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1.2 Namen
Fangen wir an!

Wie heißt er? Wie heißt sie?

Schau genau! Wer spricht Deutsch? There are actually many celebrities who speak German, even some Americans! Are any of these current or former
stars familiar to you? Do you know why they are or were famous? Flip through these slides and listen to how each person is introduced. As
Wie heißt er? Wie heißt
you do this, try to End the answers to the questions below.

Formell und informell

Mein Name

Übung 1: Wer ist das?

Übung 2: Die richtige


Übung 3: Logisch oder


Übung 4: Alles ist


Zum Nachdenken

Ihr Vorname ist Angela. Ihr Nachname ist Merkel.

 Turn

 Card 3 of 8 

 Reuse Rights of use

In the cards above, you saw many celebrities. What did you notice about how each person was introduced? Answer these
questions to the best of your ability, based on what you saw in the slides. The goal of this lesson is to learn how to recognize
names, titles, and some common questions and expressions when people are being introduced.

1. What does er mean?




2. What does sie mean here?




3. What does heißen mean?

To come from

To be called

To warm up

4. What does die Frau mean?

the woman, the lady

the man

5. What does der Mann mean?

the woman, the lady

the man


Did you notice that the word Frau has a couple of different meanings? If you see it before a name, like Frau Braun, it means
Ms./Mrs. Braun. Unlike English, German doesn't differentiate between Mrs. and Ms. If you use the word Frau without a
speciEc name, die Frau or eine Frau, it means the woman or a woman. A third common use is for the noun wife. Meine Frau
License: heißt Cathy. My wife is named Cathy.

« Schau genau! Formell und informell »

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Adapted by Wisconsin Virtual School. Original content by Michigan Virtual.

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