NCSC - Background Investigation Form

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Republic of the Philippines


Human Resource Development Division
4th Floor AAP Tower, 683 Aurora Blvd., Mariana, Quezon City 1117
Official website:


Merit Promotion and Selection Process


Name of Candidate : JOAN KRIS MAGO

1. How long have you known the candidate and in what context? If you are a
former supervisor of the candidate, please state why s/he left your

I’ve known Ms. Joan since around 2016. We previously worked together in an ISO
consulting firm. Although I left before her, I knew she wanted to pursue professional and
personal growth; thus, leaving the company was inevitable.

2. Please describe the type of work the candidate did for you (e.g. academic or
professional work) and how s/he performed (e.g. quality and quantity of
output). Please also indicate his/her strengths and weaknesses.

I worked in the admin team and she worked with the consultants. We regularly interact
to manage the schedules, deliverables, and other concerns related to the consulting
processes of the firm. All the while, Ms. Joan constantly delivers tasks promptly, and in
great detail. Yet, she also does not just blindly comply but also asks pertinent questions
whenever she sees that a request is incomplete or irrelevant. Perhaps one thing she
can improve on is building relationship with her co-workers. Although she didn’t have
any misunderstandings with any of us, but she did not have a strong bond with other
colleagues beyond her team.

3. Did the candidate have a positive or negative work attitude? How did s/he
respond to pressure or stress? Has s/he consistently demonstrated
professionalism, honesty, and integrity?

Generally, Ms. Joan displayed a positive work attitude. Sometimes she may air out
dissatisfaction with some policies and work arrangements, yet that didn’t stop her in
fulfilling her duties to the best of her abilities. I have not heard her backbite any of the
employees and always kept a professional demeanor at all times.

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4. How would you describe the candidate’s relationship with peers, superiors,
and subordinates (if applicable)? Do you think the candidate works more
effectively as a team member or independent worker?

In our previous work, Ms. Joan usually was the only one from her department left in the
office since all consultants travel a lot. Thus, she tends to work alone and I saw that she
can effectively does her job independently. However, her teammates always
acknowledge her efficiency in their department. As mentioned, even though she didn’t
have a strong relationship with everyone else, she was always approachable and easy
to deal with.

Kindly rate the level of frequency the candidate manifests these knowledge, skills, attitude,
and other attributes by ticking () the box under the desired rating:

5 Has consistently shown strong evidence of positive behaviors described
4 Has shown good evidence of positive behaviors described
3 Has shown some evidence of positive behaviors described
2 Has shown little evidence of positive behaviors described
1 No evidence of positive behaviors described or has shown negative/opposite behaviors

The Candidate…
1 2 3 4 5
a. Submits outputs that are complete, accurate, relevant and timely 
b. Shows concern for the organization 
c. Provides good sense and sound judgement on practical matters 
d. Submits outputs that are aligned with the requirements of the 
signing authority
e. Acts fast and efficiently to get the job done 
f. Has the willingness and ability to readily respond to changing
circumstances and expectations. Does not mind doing work outside 
his/her job description to attain the goals of the organization
g. Is open to do new tasks and learn new things outside his/her 
educational background or work experience
h. Has respect for authority 
i. Has respect for the dignity of others and works professionally with
peers, subordinates and other service personnel (e.g., janitors, 
j. Does not ignore one’s companion/superiors in order to pay 
attention to one’s phone and other technological devices
k. Avoids being cliquish and easily works with people who have
different interests or status (whether technical, administrative or 
support personnel)
l. Has broad perspective of things and applies a 
multi-faceted/angular approach in analyzing a problem
m. Is open to situations that test one’s comfort zone, ability and 
determination to achieve team goals
n. Shows prudence in his/her social media posts/usage. S/he never

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The Candidate…
1 2 3 4 5
posts or uploads emotional outbursts or negative statements 
against the government, the office, government systems or
processes, and other people (e.g., friends, relatives, officemates)
o. Does not post or upload statements or pictures via social media,
which show or pertain to their work to protect the institution or 
secure data (e.g., pictures of meeting venue, meeting attendees,
p. Is apolitical. S/he never involves her/himself in political discussions
(outside office requirements) such as commenting/reacting in social 
media posts about politicians or politically-inclined issues
q. Never accepts gifts or tokens from government agencies,
proponents, or other stakeholders in exchange for favors (e.g., 
appointment, assistance, hosting of events, procurement of
supplies, etc.), whether directly or indirectly
r. Delivers the explicit requirements of clients consistent with office 
standards, and going the extra mile as warranted
s. Anticipates, identifies, and responds to the clients’ needs 
t. Has a defined sense of right and wrong; complies with laws,
government policies, and office standards; and is accountable for 
one’s work
u. Influences others to comply with government policies and office 
standards, and is accountable for one’s team
v. Gets the job done and the output is complete, accurate, timely and 
w. Actively exemplifies the tenets of Completed Staff Work (CSW) in 
undertaking assignments and delivering results

5. Would you recommend to the NCSC the hiring of the Candidate? Why or why
Yes, I definitely recommend Ms. Joan for the job. Her work output and ethics are top
tier. I believe her efficiency and effectiveness in the roles assigned to her makes her
valuable candidate for the job.


I certify that the statements made by me in answer to the above questions are true, complete and
accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Cebu City October 2, 2023

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(place) (date)

Camille Travilla-Sanchez
(signature over printed name)

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