46.6 30.3 21.3 63.1 465.8 362.4 762.5 156.5 187.5 125.2 70.7 2299.50
1992 8.2 5 0 7 10.1 406.3 195.1 436.9 285.4 353.1 74.8 74.5 1856.40
1993 14.5 23.8 38.9 1.5 0.5 252.1 501 584.8 196.1 200.7 192.5 338.6 2345.00
1994 31.6 19.4 45.5 298 196 526.4 713.5 299.5 318.1 124.6 77.5 218.1 2868.20
1995 47.1 2 37.5 21.9 100.8 251.9 460.7 206.4 293.7 476.9 503.6 115.2 2517.70
1996 190 6.7 135.8 126 264.9 368.3 342.7 272.6 645.1 157.6 500.6 135 3145.30
1997 4 167.8 16.1 0 282.4 920.2 782.1 217.4 285.2 184.6 64.5 137 3061.30
1998 18 4 1.8 2.7 266.6 278 215 164.8 309.3 338.1 114.6 286 1998.90
1999 186 59.45 128.69 251 241.9 314.8 396.1 410.5 258.3 227.1 215.4 87.1 2776.34
2000 21.7 51.8 155.7 75.3 289.3 339.5 454.3 545.6 352.1 255 66.6 13.51 2620.41
2001 110.1 139.1 170.7 18.6 172.8 331.5 155.4 463.2 220.9 366 442.8 181.1 2772.20
2002 226.61 6.72 188.17 15.9 57.35 269.7 520.49 430.59 291.6 285.2 30.6 26.35 2349.28
2003 83 4.8 14.5 47.7 495.3 95.7 354.7 726 308.2 233.74 37.2 68.4 2469.24
2004 11.1 143 45.3 7.6 178.5 440.6 237.18 561.05 174.9 231.4 81.5 88.15 2200.28
2005 13 0 13.8 24 302.6 283.1 415.9 368.3 261.8 184 23.7 *** 1890.20
2006 35.45 34.05 60.75 24.3 479.35 *** 420.6 804.65 387.2 209.9 46.85 277.9 2781.00
2007 96.4 0 0 42.8 105.2 386.7 501.1 245.5 936.4 153.1 *** *** 2467.20
2008 139 76.4 74.2 155.5 346.1 445 276.8 267.4 325.5 150.2 134.6 165.9 2556.60
2009 39.2 109.5 15.7 220.9 200.9 *** 800.6 246.15 *** *** 66.1 10.7 1709.75
2010 21.68 0 5.1 0 84.5 197.7 371.5 388.2 232.7 427.7 66.5 116.99
2011 205.4 54.5 262.4 6 379.55 456.7 416.77 473.03 239.18 295.6 140.48 207.7 3137.31
2012 25.6 27.7 96.76 28.8 192 573.2 459.8 130.5 251.2 130.4 150.9 73 3167.71
2013 20.98 47.7 0.3 71.4 64 96.1 310.5 196 639.6 78.9 154 4.5 1709.75

MEAN 65.34 38.86 56.93 68.54 185.89 357.85 417.35 432.04 334.95 277.11 159.91 103.76 2497.09
N 35 35 35 35 35 33 35 35 34 34 34 33 35


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Evaporation Data

The NMRDC Agromet experimental station provides open rim pan evaporation data. The mean monthly and daily
summary is shown in Table 2-37.

Table 2-37: Summary of Mean Monthly Evaporation

Mean Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total/Ave.
(mm) 103.5 119.8 152.5 157.2 124.0 99.3 94.6 107.0 95.1 104.2 97.8 98.9 1353.9
(mm/day) 3.34 4.28 4.92 5.24 4.00 3.31 3.05 3.45 3.17 3.36 3.26 3.19 3.71 Temperature and Wind Speed

Based on the temperature data from NMRDC for over a 32-year period, the minimum mean temperature of Guimaras
is 25.10 C occurring in December and a maximum mean temperature of 28.6 0 C occurring in April. The average
temperature throughout the 32 years is 27 0 C and there is an increasing trend in the mean temperature levels,
particularly notable in the 1990s.

In 2007, southerly wind was observed throughout the year. Average windspeed of 1.29 meter/second with a maximum
of 3.64 meter/second was recorded. More cloud was observed on the rainy months of July to September. Average
minimum and maximum temperatures were 24.94 0 C and 30.98 0 C, respectively. Dew point had an average of 26.07 0
C. A higher relative humidity was observed at 8:00 AM than 2:00PM. Average relative humidity of 93.61 and 89.87
percent was recorded in the morning and afternoon. Average daily evaporation was 3.24 mm. Rainy months fall on
May to October with a yearly average rainfall of 6.00 mm. highest rainfall was recorded in August w ith 25.95 mm and
the lowest was in April with 0.81 mm. Climate Projections

The projected seasonal temperature increase, seasonal rainfall change and frequency of extreme events in 2020
and 2050 under the medium-range emission scenario in the provinces in Region 6 are presented in Table 38, Table
2-39 and Table 2-40.

Table 2-38: Seasonal Temperature Increase (in C0) in 2020 and 2050 Under Medium -range Emission Scenario in
Provinces in Region 6
PROVINCE (1971-2000) (2006-2035) (2036-2065)
Region 6
Aklan 26.1 27.9 27.8 27.4 1.0 1.2 1.0 0.9 1.9 2.4 2.1 1.8
Antique 26.6 28.4 27.9 27.7 1.0 1.2 0.9 0.9 1.9 2.2 1.9 1.8
Capiz 25.9 27.7 27.8 27.3 0.9 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.9 2.4 2.2 1.9
Iloilo 26.4 28.2 27.9 27.6 1.0 1.3 1.1 1.0 1.9 2.4 2.1 1.9
26.7 28.4 27.8 27.6 0.9 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.9 2.3 2.0 1.9


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Table 2-39: Seasonal Rainfall Change (in %) in 2020 and 2050 Under Medium-range Emission Scenario in Provinces in
Region 6
(1971-2000) (2006-2035) (2036-2065)
Region 6
Aklan 431.2 322.7 862.5 883.7 3.9 -8.8 -4.0 16.9 14.9 -13.4 -5.5 11.1
Antique 297.9 288.0 995.3 841.4 -17.2 -12.8 9.8 14.6 17.0 -12.6 21.7 11.9
Capiz 469.7 342.0 814.2 889.1 4.6 -5.8 -3.4 18.2 17.5 -12.9 -5.3 12.9
Iloilo 324.8 390.6 932.8 828.3 1.2 -8.6 -0.6 11.5 20.4 -13.3 3.8 3.9
234.9 283.0 899.6 784.0 7.1 -3.7 6.0 5.7 7.3 -9.3 11.8 14.3

Table 2-40: Frequency of Extreme events in 2020 and 2050 under medium-range Emission in Provinces in Region 6
No. of Days w/ Tmax> 35 No. of Days w/ Rainfall
No. of Dry Days
Provinces Stations oC >300mm
OBS 2020 2050 OBS 2020 2050 OBS 2020 2050
Capiz Roxas 52 430 1327 7792 5574 5340 0 6 11
Iloilo Iloilo 460 1431 3076 7839 5227 5226 0 3 0 Impact Assessment and Mitigation Change in Local Climate

The project per se – the irrigation dam and distribution canals – does not pose major change in the microclimate of
the service area. The project has no significant impact on the local climate of the site. Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emission The Global Carbon Cycle

The global carbon cycle, shown in Figure 1, plays a central role in the atmospheric equilibrium, as greenhouse gases
(GHG), particularly carbon dioxide and methane. This carbon cycle is altered when a reservoir is constructed.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 2-24: Global Carbon Cycle

Following the impoundment of a reservoir, several carbon transformation processes are altered and amplified. First,
the impoundment creates a body of water with a much longer residence time than the river of the pre-impoundment

This allows more time for biological processes and accumulation of particulate carbon to take place within the
reservoir itself, although they may have occurred elsewhere downstream previously. Secondly, it changes the
physical and chemical environment of the carbon pools. For example, the carbon contained in the soil organic matter
and, to a lesser extent, vegetation can be degraded more rapidly once submerged under water and this increases
the stock of GHGs within the waterbody that can then be released to the atmosphere.

In areas devoid of oxygen (e.g. sediments, flooded soils, anoxic water layers), the decomposition of the organic
matter often leads to the production of methane (CH4). CH4 dynamics is a highly complex biological phenomenon in
aquatic systems. First, it can be produced through different microbial pathways (e.g. acetolactic, hydrogenotrophic).
Second, once produced, the CH4 can itself be degraded to CO2 by methane oxidizing bacteria (MOB). Whatever
remains as CH4 can then ultimately be released to the atmosphere through different physical pathways of varying
efficiencies (diffusive flux, bubbles, plant-mediated transport). The complexity of these processes can often lead to
a decoupling between the production and emission of CH4, and current evidence highlights the strong temporal and
spatial variability in CH4 emissions within a single system. It also makes both the measurement and the modelling
of CH4 a difficult challenge.

The construction of a dam to retain the water also requires structures (e.g. outlets and spillways) to evacuate the
water from the reservoir to regulate water levels. These structures can be located at diffe rent reservoir depths
depending on their purpose (i.e. emergency flood releases, sediment management, abstraction, etc.). In the reservoir
water column, the deeper water layers are isolated from the surface and more vulnerable to oxygen depletion and
hence containing high GHG concentrations. If water from deeper areas of the reservoir are released downstream of
the reservoir, it can result in a release of important quantities of GHG through a process known as degassing.

With such alterations to the carbon cycling, impoundment will induce new GHG emissions, particularly in the early
years following impoundment. The intensity of the emissions, the main emission pathway, the dominant form in which
they occur (CH4 or CO2) as well as their evolution through time will depend on the particular climatic, geographic,


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
edaphic and hydrologic settings of the reservoir and its catchment. Until now, however, there has been no general
model to estimate the changes to the carbon cycle and the quantification of the changes t o the GHG fluxes due to
the creation of a reservoir. Sources of GHG Emission in Reservoir

GHG emission in a reservoir project can be classified into the following – natural and anthropogenic emissions. The
former occurs during the pre and post impoundment phases while the latter occurs during the construction phase.

 Pre-impoundment Phase - all ecosystems, including river systems naturally emit GHG such as carbon dioxide
and methane. When a reservoir is created, there will be change in GHG emissions which are dependent on the
local environmental conditions.

Figure 2-25: The Pre-Impoundment Model Approach

 Post-Impoundment – can be assessed as the net emission or the GHG that can be released when a reservoir
is introduced due to the decomposition of organic material in the flooded area.
 Construction Phase - This can be attributed during the clearing and grubbing activities, removal of trees in the
denuded areas, use of fuel for the machineries during construction activities, wastewater and solid waste
generation among others.

Within these principles, we can thus apply a simple conceptual equation to define the net GHG footprint as:

Net GHG Footprint = [Post-impoundment GHG balance from the catchment after introduction of a reservoir] – [Pre-
impoundment GHG balance of the catchment before introduction of a reservoir] – [Emissions from the reservoir
due to Unrelated anthropogenic sources.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Calculation for the GHG emission
Pre-Impoundment and Post Impoundment phase can be calculated using the G res tool which uses a unique
framework in its attempt to represent only the GHG emissions that are attributable to the introduction of the reservoir
in a catchment. The G-res tool's operating principles require the explicit consideration of:

 The GHG footprint of the landscape (upstream catchment, reservoir area, downstream river) prior to
impoundment. The particular environmental setting of each reservoir (climatic, geographic, edaphic and h
 The temporal evolution of the GHG emissions over the lifetime of the reservoir.
 Displaced GHG emissions, i.e. emissions that would have occurred somewhere else in the aquatic network
regardless of the presence of a reservoir.
 Emissions increasing the net GHG emission impact of the reservoir, but that are the result of release of nutrients
and organic matter by human activity occurring upstream of or within the reservoir. Pre and Post Impoundment GHG

Using the G res tool, requires detailed data such as the organic/mineral content o f the catchment area, mean global
radiance, among other parameters as indicated in Table 2-41. These GIS data came from GIS layer containing
various information on 6,862 worldwide reservoirs of more than 0.1 km3 of storage capacity (Source: Lehner B, et.
al. 2008. High resolution mapping of the world’s reservoirs and dams for sustainable river flow management. Frontiers
in Ecology and the Environment. GWSP Digital Water Atlas. Map 81: GRanD Database (V1.0). Available online at et al. 2011).

An estimate can be made using Figure 2-26 or the average temporal CO2 emission obtained in about 50 dam
studies/publications. If we will use the figure, it can be said that since the reservoir is not yet constructed, the annual
CO2 emission is about 5,000 gCO2e/m2/year.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Table 2-41: List of variables obtained from open access worldwide GIS layers

Figure 2-26: Temporal CO2 emissions in time (years) for a reservoir.

The black dot represents the annual CH 4 emissions for the actual age of a reservoir and the grey hatched area
represents the integrated emission on 100 years without the natural baseline. (Source: GHG Reservoir Tool
Technical Document. UNESCO. 2017)


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Calculating for the GHG emission from natural sources, for year 0, we will use the inundated area of 45 has.

CO2e = 5,000 g CO2e/m 2/year * 450,000 m 2

= 2,250 tonnes

GHG emission during the construction phase will fall under the following Scopes:

Scope 1: for the fuel used for generator set and vehicles
Scope 2: Purchased electricity for the barracks and temporary facilities
Scope 3: For the wastewater and solid waste generation

The method of estimating the CO2e is from the IPCC guidelines and the GHG Protocols. The following formula
were used:

 CO2e = Electricity consumption (kWh) x 0.594 kg CO 2e /kWh x tonnes/1000 kg

 CO2e = Diesel (L) x 2.63 kg CO2e /L x tonnes/1000 kg
 CO2e = Gasoline (L) x 2.27 kg CO2e /L x tonnes/1000 kg
 CO2e = Solid Waste Generation (kg) x 0.3 tonnes CO2e /1000 kg
 CO2e = Wastewater Generation (cum) x 0.0005 tonnes CO2e /cum of wastewater

Table 2-42:Summary of CO2e from the Construction activities

Source Yearly Consumption Estimated CO2e (tonnes)
Scope 1*
Diesel (L) 90,000.0 236.7
Gasoline (L) 30,000.0 66.0

Scope 2
Electricity (kWh) + 56,610.0 33.6
Scope 3
Non-Hazardous Wastes, 48.3 14.59
Wastewater, (cu.m.) b 912.5 0.46
TOTAL 340.65

Figure 2-27: Table 2.39. Summary of CO2e from the Construction Activities

*Fuel for the generator set and vehicles

+Source : 2011 Household Energy Consumption Survey (HECS). 188.7 KWH per HH; assuming 25 HH x 12 months
a Assuming that the disposal of waste is landfilling; based on 250 workers @ 0.53 kg/worker
b Wastewater generated from domestic activities; based on 250 workers @ 10 Liters per worker

Further, the GHG emission can also be estimated using the Tier 1 method of deforestation where the carbon stock
is calculated (trees should be > 20 DBH) as a result of the terrestrial survey. Figure 2-28 shows the process.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 2-28: Tier 1 method diagram

The Tier 1 method where the DBH of each tree is measured, recorded and biomass is calculated as a function of

As an estimate, there were 229 trees surveyed. The following are used in the calculations:
Quadrat Size: 100m x 100m
Inundated Area: 450,000 m 2
DBH average: 30cm
1 unit of biomass: 0.5 unit of C
Conversion Factor of C to CO2: 44/12

Total Biomass:

Estimated Carbon: 1,854,900 × 0.5 = 927,450

Estimated Carbon Dioxide: 927,450 × 44 ÷ 12 = 3,400 𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑠 The total GHG (CO2) emission for the Dam Project and GHG Management

The total CO2e emission is 2,590 and 3,400 tonnes using the G Res and Tier 1 Deforestation respectively. These
initial estimates can be further refined during the course of the project implementation by taking DBH measurements

The GHG emission can be offset by implementing the Watershed Management Plan and by compliance with the Tree
Cutting (inundated trees) Permit conditions, i.e. one tree cut will be replaced by 50 seedlings with a minimum height
of one meter pursuant of the DENR MC 2012-02 dated 05 November 2012, known as the Uniform Replacement Ratio
for Cut or Relocated Tree” in support to the national greening program (NGP)/Urban Greening and Climate Change
initiative of the government or could be 1:100 trees.

Other measures on how to reduce the carbon footprint of the project is to initiate fuel, water and electricity
conservation and to intensity recycling to reduce waste generation.

1 (Source: Module 2.3 Estimating emission factors for forest cover change (deforestation and forest degradation)
REDD+ training materials by GOFC-GOLD, Wageningen University, World Bank FCPF)


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

2.4.2 Air Quality and Noise Baseline Conditions

Air quality and noise survey were conducted last October 31 to November 3, 2018. The parameters that were tested
are Total Suspended Particulates (TSP), Particulate Matter (PM10), Sulfur dioxide (SO 2), and Nitrogen dioxide (NO 2)
in three (3) sampling sites: At the back of Aguilar Elementary School, Dam Area, and Quarry Area. The results of the
ambient air sampling are found in Table 2-43.

Table 2-43: Ambient Air Sampling Summarized Results

Station no. Location NO SO TSP PM10
1 At the back of 0.73 <1.85* 33.8 9.00
2 Dam Area <0.630 <1.84* 4.41 3.06
3 Quarry Area 0.724 <1.83* 18.1 5.08
DENR NAAQSSAP 150 180 230 150
Figure 2-29: Table 2.40. Ambient Air Sampling Summarized Results.

The result demonstrated that the ambient concentrations of NO2, SO2, TSP and PM10 are within the acceptable
limits of the standards stipulated DENR NAAQSSAP in the IRR of the Philippines Clean Air A ct. Air condition is
perceived to be still fresh due to absence of major sources of air pollutants such as factories, machineries etc.
Presence of vegetation within the immediate surroundings helps in maintaining the freshness and quality of air in the
project area. The air quality will only be affected during the construction phase due to dust generation and dispersion
but will only have minimal to nil effect.

Table 2-44: Noise Level Measurement Summarized Results

Maximum Allowable Noise
Station 1 Station 2 Station 3
Level (dBA)
Sampling Sampling Sampling Class Class Class Class
time time time AA A B C
Daytime 55.5
1045H 1440H- 55.8-
(0900H- >50 50 55 65 70
1235H- 1550H 56.6
1800H) 62.3
Evening Evening Evening
(1800H- >45 (1800H- ≤50 (1800H- >50 45 50 60 65
2200H) 2200H) 2200H)
2235H- 45.9- 2240H- 47.1-
(2200H- >40 40 45 55 60
0045H 47.9 0450H 49.6
Morning Morning Morning
(0500H- >45 (0500H- ≤50 (0500H- >50 45 50 60 65
0900H) 0900H) 0900H)

The results of noise level measurement were compared to the standards on the proposed land use within the
sampling location. Sampling stations were also located in the same areas as the ambient air sampling which are:
Station 1 (At the back of Aguilar Elementary School), Station 2 (Dam Area), and Station 3 (Quarry Area).

The following are the classification of each sampling locations: Station 1 was considered as Category AA (Areas
within 100m from schools, hospitals, etc), while Station 2 and Station 3 were considered as Category A (Residen tial
Areas). All results were compared to the maximum permissible noise level as stated on the NPCC Memorandum
Circular No. 002 Series of 1980. These exceeded levels are not significant and can be reduced due to limited human


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
population and activities.

The source of the noise for Station 1 generally are the residential noises such as playing of music (disco type) and
people talking during the day and playing volleyball at the afternoon, light vehicle passing by, noise from the nature
itself such as sounds from the crickets, other kinds of insects, dog barking, birds chirping and wind breeze. For
Station 2 and Station 3, noise comes from nature such as sound from the crickets, other insects, birds chirping and
water flowing from nearby river, wind breeze and residential noise such as playing music (disco type).


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 2-30: Sampling Sites for Air Quality Analysis


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Degradation of Air Quality

During construction phase, equipment movement during earthwork activities may contribute to dust generation and
dispersion. Air pollution due to the increase in suspended particles is expected during construction of the dam due
to the movement of construction materials from quarry areas to stock pile areas and to the dam site.

To mitigate the problem on dust generation during construction phase, the contractor should ensure that access
roads and other dust generating areas would be frequently sprayed with water with the use of water truck. It is also
important to always observe the speeds of vehicles in dusty areas that are close to populated areas. Increase in Ambient Noise Level

During construction phase, land-clearing activities and construction proper of the proposed structures would
undoubtedly generate noise in the area. Increase in ambient noise levels during construction period of the
proposed dam structures and access roads is expected to affect the nearby areas. Blasting of rocks in the quarry
areas and excavations of tunnels will generate significant amounts of noise. Processing plants for crushing of
aggregates will also contribute to even more noise to the environment. Blasting should be controlled and regulated
to ensure that noise levels are within the allowed limits.

Aside from the immediate nearby community within the dam structure, impacts are expected to be felt on the
communities along the service areas including the construction of irrigation lines and access road/transport route
and the route where construction and waste materials will be transported. The noise generators are the heavy
equipment, such as bulldozers, pay loaders, rollers, dump trucks and other motorized equipment.

To mitigate the noise pollution during the construction, it is recommended that the contractor use properly
maintained heavy equipment fitted with appropriate mufflers or silencers. The work schedule should be limited
during daytime to avoid disturbance in the surrounding/nearest community. Operators must be properly oriented
in the use of the machines and heavy equipment, to avoid excessive pumping on the fuel and use of horn.

2.5 The People

2.5.1 Demography Population Distribution, Population Growth and Density

The Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project area encompasses the Municipality of San Lorenzo. The Total
population of San Lorenzo is 26,112 based on the PSA 2015 survey. San Lorenzo’s population is steadily growing
at a rate of more than 1%. The population of the barangays covering the pro ject area is shown in Table 2-45 and
the household population by age group and sex is show in Table 2-47. There are nine (9) house structures within
the inundation area as shown in Figure 2-31.

Table 2-45: Barangay Population Covering the Project Area

Barangay Population
Aguilar 1,868
Cabano 4,917
Constancia 3,416
M. Chavez 2,803
Sapal 1,547
Suclaran 1,934


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Table 2-46: Number of Household and Household Size
Barangay Population Household Household Size
Aguilar 1,868 311 5.28
Cabano 4,917 592 5.53
Constancia 3,416 481 5.33
M. Chavez 2,803 411 5.39
Sapal 1,547 265 4.94
Suclaran 1,934 317 4.89

Table 2-47: Household Population by Age Group and Sex

Age Group Both Sexes Male Female
All Ages 24,032 12,525 11,507
Under 1 462 227 235
1-4 2,094 1,068 1,026
5-9 2,580 1,324 1,256
10 - 14 2,665 1,406 1,259
15 - 19 2,584 1,370 1,214
20 - 24 2,183 1,184 999
25 - 29 1,932 1,042 890
30 - 34 1,706 950 756
35 - 39 1,530 816 714
40 - 44 1,355 699 656
45 - 49 1,181 624 557
50 - 54 1,058 624 526
55 - 59 821 408 413
60 - 64 593 290 303
65 - 69 499 241 258
70 - 74 343 162 181
75 - 79 230 102 128
80 years old and over 216 80 136
0 - 17 9,363 4,848 4,515
18 years old and over 14,669 7,677 6,992


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 2-31: House Structures Within the Inundation Area


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Health Sector

Based on the available Comprehensive Land Use Plan of San Lorenzo (2000), the leading causes of death were
chronic obstructive pulmonary tuberculosis (COPD/PTB), hypertensive cardio-vascular disease (HCVD), Sepsis,
Pneumonia, Peptic ulcer disease (PUD).

The leading causes of illness are acute respiratory infection (ARI), Iron deficiency Anemia (IDA), Diarrhea,
Hypertension and Pulmonary Tuberculosis (PTB).

The existing health status in 1998 showed that the Municipality of San Lorenzo has crude birth rate, crude death
rate, and infant mortality rate of 12.92%, 5.2% and .16% respectively. San Lorenzo has the lowest CBR and
CDR compared to other 4 municipalities.

Of the total death in San Lorenzo, 58.5% are male and 41.5% are female where 7.5% belongs to infant. The
leading causes of death were chronic obstructive pulmonary disease/pulmonary tuberculosis (COPD/PTB),
Hypertensive cardio-vascular disease (HCVD), Sepsis, Pneumonia, Peptic Ulcer disease (PUD).

Leading causes of illness are influenza, diarrhea, skin disease, chicken pox and bronchial asthma which are all
communicable diseases.

Malnutrition is prevalent in ages 1-4 years old bracket reaching 15.27%, 83.70% normal 1.03% overweight in
3,662 children population.

Out of the twelve barangays to be served medically only 33.33% have their own health centers/stati on where
residents have access to basic health services. Aside from health government agencies, there were 2 NGO’s
who also provides health services to the Municipality (San Lorenzo CLUP, 2000).

The general populace of San Lorenzo avail medical attention at the municipal health units. The municipality
currently has 12 health units distributed among the barangays. Others seek medical attention outside the
province by going to Iloilo City where government and private hospitals are present.

Based on the interviewed key informants- barangay officials, farmers and LGU staff claimed that medical
problems often brought to the attention of the MHU are more on common ailment such as diarrhea, cough, skin
allergies, flu, head ache and others. Complicated illness/diseases are recommended or brought out to Iloilo City
adjacent to the province.

The figure below shows the health facilities as recorded in the inventory of Department of Health.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 2-32: Health Resources Map


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Dialect

The prominent dialect used by the locals in the project area is Hiligaynon. Education Profile

There are sixteen (16) schools in the Municipality of San Lorenzo two (2) of which are primary schools, twelve (12) elementar y schools and two (2) high schools. Table 2-
48 shows the highest grade/year completed of 5 years old and above.

Table 2-48: Highest Grade/Year Completed (5y/o and above)

Age in Years
Highest Grade/Year
Completed 25- 30-
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20-24 and
29 34 over
No Grade
260 56 7 8 3 4 3 1 3 1 3 5 4 1 7 14 9 9 153
Preschool 240 369 64 8 2 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 0
Elementary 0 88 436 465 573 528 530 498 223 127 92 77 76 73 92 359 372 440 4,476
1st - 4th Grade 0 88 436 465 573 486 164 77 41 43 25 27 24 20 34 114 111 160 1,783
5th - 6th Grade 0 0 0 0 0 42 336 269 107 42 34 27 25 21 29 112 138 153 1,410
Graduate 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 152 75 42 33 23 27 32 29 133 123 127 1,283
High School 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 286 424 433 409 324 288 291 1,065 834 664 1,851
Undergraduate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 286 424 408 224 139 109 136 375 310 227 656
Graduate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 185 185 179 155 690 524 437 1,195
Post-Secondary 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 6 13 31 189 187 164 504
Undergraduate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 4 5 35 35 25 86
Graduate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 9 26 154 152 139 418
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 86 85 89 234 179 112 222
Academic Degree
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 291 331 295 521
Post baccalaureate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 20
Not Stated 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 5 15 19 15 12 31 17 20 79


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Religion

Among of the Religious denominations in the project area includes Roman Catholic, Philippi ne Independent
Church, Baptist, Iglesia ni Cristo, Seventh-day Adventist, Jehovah's Witnesses, Church of the Latter Day
Saints and other Christian sects. Tenurial Instruments/Issuances

Land ownership in the service area are under the Alienable & Disposable land category. Thence, lands are
already privately owned to different individuals. Peace and order condition.

Generally, municipalities covering the project area claimed that their island is home of peace and loving people.
The place is a peaceful municipality to live with. Crime incidents being reported or brought to the attention of
police is very minimal in accordance with the police officer and municipal officials interviewed. Garbage Disposal

With reference to the municipal data of the covering municipalities reviewed that usual manner of waste disposal
being practiced by every household is by burning and dumping on pits within their backyard. This is due to
absence of municipal dump site and lack of solid waste management program of the covering municipalities. Power Supply

Electricity supply in the whole island is being served by Guimaras Electric Cooperative (GUIMELCO) which is
being sourced out from the province of Iloilo. This system provided 24-hour electricity to its consumers. Currently,
five units of windmill for power generation (electricity) are being constructed in the municipality of San Lorenzo
to augment needed electricity due to increasing demand of the populace. Road Network and Transportation

Inland transportation system in the municipality is being catered by Public Utility Jeepneys (PUJ) and tricycles.
Water transportation were catered by different passenger boats and other fast crafts going in and out of the
province from early morning to late afternoon. Tricycle is the usual mode of transportation within urban centers. Domestic Water

Common sources of domestic and drinking water of the general populace in the proposed project area are highly
dependent on ground water. They get their drinking and domestic water from level I sources such as pumped
deep wells, pumped shallow wells, open dug wells and undeveloped springs. Only few of the populace even in
urban centers have level II sources which are sourced from developed springs and wells. Communication

The Island of Guimaras is linked with the rest of the world through modern telecommunication facilities. Major
private telecommunications phone providers are serving the municipality, such as Smart, Globe and Sun Cellular.
Cellular sites, as well as Internet are generally present. More so, local radio station and satellite disc television
system makes the transmission of information easier. Hand-held two-way radios and repeaters are also present
in every barangay issued to its officials as alternative mode of communication in e very locality. Sources of Livelihood

Other sources of income of the general population includes talipapa, sari-sari store, salt production, hollow blocks
production, camote production, mango production, bag making, mat weaving, enterprises, welding shop etc.
Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Indigenous People

There are no Indigenous People (IP) settlements observed in the project area. There is no Ancestral Domain
claim nor Certificate of Ancestral Domain Title (CADT) released within the said area. This was confirmed by the
Municipal Planning and Development Office (MPDO) and in accordance with the Ancestral Domain’s Office of
the National Commission on Indigenous People (ADO-NCIP central office) data file of released CADT’s
nationwide. Perception Survey Results

The results regarding some key information on the perception survey were tallied and presented as follows. Out
of the 40 respondents included in the initial perception survey, 67.5 percent of them know of, or at least have an
idea of the proposed irrigation project in NIA. About 13 out of 40 respondents did not know that there was a plan
to construct a dam that would serve as reservoir for irrigation in the municipality of San Lorenzo, Guimaras. Of
the 27 respondents who have heard of the said project, 48.15% of them have heard o f the irrigation projects from
the government/barangay officials and other LGU officers. 8 out of 27 respondents were informed through the
efforts of the members of the National Irrigation Administration (NIA). Of all the respondents interviewed in the
municipality of San Lorenzo, 33 out of 40 respondents agree with this proposed irrigation project of NIA, bearing
in mind the positive impacts that an irrigation system can bring especially to the farmers in their respective
barangays. The rest of the individuals either do not agree with this proposed project, or they are still unsure if
the project will be beneficial to them.

Based on the surveys, one of the main reasons why individuals in San Lorenzo, Guimaras approves of this
proposed project of NIA is because they believe it will be of great help to the people in the area, especially the
farming communities. With the presence of an irrigation system, farmers will benefit from higher crop yields. This
is because currently, most of the rice fields being utilized by the farmers are rain fed, meaning, they only operate
based on optimum weather conditions (i.e., the presence of rain) During dry season, it will be nearly impossible
to be able to utilize the fields to produce crops due to the lack of water. On the average, only farmers from the
barangay of Cabano (where an existing small irrigation system is being used) are able to produce during the 2 nd,
even 3rd cropping seasons due to a relative abundance of water. Farmers from the rest of the barangays except
Aguilar, with little to no access to water supply during dry season, barely reach the 2 nd cropping season, on

Crop yield during 1st and/or 2nd cropping for most barangays also depend on the amount of water they can use
in their fields. Farmers yield around 50 sacks of rice for the 1st cropping season on average. Most of the crops
they yield are utilized for personal/household use only. Seldom are the farmers that sell their crops to the market
for additional income. Most of the crops they yield are utilized for personal/household use only. Seldom are the
farmers that sell their crops to the market for additional income.

Out of the respondents interviewed for the survey, the people who have answered that they disagree with this
proposed irrigation project of NIA usually come from the barangay of Aguilar. Some of the individuals interviewed
claimed that they have fields directly on the proposed area of the dam site, meaning, should the project be
underway, they will lose their primary source of income and personal household food. However, some
respondents from Barangay Aguilar claimed that they might agree with the proposed irrigation project if it is for
the benefit of many farmers in surrounding barangays, and most importantly, if they are paid what they are due
(given the probable loss of their rice fields).

One negative effect that was brought up during the conduct of our interview is that the surrounding areas in the
proposed dam site in Aguilar will be prone to calamities (i.e. flash floods, inun dation) should the dam break or
when excess water overflows during unfavorable weather conditions (i.e. typhoons). Aside from this, with the
proposed irrigation project, one problem that farmers may encounter once it is operational is the proper allocation
of water supply to the different farming families in all the barangays covered by the project. According to them,
NIA must consider even distribution of water supply to all the farming communities involved, else there will be
miscommunication among farmers regarding the proper use of the irrigation system.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
As for the suggestions of the individuals to the National Irrigation Administration, upon the start of the project,
the most common plead is for NIA to start the irrigation project already and complete i t as soon as they can.
They wish that once the construction of the dam for the irrigation project commences, NIA makes sure to finish
the project and finish it as soon as possible. Displacement of Settlers

Notwithstanding the pursuit of sustainable economic development through the proposed project, the principle of
social justice will be applied to the affected private lot owners and existing informal settlers who will be affected
by the project. Resettlement of affected families must be undertaken jointly with the social development activities.

A Resettlement Action Plan is needed to define the resettlement of informal settlers in the area and ensure a
just compensation to affected landowners as a consequence of the implementation of the project accordin g to
existing rules and regulations on proper and humane relocation with emphasis on respecting human rights,
relative provisions of the Philippine Constitution, pertinent laws and mandates, all anchored on the principle of
social justice. Thus, the municipality will observe the pre- requisites to resettlement such as procedures on pre-
relocation phase to post-relocation phase as prescribed by existing rules and regulations, without, however,
compromising the interest of the municipality. With respect to compensating landowners, the municipality will
adopt an out-of-court equitable formula on just compensation taking into account the time the lands had become
part of the river bed, taxes due and improvements, if any, by the landowner as first resort and with out waiving
its right to either expropriate or cause the filing of reversion proceedings in case amicable efforts fail.

Further data gathering activities are still undergoing in order to determine the number of affected households
and series of public consultation will be conducted for the affected households to make the relocation plan f or
the relocation of residents.

2.6 Impact Assessment and Mitigation

2.6.1 Preconstruction Phase

The impacts associated with the pre-construction phase may have been insignificant in physical and biological
aspects. However, impacts are more associated on the loss of land and improvements including source of income
caused by the proposed project. Among of these are anticipated loss part and whole portion of their land and
their improvement due to the establishment of irrigation facilities. On the other hand, positive impacts of the
project are expected due to the provision of adequate and sustainable supply of irrigation water to the service
area. The Land

Based on the initial assessment about 62.26 hectares of land will be required by the project that needs to be
acquired for the project covering the proposed dam site (1 ha), reservoir (45 ha), access road (0.7 ha) and canal
(15.56 ha) amounting to about Php 13.50 M. Crops and Improvements

The proposed irrigation development has different land cover area that may be affected which involve house
structures, fruit trees, orchard, bamboos, coconut and forest trees. These will be removed/cleared during
construction to give way for the implementation of the project. Total inventory of crops and naturally growing
species and cost will be determined during the formulation of the LARP.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Mitigation Measures

Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan Formulation

The Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan (LARP) should be given special attention because it will address
the involuntary land acquisition and involuntary resettlement issues and adverse social impact brought about by
the project. The framework should be prepared first during the feasibility study phase that will serve as a guide
to the project implementer in preparation of the LARP document that provides appropriate compensation to a
person who will be physically and economically displaced by the project. The LARP encompasses the
entitlement, compensation and assistance measures including implementation schedule and monitoring.

The indicative lump sum cost for the survey and detailed formulation of LARP is about Php 500,000.00. Estimated
cost includes manpower needed during the detailed survey, equipment’s and supplies needed in the formulation
of LARP.

2.6.2 Environmental Impacts Arising during Construction Phase In-migration

Migration effects would induce population growth, although this would be confined to initial labor requirement s
when construction has gone underway. It may be anticipated for skilled or unskilled migrant construction workers
to be bringing their families with them because it might be practical given the long construction period involved.
As such, the increase in population would be accounted for not only by the size of migrant workers absorbed
during construction but also of the members of households that are relocating with them.

After construction phase, the Contractor shall see to it that all temporary structures used by construction workers
will be demolished and removed from construction site to avoid them being utilized by informal settlers. Land
used for camp sites shall be restored to the original condition as far as practicable, and the area shall be resto red
to a condition acceptable to the local community (planted with appropriate trees / shrubs as practicable) after it
is vacated and cleaned. Archaeological/Heritage

There are no known archaeological sites that are likely to be affected by the implement ation of the project, this
impact would be nil. However, in the event that accidental archaeological findings are discovered by the
Contractor during construction excavation and ground works, the Contractor shall immediately secure the area
and report the matter to the National Commission of Culture and Arts (NCCA). Findings include archaeological
sites, historical sites, remains and objects, graveyards and/or individual graves.

Detailed procedure of Chance Finds is as follows:

a) Stop the construction activities in the area of the chance find;
b) Delineate the discovered site or area;
c) Secure the site to prevent any damage or loss of removable objects. In cases of removable of antiquities
or sensitive remains, a night guard shall be arranged until the responsible local authorities or the
National Commission of Culture and Arts (NCCA) takes over; and
d) After stopping work, the Contractor must immediately report the discovery to the concerned
government authorities. Threat to delivery of Basic Services

During project construction, delivery of basic services such as power supply, water supply, and communication
services will not be affected in any way. However, the road network going to the project site might be temporarily
be congested with project vehicles and equipment. The construction will affect regular road users plying along
the area; an alternate traffic diversion route scheme shall be formulated in coordination with the Traffic


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Management Council prior to construction period to minimize this impact. Water sup ply and utilities might need
to be relocated and temporary shutdowns of services might occur. Consultations and information dissemination
with affected communities will mitigate these impacts. Occupational health and safety for construction workers

Should construction activities not adhere to strict procedures on occupational safety, impact on the safeties of
construction workers will be negative. Accidents and hazards may occur on site, thus, skilled and unskilled
workers both face risks. When earth-moving activities are undertaken, the workers must be outfitted with the
standard safety gears as required by law, and then oriented on the standard safety and emergency measures
that will be implemented. The safety gears and orientation of workers should ensu re minimization and/or
prevention of accidents caused by moving machines and altered terrain.

To prevent accidents and hazards that may occur on site, thus risking both skilled and unskilled workers and
possibly outsiders too, the project proponent and contractor shall require all workers to strictly observe safety
standards and proper wearing of Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) in adherence to Department of Labor
and Employment (DOLE) Occupational Safety and Health Hazard Standards with emphasis on th e following:

1. Personal protective equipment (Rule 1040) which specify the use and types of eye and face protection,
respiratory protection, hand and arm protection, safety belt life lines and safety nets and safety shoes;
2. Personal protective equipment, and minimum space requirements for gas, electric welding and cutting
operations (Rule 1100);
3. Fire protection and control rule (Rule 1940); and
4. Notification and record keeping requirements (Rule 1050).

Safety signs must also be put up within the construction site as well as provision of potable drinking water and
sanitary facilities for construction workers. Public health and safety

Accidents may occur for the passing public with the increased number of moving machineries due to construction
works. To prevent accidents for the passing public, the contractor must provide proper signage at conspicuous
places and perimeter fencing of the construction area during the entire duration of construction activities. Generation of local benefits from the project

Various construction activities for the project will require a large number of workers. The impact would be
beneficial and significant since employment opportunities in the project area will increase. The project would
provide additional sources of income especially for the unemployed and underemployed local residents. The
salaries and wages that will be paid during the construction phase will increase the capability of the economically
active adults to support their dependents.

Whenever possible, the contractor is encouraged to use the available local labor for these construction activities.
The recruitment of workers shall be coordinated with the local officials of the municipalities/city and the provincial
government. The local economy would benefit as construction activities tend to diversify and deepen the structure
of employment and income generation. In this manner, multiplier effects could be realized as from above,
increased household incomes tend to encourage more consumption that in turn increases the demand for goods
and services, encourages production and supply, and generates revenues plowed back to local coffers. Multiplier
effects would also arise should the migrant population increase due to the number of non -locals entering the
area, and once more instituting the same positive changes in demand and consumption. This virtual cycle is
deemed to operate throughout the whole construction period and contribute in bolstering economic activities in
study areas.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Increase in traffic congestion and worsening of traffic flow

During construction, there is an anticipated congestion of vehicular traffic particularly near and along access
roads going to the construction site. Cumulative traffic impact during construction phase, in conjunction with
project operation, may also aggravate the traffic situation along access roads. This cumulative traffic impact
scenario will surely require effective traffic management plan (TMP) and rerouting scheme the contractor will
implement in coordination with the concerned LGUs to minimize disturbance of vehicular traffic and pedestrians
during construction. TMP shall be coordinated with the Traffic Management Council (KTMC). In the assessment
of traffic impact, the contractor shall consider the combined effects and recommend s ite specific traffic mitigation

Traffic Management Plan shall be formulated as early as the design stage and strictly implemented during
construction period. A proposed Traffic Diversion scheme during construction should also be planned earlier in
order to minimize the traffic impact during construction. This will be coordinated with the LGUs and other
concerned agencies. Advisories shall be posted at conspicuous places to caution travelers and passengers
regarding the planned construction/development. Other mitigation measures include designation of traffic officer
responsible for smooth traffic flow; formulation of traffic management system; provision of appropriate warning
signs, lighting and barricades, whenever practicable; and observance of traffic rules such as vehicle speed.

2.6.3 Environmental Impacts Arising during Operation and Maintenance Phase In-migration

The impact will manifest depending on the number of personnel employed in the operation of the Project and
whether these personnel are sourced from within or outside San Lorenzo. The impact of size is substantial
because this implies entrants to the local economy or locals whose labor force potential is harnessed at optimum
levels by being involved in site operations for at a permanent and regular capacity.

The increase in population would be measured by the level of migrants that would establish residence for a
longer period of time, the number of accompanying family members, and the capacity for reproduction that would
account for natural increases due to new births. The majority of workers comprise those commuting from their
place of residence and back on a daily basis, the change would register only on the daytime population. If these
shall constitute locals, impact on population size would be nil. On the other hand, the sex ratio may balance out
in the long term to follow the general trend considering the increase households and population may lead to more
males than females in the population.

The impact would be more on shifts in the employment structure with increases in the labor force and the labor
force participation rate, expected particularly among the young to mature adults (24 -40 years). Should the Project
absorb a sufficient labor pool from San Lorenzo, employment rates would improve and correspondingly,
unemployment levels would then decrease. Cultural/Lifestyle Change

The implementation of the project may enhance the tourism industry in the region. Tourism can generate positive
impacts since it can serve as a supportive force for peace, foster pride in cultural traditions, create local jobs,
and improve economy. Arrival of more tourists can bring changes in value systems or behavior and threatened
indigenous identity. Changes often occur in community structure, family rela tionships, collective traditional
lifestyles, ceremonies and morality. Reasons are as follows:
1) commodification, 2) standardization, 3) loss of authenticity, and 4) adaptation to tourist demands.

Commodification is when tourism turns the local cultures into commodities when religious rituals, traditional
ethnic rites, and festivals are reduced and sanitized to conform to tourist expectations. Tourist’s demand for
souvenirs, arts, entertainment, and other commodities can exert influence and changes in hum an values. Sacred


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
sites and objects may not be respected anymore when they are perceived as goods to trade. Growing demand
on souvenirs, arts and crafts with cultural manifestations could lead to changes in designs to complement with
the new customers’ tastes. Landscape, accommodation, foods, drinks, etc. must meet with the tourists’ desires
and demands.

