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THEME: Agriculture, forestry

and plant sciences.

Subtheme: Agriculture marketing

What is the problem?

The biggest issue that farmers are facing today is declining prices of agricultural products. There are
numerous reasons for the fall in price of agricultural products. Even when the market price is very
high farmers do not receive the benefits that go along with it. As the prices of products declining it
results in a increase in number of people who left farming and number of farmers who use chemical
fertilizers. This will result in severe health problems.

What is the root cause of the problem?

The primary cause for this problem is that agricultural products travel through various mediums
prior to reaching the consumers. Other causes of this problem are the bulkiness of production, poor
bargaining power of farmers, poor storage facilities for agricultural products.

who is affected by the problem?

Small scale and large scale farmers are affected by this problem ,but large scale farmers are more
frequently affected by this problem as they have to find buyers for a large quantity of products in a
much reduced price.

Are there existing solutions?

The main solution that exists now is the "Minimum Support Price". But this solution have a number
of limitations. The main limitations of this solution are:

# Incorrect estimation of cost of production

# The solution doesn't reach the needy

Another solution that exists now is the "Direct Marketing System" but it doesn't reach its goals.

Why do you want to solve this problem?

My motivation to create this Idea is to ensure fresh and pesticide free food to people in an
affordable price. It will also attract more people to farming by increasing the income of farmers.

Explanation of my idea:

My Idea is to attract tourists to the farmlands. Temporary cottages can be arranged in farmland for
the accommodation of the tourists. The information about this can be uploaded in major travel sites
and communities of nature lovers . A reasonable amount can be charged as rent for the cottage. The
visitors who come to the farmland can buy the agricultural products in a lesser price. The remaining
products can be processed into value added products and can be sold to the visitors. An agricultural
marketing site can be made for a farmers' community in a locality or by combining these

What is the advantage of the Idea which you are proposing?

By this idea the farmers will get an extra income. Moreover their products can be sold in a higher
price as there is no mediators. The consumers will be equally benefited as they can get fresh
products in a lower price compared to the market price.

who is the customer?

Vegetable and fruit farmers. Other plantation crop farmers.

Estimated Solution time for implementing the Idea?

Half month

Estimated cost of the Idea Project?


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