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Ankit Kumar

Email | Github | LinkedIn | Phone: +91 8970545988

MS Ramaiah Institute of Technology Bengaluru, India

(B.E in Electrical & Electronics. CGPA: 7.99) Dec 2020 - July 2024
Kendriya Vidyalaya AFS Bidar Bengaluru, Karnataka

(12th PCM-Computer Sc (CBSE)- 92.6 % Mar 2020

Message Node

HTML, CSS, Javascript, ReactJS, NodeJS, MongoDB, and ExpressJS. §
◦ Message Node is a CURD application exposed using RESTful API made with Node.Js
◦ Some of the distinct features of the project includes User SignUP, User Authentication ,
Pagenation,Validation .
Food Ordering Website

HTML, CSS, Javascript,React,FireBase §
◦ Developed a user-friendly Food Ordering Application where user can ADD, REMOVE, ORDER
food items. The app integrates real-time Firebase Database using API key
IoT Based OmniD-Intelli Rover

◦ Designed and developed an Omni Directional Rover with Robotic Arm for Fire Extinguishing
◦ Rover is remotely controlled from a WEB APP with Image processing


Software Engineer Intern - Medibuddy
Jan 2024-Present
∗ Working as a Backend Engineer using NodeJs, ExpressJs, NestJs.
∗ Worked on Developing a logging system for action tracking from the Forward Dashboard

Finalist at Police Hackathon 2nd Edition 2023
IIIT Bangalore
∗ Worked on the problem statement of Unified Data Verification of Records
∗ Worked with MongoDB to retrieve and display data from databases

Content Team Member TEDXMSRIT-2023
RIT Bangalore
∗ Managed content for various speakers at the event
∗ Written Various post on TEDXMSRIT Instagram page

Skills/Relevant coursework
∗ Programming/Development Languages: C, C++, JavaScript
∗ Front End: HTML, CSS, ReactJS
∗ Back End and Databases: NodeJS, ExpressJS, MySQL, MongoDB
∗ Coursework: DSA, OOPS, DBMS, OS, CN
∗ Dev Tools: Visual Studio Code, Postman, Git

Additional Details
∗ Competitive Coding: Practice and compete on various coding websites like LeetCode & CodeForces.

∗ Certifications: Web Development Bootcamp [MERN STACK] from Udemy

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