Although dam and irrigation projects have minimal effect on culture and lifestyle for the host community but
cumulative effect of tourism is noteworthy. Threat to public health and safety (third party risk)

Dams could pose risks to the public due to the risk of dam collapse and terrorism threats. Socio-economic benefits from the project

During operation phase, the project will generate increased employment and more economic benefits and usually
support the growing agriculture as well as the tourism industry. Employment generated can be direct, indirect,
induced, and catalytic employment. Project operations can enhance employment and livelihood opportunit ies,
increased business opportunities and associated economic activities, and increased revenue of LGUs.

2.6.4 Summary of Environmental Impacts

A scaling checklist summary for the unmitigated potential impacts during construction and operat ion phases of
the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project is presented in Table 2-49.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Table 2-49: Summary for The Unmitigated Potential Impacts During Construction And Operation Phases Of The Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation P roject

Impact Parameter/Potential Probability of Reversibility/ Impact Geographic

Area Impacts Impact Description Nature Magnitude Occurrence Permanence Duration Extent

A. Pre-Construction Phase
Change/Consistency in Possible conflict with the existing land Long term
Negative Minimal Low Reversible Project site
land use use of the project area
Encroachment in Encroachment in areas that are
The Land Long term Project area and
Environmentally susceptible to natural hazards Negative Minimal Low Reversible
Critical Areas (ECAs) (i.e. landslides, erosion, etc.)
Potential conflict on land ownership
Possible Tenurial / Land Long term
related to tenurial Negative Minimal Medium Irreversible Project site
Displacement of farmers/ residents in
The Land acquisition, ROW the project site and within its vicinity Long term
People conflict during ROW Negative Significant High Permanent Project area
B. Construction Phase
Alteration of the existing topography
Change in surface Long Term Project area and
due to excavation in dam site and
landform/topography/t Negative Medium Medium Irreversible Vicinity
irrigation canals, and in quarry areas

Change in sub- Dam site and

The Land Alteration of subsurface or Long Term
surface/underground Negative Minimal Low Irreversible irrigation
underground geomorphology
geomorphology canal network
Inducement of Subsidence,
Caused by agitation of riverbed during
Liquefaction, Landslides Dam site and
construction, unstable slopes in Short term irrigation canal
and Negative Minimal Low Irreversible
quarry areas and in construction
mud/debris flow, etc. network


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Impact Parameter/Potential Probability of Reversibility/ Impact Geographic

Area Impacts Impact Description Nature Magnitude Occurrence Permanence Duration Extent

Project site and

at source of
Soil erosion/ loss of Occurrence of soil erosion during Short term embankment
Negative Significant High Reversible
topsoil/ overburden earthworks material

High (dam site)

Irrigation canal
Loss of ecologically important Low (irrigation
Vegetation removal and Long term network and
tree/flora species within the project Negative Significant canals) Reversible
loss of habitat reservoir area

Threat to existence and/or

Project site (dam
loss of important local Long term
Extinction of any species. Negative Minimal Medium Reversible site and

Hindrance to wildlife Short

Blocking of animal movement Negative Minimal Medium Reversible Project site
access term
Increase in siltation along river stream
Oil and Grease contamination
Degradation of surface Untreated wastewater from camp Negative Significant High Reversible Short term Downstream of
water quality sites project site
The Water

Untreated domestic wastewater

Degradation of ground Short term
from construction workers, Negative Medium Low Reversible Project site
water quality
construction wastes
Contribution in terms
Air pollution from generated Short term Project site and
The Air of greenhouse gas Negative Minimal High Irreversible
greenhouse gases vicinity


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Impact Parameter/Potential Probability of Reversibility/ Impact Geographic

Area Impacts Impact Description Nature Magnitude Occurrence Permanence Duration Extent

Air pollution from generated dust

Degradation of air quality Short term Project site and
and from consumption of fuel from Negative Significant Medium Reversible
Increase in ambient noise Increase noise levels during Short term Project site and
Negative Significant High Reversible
level construction vicinity
Increase in population due to Short Project site
In-migration Negative Minimal Low Reversible
migrant workers term and vicinity
Possible findings of archaeological
Short term Construction site
Archaeology/Heritage relics, remains and objects during Positive Minimal Low Reversible
excavation works
Disruption to the existing utilities such
Threat to delivery of basic Short term Project area and
as underground sewer and Negative Minimal Low Reversible
The services vicinity
water lines during construction
Occupational health and Exposure of workers to work- related
safety hazards for accidents and illnesses; Exposure of Short term
construction workers public to risk of Negative Minimal Low to high Reversible Project site
and the public accidents at the construction site
Generation of local
Increase employment opportunities Short term Project area and
benefits from the project Positive Significant High Reversible
and income vicinity

C. Operation Phase
Potential Geologic-
Destruction caused by
related and other natural Short term
uncontrolled geologic hazards/events Negative Significant Low Reversible Project site
events impacts
The Land Change in subsurface/ Alteration of sub-surface and
underground Long term
underground geomorphology Negative Nil Low Irreversible Project site


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Impact Parameter/Potential Probability of Reversibility/ Impact Geographic

Area Impacts Impact Description Nature Magnitude Occurrence Permanence Duration Extent

Undisposed construction wastes may

alter soil quality Agricultural
Change in soil Project site and
operations may Negative Medium Medium Reversible Long term
quality/fertility Vicinity
degrade soil quality

Change in drainage
morphology/induceme nt of
Downstream of
flooding/reduction in Alteration of drainage morphology Short term Cabano River
Negative Medium Medium Reversible
stream volumetric flow

Downstream of
Change in stream and Cabano
Decrease water depth downstream Negative Medium Medium Reversible Long term
water depth River
Depletion of water
resources/ Competition on Downstream of
water Conflict in water supply and demand Negative Minimal Low Reversible Long term Cabano River
Threat to existence and/or
The Water loss of important local Hindrance to mobility of local water
species Negative Minimal Low Reversible Short term Cabano River
and habitat
Degradation of surface Water pollution from significant Cabano River
water and quantities of pesticides and Long term and service
Negative Significant High Reversible
groundwater quality fertilizers used, siltation of rivers area
Increase temperature during Short Project site
The Air Change in local climate summer months Negative Minimal Low Reversible term and vicinity


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Impact Parameter/Potential Probability of Reversibility/ Impact Geographic

Area Impacts Impact Description Nature Magnitude Occurrence Permanence Duration Extent

Increase in TSPs due to wind erosion

and increase in pollutants due to
increase in volume of vehicles and
agricultural machineries in project Short Irrigation Service
Air Pollution area, Negative Minimal Low Reversible Term Area
Increase in Green House Gasses
Increase in noise levels due to Short Irrigation
Noise increase in agricultural activities Negative Minimal Low Reversible Term Service Area
Increase in population due to Long Project
In-migration project operation Negative Moderate High Reversible term corridor
Cultural/Lifestyle Cumulative impact of tourism to Long Project
change the local people Negative Significant Medium Irreversible term corridor
Threat to public health and Risk of passengers and the public to
safety (third party road accidents, terrorism Project area and
Negative Moderate Low Reversible Long term
risk) threats, and health problems vicinity
Create direct, indirect, induced and
catalytic type of employment that
Socioeconomic benefits could encourage economic Project area and
from the project development and increase Positive Significant High Reversible Long term
The revenue of LGUs

Increase traffic congestion due to Project area and

Traffic congestion Negative Moderate Low Reversible Long term
project operation vicinity


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)


This section covers the Environmental Management Plan (EMP). EMP is the plan on what to do with the
identified/potential impacts that are discussed in Chapter 2 of this EIS Report. Its purpose is to enhance the
beneficial impacts and to lessen the adverse impacts of the proposed projec t at different stages of its
development and implementation.

Management of the impacts will be implemented through the following proposed impact mitigating


The Land

Land Tenure vis-à-vis ROW Acquisition

Being agricultural in general, most of the land tenure in the project area is under the agrarian reform program.
The problem with the documentation of equity generated from ROW is not foreseen since legal instruments
to establish ownership of land is easy. Coupled with the strong anticipation and/or willingness of the local
farmers to participate with the Project, the undertaking of a land acquisition for ROW establishment is not a

In addition, security risk during land acquisition activity posed no problem. Overall, complete cooperation
among the concerned LGUs, the local people, the farmers themselves, and other concerned local groups or
organizations are expected to be extended to NIA to ensure the carrying out of a soci ally acceptable land
acquisition for the project. NIA has conducted the much needed social preparations strongly through small
group discussions and consultations in the proposed service area.


Duration of the impacts identified for the construction phases are all short -term in nature. The adverse ones
can easily be mitigated. The identified potential sources of significant adverse impacts during construction
stage that may need mitigating measures are as follows:

3.2.1 The Land Change in Surface Landform/Topography/Terrain/Slope

In the course of the construction phase, earthworks altering the terrain of the site will take place. The following
mitigating measures should be observed:

a. Install necessary slope protection where steep slopes are present;

b. Install proper barrier and warning signs where excavation or other altered terrain may cause
danger to workers; and
c. Designate a Spoils Storage Area, with topsoil set aside for later use and allow maximum re -use of
spoils. Inducement of Subsidence, Landslides or Other Natural Hazards

Prior to the implementation of any construction work, preliminary surveys and studies should be conducted.
The results of these studies and surveys should assist engineers and planners in the site selection and design
process. Properly reviewed, acceptable, and sound designs are essential in preventing or mitigating probable
harmful effects to the environment of the project once implemented and operational. Good design should also


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
maximize the benefits that the project can provide, while minimizing dangers and risk once structures are
constructed and operational.

Selection process of the site should consider the susceptibility to various hazards, such as flooding and
landslide of the proposed site. Probability of land subsidence and its induced geologic hazard should also be
investigated. The engineering design team of the project shall incorporate the results of the geotechnical or
soil investigation survey in the detailed design carried out as part of the pre- engineering works for the project.
This is to ensure that the technical design and structural integrity of the irrigation infrastructures are within
the acceptable engineering standards. Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control and Management

The construction of irrigation structures can be done during the dry season. Any loose sediment will be carried
into the service area and not in the watercourse. It is common practice for NIA to transport any surplus
excavated materials to areas where they are to be used as back fill for canal embankment, service/access
roads and NIA/IA office/housing. For the watercourse, sediments that enter the systems will have a small
impact on aquatic life and moderate impact on water quality for domestic use.

Spoil from canal construction has also been identified in previous studies of NIA as source of erosion/siltation
problem. Proper management of spoils should be observed. Spoils or excavated materials should not be
stockpiled on the riverbank nor dumped in the river. Excavated materials that cannot be hauled immediately
should be covered and/or surrounded by a bund to prevent erosion.

Another way to conserve resources is that all excavated soil from the construction site will be reused. For
example, topsoil can be re-spread in areas for agriculture to enhance plant health. To rehabilitate areas that
are exposed or stripped of vegetation, revegetation of said areas disturbed by construction activities will be
undertaken by planting endemic plants and trees.

The design of the canal is also an important mitigating measure to reduce soil erosion. The irrigation canals
should have design specifications that would ensure that the flow rate of water would be at safe velocities in
order to minimize scouring.

The final measure is to ensure that the contractor uses good construction practices which are specified within
the Contract Documents. It is also important that major excavation work especially for the modified intake
system are scheduled during the low flow season and a Site Soil Protection and Rehabilitation Program is
included within the Contract Documents that is the Contractor’s responsibility. Vegetation Removal and Loss of Wildlife Habitat

Localized tree cutting or vegetation clearing during construction/rehabilitation, though minimal in magnitude,
may still result in disturbance to wildlife habitat in the project area. To minimize ecological disturbance in the
area, the following mitigation measures will be implemented:

a. limit land clearing as much as possible;

b. provide a temporary fencing to vegetation that will be retained;
c. use of markers and fences to direct heavy equipment traffic in the construction site and avoid
damage to plants;
d. undertake proper maintenance of equipment and use of mufflers;
e. implement tree planting around the facility; and
f. revegetation with double purpose of serving as vegetation buffer to wildlife.

Meanwhile, in compliance with DENR permit related to tree cutting, a tree cutting permit (Permit to Cut
Tree) will be acquired for all trees that will have to be felled.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
At the watershed covering Cabano River, “rainforestation” strategy throughout the Philippines should be
implemented wherein native trees will be included in the tree planting program. Planting native trees b enefits
native wildlife creatures which are dependent on it, and thus enhances the forest ecosystem. The
rainforestation will also provide homes for indigenous plants and animals. This practice will not only restore
the original forests but will also expectantly bring back the wildlife that once flourished there.

3.2.2 The Water Degradation of Surface Water Quality

Control on the Increase in Turbidity of Rivers and Creeks due to Siltation

To mitigate the adverse impact of the erosion/mobilization of the sedim ents and materials, particularly
during the rainy season, the following measures are recommended:

a) The extent of earthworks should be minimized to those that are necessary. Minimization should be
incorporated in the earthworks plan; the actual extent of works delineated on the ground and pointed
to the equipment operator; and the actual earth movement should be supervised on site. Contractors
should use the best construction practices which are specified within the contract documents.

b) Extensive grading and earthworks should be minimized in erosion prone areas. Existing vegetation
on the construction site should be retained whenever possible.

c) The construction of the intake will require a significant amount of excavation in order to achieve a
solid rock foundation level. Excavation will yield several types of materials including earth and loose
rock from shallow excavations and rock from deeper excavations such as the diversion tunnel. Much
of this material can be used for the construction, e.g., suitable rock can be used for concrete
aggregate while unsuitable rock can be used as road surfacing and in riprap protection.

d) The stockpile area should be located on higher ground, at a level higher than the highest flood level
detected, reported, or projected. The stockpile area should have a buffer of at least 10 m from a
river/creek and from slopes. Spoils and stockpiles management should be implemented.

e) A site protection and rehabilitation measure that address soil erosion resulting from construction, as
well as good operating procedures, should be adopted by the Contractor. This should be stipulated
in the contract as well as the conditions that ensure environmental integrity will be maintained during
construction by the Contractor.

f) Sediments must be contained within the construction site through sediment basins or other retention
structures such as rock dikes.

g) Hydraulic conveyance facilities to handle increased surface run-off should be installed including
drainage channels or canals and culverts. The facility should be sized according to the expected
rainfall, vegetative cover and size, type and topography of catchment.

h) Run-off velocities should be reduced by benching, back sloping, vegetative fences along the contour
such as vetiver grass, concave slopes instead of convex slopes.

i) Run-off should be diverted away from the steep slopes and denuded areas by constructing
interceptors, drains and berms.

j) The extent and duration of bare soil exposure to erosion by wind and water should be minimized
using mulches and fast-growing herbaceous covers.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
k) Disturbed areas should be stabilized as soon as possible by slope flattening, revegetation and
diversion of surface run-off.

l) Topsoil (whenever it is available) should be removed separately from the rest of the overburden . Top
soil is the A1 horizon of the soil, which is usually darker than the underlying soil due to accumulation
of organic matter. The topsoil contains the majority of the seeds and other plant propagates, soil
microorganisms, and much of the plant nutrients. When the A1 horizon is not obvious, the top 10 to
30 cm of the soil should be recovered.

m) The erosion control measures should be inspected and maintained regularly.

n) Drainage channels should be inspected at least once every quarter and after every major rain.
Repairs should be made as necessary to maintain the channels to their design lines.

Control on Contamination of the Rivers and Creeks with Fuel, Oil and Grease

To mitigate the contamination of fuel, oil and grease to rivers and creeks, the measure s will include the

a) Spills of oil and grease, especially in the equipment maintenance area, must be avoided by good
housekeeping, regular inspection of working areas, and provision of waste containment area for
filters and other consumables, and proper maintenance of the oil-water separator.

b) Fuel and oil storage areas should be located well away from any watercourses and provided with
interceptor traps so that accidental spills do not contaminate the aquatic environment.

c) All waste oil should be stored and disposed of according to acceptable oil industry standards.
Washing down water also needs to be directed into this system and held in retention areas for

d) Whenever possible, refueling should be carried out at the fuel storage area.

Domestic Waste Contamination of Surface Water

Through the course of construction, wastewater will be generated by the laborers. Improper or lack of proper
handling of these wastes may contaminate adjacent water bodies. The following items will need to be
addressed within the Contract Documents:

a) As much as possible, the contractor should employ the ecological waste management. Compostable
materials must be segregated from the non-biodegradable. Compost pits may be provided; markets
for the recyclables determined. Wastes, which are neither compostable nor recyclables, should be
stored in an HDPE lined landfill.

b) Plastic containers that have been used for chemicals must be disposed properly.

c) Camp and construction areas will need to be provided with septic sanitation facilities (i.e. portable
portalets) that are prevented from draining to any watercourse. No untreated human waste or
washings should be allowed to enter any water course as this will affect downstream water quality,
aquatic environments and human health.

d) When construction is completed, the Contractor must be directed to clean up the construction site
by removing all equipment and buildings and carry out site remediation work, this will need to be
included in the contract documents and the specifications determined.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
3.2.3 The Air Contribution in Terms of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Sources of air pollution such as emission of gaseous pollutants from heavy equipment can be minimized by
ensuring that they are regularly maintained and operated. Emission tests for construction vehicles should
also be conducted regularly. Degradation of Air Quality

Dust generation may be one of the nuances during construction stage in the immediate area due to soil/road
disturbance and strong winds. To mitigate this impact, regular sprinkling of water in the exposed areas and
immediate rehabilitation of the exposed working area will significantly address the problem. If water is scarce
or not available, a tarpaulin or any soil cover must be provided for soil pile. The excavat ion and backfilling
activities must be scheduled properly.

Gravel crushing and screening areas and concrete batching plants should be located at least 500 m. away
from camp sites and construction areas so that dust and noise generated by these operations do not impact
the workers’ health. Washings from these areas should be intercepted and treated. Bulk cement delivery,
rather than bags, should be used wherever possible so as to reduce dust emissions and eventual problems
with disposal of large number of bags.

During the transport of construction materials, dust covers must be provided in transport trucks and speed
must be regulated to minimize generation of dust. Asphalt Hot Mix Plant, Rock Crushing and Bitumen Supply

Construction of the dam will require rock based material and concrete. Although the emissions from powered
mechanical equipment that supply crushed rock and concrete will be rapidly dispersed, they will need to be
sited carefully to avoid complaints.

In order to maintain the existing air quality of the project area in a condition acceptable to the local population,
compliance with the following mitigation measures will be needed:

 If available, cement batching and aggregate mixing plant will be strategically situated near the project
site to provide ready mixed concrete requirements. However, it shall be located as far as possible
from sensitive receptors in order to spare these receptors from nuisances that may arise from the
operation for these facilities. If an open area that is not close to pollutant receptors is not available,
the contractor may opt to use an enclosed area in order to reduce noise and emissions from the
batching plant.
 All conditions of DENR permits and local guidelines shall be observed.
 Dust suppression equipment shall be installed at cement and aggregate mix plants.
 Areas of construction on the dam roads as well as the haul road shall be maintained damp by
watering the construction area.
 Where local roads are used for haulage they shall be kept in serviceable condition and any damage
shall be repaired promptly without interference to local travel routes.
 Storage sites, mixing plants, and asphalt (hot mix) plants will be at least 500m downwind of the
nearest human settlements or as otherwise required under DENR permits and guidelines.
 All hot-mix plants, crushers, and batching plants will be located in agreement with the municipality
and installed on a sealed area only after receiving approval from the relevant local authority and


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Fumes from asphalt chemicals are likely to be well dissipated in the wide open street and the criteria in the
standards should not be exceeded. However, phenol compounds in the bitumen have a very low odor
threshold and extremely low concentrations can cause nuisances. These are unlikely to accumulate to toxic
levels but the plant for the supply of molten bitumen should be sighted well away from rivers and streams,
schools, health clinics and other sensitive receivers.

Bituminous materials will generally be applied using machines supplied from the asphalt plant, but if
bituminous compounds are to be applied by hand labor methods and melted in heaters, the fuel used shall
be kerosene, diesel, or gas fuel. Fuel wood shall not be used for heating bitumen; neither will bitumen be
used as fuel.

Bitumen drums will be stored in a dedicated area, not scattered along the works and any small accidental
spills of bitumen or chemicals should be cleaned up immediately. The waste, including the top two (2) cm of
any contaminated soil, should be disposed of as chemical waste to an approved landfill or approved local
authority disposal site.
Bitumen plant and rock crusher activities (if required) will be controlled (e.g. hot -mix plants should not be
located within 500m of any sensitive receiver, river bank but located at convenient sites nearby but downwind
of and at least 500m from sensitive receptors such as schools.

It is possible that contamination of soil may occur from oils and chemicals at asphalt / bitumen plant sites,
workshop areas, and equipment washing-yards. The contamination may limit the future use of land for
agricultural purposes. The following practices will be adopted to minimize the risk of soil contamination:

 The contractors will be required to instruct and train their workforce in the storage and handling of
materials and chemicals that can potentially cause soil contamination.
 Debris generated by the dismantling of existing pavement will be recycled subject to the suitability
of the material.
 Solid waste generated during construction and at campsites will be properly treated and safely
disposed of only in demarcated off-site waste disposal sites identified and agreed with PIU, local
community and local authorities.

In an event where soil contamination is not avoided, measures that will remediate the contaminated area/s
and means to dispose of contaminated soil shall be implemented. In this case, the Contractor shall (1) submit
environmental site assessment (ESA) and site remediation measures and disposal plan to DENR and DPWH;
(2) undertake by themselves the plan or engage the services of a third party with specialization on site
remediation and disposal of contaminated materials; and, (3) submit final documentation on the results of the
remediation and disposal undertaken. Generation of Noise and Vibration

Generation of noise and vibration in the project site and along the transport route of trucks that will deliver
construction materials will be part of the impact of the project during construction phase. To mitigate these
impacts, construction work must be done in daytime only. Moreover, transport routes and speeds must be
planned accordingly to avoid noise sensitive areas.

3.2.4 The People In-migration

The increased employment opportunities should benefit the affected communities first ; hence, the
employment of qualified local residents during construction phase should be given priority over migrant labor.
As much as possible, the latter should be limited to specialized skills not available in the area. Whenever
appropriate, labor intensive methods should be promoted.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
NIA should adopt a strict policy which will mandate all contractors to source their required workforce locally
and develop a scheme of prioritization in local hiring based on those qualified locals and on who needs them
most. The prioritization scheme should emanate from discussion with the IA groups and indirect beneficiaries
and be made as transparent as possible to the community. The scheme will be incorporated in the contract
documents with all the contractors and it would be monitored. Rightful compensation for the laborers should
also be observed.

Although the priority source for labor force will be members of the community, specifically members of the
IAs, there may be a need to bring in outside labor force. Workers above 100 in number brought into the area
will need housing in specially constructed suitable camps and provided with safe and healthy work
environment. Camps will need to be supplied with potable water and adequate washing and sanitation
facilities; these will be included as requirements within the Contract Documents. Threat to Public Health and Safety

Occupational Health and Safety of Construction Workers:

When earth-moving activities are undertaken, the workers must be outfitted with the standard saf ety gears
as required by law and oriented on the standard safety and emergency measures that will be implemented.
The safety gears and orientation of workers should ensure minimization and/or prevention of accidents
caused by moving machines and altered terrain.

The General and Special Conditions of Contract as well as the Technical Specifications are part and parcel
of the Construction Contract. In these documents, provisions for the safety of the public and the workers
within the construction zone should be stipulated.

Decrease Community Hazards

When earth-moving activities are undertaken, markers aimed to warn people against going into or near the
construction site should be installed. The markers should prevent accidents caused by moving machineries
or altered terrain.

The present initiative to heighten and promote the project through more aggressive information and education
campaign must be enhanced in order to increase such level of information not only in the service area but
also in the upstream and downstream barangays. Full information about the project and its impacts is needed
for the people to give meaningful participation. Generation of Local Benefits from the Project

Main local benefits generated by the project at this stage will be the generation of jobs for the locals, because
as discussed earlier, the construction stage of the project will need significant amount of workforce. These
jobs, albeit temporary, will ease the unemployment rate in the direct impact barangays. To further enhanc e
these positive impacts for the host barangays, proposed policy for hiring of workers, as suggested in the
mitigation of probable in-migration problem previously, should be implemented. Chance Find Procedures

All findings belong to the Government of the Philippines (GOP). The National Commission of Culture and Arts
(NCCA) is the agency tasked in the preservation and protection of cultural properties, by virtue of the
implementation of R.A. 4846 (or the Cultural Properties Protection and Preservation Act, 1966) , P.D. 374
(An Act Amending Some Sections of R.A. 4846, 1974 ); R.A. 8492 ( the National Museum Act of 1998) and
Republic Act No. 10066 - An Act Providing for the Protection and Conservation of the National Cultural
Heritage, Strengthening the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) and its Affiliated Cultural
Agencies and for Other Purposes. With R.A. 10066, the NCAA will determine the final destination of any


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
artifact that is salvaged during the construction process. A chance find proce dure was developed in
accordance with the Philippines regulations. These procedures are included as standard provisions in the
Contractors’ construction contracts to ensure the protection of cultural heritage

If the Contractor discovers archeological sites, historical sites, remains and objects, including graveyards
and/or individual graves during excavation or construction, the Contractor shall:

a) Stop the construction activities in the area of the chance find;

b) Delineate the discovered site or area;
c) Secure the site to prevent any damage or loss of removable objects. In cases of removable of
antiquities or sensitive remains, a night guard shall be arranged until the responsible local authorities
or the National Commission of Culture and Arts (NCCA) takes over; and,
d) After stopping work, the contractor must immediately report the discovery to the concerned
government authorities.

The contractor is not entitled to claim compensation for work suspension during this period. The Supervision
Engineer is entitled to suspend work, and to request from the contractor some excavations at the contractor’s
expense if he thinks that a discovery was made and not reported. With the approval of the Supervision
Engineer and Safeguard Officer, the Contractor is then required to temporarily demarcate and limit access to
the site. The Supervision Engineer and Safeguard Officer are entitled to decide whether the Physical Cultural
Resources (PCR) can be removed, and for the work to continue (e.g. in cases where the find is a small

The Contractor should then, at the request of the Supervision Engineer or the Safeguard Officer, and within
a period of two working days, make a Chance Find Report (CFR), recording:

a) Date and time of discovery;

b) Location of the discovery;
c) Description of the PCR;
d) Estimated weight and dimensions of the PCR; and
e) Temporary protection implemented.

The CFR should be submitted to the Supervision Engineer, who will then submit it to DPWH and notify the
National Commission of Culture and Arts (NCCA) of the finding.

Prior arrangements with the NCCA will be conducted, in order to send a representative who will arrive at the
discovery site within 24 to 48 hours, the representative will determine the course of action. This would require
a preliminary evaluation of the findings to be performed by the archeologists of the NM. The significance and
importance of the findings should be assessed according to the various criteria relevant to cultural heritage;
those include the aesthetic, historic, scientific/research, social, and economic values. Subsequent actions
may include, but not limited to:

a) Removal of PCR deemed to be of significance;

b) Execution of further excavation within a specified distance of the discovery point; and,
c) Extension or reduction of the area demarcated by the contractor.

These actions should be taken within 7 days. The contractor will not be entitled to claim compensation for
work suspension during this period. If the NCCA’s representatives fail to arrive within the stipulated period,
the Supervision Engineer will have the authority to extend the period by two days. If the NCCA’s
representatives fail to arrive after the extension period, the Supervision Engineer will have the authority to
instruct the Contractor to remove the PCR or undertake other mitigating measures and resume work. Such
additional works can be charged to the contract. However, the contractor may not be entitled to claim
compensation for work suspension during this period.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
During this 7-day period, the NCCA will be entitled to request the temporary suspension of the work at the
vicinity of the discovery site for an additional period (i.e. 30 days). The contractor will not be entitled to claim
compensation for work suspension during this period. However, the contractor will be enti tled to establish an
agreement with the NCCA for additional services or resources during this further period under a separate
contract with the NCCA.

Construction works would resume only after permission is granted from NIA or the NCAA concerning the
safeguard of the heritage. Watershed Management Implementation Plan

The watershed that will serve as the source of water for the Cabano SRIP is located along the Cabano river.

For the success in the implementation of the Cabano Watershed Program, a Multipar tite Monitoring Team
shall be created to direct and administer the programs through the concerted efforts to link agency

The Monitoring Team shall be composed of representations from the National Irrigation Administration (NIA)
as the lead agency; Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR); National Commission on
Indigenous People (NCIP); Department of Education (DepEd); Philippine Army (PA); Philippine National
Police (PNP); representatives from the Provincial and Municipal governments, and the Barangay.

A regular quarterly meeting of the Monitoring Team shall be called for in order to assess, review the plans
and the progress of the implementation activities.

In order to sufficiently and effectively implement the contract for reforestation development plan and relevant
watershed management activities in the watershed, personnel and plantation workers will be hired in
accordance with the following staffing pattern. Thus,

 Watershed Management Section

 Office of the Section Chief
- 1 Watershed Management Chief A
- 1 Driver B
 Plans, Programs, Monitoring & Evaluation Staff
- 1 Sr. Engineer A
- 1 Clerk Processor A
- 1 Utility Worker A

 Engineering Section
 Office of the Unit Head
- 1 Sr. Engineer A
- 1 Clerk Processor
 Survey and Design
- 1 Engineer A
- 1 Engineering Assistant A
- 1 Draftsman
- 1 Survey Aide A
- 1 Utility Worker B
 Hydrology & Research
- 1 Engineer A
- 1 Engineering Assistant A


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
- 1 Hydromet Observer
- 1 Utility Worker B

 Community Affairs Unit

 Office of the Unit Head
- 1 Sr. Community Relations Officer A
- 1 Clerk Processor B
 Training & Extension
- 1 Community Relations Officer A
- 1 Cartographer
- 1 Labor Aide
 Documentation and Information
- 1 Community Relations Officer A
- 1 Photographer A
- 1 Utility Worker B

 Plantation Operations Unit

 Office of the Unit Head
- 1 Sr. Agronomist A
- 1 Clerk Processor B
 Nursery Operation
- 1 Agronomist A
- 1 Research Assistant A
- 1 Utility Worker B
 Plantation Establishment & Development
- 1 Agronomist A
- 1 Research Assistant A
- 1 Utility Worker B
 Land Resources Evaluation
- 1 Engineer A
- 1 Research Assistant A
- 1 Utility Worker B

3.3 Mitigating/enhancement measures for the operation and maintenance phase

Mitigating measures for the operation phase are essentially long-term in nature. In the Philippines, agricultural
water management is focused in improving flood control, dam operations, planning database, stewards’
capability, and irrigation performance. The government is continuously making efforts in adapting climate
change issues as well as achieving rice self-sufficiency by creating policies and programs. To achieve high
degree of irrigation, cropping intensity and crop yield in the area, NIA adopts measures that improve water
adequacy, control, distribution, conservation, monitoring and stewardship. Simultaneous with this priority
thrust is the crash program for the development of agricultural vulnerability maps and vulnerability mapping
capability on climate change impact.

The overall output of this program is essential in the identification and positioning of adaptation and mitigation
measures in order to lessen exposure and risk to the impact of climate change and extremes. The occurrence
of tropical cyclones is also frequent in the country as these events inflict substantial damage and losses due
to devastating torrents and floods accompanied by strong winds. Learning from these events, NIA deemed


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
disaster mitigation critical. Such measures include thorough assessment of dam designs and its
infrastructures to ensure stability against the becoming more intense and disastrous natural disasters caused
by climate change.

Fiercer competition for water allocation among the different sectors of society amidst “diminishing” available
plain or potable water justifies the need for more responsible integrated water resource planning.
Harvesting/storing of rainfall and runoff in ponds and reservoirs during rainy seasons is a prudent way of
preparing for dry spells and droughts. Thus, NIA accorded greater emphasis on the implementation of
reservoir irrigation systems – considering the resiliency of such impart when water crisis like droughts and El
Niño strike. The proposed environmental management plans are as follows:

3.3.1 The Land Potential Geologic-Related and Other Natural Events Impacts

The following measures are recommended in order to prevent intensive structural destruction from potential
geologic-related hazards and other natural events such as typhoons ad landslides calamities:

a) To mitigate any disastrous effects of ground shaking, the dam structure to be erected at the proposed
site should conform to the National Structural Code of the Philippines. The structure should be able
to withstand an earthquake with a magnitude of at least intensity VII on the Adapted Rossi -Forel
Intensity Scale. The computed peak ground acceleration (PGA) values should be utiliz ed for the
engineering design of the structures to be erected at the site.

b) To lessen the risk of mass movement at the proposed dam site: 1) the slope height and gradient
must be reduced to produce more stable average slope; 2) benching and installation of riprap walls
with efficient weep holes on slope must be made; 3) structural vegetative measure specifically on
barren areas must be undertaken; 4) artificial dynamic loads (e.g. electric motors and water pumps)
that would trigger local ground shaking in the area should be installed away from the slopes; and, 5)
the footing of the dam structures must be embedded to the rigid bedrock and must be designed to
resist lateral earth and hydrostatic pressure.

c) A protective wall with efficient weep holes must be installed to cover and protect the erosion- prone
portions of the river bank. The foundation of the protective wall must be founded on competent
bedrock and must be rigid enough to prevent toppling. A buffer zone of about 5 meters from the crest
of the bank must be marked as unbuildable to permanent building structures.

d) Designs and specifications of all structures shall be in accordance with local and/or international
Structural Codes. Change in Soil Quality

Loss of soil productivity results from over-irrigation or poor soil drainage. This leads to waterlogging and
salinization of the soils, and a reduction or complete loss of their usefulness for cropping. Salinization is the
building-up of mineral salts in the soil as water evaporates from the soil surfac e. The following are the
mitigation measures for the environmental effects on soil quality:

a) The soils subjected to irrigation should be assessed together with their management needs under
irrigated agriculture;
b) Water should be applied efficiently;
c) Drainage should be adequate both surface and subsurface;
d) Canals should be lined to prevent seepage especially main and lateral canals; and
e) Exposed soils should be mulched to reduce evaporation.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
3.3.2 The Water Change in Drainage Morphology/Inducement of Flooding/Reduction in Stream Volumetric Flow

The presence of the dam structure on the source river will affect the hydraulic properties of the river. The
specification of the proposed diversion dam such as type, height and capacity of dam structure will be the
determining factors for these changes. The impact of these changes in the environment should be addressed
and mitigated in the planning stage, for these effects will be long term and will not be easily reversible. The
following are the mitigation measures at planning stage considering the effects of the project on the alteration
of drainage morphology of the river, inducement of flooding risk due to the presence of structure in the river
and environmental effects of the reduction of river flow downstream the divers ion point.

a) Careful planning of dam specifications taking into consideration the end user of the project;
b) Assessment of the impact of the resulting change in stream flow of the source river. The main factor
that will contribute to this effect will be the discharge the intake structure can divert for irrigation use;
c) Assessment of the resulting inundation level the presence of dam structure will produce. The main
factor that will contribute to the inundation level at the immediate upstream of the dam will be its
height. Change in Stream and Water Depth

The alteration of volume of flow of the source river will translate to changes in water levels and flow
downstream. The resulting flow and water depth downstream the diversion point should still be within
reasonable depth and not be much depleted. Degradation of Surface Water Quality

Control use of Agro-chemical and Fertilizer to Reduce Hazards to Aquatic Environments

The overall impact of agrochemical hazards can be mitigated by the safe use and applica tion of these
chemicals as stipulated in the users’ information and precautionary labels attached to the containers.
Additionally, empty containers must not be allowed to be disposed of in water courses or be used to collect
drinking water or as food containers. Also, the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program should be adopted
to reduce the use of agro-chemicals. With careful observation of pest levels, IPM applied with reasonable
success is a cheaper and effective option than pesticide spraying. IPM is also in keeping with the strategies
of the Department of Agriculture. Unsubsidized pricing of agro- chemicals will tend to regulate the heavy use
of pesticides.

The best way to mitigate pollution problems from the use of agro-chemicals is to implement the IPM program.
IPM considers all available pest control techniques and subsequent integration of appropriate measures that
discourage the development of pest populations. It also keeps pesticides and other interventions to levels
that are economically justified and reduce or minimize risks to human health and the environment. IPM
emphasizes the growth of a healthy crop with the least possible disruption to agro -ecosystems and
encourages natural pest control mechanisms.

This can be done through a multi-sectoral participation of IAs, DA, NIA, LGU and other local stakeholders. If
IPM is applied, existing pests and diseases caused by them can be identified. By detecting potential and/or
actual problems in the field, the proper IPM program can be customized to sq uarely address the problem,
and in a way, will translate to saving money. The customized IPM will provide measures and estimates on
cost of control and compare this to the potential reduction in yield, helping you choose the right crop protection


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
The local IAs should solicit the assistance of local DA experts and specialist on IPM in order to initiate the
timely crop pest management programs. IAs should be able to allocate resources to use for the field visits of
IPM experts. With collegial planning for the customized IPM, timing of IPM implementation, coinciding with
the most critical periods for crop development and the emergence of weeds and insects, can be developed
and applied.

Downstream Water Quality Pollution Prevention and Control

Farmers must avoid excessive fertilizer residues entering the waterways when using inorganic fertilizers; this
could be regulated to a certain extent by limiting the rate of application due to high cost of these inputs. The
Department of Agriculture (DA) extension personnel under the Local Government Units (LGUs) are promoting
the program whereby sprays and inorganic fertilizers are replaced by organic form. The FPA announced that
several organic fertilizer blends are now being marketed. They are less concentrated so they require higher
application rates than inorganic fertilizers. The FPA also runs programs that teach farmers regarding
composting of organic fertilizers which could be recommended to farmers in order to reduce inorganic fertilizer
input applications. Degradation of Groundwater Quality

Groundwater Pollution Control and Mitigation

It is prudent to undertake measures that will mitigate the potential contamination of the groundwater by
pesticide use, particularly because an increase in irrigation will lead to an increase in farming activities, and
these could increase the use of pesticides in the short and medium term in terms of percentage application
per unit area.

The potential risk of contamination due to the use of pesticides is likely to be mitigated by the following:

a) Farmers training on the proper application of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and other agro -
chemicals. The training should make the farmers aware of the balance fertilization with appropriate
kind and amount of fertilizers and the adverse effects of pesticides not only on the environment but
also on their health.

b) Adoption of the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for pest and weed control. The program is
expected to reduce the risks to groundwater and surface water contaminat ion. IPM is defined as the
judicious use and integration of various pest control tactics. These tactics are used in the context of
the associated environment of the pests and in ways that complement and facilitate biological and
other environmentally benign controls of pests to meet economic, public health, and environmental
goals. An example of IPM is the use of biological controls such as microbial agents ( Bacillus
thuringiensis and certain fungi) plant extracts, insect hormones, and natural enemies (para sitic
wasps, nematodes, and ladybugs) which disrupt the mating patterns of pests.

c) Information and educational campaign on what pesticide to use. The farmers shall be informed of
the list of banned pesticides and the effects of using these pesticides through training and information
dissemination. Only those recommended by the proper authorities such as the Philippine Pesticide
Authority, the Department of Agriculture, etc. shall be used.

d) Educating the farmers on the proper disposal of pesticide containers , waste and left over. The
disposal practices include:

 Disposal in lined landfill.

 Puncture metal cans and drums before disposal.
 Break glass containers.
 Crystal of sodium carbonate and powdered lime can be used to neutralize chemical waste.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

e) Proper storage. According to the FAO, it is not uncommon for drums containing pesticides to be
stored in the open, exposed to direct sunlight and rain, or kept in shoddy areas lacking thick floors
and ventilation. As time goes by, the drums deteriorate and start leaking. High temperatures can also
increase the chances of leakage. Other storage practices include:

 Storing pesticides in their original containers. The storage areas must be safe, dry, locked,
and well-ventilated.
 The pesticide containers are sealed, labeled correctly, and kept out of reach of children
and animals.
 All empty containers are rinsed three times with water. The rinse water is then dumped
into the sprayer.
 No burning of empty containers that contain mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic, or inorganic
pesticides. The containers must be disposed properly.

f) Groundwater and surface water quality monitoring.

The use of pesticides that accumulate in biological systems has become persistent in the area. Furthermore,
non-biodegradable products with pernicious effects on humans and the environment should be discouraged,
if not entirely banned within the irrigation service area. This rule should be applied especially to the following
pesticides with the following active ingredients: parathion-methyl, carbofuran, coumatetralyl and zinc
phosphide, which are classified as extremely and highly hazardous by the WHO and paraquat, which is
already banned. In lieu of them, organic pesticides should be used, such as household insecticidal soap, and
biopesticides (i.e. garlic spray), are certain types of pesticides derived from organic materials such as
animals, plant, bacteria, and certain minerals. Two kinds of biopesticides are biochemical pesticides (e.g.,
garlic and pheromones) and microbial pesticides (e.g., bacteria, fungi and viruses). To use biopesticides
effectively, users need to know about pest management (USEPA website). In cases when biopesticides and
organic pesticides will not work on some pest infestations, less toxic alternatives are also available in the
market. An example of this is the imidazoline family of herbicides since these are more effective and less
toxic to humans, animals and fish. They also have less persistence in soil and are formulated using water
instead of flammable solvents. Another is the production of synthetic pyrethroids. These are effective
pesticide and less toxic to animals and humans than organophosphates and carbonates. They are activated
by the insect’s biological system and therefore poses no danger to vertebrates. They are also less persistent
in the environment, as they are biodegradable. This includes Karate, which is already being used in the
service area.

Most importantly, the use of these alternative types of pesticides should be used in the context of IPM to
achieve a more holistic approach to dealing with this potential problem and maintain/sustain very minimal use
of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Long-term Water Security Concerns

Since the project is water-dependent, it is important to ensure that the water flowing from Cabano River must
be maintained at a productive level in order to satisfy the project’s objectives. Regulation of the water flow
can be addressed by implementing a holistic Watershed Management Plan to ensure that water discharge at
the Cabano River will be maintained at the desired level to irrigate the target 550-hectare service area of the


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
3.3.3 The People: Threat to Public Health and Safety

Control of Schistosomiasis Diseases

The spread of Schistosomiasis is best controlled by the following measures: (i) drainage of swampy areas,
(ii) ensuring that water is conveyed in channels at speeds greater than 0.5 m/s, which will provide an
inhospitable environment for the growth of intermediate snail host, (iii) regular periodic channel maintenance
which would close the channel for a few days allowing vegetation to be removed and allow the channel and
associated water control structures to dry out, (iv) avoiding human-water contact by the provision of an
adequate density of canal crossings, (v) provision of adequate sanitation facilities so that people do not
defecate into water courses, (vi) increased awareness of the disease, and (vii) increase IEC on environmental
sanitation. It is considered that these controls as mitigation measures could dimini sh the incidence of the
disease. The disease could be readily treated with Praziquantel.

Occupational Health Hazards from Improper Use of Agro-chemicals and Fertilizer

To mitigate the impact on pesticide poisoning, (i) only pesticides that are Category 4 (only mildly toxic) should
be recommended for the farm input package, (ii) farmers are advised of the health hazards associated with
agro-chemicals and farmers’ training programs are conducted in correct handling and application methods of
agro-chemicals, and (iii) adoption of IPM is introduced (which is not currently implemented in the area).


3.4.1 The Land

During the decommissioning of the project facilities, potential impacts include land pollution d ue to improper
solid waste disposal and more natural consequences such as landslides. To avoid these impacts, it is
necessary that actions be taken against them.

It is important that there be a proper disposal of residual wastes and spoils to the nearest sanitary landfill to
prevent unwanted soil contamination. Hazardous wastes that are generated must also be disposed of thru
DENR-registered TSD facilities. Aside from wastes, the project also runs the risk of landslides and mass
wasting. Thus, it is imperative that the area be monitored regularly to be checked for critical areas, and
necessary supports be installed as needed. Additionally, there is also an expected loss in vegetation of the
project area. It is recommended that the soil be sampled to determine its viability for planting. If it is
determined to be infertile land, it is encouraged that the soil be first processed and treated to make it viable
for planting. Once fertile, re-vegetation of the project area can commence.

3.4.2 The Water

The project also runs the risk degrading the surface water quality of nearby water bodies. It is recommended
that during the decommissioning phase, wastes should be properly disposed in assigned disposal areas,
away from any water body.

3.4.3 The People

The project could not simply be abandoned, as it is intended to supply irrigation water to the service area for
as long as it takes. It is the responsibility of the farmer beneficiaries, the community, and the lead government
agency (NIA) to maintain the system in good working condition. Proper watershed management should also
be implemented in order to retain adequacy of water from water source for many years.


Summary of the Impact Management Plan (IMP) for the proposed project is presented in Table 3-1.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Table 3-1: Impact Management Plan
Project Phase/ Project Phase/
Environmental Aspect Environmental Environmental Aspect Potential Impact
(Project Activity which will Component Likely to (Activity Likely to Impact [positive (+) and Options for Prevention or Mitigation or Enhancement Location of Impacts Responsible Entity Cost Guarantee/ Financial Arrangements
Likely Impact the be Affected the Environmental negative (-)]
Environmental Component) Component)
1) ROW Acquisition/ The Land Land Tenure problems; Absence of legal NIA to undertake land acquisition / land donation Direct impact areas NIA-IGIMO PhP ± 13.5M NIA to ensure successful completion of the
Easement document to establish activities to establish adequate data/information on land affected by ROW. land acquisition works prior to project
Land tenure and change land ownership. ownership. implementation
in ownership.
Absence of legal
documents may cause
uncertainty on the
establish landowner.
1) Change in surface The Land Civil works such as dam Improper 1) Install necessary slope protection where steep Direct impact areas NIA-IGIMO / Contractor PhP± 5 M Part of the construction cost under the
landform/topo and slope alteration implementation of slope slopes are present. General Appropriations Act (GAA).
graphy/terrain slope protection may cause in
failure. 2) Install proper barrier and warning signs where
Excavation of canals excavation or other altered terrain may cause danger
Excavated earth from to workers.
the proposed canal
stretch may cause 3) Designate a Spoils Storage Area, with topsoil set
danger and obstruction aside for later use and allow maximum re-use of
2) Soil erosion and The Land Civil works Uncontrolled sediment 1) Construction during dry season. Direct impact areas NIA-IGIMO/ PhP ± 0.10 M Part of the construction cost under the
sedimentation control transport 2) Loose sediment will be carried into the service area Contractor General Appropriations Act (GAA).
and management and not in the watercourse.
3) Surplus excavated materials be used as backfill for
canal embankment, service/access road and NIA/IA
4) Proper management of spoils.
5) Re-use of excavated soil.
6) Excavated materials that cannot be hauled
immediately should be covered and/or surrounded by
a bund.
7) Good construction practices which are specified
within the Contract Documents.
8) Major excavation work especially for the modified
intake system are scheduled during the low flow
9) Site Soil Protection and Rehabilitation Program is
included within the Contract Documents that is the
Contractor’s responsibility.
3) Vegetation removal and The Land Civil works such as Localized tree cutting or 1) Limit land clearing as much as possible. Direct impact areas NIA-IGIMO/ Contractor PhP ± 0.5 M Part of the construction cost under the
loss of habitat clearing and grubbing vegetation clearing, and 2) Provide a temporary fencing to vegetation that will General Appropriations Act (GAA).
disturbance to wildlife. be retained.
3) Use of markers and fences to direct heavy
equipment traffic in the construction site and avoid
damage to plants.
4) Undertake proper maintenance of equipment and
use of mufflers to avoid wildlife disturbance due to
5) Implement tree planting around the facility.
6) Revegetation with double purpose of serving as
vegetation buffer to wildlife.
4) Degradation of water The Water Construction activities Increase water bodies 1) The extent of earthworks should be minimized to Direct and indirect NIA-IGIMO/ Contractor PhP ± 0.10 M Part of the construction cost under the
surface quality turbidity due to siltation. those that are necessary. impact areas General Appropriations Act (GAA).
2) Extensive grading and earthworks should be
Release of untreated Fuel, oil and grease minimized in erosion prone areas.
domestic wastewater by contamination of rivers 3) The stockpile area should be sited on higher ground.
construction workers and creeks. Increase 4) A site protection and rehabilitation measure that
BOD load of receiving addresses soil erosion resulting from construction,
water bodies. as well as good operating procedures, should be
adopted by the Contractor.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Project Phase/ Project Phase/
Environmental Aspect Environmental Environmental Aspect Potential Impact
(Project Activity which will Component Likely to (Activity Likely to Impact [positive (+) and Options for Prevention or Mitigation or Enhancement Location of Impacts Responsible Entity Cost Guarantee/ Financial Arrangements
Likely Impact the be Affected the Environmental negative (-)]
Environmental Component) Component)
5) Sediments must be contained within the construction
site through sediment basins or other retention
structures such as rock dikes.
6) Hydraulic conveyance facilities to handle increased
surface run-off should be installed.
7) Run-off velocities should be reduced by benching,
back sloping, vegetative fences along the contour
such as vetiver grass, concave slopes instead of
convex slopes.
8) Run-off should be diverted away from the steep
slopes and denuded areas by constructing
interceptors, drains and beams.
9) The extent and duration that bare soil is exposed to
erosion by wind and water should be minimized
using mulches and fast growing herbaceous covers.
10) Disturbed areas should be stabilized as soon as
possible by slope flattening, re-vegetation and
diversion of surface run-off.
11) Topsoil, whenever it is available, should be removed
separately from the rest of the overburden.
12) The erosion control measures should be inspected
and maintained regularly.
13) Spills of oil and grease especially in the equipment
maintenance area must be avoided by good
housekeeping, regular inspection of working areas,
and provision of waste containment area for filters
and other consumables, and proper maintenance of
the oil-water separator.
14) Fuel and oil storage areas should be located well
away from any watercourses and be provided with
interceptor traps so that accidental spills do not
contaminate the aquatic environment.
15) All waste oil should be stored and disposed of
according to acceptable oil industry standards.
Washing down water also needs to be directed into
this system and held in retention areas for treatment.
16) As much as possible, the contractor should employ
the ecological waste management. Compostable
materials must be segregated from the non-
biodegradable. Compost pits may be provided;
markets for the recyclables determined. Wastes,
which are neither compostable nor recyclables,
should be stored in an HDPE lined landfill.
17) Camp and construction areas will need to be
provided with septic sanitation facilities (i.e. portable
portalets) that are prevented from draining to any
watercourse. No untreated human waste or washings
should be allowed to enter any water course as this
will affect downstream water quality, aquatic
environments and human health.
18) When construction is completed, the Contractor must
be directed to clean up the construction site by
removing all equipment and buildings and carry out
site remediation work. This should be included in the
contract documents and the specifications
19) Formulation watershed management plan for
Cabano River.
5) Contribution in terms of The Air Construction activities Air emission from 1) Conduct regular maintenance of heavy equipment to Direct impact areas NIA-IGIMO/ Contractor PhP 120,000 /yr Part of the construction cost under the
Greenhouse gas using heavy equipment movement of minimize air emissions. General Appropriations Act (GAA).
emissions construction 2) Conduct of emission test for construction vehicles
Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Project Phase/ Project Phase/
Environmental Aspect Environmental Environmental Aspect Potential Impact
(Project Activity which will Component Likely to (Activity Likely to Impact [positive (+) and Options for Prevention or Mitigation or Enhancement Location of Impacts Responsible Entity Cost Guarantee/ Financial Arrangements
Likely Impact the be Affected the Environmental negative (-)]
Environmental Component) Component)
6) Degradation of air quality The Air Construction activities Increase dust 1) Regular sprinkling of water in the exposed areas to Direct impact areas NIA-IGIMO/ Contractor PhP 50,000 /yr Part of the construction cost under the
such as clearing and generation minimize dust. General Appropriations Act (GAA).
grubbing 2) Gravel crushing and screening, and concrete
batching plants be located at least 500m from camp
7) Generation of Noise and The Air Construction activities 1) Scheduling of construction works during day time Direct and indirect NIA-IGIMO/ Contractor PhP 50,000 /yr Part of the construction cost under the
Vibration using heavy equipment only. impact areas General Appropriations Act (GAA).
2) Transport route of trucks delivering construction
materials at site must avoid noise sensitive areas.
3) In transporting construction materials, proper speed
must be observed to avoid too much noise and
8) In-migration The People Hiring of construction Labor and employment 1) Prioritize hiring of local laborers. Direct impact areas NIA-IGIMO/ Contractor PhP ± 1.0 M Included in Labor Cost During Construction
workers opportunity for the local 2) Just compensation be provided.
9) Threat to public health The People Conduct of various civil Exposure of 1) Adherence to DOLE Occupational Safety and Health Direct impact areas NIA-IGIMO/ Contractor PhP 150,000 /year Included in Labor Cost During Construction
and safety works during construction construction workers to Hazard Standards.
job-related accidents 2) Provision of personal protective and safety
and potential diseases equipment for workers such as knee-high rubber
such as malaria. boots and oriented them with standard safety and
emergency measures.
3) Provide sanitary facilities for workers.
4) Proper installation of markings or warning signs.
10) Generation of Local The People Hiring of construction Ease unemployment in 1) Prioritize hiring of local laborers. Direct impact areas NIA-IGIMO / Contractor Included in Labor
Benefits from the project workers host barangays 2) Just compensation be provided. Cost During
1) Potential Geologic- The Land Effect of natural geologic Structural failures due 1) Implementation of contingency plans or disaster risk Irrigation facilities and NIA-IGIMO PhP 500,000 Part of NIA’s Environmental Guarantee Fund
related and other natural hazards and calamities to natural catastrophe management and mitigation plans during and after appurtenances (EGF)
event impacts such as earthquakes the event.
which may cause 2) Designs and specifications of all structures shall be
damage to properties in accordance with NIA, local and international
and lives. Structural Codes.
2) Change in soil quality The Land Various operation and Waterlogging and 1) The soils subjected to irrigation should be assessed Direct Impact Area NIA-IGIMO /IAs PhP 50,000/yr Farmer’s individual monitoring
maintenance activities salination together with their management needs under
irrigated agriculture.
2) Water should be applied efficiently.
3) Drainage should be adequate both surface and
4) Canals should be lined to prevent seepage.
5) Exposed soils should be mulch to reduce
3) Inducement of The Land Design error Conduct of necessary pre-engineering investigations for Irrigation facilities and NIA-IGIMO Part of the overall Part of NIA’s Environmental Guarantee Fund
subsidence, landslides or consideration during the DED stage. appurtenances project cost (EGF)
other natural hazards
(Problems from
Oversights in Planning
and Design)
4) Change in drainage The Water Design of dam, intake Irrigation water 1) Careful planning of dam specifications taking into Direct and indirect NIA-IGIMO/ DENR PhP ±200,000 Included in Detailed Engineering Cost
morphology/ inducement structure and irrigation requirement will reduce consideration the end user of the project. impact areas
of flooding/ Reduction in canals volumetric flow 2) Assessment of the impact of the resulting change in
stream volumetric flow downstream the river stream flow of the source river. The main factor that
source. will contribute to this effect will be the discharge the
intake structure can divert for irrigation use.
3) Assessment of the resulting inundation level the
presence of dam structure will produce. The main
factor that will contribute to the inundation level at
the immediate upstream of the dam will be its height.
5) Degradation of surface The Water Various O&M activities Water pollution due to 1) Proper use of Agro-chemicals. Direct and indirect NIA-IGIMO / IAs PhP 50,000/yr Part of the overall project operation and
water quality excessive use of 2) Adoption of Integrated Pest Management Program impact areas maintenance cost
pesticides and fertilizers (IPM).


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Project Phase/ Project Phase/
Environmental Aspect Environmental Environmental Aspect Potential Impact
(Project Activity which will Component Likely to (Activity Likely to Impact [positive (+) and Options for Prevention or Mitigation or Enhancement Location of Impacts Responsible Entity Cost Guarantee/ Financial Arrangements
Likely Impact the be Affected the Environmental negative (-)]
Environmental Component) Component)
3) Teach farmers composting of organic fertilizers that
could be recommended to project farmers to reduce
inorganic fertilizer input applications.
6) Degradation of The Water Various O&M activities Water pollution due to 1) Farmer training on the proper application of chemical Direct and indirect NIA-IGIMO / IAs (Included Above) Part of the overall project operation and
groundwater quality excessive use of fertilizers. impact areas maintenance cost.
pesticides and fertilizers 2) Adoption of the Integrated Pest Management (IPM).
3) Information and educational campaign on what
pesticide to use.
4) Educating the farmers on the proper disposal of
pesticide containers, waste and left over.
5) Proper storage of pesticides.
6) Groundwater quality monitoring.
7) Long term Water Security The Water Various O&M activities Depletion of water 1) Holistic Watershed Management Plan for Cabano Direct and indirect NIA-IGIMO / IAs/ LGU PhP 300,000 Part of the overall project operation and
concerns source River. impact areas maintenance cost.
8) Threat to public health The People Various O&M activities Low flowing irrigation 1) Install drainage of swampy areas. Direct and indirect NIA-IGIMO / IAs/ LGU PhP 80,000/yr Part of the overall project operation and
and safety canals is conducive to 2) Ensure that water is conveyed in channels at speeds impact areas maintenance cost.
schistosomiasis snails’ greater than 0.5 m/s.
habitat and its disease 3) Conduct regular periodic channel maintenance.
which are not only life 4) Avoid human-water contact with provision of
threatening but also adequate canal crossings.
lead to severe morbidity 5) Provision of adequate sanitation facilities to prevent
and loss of ability to people from defecating into water courses.
work. 6) Increase awareness of the diseases.
7) Increase IEC on environmental sanitation.
9) Generation of local The People Various O&M activities Increase demand of Prioritize hiring of local farm labors. Direct and indirect NIA-IGIMO / IAs/ LGU Nil
benefits from the project local farm labors during impact areas
full farming operation
thereby increasing
family income


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Table 3-2: Summary Matrix of the Environmental Monitoring Plan with Environmental Quality Performance Level (EQPLs) Construction and O peration Phase
Annual Estimated
Environmental Aspect Parameter Mitigating Measure Location Lead Person EQPL Management Scheme
Cost (PhP)
 Use of canvas cover for delivery/ haul
 Water spraying to avoid re- suspension of
Dust and debris, TSP level, Emission of At the work site and in the immediate
Air pollution and Dust solids Contractor and proponent, PCO 150,000.00 RA 8749, DAO 14; DOLE OSH Standards
CO, SOx and NOx surrounding Upwind; downwind direction
 Increasing the greens and installation of
construction barriers
 Proper equipment use & maintenance
 Ear plugs and ear mufflers Contractor and proponent, PCO,
Noise Quality Noise generation in dBA Upwind; downwind direction; worksite 30,000.00 NPCC 1978; DOLE OSH Standards
 Physical barriers for noise attenuation Safety Officer
 Water conservation Drainage and sanitary provisions; proper
Contractor and proponent,
Wastewater TSS, BOD5, O&G, Coliforms, pH  Use & cleaning of proper waste disposal storage of liquid chemicals with secondary 60,000.00 RA 9275, DAO 2016-08
and drainage facility containment
RA 9275, DAO 2016-08
 Prevention of contaminated run-off
 Regular maintenance of the facility Alert level: If significant increase in the previous monitoring
Freshwater Surface Water especially on the catchment basin and Water discharge point, identified sampling results
TSS, BOD5 and O&G Contractor and proponent, PCO 60,000.00
Quality (Cabano River) spillway points during the conduct of the EIA
 Installation of mini dams, dikes or Action level: If the results obtained is equal to the standard
impoundments during construction concentration or level; either on the minimum or maximum level
in case of pH and
 Segregation and Recycling/ Proper
stockpiling & disposal
Volume of construction and domestic Contractor with utilities personnel,
Solid Waste  Use of compost pit Inside the job site 30,000.00 RA 9003
waste PCO
 Central sanitary garbage bins
 LGU of Tarlac City for garbage collection
 Proper segregation and labeling
 Designated temporary storage with
Volume of hazardous waste such as provision of sump pit in case of leaks and
Proponent, PCO, Contractor and 3rd
Hazardous Waste used oil, batteries, lighting fixtures spills Inside the job site RA6969; DAO 2013-22
party Transporter and TSD facilities 50,000.00
among others  3rd party DENR EMB accredited service
provider of the transport and treatment of
 Use of safety gadgets
 Health services
 Emergency equipment
Frequency of accidents & untoward
Personnel Health and Safety  Good working conditions & relations Inside the job site Contractor, Safety Officer 200,000.00 DOLE Rule 1070; RA 6969 and other applicable laws
 Holding of regular safety and tool box
 Posting of safety signs
*EQPL – Environmental Quality Performance


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)




The objective of the study is to perform a preliminary screening study to assess the risks of the project to
users and surrounding areas. The assessment will provide the basis for ensuring that identified hazards are
considered in the design of the project.

In general, the study systematically examines the safety of the project by addressing the identification of
hazardous events.

To provide the basic framework in the conduct of this study, certain terms used in the context of an
Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) shall be defined.

Hazard is defined as a physical situation with potential human injury, damage to property or environment, or
combination of these. On the other hand, risk is a combination of frequency or probability and the
consequence of a specified hazardous event. In brief, hazard may be considered as a potential of an agent
or process to do harm while risk is the likelihood of an agent to produce injury or harm occurring under
specified conditions. Risk may be estimated from the previous records of such consequences, given the same
or similar attendant conditions. A lesser record of experience increases the uncertainty in estimating the risk.
In some cases, the expression of risk includes the severity of damage or adverse result that could be in terms
of fatality, injury, or cost of property loss per unit of time.

Hazard identification is the first step in the risk assessment process. It entails the determination of all possible
events or processes that could lead to disastrous or fatal incidents. It also involves defining the inherent and
potential hazards of the substances or materials used, as well as the process hazards with potentia l to
adversely affect project personnel, the public, and the environment.

Consequence analysis is the second step. It is the estimation and/or assessment of the effects or results of
an incident. It uses various models beginning with the calculation of re lease rates to dispersion modeling.

Frequency analysis is the third step and may be defined as the estimation of the likelihood of occurrence of
the identified hazard.

Finally, risk estimation is the determination of outcome of an activity taking into account the probability of
occurrence. To obtain risk, the product function of the frequency and consequence analyses must be

Therefore, risk assessment is defined as the examination, analysis, evaluation, and estimation of an adverse
or undesirable event occurring in a given project area that could cause unacceptable impacts or results.
Technically, risk assessment is defined as the examination of the frequency of the target levels or impact to
the areas around a risk object. It consists of hazard identification, consequence analysis (expressed as
fatalities per event) and frequency analysis (in terms of events per year), which will eventually result in risk
estimation for each hazard identified, expressed as fatalities per million per year.

For worst case scenario of dam break/failure, there is a wide variety of flood damage models (assessment)
in use internationally, differing substantially in their approaches and economic estimates. The Comparative
Flood Damage Model Assessment is used for this project. It is a qualitative and quantitative assessment of
seven flood damage models, using two case studies of past flood events in Germany and United Kingdom.
The qualitative analysis shows that modelling approaches vary strongly, and that current met hodologies for
estimating infrastructural damage are not as well developed as methodologies for the estimation of damage
to buildings. The quantitative results show that the model outcomes are very sensitive to uncertainty in both


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
vulnerability (i.e. depth–damage functions) and exposure (i.e. asset values), whereby the first has a larger
effect than the latter. It was concluded that care needs to be taken when using aggregated land use data for
flood risk assessment, and it is essential to adjust asset values to the regional economic situation and property
characteristics. Thus, there is importance in the development of a flexible but consistent framework that
applies best practice from existing models while providing room for including necessary regional ad justments.

Risk Analysis is the systematic use of available information to identify hazards and estimate the risk to
individuals or populations, property, or the environment. It involves detailed examination of actual or
perceived events in order to understand and, thereby, predict probable outcomes.

Risk Evaluation is concerned with determining the significance of the estimated risks for those affected. It is
also the method of determining or describing the nature of the risks or uncertainties in order to arrive to logical
conclusions that could contribute in making or forming a decision.

Risk management encompasses the risk assessment process. It is the term applied to a logical and
systematic method of identifying, analyzing, assessing, treating, monitoring, and communicating risks
associated with any activity, function or process in a manner that would minimize losses and maximize

Qualitative analysis in the assessment of risks utilizes descriptive scales or levels to describe the likel ihood
of an event. Quantitative analysis, on the other hand, utilizes numerical values for both likelihood and
consequences to identify the risks based on the information of the industrial activities and its performance
standard. For this project, the former shall be used in utilizing the various risk maps generated by PHIVOLCS.

The objective of the study is to perform a preliminary screening study to assess the risks of the project to
users and surrounding areas. The assessment will provide basis to ensure identified hazards are considered
in the design of the project. The natural hazard profile of the Philippines is presented in Table 4-1.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)


Figure 4-1: Natural Hazard Profile of the Philippines


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)


Figure 4-2: Combined Risk to Climate Disaster Figure 4-3: Risk to El Niño


Figure 4-4: Risk to Projected Rainfall Change Figure 4-5: Risk to Projected Temperature Increase


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)


Figure 4-6: Risk to Typhoons Figure 4-7: Combined Risk to Geophysical



Figure 4-8: Risk to Earthquakes Figure 4-9: Risk to Earthquake-Induced Shallow



Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)


Figure 4-10: Risk to Tsunamis Figure 4-11: Risk to Volcanic Eruptions

Table 4-1: Qualitative Risk Assessment for Cabano SRiP

Qualitative Scale as to Level

Risk Category Type of Risk
of Occurrence/ Vulnerability

Combined Risk to Climate Disasters (See Figure 4-2) Low

Risk to El Nino (See Figure 4-3) Medium
Climate & Weather Risk to Projected Rainfall Change (See Figure 4-4) Low
Risk to Projected Temperature Change (See Figure 4-5) Low
Risk to Typhoons (See Figure 4-6) Low
Combined Risk to Geophysical Disasters
(See Figure 4-7) Low

Risk to Earthquakes (See Figure 4-8) Low

Geophysical Risk Risk to Earthquake-Induced Shallow Landslides
No Risk
(See Figure 4-9)
Risk to Tsunamis (See Figure 4-10) Medium
Risk to Volcanic Eruptions (See Figure 4-11) No Risk
Risk of failure due to flooding Low
Risk of failure due to sub-standard construction
Dam Failure materials and techniques
Risk of failure due to errors in design High
Risk of faillure due to poor maintenance High

For those types of risks with a scale of medium to very high, the project has contingency plans ready for
implementation in case of their unexpected occurrence. Though, the rating scale indicated that physical
hazards can possibly occur in this project, most of the risks having high scales can be mitigated by assuring
the quality of the dam from design to completion and performing proper operation and maintenance.

During the construction and operation phase, the affected population would include project employees,
residents and project beneficiaries, visitors, and to a certain extent, the neighboring residents. Failures
occurring during these phases may lead to serious events such as flooding that pose potential damage to
properties and agricultural produce. Structural failures may also occur in such situations.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
To minimize the damage to be incurred during the occurrence of such event, the project proponent should
avoid poor workmanship, error in design, sabotage, and many others. However, considering the different
precautionary measures undertaken (e.g., design check-and-balance, monitoring, security, etc.), damage to
property and lives may be minimized.

4.1.1 Risk of Dam Failure

Various factors in the project’s location can affect the structural integrity of the dam and may cause it to br eak.
Among these is the geological instability of the project location which can change due to the rising water
levels due to poor surveying. While the risk of earthquakes is low, consideration on the geology of the location
must be taken into account when constructing the dam.

Another factor are the materials and techniques used while constructing the dam. While cost -cutting is
beneficial to all stakeholders concerned, it should not be done in such a way that the materials and techniques
in the dam construction will be subpar. Cost-cutting should be done only when it does not compromise the
structural integrity of the project. Aside from the materials and techniques used during construction, dam
maintenance during the operational phase is just as important and should not be done half-heartedly.

Likewise, dam failure may be a direct result of design errors that may have been caused either by the
engineers, construction workers, the computer used, or a combination of some or all of them.

4.1.2 Emergency Plan Based on Hazard Analysis

Considering the occurrence of the risks with scale ratings medium to high, an early warning system (EWS)
will be installed in the areas that are at risk. This system will involve the barangay officials, Municipal Disaster
Risk Reduction Management Office, community volunteers and other stakeholders. Emergency simulation
and drills should be done regularly to show the community how the system works and what they should do in
case of emergency.


Risk management is a system that minimizes the risk, disseminates information on remaining risks, plans
emergency responses and mitigates the impact of any incident to all involved. It is the term generally used to
cover the whole process of identifying and assessing the risks and setting goals and creating operating
systems for their control. An important input to risk management is risk assessment. Indeed, the two terms
are sometimes treated as synonyms. However, risk management is generally accorded a broader meaning
to cover both a wider range of risks and a more complete set of activities.

4.2.1 Management in case of Occurrence of any Natural Events such as Typhoons and other Geologic-
related events

The occurrence of any geologic-related and natural catastrophic events such as flood, earthquakes, massive
landslides, and typhoons is understandably beyond the control of the project. In order to minimize destruction
in anticipation of their occurrences, the engineering design must incorporate in the detailed design all the
engineering and geological considerations for the successful implementation of the project. All project
components should be designed and constructed following the required engineering standards to ensure
structural stability of all of these support infrastructures.

4.2.2 Contingency Plan for Natural Disasters

Recurring natural disasters are seasonal in their patterns, just like the floods during monsoon season. With
natural disasters intensifying to greater scale as well as their increasing destructive force, there is a dir e need
to ensure that we have a Contingency Plan devised for such circumstances to be prepared for anything that
could happen. Contingency planning for natural disasters requires specific strategies and actions to deal with


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
particular problems like floods, landslides, fire, and typhoons. Contingency Plans include a monitoring
process and phases for activating planned actions.

The Project’s Contingency Plan for Natural Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) hinges on the
local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan (DRRMP) being implemented by the respective
Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (MDRRMO) of the municipality of San Lorenzo.
With rock solid cooperation from the locality and the MDRRMOs, the formulated DRRMP can be implemented
effectively to avoid loss of lives and cope with major natural disaster and calamities. Floods

The following list of actions to be performed under these unlikely conditions:

 The Project Construction Manager(s) will consult with appropriate authorities to determine the
severity of local flooding;
 Construction materials that can be damaged by water or pollute waters if submerged will be moved
to either enclosed areas or elevated areas above the short-term local sheet flooding to remain dry;
 If the flooding is severe, construction work will be shut down. Extreme Weather Abnormalities

Extreme weather events might include storms or extremely high winds. All Project transportation vehicles will
be maintained in good running condition with full fuel tanks. The Project will have adequate foul weather gear
for personnel. If extreme weather events occur, the following actions will be taken:

 When there is a weather warning issued by the PAGASA, the Site Construction Manager(s), O&M
Manager, or designee, will consult with appropriate authorities at the local weather service offices to
determine the anticipated severity and duration of the weather event;
 The O&M Manager will hold planning meetings prior to a foul weather incident to prepare and
implement a foul weather prevention plan;
 Loose materials that can be blown around or damaged will be moved inside or tied down;
 All doors will be secured;
 If the Project is shut down, the O&M Manager, or designee, will notify the electric transmission line
operator of the anticipated outage;
 Communication equipment will be checked; and
 The substation high voltage line transmission facilities will be double checked for secure terminations
on poles, relays, transformers and supports.

4.2.3 Explosion During Construction

The proposed location of the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project does not require major cut on the
side of the surrounding mountain, thus, blasting activity will not likely be done during construction.
Nonetheless, in the case of fire emergencies, fire extinguisher and fire hydrant should be available at the
construction site with corresponding emergency contact numbers clearly indicated on the fire emergency
plan. This plan should be posted in areas that can easily be seen by the people working in the construction


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
4.2.4 Catastrophic Dam Failure/Dam Break

Dams fail for many reasons including (1) earthquakes; (2) extreme storms, which cause dams to overtop;
structural and age-related problems; (3) terrorism. Losses resulting from dam failures vary, depending on the
height and capacity of the dam, fullness at the time of the collapse, distance from the dam, time of year, time
of day, technology available to warn downstream residents, etc. Losses are difficult to calculate in monetary
values when they include ecological and environmental damages, pain, suffering, and loss of life.
Catastrophic dam failures are rare. However, community leaders have a responsibility to prepare for
emergencies of all kinds, including catastrophic events, in order to minimize loss of life and property.

Earthquakes occur without warning; thus damage prevention measures and plans must be made in advance.
The probability of a severe earthquake at the Project site is described in Chapter 2 section 2.2.2,
‘Geology/Geomorphology’. Injuries and fatalities can be reduced by properly storing heavy objects and
placing furniture to prevent displacement and overturning that will injure personnel. The following actions will
take place during an earthquake:

 All personnel will seek safety at the nearest protected location;

 Personnel will take cover so displaced material is not a problem and wait until the shaking has
 All personnel will check the immediate area to identify injuries and equipment failures and report to
the Site Construction Manager, O&M Manager, or designee;
 All personnel will be instructed to report to a protected area, as necessary, or will continue monitoring
the operating equipment;
 A determination will be made on missing personnel and a search and rescue effor t will be taken if
safe and appropriate;
 Off-duty personnel will report, if they can, as designated in the emergency plan; and
 The O&M Manager will approve search and rescue efforts if the structures are intact and other plant
safety issues are under control.

Emergency Identification:

Potential serious situation defined as hazardous condition at the dam should be regularly monitored to
ensure the stability of the dam structure. Examples of such conditions are as follows:
 Excessive/increase amount of seepage
- Check drains for any abnormal increase in quantities of seepage.
 Movement on the dam crest
- Check for deflection on the dam crest.
 Spillway obstruction
- Check spillway to ensure no blockage due to debris.
 High inflows
- Check for water levels that are higher than normal reservoir levels.
- Check weather forecast for expected amount of precipitation.
- Check for rapid rate of rise of water levels.
 Widespread flooding
- Perform an aerial site inspection.

Rapid reservoir drawdown could also be a sign of potential problems for the dam and should be detected
through continuous water level monitoring.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Emergency Response/Mitigation Measures:

The following describes remedial actions which may be taken given various conditions:

a) Cracks in the Dam

- Lower the water level by releasing it through the low level outlet
- Continue lowering the water level until a safe elevation is reached
- Continue operating at a reduced level until the repairs can be made

b) Failure of appurtenant structures such as outlets or spillway

- Implement temporary measures to protect the damaged structure, such as closing an outlet or
providing temporary protection for the damaged spillway
- Employ experienced professional divers if necessary to assess the problem

c) Movement of the dam on its foundation

- Immediately lower the water level until the movement stops
- Continue to lower the water until a safe level is reached
- Continue operating at a reduced level until repairs can be made

d) Excessive seepage
- Lower the water to safe level
- Determine source of seepage
- Continue frequent monitoring for signs of cracking or concentrated seepage
- Continue operation at a reduced level until repairs were made


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)


5.1 Social Development Program (SDP)

As mentioned earlier during the first part of this EIS report, an irrigation system is much needed to allow
farmers to divert farm to other more productive uses to increase the productivity of farms and put it into niches
that would increase the number of cropping not only for the predominantly grown crops in the locality such
as mango, corn, cassava, coconuts, and bananas but also for rain-fed rice farms.

The lack of infrastructure support hinders the development of agriculture in most parts of the country today.
This usually leads to poverty to most of the local farmers nationwide, which was associated to low income,
particularly from the poor paddy rice harvest due primarily to insufficient water supply; hence, a very limited
service area coverage.

Essential developments bring together basic programs of San Lorenzo in the Province of Guimaras, such as
Social Development Program that includes the enhancement of its agricultural productivity and profitability.
One strategic option to support SDP implementation is sourcing funds from national fun ding i.e., the National
Irrigation Administration.

This project, Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project, answers the call of the local government to enhance
the quality of life of the farmers and be responsive to their basic needs. The main objective o f the project is
to increase farm income from all sources in order to reduce the poverty threshold and incidence through
increased irrigated farm production and cropping intensity, along with sufficient education and training of IAs
in all phases of irrigation development and management preparatory to the turnover of the asset and
management of the completed irrigation system. Additional function of the dam is to control overflowing of
the Cabano River, hence, preventing floods at the downstream plain area, especially during wet season.

5.2 Information and Education Campaign (IEC)

In collaboration with LGUs, NIA has to formulate and implement an Information, Education and
Communication (IEC) Program in order to increase awareness of the Project -affected communities and
Farmer beneficiaries of the positive benefits of the project and the proposed new model approach of system

The Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) Plan for the Project intends to guide the process of
shaping public opinion and enabling stakeholders to make informed decisions on the Project. In this manner,
IEC aims to contribute in fostering its social acceptability, with the informed understanding of affected people
and their proactive relations with NIA in generating and sharing feedback as well as discussing and jointly
solving problems as these arise. The information drive should, at the same time, inculcate value formation by
making the members of the community aware of their responsibilities as stakeholders.

The following recommendations define the overall IEC strategy for the Project.

In coordination with the Environmental Office of the Local Government Units (LGUs), establish a desk by
which locals can submit their expressions of approval and disapproval on the Pro ject and corresponding
suggestions. These views shall be gathered by the Project Proponent and reviewed together with the LGUs
as inputs in later public consultation and participatory planning processes.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

NIA to conduct consultations with the host communities to discuss the above sentiments. Respectively, LGUs
(Municipal and Barangay levels) should be in attendance to help facilitate the consultations.

 Preparation of Project presentation materials in print form, preferably in Filipino or the local dialect,
which could be disseminated during rounds of consultations. Preferably, these materials should be
illustrative and already reflective of with-Project conditions.

 NIA should make it clear to the stakeholders that the Project is not being infused without c ondition,
as they are aware of the need to design the Project in a manner that takes heed of environmental
and social considerations.

 Gathering of views on how the communities (local LGUs and local residents) may be better
represented in environmental monitoring activities. Stakeholder representation may have to be
sector-based considering the range of sectors (e.g., IP, Irrigator’s Associations, women) with
significant stake in the irrigation system project.

For this project, the specific IEC plans that are recommended for implementation are presented in the next

5.3 Summary of SDP and IEC

Summary of SDP and IEC are presented in 5-1 and Table 5-2, respectively.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Table 5-1: Social Development (SDP) Plan/Framework

Government Agency/ Non-

Responsible Community Member /
CONCERN government Agency and Services PROPONENT (NIA) Indicative Timeline Source of Fund
(indicate specific services)

1. Gender Responsive Association Chairperson  LGU Municipal Planning Community Relations Officer  Pre-construction LGU –IRA/
Livelihood / Employment  Qualified Project Affected Office  Construction Proponent
and Credit Facilities (Men, Men, Women, Youth &  MSWD  Operation
Women, Youth & elderly) Elderly  TESDA

2. Health and Safety Barangay Kagawad for Health  MHO Community Relations Officer  Pre-construction LGU –IRA/
 Project Affected Community  Barangay Disaster  Construction Proponent
Management  Operation

3. Education and Recreation Barangay Kagawad for  DepEd Community Relations Officer  Pre-construction LGU –IRA/
Education  Construction Proponent
 Project Affected Families  Operation

4. Environment and Sanitation Barangay Kagawad for  ENRO Community Relations Officer  Pre-construction LGU –IRA/
Environment  MHO  Construction Proponent
 Project Affected Community  Operation

5. Peace and order Barangay Kagawad for Peace  LGU Chief Security Officer  Pre-construction LGU –IRA/
and order  PNP  Construction Proponent
 Project Affected Community  Operation


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Table 5-2: Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Framework

Target Sector Identified as Needing Major Topic/s of concern in Relation to IEC Scheme / Strategy / Indicative Timelines and
Information Medium Indicative Cost
Project IEC Project Methods Frequency

1. LGUs  Update on Project description &  Individual methods  Invitation letters IEC cost shall cover the
2. Irrigator’s Association Officers and status  Focus Interviews following:
Members  EIA findings  Authority figures & Key Informant  Expected number of
3. Project-affected families  Performance against ECC/EMP Interviews attendees
4. Concerned POs  Actual Impacts & Measures  Cost of meals
5. Concerned NGOs  Group methods  Focus Group Interviews  Cost of venue
 Model approach of system
6. Women’s Organization management through PIM&T  Focus Group Discussion  Cost of IEC
 ICDM, Equity contribution,  Multi -sectoral Cluster Meetings Materials
Irrigation service fee
 Farmers participation in O&M of  Multi-media  Hand-outs
the Project Annual
 Audio-visual presentations Comics
 Role of women on EIA in local language
 Illustrative primer about the project
 Newspaper publication
 Radio broadcast
 Posters
 Flyers


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)


Under the Philippine EIS System (PD 1586), there is a need to institutionalize a Monit oring Program which
will serve as a blue print in overseeing and preventing the occurrence of adverse impacts during the
construction and operation phase of the Project. A Multi-Partite Monitoring Team (MMT) will be established
in compliance with Section 185 of DAO 1996-40. The MMT’s role will be to monitor the company’s compliance
to various environmental regulations and conditions stipulated in the company’s ECC.

6.1 Self-Monitoring Plan for Cabano SRIP

The Environmental Management Plan that is supported by a monitoring program is composed of the following:

a) Watershed Management Plan

b) Site Protection and Rehabilitation Program
c) Water Quality Monitoring Program
d) Water-related and Water-transmitted Diseases Control Program
e) Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan

6.1.1 Monitoring Activities during Construction Phase of Project

Impact monitoring is required during project construction and operation. ECC to be issued by EMB will specify
monitoring requirements for both activities and members of a monitoring team coming from the various
stakeholders who will undertake these tasks.

During construction, the MMT will conduct a regular monthly visit to the site for briefing by the Environmental
Management Section (EMS) and Site Engineer. However, during operation activity, the M MT is responsible
for such impact monitoring.

During the Detailed Design Phase, the NIA will need to undertake the following activities:

The EMS will be responsible for developing the provisions needed in the Contract Documents that clearly
defines the Contractor’s responsibilities, stipulating thereon specifications and meeting the DENR’s
requirements for sediment control measures, effluent water releases and acceptable solid waste disposal
methods. The EMS will be responsible for including these specifications in the Contract Documents. At the
time of bidding, the contractor will be required to submit a Contractor’s Environmental Management Plan that
sets out how the Contractor will address various environmental requirements, which includes a Site Protec tion
and Rehabilitation Program (SPRP). This will be evaluated by the EMS at contract evaluation time and will
be awarded points to be included in the overall contract assessment.

With reference to the requirements detailed in ECC, the EMS will develop th e monitoring program for both
the construction and operation phase. The program will specify responsibilities for frequency of monitoring
and how corrective action could be directed, if it is required. The EMS will also need to designate overseer
for monitoring construction and operation activities.

During construction period, the EMS monitoring will need to ensure the Contractor’s compliance with the
contract specifications; it will be impractical for the EMS Monitoring Team to be always on site, in which case,
the Site Engineer will be responsible for the work of the Contractor. The Site Engineer will have to be briefed
and trained by the EMS Monitoring Team pertaining to the actual monitoring requirements and thus, be
responsible for the direction of Contractor in meeting these requirements. EMS Monitoring Team will also
regularly monitor the situation and discuss any issues directly related with the Site Engineer who will direct
the Contractor. This will also require training of the EMS Monitoring Staff for familiarization of the monitoring
requirements for construction activities, specifications contained in the Contract Documents and any other
requirements specified in the ECC. This person will report any concern or issues to the Site Engineer, who
will in turn instruct the Contractor through a specific memorandum. As required, the MMT will also visit the


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
site and review the monitoring of construction activities for which EMS is mainly responsible.

6.1.2 Monitoring Activities during Operation Phase of the Project

During Operation Phase, the Multi-Partite Monitoring Team, together with the EMS Monitoring Team, will
undertake monitoring of the project operation activities as required by the ECC. Aside from the costs of the
MMT to cover per diem, travel expenses, and laboratory analysis, no other costs will be charged to the
monitoring program.

The environmental monitoring plans (EMoP) for the construction and operation phases are presented in Table

The proponent’s responses to the environmental risk categorization shall be the basis of the EMB for selecting
and prioritizing projects to be subjected to compliance monitoring.

6.2 Multi-Sectoral Monitoring Framework

A Multi-Partite Monitoring Team (MMT) shall be organized to encourage public participation, promot e greater
stakeholder vigilance, and to provide appropriate check and balance mechanisms in the monitoring of project
implementation. The MMT is recommendatory to the EMB and has the primary responsibility of validating the
Proponent’s environmental performance, with the following specific functions:

a) Conduct quarterly ocular site visit to validate the proponent’s compliance with the ECC conditions
and the Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan including the requirement to conduct self -
monitoring and submit corresponding reports regularly. The MMT may observe sampling activities
conducted by the project proponent.
b) Prepare and submit its report to EMB-CO and EMB-RO concerned using EMB prescribed format at
least semi-annually not later than July 30 for the first semester report and January 30 for the 2 nd
semester report
c) Institute an environmental emergency and complaints receiving and management mechanism which
shall include systems for transmitting recommendations for necessary regulatory action to EMB i n a
timely manner to prevent adverse environmental impacts.

6.2.1 Multi-Partite Monitoring Team (MMT) Composition and Leadership

The composition of the MMT shall be rationalized to be representative of relevant stakeholders for it to
become a truly independent third-party entity. The following shall compose the reconstituted MMT:

a) The LGU representative

 One (1) Representative from the Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Officer
(MENRO) or the Municipal Planning and Development Officer (MPDO) or the chai rman of the
environment committee of the Sangguniang Bayan of San Lorenzo may be designated as
representative to the MMT.
 The Rural Health Unit (RHU) Chief and
 Concerned Barangay Captain

b) One (1) representative from the LGU-accredited local NGOs with mission/s specifically related to
environmental management and/or to the type and impacts of the proposed undertaking/project may
be designated as representative to the MMT. In cases, where there are no such NGOs, it shall be
open to other NGOs.

c) Maximum of two (2) representative from locally organized community leaders who can represent
vulnerable sectors including indigenous populations, women and senior citizens and representatives
from the academe may be included as member of the MMT in addition to the LGU -accredited NGO.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

d) Maximum of three (3) representatives from government agencies with related mandate on the type
of project and its impacts during project implementation shall be included in the MMT membership,
if not yet included. DENR participation/membership shall be limited only in cases where there are
specific concerns related function related to biodiversity and forestry as endorsed by the concerned
Bureau Director.

Additional member shall come from the additional barangays.

Table 6-1: MMT composition

Stakeholder Community Sectors/ Basis of Priority Selection of Proposed Scope of MMT
Representatives Sector MMT Role Responsibilities/Activities
1) MENRO LGU Representative Chairman  Monitor project compliance
2) MPDO -do- Vice Chairman with the conditions stipulated
3) Environmental related NGO LGU-accredited local NGO Member in ECC and EMP;
4) IP Leader Sectors’ livelihood source may Member  Validate Proponent’s
be affected by the project  conduct of self-monitoring;
5) Women’s Organization Head -do- Member  Receive complaints and
6) Senior Citizen President -do- Member gather relevant information;
7) NIA-IGIMO Has the mandate to the project Member  Prepare, integrate &
8) DA Officer Under it jurisdiction Member disseminate simplified
9) Association of Barangay Sectors’ livelihood source may Member monitoring reports to
Captains be affected by the project community stakeholders;
10) DOH Officer For water-related and water- Member  Make regular and timely
transmitted diseases monitoring submission of MMT Report.
and control

6.3 Environmental Guarantee and Monitoring Fund Commitment

For this project, NIA-IGIMO shall establish an Environmental Guarantee Fund (EGF) for the following

a) The immediate rehabilitation of areas affected by damages to the environment and the resulting
deterioration of environmental quality as a direct consequence of project construction, operation and
b) The just compensation of parties and communities affected by the negative impacts of the P roject;
c) The conduct of scientific or research studies related to the Project that will aid in the prevention or
rehabilitation of accidents and/or environmental damages;
d) The contingency clean-up activities, environmental enhancement measures, damage prevention
programs and social equity measures (e.g. livelihood, social development programs) including the
necessary IEC and capability building activities related to the Project.

On the other hand, an Environmental Monitoring Fund (EMF) will be established not later than the initial
construction phase, the fund will be used to support the cost of the monitoring activities of MMT and
environmental information programs, as proposed in the Impact Management Plan; EMF and EGF will be part
of MMT MOA. The initial amount of the EMF should be able to cover monitoring and surveillance expenses,
while the maintaining amount of the EMF must be sufficient enough to deal with most emergencies. The
amount of the EMF at the start of the project is recommended to be at least P hP 500,000.00 so that it can
cover any monitoring activities. Aside from its initial value, it should be maintained at a minimum of PhP
50,000.00 during the operation of the dam.

Aside from supporting the cost of monitoring activities, an Environmental Guarantee Fund (EGF) should be
established to acts as a safety net for the community affected by the project. Should the project fail and
environmental impacts due to the failure be felt, EGF will be used to rehabilitate the environment as well as
provide compensation to affected families, if any.

At least PhP 100,000.00 is recommended as an initial amount for the Environmental Guarantee Fund.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Table 6-2: Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMoP) with Environmental Quality Performance Levels (EQPLs) Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project
Sampling & Measurement Plan EQPL Management Scheme
Environmental Potential Impacts Red Flag Level Action Level
Parameter to be Monitored Lead Person Annual Estimated Cost
Aspects per Per Env’l Sector Method Frequency Location Standard Limit
Project Phase Course of Course of
Red Flag Limit Action Limit
Action Action
Land or ROW Land tenure  Legal proof of land Undertake Quarterly Along  Environmental P40,000.00 Just --- --- --- ---
acquisition / problem ownership Land ROW/Easement Officer compensation
Easement Acquisition and (ENRO) for affected
 Proof of compensation/ Resettlement  MMT farmers
payment before (LARP)
construction works activities
Conduct of Erosion and  Qualitative indicator such Periodic ocular Monthly Project Area  Environmental P60,000.00 Clear or No Obvious or Conduct of Severe visual Temporary stoppage of
various civil Sedimentation as complaints and visible inspection/ Officer visual significant significant visual immediate turbidity earthworks and check
works during impairment of water visual (ENRO) discoloration of discoloration of investigation on the soil erosion control
construction bodies (i.e., water observation;  MMT water bodies water possible sources of measures
discoloration) Complaints problem
Localized tree  Compliance with Periodic ocular Monthly Construction Site  Environmental P60,000.00 --- --- --- --- ---
cutting or conditions of DENR inspection/ Officer
vegetation clearing (Permit to Cut Trees) visual (ENRO)
and disturbance to observation  MMT
wildlife  Area replanted/
 Presence of fences and
Siltation of the  Qualitative indicator such Periodic ocular Quarterly Project Area  Environmental P40,000.00 Clear or No Obvious or Conduct of Severe visual Temporary stoppage of
surrounding river as complaints and visible inspection/ Officer visual significant significant visual immediate turbidity earthworks and check
which could impairment of water visual (ENRO) discoloration of discoloration of investigation on the soil erosion control
increase turbidity to bodies (i.e., water observation;  MMT water bodies water possible sources of measures
downstream river discoloration) Complaints problem
especially during
rainy season  TSS level (mg/L) Grab sampling Quarterly Downstream of  Environmental P450/sample; 1 50 mg/L (Class 45 mg/L Conduct closer and > 50 mg/L Conduct of immediate
Cabano River Officer sample/station/quarter; 4 A water) more frequent investigation n on the
(ENRO) quarters/yr = P1,800 monitoring possible sources of
 MMT problem; if found cause
by the project,
temporarily stop
earthworks and check
soil erosion control
Pollution from  No scattered Periodic ocular Monthly Construction site  Environmental P36,000.00 Clear or No Visible scattered Conduct of Ample amount Temporary stop
generation of rubbish/construction inspection/ Officer scattered rubbish. immediate of scattered earthworks and conduct
domestic solid wastes visual (ENRO) wastes 75 % of the housekeeping in rubbish immediate housekeeping
wastes  No. of public complaints observation  MMT 50 % of the holding capacity accordance to RA in the construction area.
on solid wastes holding capacity of the garbage 9003 Implement measures not
of garbage bins. bins. (Ecological Solid to exceed the limit
Waste Management) capacity of the garbage
Air pollution at  Qualitative indicator such Periodic ocular Quarterly Construction site  Environmental To be determined during Clear Obvious or Sprinkle expose Severe visual Temporary stop
construction site as haziness inspection/ Officer finalization of MMT MOA and significant visual areas with water haziness earthworks and sprinkle
due to dust and air visual (ENRO) its Work and Financial Plan increase in expose areas with water
emission observation  MMT fugitive dust 50%
 Ambient air concentration Air quality parameter from
(in case there are survey or DENR-EMB
 complaints) Emission test Standard
Noise pollution from  Tolerable noise levels in Use of noise Quarterly Project vicinity  Environmental To be determined during Morning – 70 Morning – 65 Determine the actual Morning –68 If source of noise is
heavy construction residential areas meter Officer finalization of MMT MOA and Daytime – 75 Daytime – 70 source of noise Daytime –72 coming from active


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Sampling & Measurement Plan EQPL Management Scheme

Environmental Potential Impacts Red Flag Level Action Level
Parameter to be Monitored Lead Person Annual Estimated Cost
Aspects per Per Env’l Sector Method Frequency Location Standard Limit
Project Phase Course of Course of
Red Flag Limit Action Limit
Action Action
equipment  No. of public complaints (ENRO) its Work and Financial Plan Evening – 70 Evening – 65 Evening – 68 construction site,
received by the  MMT Nighttime – 65 Nighttime – 61 Nighttime – 63 minimize noise with
Proponent/ Contractor 60% of the limit 75% of the limit installation of mufflers
both daytime both daytime and into each equipment and
and night time. night time. limit works during
daytime only.
Hiring of Labor and  Number of actual hired Actual Quarterly Construction site  Environmental To be determined during Within or more Less than the Dialogue with NIA or Significantly Dialogue with NIA or
construction employment local labor force which employment Officer finalization of MMT MOA and than the agreed agreed number with the Contractor less than the with the Contractor
workers opportunity for the should be in accordance records (ENRO) its Work and Financial Plan number with of employed agreed number
local folks with agreement of NIA or concerned local force of locally
its contractor with LGUs employed labor
concerned force
 LGUs
Generation of Inability to pay the  Number of farmers who Actual Quarterly Project site  Environmental To be determined during All farmer Less than 5% of NIA to provide Non-paying NIA to provide payment
farmer’s equity required 25% equity could not afford to pay payment/ Officer finalization of MMT MOA and beneficiaries to the total payment options to beneficiaries is options to the non-
for the project contribution for low- nonpayment (ENRO) its Work and Financial Plan pay the required beneficiaries the non-paying more than 25% paying farmer
income farmer- records equity farmer beneficiaries of the total beneficiaries; NIA to re-
beneficiaries. beneficiaries assess the feasibility of
the project
Occupational Exposure of  No. of job-related Actual heath Quarterly Project site  Environmental To be determined during No incidence of 5 incidences of Check cause/s of 10 incidences Comprehensive
health hazards construction incidence; records of the Officer finalization of MMT MOA and work-related illness per week illness incidence of illness per investigation of the
of construction workers to job-  Number of sick workers workers (ENRO) its Work and Financial Plan illness of are recorded week are cause/s of illness
workers related accidents triggered by water-borne  MMT workers in the recorded incidence
and diseases such diseases project area
as malaria
Actual farming Sedimentation  Qualitative indicator such Periodic ocular Quarterly Project Area  Environmental To be determined during Clear or No Obvious or Conduct of Severe visual Temporary stoppage of
by the concern in the inta as complaints and visible inspection/ Officer finalization of MMT MOA and visual significant significant visual immediate turbidity earthworks and check
beneficiaries; ke system; Bed impairment of water visual (ENRO) its Work and Financial Plan discoloration of discoloration of investigation on the soil erosion control
load problem may bodies (i.e., water observation;  MMT water bodies water possible sources of measures
Operation of affect the effectivity discoloration) Complaints problem
the facilities; of installed weirs
 TSS level (mg/L) Grab sampling Quarterly Downstream of  Environmental P450/sample; 50 mg/L (Class 45 mg/L Conduct closer and > 50 mg/L Conduct of immediate
Various O& M Cabano River Officer 1 sample/station/quarter; A water) more frequent investigation n on the
activities (ENRO) 4 quarters/yr = P1,800 monitoring possible sources of
 MMT problem; if found cause
by the project,
temporarily stop
earthworks and check
soil erosion control
Lagging of water or  Incidence of malaria/ Actual site Quarterly Project area  Environmental To be determined during Zero incidence 1 reported and Identification of the More than 3 Conduct of immediate
slow-moving proliferation of malaria survey Officer finalization of MMT MOA and of malaria in the recorded case of habitat of the host cases of investigation; more
irrigation water flow carrying mosquitoes in (ENRO) its Work and Financial Plan reservoir area malaria snail and application malaria near aggressive identification
which could irrigation canals  MMT of appropriate the reservoir of the habitat of the host
increase hazard of  DOH population control of area snail and application of
water related the host snail; appropriate population
diseases such as treatment and control of the host snail;
Malaria confinement of the treatment and
victim confinement of the victim
Impairment of  River samples to be Water quality Semi- Main water body  Environmental Actual cost of sample Within standard Laboratory Aggressive IEC in Laboratory Conduct of immediate
downstream water tested for conventional survey through annual (Cabano River) Officer collection and laboratory limit set by findings is 5% the proper use of findings is 20% investigation; more
quality/ Potential parameters (pH, color, accredited (ENRO) analyses; DENR (DAO 34) higher than the agro- chemical higher than the Aggressive IEC in the
groundwater TSS) DENR  MMT To be determined during set residue inputs set residue proper use of agro-
contamination laboratories finalization of MMT MOA and standards standards chemical inputs by the
its Work and Financial Plan farmers;


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Sampling & Measurement Plan EQPL Management Scheme

Environmental Potential Impacts Red Flag Level Action Level
Parameter to be Monitored Lead Person Annual Estimated Cost
Aspects per Per Env’l Sector Method Frequency Location Standard Limit
Project Phase Course of Course of
Red Flag Limit Action Limit
Action Action
1) pH Grab sampling; Semi- 2 identified  Environmental P185/sample; 6.5 – 8.5 (Class 6.5 – 8.5 Conduct closer and < 6.0 &> 8.5 Investigate source of
RA9275 lab annual sampling sites Officer 1 sample/station/semiannual; A water & more frequent problem and institute
analysis along Cabano (ENRO) 2 semi-annual/y = P740 PSDW) monitoring of water measures until the
method River  MMT quality problem has been
rectified and the values
will conform to DENR
2) Color, PCU Grab sampling; Semi- -do-  Environmental P185/sample;  50 PCU 45 PCU -do- 55 PCU -do-
RA9275 lab annual Officer 1 sample/station/semiannual; (Class A
analysis (ENRO) 2 semi-annual/y = P740 water)
method  MMT  5 PCU
3) TSS, mg/L Grab sampling; Semi- -do-  Environmental P450/sample;  1000 mg/L 950 mg/L -do- > 1000 mg/L -do-
RA9275 lab annual Officer 1 sample/station/semiannual; (Class A
analysis (ENRO) 2 semi-annual/y = P1,800 water) 450 mg/L > 500 mg/L
method  MMT  500 mg/L


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)


For this project, abandonment phase refers to a particular period after construction when the contractor needs
to vacate the site after completing the construction phase and subsequently turn- over the completed project
to NIA-IGIMO and to the Irrigators’ Association. The process will involve final inspection, turn -over, and
acceptance of completed structures and equipment, clean-up and demobilization. Construction works and
debris shall be properly collected and disposed of before the site is turned-over by the contractor to the project

The irrigation system is envisioned to serve its farmer beneficiaries within the next 50 years or more. Under
normal situations, abandonment of the project is not being considered. Periodic O&M shall be undertaken by
NIA and IAs to prolong the service life of the project.

In case of maintenance of parts and components, Irrigators’ Association will implement a rehabilitation plan
to address the necessary repairs.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)


8.1 Designation of the Environmental Officer

The Institutional Plan is important. The purpose of the plan is to clearly delineate the functions of each of the
players in this project, especially the function of Environmental Officer (EO) or Pollution Control Officer (PCO).
The position entails the overall management and planning of all environment- related issues and concerns
that may arise during the operation stages of the proposed Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation project.

The proponent shall closely coordinate with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources –
Environmental Management Bureau (DENR-EMB) for the project’s environmental compliance. For an
effective coordination, the proponent will designate an Environmental Officer or Pollution Control Officer
(PCO) who will be responsible for all environmental matters regarding the project. This is in compliance with
DAO 26, Series of 1992 that requires the appointment/designation of an Environmental Officer or Pollution
Control Officer.

Specifically, the following are the responsibilities of the Environmental Officer or Pollution Control Officer:

 Coordinates with DENR-EMB Regional Office on the environmental aspects of the

operation/activities of the project;
 Coordinates with all concerned agencies on the solid waste collection and disposal of the project;
 Monitors and maintains records regarding environmental compliance of the project;
 Monitors all activities relative to the compliance of all stipulations stated in the Environmental
Compliance Certificate (ECC); and,
 Submits a periodic Self-Monitoring Report (SMR) to DENR-EMB.

8.2 Institutional Plan for Effective Irrigation Project Implementation

Effective irrigation project implementation depends on how the organization is structured. Figure 8-1
illustrates an ideal irrigation project implementation organizational structure. Structure may depend on the
actual needs of the organization.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Figure 8-1: Organizational Structure


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

NIA has drawn its experience from its various nationwide implemented irrigation projects. Many of the best
practices and management technologies, as far as irrigation projects are concerned, are experienced and
implemented in its Southern Philippines Irrigation Sector Project (SPISP), an ADB - funded project.

Once all the construction activities are completed, an evaluation of all construction activities will be
undertaken as to whether improvements in schedule and costing have been implemented.

As practiced by NIA, the completed project will be turned over to restored and trained Irrigator’s Association
(IAs) for management including the planning and budgeting of the operation and maintenance (O&M). NIA
will have a 3-year period to build-up the IAs capability in system management as well as improvement of
agricultural-related practices.

The prime objective of the operation is to control the water levels in the irrigation and drainage canal network,
effectively tailored to achieve efficient and effective water management and in satisfying the needs of the

The introduction of the proportional flow divider (with an option to measure the delivered w ater) would help
improve and simplify the operation and maintenance aspects. At available high or low flow levels, water
deliveries would be automatic and proportional to areas being served. Under special cases, some degree of
control may be effected to:

a) Prevent flood(s) entering into the system;

b) Cut-off flows at scheduled maintenance; and,
c) Affect slight modification i.e. shutting off the deliveries to upstream farmers at night times when
called for by using wooden stop logs and/or plastic bags/sacks filled with soil.

Only those maintenance works that directly serve water management should be pursued. These activities
are categorized into:
a) Preventive maintenance of infrastructures – which is planned and undertaken throughout the year,
at intervals or continuously;
b) Periodic maintenance – that essentially returns the condition of the system’s component(s) to its
originally designed state but implemented on a more frequent basis so that the component would not
fall into such disrepair to require extensive rehabilitation. In particular, deposited silt due to erosion
on an open canal which traverses side hill shall be regularly desilted to avoid clogging/over tapping
of water;

Emergency maintenance – is the setting aside part of the O&M budget for unforeseen urgent repairs that may
be due to force majeure or the likes.

8.2.1 Turn-Over Scheme Between NIA and the IAs

One of the special features of the proposed irrigation project is the turnover of responsibility of the project
O&M from NIA to the concerned IAs. As mentioned earlier, the “IA’s O&M organization will eventually play
the lead role in managing the irrigation, drainage, and flood control subsystems” after the turnover of
responsibility. The implementation of the Institutional Development component of the pr oject is gearing
towards this direction. In this case, the IAs shall be formed into a single, but strong and cohesive organization
at the lateral canal subsystem that is capable and willing to take over the O&M at that level.

The activities in implementing the Transfer Process will cover two scenarios in the system’s O&M. Joint
System Management (JSM) during the development period, i.e., during the first three years after construction
and full IA management (FIAM) thereafter. The capacity of the IA to handle O&M on its own will be developed
during the JSM period when the IA is undergoing on-the-job-training with NIA. FIAM will only be implemented
when the IA can already display a degree of confidence and acceptable level of performance in managing
irrigation system. A set of objective indicators for such an evaluation will be established jointly with the IA.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
In consideration of this turnover scheme, as a post ECC requirement, NIA shall formally inform EMB about
the exact schedule or timing of this turn over scheme through writing. The purpose is to officially transfer the
responsibilities of ECC compliance from NIA to the IAs.

8.2.2 Watershed Management Planning Approach

The frameworks of SPISP for its Watershed Planning are multiple-use oriented, multi-sectoral,
interdisciplinary, participative and equitable, as well as resource use efficient and sustainable. The local
stakeholders will be involved and organized in due time as the Peoples’ Organizations (PO) counterparts to
the IAs in the service area, in the watershed characterization, plan formulation, review, and endorsement to
NIA Management. Similar to other subprojects of SPISP, protection and rehabilitation are the major
interventions that will comprise the Watershed Management Plan. The detailed Watershed Management Plan
will be developed during the detailed design phase. The budget for the Watershed Management will place
emphasis on protecting the still remaining forested lands while concurrently carrying out pilot demonstration
works on rehabilitation works to enhance water storage as base flow and to minimize if not totally prevent
soil erosion.

The two management interventions/strategies, as were recommended for other subproject watersheds, and,
perhaps, implemented in the subproject’s watershed aim to minimize, if not totally control, soil erosion that
may contribute to siltation behind the intake as well as within the network of irrigation canals and drainage
ways. These interventions/strategies are (1) watershed rehabilitation and (2) watershed protec tion.

Watershed Rehabilitation - Watershed rehabilitation aims to bring back vegetation on portions of the cultivated
farms within the watershed and to effectively reduce soil erosion. Two system -components of the watershed
rehabilitation shall be considered to include the following:

1. High Value Agroforestry (HVA); and

2. Natural Vegetation Strip (NVS)

HVA is an agroforestry system that combines high value crops of fruit or forest trees and forage crops with
cash crops such as corn, rice, and vegetables. The HVA shall be established around the boundaries of the
cultivated farms – five meters wide on all sides.

NVS which are natural or planted vegetation of one-meter wide strips and intercropped with forage grass
species shall be established within a farm at every 20-meter interval, especially on cultivated areas. Minimal
or “zero” tillage shall be observed during the graving period. The NVS will serve as “filter” for the eroded soils
from upslope and as sources of feeds/forage for livestock of the watershed occupants.

The combined effects of the HVA and NVS should significantly reduce soil erosion from the subproject’s

Watershed Protection - Watershed Protection focuses on the overall protection of the watershed from illegal
cutting of vegetation. These vegetation are usually those planted or naturally growing, especially those along
stream banks. The guiding principle behind this intervention is prevention.

8.2.3 Implementing Guideline for the Interventions/Strategies.

An implementing guideline for the establishment and management interventions and/or strategies has been
developed and will be similarly adopted as the case may be. The guideline will cover seedling production,
sourcing, incentive schemes, and as well as planting and maintenance cost.

Community Organizing - Community Organizing (CO) will be employed as a strategy for mobilizing and
facilitating peoples’ participation in managing the subproject’s watershed.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Community Organizing (CO) will be continuing activity purposely training the community, occupants to
develop and strengthen their capabilities-capacities as partners not only in rural development but also in
protecting the hydrologic integrity of the watershed. In addition, the subproject hopes to improve the well -
being of the farmer occupants through the introduction of livelihood projects. The organizing activity shall be
undertaken by the Project Management Office (PMO) primarily and ultimately to form a peoples’ organization
in each Barangay.

The CO may include the following activities:

Orientation and Leveling-off - As a first step, orientation and leveling-off of expectations shall be made.
This activity will clarify objectives and functional relationships among CO workers and provide a common
development perspective during Barangay meetings.

1. Courtesy Calls and Meetings with Barangay leaders. Courtesy calls and meetings will serve as the
entry point of the organizing efforts; this will be done to gather pertinent information about the
demographic, socioeconomic, cultural and political status of the barangay. Available secondary data
such as barangay, municipal and/or provincial profiles, write-ups, or any documents relating to
watershed area and its people, can be useful. Initial campaign on information dissemination,
education, and communication may be undertaken to create initial awareness.

2. House-to-House Visitation. House to house visitation and census, shall be undertaken (to some
extent) in order to conduct interviews of the local community members to share their experiences o r
filling up prepared survey questionnaires as the case may be. Informative educational campaigns
will be continued at the household level.

3. Project Presentation to the Barangay Council Sessions and Barangay Assembly. Presentation of the
Project by PMO up to the Barangay Council Sessions will be conducted so that the said council will
get a first-hand information or knowledge about the project. Likewise, the Barangay assembly
meeting held once a year will be the right venue for informing and sharing with th e community.

4. Core Group Information. This activity will be pursued after identifying the potential leaders of the
community. Each core group formed will be composed of at least 10 members from each Barangay
to convene a regular or occasional meeting and discuss common problems, issues, and development
opportunities. The core group’s capability building could be enhanced, if necessary, with formal
training and/or supplemented by useful experiences. The same grouping, preferably, the same
grouping will be used in providing feedback during the information sharing and validation process.

5. Conduct of Training Activities. The training activities are very vital in developing the empowerment
capability of the peoples’ organization. The topics of the training and/or guided exercises shall
include watershed rehabilitation, watershed protection, watershed management and erosion control
practices, and selected livelihood business ventures and related matters.

6. Conduct Regular Community Meetings and continuing IEC activities. This activity shall be
undertaken to discuss project-related concerns and problems requiring appropriate and immediate
actions. It will also serve ways and means in monitoring and gauging the level of community’s
preparedness for a formal organization.

Continuing IEC activities are important in creating sufficient community awareness on the importance of the
project as a component in sustaining the irrigation subproject and its relevance to the uplifting of their socio -
economic well-being.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)


9.1 Introduction

9.1.1 Objective

This health and safety plan (HASP) is intended for the activities that will be conducted in the CABANO SRIP
Facility which will cover the field sampling and surveys, detailed engineering design, construction, operati on
and abandonment of the facility. This document must be accompanied by an attached Site -Specific/Task
Specific Job Safety Analysis (JSA) identifying characteristics and information specific to tasks to be

1. Project activities potentially include the following tasks.

2. Mobilization/demobilization
3. Site Clearing and Preparation
4. Delivery of construction materials
5. Dispatching and monitoring of vehicles
6. Operation of the Dam and Irrigation Facilities

The objective of this Health and Safety Plan (HASP) is to provide a mechanism for establishing safe working
conditions at the site for the individual tasks. The safety organization, procedures, and protective equipment
have been established based on an analysis of potential physical, chemical, and biological hazards and based
on the pre-approved and specified conditions given by the proponent’s environmental procedures and
methodologies. Specific hazard controls have been evaluated and selected to minimize the potential of
accident or injury.

9.1.2 Site Description and Site History

The CABANO SRIP is envisioned to harness the potential of Cabano River for irrigation, and possibly
domestic water supply. Subject to future arrangements with government, the National Irrigation Administration
(NIA) and local government units, the project will also provide irrigation water supply to about 550 hectares
of currently rain-fed farms, and domestic water supply to nearby towns in the island of Guimaras. Other
secondary functions of this project are fish production, recreation, and flood control.

9.1.3 Policy Statement

The policy of the Proponent is to provide a safe and healthful work environment for its personnel. No aspect
of operations is of greater importance than injury and illness prevention. A fundamental principle of safet y is
that accidents and injuries are preventable. The Proponent and its subcontractors will take reasonable steps
to eliminate or control hazards in order to minimize the possibility of injury, illness; or accident.

This HASP describes the procedures that must be followed during activities performed at the site. Operational
changes that could affect the health and safety of the personnel, the community, or the environment will not
be made without the prior approval of the Health and Safety Officer (HSO), P ollution Control Officer (PCO)
or the Site Supervisor (SS). This document will be periodically reviewed throughout the duration of the
implementation of the CABANO SRIP to confirm that it is current and technically correct and all methods and
procedures are appropriate. Changes in site conditions and/or the scope of work will require a review and
modification to this HASP. Such changes will be completed in the form of an addendum to this HASP or a
revision of this HASP.

The provisions of this HASP are mandatory for all personnel and subcontractors assigned to the facility or
project site. Visitors to the work site must also abide by the requirements of this HASP. Personnel of other
consulting and/or contracted companies may work in accordance with their own independent HASPs provided
that those HASPs complement and meet the minimum requirements of the CABANO SRIP’s HASP.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

This HASP is not intended to be suitable for use by other organizations, reuse by any companies or other
partners for any other project. Any reuse without prior written approval or adaptation by the Proponent will be
at the user's sole risk and without liability and legal exposure to the Proponent. The policies and procedures
presented in this document shall not be construed to supersede any local regulations and do not relieve any
employer, agent, or invitee involved in the project from complying with applicable local regulations.

This HASP was prepared for the Proponent and is intended to be implemented during the project
implementation. During such operations, presence of personnel from client-contracted companies performing
work on site may be encountered. Companies other than the proponent are solely responsible for their own
actions, and those of their personnel, agent and invitees activities on the project site. Neither delivery of the
HASP to Proponent nor the presence of the Proponent’ personnel shall be construed to imply that the
Proponent have any responsibility for the actions of separately-contracted parties present at the project site.

9.1.4 Modifications to the Health and Safety Plan

The HASP document for the Proponent should be flexible to meet unforeseen situations that may arise and
may require deviations from the original HASP. This flexibility allows modification of the HASP by the Health
and Safety Supervisor (HSS) to take into account changing site conditions, such as new data on chemical
hazards, weather, regulatory requirements and modifications to the scope of work.

Recognizing that corrective action activities at the site are long-term and may consist of many different field
tasks, this HASP has been organized in a manner that will easily identify the current ongoing work being
conducted. In addition, necessary addendums to this HASP will be clearly documented and all revi sions will
be reflected. Changes to the HASP must be approved by the Administrator (or any representative from the
Proponent) and the HSS. If unforeseen field conditions will be encountered that will not be covered or
addressed in this HASP, such shall be immediately reported to the HSS and Administrator/Proponent. If
necessary, a stop-work process will be adopted until the HASP has been amended to address changed
conditions. Consequently, the revised HASP will be reviewed and approved by the HSS and accept ed by the

9.1.5 Reference

This HASP complies with applicable Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations of
the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), Department of Environment and Natural Resources
(DENR), United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) regulations, and the Proponent’s health
and safety policies and procedures. This HASP follows the guidelines established in the following:

 DENR Administrative Order 22 series of 2013, Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act
 Department of Labor and Employment, Rule 1070
 Standard operating Safety Guides, USEPA (Publication 9285.1-03, June 1992).
 Occupational Safety and Health Guidance Manual for Hazardous Waste Site Activities, National
Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), OSHA, United States Coast Guard (USCG),
USEPA (86116, October 1985).
 Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards, DHHS, PHS, CDC, NIOSH (2005).
 Threshold Limit Values (TLV), American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH)
 Guide to Occupational Exposure Values, ACGIH (2007)


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
9.1.6 Definitions

The following definitions (listed alphabetically) are applicable to this HASP:

 Contamination Reduction Zone (CRZ) – Area between the exclusion zone and support zone that
provides a transition between contaminated and clean areas. Decontamination stations are located
in this zone.

 Emergency – Any occurrence (including any failure of hazard control or monitoring equipment) or
event (internal or external) to the permit space that could endanger confined space entrants.

 Exclusion Zone (EZ) – Any portions of the site where hazardous substances are, or are reasonably
suspected to be present, and pose an exposure hazard to on-site personnel.

 Incident - any of the following events: first-aid cases, injuries, illness, near misses, spills/leaks,
equipment and property damage, motor vehicle accidents, regulatory violations, fires, and business

 Near Miss – An incident in which no injury, illness, motor vehicle accident, equipment or property
damage occurred, but under slightly different circumstances could have occurred.

 On-Site Personnel – Proponent’s personnel/workforce or site owner personnel involved with the
CABANO SRIP activities and Proponent-subcontractor personnel involved with project.

 Project – All on-site work and activities performed under the scope of work

 Site – The area described in Section 9.1.2 – Site and Facility Description of the PROJECT in
Guimaras, where the work is to be performed by personnel, project partners and subcontractors.

 Subcontractor – Includes subcontractor and short service personnel and personnel hired and
commissioned by PROPONENT.

 Support Zone (SZ) – All areas of the site, except the EZ and CRZ. The SZ surrounds the CRZ and
EZ Support equipment and break areas are located in this zone.

 Visitor – All other personnel, except the on-site personnel.

 Work Area – The portion of the site where work activities are actively being performed. This area may
change daily as work progresses and includes the SZ, CRZ, and EZ. If work area is located in an area
on the site that is not contaminated, or suspected of being contaminated, the entire work area may be
a SZ.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
9.2 Roles and Responsibilities

The key personnel and health and safety hierarchy for Proponent’ operation is outlined below:

Figure 9-1: Key Personnel and Health and Safety Hierarchy

9.2.1 All Personnel

All Proponent and sub-contractor personnel must adhere to the procedures outlined in this HASP during the
performance of their work and all procedures must be aligned with the HASPs of project partners. Each
person is responsible for completing tasks safety and reporting any unsafe acts or conditions to their
supervisor. No person may work in a manner that will conflict with these procedures. After due warnings, the
ADMINISTRATOR/Proponent will dismiss from the site any person or subcontractor who violates safety

Trainings will be conducted to all personnel in accordance with applic able regulations and to familiarize the
personnel with the requirements and procedures contained in this HASP prior to commencement of site
activities. All personnel should attend an initial hazard briefing and questions and concerns regarding the
implementation of the HASP particularly the JSAs must be addressed prior to the start of any activity. A


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
regular review of the HASP and re-orientation will be conducted during the duration of the project

All Proponent’ and subcontractor personnel that will be performing or overseeing work must attend a Safe
Work Practices (SWP) Seminar either given by the Proponent through an echo seminar. A Loss Prevention
System (LPS) training session will be necessary to explain the objectives, elements, and requirements of
LPS to personnel that will be expected to perform or oversee work at Project site. Personnel will not be
allowed to perform work on the Proponent’ property or sites prior to attending an LPS training session.

9.2.2 Stop Work Authority

The Proponent’ Stop Work Authority (SWA) is adopted in this HASP. It is the responsibility of every employee,
subcontractor, and project partners at NIA work site to implement stop work status if working conditions or
behavior is deemed unsafe. Everyone has the authority and should be responsible for stopping the work of
another co-worker if unsafe acts are committed. No repercussions will result from this action.

Among the site or project conditions that are possible reasons to stop work and to consider modifi cations to
this HASP include the following:

 Site temperatures outside the range predicted in this HASP (possibly resulting in greater risk of heat
 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) breakthrough or unexpected degradation.
 Unusual odors that cannot be identified.
 Unexplained, elevated readings on an organic vapor monitor
 Unexpected changes in the physical surrounding such as discoloration or texture that might indicate
undisclosed contamination.

If anyone is discouraged from exercising the “Stop Work Authority” or are penalized for doing so, this action
should be reported to the ADMINISTRATOR/Proponent.

9.2.3 Tenets of Operational Quality

Every aspect of the HASP document incorporates the Proponent’s Tenets of Operational Quality. The said
tenets are an extension of the Proponent’ values and principles that apply to all personnel, sub -contractors
and project partners at the Project Site. Any deviation from the OQ Tenets requires a management of change,
including a risk assessment with involvement of appropriate subject experts. Any violation to the OQ tenets
may result to a Stop-Work Order or must be addressed immediately. Below is the OQ Tenets:

1. Always operate within the design or environmental limits.

2. Always operate in a safe and environmentally sound and controlled condition.
3. Always confirm that safety devices are in place and functioning
4. Always follow safe work practices and procedures.
5. Always meet or exceed customer's and project partner’s requirements
6. Always maintain integrity of dedicated systems
7. Always comply with applicable rules, regulations, standards and guidelines
8. Always address abnormal conditions
9. Always observe written procedures for high-risk of unusual situations
10. Always engage the right people in decisions that affect procedures and equip ment

9.2.4 Compliance Reporting Process

The Proponent will follow established Compliance Reporting Hotline Number. This is a risk-free and
anonymous way to report to NIA management, violation of any laws and company policies, including but not
limited to:


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

 health, safety, and environmental (not reporting incidents)

 discrimination/harassment/retaliation
 conflicts of interest
 theft, bribes, kickbacks
 fraudulent transactions

Whenever appropriate, contractors may use the reporting hotline or any violation; such wi ll be reported to the

9.2.5 Near-Miss Reporting

All near-miss occurrences will be reported to the supervisor and a root-cause analysis will be made
immediately. In addition, NIA management has streamlined near-miss reporting, especially for personnel
conducting field work who do not have real-time access to the web, through the creation of the Near-Miss
Reporting Hotline. The hotline will be checked daily and data will be entered into the Proponent’ Near -miss
Incident Prevention System (NIPS) with the caller listed as the primary contact for the event. All entries will
be saved as initial and can be accessed by the caller when they return to their computers. Entry into the
database does not relieve the caller from the responsibility of following through with the near-miss
investigation or of notifying other personnel in the office or project team of the occurrence.

9.2.6 Short-Service Employee Program

Proponent’ guidelines as regards short-service personnel will be implemented in the HASP document. Short
Service Personnel (SSEs) will have an assigned fields mentor to assist them in adjusting to the project
requirements and procedures. SSEs will be identified in the field by wearing an orange hardhat or any
identifiable or agreed hat or label. The following procedures apply to SSEs:

 Personnel new to NIA or one of their subcontractors will be designated as an SSE for 6 months.
 Subcontractor firm personnel with less than 6 months experience in a similar job will be designated
as an SSE.

Additionally, the following apply:

 All SSEs prepared by NIA management have to be approved by the Administrator

 A two – to four – person crew may have only one SSE on site
 A crew of five or more may have no more than 20 percent to the crew personnel with SSEs on site

9.2.7 NIA Personnel

Project Manager

The Project Manager (PM) is responsible for providing resources to confirm that project activities are
completed in accordance with this HASP and for meeting all regulatory and contractual requirements. The
PM has the ultimate responsibility for LPS Stewardship for all NIA projects.

Health and Safety Supervisor

The Health and Safety Supervisor (HSS) has overall responsibility for the technical health and safety aspects
of the projects, including review and approval of this HASP. Inquiries regarding the CABANO SRIP health
and safety procedures, project procedures, and other technical or regulatory issues should be addressed to
the HSS. The HSS or his designee must approve measures changes or addendum to this HASP. The HSS
will provide the process measures for implementation of LPS for the Project.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
The HSS is responsible for implementing this HASP, including communicating requirements to on -site
personnel and subcontractors. The HSS will be responsible for informing the Administ rator of changes in the
work plan, procedures, or site conditions so that those changes may be addressed in the HASP.

Administrator or Representative of the Proponent

The Administrator is responsible for verifying that project activities are completed in accordance with the
requirements of this HASP. The Administrator is responsible for confirming that the HSS has the equipment,
materials, and qualified personnel to fully implement the safety requirements of this HASP, and/or
subcontractors assigned to this project meet the requirements established by the Proponent. It is also the
responsibility of the Administrator to:

 Consult with the HSS on site health and safety issues

 Verify that subcontractors meet health and safety requirements

Health and Safety Officer

The Health and Safety Officer (HSO) is responsible for providing technical support to the Administrator.
Inquiries regarding the Proponent’ health and safety procedures, project procedures, and other technical or
regulatory issues shall be addressed to this individual. The HSO is responsible for investigating injuries,
illnesses, and near-miss incidents; assisting in developing corrective action plans; and verifying corrective
actions. Among the tasks of HSO will be the following:

 Review site activities with respect to compliance with this HASP

 Maintain required health and safety documents and records.
 Consult with the Administrator on site health and safety issues.
 Coordinate site and personal air monitoring as required, including equipment main tenance and
 Conduct site safety orientation training and safety meetings.
 Conduct LPOs at the site and complete the LPO forms.
 Report all near-misses to the Administrator within 24 hours. Begin near-miss investigation
immediately and implement corrective actions.
 Validate, via questioning, the performance of SPSAs.


All subcontractors should be oriented and briefed on the HASP document and should follow all regulations in
the work site. Any violation or non-compliance may result to corresponding sanctions.


All visitors should be briefed on the HASP document and should follow all regulations in the project site.
Visitors will only be allowed in identified or designated area. Any violation or non -compliance may result to
refusal of entry to the facility or whatever appropriate sanctions.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
9.3 Project Hazards and Control Measures

9.3.1 Scope of Work

1. Mobilization/demobilization

2. Site Clearing and Preparation

3. Delivery of construction materials and equipment

4. Dispatching and monitoring of vehicles

5. Operation of the Dam, Irrigation and Hydropower Facilities

These major activities were used to develop the hazard analysis and the description of each activity is given
in the following sections.

9.3.2 Job Hazard Assessment

For each activity in the scope of work presented above, a Job Hazard Assessment was conducted to identify
potential safety, health and environmental hazards. However, regular and continuous inspection at the work
site to identify hazards must be done. The HSO must be aware of these changing conditions and discuss
them with the Administrator whenever these changes impact employee’s health, safety the environment or
performance of the project. The HSS will keep the NIA Management, subcontractor and project partners’
personnel informed of the changing condition.

9.3.3 Field Activities, Hazards, and Control Procedure

The following actions discuss general safety hazards associated with specific field activities outlined in the
scope of work for this project. NIA personnel, subcontracted parties and project partners must review these
activities and safety procedures with respect to their own standard safe operating procedure. Each
subcontracted company may utilize their own standard safe operating procedures provided the minimum
requirements set forth in this HASP. Each one is responsible of operating in safe and healthful manner in
order to protect all site personnel. Mobilization/Demobilization

Prior to the mobilization/demobilization process, all regulatory permits must be secured.

Mobilization activities include travel to and from the project site. A Journey Management Plan (JMP),
indicating primary and alternative routes should be prepared to provide recommended safe travel routes to
and from the site. The JMP also address the potential hazards that may be encountered during travel.

Mobilization includes preparation of required materials and equipment. In addition, necessary PPEs are also
prepared. Documents such as delivery receipts, work permits, scope of work and the like should be prepared.

Site mobilization may include establishing exclusion, contamination reduction, and support zone. A break
area will be set up outside the regulated work area. Mobilization may involve clearing or isolating areas for
the support and CRZs. During this initial phase, project personnel will walk the site, inspect and conduct
ocular to confirm the existence of anticipated hazards, and identify safety and health issue that may have
arisen since the writing of this HASP. In addition, validation during kick-off meeting will be done and necessary
modifications will be adopted prior to the start of the project.

The hazards of this phase of activity are associated with heavy equipment movement, material handling,


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
installing temporary on-site facilities, and manual site preparation.

Manual materials handling and manual site preparation may cause blisters, sore muscles, and joint and
skeletal injuries and may present eye, occlusion and laceration hazards. Installing temporary field office and
support facilities may expose personnel to electrical hazards, and physical injury due to manually lifting and
moving materials. The work area presents slip, trip, and fall hazards from scattered debris and regular walking
surfaces. Rainy weather may cause wet, muddy, slick, walking surfaces, and unstable soil.

Also personnel who are exposed to vehicular traffic must wear an outer layer of orange or yellow warning
garments, such as vests, jackets, or shirts. If work is performed in darkness, workers must be outfitted with
reflective garments in orange, white (including silver-coated reflective coating or elements that reflect white
lights), yellow, and fluorescent red-orange or fluorescent yellow-orange. Site Clearing and Preparation

Heavy equipment will be used in clearing the site. Vegetation that will be submerged or located along the
footprint of the facilities will be removed. Proper PPEs should be worn by workers. Signage and barricades
should be installed in conspicuous areas. Clearing and preparation work sit e should be limited to the
personnel assigned in those activities. Delivery of construction materials and equipment

All materials for delivery or haul-out from the NIA site and should be checked properly. In checking these
materials gloves should be worn at all times and goggles to protect the eyes for some particles to get into the
eyes in the advent of rupture, breakage or any possible air-borne materials. Care should be taken in doing
this activity to avoid hand and back injuries. Fingers may be caught in between and improper lifting of
materials being checked. Dispatching and Monitoring of Vehicles

Vehicles entering and leaving the facility should be properly coordinated. Inspection checklist should be filled -
up prior to dispatching the vehicles such as checking for early warning device, chokes, fire extinguisher and
other emergency paraphernalia. Traffic officer should be designated to carry out traffic flow. The said officer
should wear early warning garments i.e. reflectorized vest. During inspection the vehicle should be fully-
stopped or in an idle mode with hand-break in an active mode. Operation of the Dam and Irrigation Facilities

Standard operating protocols should be strictly followed. Proper PPEs should be observed. Control system
should be installed. Limitations of the equipment and other gadgets should be prescribed and observed. Any
abnormal situation must be reported immediately. Stop work authority should be exercised in the advent of
unsafe practices.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
9.4 General Safety Practices

The following sections discuss the general safety rules in the sites and other safety programs adopted from
NIA and project partners that should be followed and complied with during the duration of the project.

9.4.1 General Safety Rules

General safety rules for site activities include, but are not limited to, the following:

A. Availability of Documents and Reporting Procedures

 At least one copy of this HASP or a copy of the integrated version of HASP for this project
incorporating essential HASP aspects of each project partner, must be in location at the site
that is readily available to personnel and all project personnel shall review and sign this
HASP prior to starting work.
 Licenses and permits from regulatory and local agencies
 Report all injuries, illness, near misses, and unsafe conditions or work practices to the HSS.

B. Site Rules
 Strictly no smoking inside the facility.
 Cellular phone use while driving is prohibited.
 Consume food and beverages, only in designated area.
 Wear all PPE, as required, and stop work and replace damage PPE immediately
 Wash hands before eating, drinking, smoking or using toilet facilities.
 Equipment must be stored on elevated or protected surfaces to reduce the potential for
incidental contamination.
 Recognize emergency signals used for evacuation, injury, fire, etc.
 The presence or consumption of alcoholic beverages or illicit drugs during the workday,
including breaks, is strictly prohibited. Notify supervisor if one takes prescription or over the
counter drugs that may cause drowsiness.
 Remain upwind during site activities whenever possible.
 Use, adjust, alter, and repair equipment only if stained and authorized to do so and in
accordance with the manufacturer's directions.
 Discard faulty tools.
 Personnel are to perform only tasks for which they have properly trained and will advise
their supervisor if they have been assigned a task for which they are not trained.
 When passenger vehicles are in motion, all occupants must be seated in designated areas
of the passenger vehicles and wear safety belts. Personnel may not occupy the bed of trucks
or trailers while the vehicles are in motion.
 Obey all warning signs, tags, and berries. Do not remove any warnings unless authorized
to do so.

C. Contaminant Prevention Rules

 Secure disposable cover alls, boots, and gloves at the wrists and legs and confirm closure
of the suit around the neck.
 Upon skin contact with contaminated materials such as TPH contaminated soil and liquid,
remove contaminated clothing and wash the affected area immediately. Contaminated
clothing must be changed. Any skin contact must be reported to the HSS immediately. If
necessary, medical attention should be sought.
 Practice contamination avoidance.
 Remove PPE, as required, in the CRZ.
 Observe proper decontamination procedures. Inspect all non-disposable PPE for
contamination in the CRZ. Any PPE found to be contaminated must be decontaminated or


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
disposed appropriately.
 Use the “buddy system” during all operations requiring level C PPE.

9.4.2 Drug, Alcohol, and Search Policy

Personnel will comply with the NIA’s Drug, Alcohol, and Search Policy. All NIA personnel, subcontractor and
project partners must comply with such policy outlined below:

 CONTRACTOR shall have the right to perform controlled substances and alcohol tests based on a
reasonable belief by CONTRACTOR or NIA that an individual is using alcohol or drugs on the basis
of specific physical, behavioral, or performance indicators.

 CONTRACTOR shall have the right to remove any employee from performing work if the in dividual
exhibits unusual job behavior or unacceptable job performance and believed by CONTRACTOR or
NIA that he/she may be using controlled substances or presently under the influence of alcohol.

Work should be stopped immediately if at any time an employee or subcontractor's employee is suspected of
being under the influence of alcohol. The employee's supervisor should be contacted and arrangements made
for transportation for the employee from the site. The cut-off level for a positive alcohol test is a blood alcohol
concentration of no more than 0.04 percent.

9.4.3 Loss Prevention System

The Loss Prevention System (LPS) of the Proponent is a behavior-based safety system meant to prevent or
reduce the occurrence of injury, illness, or other incident. This program seeks the prevention or reduction of
losses by:

 Emphasizing proactive activities

 Capitalizing on-the-job expertise of field personnel.
 Maximizing the use of positive reinforcement
 Integrating with daily field operations
 Solving problems from the bottom up while providing direction from the top down.

Prior to assignment on a project in the field, NIA personnel that will be performing or overseeing work on this
project must attend an LPS training session either given by Proponent or any training with L PS nature. This
training session explains the objectives, elements and requirements of LPS. Pertinent elements of the LPS
program are briefly outlined below; Safe Performance Self-Assessment

All on-site personnel are required to perform an initial safety assessment prior to start any activity. This Three-
step process requires each individual to assess the risk of the task to be performed; ask questions and
analyze the ways the risk can be reduced. The following questions may be asked:

 Do I have the necessary training and knowledge to do this task safely?

 Do I have all the proper tools and PPE?
 Act to control the risk and perform the task safety:
 Take the necessary action to perform the job safety.
 Follow written procedures and ask for assistance if necessary.

This process must be performed prior to the start any activity and must be performed after any near miss or
other incident in order to determine if it is safe to proceed.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) Loss Prevention System Reporting

Optimization of LPS depends upon timely reporting both internally and externally of all types of LPS tools
(near-misses, observations, and incidents). Detailed descriptions of LPS tools are discussed in the following
sections. Incident Investigation

All incidents shall be reported to the ADMINISTRATOR, the HSS and PCO immediately and investigated
within 24 hours. In the event that one of those individuals cannot be contacted, a voice message should be
left and the next individual in the chain should be contacted. Follow-up with the absent individual should occur
as soon as possible.

The purpose of an incident investigation is to prevent the recurrence of a similar hazardous event. Using the
information gathered during the investigation, appropriate measures will be taken to protect personnel from
the hazard in question. The incident investigation form should be properly filled up and documented. Loss Prevention Observation

The HSS or designee will perform the LPO accompanied with the LPO form. The purpose of the LPO is to
identify and correct potential hazards and to reinforce proper behaviors and practices. The HSS must identify
potential deviations from safe work practices that could possibly result in an incident and take prompt
corrective action. The LPO process steps are:

 Identify tasks that have the greatest potential for hazardous incidents.
 Review the standard procedure for completing the task.
 Discuss with the observed employee the task and the HSS role in observing the task.
 Observe the employee completing the task.
 Reference the LPO from criteria. Complete the form, documenting positive, as well as areas in need
of improvement.
 Discuss the results of the LPO with the employee. Discuss corrective action necessary.
 Implement corrective action.
 Communicate the results of the LPO and corrective action to the ADMINISTRATOR and the HSO.
 Verify and validate corrective actions are implemented.

9.4.4 Department of Environment and Natural Resources Requirements

Hazardous materials/wastes and other regulated goods are those materials that have one or mor e of the
following characteristics: toxic, reactive, ignitable and corrosive. Handling of such from storage, transport,
treatment and disposal are regulated under the Republic Act 6969 and detailed protocols are outlined in the
revised implementing rules and regulations of the title III of RA 6969 which is the DAO 2013-22.

Regulations governing hazardous materials and dangerous goods exist to protect people, the environment,
or properly when these goods are being transported by road, rail, sea, or air. Tra nsportation of hazardous
materials should adhere to all regulations and requirements. The Proponent, have strict policies in place,
whether shipping via ground or air, designed to meet the associated regulatory requirements. As such, only
NIA personnel that have been trained are authorized to do so.

9.4.5 Job Safety Analysis

A Job Safety Analysis (JSA) is stool used to identify potential hazards and develop corrective systems to
eliminate the hazards. A JSA list all the potential hazards and site-specific concerns associated with a task
or activity. Hazards may be physical, such as lifting hazards or eye hazards, or environmental, such as
weather or biological (e.g., stinging insects, snakes).After hazard identification process for each activity,


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
control measures are evaluated and protective measures or procedures are then instituted. JSAs are
reviewed daily to validate the appropriateness of the procedures and the suitability of the PPEs for each task
or activity. Any changes in site conditions and/or the scope of work will require a review and modification to
the JSA in question. During this review process, comments on the JSA will be solicited from personnel
associated with the activity.

9.4.6 Motor Vehicle Safety

NIA’s Motor Vehicle Safety Program includes:

 A formal Safe/Defensive Driver Training Course and Behind-the-wheel commentary drive.

 A JMP will be prepared for the CABANO SRIP Facility. Vehicle operators will be responsible for
reviewing and updating the JMP as necessary prior to traveling to the site.

 Review of a motor vehicle report (MVR) for each employee from Proponent auto insurance provider
as a means to monitor driving records. If an employee/potential authorized driver has had three or
more incidents in a three-year period, work-related driving activities may be restricted or revoked or
driving courses may be recommended for the employee. Driving records are monitored on a semi -
annual or annual basis for all personnel by our auto insurance provider.

 A travel Safety SOP, JSA or Driving Passenger Vehicle, and Vehicle Pre-Inspection Check List that
will be performed by the Security Guard on-duty and signed by the HSO.

9.4.7 Buddy System

On-site personnel must use the buddy system as required by operations. Use of the buddy system is required
during all operations requiring Level C to Level A PPE, and whenever appropriate, during Level D operations.
Crew members must observe each other for signs of chemical exposure and heat stress. Indications of
adverse effects include, but are not limited to changes in complexion and skin coloration, reduce coordination,
sudden demeanor change, excessive salivation and papillary reflexes and impaired speech pattern. Field
personnel must inform their partners or fellow crewmembers of non-visible effects of exposure to toxic
materials that they may be experiencing. The symptoms of such exposure may include, but are not limited to
headaches, dizziness, nausea, blurred vision, cramps and eyes, skin, or respiratory tract irritation.

Personnel must also be aware of the potential exposure to possible safety hazards, unsafe acts, or non-
compliance with safety procedures. Buddy system is also essential in decontamination procedures especially
on PPEs.

9.4.8 Heat Stress Management and Precautionary Measures

Acclimatization is a set of physiological adaptations that allows the body to react to heat stress conditions.
Full-heat acclimatization requires up to three (3) weeks of continued physical activity under heat -stress
conditions similar to those anticipated for the work. Its loss begins when the activity under those heat-stress
conditions is discontinued and a noticeable loss occurs after four (4) days. Additionally, one or more of the
following control measures can be used to help control heat stress and are mandatory if any site worke r has
a heart rate (measurement taken immediately prior to rest period) exceeding 15 beats per minute:


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

 Site workers will be encouraged to drink plenty of water and electrolyte replacement fluids throughout
the day.
 On-site drinking water will be kept cool (10 to 15oC).
 A work regimen that will provide adequate rest periods for cooling down will be established, as
 All personnel will be advised of the dangers and symptoms of heat stroke, heat exhaustion and heat
 Cooling devices, such as vortex tubes or cooling vests, should be used when personnel must wear
impermeable clothing in conditions of extreme heat.
 Personnel should be instructed to monitor themselves and coworkers for signs of heat stress and to
take additional breaks as necessary.
 A shaded rest area must be provided. All breaks should take place in the shaded rest area.
 Personnel must not be assigned other tasks during breaks.
 Personnel must remove impermeable garments during rest periods. This includes white Tyvek suit
type garments.

All personnel must be informed of the importance of adequate rest, acclimation, and proper diet in the
prevention of heat stress disorders.

9.4.9 Biological Hazards

Biological hazards may include snakes, thorny bushes and trees, ticks, mosquitoes, ants, scorpions, spiders
and other pests and all personnel should watched out for these hazards. Designated first -aider should be
identified and emergency numbers or hotlines of the nearest medical institutions will be posted in pertinent
areas for easy reference.

9.4.10 Noise

The recommended DENR DAO 14 standard of noise levels will be maintained at all times. Recommended
working conditions not to exceed 85 dBA will be observed. In instances of high noise level during excavations,
ear plugs will be provided to the personnel directly involved and within the premises of the working area.

9.4.11 Spill Control

All raw materials and wastes should be stored properly or if stock piling will be done a lining system made of
polypropylene sheets will be placed prior to the piling activity to ensure that spills will be controlled. The spills
will be gathered properly and stored in bags and drums. In case of liquid spillages, absorbent pads and
materials will be provided near the working area.

9.4.12 Sanitation and Sanitary Facilities

All personnel are required to wash hands before and after work, after using the toilets and the like. Restroom
will be provided near the facility together with lavatories for hand washing and other personal hygiene

9.4.13 Break Area

Designated area for resting or cooling of personnel will be identified. Personnel working at the contaminated
zone must undergo decontamination procedure prior to going to the break area.

9.4.14 Potable Water

Potable water will be provided at the break area and near the working area for personnel use to cool


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
themselves down and to rehydrate.

9.4.15 Emergency Equipment

Emergency equipment will be placed in designated areas within and near the working area in case of incidents
and emergencies. Fire extinguishers, eyes rinse and showers will be provided in designated points or in
safety corners.

9.4.16 Lockout/Tag out Procedures

Lockout/Tag out system will be used if necessary and the HSO will implement this. The personnel should
report any non-compliance of this process.

9.4.17 Electrical Safety

All electrical equipment should be checked prior to using them to ensure that electrocution or other related
incidents may occur. Only trained personnel should use the electrical equipment.

9.4.18 Lifting Safety

Proper lifting procedure should be followed at all times to prevent back injuries or lumbar paints. In case of
improper lifting, the attention of the personnel should be called upon immediately and the proper way of lifting
should be demonstrated by the HSO or any deputized personnel.

9.4.19 Ladder Safety

In using ladder for the loading of wastes to the wing van, the ladder should be secured and hoisted properly.
A stop work order will be done immediately if unsafe use of ladder will be committed.

9.4.20 Waste Management

All waste generated in the project implementation will be segregated to hazardous and non-hazardous
wastes. All non-hazardous wastes will be treated separately from the hazardous waste in the facility.

9.5 Personnel Protective Equipment

Minimum PPE requirement in the site is helmet with chin strap, reflectorized vests and safety shoes. For each
activity within the working area, required PPEs are identified (as shown in the JSA) and should be strictly
followed. Non-compliance means stop-work order.

9.6 Work Zones and Decontamination

Work zones (contaminated zones, hot zones and decontamination zones) will be identified by the safety
officer or environmental consultant of the Proponent. All personnel in the site should adhere to these zones
and selected activities should be confined only in these prescribed zones.

Only personnel with the appropriate training and medical certifications (if respirators are required) will be
allowed to work at the production/treatment area. The HSS will maintain a list of authorized persons; only
personnel on the authorized list will be allowed to enter these areas.

9.6.1 Site Orientation and Hazard Briefing

No person will be allowed in the work area during site operations without first being given a site orientation
and hazard briefing and a review of the HASP by the ADMINISTRATOR or the HSS. This review must cover


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
the chemical, physical, and biological hazards; protective equipment; safe work procedures; and emergency
procedures for the project. Daily safety meetings will be held each day before work begins.

All people entering the site work areas, including visitors, must document their attendance at this briefing, as
well as the daily safety meetings on the forms included with this HASP. In addition, all personnel entering the
work areas will take a written test that documents their understanding of the site-specific risks.

9.6.2 Certification Documents

A training and medical file may be established for the project and kept on-site during all site operations.
Specialty training, such as first-aid/cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) certificates, as well as current
medical clearances for all project field personnel required to wear respirators, will be maintained within that
file. All NIA employees and subcontractor personnel must provide their training and medical documentation
to the HSS prior to starting work.

9.6.3 Entry Log

A log-in/log-out sheet will be maintained at the site by the HSS. Personnel must sign in and out on a log sheet
as they enter and leave the work area and the HSS may document entry and exiting the field notebook.

9.6.4 Entry Requirements

In addition to the authorization, hazard briefing, and certification requirements listed above, no person will be
allowed in any Proponent work area unless they are wearing the minimum PPEs.

9.6.5 Emergency Entry and Exit

People who must enter the work are on an emergency basis will be briefed pf the hazards by the HSS. All
activities will cease in the event of an emergency. People exiting the work area because of an emergency
will gather in a safe area for a head count. The HSS is responsible for confirming that all people who entered
the work area have exited in the event of an emergency.

9.6.6 Contamination Control Zone

Contamination control zones are maintained to prevent the spread of contamination and to prevent
unauthorized people from entering hazardous areas. The locations of the Contamination Control Zones will
be determined by the HSS based on the specific task or activity to be conducted. Contamination Control
Zones will be determines by the HSS based upon the activity being conducted and the location of the activities
at sites. Exclusion Zones

An EZ may consist of a specific work area or may be the entire area of potential contamination and will be
identified prior to the initial project meeting. All personnel entering an EZ must use the re quired PPE and
must have the appropriate training and medical clearance for hazardous waste work. The EZ is the defined
area where there is a possible respiratory and/or contact health hazard. Cones, caution tape, or a site diagram
will identify the location of each EZ. The EZ at this site is defined as the building within the fenced area. Contamination Reduction Zone

The CRZ or transition area will be established, if necessary, to perform decontamination of personnel and
equipment. All personnel entering or leaving the EZ will pass through this area to prevent any cross -
contamination. Tools, equipment, and machinery will be decontaminated in a specific location. The
decontamination of all personnel will be performed on site adjacent to the EZ. Personal p rotective outer


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
garments and respiratory protection will be removed in the CRZ and prepared for cleaning or disposal. This
zone is the only appropriate corridor between the EZ and the SZ. Support Zone

The SZ is a clean area outside the CRZ located to prevent employee exposure to hazardous substances.
Eating and drinking will be permitted in the support area only after proper decontamination. Smoking may be
permitted in the SZ, subject to site requirements. Posting

Work areas will be prominently marked and delineated using cones, caution tape, barricades, company
vehicles, or a site layout diagram. Site Inspections

The HSS will conduct a daily inspection of the site activities, equipment, and procedures to verify that the
required elements are in place. LPOs should be completed and forwarded to the ADMINISTRATOR for review
per the project schedule.

9.6.7 Decontamination

All personnel wearing Modified Level D or Level C protective equipment in the EZ must undergo personal
decontamination prior to entering the SZ. The personnel decontamination area will consist of the different
stations and should be demonstrated to the personnel during the initial meeting of the project. The different
decontamination activities, which will utilize the buddy system, include the following:

 Washing of contaminated clothing and booths using brush and appropriate solution
 Removal of outer garments
 Personnel leaving the contaminated zone will remove the gross contamination from their outer
clothing and boots using a wash solution and brush.
 Removal of inner garments
 All removed outer and inner garments have respective containers for proper disposal

9.7 Training and Medical Surveillance

The HSS should conduct medical training and briefing in the site and should monitor the health aspects of
the personnel. Medical conditions or noticeable change in the working conditions and physical (health related)
appearance of the personnel should be reported immediately.

9.8 Emergency Procedures

The ADMINISTRATOR or the HSS will brief all personnel about emergency procedures, the evacuation areas,
the emergency response equipment, alarms and warning and the personnel in- charge in case of emergency,
fires, typhoons and the like. Evacuation route and maps should be posted in pertinent areas.

Emergency safety drills will be conducted as directed by the HSS to evaluate the emergency response
procedures and the preparedness of the personnel at the site. If it is determined by the HSO that evacuation
is necessary, all personnel will follow evacuation route to a designated off-site meeting point.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
9.8.1 Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedure Incident

If incident occurs during the project implementation, the following steps will be taken by the HSO:

 Evacuate the incident and assess the need for assistance and/or evacuation
 Call for outside assistance as needed
 Confirm that the Project Manager is notified promptly of the incident
 Take appropriate measures to stabilize the incident scene Fire

In the case of a fire at the site, HSS will assess the situation and direct fire-fighting activities. The HSO will
confirm that the Project Manager is immediately notified of any fires. Site personnel will attempt to extinguish
the fire with available extinguishers, if safe to do so. In the event of a fire that site personnel are unable to
safely extinguish with one fire extinguisher, the local fire department will be summoned. The local fire
department number should be posted in pertinent areas. Contaminant Release

The HSS has the authority to commit resources, as needed, to contain and control released material and to
prevent its spread to off-site areas. If personnel come into direct contact with the released contaminant,
immediate decontamination is required using the decontamination procedures. In the event of a contamin ant
release, the following steps will be taken:

 Notify the HSO immediately

 Evacuate immediate area of release
 Conduct air monitoring to determine needed level of PPE
 Wear required level of PPE and prepare to implement control procedures Medical Emergency

Survey the scene. Determine if it is safe to proceed. Try to determine if the conditions that caused the incident
are still a threat. Protect yourself from exposure before attempting to rescue the victim. Treat other conditions
as necessary. If the victim can be moved, take him/her to a location away from the work area where the
designated First-Aider can gain access.

 Do a primary survey of the victim. Check for airway obstruction, breathing, and pulse. Assess likely
routes of chemical exposure by examining the eyes, mouth, nose, and skin of the victim for

 Phone Emergency Medical Services or nearest hospitals/clinics. Give the location, telephone number
used, caller's name, what happened, number of victims, victim's condition, and help being gi ven.

 Maintain airway and perform rescue breathing as necessary. Perform CPR if necessary. Only
personnel who have knowledge of CPR will administer this. Together with checking of vital exams
and conduct of head-to-toe exam.

All personnel injuries must be promptly reported to the HSS, who will:

 Confirm the injured employee receives prompt first aid and medical attention.


Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

 In emergency situations, the worker is to be transported by appropriate means to the nearest urgent
care facility (normally a hospital emergency room).

 If the injured person is a NIA employee, notify management as soon as possible after the employee
has been safely evacuated from the scene.

9.9 Appendices

9.9.1 Appendix A. Safety Rules and Regulations Safety Briefing

Newly accredited contractors must undergo safety briefing before start of work or project by the Safety Officer. Smoking

Smoking is not permitted at all times in all areas within the project site. Lighter and matches are not allowed
to be brought into the work area Contractor Personnel List

All contractors shall submit to security a written list of personnel (with their job title) who will work within the
project site. Any addition or deletion on the list shall be reported in writing to project site security, as soon as
possible. The additional personnel shall be subject to safety briefing as required above.

The security detachment commander shall see to it that the above requirement is enforced. Traffic and Parking Regulations

The maximum speed limit enforced at the project site shall be strictly followed. All contractor/visitor drivers
are expected to help to prevent road accident by observing driving techniques. Working Clothes

No contractor employee shall be permitted to work without proper attire, i.e. barefoot, slippers o r sandals or
without upper garment. Safety shoes must be worn at all times. Misconduct

This may include, but is not limited to the following:

 Sleeping during work hours is strictly prohibited within the project site. Violation of this rule shall
result in automatic ban from entry in the premises.

 No horseplay is allowed. Good discipline must be maintained at all times. Incidents of serious
misconduct will result in involved employees being immediately permanently removed from the work

 Smoking, possession of lighters, or possession of explosives or pyrotechnics/firecrackers.

 Possession of illegal drugs (specified under the Comprehensive Dangerous Drug Act of 2002 – RA
9165) and alcoholic beverages on the premises.

 Intoxication, and/or consumption and/or under the influence of alcoholic beverages and/or prohibited
Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)

 Theft, unauthorized possession of company property or another person’s property, vandalism,


 Fighting, wrestling, possession of dangerous weapons, use of obscene language.

 Unauthorized operation of NIA equipment, instruments, apparatus and tools.

 Gambling, horse playing, sleeping in the place of work during working hours. Housekeeping Standards

Contractors are enjoined to help the project site in maintaining the pro per upkeep of the work area.

Littering within the premises is strictly prohibited.

Contractor must conduct clean up after completion of the job or before quitting time or change of shifts. All
refuse must be deposited in trash cans.

Clean-up job by contractor shall be subject to final inspection by NIA site supervisor and any deficiencies
shall be subject to contractor rectification.

Violation of these housekeeping standards will lead to imposition of proper sanctions. Personal Protective Equipment and Fire Extinguisher

NIA management shall be responsible for providing its workers proper personal protective equipment required
for the job. Emergency response equipment shall be provided and training for the proper use of such shall be
the responsibility of PROPONENT.

All accidents or near miss at the worksite shall be reported immediately by the Supervisor in written form to
the Safety Officer of the project site, for review and record purposes so that appropriate actions may be taken
to prevent recurrence.

Violation of any of the above rules will result in the imposition of the appropriate disciplinary sanction as
deemed necessary by the HSO and PCO.


Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project

Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project

Ref. No. 2018-04-008
13 April 2018


Regional Manager A
National Irrigation Administration – Region VI
Barangay Tacas, Jaro, Iloilo City


Social Environmental Impact Statement for the Cabano Small Reservoir
Irrigation Project (SRIP)

Dear Sir:

We are pleased to submit this Public Scoping Report on the recently conducted Public Scoping Session
for the above-captioned project held at the Legislative Building, San Lorenzo, Guimaras on March 22,
2018. This report is not a required submission in our Terms of Reference. However, this is part of the
process and a required document to be submitted to EMB based on DAO 2017-015. Please consider
this as our Interim Report.

We are requesting EMB-CO to allow us to secure the Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) from

We hope that you will find this report in order.

Very truly yours,


B14L2 Lapu Lapu Street, New Capitol Estates 1, Batasan Hills Quezon City, Metro Manila 1126 Philippines
T/F: +632 287 6931| W: | E:
Republic of the Philippines
Barangay Tacas, Jaro, Iloilo City

13 April 2018


Environmental Management Bureau – Region VI
2nd Floor Pacita Salazar Building, El 98 Street
Jaro, Iloilo City


Chief, Clearance and Permitting Division


Social Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) of the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation
Project (SRIP) at Barangay Aguilar, San Lorenzo, Guimaras

Dear Dr. Manuel:

Following our Public Scoping held on March 22, 2018 at the Legislative Building, San Lorenzo, Guimaras and
in accordance with Section 8.3 of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)
Administrative Order 2017-015, Guidelines on Public Participation under the Philippine Environmental
Impact Statement (EIS) System, we are pleased to submit for your record this Public Scoping Report (PSR).
This PSR contains the prescribed minimum information required under the DAO, such as:

1) Attendance of stakeholders and the general public (description of stakeholder sectoral

representation during the public scoping vis-a-vis the identified stakeholders based on Section 5 of
the DAO);

2) Segregated comments, issues raised and suggestions based on the main modules of the EIA: Project
Description, Land, Water, Air, and People. The sector or persons who raised the comments, issues
or suggestions along with the proponent's response were noted; and

3) The proposed design of public participation and analysis of issues raised by stakeholders using
appropriate methods (to be discussed during the technical scoping).

We look forward to scheduling with you the technical review sessions to complete the evaluation process
of the SEIS Report.

Very truly yours,


Regional Manager A



April 2018

Prepared by:


B14L2 Lapu Lapu Street, New Capitol Estates 1, Batasan Hills Quezon City, Metro Manila 1126
Philippines T/F: +632 287 6931| W: | E:

for the


Barangay Tacas, Jaro, Iloilo City
Social Environmental Impact Statement of the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project


REPORT TITLE, AUTHORS AND DISCLAIMER ................................................................................................. 1

STUDY TEAM MEMBERS ................................................................................................................................. 1
DOCUMENT REVISION TABLE ......................................................................................................................... 1
1 PROJECT SUMMARY .................................................................................................................................. 2
2 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................... 3
3 ATTENDANCE ............................................................................................................................................. 3
3.1 Profile of Project Affected Persons .................................................................................................. 3
3.2 Non-Project Affected Person ........................................................................................................... 4
4 ISSUES AND CONCERNS ............................................................................................................................. 4
5.1 Meaningful Consultation .................................................................................................................. 5
5.2 Engagement during Project Implementation and External Reporting.......................................... 6
5.3 Analyzing Issues Raised ..................................................................................................................... 6
6 GRIEVANCE MECHANISM .......................................................................................................................... 6

List of Tables

Table 1 : Project Fact Sheet/ Project Description Summary ........................................................................ 2

Table 2 : Profile of Project Affected Persons ................................................................................................ 4

Table 3 : Non –Project Affected Persons ...................................................................................................... 4

Table 4 : Summary Matrix of Issues and Concerns ...................................................................................... 5

List of Attachments

Attachment 1. Attendance List

Attachment 2. Matrix of Issues & Concerns Raised during the Open Forum
Attachment 3. Issues & Concerns Survey Sheets Attachment 4. Public
Scoping Materials
Attachment 5. Receiving Copies of Invitation to the Public Scoping
Attachment 6. Transcription of the Proceedings of the Public Scoping Session
Attachment 7. Photo Documentation

Social Environmental Impact Statement of the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project


DAO DENR Administrative Order

DED Detailed Engineering Design
DENR Department of Environment and Natural Resources
DFAT Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
DIA Direct Impact Area
ECC Environmental Compliance Certificate
EGF Environmental Guarantee Fund
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EIARC Environmental Impact Assessment Review Committee
EIS Environmental Impact Statement
EMB Environmental Management Bureau
EMP Environmental Management Plan
ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
ESMP Environmental and Social Management Plan
FS Feasibility Study
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GECC Global Environmental Concepts Corporation
GPS Global Positioning System
IEC Information Education Campaign
IIA Indirect Impact Area
IP Indigenous People
IPDP Indigenous People Development Plan
IRR Implementing Rules and Regulations
ISF Informal Settler Families
IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature
JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency
LGU Local Government Unit
MCM Million Cubic Meter
MGB Mines and Geoscience Bureau
MOA Memorandum of Agreement
NGO Non-Government Organization
NIA-IGIMO National Irrigation Administration – Iloilo-Guimaras Irrigation Management Office
NTP Notice to Proceed
NWRB National Water Resources Board
PAGASA Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration
PAPs Project Affected Persons/People
PAWB Protected Area and Wildlife Bureau
PD Presidential Decree
PDS Project Description for Scoping
PEISS Philippine Environmental Impact Statement System
PHIVOLCS Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology
PH-PTF Philippines Programmatic Trust Fund
RAP Resettlement Action Plan
RIZ Regional Impact Zone
RPM Revised Procedural Manual
SDF Social Development Framework

Social Environmental Impact Statement of the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project

SDP Social Development Plan

SVAP Stream Visual Assessment Protocol
TSP Total Suspended Particle

Social Environmental Impact Statement of the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project


Social & Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) for the
CABANO Small Reservoir Irrigation Project

Beneficiary/Proponent National Irrigation Administration – Region VI

Consultants: Global Environmental Concepts Corporation (GECC)

Source of Project Funding: Government of the Philippines (GOP)


1 Louernie F. De Sales, Ph.D. Environmental Specialist | Air Quality Specialist |
Team Leader
2 Welesito M. Rombaua, M.A. Social Safeguard Specialist and RAP Specialist
3 Angel S. Morcozo Jr, M.A. IEC Expert
4 Leonides M. Loares Agriculturist/Agronomist
5 Jean Angelique C. Magsakay Aquatic Resource Specialist
6 Alaine Claudette S. Gutierrez Geologist
7 Joenelle C. Donato Geologist
8 Phloem M. Dal, RCE Watershed Management Specialist
9 Fernando Victor A. Manicad III, RCE Hydrologist
10 Jeremiah Joseph L. Revereza GIS Specialist


Version Date of Issue Author(s) Brief Description of Change(s)
1 13 April 2018 Louernie F. de Sales,
Ph.D. and Team
The content of this report constitutes technical assistance provided solely for the project purpose and
its terms of reference and is the sole responsibility of Global Environmental Concepts Corporation. The
views expressed herein cannot be taken to be the opinion of the National Irrigation Administration –
Region VI (NIA6-Iloilo-Guimaras-Irrigation Management Office or NIA6-IGIMO).

The authors welcome further discussion of issues raised in this report. This report and other project
reports should not be distributed without the written authorization of NIA6-IGIMO.

Social Environmental Impact Statement of the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project


Table 1 : Project Fact Sheet/ Project Description Summary

Official Name of the

Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP)
Nature of Project Construction of Cabano dam and irrigation network structures

Dam Components Area Allocation Capacity

Dam and Reservoir 29.0 meter high zoned earthfill
dam with 215 meters long with 8
meter wide crest at elevation of
80.0 meters.
Irrigation Network Canal networks consisting of 13
Facilities km main canal and 4.65 km of
laterals will distribute irrigable
water within 400 has service area.
The existing 4.53 km main canal
will be utilized to irrigate 150 has.

Project Site Location Brgy. Aguilar, San Lorenzo, Guimaras

The dam site is located at 10 degrees, 37 minutes and 35 seconds north
latitude and 122 degrees, 38 minutes and 52 seconds east longitude.
Threshold Limits Applied EMB MC 2014-005;
3 INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS; 3.1 Dams, Water Supply and Flood Control
Project; 3.1.1 Dams (for irrigation)

Category B: Non-ECP:
Storage capacity: Greater than 5 million cubic meters but less than 20
million cubic meters; OR
Inundation Area: Greater than 5 hectares but less than 25 hectares
Size and Scale The project will be composed of 29.0 meters high by 215 meters long
zoned earthfill dam to irrigate a total of about 550 hectares of agricultural
lands. It has a total storage capacity of 3.69 million cubic meters of water.
Project Components
Components Specifications
A. Watershed
Drainage Area 32.28 sq km
Inflow Design Flood 619.68 cms
B. Dam
Type Zoned Earthfill
Crest Elevation 80.00 m
River Bed Elevation 51.00 m
Dam Height 29.00 m
Crest Length 215.00 m
Crest Width Embankment Slope 8.00 m
C. Irrigation Network
Irrigable Area 550 has

Social Environmental Impact Statement of the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project

Project Cost The total cost of the project is about PhP 533.012 million.
Project Proponent National Irrigation Administration – Iloilo – Guimaras Irrigation
Management Office (NIA – IGIMO)
NIA Regional Office 6, Jaro, Iloilo City

Contact Person:
Regional Manager A
National Irrigation Administration – Region VI
(033) 329-6596/ 320-3863
Environmental Global Environmental Concepts Corporation
Consultant Block 14 Lot 2, Lapu-Lapu Street, New Capitol Estate 1, Batasan Hills
Quezon City
Telefax (+632) 287-6931

Contact Person:
Mr. Leonides M. Loares
President | Agronomist | Agriculturist
(+632) 287-6931


Pursuant to DAO 2003-30 and 2017-015, a Public Scoping Activity for the Environmental and Social
Impact Assessment of the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project was done on March 22, 2018, from
8:00 to 11:30 am at the Legislative Building, Municipality of San Lorenzo, Guimaras.

In accordance with Section 7 of the DAO 2017-015, preliminaries were undertaken and documents were
submitted to the Environmental Management Bureau- Region VI (EMB-6) of the Department of
Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) prior to the Public Scoping activity. Among these
requirements submitted together with the Request for Public Scoping are the following:

1) Proof of Conduct of IEC which included FGDs conducted and receipt of IEC by LGUs and
other stake holders;
2) Initial Perception Survey Results;
3) Project Description for Scoping;
4) Proposed List of Invitees;
5) Draft Invitation letter and draft IEC material for preparation for public scoping; and
6) Draft presentation for public scoping.


As evidenced by the copy of the Attendance Sheets (Attachment 1) a total of 60 attendees, coming
from the various barangays affected by the project, as well as representatives from NIA Region 6, EMB
Region 6 and Global Environmental Concepts Corporation attended the public scoping.

3.1 Profile of Project Affected Persons

Social Environmental Impact Statement of the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project

There were 25 PAP attendees as shown in Table 2.

Table 2 : Profile of Project Affected Persons

Group of Project Affected Person No. in Attendance

Women 18
Senior Citizens 6
Farmers 8
Fisherfolk 2
Teachers 1
Residents 2
Persons with Disability 1
Salt Producers 3
Youth 3
Barangay Health Workers 3
Tricycle Drivers 2

* An Attendee maybe classified under 2 or more groups of PAP

3.2 Non-Project Affected Person

There were 35 non-PAP in attendance shown in Table 3 below.

Table 3 : Non –Project Affected Persons

Non-Project Affected Person No. in Attendance

Proponents/Consultants (NIA and GECC) 11
Regulatory (EMB) 4
Chief of Police 1
Sangguniang Bayan 3
PB 4
Vice Mayor 1
Office of the Mayor 3
Resource Person 1


Segregated comments, issues raised and suggestions based on the main modules of the EIA: Project
Description, Land, Water, Air, and People are shown in Table 4. The sector or persons who raised the

Social Environmental Impact Statement of the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project

comments, issues or suggestions along with the proponent’s response were noted and indicated in
the table. A full list or summary matrix of issues and concerns raised are given in Table 4 below.

Table 4 : Summary Matrix of Issues and Concerns

Environmental Aspect Source of Concern Response/Reaction

The People
Disturbance of Properties and Loss or decrease of income and All affected stakeholders will be
Loss of Income loss of properties (land, trees, duly compensated by the
animals, due to submerged agency. A specific committee
areas and project construction will assess how much the
damaged properties will cost
using assessed value.
The Land
Loss of Trees Loss of trees due to the Every tree affected by the
construction of the proposed project will be assessed and the
dam. owner duly compensated.
ECC has a set of conditions
wherein the agency/proponents
are required to plant 10 trees
for every 1 tree damaged.
The Air
No concerns were raised about Possible impacts on the air will
air quality for the proposed still be included in the EIA study.
The Water
Continuous Heavy Rainfall Spillage level of the dam In the event of the dam nearing
its spillage level, personnel from
NIA will adjust the dam opening
and the rain will be discharged
through the spillway.


5.1 Meaningful Consultation

The proponent will undertake a process of meaningful consultation in a manner that provides
stakeholders with opportunities to express their views on projects risks, impacts, and mitigation
measures, and allows the proponent to consider and respond to them. Meaningful consultation will be
carried out on an ongoing basis as the nature of issues, impacts and opportunities evolves.

Meaningful consultation is a two-way process that:

1) Begins early in the project planning process to gather initial views on the project proposal and
inform project design;

Social Environmental Impact Statement of the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project

2) Encourages stakeholder feedback, particularly as a way of informing project design and

engagement by stakeholders in the identification and mitigation of environmental and social
risks and impacts;
3) Continues on an ongoing basis, as risks and impacts arise;
4) Is based on the prior disclosure and dissemination of relevant transparent, objective,
meaningful, and easily accessible information in a timeframe that enables meaningful
consultations with stakeholders in a culturally appropriate format, in relevant local language(s)
and is understandable to stakeholders;
5) Considers and responds to feedback;
6) Supports active and inclusive engagement with project-affected parties;
7) Is free of external manipulation, interference, coercion, discrimination, and intimidation; and
8) Is documented and disclosed by NIA.

5.2 Engagement during Project Implementation and External Reporting

NIA will continue to engage with, and provide information to, project-affected parties and other
interested parties throughout the life cycle of the project, in a manner appropriate to the nature of
their interests and the potential environmental and social risks and impacts of the project.

NIA will continue to conduct stakeholder engagement in accordance with the SEP and will build upon
the channels of communication and engagement already established with stakeholders. In particular,
NIA will seek feedback from stakeholders on the environmental community and social performance of
the project, and the implementation of the mitigation measures in the ECSP.

If there are significant changes to the project that will result in additional risks and impacts, particularly
where these will impact project-affected parties, NIA will provide information on such risks and impacts
and consult with project-affected parties as to how these risks and impacts will be mitigated. NIA will
disclose an updated ECSP, setting out any additional mitigation measures.

5.3 Analyzing Issues Raised

Most of the issues raised are questions regarding relocation, compensation for properties and
agricultural crops, and livelihood. A Resettlement Plan will be developed, as may be necessary. Social
and environmental safeguards shall be formulated as ESMPs to be included in the SEIS.


NIA will respond to concerns and grievances of project-affected parties related to the environmental
and social performance of the project in a timely manner. For this purpose, NIA will propose and
implement a grievance mechanism to receive and facilitate resolution of such concerns and grievances.

The grievance mechanism will be proportionate to the potential risks and impacts of the project and
will be accessible and inclusive. Where feasible and suitable for the project, the grievance mechanism
will utilize existing formal or informal grievance mechanisms, supplemented as needed with project-
specific arrangements.

Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project

Environmental Impact Statement
Proposed Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project


PLAN 1.1 Introduction

In general terms, resettlement is a “process by which individuals or groups of people move from densely
populated places to usually virgin or undeveloped sites where they have opportunities to acquire
farmland”. This process involves a variety of socio-cultural, economic, and environmental factors.

The construction of the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project will greatly affect the kind and number
of flora and fauna, the fertility of the soil, the water quality and the lives of the people who lived on the
land before the dam. The project will affect 7 houses in the inundation area. However, these houses
are only use as rest houses of the landowners that tend the agricultural lands within the inundation
area. Based on the initial assessment made during the feasibility study about 62.26 hectares of land
that will be required by the project that needs to be acquired for the project covering the proposed
dam site (1 ha), reservoir (45 ha), access road (0.75 ha) and canal (15.56 ha) amounting to about Php
13.50 M. This project will entail a type of resettlement that follows the displacement of the people
around the dam area. Table 1.1 and Table 1.2 show the indicative cost of the land acquisition and
Resettlement Plan and the initial list of affected land owners respectively.

Table 1.1: Indicative Cost for Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan
Item Quantity Unit Cost (Php) Total
Land Acquisition
Dam Site 1.00 ha 250,000.00 250,000.00
Submerged Area
Rain Fed Paddy Land 20.00 ha 250,000.00 5,000,000.00
Orchard 25.00 ha 200,000.00 5,000,000.00
Access Road 0.70 ha 200,000.00 140,000.00
Irrigation Canal 15.56 ha 200,000.00 3,112,000.00
SUB-TOTAL 13,502,000.00
Formulation of LARP 500,000.00
Construction/replacement 2,000,000.00
of structures/houses and
Livelihood Assistance 250,000.00
TOTAL 16,252,000.00

Table 1.2: List of Affected Land Owners

Affected Land Owners


Environmental Impact Statement
Proposed Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project

The approach to resettlement has the difficulty of finding the suitable areas for resettlement and having
to ensure a better life for the resettled people because the culture of the people to be dislocated is
deeply rooted in their lands. Furthermore, their expectations on what will happen to them after being
resettled may change and create grievances, frustration and self-reliance which are expected as among
the resettlement problems.

It is imperative therefore, on the part of the Project, that, if resettlement is necessary for the pursuit of
its objectives, steps would be taken to consider all variable factors that would be involved from planning
stage to the implementation of the Resettlement Program, and thereafter until the turnover stage. The
turnover stage is attained when the expected objectives are realized and the livelihood of the resettled
people becomes viable and sustainable.

1.2 Resettlement Principles and Objectives

The principles outlined in the World Bank's Operational Directive 4.30, being generally consistent with
the basic objectives of Philippine law under Executive Order 1035, have been adopted in preparing the
Policy Framework. These principles and the resettlement measures stemming therefrom will apply to
all sub-projects of Water Resource Development Project (WRDP), whether or not the scale and
complexity of resettlement issues require preparation of a RAP.

a) Resettlement and land acquisition will be minimized as much as possible. Where land acquisition
is unavoidable, the project will be designed to minimize adverse impact on the poorest (those
holding less than 1 ha).

b) PAPs will be compensated, relocated and rehabilitated, if required, so as to improve their

standard of living, income earning capacity and production capacity, or at least to restore them
to pre-Project levels.

c) All PAPs residing in, or cultivating land, or having rights over resources within the Project area as
of the date of the census survey are entitled to compensation for their losses and/or income
rehabilitation. Lack of legal rights or title to the asset(s) taken for the Project will not bar the PAP
from receiving compensation, rehabilitation and relocation measures to achieve the objectives
set forth under para. 14(b) of this Section. All previous claims and unresolved issues related to
resettlement or compensation in the area of each sub-Project, including outstanding claims
arising out of the agrarian reform under RA 3844, RA 6389 and E.O. No. 228, will be resolved in
accordance with applicable Philippine laws and regulations, prior to initiating any new land
acquisition measures on the respective sub-project.

d) The means of resettlement are: compensation at full replacement cost for houses and other
structures, agricultural land of equal productive capacity, replacement of residential land at least
of equal size and not less than 200 sq. m., dislocation allowance and transition subsidies, full
compensation for crops, trees and other similar agricultural products at market value, and other
assets, and appropriate rehabilitation measures to compensate for loss of livelihood.

e) PAPs forced to relocate due to their house being acquired will be provided full assistance for
transportation and re-establishment of their home and will be provided a Dislocation Allowance,
in addition to provision of residential land and the replacement cost of their home.

f) Replacement residential and agricultural land will be as close as possible to the land that was
lost, and acceptable to the PAP.


Environmental Impact Statement
Proposed Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project

g) Where the total amount of agricultural land acquired is less than 20% of the PAP's farm land for
those with holdings more than 1 ha, and 10% of land for those with holdings less than 1 ha, cash
compensation may be paid in lieu of land-for-land compensation provided that:

(i) the PAP receives full replacement value for the land and all assets on it, without any
deductions for depreciation;
(ii) the PAP stands to benefit directly from the Project through an increase in income which will
off-set the loss of land, such that net production after Project completion is equal to, or
greater than, the pre-Project production; and
(iii) Prior agreement has been reached on acquisition of land through a negotiated settlement
at a rate acceptable to the PAP, at replacement value.

h) Above the thresholds provided in section 14 (g) above, land-for-land is the preferred option.
Land-for-land may be substituted by cash above the threshold provided that:

(i) land is not available in the proximity of the Project area;

(ii) PAPs willingly accept cash compensation for land, and are paid as in Section 14 (g)
(iii) above- and (iii) cash compensation is accompanied by appropriate rehabilitation measures
which together with project benefits results in restoration of SPAF incomes to at least pre-
Project levels.

i) The resettlement transition period will be minimized, land-for-land and/or cash compensation
provided to the PAPs, and rehabilitation measures completed prior to the expected start-up date
of works in the respective sub-project.

j) Resettlement plans will be implemented following consultations with the PAPs, and will have
the endorsement of the PAPs.

k) The previous level of community services and access to resources will maintain or improved
after resettlement.

l) Any acquisition of, or restriction on access to resources owned or managed by PAPs as common
property will be mitigated by arrangements ensuring access of those PAPs to equivalent
resources on a continuing basis.

m) Financial and physical resources for resettlement and rehabilitation will be made available as
and when required.

n) Resettlement programs will include adequate institutional arrangements to ensure effective

and timely design, planning and implementation of resettlement and rehabilitation measures.

o) Adequate arrangements for effective and timely internal and external monitoring will be made
on implementation of all resettlement measures.

1.3 Policy, Legal and Institutional Framework

1.3.1 Legal Framework

Land acquisitions for the inundated areas and other areas affected by the Project shall be in accordance
with applicable national and local government legislations and ordinances, applicable


Environmental Impact Statement
Proposed Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project
administrative orders of the Implementing Agency. These legislations, ordinances, and policies form
the operating policy framework or guidelines under which land acquisition and involuntary
resettlement shall be undertaken. Of particular importance are the following:

a) 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines

The following provisions in the 1987 Philippine Constitution serves as the basic legal foundation for
land acquisition and resettlement policies:

i. Article II, Section 10: The State shall promote social justice in all phases of development;

ii. Article III, Section 9: Private property shall not be taken for public use without just

iii. Article III, Section 11: Free access to the courts and quasi-judicial bodies and adequate legal
assistance shall not be denied to any person by reason of poverty; and,

iv. Article XIII, Section 10: Urban or rural poor dwellers shall not be evicted nor their dwellings
demolished, except in accordance with the law and in a just humane manner. No
resettlement of urban or rural dwellers shall be undertaken without adequate consultation
with them and the communities where they are to be relocated.

b) Republic Act 7160 s. 1991- Local Government Code

The passage of the Local Government Code has greatly empowered the Local Government Units
(LGUs) while at the same time increase its accountability to its constituents. These powers, as it
applies to the Cabano SRIP Project, are in terms of eminent domain, land use, fiscal authorities,
enhanced local legislation and enhanced authority over project implementation of national
government agencies.

c) Republic Act 7279 s. 1992- Urban Development and Housing Act of 1992

i. Based on Section 28 (b), eviction or demolition as a practice are discouraged, however, it may
be allowed when government infrastructure projects with available funding are about to be

ii. Section 29. Within two (2) years from the effectivity of this Act (R.A. 7279), the Local
Government Units, in coordination with the National Housing Authority, shall implement the
relocation and resettlement of persons living in danger areas such as esteros, railroad tracks,
garbage dumps, riverbanks, shorelines, waterways, and in other public places as sidewalks,
roads, parks, and playgrounds. The Local Government Unit, in coordination with the National
Housing Authority, shall provide relocation or resettlement sites with basic services and
facilities and access to employment and livelihood opportunities sufficient to meet the basic
needs of the affected families;

iii. Section 22. To the extent feasible, socialized housing and resettlement projects shall be
located near areas where employment opportunities are accessible. The government
agencies dealing with the development of livelihood programs and grant of livelihood loans
shall give priority to the beneficiaries of the Program; and,


Environmental Impact Statement
Proposed Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project

iv. Section 23. The local government units, in coordination with the Presidential Commission for
the Urban Poor and concern government agencies, shall afford Program beneficiaries or their
duly designated representatives an opportunity to be heard and to participate in the decision-
making process over matters involving the protection and promotion of their legitimate
collective interest which shall include appropriate documentation and feedback mechanisms.

d) RA 8974 s. 2000 - An Act to Facilitate the Acquisition of Right-Of-Way (ROW), Site or Location
for National Government Infrastructure Projects

This particular enabling law translates the constitutional provision of Article III Section 9, among
others, pertaining to the use of or acquisition of private properties for government projects. The
specific pertinent provisions, quoted here verbatim for emphasis and clarity, are as follows:

i. Section 1 states that private property shall not be taken for public use without just
compensation. Towards this end, the State shall ensure that owners of real property acquired
for national government infrastructure project are promptly paid just compensation;

ii. Section 2 states that the term ―National Government Project shall refer to all national
infrastructure, engineering works and service contracts, including projects undertaken by
Government thus owned and controlled corporation, all projects covered by R.A. no. 6957,
as amended by R.A. no. 7718, otherwise known as the Build-Operate-and-Transfer Law, and
other related and necessary activities, such as site acquisition, supply and/or installation of
equipment and materials, implementation, construction, completion, operation,
maintenance, improvement, repair, and rehabilitation, regardless of the source of funding;
iii. Section 3 states that the government may acquire real property needed as right–of-way,
site or relocation for any national government infrastructure project through donation,
negotiated sales, expropriation or any other mode of acquisition as provided by law;

iv. Section 5. Standard for the Assessment of the Value of Land Subject of Expropriation
Proceedings or Negotiated Sale – In order to facilitate the determination of just
compensation, the court may consider, among other well-established factors, the following
relevant standards:

1) The classification and use for which the property is suited;

2) The development costs for improving the land;
3) The value declared by the owners;
4) The current selling price of similar lands in the vicinity;
5) The reasonable disturbance compensation for the removal and/or demolition of certain
improvements on the land and for the value for improvements thereon;
6) The size, shape and location, tax declaration and zonal valuation of the land by Bureau of
Internal Revenue;
7) The price of the land as manifested in the ocular findings, oral as well as documentary
evidence presented; and
8) Such facts and events as to enable the affected property owners to have sufficient funds to
acquire similarly-situated lands of approximate areas as those required from them by the
government, and thereby rehabilitate themselves as early as possible.


Environmental Impact Statement
Proposed Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project
On the other hand, the Standard Bases in determining the assessment value of affected structures of
displaced persons who are considered as informal settlers are as follows:

1) Classification of the type of the structure;

2) Size (area) of the affected structure; and,
3) Prevailing cost of type of materials used on the affected structure.

e) RA 9285 s. 2004 - Alternative Dispute Resolution Act of 2004

The law, which was passed in 2004, was meant to promote alternative mechanisms to resolve disputes
outside of judicial litigation, and to provide the means for using ADR as an effective tool. ADR system
adopts such measures as mediation, conciliation, arbitration, or any combination of it to achieve speedy
and efficient means of resolving cases pending before all courts. ADR is meant to be cost-efficient and
effective. For the Cabano SRIP involving land acquisition and resettlement, especially when there are
grievances to be addressed, it may be preferable to apply ADR to resolves such grievance when it does

1.3.2 Institutional Framework

The responsibility for implementing the principles and objectives of the Policy Framework are as

a) NIA has overall responsibility for planning and implementing all activities under the Policy
Framework. NIA will guide, supervise and report on progress in the sub-projects, and will handle
resettlement issues requiring actions and coordination at the central government level. NIA has
overall control and management of the project resettlement budget.

b) Funds for the resettlement program will be provided by NIA from budgetary allocations for the
Project; NIA Regional offices will monitor and supervise the implementation of land acquisition
and resettlement activities in the sub-projects falling within their jurisdiction. Responsibilities of
NIA System Offices include planning, coordination of field implementation, financial control,
information exchange and inter-agency liaison, internal inspection and day-to-day monitoring.

c) NIA System Offices, with the assistance of the IAs, will carry out resettlement activities within the
areas of their responsibility, under the supervision of the respective Regional Offices. These
entities will be in charge of organizing the various tasks laid out in the Policy Framework including
PAP identification, census and socio-economic surveys, dissemination of sub-project information
to PAPs, establishment of transparent mechanisms for land valuation and grievance redress, and
administration of all compensation-related matters.

1.4 Compensation and Other Entitlements

Project Affected Persons (PAPs) or Displace Persons (DPs) are entitled to social safeguards under
applicable Philippine laws. Stated below are the mitigating measures for the involuntary resettlement
based on Land Bank of the Philippines Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) that
can be adapted for the project

 Only those DPs found to be residing in, doing business in, or cultivating land, or having rights
over resources within, the project area as of the cut-off date (e.g., date of start of census
surveys) are eligible for compensation at full replacement cost for lost assets (i.e., land,
structures and other fixed assets) and for other assistance. DPs will be compensated for


Environmental Impact Statement
Proposed Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project

affected land, based on their tenure status, e.g., legitimate owner, lessee, etc. Proof of
ownership shall include full title, tax declaration of settlers in public land, possessory rights or
usufruct, ancestral land claims, among others. However, in cases where a tax declaration over
assets that are inalienable or those that cannot be titled as prescribed by law (e.g., river
easement, forest reserve) is the only proof of ownership, only structures and other
improvements found therein should be compensated.
 NIA shall compensate the DPs for land, structures and other fixed assets at ―replacement
 cost‖
 DPs losing all of their lands and structures (e.g., farmland, house), or incurring partial loss but
where the remaining assets and properties are determined by competent authorities as not
viable anymore for continued use will be paid full compensation for the entire asset at
replacement cost. The compensation for the entire asset at replacement cost may be given in
cash or in kind. NIA will assume ownership of the said asset upon payment of full compensation
 thereof.
 In the case of DPs whose assets are “marginally affected”, compensation for the assets will be
 paid in cash.
 Informal setters who are affected by the project and who are not “professional squatter” are
entitled to compensation at replacement cost for affected structures and other losses but not
 for land.
  Swap for “severely affected land” will be in form of land of equivalent productive value and/or
characteristics at a location acceptable to the DPs, or if replacement land is not available, cash
representing the current replacement value of the land. Replacement of residential and
agricultural lands will be as close as possible to the land that was lost. All replacement lands for
residence, commerce and agriculture will be provided with secured tenure status.

 In addition to compensation for crops or property acquired or damaged by the project, NIA
 will provide the following resettlement assistance to eligible DPs:
- “Financial assistance‖ to tenants/settlers/occupants
- Rental allowance for house tenants of affected main structures who will have to
find a new place on account of the project, equivalent to the period between
project site clearing and transfer to their new home but not to exceed a period
of three (3) months; and
- Transportation assistance (in cash or in kind, depending on the mutual
agreement of the DP and NIA) to DPs who are relocating, including displaced
shanty dwellers in urban areas who opt to go back to their places of origin (e.g.,
province) or to shift to government relocation sites
 Granting of rehabilitation support in the form of special skills training, project-related
employment, micro-credit or other self-help socio-economic support to DPs who are severely
affected due to the loss of productive assets and/or their primary source of income and which
will require them to engage in some other income-earning activities. If needed, NIA will
coordinate closely with concerned government agencies that have the mandate and the
expertise to undertake the needed rehabilitation assistance.

 Rehabilitation support will also be granted to severely affected vulnerable groups such as
indigenous groups, single parent households, the handicapped, the elderly, etc., who have the
least capacity to cope with the adverse social and economic impacts of development projects.

 For married couples, payment of compensation and other entitlements (i.e., financial
 assistance and rehabilitation support) will be given in the names of both husband and wife.
 Where relocation is considered necessary, the lot owner of the proposed relocation site will
also be entitled to compensation for his/her land, and depending on his/her choice, the


Environmental Impact Statement
Proposed Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project
compensation may be in cash or in the form of replacement land, of the same value, within or
outside the relocation site.
 NIA shall provide the relocation site for residential or commercial purposes with such basic
 services as electricity, water, drainage, sewer system, road system, etc.
 Plans for the acquisition of land and other assets will be carried out in consultation with the
DPs who will receive prior information of the compensation, relocation and other assistance
 available to them.
  Any acquisition of, or restriction on access to resources owned or managed by DPs as a
common property, e.g., communal forest, communal farm, or communal fishing ground, will
be mitigated to ensure access of those DPs to equivalent resources on a continuing basis, where
feasible, or other alternative measures to be determined in consultation with the DPs.

 Farmers/landowners in the interior area of a land acquired by NIA who would want to continue
production on their own should be provided with land of the same productive capacity in a land
 swapping arrangement on the border of the acquisition area.
 Resettlement programs will include adequate institutional arrangements to ensure effective
and timely design, planning, consultation and implementation of compensation and
resettlement. NIA will ensure effective coordination with relevant agencies for the RAP
 preparation and implementation
 The resettlement transition period will be minimized and the acquisition of assets,
compensation, resettlement and rehabilitation for a segment/section or phase (except where
long-term rehabilitation measures, such as vocational training recommended) will be
completed at least one (1) month prior to the initiation of preparation for construction work
under the respective segment/section or phase thereof.

Technically, all informal settlers found to be at the project site at the time of the census, will be entitled
to a specific compensation depending on the laws and standards being enforced at the beginning of the
project. All possible means to alleviate the DPs will be exhausted to restore or even improve their level
of living to the pre-resettlement level.

1.4.1 Inter-Agency Cordination

The inter-agency/NGO coordination a major contributing factor to the success of the program is being
considered right from the start of the Project. This involves the participation of a multi-agency
committee that is tasked to:

 Identify and negotiate for resettlement sites

  Undertake negotiation for permit from concerned agencies of government
 Assess valuation of properties to be used for compensation
 Participate in agri-institutional development
 Award emancipation patent and certificate of land title

Table 1.3 Roles and Responsibilities of the Inter-Agency Coordinating Council

Structure Roles/Responsibilities Source of Mandate
A multi agency entity at the provincial and
municipal level will be in-charge in The committee can be created
implementing the various tasks laid out in through a through a local
executive order and with
Resettlement the RPF and subproject RAP like census of corresponding MOAs with
Committee (RC) PAPs, assets inventory and valuation, SES, participating national agencies
conduct of IECs to PAPs, establishment of and non-government
PAPs participation and disclosure organization
mechanism, etc.


Environmental Impact Statement
Proposed Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project
Structure Roles/Responsibilities Source of Mandate
The technical assistance team will guide
Technical Assistance the NIA-CPMO in the planning and TOR from NIA Central Office
Group implementation of all activities under the
Program Framework
The Grievance and Redress Committee
Grievance & Redress will be responsible for dealing with MOA
SubCommittee grievances of PAF’s concerning
resettlement issues.

The subcommittee will be mainly

responsible for obtaining ROW data as
well as in negotiating with land owners
whose lands are traversed by the highline
Right of Way Sub- canal, and damsite, with the assistance of
Committee (ROWsC). the project technical and social MOA
development units. This committee will
also function as an arm to inform the
PAP’s of their various entitlements.

The Provincial Assessor’s Office (PASSO), is

the duly designated government body at
the provincial level tasked with assessing
Inventory and and valuating assets and properties.
Valuation Subproject will ask assistance of the MOA with LIAC/RC
SubCommittee (IVsC) PASSO for the appraisal of PAF/P’s assets.
The PASSO’s role can be delegated to the
concerned Municipal Assessor.
The IDOs will assist in the collection of
various data from the PAFs/SPAFs and
extend assistance in the conduct of other
RAP activities. The IDOs are also
responsible for organizing Right of Way
Committee and monitoring the conduct of
the Committee’s tasks and functions.
Subproject IDO and other personnel will
Development Officers undertake various tasks laid out in the RAP NIA Reg. 6
(IDOs) including identification and socio- MEMORANDUM ORDER
economic surveys, dissemination of
subproject information to PAP’s /PAF’s
establishment of transparent mechanism
for land valuation/asset assessment,
grievance redress and administration of all
negotiation related matters will
coordinate with the Subproject IDOs.
Cooperating Agency, to be consulted by project management
Department of
Agrarian Reform for any assistance needed concerning MOA
(DAR), Commission their field of services and provide other
on Audit (COA) and data needed for the project


Environmental Impact Statement
Proposed Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project
Structure Roles/Responsibilities Source of Mandate
Department of
Environment and
Natural Resources
The stakeholder LGUs shall coordinate
with the PMO and other national
government agencies through the
Resettlement Committee (RC) regarding
resettlement implementation to give
assurance that the interest of its
constituency is protected. Officials of the
affected barangay’s play an important role
in facilitating and coordination in the
various activities of the project, ensuring
Local Government that the interest of their constituent is MOA with NIA
Unit (LGUs), protected. It will serve as the formal
channel for relaying to the various stake
holders especially the PAF/P’s the
appropriate information on the intentions
and actions of the NIA. In this way,
speculations and misinformation about
the project are minimized and/or

These are landowners whose land will be

acquired for the dam facilities and as a
result of reservoir submergence. The PAPs
Project Affected will participate in the implementation of Resolution of Consent
Person/s (PAPs) - RAP activities and will sign necessary
documents needed.
The PMO has the overall responsibility for
planning and implementing all activities
under the Resettlement Policy
Framework, assisted by the Projects
Project Management Consultants. It is also responsible in
Office handling resettlement issues requiring MEMORANDUM ORDER
action and attention at the central and
field levels. PMO has the oversight
responsibility, overall control and
management of the project resettlement
NIA-RIO will monitor the implementation
of RAP in the subprojects falling under its NIA Central Office
The TS is responsible for acquisition
identification, provides technical
Technical Staff (TS) explanation on land acquisition during MEMORANDUM ORDER
negotiation and provides data on
acquisition requirements for RAP


Environmental Impact Statement
Proposed Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project

1.5 Types of Assistance or Entitlements

1.5.1 Compensation for Structures

Options for compensation of structures are (1) compensation in cash at replacement cost or (2)
dwelling reconstruction. Replacement cost compensation for the affected portion of the structure
includes the cost of restoring the remaining structure, as determined by the Appraiser with no
deduction for salvaged building materials and depreciation shall be made.

The choice of dwelling reconstruction, if this option exists, or cash compensation will be offered.
Dwelling reconstruction will be at the same values of that lost/or taken by the Project only. The
conditions for dwelling reconstruction, while ideal, might be hard to carry out and end up impractical.

Compensation for other structures in cash at replacement cost for the affected portion of public
structures to non-government agencies or to the community in case of a donated structure by agencies
that constructed the structure may be necessary.

Impact to Government structures and the cost of reconnecting the facilities such as water, power and
telephone will be covered by the Government, using the normal inter-governmental procedures and

1.5.2 Compensation for Crops and Trees

Cash compensation for perennials of commercial value as determined by the DENR or the concerned
Appraiser shall be given under the Resettlement Plan. PAPs will be given sufficient time to harvest crops
on the subject land compensation for damaged crops at market value at the time of taking will be given.
The compensation will be based on the cost of production per hectare.

Apart from the following, the DENR no-tree cutting (and replacement) policy will be followed.

1. Entitlement for fruit-bearing trees will be based on the assessment of the LGU where the
project is located plus one year of yield times a period of 5 years;
2. Young trees will be compensated at a replacement cost for tree loss. For timber trees, cash
compensation will be provided based on value of wood volume times the market value of the
wood; and
3. NIA will be responsible for obtaining appropriate licenses/and permits and tax fees for removal
of the trees from the various respective authorities.

1.5.3 Other Types of Assistance or Entitlements

Disturbance Compensation. For agricultural land, affected lessees are entitled to disturbance
compensation equivalent to five times the average of gross harvest for the past 3 years but not less
than PhP 15,000.

Income Loss. Temporary losses of business will be compensated with a lump sum equal to the value of
income loss based upon the previous yearly income. Permanent loss of business will be compensated
based on the replacement costs of the structure and land.


Environmental Impact Statement
Proposed Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project
Transitional Allowance. With severely affected structures which require relocation and new
construction, a transitional sum for three (3) months temporary rental and relocation expenses shall
be given to the affected persons.

Rehabilitation Assistance. Skills training and other development activities will be provided in
coordination with other government agencies if the present means of livelihood is no longer viable for
individual PAPs.

Rental Subsidy. This subsidy is provided to PAPs without sufficient additional land to allow the
reconstruction of their lost house under the following circumstances:

1. The affected properties are for residential use only;

2. The PAPs were physically residing in the affected structures and land at the time of the cut-
off date; and
3. The amount given will be for the period between the delivery of house compensation and
the delivery of land compensation.

Transportation Allowance or Assistance. Informal settlers in urban centers who opt to go back to their
place of origin or be shifted to resettlement sites will be provided with a free transportation allowance.

Vulnerable. Affected poor, elderly, disabled, female-headed households and those whose impacts will
induce them to fall on or below the poverty line, as defined by NEDA and deemed that they will be
worse off after RAP implementation, may be provided an additional allowance.

1.6 Baseline Information

1.6.1 Census and Inventory of Project Affected Families

Each sub-project will provide a census of families and persons adversely affected by it. The census will
include a complete inventory of all losses to be incurred by each PAF. This information will include at a
minimum: (a) number of persons, main occupation and level of income; (b) number, type, and
dimension of the houses; (c) number, quality, and area of all the residential plots; (d) number, category,
type, and area of agricultural land held and to be lost by each PAF; (e) tenure status of agricultural land
and, amount of rent paid by tenant/lessee, where applicable; (e) quantity, category, and dimension of
all rent other fixed assets adversely affected; (g) productive assets lost as a percentage of total
productive assets; (h) temporary damage to productive assets; (i) quantity, category, and quality of
non-agricultural livelihood adversely affected; (j) quantity, type, and quality of community resources to
be acquired

1.6.2 Socio-Economic Survey

In addition to the census and inventory of affected properties, all sub-projects requiring the preparation
of a RAP will also include as part of the RAP, a socio-economic survey of the affected population. This
survey will be based on interviews of a 20% sample of PAFs not requiring relocation, and include 100%
of PAFs whose houses are being acquired.

The socio-economic survey will provide data on the existing social structure, tenurial arrangements and
resource use, access to common property resources, social services and infrastructure facilities by
different social groups in the project area, and for the host population at the proposed resettlement
site (if relevant), clearly identifying all special interest groups, particularly those who are


Environmental Impact Statement
Proposed Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project
poor and vulnerable (e.g. farmers with landholdings under 1 ha, tenants, landless laborers, and women-
headed households), and describing their special characteristics in relation to the project.

1.6.3 Identification of Replacement Land

If the sub-projects involve physical relocation of PAPs, or provision of replacement land, each sub-
project will provide data on the location, area, type, and category of the replacement land available for
residential and/or agricultural purposes. Care will be taken to ensure that the relocation site or
replacement land is in the vicinity of the PAP's previous location to avoid social dislocation and
unrealistic division of the PAP's economic livelihood. For all sub-projects where the number of SPAFs
exceeds 25, NIA will prepare a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) which will include maps and all other
resettlement as provided in the RAP Outline.

1.7 Implementation Arrangement

1.7.1 Schedule

In each sub-project, resettlement schedules will be coordinated with construction schedules. All
resettlement activities arising out of the works to be implemented in a given year will be completed
prior to the scheduled start-up date of those works on the respective sub-project, and prior to
disbursements out of the proceeds of the Loan for activities related to the respective sub-project.

1.7.2 Complaints and Grievances

The acquisition of the inundated areas must be fully compliant with RA 8974 and its IRR so NIA should
create a Grievance Redress Committee at the Systems level to address complaints and grievances
pertaining to resettlement and to pre-empt all disagreements being referred to the court which will be
handled by the Committee that will involve administrative officers and representatives of the local
communities affected by the Project or entity with the goal of arriving at a mutually agreeable solution
or consensus.

During stakeholder engagement activities such as public consultation meetings, small group/focused
group discussions with affected stakeholders, etc., grievance redress shall be discussed and presented.
Leaflets and brochures will also contain information regarding grievance redress. When available,
project website will also contain links to grievance redress information and complaint forms. Names
and contact numbers of responsible persons in this grievance mechanism shall be included in the RP

Amicable settlement between the PAP and NIA will be first attempted at the sub-project level. If this
first conciliation attempt fails, the case may be brought by either party to the NIA Regional Office. If no
resolution is arrived at, the PAPs or NIA may involve elected representatives at the local and/or
Provincial level to attempt conciliation. Project affected people or entity will be exempted from all
administrative and legal fees incurred pursuant to the grievance redress procedures.

If the case is not resolved at this level, the case may be submitted by either party to the Regional Trial
Court. PAPs that bring their case to the Court will have the right to free legal representation but will
otherwise have to follow prevailing laws.

1.8 Monitoring Mechanism


Environmental Impact Statement
Proposed Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project
1.8.1 Monitoring Plan

The primary requirement for the monitoring of the implementation of the RP is to ensure it is being
carried out in accordance with applicable government policies and social safeguard requirements of the
World Bank since it is consistent with the Constitution. The land acquisition, payment of compensation,
resettlement of people severely impacted by the project and release of funds must be monitored.

NIA shall serve as the Internal Monitoring Agent (IMA) for the project. In addition, NIA will commission
an External Monitoring Agent (EMA). The EMA will be a qualified individual, Non-Government
Organization (NGO) or consultancy firm. The EMA will be required to actively involve a women’s NGO
and/or the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Office (with the understanding that
the MSWD Office will be independent from/not be involved with other RP activities) in the monitoring
activities performed on the site. The monitoring responsibilities of IMA and EMA, as well as the
monitoring indicators, frequency of monitoring, and final and post evaluations will be conducted in
accordance with monitoring plan to be set out in the RP. A detailed scope of works and monitoring
requirement will be documented in the RP.

1.8.2 Updating

If during project implementation or in case of changes in project design or alignment, additional adverse
social impacts are identified and/or additional affected households are found, they are entitled to
receive project entitlements as provided for in this RPF and associated legal instruments.

Updating of RP information and costs should be undertaken if the implementation will be delayed by
twelve months, there is a significant scope change to the project and/or there is material evidence of
inflation significant enough to influence increase of the resettlement budget.

In the case that there are variations made to the land acquisition and resettlement related legislation
of the Philippines, a review of, and amendments to the RP may also be triggered.

1.9 Section 6: Costs and Budgets

Along with the details of program of works and cost estimates for Project activities to be submitted by
NIA every year for activities to be undertaken in the following year, NIA will submit a detailed cost of
resettlement, with a breakdown by agricultural land, residential land, houses, other assets, and
livelihood to be affected. The cost estimates will make adequate provision for monitoring and
supervision and for contingencies.

1.10 Section 7: Undertakings by NIA

In order to ensure the unhindered application of the RAP, NIA will:

(a) resolve any outstanding resettlement issues from prior land acquisition on all sub-projects
included within the Project in a manner such that all prior disagreements and claims have been
settled before soliciting funds for rehabilitation of the respective sub-project;

(b) carry out resettlement of the PAPs in accordance with the provisions set forth in the RAP in a
satisfactory manner, provided however, that the resettlement of PAPs under the sub-projects
where the number of SPAFs exceeds 25, shall also be carried out in accordance with the
additional detailed provisions of the respective RAPs; and for these purposes, in a timely


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Proposed Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project
manner, prepare proposed RAPs for carrying out the compensation, resettlement and
rehabilitation of the PAPs under each sub-project;

(c) promptly take all such actions as are necessary, including the adequate provision of funds, to
implement the provisions of the RAP .

(d) take such actions as may be necessary to ensure that NIA has the institutional capacity to
implement and undertake regular monitoring of the land acquisition and resettlement process;

(e) retain the services of an independent entity, with adequate qualifications, experience and
acceptable staffing, for carrying out the external monitoring of the land acquisition and resettlement
of the PAFs.

45. NIA shall provide satisfactory evidence that:

(a) all resettlement issues from previous land acquisition have been satisfactorily
resolved in accordance with the law;

(b) the resettlement of, and rehabilitation measures provided to all the PAPs under the
Project, regardless of whether or not they are covered by individual RAPs, have been
undertaken pursuant to the provisions of the RAP; and

(c) that all resettlement activities provided for in the RAP (where needed), have been
completed for works to be implemented in a given year under each sub-project before
the commencement of such construction works on the respective sub-projects.


Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project

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Proposed Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project


1.1 Principles of Consultation

DENR-EMB prefers early and regular consultation with project stakeholders so that issues and concerns
can immediately be addressed. In fact they mandated this through DAO 2017-015 (as part of the
Phillipine EIS System) which is now on-going implementation. Under the order, Public Scoping or
consultation is required to be done at the start of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for ECC
application so that the issues and concerns can be addressed during the Technical Scoping. DENR-EMB
is very particular on ferreting out the issues and concerns early on so that this can be addressed
immediately. Required before the conduct of actual public consultations are:

a. Proof of EIC – FGDs conducted, documentation of EIC including receipt of the materials by LGU
b. Initial Perception Survey of the PAFs
c. Project Description for Scoping
- Need for the project, its goals and objectives
- Alternatives being considered
- Proposed location of project facilities/components
- Map showing the project site/s and the proposed EIA areas
-Aerial photos of the project sites taken not more than 90 days from submission showing
houses and social institutions that will be displaced
- Project proponents (including incorporators and subsidiaries)
- Projected timeframes of project phases
- Preliminary identified environmental aspects for each alternative
d. Proposed list of invitees for the public scoping
e. Draft invitation letter (to be signed by EMB) and IEC materials in preparation for the public scoping
f. Draft presentation of the project during public scoping.

The DENR DAO 2017-015 and DENR DAO 2018-18 will be used as guide for public consultation and
disclosure activities up to the completion of the EIS Report and through the construction, operational
and decommissioning phases of the Project. It is a strategic document for planning meaningful and
appropriate consultation with stakeholders that will be periodically updated as the Project progresses.
Stakeholders are defined as persons and entities who are interested in, are affected by, or can affect
the outcome of the Project. Specific objectives of the guide are to provide a consultation strategy for
the Project to:

1. Ensure all legal and international finance requirements related to consultation are addressed
2. Involve a full range of stakeholders in the planning of the Project to improve the acceptability
of the Project design, implementation and monitoring
3. Encourage an open dialogue with local communities and especially Project Affected Peoples
(PAPs) where the Project is located
4. Keep all interested and affected stakeholders informed of project progress
5. Provide a grievance mechanism for PAPs to raise complaints that are appropriately addressed
by the Project.

With the interest of the stakeholders protected DENR-EMB expects a smooth flow of project
construction and operation free from legal entanglements.

The DAO 2017-015 is underpinned by the principles that community engagement should be free of
external manipulation, interference, coercion and intimidation and conducted on the basis of timely,

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relevant, understandable and accessible information. Consultation activities should always be well
planned and based on principles of respectful and meaningful dialogue.

1.2 Consultation Requirements

1.2.1 National Consultation Requirements

PEISS requires proponents to initiate public consultations early in order to ensure that environmentally
relevant concerns of stakeholders are taken into consideration in the EIA study and the formulation of
the management plan. All public consultations and public hearings conducted during the EIA process
are to be documented. The public hearing/ consultation Process report shall be validated by the
EMB/EMB RD and shall constitute part of the records of the EIA process, Consultation requirements,
other than those stated under “Conditions” on the ECC granted by DENR-EMB for the project. The
consultations and briefings provided the venue for active participation of concerned sectors in project
planning and decision making.

1.2.2 Consultation Requirements

Public consultation, disclosure and stakeholder engagement are key requirements in securing the ECC
of the project. The requirements for stakeholder engagement in projects are:
1. Start as early as possible in the project cycle
2. Continue throughout the life of the project
3. Be free of external manipulation, interference, coercion, or intimidation
4. Where applicable enable meaningful community participation
5. Be conducted on the basis of timely, relevant, understandable, and accessible information in a
culturally appropriate format.

1.3 Stakeholder Identification

Table 1.1 presents the stakeholder identification matrix for the proposed project. Stakeholders were
selected from the areas that will be directly or indirectly affected by the project.

1.4 Project Consultation Activities and Outcomes

Pursuant to DAO 2003-30 and 2017-015, a Public Scoping Activity for the Social and Environmental
Impact Assessment was done on March 22, 2018, from 8:00 am to 11:30 am at the Legislative Building,
Centro, San Lorenzo, Guimaras.

The event was attended by 60 participants, of which 25 are identified as Project Affected Persons (PAPs)
who are mostly residing within the proposed project area. The 35 non-PAPs, on the other hand, include
11 representatives from the project proponent/consultants, 17 from concerned LGUs/Institutions, and
6 EMB representatives. Table 1.2 presents the comments, issues raised, and suggestions based on the
main modules of the EIA.

Focus Group Discussions (FGD) and Key Informant Interviews (KII) were also conducted to supplement
the results of the survey and identify issues and concerns of key sectors. Local government officials,
particularly barangay officials, were interviewed as well as leaders of the local people’s organizations,
being the most significant sector most likely to be affected by the Project.

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Table 1.1: Stakeholder Identification Matrix
Has jurisdiction over most of the Residents Brgy. Captain Leo Magno
project components.
Barangay Health Workers Head, Barangay Health Office
It is where the dam, reservoir and Disaster Risk Reduction Management
inundation will be placed Council Head, Disaster Risk Reduction
Management ouncil
Barangay Aguilar
Project environmental and livelihood Barangay Officials
displacement Heads, Peoples Organizations
Mango Plantation Oro Verde Dev't Corp.
Project poses health risk to nearby
residential houses

The main canals will pass through Residents Barangay Captains

these barangays
Brgy. Officials Barangay Officials
Traffic disturbance will occur on
Brgys. M. Chaves, Suclaran, these communities during Peoples' Organizations Heads of Social Groups
Constancia, Cabano, Sapal construction phase
Barangay Health Workers Head, Barangay Health Workers
There will be health risks during the
construction phase due to dusts

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Proposed Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project
Table 1.2: Comments, issues raised, and suggestions based on the main modules of the EIA
Disturbance of properties and income Loss or decrease of income and loss of properties All affected stakeholders will be duly compensated by the
(land, trees, animals, due to submerged areas and agency. A specific committee will assess how much the
project construction) damaged properties will cost using assessed value
Loss of trees Loss of trees due to the construction of the dam Every tree affected by the project will be assessed and the
owner duly compensated. ECC has a set of conditions wherein
the agency/proponents are required to plant 10 trees for
every 1 tree damaged.
No concerns were raised about Possible impacts on the air will still be included in the EIA study
air quality for the proposed project.
Continuous Heavy Rainfall Spillage level of the dam In the event of the dam nearing its spillage level, personnel
from NIA will adjust the dam opening and the rain will be
discharged through the spillway.

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1.5 Community Relations and Participation Plan (CRPP)

The CRPP involves (i) the establishment of a civil society consultative committee, (ii) procedures and
mechanisms for information dissemination and community access to project management and; (iii)
support to communities for improving areas affected by construction; and (iv) community information
mechanisms regarding work schedules, traffic detours, and disruption of social services. The Project
Implementing Unit will initiate the formation of CRPP through the barangay captains of project affected

1.5.1 Civil Society Consultative Committee (CSCC)

A CSCC shall be organized by the Project Implementing Unit (PIU) to be composed of the PIU
Communications Specialist as Chair, representatives from the LGUs (Aguilar, San Lorenzo),
representatives from special interest groups including NCCSP, PCW, LGU Water District, PNP Traffic
Management Group, and barangay officials. The committee shall identify and discuss issues and
concerns from various sectors of society with regards to the dam project construction and operation
and to develop a means of communication so that such issues and concerns are taken into
consideration during project implementation or are properly addressed and communicated to would
be affected PAPs in a timely manner.

1.5.2 Public Relations and Communication Group

A Public Relations and Communications Group shall be created under the PIU to be staffed by a
Communications Specialist, graphic designer, and support staff. The Group shall be the PIU’s
representative or secretariat for the Civil Society Consultative Committee. Its tasks will also include
preparation of project information materials and ensuring information and communication
requirements are met.

1.5.3 Information Dissemination and Stakeholder Engagement Plan

In order to keep the stakeholders abreast about the Project, the Project will undertake a public
consultation and disclosure activities and mechanisms to continue beyond the ESIA process throughout
the lifecycle of the Project. In this sense, NIA shall provide periodic reports to the stakeholders that will
describe the progress of the project implementation especially on issues that involve risks or impacts.

Project information dissemination will be done through the use of the following:

1. Leaflets showing the project and its features;

2. Billboards as a form of promoting public awareness about the project;
3. Facebook showing the various features of the project and soliciting comments and suggestions
from the public towards a better project implementation and operationalization;
4. Posters as another form of promoting public awareness;
5. Radio, TV, and online announcements community information mechanisms regarding work
schedules, traffic detours, and disruption of urban services; and
6. SMS messaging.

Table 1.3: Stakeholder Communications Plan and Responsibilities provides the Stakeholder
Communications Plan and Responsibilities

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Table 1.3: Stakeholder Communications Plan and Responsibilities
Activity Timing Responsibility Estimated Cost (in PhP)
A. Preconstruction Phase
1) Community liaison Appointment of the NIA Project Team, • Actual salary of the
and grievance Project’s safeguard Safeguard Officers safeguard officers and
recording officers and Grievance and GO GO
Officer (GO) in time for
consultation during the • Actual community
DED stage of the Project liaisoning and
and consultation and coordination cost
disclosure activities
concerning the final ESIA • Cost per activity shall
document be prepared by the
Safeguard Officers and
GO prior to the
undertaking of the
activity to be
approved by NIA
Immediate consultation Consultant • Actual cost of services
and socio-economic (individual or a (as bid or as allocated
profiling of additional firm) to be hired by NIA)
PAPs as found out in the by NIA
ESIA validation
B. Construction Phase
1. Community liaison • Day to day NIA PIU, SPC, Part of the cost per
and grievance interactions with Safeguard Officers activity to be prepared
recording stakeholders and GO by the Safeguard
Officers and GO.
• Visiting local
communities for
informal consultation
once a week at

• Weekly grievance

• Discussing progress of
implementation of
project action plans
and issues that
involve on-going risks
or impacts (as
needed, but at least
2. Community • Prior to the start of NIA PIU, SPC, Part of the cost per
consultation events construction Safeguard Officers activity to be prepared
and GO by the Safeguard
• Prior to the Officers and GO.
completion of the

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Activity Timing Responsibility Estimated Cost (in PhP)
• Project website to be
regularly updated
3. Media notifications • At least one to two NIA PIU, SPC, Cost of the engagement
about Project weeks prior to the Safeguard Officers of Media Personnel;
progress community and GO and,
consultation meetings
Cost of publication of
• Regularly updated on news items.
website or newspaper
of local circulation
4. Updating of • Following each of the NIA, SPC, Part of the cost per
Stakeholder community Safeguard Officers activity to be prepared
Communications consultation events and GO by the Safeguard
Plan Officers and GO.
C. Operation and Decommissioning Phase
1. Grievance logging, • Ongoing logging and NIA, SPC, Part of the cost per
resolution and resolution Safeguard Officers activity to be prepared
reporting and GO by the Safeguard
• Bi-annual reporting Officers and GO.
2. Decommissioning • With staff prior to NIA, SPC, Part of the cost per
consultation event retrenchment Safeguard Officers activity to be prepared
with affected staff Proceedings and GO by the Safeguard
and communities Officers and GO.
• With communities
prior to ceasing

1.5.4 Community Support

Community support during project construction will include the following:

1) Providing a health and safety specialist to assess public health and safety concerns arising from
the project;
2) Develop health and safety plans including a community communications plan addressing the
health and safety concerns and information needs of the community;
3) Provide adequate traffic management support including signages and traffic aide personnel and
enforcers during project construction and traffic detours; and
4) Providing proper waste disposal methods to ensure sanitation and orderliness at construction

1.6 Project Grievance Redress Mechanism

1.6.1 Overview

A grievance can be defined as an actual or perceived problem that might give grounds for complaint.
As a general policy, NIA will work proactively towards preventing grievances through the
implementation of impact mitigation measures and community liaison. A project performance
grievance mechanism has been established prior to the commencement of construction activities and
an on-going grievance register will be maintained through construction and operation by the CLO. The
sections below consider types of grievances, confidentiality and anonymity, and the Project’s grievance
resolution process.
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1.6.2 Types of Grievances

Anyone will be able to submit a grievance to the Project if they believe a practice is having a detrimental
impact on the community, the environment, or on their quality of life. They may also submit comments
and suggestions. Grievances could include:

1. Negative impacts on a person or a community (e.g. financial loss, physical harm, nuisance)
2. Dangers to health and safety or the environment
3. Failure of NIA, its Contractors and sub-contractors and their workers or drivers to comply
with standards or legal obligations
4. Harassment of any nature
5. Criminal activity
6. Improper conduct or unethical behavior
7. Financial malpractice or impropriety or fraud
8. Attempts to conceal any of the above.

Grievances during construction will be investigated by NIA to review the validity and responsibility of
each grievance. There will be a separate grievance mechanism prepared for land acquisition and
resettlement issues; this can be found in the RAP. There will also be separate grievance mechanisms
prepared for workers.

1.6.3 Community Liaison Officer

NIA will appoint a CLO for the planning phase of the Project, who will be a main point of contact for
enquiries or complaints related to the Project’s performance. NIA may nominate additional CLO’s to
act as points of contact within relevant cities/municipalities.

Anyone will be able to submit a grievance to the Project if they believe a practice is having a detrimental
impact on the community, the environment, or on their quality of life. They may also submit comments
and suggestions. A format for logging grievances will be established. The CLO’s contact details have
been disclosed at the LGU and barangay level consultation meetings and will be available at all future
group meetings, on the Project website and in any written information given to stakeholders. The CLO
will organize and manage the Project performance grievance mechanism and processes related to
localized disturbances. The CLO will also be responsible for disseminating appropriate information on
the construction program on a timely basis to those who are likely to be directly affected or if specific
impacts are potentially a nuisance.

1.6.4 NIA Region 6 Project Website

NIA Reg. 6 will establish a Project specific website. The grievance mechanism and contact details will
be posted here and stakeholders will be able to submit grievances via the website.

1.6.5 Grievance Reporting and Resolution

A Grievance and Information Request Form can be found in the Stakeholder Engagement Plan (which
can be accessed at the Project website for those wanting to make a complaint or comment. Provision
will be made to do this directly to NIA Reg. 6 or the contractor; through the CLO or through a community
representative (e.g. through the community leaders).

The procedure for lodging grievance and their resolution will be included in appropriate project
communication materials such as the non-technical summaries. A formal logging system will be
developed and the CLO will be responsible for logging all grievances. Two tabulated standard forms
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will be prepared, one for recording any environmental grievances or comments and one recording
community grievances or comments that are received from the public or government organizations by
whatever medium i.e. visits to the site, telephone calls or correspondence. The form will concisely list
the following information:

1. Date of the grievance or comment

2. Name and contact address of the complainant
3. Brief description of the complaint, with a file reference to any correspondence from the
4. Brief description of the action taken by the Project Plant Management to investigate the cause
of the complaint and bring about corrective action, if justified
5. Date of reply to the complainant, with a file reference to any correspondence.
6. In the first instance, grievances will be directed to the CLO who will classify grievance according
to Table 1.4.

The Project will aim to protect a person’s confidentiality when requested and will guarantee anonymity
in annual reporting. Individuals will be asked permission to disclose their identity. Investigations will be
undertaken in a manner that is respectful towards the aggrieved party and the principle of
confidentiality. The aggrieved party will need to recognize that there may be situations when disclosure
of identity is required and the Project will identify these situations to see whether the aggrieved party
wishes to continue with the investigation and resolution activities. There will be no costs or retribution
of any kind associated with using the grievance mechanism.

Table 1.4: Grievance Classification Criteria

Risk Level Validity Response
CLO will conduct investigation, document
Low Negligible to low Unsubstantiated
findings and provide a response.
CLO and an appropriate investigation
team will conduct investigation. The Site
Manager or OHS Manager may decide to
Possible risk and Possible
Medium stop work during the investigation to
likely one off event substantiation
allow the corrective preventative actions
to be determined. The CLO will provide a
CLO and an appropriate investigation
team will conduct investigation. The Site
Manager or OHS Manager may decide to
Probable risk and Probable
High stop work during the investigation to
could re-occur substantiation
allow the corrective preventative actions
to be determined. The CLO will provide a

A differentiation will be made on the Grievance and Information Request Form between grievances and
comments. The CLO will log the receipt of a grievance, formally acknowledge it, track progress on its
investigation and resolution, and respond in writing with feedback to the aggrieved party. They will
initiate the investigation and ensure its speedy conclusion aiming to provide a response within ten
working days, unless there are exceptional circumstances. If the Project receives a large number of
unsubstantiated grievances, the process will be reviewed to define instances when no response is
needed. On the receipt of a comment the CLO will log the receipt, formally acknowledge it, and track
progress on its investigation and resolution. Some comments may take longer to answer, or not

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require a formal response. The response of a comment will be provided within twenty working days,
unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Where investigations are required, Project staff and outside authorities as appropriate, will assist with
the process. The CLO will collaborate with NIA Reg. 6 to identify an appropriate investigation team with
the correct skills to review the issue raised and to decide whether it is Project related or whether it is
more appropriately addressed by a relevant authority outside the Project. The investigation will also
aim to identify whether the incident leading to the grievance is a singular occurrence or likely to
reoccur. Identifying and implementing activities, procedures, equipment and training to address and
prevent reoccurrence will be part of the investigation activities. In some cases, it will be appropriate for
the CLO to follow up at a later date to see if the person or organization is satisfied with the resolution
or remedial actions.

The CLO will summarize grievances to report on Project performance; weekly during construction and
biannually during operation removing identification information to protect the confidentiality of the
complainant and guaranteeing anonymity. Bi-annually grievance analysis and reporting will be
undertaken where logs will be reviewed to identify repeat grievances.

1.6.6 Grievance Mechanism Disclosure

Prior to the start of the main construction activities, the CLO contact details and information material
about the grievance redress mechanism will be disclosed in barangay at group meetings, on the Project
website and in any written information given to stakeholders.


The project’s SDP aims to mitigate adverse impacts of the project and restoration of income and
livelihood, promote optimum benefits to target beneficiaries, and provide mechanism for convergence
and/or mobilization of other stakeholders in support to the project objectives and activities.

Specifically, the proposed SDP aims to:

a. For the Project-affected Persons/Families (PAPs/PAFs):

• Prevent/mitigate project’s adverse impacts on the well-being of adversely affected

persons/families (PAPs/PAFs);
• Provide interventions/support to help restore income and improve the socio-economic
situation of PAPs/PAFs;
• Provide support for the other PAPs like the IPs (if there are) in their efforts for cultural
preservation while pursuing their socio-cultural-economic activities;

b. For other stakeholders:

Sustain/enhance stakeholder coordination in support to the project, its activities, the PAPs/PAFs.

The SDP of the project shall be aligned with LGUs existing SDP. The cost requirement shall be finalized
once the specific projects have been processed and identified thru consultation with the concerned
LGUs and sectors in the potentially affected communities. A Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan
(LARP) shall be formulated if the situation calls for this as most of the properties being tilled and settled
are public lands. NIA Reg. 6 shall share in the cost of the selected SDP projects found to be relevant to
the attainment of compliance or socially responsible EMP implementation. A resettlement

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committee can be created comprising of relevant stakeholders like the LGUs of project affected sites
and even national institutions like the NCIP. Table 2.1 provides the proposed Social Development Plan
Framework for the Project.

Table 2.1: Social Development Plan Framework for Cabano SRIP

CONCERNS Responsible Gov’t PROPONENT Indicative Source of
Community Agency/ Timeline Fund
Member/ NGA and
Beneficiary Services
1. Relocation Barangay MPDO, Community Pre- LGU-NHA/
Chairman/ DSWD, Relations Construction Proponent
Project Affected NIA, officer
Families NHA
2. Gender Responsive Association MPDO, Community Pre- LGU-IRA/
Livelihood/employ Chairperson/ MSWD Relations construction Proponent
ment and Credit Qualified Project TESDA officer -
Facilities Affected Men, Construction
Women, Youth -Operation
and Elderly
3. Health and safety Barangay MHO Community -Pre- LGU-IRA/
Kagawad for Bgy. Relations construction Proponent
Health/ PAC Disaster officer -
Mgt. Construction
4. Environment and Barangay Dep Ed Community Pre- LGU-IRA/
Sanitation Kagawad for Relations construction Proponent
Education/ officer Construction
PAF -Operation
5. Environment and Barangay ENRO Community Pre- LGU-IRA/
Sanitation Kagawad for MHO Relations construction Proponent
Environment officer Construction
6. Peace and Order Barangay LGU Community Pre- LGU-IRA/
Kagawad for PNP Relations construction Proponent
Peace & Order officer Construction
7. Spiritual Lay Minister/ Parish Community Pre- LGU
Barangay Priest, Relations construction Proponent
assigned Pastor Pastor officer Construction Church

The major components/activities under the SDP are outlined below.

1. Resettlement Plan Implementation. This shall involve relocation, compensation, support services,
livelihood support program, cultural preservation program, among others. Cultural preservation
programs for the community shall include education programs, e.g., scholarships for deserving
PAPs. Support to livelihood projects and basic services are also part of this component. Road
construction/repair is to be part of Infrastructure component.

2. IEC and Advocacy Campaign. This shall involve dissemination of information and materials to
mobilize target groups towards positive attitude towards the IEC and Advocacy campaign. This
shall also involve dissemination of information and materials to mobilize target groups

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towards positive attitude towards the project, the environment and other related aspects. The
target is the general public but as a strategy, the first to target for campaigns are the barangay
leaders and community.

3. Stakeholder Participation Development. NIA Reg. 6 can meet the key stakeholders into a regular
forum that would-be avenue for information sharing, interagency advocacy, and synchronization
of plans, schedules and possibly logistics. This is one mechanism to promote convergence of
development programs and operations through the project.

The components described above shall prevent possible conflicts or threats against peace and order
situation. Activities shall involve local government units, government agencies, NGOs/interest groups
and the community leaders–barangay officials and Peoples Group leaders to ensure that stakeholders
at different levels are represented in decisions and actions.


Aside from the mandated IEC strategies under DAO 2017-15 like the Public Scoping, the Proponent shall
assist the EMB in getting more public participation through the Public Hearing designed to allow the
general public and the project affected families to air their concerns every step of the way until the
project is implemented.

The general public shall benefit from the publishing of the Project components and essentials in the
EMB Website for a considerable period.

The Public Hearing with the engagement of a professional facilitator will enable the public to air their

The Proponent shall assist the EMB in the logistical needs of the proceedings and in the preparation
of the materials needed for the publishing of the project in the EMB website. Table 3.1 presents the
proposed IEC Framework for the Project.

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Table 3.1: Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Framework
IEC Scheme / Indicative
Target Sector Identified as Needing Major Topic/s of concern in
Strategy / Information Medium Timelines and Indicative Cost
Project IEC Relation to Project
Methods Frequency
1. LGUs (municipal and barangay • Update on Project • Individual • Invitation letters Annually IEC cost shall cover
levels) of Aguilar, San Lorenzo, description & status methods • Focus Interviews the following:
Guimaras and neighboring • EIA findings • Authority figures & Key • Expected
barangays • Performance against ECC / Informant Interviews number of
EMP • Group • Focus Group Interviews attendees
2. Project affected families • Actual Impacts & methods • Focus Group Discussion • Cost of meals
Measures • Multi-sectoral Cluster • Cost of venue
3. Concerned POs Meetings • Cost of IEC
• Model approach of system • Multi-media • Hand-outs Materials
4. Concerned NGOs management through • Audio-visual
PIM&T presentations Comics on
5. Women’s Organization EIA in local language
• PAPs participation in O&M • Illustrative primer about
of the Project the project
• Role of women • Newspaper publication
• Radio broadcast
• Posters
• Flyers

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Watershed is the area that drains to common outlet. It is the basic building block for land and water
planning. Degradation of watershed in recent decades has brought the long-term reduction of the
quantity and quality of land and water resources. Changes in watersheds have resulted from a range of
natural and anthropogenic factors, including natural soil erosion, changes in farming system, over
abstraction of water, overgrazing, deforestation and pollution.

Watershed management is the integrated use of land, vegetation and water in geographically discrete
drainage area for the benefit of its residents, with the objective of protecting or conserving the
hydrologic services that the watershed provides and of reducing or avoiding negative effects
downstream or underground water impacts.

The frameworks Watershed Planning are multiple-use oriented, multi-sectoral, interdisciplinary,

participative and equitable, as well as resource use efficient and sustainable. The local stakeholders will
be involved and organized in due time as the Peoples’ Organizations (PO) counterparts to the IAs in the
service area, in the watershed characterization, plan formulation, review, and endorsement to NIA
Management. Similar to other subprojects of SPISP, protection and rehabilitation are the major
interventions that will comprise the Watershed Management Plan. The detailed Watershed
Management Plan will be developed during the detailed design phase. The budget for the Watershed
Management will place emphasis on protecting the still remaining forested lands while concurrently
carrying out pilot demonstration works on rehabilitation works to enhance water storage as base flow
and to minimize if not totally prevent soil erosion.

The two management interventions/strategies, as were recommended for other subproject

watersheds, and, perhaps, implemented in the subproject’s watershed aim to minimize, if not totally
control, soil erosion that may contribute to siltation behind the intake as well as within the network of
irrigation canals and drainage ways. These interventions/strategies are (1) watershed rehabilitation and
(2) watershed protection.

Watershed Rehabilitation - Watershed rehabilitation aims to bring back vegetation on portions of the
cultivated farms within the watershed and to effectively reduce soil erosion. Two system-components
of the watershed rehabilitation shall be considered to include the following:

1. High Value Agroforestry (HVA); and

2. Natural Vegetation Strip (NVS)

HVA is an agroforestry system that combines high value crops of fruit or forest trees and forage crops
with cash crops such as corn, rice, and vegetables. The HVA shall be established around the boundaries
of the cultivated farms – five meters wide on all sides.

Guimaras is known for its mangoes and is considered as a high value crop in the province. Using it in
High Value Agroforestry will help increase the production of high quality mangoes from Guimaras
especially from San Lorenzo It was observed that part of Oro Berde Mango Plantation will be submerged
by the project. Making mango as the main which will be intercropped with corn, rice and vegetables
will counter the effect of the loss of mango trees form Oro Berde. HVA can be implemented within the
areas near or adjacent to the dam axis. The program can be implemented in four (4) years depending
on the availability of funds and the initial success of the program.


Environmental Impact Statement
Proposed Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project

NVS which are natural or planted vegetation of one-meter wide strips and intercropped with forage
grass species shall be established within a farm at every 20-meter interval, especially on cultivated
areas. Minimal or “zero” tillage shall be observed during the graving period. The NVS will serve as “filter”
for the eroded soils from upslope and as sources of feeds/forage for livestock of the watershed

Natural Vegetation Strips (NVS) are easy to establish. They can be incorporated during and preparation,
and thus require minimal labor. They do not entail additional cost as there is no need for additional
planting materials, since the grasses naturally grown on the farm. This can be implemented in rice farms
and along riverbanks within the watershed area. Strips can filter pesticides, nitrates and soluble
phosphorus, thus preventing runoff. They control soil erosion and they improve water infiltration during
heavy rains.

The combined effects of the HVA and NVS should significantly reduce soil erosion from the subproject’s

Watershed Protection - Watershed Protection focuses on the overall protection of the watershed from
illegal cutting of vegetation. These vegetation are usually those planted or naturally growing, especially
those along stream banks. The guiding principle behind this intervention is prevention.

1.1 Situation Analysis

Today, forest management has become one of the major areas of concern of the national government
and the citizenry. This is in view of the alarming deterioration of forest areas due to the uncontrolled
cutting down of trees by loggers and kaingeros, the frequent occurrence of forest fires, the improper
cultivation and use of forest lands, and other related factors. This results in the destruction of the
ecological balance, severe flooding, high rate of soil erosion, and significant reduction in the water-
holding capacity of forest soils.

Reforestation and forest conservation are considered most crucial in watershed areas where dam and
reservoir that are intended for irrigation, domestic water supply, power generation, and flood control
purposes, are constructed. Deterioration of the watershed in such areas will adversely affect the
performance and will shorten the economic life of the dam and reservoir, and, to some extent, will
endanger the life of the people in the low-lying areas downstream thereof.


2.1 Location and Area

Watershed coverage is about 495 hectares or 4.94 km2 located within the Municipality of San Lorenzo.
The watershed is gradually being converted to agricultural area. Generally, the watershed topography
is undulating to moderately steep in slope. Slope distribution is predominantly characterized by rolling
to moderately steep covering about 71.47 percent of the total watershed area. The rest is already
undulating to rolling with a total coverage of only 28.53 percent. The Cabano watershed is short and
broad in size. Longest channel reckoned from the proposed dam axis is about 4 kilometers. Highest
elevation is 200 masl located at the southwestern part of its headwater with 2 percent inclination
reckoned from the dam site. Other physical features of the watershed show that run off during rainfall
flows down thru multiple channels which is more likely to arrive at the dam axis at the same time,
resulting to a greater peak flow.


Environmental Impact Statement
Proposed Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project
2.2 Land Use

Existing land classification of the project area covering the watershed is primarily under Alienable and
Disposable (A & D) land covering about 98.09 percent. The remaining 1.91 percent is under the public
domain designated as forest reserve. Thus, A & D lands are owned and privately titled to different
individuals. Large parcel of land -is owned by the ORO Verde Corporation, currently planted with mango
trees. The watershed is generally utilized into upland agriculture planted with aggregates of perennial
and annual crops. Primarily, mango is among of the common crops planted all over the area. Other
patches are wooded lands vegetated with small to medium size trees together with varieties of grasses
immediately covering the ground.

During the conduct of site assessment, it was observed that general land use of the watershed is upland
agriculture planted with mango, coconut and other fruit bearing trees, some annual crops such as
cassava, corn and other more. In low lying areas upstream the dam site there are small patches of
rainfed rice fields. Tree crops are also prevalent planted in patches within the watershed such as
Gmelina, Mahogany, Eucalyptus and Mangium species.

2.2.1 Soil

In accordance with the NAMRIA data on 2003, Soil classifications at the watershed area are classified
as Guimaras gravelly loam and San Rafael loam representing 70 and 30 percent, respectively.

2.2.2 Drainage Network

The proposed project will tapped the Cabano River as source of irrigation water. The river has a total
length of about 19 kilometers with an average width of about 10 meters. The head water of the river
emanates from the mountainous area of Jordan and Nueva Valencia, northwestern part of San Lorenzo.
It drains in an easterly direction towards the municipal proper of San Lorenzo before it merges with the
ocean’s body in Guimaras Strait.

2.2.3 Archeology

Based on the accounts of the local government unit, record shows that there is no archeological or
historical site within the proposed project area covering the watershed and service area.

2.2.4 Biological Profile Floral Species

Existing vegetation cover of the watershed observed during the assessment was predominantly
covered with crops such as mango, coconut, star apple, cashew other fruit bearing tree crops and small
patches of tree plantations. Among the tree species planted were Gmelina, Mangium, Mahogany and
Eucalyptus species which are commonly used for timber and firewood productions. Bamboo species
(kawayan) are also among of the dominant species observed along the river channel and tributaries.

Result of the assessment shows that a total of 50 species of flora species were identified during transect
from the dam site going upstream the proposed reservoir area. Majority of these species are trees
belonging to 22 families dominated by family MORACEAE. Other vegetation are Palm and grass species
dominated by coconut and bamboo/kawayan species, respectively.


Environmental Impact Statement
Proposed Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project
With regard to conservation status, only Narra and Apitong are under category of Critically Endangered
(CE) and Vulnerable species with reference to the National list of threatened Philippine plants and their
categories stipulated in DAO 2007-01.

Table 2.1: Floral Species in the Watershed Area

Duhat Syzygium cumini MYRTACEAE Naturally growing
Malapapaya Polyscias nodosa ARALIACEAE Do-
Salingogon Cratoxylum formosum CLUSIACEAE Do-
Pagsahingin Canarium asperum BURSERACEAE Do-
Malatabaco Solanum erianthum SOLANACEAE Do-
Katoang bangkal Neolamarckia cadamba RUBIACEAE Do-
Kolalabang Saurauia latibractea ACTINIDIACEAE Do-
Binayuyo Antidesma ghaesembilla PHYLLANTACEAE Do-
Gmelina Gmelina arborea LAMIACEAE Do-
Mahogany Swietenia macrophyla MELIACEAE Planted
Kakawate Gliricidia sepium FABACEAE planted
Akle Albizia acle FABACEAE Naturally growing
Acacia Acacia auriculiformes FABACEAE Planted
Mangium Acacia mangium FABACEAE Planted
Batino Alstonia macrophylla APOCYNACEAE Naturally growing
Balinghasai Buchanania arborescens ANACARDIACEAE Do-
Tangisang Bayawak Ficus variegata MORACEAE Do-
Malabuho Sterculia oblongata MALVACEAE Do-
Ligas Semecarpus cuneiformis ANACARDIACEAE Do-
Manggo Mangifera indica ANACARDIACEAE Crop
Nangka Artocarpus heterophyllus MORACEAE crop
Kalamansi Citrofortunella microcarpa RUTACEAE Crop
Guyabano Annona muricata ANNONACEAE Crop
Kulatingan Pterospermum obliquum MALVACEAE Naturally growing
Lingo-lingo Viticipremna philippinensis LAMIACEAE Do-
Lanete Wrightia pubescens APOCYNACEAE Do-
Apitong Dipterocarpus grandiflorus DIPTEROCARPACEAE VU,
naturally growing
Star apple Chrysophyllum cainito SAPOTACEAE Crop
Hawili Ficus septica MORACEAE Naturally growing
Tibig Ficus nota MORACEAE Do-
Dita Alstonia scholaris APOCYNACEAE Do-
Niyog-Niyogan Ficus pseudopalma MORACEAE Do-
Marang Banguhan Artocarpusodoratissimus MORACEAE Do-
Antipolo Artocarpus blancoi MORACEAE Do-
Anubing Artocarpus ovatus MORACEAE Do-
Cashew Anacardium occidentale ANACARDIACEAE crop
Mamalis Pittosporum pentandrum PITTOSPORACEAE Do-
Kamias Averrhoa bilimbi OXALIDACEAE Do-
Kamachile Pithecellobium dulce FABACEAE Do-


Environmental Impact Statement
Proposed Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project
Narra Pterocarpus indicus FABACEAE CE,
Naturally Growing
Santol Sandoricum koetjape MELIACEAE Crop
Buri Corypha utan ARECACEAE Naturally Growing
Anahaw Livistono rutondifolia DO- DO-
Coconut Cocos nucifera DO- Crop
Alas-as Pandanus luzonicus PANDANACEAE Naturally growing
Banana Musa sp. MUSACEAE Crop
Balite sp Ficus MURACEAE Naturally growing
Bikal Dicochloa sp. POACEAE Do-
Bamboo sp Bambusa sp. DO Naturally growing Fauna Species

The project area still hosts varieties of wildlife species specially birds. During the assessment a total of
9 aves, 2 mammals and 1 reptile was identified (including those reported by interviewed key
informants), presented in Table 2.2. With regard to species geographic location, 1 of the listed species
is endemic and the rest are native to the Philippines. Accordingly, none of the species are endangered
or threatened species with reference with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

Table 2.2: Fauna Species in the Watershed Area

Common Name Scientific Name Remarks
Brahminy Kite Haliastur inbus Native
Rail species Gallirallus sp Native
White eared brown dove Phapitreron leucotis Native
Philippine Coucal Centropus viridis Endemic
Swift species Collocalia sp. Native
Great Egret Egretta alba Native
Quail Turnix sp. Native
Wild chicken/wild fowl Gallus gallus Native
Owl species* Otus species Native
Monitor lizard* Varanus sp. Native
Musang/Alamid* Paradoxorus philippinensis Native
Python* Python sp Native Freshwater Species

Results of generated data from key informants and respondents interviewed at the project area
revealed that there are nine (9) fish species found at the river. Accordingly, these species are still
abundant and being fish out by the locals for their own consumption. Most of these species (6/9) are
introduced species.

Table 2.3 shows list of fish species still found within the Cabano River. Relative to species conservation status
with reference to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), 2 of these species are
endangered in category (Casili and Mudfish) and 1 is under vulnerable category (Carp).

Table 2.3: Freshwater Species in the Watershed Area

Common Name Scientific Name Remarks
Tilapia Oreochromis sp. Introduced, Least concern


Environmental Impact Statement
Proposed Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project
Pait Borbodes binotatus endemic
Carp Cyprinus carpio Introduced, Vulnerable (IUCN)
Shrimp (Padaw)* Macrobatrachium sp Native
Casili* (fresh water eel) Anguilla japonica Endangered (IUCN)
Mud fish* Neochanna apoda Introduced, Endangered (IUCN)
Cat fish* Clarias batrachus Introduced, Endangered (IUCN)
Fresh water goby fish* Glossogobius giuris Native, least concern (IUCN)
Crab (talangka) Parathelphusa sp. Native

2.2.5 Indigenous Peoples (IPs)

Within the proposed project area there is no settlement nor Indigenous People (IP) groups known living
within the watershed. There is no Ancestral Domain claim nor Certificate of Ancestral Domain Title
(CADT) released within the said area. This was confirmed by the Municipal Planning Office (MPDO) and
in accordance with the Ancestral Domain’s Office of the National Commission on Indigenous People
(ADO-NCIP central office) data file of released CADT’s nationwide.


Existing land use of the watershed is primarily utilized for crop cultivation dominated by fruit trees in
aggregates with some root crops, vegetables and rice. With, regard to forest management programs of
the government in the watershed has there been no known ongoing program relative to protection
and rehabilitation efforts.


4.1 General Objectives

It is the general objective of the project to rehabilitate, develop, and protect the watershed within the
Cabano SRIP to ensure the safety and long economic life of the Cabano dam, restore ecological balance
in the area, boost the country’s natural resources, mitigate unemployment in the region among others.

4.2 Specific Objectives

Specifically, the project is aimed at:

1. Restoring the forest cover of open grassland and residual brushland in the watershed areas
through massive reforestation and plantation development
2. Developing community awareness, interest, and cooperation in forest conservation,
rehabilitation, and protection.
3. Controlling or minimizing watershed soil erosion that offers a serious threat to the safety and
useful life of the Cabano Dam
4. Developing and conserving the watershed forest so as to upgrade its environmental and
economic values.
5. Provide alternative means of livelihood that would help improve the present socio-economic
status of the affected families in the construction of the Cabano Dam and the Reservoir area


Environmental Impact Statement
Proposed Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project

4.3 Implementing Guidelines for the interventions/Strategies

An implementing guideline for the establishment and management interventions and/or strategies has
been developed and will be similarly adopted as the case may be. The guideline will cover seedling
production, sourcing, incentive schemes, and as well as planting and maintenance cost.

Community Organizing - Community Organizing (CO) will be employed as a strategy for mobilizing and
facilitating peoples’ participation in managing the subproject’s watershed.

Community Organizing (CO) will be continuing activity purposely training the community, occupants to
develop and strengthen their capabilities-capacities as partners not only in rural development but also
in protecting the hydrologic integrity of the watershed. In addition, the subproject hopes to improve
the well-being of the farmer occupants through the introduction of livelihood projects. The organizing
activity shall be undertaken by the Project Management Office (PMO) primarily and ultimately to form
a peoples’ organization in each Barangay.

The CO may include the following activities:

Orientation and Leveling Off - As a first step, orientation and leveling off of expectations shall be made.
This activity will clarify objectives and functional relationships among CO workers and provide a
common development perspective during Barangay meetings.

1. Courtesy Calls and Meetings with Barangay leaders. Courtesy calls and meetings will serve as the
entry point of the organizing efforts; this will be done to gather pertinent information about the
demographic, socioeconomic, cultural and political status of the barangay. Available secondary
data such as barangay, municipal and/or provincial profiles, write-ups, or any documents relating
to watershed area and its people, can be useful. Initial campaign on information dissemination,
education, and communication may be undertaken to create initial awareness.

2. House-to-House Visitation. House to house visitation and census, shall be undertaken (to some
extent) in order to conduct interviews of the local community members to share their
experiences or filling up prepared survey questionnaires as the case may be. Informative
educational campaigns will be continued at the household level.

3. Project Presentation to the Barangay Council Sessions and Barangay Assembly. Presentation of
the Project by PMO up to the Barangay Council Sessions will be conducted so that the said council
will get a first-hand information or knowledge about the project. Likewise, the Barangay assembly
meeting held once a year will be the right venue for informing and sharing with the community.

4. Core Group Information. This activity will be pursued after identifying the potential leaders of
the community. Each core group formed will be composed of at least 10 members from each
Barangay to convene a regular or occasional meeting and discuss common problems, issues, and
development opportunities. The core group’s capability building could be enhanced, if necessary,
with formal training and/or supplemented by useful experiences. The same grouping, preferably,
the same grouping will be used in providing feedback during the information sharing and
validation process.

5. Conduct of Training Activities. The training activities are very vital in developing the
empowerment capability of the peoples’ organization. The topics of the training and/or guided
exercises shall include watershed rehabilitation, watershed protection, watershed management
and erosion control practices, and selected livelihood business ventures and related matters.


Environmental Impact Statement
Proposed Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project

6. Conduct Regular Community Meetings and continuing IEC activities. This activity shall be
undertaken to discuss project-related concerns and problems requiring appropriate and
immediate actions. It will also serve ways and means in monitoring and gauging the level of
community’s preparedness for a formal organization.

Continuing IEC activities are important in creating sufficient community awareness on the importance
of the project as a component in sustaining the irrigation subproject and its relevance to the uplifting
of their socio-economic well-being.


Based on the Feasibility Study (FS), the estimated cost of the program is Php 13,832,000.000. The Php
400,000.00 will be allotted for the formulation of the watershed management plan and the Php
13,432,000.00 will be allotted for the watershed management.


Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project



This Memorandum of Agreement is made and entered into this __________day of ____________, at
____________________ by and among:


ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT BUREAU with principal office at EMB, Bldg., DENR Compound,
Visayas Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City, represented by its Director, ENGR. METODIO U. TURBELLA
hereinafter referred to as EMB;


Jaro, Iloilo City, represented by its Regional Manager, ENGR. GERARDO P. CORSIGA, hereinafter
referred to as NIA;



(i) NIA has been issued an Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) with ECC Reference Code No.
_____________ on (date of issuance) pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 1586 for its proposed Cabano Small
Reservoir Irrigation Project in San Lorenzo, Guimaras hereinafter referred to as the PROJECT;

(ii) The Parties have previously executed a Memorandum of Agreement on the creation of the Multipartite Monitoring
Team (MMT) and the establishment of Environmental Monitoring Fund (EMF) and Environmental Guarantee Fund
(EGF) on ----(date of MOA)----;

(iii) DENR issued DENR Administrative Order No. 2017-15 which rationalized the composition and operation of the
MMT among others;

(iv) The Parties desire to clarify and thus define hereunder their respective commitments and responsibilities in
connection with the formation of the MMT and the establishment of the EGF and EMF;

NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises and the mutual covenants set forth herein,
the Parties hereto agree as follows:



The applicable provisions of DENR DAO 2017-15 shall guide the identification of members of the MMT. The representatives
from the government sector shall be on ex-officio basis. The selection process for sectoral representatives shall be prescribed
in the MOO. Likewise, the code of ethics for MMT members, suspension/removal, resignation/replacement and other
organizational processes shall be prescribed in the MOO.

The following shall be represented in the MMT: (Note that the MMT shall not exceed ten (10) members if project area covers
only 1 barangay. If project area covers more than 1 barangay, additional members shall be added: Barangay/s Captain and
MENRO of affected municipalities.)

1) LGU/s representatives:
• ----------(please state specific office)-------- Representative from the Municipal/City Environment and Natural
Resources Officer MENRO/City ENRO (for projects whose DIA is limited to the City or Municipality) and Provincial
Government (PG) ENRO (for projects whose DIA covers more than 2 municipalities). In cases where

there is no PG-ENRO, MENRO/City ENRO, the Municipal/Provincial Planning and Development Officer
(MPDO/PPDO) or the chairman of the environment committee of the Sangguniang Bayan may be designated
as representative to the MMT.
• MENRO of ---------- (please state specific municipality/city)--------
• MENRO of ---------- (please state specific municipality/city)--------
• MENRO of ---------- (please state specific municipality/city)--------
• Rural Health Unit (RHU) Chief of ---------- (please state specific unit/barangay)--------
• Barangay Captain of ----------(please state specific barangay)--------
• Barangay Captain of ----------(please state specific barangay)--------
• Barangay Captain of ----------(please state specific barangay)--------
• Barangay Captain of ----------(please state specific barangay)--------

2) One (1) LGU-accredited local NGOs selected in accordance with the procedures described in the MOO. Note that the
NGO should have mission/s specifically related to environmental management and/or to the type and impacts of the
proposed undertaking/project. In cases, where there is no such NGOs, it shall be open to other NGOs.
3) Maximum of two (2) community leaders selected in accordance with the procedures described in the MOO. Note that
the community leaders must represent vulnerable sectors including indigenous populations, women and senior
citizens, and/or representatives from the academe may be included as member of the MMT in addition to the LGU-
accredited NGO.
4) Other government agencies representatives: Representative from government agencies (see section 16.3);
maximum of three (3)
• ----------(please state specific office)--------
• ----------(please state specific office)--------
• ----------(please state specific office)--------


The MMT Chair shall be elected by members of the MMT with due consideration of Section 16.4
of DENR DAO 2017-15 using the procedures prescribed in the MOO. (as a general rule, the ENRO, PG-ENRO or
Regional Lead Agency - Regional Director shall serve as the MMT Chair. The MOO shall govern the election

The MMT shall operate and decide based on majority vote of members in attendance constituting a quorum.


The MMT shall be multi-sectoral and shall have representations from the stakeholders as identified in Section A above The
identified offices / sector shall officially designate/authorize through a written office order, endorsement letter or similar
instruments, a representative to be a member of the MMT who must:

1. Be able to regularly attend meetings, orientations, training, actual monitoring and reporting activities.
2. Be able to read, write and learn the various aspects of monitoring.
3. Be credible to the larger community and without any criminal or administrative cases
(an alternate member for each represented entity may be officially designated if deemed necessary)

The MMT Chair shall confirm and update the official listing of MMT Members on an annual basis.

MMT members especially those who will lose their opportunity to earn while participating in MMT activities shall receive an
honoraria of not more than PhP 2,000.00 per quarter for their participation charged to the EMF.



Functions of MMT are as follows:

1. Monitor project compliance with the conditions stipulated in the ECC (Annex A) and the EMP (Annex B);
2. Validate proponent’s conduct of self-monitoring

3. Receive complaints, gather relevant information to facilitate determination of validity of complaints or concerns about
the project and timely transmit to the proponent and EMB recommended measures to address the complaint
4. Prepare, integrate & disseminate simplified monitoring reports to community stakeholders
5. Make regular and timely submission of MMT Report based on the EMB-prescribed format


The EMB Central Office shall be responsible for taking the lead in policy guidance, the provision of needed support for the
operationalization of the MMT and MMT Performance validation.

Other member offices/sector identified in Section A of Title I as needing representation in the MMT shall have the following
roles, duties and responsibilities:

EMB Regional Office VI shall, upon written invitation of the MMT, provide technical advise/assistance in the operation of the

NIA shall provide necessary budget/funds for the MMT activities, make available to the MMT all project information necessary
to determine compliance with the environmental requirements and commitments to the extent that such information is not
subject to any restrictions and confidentiality, coordinate with and allow the MMT members to inspect and observe construction
and operation activities of the PROJECT including the testing, calibration and operation of pollution control and in-house
monitoring equipment.

Municipal Government of San Lorenzo shall designate a representative who shall participate in actual monitoring work,
prepare or concur with and sign the MMT monitoring reports, provide the necessary information about local policies, plans
and programs affecting MMT monitoring results and standards, advise the MMT of any complaints, information or reports from
LGUs concerning the PROJECT.

(state NGO/PO and other vulnerable groups) shall designate a representative who shall participate in actual monitoring work,
prepare or concur with and sign the monitoring reports, provide the necessary information such as update regarding the
perceptible impact of the project on the sector/concern being represented.

As may be required from time to time, MMT may request the assistance of (state other relevant government agencies and
other sectors) to provide the necessary information about agency/sectoral policies, plans and programs affecting MMT
monitoring results and standards and participate in the actual monitoring activity and concur with and sign the monitoring



All MMT activities shall be guided by a Manual of Operations (MOO) to be prepared based on the EMB-prescribed generic
manual of operations which shall be customized based on the project type/situation and the corresponding monitoring
requirements and submitted to EMB CO for approval within sixty (60) days from the signing of this MOA. The Proponent shall
prepare the MOO in consultation with the members of the MMT.

The MOO shall contain, at the minimum, the following:

MMT Code of Ethics

7.1 Selection Process and Criteria for Membership
7.2 Suspension/Removal, Resignation and Replacement of Members

8.1 MMT Structure and leadership

8.2 General Roles, Duties And Responsibilities Of MMT Members
8.3 Specific Roles, Duties And Responsibilities Of MMT Members


9.1 Eligible Expenses and Standards
9.2 Utilization of EMF / Preparation of a Work and Financial Plan
9.3 Management of the Fund
9.4 Disbursement and Auditing Procedures


10.1 Meetings
10.1.1 Regular Meetings
10.1.2 Special Meetings
10.1.3 Notice of Meetings
10.1.4 Quorum
10.1.5 Proxy Voting
10.2 Compliance Monitoring, Site Validation and Reporting
10.2.1 Document Review – ECC & EMP Commitments, Previous and Current Monitoring Reports
10.2.2 Site Validation
10.2.3 Complaint Verification and Management
10.2.4 Reporting – Compliance Monitoring and Validation Report
10.3 Records Keeping
10.4 Public Disclosure and IEC
10.5 Other MMT Operations Enhancement Activities
10.5.1 Review of Proponent’s Monitoring Activities
10.5.2 MMT Performance Validation
10.5.3 Annual Planning Workshop
10.5.4 Trainings

The MOO may be updated as the need arises to address operational problems and for continuous improvement of the MMT


EMF is a fund that the proponent shall commit to establish to support the activities of the MMT.

The NIA shall designate a Fund Administrator who is independent (i.e., not a member of the MMT). The Fund Administrator
shall likewise be duly registered with the SEC. Proof of compliance with the annual SEC required submissions shall be
submitted on an annual basis.

(state Fund Administrator) shall arrange the opening of an account in a reputable bank in the country for the EMF within ten
(10) banking days after the effectivity of this Agreement, the amount of [equivalent to the first three quarters of the EMB-
approved AWFP] to finance the initial organizational activities of the MMT for the PROJECT based on the attached Work and
Financial Plan (Annex C).

The Interest shall accrue to the same fund. Replenishment of this amount shall be done by the proponent semi-annually upon
liquidation of expenses by the MMT and after validating the submission of the MMT Report to EMB for the previous reporting
period. Subsequent releases shall correspond to the EMB-approved annual work and financial plan.


The EMF shall be exclusively utilized to cover all costs attendant to the operation of the MMT and disbursed in accordance
with the guidelines stipulated in the approved MOO. The EMF shall be managed and administered by [state Fund Administrator
who has an acceptable and operational financial accounting system] in accordance with the MMT MOO and annual work and
financial plan.

A separate bank account of the EMF shall be established. The signatories shall be the designated MMT Chairman and state
Fund Administrator

The MMT Chair and Treasurer shall undertake the accounting of all expenses by the MMT.

An external auditor shall be commissioned by the state Fund Administrator to conduct annual audit on the
expenditure/disbursement of EMF in accordance with applicable rules and guidelines to be submitted to EMB and the
Proponent not later than -------------------------- of each year. EMB and/or the proponent may also commission a separate audit
at its own discretion.


All MMT activities shall be documented and a report following the EMB-prescribed format shall be submitted semi-annually
to EMB CO and the EMB RO. The MMT shall document relevant data, technical references and compile monitoring
reports and store them at (MMT shall decide on the records repository to be specified here), under the custody of (specify
custodian: preferably member of the MMT).



The EGF shall be established and used exclusively for the following purposes:

1. The immediate rehabilitation of areas affected by damages to the environment and the resulting deterioration of
environmental quality as a direct consequence of project construction, operation and abandonment;
2. The just compensation of parties and communities affected by the negative impacts of the PROJECT;
3. The conduct of scientific or research studies related to the PROJECT that will aid in the prevention or rehabilitation of
accidents and/or environmental damages; and
4. For contingency clean-up activities, environmental enhancement measures, damage prevention programs and social
equity measures (e.g. livelihood, social development programs) including the necessary IEC and capability building
activities related to the PROJECT.


There shall be two (2) components of the EGF as follows:

1.1 EGF Trust Fund

The NIA shall open an account for the Trust Fund in the amount of (state proposed amount) in the form of (please state
the specific economic guarantee instrument: bank guarantee/insurance policy/letter of credit), the earnings/interests of
which shall accrue to the same Fund. The Trust Fund will be used to compensate aggrieved parties for any damages
to life or property, undertake community-based environmental programs, conduct environmental research aimed at
strengthening measures to prevent environmental damage and to finance restoration and rehabilitation of
environmental quality of the project-affected area.

The Trust Fund shall be replenished to its original amount annually or whenever the amount goes below Php___
(state mutually agreed amount). The Trust Fund shall also be renewed upon every expiration. The proponent shall
immediately inform EMB Central and RO should it fail to renew the Trust Fund (e.g. insurance policy) on its stated
expiration date or should the Trust Fund be cancelled or voided by the Insurer because of non-payment of the required
premiums or any other cause allowed by the Insurance Code or pertinent issuances of the Insurance Commission.

1.2 EGF Cash Fund

The NIA shall open an account for the Environmental Guarantee Cash Fund at a reputable bank in the area in the
amount of (state the proposed amount) which shall be earmarked for immediate rehabilitation and compensation of
affected communities in case of damage or accidents. It shall also be used to cover the operational costs of the EGF
Committee. This Cash Fund shall be placed in an interest-bearing account and such interest shall accrue to the same
Cash Fund. The Fund shall be replenished to its original amount annually or whenever the amount goes below 50%
of the amount.

Provided further that in the event of insufficiency of both the EGF Trust Fund and the EGF Cash Fund to answer for
expenses, the Proponent shall shoulder the amount of any such insufficiency.


An EGF Committee shall be established for EGF Management and Administration. It shall be composed of the following:

• EMB Director (Central Office) – Chairperson

• EMB Regional Director
• Project Proponent
• LGU representative (PG ENRO/ City ENRO/ MENRO or RHU Chief)

The Chairperson of the EGF Committee shall not vote on any matters except to break a tie. Any determination or approval by
the EGF Committee shall require a majority vote, provided there is a quorum. A quorum shall require the presence of more
than half of the members including, at all times, the representatives from the DENR and the Proponent.

The Committee shall have the following functions:

o Manage, control and operate the EGF in accordance with approved procedures established regarding the mechanisms
for fund disbursement, processing, validation, accounting and documentation;
o Resolve issues involving rehabilitation and compensation for damages that may be brought before it;
o Decide on issues or complaints/questions involving the implementation of the rehabilitation program between the
proponent and the aggrieved party;
o Designate entities or individuals in the event that an independent body must resolve the issues and cases;
o Hire credible experts, when necessary, to conduct independent studies and research on the environmental and socio-
cultural impacts of the PROJECT in order to assist the EGF Committee in making judicious decisions about
environmental issues related to the PROJECT; and
o Undertake damage preventive and social equity measures.

Existing EMB guidelines on fund disbursement, processing, validation, accounting and documentation shall be

implemented. TITLE V. AMENDMENTS

Amendment - This Agreement may not be renewed, extended, amended or otherwise modified except by agreement in writing
signed by both parties.


Effectivity and Duration - This Agreement shall take effect immediately and shall be maintained by the Parties hereto (or their
respective successors or assigns) until the transfer of ownership of the Project by the NIA or the abandonment or termination
of the PROJECT for whatever reason. Upon such transfer, abandonment or termination of the PROJECT, all funds set up by
the Proponent under this Agreement shall automatically revert to the (state Proponent), except to the extent necessary to
satisfy any outstanding obligations of the NIA under this Agreement including the financing of the rehabilitation, restoration,
decommissioning or other such activities as may be required for the abandonment phase relative to the

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have signed and executed this Agreement as of the date and place first above



By: By:
Director Director



By: By:

Governor Mayor

BARANGAY --- -----------------------

By: By:


By: By:

-----please state ___ -----please state ___



CITY OF______________________) S.S.

BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in __________________, on this________ day of ________________, at
this __________________________, personally appeared the following:

Name and Designation TIN/CTC No. Date & Place Issued/Expiry Date
, Director EMB CO
(Name of proponent, position)
(Name of LGU official, Governor)
(Name of LGU official, Mayor)
(Name of LGU official, Brgy.
Chair) (Name of NGO rep.,
(Name of NGAs rep., position)
Known to me as the same persons who executed the foregoing Memorandum of Agreement and acknowledged the same
as their free act and deed.

This Agreement, consisting of ____________ (___) pages including this page on which this Acknowledgement is
written, has been signed by the Parties and their instrumental witnesses on each and every page thereof.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL on the date and at the place above written.


Doc. No. Until

Page No. PTR No.
Book No. Issued at
Series of on
Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project

Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project

Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project

Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project

Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project

Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project

Public Scoping for Cabano SRIP: Project Presentation and Consultation
in NIA
Region 6

Courtesy call with Engr. Sanchez of NIA Region 6 in Iloilo.

Courtesy call with NIA Region 6 personnel.

Focus Group Discussion with the barangay captains of the affected area.

Courtesy call with the Major of Guimaras.

Survey interview with the stakeholders.

Installation of the Public Scoping Streamer in the venue

Provision of project information to the attendees

Honorable Vice Mayor, Ms. Carmelina Fernandez, giving her opening remarks.
Ms. Sheila from DENR-EMB introducing the technical committee of the project.

Ms. Rowena from NIA Region 6 presented about the Cabano SRIP.

Mr. Morcozo, from GECC, presented about the Cabano SRIP.

A stakeholder raised his concern about the project.

Engr. Raymond Mojares answered some of the concerns of the stakeholders.

A personnel from the agency addressed some of the concerns of the stakeholders.
A stakeholder raised his concerns during the open forum.

A stakeholder raised his concerns during the open forum.

Mr. Franklin Magno, a forester from DENR, raised his concern regarding the project.
Attendees, NIA, DENR EMB Region 6 and GECC representatives

Participants of the Public Scoping for the Cabano SRIP.

Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project

Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project

Engineering Geological and
Geohazard Assessment Report

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation

Engineering Geological and

Geohazard Assessment Report
Cabano Small River Irrigation Project
Barangay Aguilar, San Lorenzo, Guimaras

April 2019
Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation


Project Description ..................................................................................................................... 2
Location and Accessibility........................................................................................................... 2
Methodology ............................................................................................................................... 3
Nature and Source of Information ............................................................................................... 3
Geologic Setting ......................................................................................................................... 4
3.1.1 Tectonic Setting .............................................................................................................. 4
3.1.2 Stratigraphy ..................................................................................................................... 4
3.1.3 Structural Geology .......................................................................................................... 5
Geomorphology .......................................................................................................................... 5
Climate and Vegetation .............................................................................................................. 5
Topography ................................................................................................................................ 6
Hydrology ................................................................................................................................... 6
Bedrock Lithology and Surficial Deposit ..................................................................................... 6
Structural Features ..................................................................................................................... 9
Geological Hazard ...................................................................................................................... 9
5.1.1 Fault Related/Seismic Hazard ....................................................................................... 10
5.1.2 Liquefaction ................................................................................................................... 11
5.1.3 Mass Movements .......................................................................................................... 12
5.1.4 Differential Settlement ................................................................................................... 12
5.1.5 Tsunami ........................................................................................................................ 13
Hydrologic/Flood Hazard .......................................................................................................... 13
5.2.1 Flooding ........................................................................................................................ 13
5.2.2 Channel Erosion/River Scouring ................................................................................... 13
5.2.3 Sedimentation ............................................................................................................... 13
5.2.4 Channel Migration ......................................................................................................... 14
References 18

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation

Figure 1. Site development plan of project site ...................................................................................... 20

Figure 2. NAMRIA topographic map showing the location of the proposed site .................................... 21
Figure 3. Vicinity map of the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project ................................................ 22
Figure 4. Geodynamic framework of the Western Domain. Major plate boundaries are shown. Arrows
indicate relative movements (in cm/yr) of the Pacific, Philippine, and Indo-Australian Plates with respect
to Eurasia. Modified from Barrier, 1985 ................................................................................................. 23
Figure 5. Distribution of active faults & trenches in the Philippines (Source: PHIVOLCS) .................... 24
Figure 6. Distribution of active of faults and trenches in Region VI (Source: PHIVOLCS) ..................... 25
Figure 7. Regional geologic map of Guimaras Island ............................................................................ 26
Figure 8. PHIVOLCS map showing the distance of the Nearest Active Faults to the Project Site ......... 27
Figure 9. Slope map of Guimaras .......................................................................................................... 28
Figure 10. Climate map of Western Visayas Region ............................................................................. 29
Figure 11. Borehole Location Plan ........................................................................................................ 30
Figure 12. Soil profile along BH-1, 7 & 9................................................................................................ 31
Figure 13. Soil profile along BH-2 & 3.................................................................................................... 32
Figure 14. Soil Profile along BH-5 & 6 ................................................................................................... 33
Figure 15. Soil profile along BH-4 & 5.................................................................................................... 34
Figure 16. Soil profiles along BH-10 & 3 and BH-10 & 8 ....................................................................... 35
Figure 17. Earthquake generators and significant earthquakes in the Philippines (Source: PHIVOLCS)
.............................................................................................................................................................. 36
Figure 18. 2014 Seismicity Map of Western Visayas (Source: PHIVOLCS) .......................................... 37
Figure 19. Geohazard assessment of the Project Site (Source: MGB VI) ............................................. 38
Figure 20. Tsunami hazard map (Source: PHIVOLCS) ......................................................................... 39

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation
Table 1. Borehole data ............................................................................................................................ 6
Table 2. Idealized Subsurface Condition at BH-1 .................................................................................... 7
Table 3. Idealized Subsurface Condition at BH-2 .................................................................................... 7
Table 4. Idealized Subsurface Condition at BH-3 .................................................................................... 7
Table 5. Idealized Subsurface Condition at BH-4 .................................................................................... 8
Table 6. Idealized Subsurface Condition at BH-5 .................................................................................... 8
Table 7. Idealized Subsurface Condition at BH-6 .................................................................................... 8
Table 8. Idealized Subsurface Condition at BH-7 .................................................................................... 8
Table 9. Idealized Subsurface Condition at BH-8 .................................................................................... 8
Table 10. Idealized Subsurface Condition at BH-9 .................................................................................. 9
Table 11. Idealized Subsurface Condition at BH-10 ................................................................................ 9

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation

The Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report (EGGAR) is a requirement for all public
and all private proponents of land development/infrastructure projects prior to the issuance of
Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC). The submission of EGGAR is in line with the Department
Administrative Order (DAO) No. 2000-28 of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources
(DENR), in support to the government’s efforts aimed to reduce, if not, totally mitigate the destructive
effects and impacts of natural hazards/geological hazards or “geohazards” on any land developments
and infrastructure projects.

An on-site survey and assessment were carried out by the undersigned in the proposed site of the
Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project in the province of Guimaras to gather baseline data for the
production of this report. The objectives of this report are: (1) to deliver in detailed the identified potential
geohazard that may affect the project site (2) to provide information useful to the design of the planned
structures in the project site such as dam, buildings and facilities; and finally, (3) to recommend
mitigating measures to minimize, if not totally arrest the geohazards identified in the project site.

The production of this EGGAR followed the guidelines presented in the Mines and Geoscience Bureau
(MGB) Memorandum Circular No. 2000-33.

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation

Project Description

The Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project will be developed by National Irrigation Administration
(NIA) Region 6. The proposed project aims to utilize the water resources potential of Cabano River for
irrigation purposes; it involves the construction of a dam and its appurtenant structures across Cabano
River in Barangay Aguilar in the municipality of San Lorenzo. This could store about 3.69 MCM of water
at Normal Water Surface Elevation. Other features would include canal network and pertinent structures
such as protection dikes, cofferdam, spillway, on-farm facilities and diversion outlets (Figure 2).

The dam would be of the zoned earthfill type, about 29 meters high, 215 meters long with 8- meter wide
crest. The upstream and downstream embankment slopes would be 2.75:1 and 2.5:1 respectively.

The criteria for the design of the body of the dam are the following:
1.) The foundation of the dam will be able to resist the loads exerted by the dam;
2.) The dam body is effectively cohesive to the foundation.

The section and configuration of the dam maintains safely against the combination of the anticipated

The foundation excavation level shall ensure satisfactory stable against sliding and seepage control.
These considerations would require excavation of earth materials up to the fresh rock foundation.
Foundation seepage shall be controlled by rock treatment. Deep single or multi-row grout curtain will be
employed. The extent of grouting shall be determined based on the results of the systematic exploration
and testing of the entire dam centerline carried out by test holes. The grout curtain depth shall be about
two thirds of the relevant hydrostatic head.

The height of the dam depends on the topography of the area and the reservoir volume that adequately
satisfy the intended needs of the project.

Location and Accessibility

The assessment area is within Barangay Aguilar, Municipality of Lorenzo, Province of Guimaras. The
dam site is located at the intersection of geographic coordinate 10°37’40” North latitude and 122°38’57.8”
East longitude, (Luzon Grid) (Figure 3). It is about 11 aerial kilometers southeast of Iloilo City proper and
about 7.95 aerial kilometers southeast of the Jordan Wharf. The San Lorenzo Municipal Hall is about
5.82 aerial kilometers southeast of the dam site.

From Manila, the project area can be reached via commercial flight to Iloilo International Airport. To reach
Guimaras Island is by means of about 15- 20 minutes travel by boat from the mainland of Iloilo City. The
accessibility to the area is by the first class municipal and well-maintained barangay road networks that
traversed the project area. The means of transportation in the island are served by passenger jeeps,
private vehicles, tricycles and other motor vehicles. The proposed Dam site can be reach from Jordan
Port in Guimaras for about 30-50 minutes ride to a series of passenger jeepneys bound to the provincial
capital in San Miguel, Jordan, and to the municipality of Buenavista. From barangay Piña junction in the
Municipality of Buenavista you can hire a motorcycle as only means of transportation going to the dam
site. Note that, access from the provincial road in barangay Piña going to the dam site is only through the
1 km unpaved private road (Figures 2 & 3).

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation

Prior to actual fieldwork in the area, research and review of available reference books, publications,
written historical data, cadastral survey, published and unpublished geologic literatures were initially
done. Analysis were done on the relevant topographic, hydrologic and geological maps. Seismic and
earthquake hazard assessment were based from available data from Philippine Institute of Volcanology
and Seismology (PHIVOLCS). The project site was located on the topographic map using a handheld
Geographic Positioning System (GPS).

Ocular inspection of the proposed site and immediate vicinity was undertaken to map rocks, geological
structures and possible geohazards that may affect the stability and suitability of the proposed

Finally, the data gathered on field were utilized as basis of information in the production of maps and
technical report writing.

Nature and Source of Information

The preparation of the EGGAR was based on data gathered during the ground truthing in the area and
from research and review of available reference books, publications, written historical data, cadastral
survey, published and unpublished geologic literatures were also done to fill data gaps. Geologic map
and literature from the Mines and Geosciences Bureau were used to identify formational names that
correspond to rock types supposedly underlying the proposed site and its immediate vicinity, while
seismological data were taken from Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. On the other
hand, much of hydrogeological and geotechnical data used here are based on the on-site geotechnical
report prepared by Terms Concrete and Materials Testing Laboratory, Inc. (TCT), which drilled (10)
boreholes within the proposed site to a depth of 10 to 25 meters.

Other handbooks and related literatures, which are listed in the “References” at the end of this report,
were likewise consulted.

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation

Geologic Setting

3.1.1 Tectonic Setting

The Philippine Island Chain is believed to have emerged from the complex Cenozoic convergence
between the Eurasian Plate, the Indo- Australian Plate, the Philippine Sea Plate and the Pacific Plate
(McCabe, 1985) (Figure 5). The archipelago is bounded by the Bashi Channel on the north, the Manila-
Palawan Trench and Ridge system on the west, the Sulu- Sabah Ridge complex on the south and the
East Luzon and Philippine Trench on the east (Figure 6).

Tectonic activity is defined by active subduction along its bordering trenches. On the east, the Philippine
Sea Plate is underthrusted along a west dipping subduction zone marked by the Philippine Trench and
on the west, the South China Sea Plate is underthrusted along an east dipping Manila Trench (Figure 6).
Active subduction is likewise occurring along the east dipping Negros and Cotabato Trenches.

Convergence is absorbed by the internal deformation within the Philippine Mobile Belt especially along
the Philippine Fault Zone (PFZ). The PFZ, which is about 1200 kilometers in length, is a major strike-slip
fault that extends from Northern Luzon to Southern Mindanao (Figure 6). The fault is active and focal
mechanism solutions of earthquakes related to the fault show a left-lateral strike-slip movement,

Guimaras Island lies in the western part of Visayas. It belongs to the Central Physiographic Province
where the Negros Trench and the Philippine Trench and borders it on the western side and eastern side,
respectively (Figure 7).

Negros Trench is an east dipping subduction zone that marks the subduction of the South China Sea
Plate beneath the Visayas Arc while the Philippine Trench is a west-dipping subduction zone believed to
be the morphological feature of the Philippine Sea Plate subducting beneath the eastern Philippine Arc

3.1.2 Stratigraphy

Based from the geological map of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau the Aguilar Area and vicinity are
underlain by the Pandan Volcanics, Guimaras Diorite and Quaternary Alluvium (Figure 8).

The Pandan Volcanics is the oldest and the most widely distributed rock unit in the island of Guimaras. It
is generally composed of silicified volcanic rocks and altered andesites intercalated with tuff, basalt flow,
volcanic breccia and minor dacite. These have undergone certain degree of argillization, pyritization,
chloritization and to some extent epidotization. It was dated as Cretaceous to Paleogene.

The Guimaras Diorite is a stock with smaller bodies which are in the vicinity of the highest peak in the
island. The stock intruded into the volcanic rocks and are aligned due north with their longer axis trending
north-northeast. The rock is massive, light to dark colored, fine to medium grained, equigranular and
composed of quartz, hornblende and pyroxene. It is dated as Paleocene by K-Ar dating.

The Quaternary Alluvium are detrital or alluvial deposits formed on valleys by stream action and
essentially made up of silt, sand, and gravel. They are extensively distributed along the shores, river
channels, floodplains and delta of Guimaras Province.

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation
3.1.3 Structural Geology

There is no major fault that transects the project site. The nearest active fault to the site is the West
Panay Fault. Other major geological structures that could influence the project area are the Negros
Trench and Central Negros Fault (Figure 6 Figure 9).

The West Panay Fault which is about 45.9 kilometers northwest of the project site, consists of two
northeast and north trending structures that dissected the western portion of Panay Island. This fault
structure is considered by PHIVOLCS as an active fault and could be a potential source of earthquake in
the future.

The Negros Trench is about 92 kilometers southwest of the proposed site. On July 2011, the PHIVOLCS
said that movement along this fault have cause five earthquakes in Negros Occidental, with the strongest
one having a magnitude of 5.2.

The Central Negros Fault cuts thru the central portion of Negros in northeast and southeast direction. It
is about 71 kilometers southeast of the project site.


Guimaras Island varies from flat to steeply sloping, with elevation ranging from 0 to nearly 300 meters
above sea level. Mt. Dinulman located in Millan, Sibunag, has the highest elevation of 267 meters above
mean sea level. The island’s topography shows quite steep slopes on the western side of island with
plateaus and peaks above 200 m in the central portion. A large part of the island or 37 percent of the total
land area is within the 8-18 percent slope, only 4 percent comprises the 18-30 percent slope and 17
percent is within the above 30 percent slope. However, the largest part is still within the 0-8 percent slope
range which covers 42 percent of the island land area (Figure 10).

Climate and Vegetation

The province of Guimaras belong to Type I class under the Modified Coronas Classification of the
Philippine Climate System (Figure 11). It is characterized by two pronounced seasons with maximum rain
period from June to September and a dry season which lasts from three to six or seven months.

Rainfall during the northeast monsoon would most probably be due to conventional thunderstorms, a
result of intense heating causing rapid evaporation, or to a lesser extent, typhoons which can occur in
the region during October-November. The probability of a typhoon hitting Guimaras is fortunately low.
The island has a rare frequency passage of 0%-10% of the annual average of 19.8 typhoons.

Temperature data from the National Mango Research and Development Council (NMRDC) over a 32
period (1975-2007), show a minimum mean temperature of 25.1 degrees Celsius occurring in December
and a maximum mean temperature of 28.6 degrees Celsius occurring in April. The average temperature
throughout the 32 years is 27 degrees Celsius and there is an increasing trend in the mean temperature
levels, particularly notable in the 1990s.

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation



The topography of the proposed site and adjacent vicinity is characterized moderately sloping to rolling
terrain (8-18% slope gradient) (Figures 1 ,2, 3, and 8 and Photos 1 to 4). Elevation is about 60 to 100
meters above mean sea level (AMSL) at the dam site and at the watershed area of Cabano Reservoir,
the peak elevation is at 184 m.


The Cabano Reservoir Area is being drained the Cabano River and its tributaries with a watershed area
of about 0.51 square kilometers. At the period of the investigation, the stream channels with water in
the project area and adjacent vicinity have width ranging from 4 to 10 meters wide and with water depth
of about 1 meter (Photo 3). The river flows southeast and drains towards the Guimaras Strait.

Based the borehole data of TCT, the water table within the project site are the following:
Table 3. Borehole data
Ground Elevation (meters Water Table (meters below
Borehole No.
above sea level) ground surface)
BH-1 99 3.10
BH-2 55 1.20
BH-3 61 9.00
BH-4 84.5 4.30
BH-5 82 6.20
BH-6 75 8.20
BH-7 65 3.40
BH-8 65 5.30
BH-9 71 8.20
BH-10 56 1.50

The lowest depths of water table were noted on BH-2 & BH-10 since these are located at lower
elevation near the river.

Bedrock Lithology and Surficial Deposit

The project site and vicinity are underlain by the volcanic rock of andesitic to basaltic composition with
intercalated pyroclastics particularly silty to sandy tuff with lapilli tuff and volcanic breccia under the
Pandan Volcanics and the Guimaras Diorite.

Ten (10) boreholes were drilled at the site by Terms Concrete and Materials Testing Laboratory, Inc.
(TCT) with depths ranging from 9 meters to a maximum depth of 25 meters (Figures 11 to 17). Based
from the borehole data obtained from the geotechnical report at the site, the following are the soil and
rock descriptions in each of the borehole sites:

BH-1: Indicated a 14.0-m thick overburden consisting essentially of slightly to medium plastic silty
clay (CH). The bedrock surface which starts at 14.0m down to 25.0m depth consisting of hard tuff
and andesite.
BH-2: Drilled at river bed and it is about 5.0 m thick deposit of alluvium, generally made up of gravel
and boulder with sand and silt. The bedrock starting at 5.0 m down to 25.0 m is the andesite.

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation
BH-3: Made up of 5.0 m thick silty clay overburden followed by a 10.0 m thick andesite.
BH-4: Made up of about 5.0 m thick silty clay overburden and underlain by 15 meters andesite.
BH-5: Made up of about 9.00m silty clay and underlain by 16 meters andesite.
BH-6: Made up of 9.00 meters overburden and underlain by 1-meter andesite.
BH-7: Made up of about 7.5 m overburden and underlain by 2.5 meters andesite.
BH-8: Made up of 9.0 meters overburden materials and underlain by 6 meters andesite.
BH-9: Made up of 7.50 meters overburden and underlain by 2.50 meters andesite.
BH-10: Made up of 8.00 meters overburden and underlain by 2.00 meters andesite.

Table 4 to Table 13 shows the idealized summary of the subsurface condition in the boreholes
indicated below:
Table 4. Idealized Subsurface Condition at BH-1
Depth, M SPT N Value Relative Condition/Consistency
0.00 – 2.00 CH 2–3 Loose, high plasticity
2.00 – 4.00 MH 3–4 Loose, medium plasticity
4.00 – 5.00 ML 4 Loose, medium plasticity
5.00 – 6.00 MH 5 Loose
6.00 – 7.00 ML 49 Dense to very dense
7.00 – 13.00 MH 29- 60 Dense to very dense
13.00 – 16.00 CH 47-94 Dense to very dense, high plasticity
16.00 – 17.00 Tuff Coring Very Dense
17.00 – 24.50 Andesite Coring Crushed, highly fractured
24.50 – 25.00 Andesite Coring Solid core

Table 72. Idealized Subsurface Condition at BH-2

Depth, M SPT N Value Relative Condition/Consistency
0.0 – 3.00 ML 3-8 Loose, medium plasticity
3.00 – 4.00 SM 14 Medium dense
4.00 – 5.00 SC, SM 40, 50/10 Very dense
5.00 – 7.50 SM 49,50/10 Very dense
7.50 – 20.00 Andesite Coring Crushed, intensely to closely fractured

Table 73. Idealized Subsurface Condition at BH-3

Depth, M SPT N Value Relative Condition/Consistency
0.0 0– 3.00 ML 3-8 Loose, medium plasticity
3.00 – 4.00 SM 14 Medium dense
4.00 – 5.00 SC, SM 40, 50/10 Very dense
5.00 – 7.50 SM 49,50/10 Very dense
7.50 – 20.00 Andesite Coring Crushed, intensely to closely fractured

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation
Table 74. Idealized Subsurface Condition at BH-4
Depth, M SPT N Value Relative Condition/Consistency
0.00 – 3.00 CH 6-9 Loose, high plasticity
3.00 – 4.00 CH 20 Medium dense
4.00 – 6.00 SC 43 Dense to very dense
6.00 – 10.50 CH 48-84,50/4 Very dense, high plasticity
10.50 – 11.00 Coring Weathered
Intensely to closely fractured, with
11.00 – 20.00 Andesite Coring
fracture filling, with gougy portion

Table 75. Idealized Subsurface Condition at BH-5

Depth, M SPT N Value Relative Condition/Consistency
0.00 – 3.00 CH 4-7 Loose, high plasticity
3.00 – 5.00 CH 16-18 Medium dense, high plasticity
5.00 – 7.50 ML 43 Dense to very dense, medium plasticity
7.50 – 13.00 MH Very dense, medium plasticity
50/5, 50/10
13.00 -20.00 Coring Weathered
20.00 – 25.00 Andesite Coring Intensely to closely fractured, crushed

Table 76. Idealized Subsurface Condition at BH-6

Depth, M SPT N Value Relative Condition/Consistency
0.00 – 2.00 CH 14-15 Medium dense, high plasticity
2.00 – 6.00 SC 61-77 Medium dense, medium plasticity
6.00 – 7.50 SM 81 Very dense, non-plastic
7.50 – 9.00 SW 83 Very dense, non-plastic
9.00 – 10.00 SC 50/6 Very dense, medium plasticity

Table 77. Idealized Subsurface Condition at BH-7

Depth, M SPT N Value Relative Condition/Consistency
0.00 – 1.00 MH 4 Loose, medium plasticity
1.00 – 3.00 CH 6-7 Loose, high plasticity
3.00 – 6.00 ML 18 Medium dense, medium plasticity
6.00 – 15.00 Andesite Coring Intensely to closely fractured

Table 78. Idealized Subsurface Condition at BH-8

Depth, M SPT N Value Relative Condition/Consistency
0.00 – 4.00 CH 5-9 Loose, high plasticity

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation
4.00 – 5.00 CH 17 Medium dense, high plasticity
5.00 – 14.50 SM 18 Medium dense, medium plasticity
14.50 –15.00 Andesite Coring Crushed

Table 79. Idealized Subsurface Condition at BH-9

Depth, M SPT N Value Relative Condition/Consistency
0.00 – 2.00 CH 5-8 Loose, high plasticity
2.00 – 4.00 CH 22-24 Medium dense, high plasticity
4.00 – 5.00 SC 25 Medium dense, medium plasticity
36, 50/10,
5.00 – 9.00 SM Dense to very dense
9.00 – 10.00 Andesite Coring Fractured

Table 13. Idealized Subsurface Condition at BH-10

Depth, M SPT N Value Relative Condition/Consistency
0.00 – 2.00 CH 5-8 Loose, high plasticity
2.00 – 5.50 CH 22-24 Medium dense, high plasticity
5.50 – 7.50 SM 31 Dense, non-plastic
85, 50/8,
7.50 – 10.00 SM Very dense

Structural Features

The series of intersecting joints or fractures on rock exposures are noted on the andesitic to basaltic
volcanic rock and the diorite during the on-site survey. Most of the joints are rough to irregular with
unaltered joint walls and occasionally filled with quartz.

File investigation and analysis of topographic map and satellite image of project site and vicinity shows
that no major fault structure was found to traverse the area. However, a northeast trending fault
lineament was traced due to alignment of the tributaries of the Cabano River. As can be seen in the
geologic map (Figure 8), this fault coincides with the two other northeast fault lineaments at the
northwest portion of Guimaras Island. These faults are not considered as active by PHIVOLCS. In a
wider perspective, the trend of these faults also coincides with the trend of the West Panay Fault and
the Negros Trench. Minor fault structure was observed at the area near the road spillway with a strike
of N60°W, dipping 40 NE. These faults could be a result of the compressive stress generated by the
eastward subduction along the Negros Trench and also the upliftment of the volcanic rocks in the area.

Geological Hazard

Geologic Hazards are earth processes occurring as irregular events whose direct interaction with the
material environment is capable of causing significant negative impact on man’s well-being. It can be

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation
responsible for devastating large areas of the land surface and so can pose serious constraints on
development. Presented below are the discussions on the degree of susceptibility of the project site to
various geological hazards. The term geologic hazard pertains to the natural disasters or geohazards
from natural phenomena such as earthquake, volcanic eruptions, mass wasting, flood inundation etc.

5.1.1 Fault Related/Seismic Hazard

Seismicity is defined as the probability of an area subjected to a sudden motion or tremble caused by
the abrupt release of accumulated strain, either tectonic or volcanic in origin, underneath the earth’s
surface. Such movements generate earthquakes.

Earthquake hazards in civil engineering includes the likely strength, location, effect of vibration to the
proposed dwellings, and response of the ground to such phenomena as ground shaking, ground
rupture, fault creep, liquefaction, settlement, and landslides/mudflow. These potential hazards and their
direct impact on the project site are further discussed below.

The nearest active fault structure in the project site is the West Panay Fault (Figure 6 &Figure 9). The
PHIVOLCS has included this fault as active fault systems in the country, so it is worthy to discuss the
types of seismic hazards as part of the geohazard study in the area.

The main hazard created by seismic earth movements is ground acceleration or shaking. The term is
used to describe the vibration of the ground during an earthquake. During an earthquake, seismic
waves travel rapidly away from the source and through the earth’s crust. Upon reaching the ground
surface, they produce shaking that may last from seconds to minutes (Kramer, 1996).

The area may experience ground acceleration/ground shaking during an earthquake that might be
generated from any of the previously mentioned earthquake-generating faults. The 1990 earthquake
with epicenter located in the junction of two faults in Panay Island was also felt in Guimaras. (Figure
18). Based on the seismicity map in 2014 furnished by PHILVOCS, there were only few earthquake
epicenters identified within the island. These are of low magnitude earthquakes (PHIVOLCS, Figure

Almost seven decades ago, the island of Panay was hit by the strongest earthquake ever recorded in
the island (Figure 18). The earthquake with a magnitude of 8.3 in 1948 killed two persons and wrecked
55 churches. Iloilo City was “the most damaged area”. The five-storey belfry of Jaro Cathedral in Jaro
district was among the historic structures destroyed by the earthquake. The magnitude 7.1 earthquake
in June 1990 killed eight in Culasi, Antique (7) and Libacao, Aklan (1). The earthquake also damaged
85 percent of houses in the said towns. Note that the project site is 11 kms. southeast of the city proper
of Iloilo.

The last seismic design provision required in the NSCP is the near source factor (Table 208-4 and 208-
5, NSCP 2010), which seeks to amplify seismic design forces for structures located less than 15- km
from a type A seismic source and less than 10-km from a type B seismic source. A type A seismic
source is defined in the code as a fault capable of large magnitude earthquakes (M > 7) with a high rate
of seismic activity (slip rate > 5- mm/year). A type B seismic source is a fault that is only capable of
moderate magnitude earthquakes (M < 7) or a fault that is capable of large magnitude earthquakes (M
> 7) but has a low rate of seismic activity (slip rate < 5-mm/year). The nearest active seismic source is
the West Panay Fault, which is roughly 45.9 kilometers west of the proposed site.

Ground ruptures are new or renewed movements of old fractures along faults. The presence of ground

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation
rupture is evidence of an active fault. If it is in an area near a fault line, then a strong ground shaking
may result in damage. If structures rest on the fault line, they may be sheared of along the direction of
the fault. Displacement beneath a building structure that exceeds 1 or 2 inches can have a catastrophic
effect. Surface rupture is confined to a narrow zone along an active fault. Rupture may happen rapidly
during an earthquake and associated with greater amount of displacement which increases the longer
the fault trace is. The buffer zone against surface rupturing as recommended by PHIVOLCS is at least
5 meters on both sides as reckoned from the location of the fault line. Field investigation and analysis
of topographic and available geologic maps show that Cabano dam site is not susceptible to ground

Deterministic assessment applicable in the Pacific area in estimating peak horizontal acceleration of
strong earthquake motion utilizes the formula of Fukushima and Tanaka, as shown below,
Log10 A = 0.41M – log10 (R + 0.32 x 10(0.41M)) – 0.0034R + 1.30

Where A = mean peak acceleration (cm/sec2)

R = shortest distance between site and fault (km)
M = surface-wave magnitude

Using the said formula, the peak horizontal ground acceleration in case of earthquake of Magnitude 8.0
originating from nearest active fault, which is the West Panay Fault about 45.9 km west of the proposed
site, is 0.152 g in bedrock, 0.220 g in medium soil and 0.352 g in soft soil. Since the dam structure will
be founded on the andesitic rock the value for bedrock can be applied at the site. The other structure
such as the spillway which will be founded on the dense to very dense soil, the value for medium soil
may be used.

Mitigating Measures

The borehole data can be used in order to address the issue on the possible occurrence of ground
shaking in the project site during times of intense earthquakes. Even though the site is far from
earthquake generators, it may still experience attenuated ground shaking from these generators. It is
recommended that the foundations for the structures to be built should consider the peak ground
acceleration values of the soils, and the bedrock.

5.1.2 Liquefaction

Liquefaction is a process where particles of loosely- consolidated and water-saturated deposits of sand
are rearranged into a more compact state. Liquefaction commonly occurs in areas that are water-
saturated (shallow water table), low-lying and situated in typically loose (unconsolidated) foundation or
in sandy or silty deposits (Kramer, 1996).

In the site of BH-2 which is near the river, the presence of about 3 meters thick sandy silt and having
shallow water table of 1.5 meters could make the proposed dam site susceptible to liquefaction if high
magnitude earthquake occurs at the site. While in other portions of the proposed site underlain by
cohesive soil such as the silty clay with high plasticity and immediately below the soil is a competent
tuffaceous bedrock, liquefaction hazard is virtually absent.

Mitigating Measures

Liquefaction can be mitigated by either excavating these liquefiable materials or replacing it with

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation
compact materials or just by considering having deeper foundations for the structures. It is suggested
to the project proponents to consider having deeper foundations because this will result to less erosion,
considering the excavation option, and this will also help mitigate the effects of hazards brought about
by ground shaking, as previously stated.

5.1.3 Mass Movements

Mass movements or mass wasting refers to downslope movement of soil and/or rock under the action
of gravity. Discussion below include both rain-induced and earthquake-induced landslide.

Based from the geohazard map of MGB (Figure 20), the sloping area of the project site is within a zone
of moderate susceptibility to landslide due to presence of moderately steep slope. The northern side of
the dam site was noted to be moderate to highly susceptible to landslide since it appears to be steeper
at about 40º slope gradient with portions having 60° slope gradient. This area shows the past occurrence
of rock fall or rock slide as seen by the presence of many large masses of volcanic rocks of 2 to 3 meters
diameter (Photo11). The jointing in the rock is seen as triangular shape, which is a characteristic of a
wedge type of rock fall. This portion of the dam site has steep slope faces with intersecting fractures
and joint sets which are prone to toppling and wedge failure collapse. Surficial and minor shallow soil
slip may also occur on the southern portions with thick soil cover, especially on upper portion of the

Mitigation Measures

Mass wasting process can be prevented through proper geotechnical investigation of the area. For the
areas in which the bedrock is exposed, rock bolts can be employed depending on the findings of the
detailed geotechnical study of the area for additional support on weak points. For the possible soil slip
areas, shotcrete can be employed on these areas to avoid destructive effects on the site. It is
recommended for this proposed dam to have a detailed geotechnical study on this proposed project in
order to address issues on possible mass wasting events. Soil Creep

Soil Creep can be defined as the slow deformation of soil due to prolonged stress and pressure,
commonly due to gravity. The site is predominantly covered with medium to highly plastic soil. It would
mean that once these soils are deformed it would be hard to get back to their original state. Beneath
the topmost soil layer are the medium to densed, medium to non-plastic soils. There is still a possibility
for a soil creep depending on the pressure/stress the project will load into the soils present in the area.

Mitigation Measures

The SPT (Standard Penetration Test) Values can be used as a guide as to where the mitigating activities
can be focused. Soil Creep can be predominant in areas with excess moisture in soil. In order to mitigate
soil creeping, having an efficient way to prevent this excess water/moisture is very important. Having
green cover/plants can be helpful because they can mitigate excess water from being absorbed by the
soil. Trees are proven to hold the soil together, but they are heavy also which might add to the pressure
to the soil. Grasses and other shrubs might deem useful in mitigating soil creeps.

5.1.4 Differential Settlement

Differential Settlement refers to the scenario when the foundation of the structure settles unevenly. It is
usually influenced by the intrinsic properties and compaction of the materials where the foundation was

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation
laid. This causes the structure built to fail or break depending on the weak points dictated by the
differential settlement. Differential settlement is not expected on the project site because the soils are
fairly uniform, that is with silt- or clay-dominated or with mixtures of clay and silt. This makes the soil
more manageable once compacted because the clay/silt particles tend to adhere with each other when
compacted. Although, it is still recommended to look at the borehole data during the construction of the
structures for the engineers to consider if how much space should be given for the structures to settle

5.1.5 Tsunami

Tsunami are high-energy waves generated usually by offshore seismic activities. These kinds of
hazards are extremely dangerous for communities near the coast. Looking through the tsunami hazard
map generated (Figure 21), the project site is not likely to be affected by tsunami because it is on the
inside of the island. Most of the areas that are prone to this kind of hazard is located on the coastal
margins of the island as shown in the map.

Hydrologic/Flood Hazard

5.2.1 Flooding

Since the Cabano Dam site is to be situated within the river valley of the Cabano River, it is within a
flood-prone area considering that its elevation is just about 7 to 8 meters elevated from the present level
of the river. Conversation with the local people in the area revealed that the site has flooded during the
past abnormal heavy rains that occur in the area of San Lorenzo. It was said that the flood reaches to
about 10 meters high in the project site and the western adjacent area.

It is deemed that creating a dam will help the residents below the drainage of the proposed dam by
impounding the floodwaters during times of abnormal heavy rains. If the reservoir’s capacity will still not
be sufficient to impound the amount of water, the water can be released with control through the spillway
that will be built. It is important to note that the downslope community will not receive a huge amount of
runoff in a short amount of time, for the safety of the residents.

5.2.2 Channel Erosion/River Scouring

Channel erosion is major factor in the development of a reservoir project. The thick alluvial deposits
consisting dominantly of sand and some gravel are present along the wide river valleys along the
upstream of the dam site. Due to the presence of about 2 to 5 meters thick loose soil in the area the
reservoir is prone to channel erosion. This will lead to siltation of the dam reservoir and reduce the
lifespan of the dam.

River scouring proximate the dam isn’t likely because before the water enters the dam, it passes through
a linear segment of the river. When it reaches the dam, the velocity of the water is expected to greatly

Erosion and river scouring might still be possible for places upstream the dam, but this is beyond the
project’s limitations to control these things upstream considering that upstream is a huge area and these
concerns are brought about by the natural processes of the environment.

5.2.3 Sedimentation

Sedimentation is the deposition of suspended solids in a low energy environment. In a dam setting,

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation
usually the sediments are deposited inside the dam because of its low energy conditions. This will
reduce the lifespan of the dam because it will decrease the capacity of the dam to hold water.

Mitigating Measures

Sedimentation can be lessened by occasional dredging of the sediments inside the dam. This will
increase again the capacity of the dam to hold water. The sediments dredged can be used as backfills
or can be transported to areas where it can be utilized.

5.2.4 Channel Migration

Channel Migration is when the river/channel changes its course favoring areas of least resistance to
flow thus forming meanders and oxbow lakes. Since the site sits in a moderately sloping area, it is not
likely for a channel migration to happen. Most channel migrations happen only in areas of minimal slope.
In terms of topography, the area is moderately incised which makes channel migration also difficult.

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation

The following conclusions and recommendations are based on findings gathered from the on-site assessment,
ground truth verification, research works, and review of related literatures conducted on the project site of the
proposed Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project:

 The location of the project site lies within a topographic landform of moderately sloping to rolling terrain
with minor flat lands.
 The bedrocks underlying the project site are composed of andesitic to basaltic volcanic rocks with
intercalated tuffaceous rocks and the diorite. These rocks, however, are moderately to intensely
fractured or jointed due to the series of regional tectonic processes that affect the Guimaras Island (i.e.
the compressive stresses of the eastward subduction along the Negros Trench which resulted to folding,
faulting, or internal stress release during uplift it endured.
 The project site is susceptible to seismic hazard due to the presence of earthquake-generating faults in
the region such as the West Panay Fault, Negros Trench and Central Negros Fault. These fault
structures are active faults and could be a potential source of earthquake in the future according to
PHIVOLCS. The computed peak horizontal ground acceleration using Fukishima and Tanaka formula
in case of earthquake of Magnitude 8.0 originating from nearest active fault, which is the West Panay
Fault about 45.9 km west of the proposed site, are 0.152 g in bedrock, 0.220 g in medium soil and 0.352
g in soft soil. Since the dam structure will be founded on the andesitic rock the value for bedrock can be
applied at the site. The other structure such as the spillway which will be founded on the dense to very
dense soil, the value for medium soil may be used.
 The presence of about 3 meters thick sandy silt in the site of BH-2 and having shallow water table of 1.5
meters could make the proposed dam site susceptible to liquefaction if high magnitude earthquake
occurs at the site. Other portion of the proposed site underlain by cohesive soil and immediately below
the soil is a competent tuffaceous bedrock and volcanic rocks, liquefaction hazard is virtually absent.
 The loose thick alluvial deposit along river valley on the upstream of the dam site. Due to presence of 2
to 5 meters thick loose soil in the area, the reservoir site is prone to channel erosion that leads to siltation
of the dam reservoir and reduce the lifespan of the dam.
 Landslides was noted to occur at the northern side of the dam site in the volcanic rock. This portion of
the dam site has steep slope faces with intersecting fractures and joint sets which are prone to toppling
and wedge failure collapse. Surficial and minor shallow soil slip may also occur on the southern portions
with thick soil cover, especially on upper portion of the slopes.
 In terms of its geomorphic and physiographic characteristics of the area and based the results of the
geologic mapping and, analysis/interpretation of the actual conditions of the proposed site, it showed
that the site is appropriate for the intended land development; however, the recommendations
enumerated below must be given primary considerations.
Relative to the above findings, the following general and specific recommendations must be considered
to enhance the stability of the proposed structures and to mitigate the possible effects of geological
hazards on the proposed project:

 The construction of the dam structures and facilities should be complemented with detailed
geotechnical studies. The identification of subsurface composition and condition should be
taken into consideration for appropriate engineering design/foundation.

 The effects of ground shaking due to the presence of earthquake generating faults in the region
should be taken into consideration in the dam construction since this could cause leakage to
the reservoir.

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation
 Any form of slope alteration including cut slope, grading and artificial fill or backfill should
conform to the standard engineering procedure.

 Among the slope stabilization measures are: (1) steep slopes can be covered or sprayed with
concrete covered with a wire mesh to prevent rock falls; (2) retaining walls or riprap could be
built to stabilize a slope; (4) if the slope is made of hanging large blocks of rocks, rock bolts
may be emplaced to hold the slope together and prevent failure; (4) drainage pipes must be
inserted into the retaining wall or riprap to allow water to get out and avoid increases in fluid
pressure or increased weight due to the addition of water.

 The foundation of the dam should be tied to a stable and competent bedrock to prevent the
slide or failure of the structure. In this case, the volcanic rock such as the andesitic or basaltic
rock is considered as the competent rock.

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation

The preparation of this EGGAR on the proposed project site was based on the accepted geological procedure in
conducting the engineering-structural geological assessment and geohazard investigation. Its scope is limited to
the project and location described and based on the results of my findings and understanding of the surface and
subsurface conditions at the site at the time of the investigation.

This report presents the potential problem regarding the natural hazards or geohazards that may affect the area
and the recommended preventive and/or mitigation measures based on current findings, the occurrence of man-
induced hazards as result of non-conformance of the developer/proponent to the recommendations in this
EGGAR shall not hold the undersigned EGGAR preparer liable to such event(s). This warranty is issued in lieu
of all other warranties, either expressed or implied.


Reg. Geologist No. 838
PTR No.: 4036838
Issued on: 1-05-2018
Issued at Malabon City

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation


Beniawski, Z. T. (n.d.). Engineering Rock Classification, A complete manual for engineers and
geologists, for mining, civil and petroleum engineering. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Day, R. E. (1988). Forensic Geotechnical and Foundation Engineering.

Kehew, A. (1995). Geology for Engineers and Environmental Scientists (2nd ed.). Prentice Hall.

Keller, E. (1985). Environmental Geology (4th ed.). Charles E.

Krynine, D., & Judd, W. (1957). Principles of Engineering Geology and Geotechnics.

McCabe, R., Almasco, J., & Yumul, G. (1985). Terranes in the Central Philippines. (D. Howell, Ed.)
Tectonostratigraphic Terranes of the Circum-Pacific, 421-435.

Mines and Geosciences Bureau. (2004). Geology and Mineral Resources of the Philippines (Revised
ed., Vol. One). (M. Aurelio, & R. Peña, Eds.)

Mines and Geosciences Bureau. (2015). Detailed Landslide and Flood Hazard Map of San Lorenzo and
Buenavista, Guimaras, Philippines, 3522-III-14, Gaban Quadrangle.

Mines and Geosciences Bureau. (2015). Detailed Landslide and Flood Hazard Map of San Lorenzo,
Jordan and Buenavista, Guimaras, Philippines, 3522-III-13, Tamborong, Quadrangle.

National Mapping and Resource Information Authority. (1996). Topographic Map of Iloilo City, 3522-III,
Scale 1:50,000.

Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. (1994). Proceedings on Natural Disaster Mitigation
in the Philippines.

Terms Concrete and Materials Testing Laboratory. (2014). Final Report on the Geotechnical
Investigation of Cabano SRIP, San Lorenzo, Guimaras.

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation




Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation

Figure 2. Site development plan of project site

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation Project

Figure 3. NAMRIA topographic map showing the location of the proposed site

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation Project

Figure 81. Vicinity map of the Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation Project

Figure 5. Geodynamic framework of the Western Domain. Major plate boundaries are shown. Arrows indicate relativ e movements (in cm/yr) of
the Pacific, Philippine, and Indo-Australian Plates with respect to Eurasia. Modified from Barrier, 1985

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation

Figure 6. Distribution of active faults & trenches in the Philippines (Source: PHIVOLCS)

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation

Figure 7. Distribution of active of faults and trenches in Region VI (Source: PHIVOLCS)

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation

Figure 8. Regional geologic map of Guimaras Island

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation

Figure 9. PHIVOLCS map showing the distance of the Nearest Active Faults to the Project

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation

Figure 10. Slope map of Guimaras

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation

Figure 11. Climate map of Western Visayas Region

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation

Figure 89. Borehole Location Plan

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation Project

Figure 90. Soil profile along BH-1, 7 & 9

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation

Figure 91. Soil profile along BH-2 & 3

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation

Figure 92. Soil Profile along BH-5 & 6

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation

Figure 93. Soil profile along BH-4 & 5

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation Project

Figure 94. Soil profiles along BH-10 & 3 and BH-10 & 8

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation

Figure 18. Earthquake generators and significant earthquakes in the Philippines (Source:

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation

Figure 19. 2014 Seismicity Map of Western Visayas (Source: PHIVOLCS)

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation Project

Figure 20. Geohazard assessment of the Project Site (Source: MGB VI)

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation Project

Figure 21. Tsunami hazard map (Source: PHIVOLCS)

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation


Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation Project

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation

Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment Report, Cabano Small River Irrigation

Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project

EMB Comments and
Actions Taken Locator
Environmental Impact Statement
Proposed Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project

Table 1: EMB Comment-Action Taken Locator Matrix as of May 20, 2019

EMB Comments Actions Taken Locator

Checklist of Documentary

Proof of Authority over the Project


 Submit Special Land Use Permit/ To follow, to be provided by NIA

Forest Land Use Agreement Region VI
(FLAg) and Gratitous Permit

Executive Summary Executive
 On page ES-1, provide Discussion where burrow sites
discussion where burrow sites are located is included in the
are located in the Project Fact Executive Summary,

Air Quality and Noise

 Under page 2-97, incorporate the Noise results incorporated in a

Noise results in a table table as Table 2.41 Page 2-97

Environmental Risk Assessment

to be included in EIS/EPRMP

 Incorporate Health and Safety Health and Safety Plan Page 9-1 to
Plan on the main report, not as incorporated on the main report Page 9-21
an attachment as Chapter 9

Comment-Action Taken Locator

Environmental Impact Statement
Proposed Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project

Table 2: EMB Comment-Action Taken Locator Matrix as of July 9, 2019

EMB Comments Actions Taken Locator

Checklist of Documentary

Proof of Authority over the Project


 Submit Special Land Use Permit/ To follow, to be provided by

Forest Land Use Agreement NIA Region VI.

 Gratitous Permit Certification of Application of Attachment

Gratitous Permit incorporated B
to Volume II: Annexes Report
as Attachment B

 Water Rights Permit incorporated to Volume II: Attachment

Annexes Report as Attachment C
Cabano Small Reservoir Irrigation Project

Air quality and Noise

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