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MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. The construction, collection, transportation, pumping treatment and final disposition of sewage
a. Plumbing b. Sewerage c. Drainage d. Storm Drainage

2. An underground system that cannot drain by gravity into the building sewer
a. Storm Drain b. Subsewer c. Building Subdrain d. Underground Sewer

3. This pipe starts at the end of the building drain

a. House Sewer b. House Drain c. Building Drain d. House Storm Sewer

4. Pipe takes the waste water from the plumbing fixtures and deliver it to the sewer
a. Plumbing b. Sewerage c. Drainage System d. Storm Drainage

5. Equivalent to a flow rate of 7 ½ gallons of water per min; 28.3 liters per min (1 cu.ft/minute)

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the best answer.

a. Fixture Unit b. Plumbing Unit c. Fixture Drain d. Unit Vent

6. The lowest horizontal piping of drainage system conveying waste to the building sewer beginning 0.6 m. outside the building wall
a. House Sewer b. Building Sewer c. Building Drain d. House Storm Sewer

7. The pipeline from the building to the public storm sewer system
a. House Sewer b. House Drain c. Building Drain d. House Storm Sewer

8. The drain from the trap of a fixture to the junction of the drain
a. Fixture Unit b. Plumbing Unit c. Fixture Drain d. Unit Vent

9. A waste pipe that does not connect directly with the building drainage
a. Receptor b. Drain Pipe c. Direct Pipe d. Indirect Waste Pipe

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the best answer.

10. Another term for rainfall/precipitation

a. Downfall b. Condensation c. Storm Water d. Falling water

11. Liquids are retained to deposit settleable material

a. Rain leader b. Downspout c. Catch Basin d. Trench Canal

12. An interceptor of 3 cubic meters capacity

a. Grease Trap b. Clarifier c. Grease Interceptor d. Sand Interceptor

13. An unobstructed vertical distance between the lowest openings from any pipe to the flood level rim of the receptor
a. Airbreak b. Air Relief c. Air Gap, Drainage d. Air Gap, Water Distribution

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the best answer.

14. An unobstructed vertical distance through free atmosphere between the lowest opening from any pipe or faucet conveying potable
water to the flood-level rim
a. Airbreak b. Air Relief c. Air Gap, Drainage d. Air Gap, Water Distribution

15. A. vertical distance between the dip and the crown weir of a trap/the water in the trap between the dip and the crown weir
a. Water Seal b. Trap Seal c. Seal d. Trap Arm

16. The principal artery in vent system

a. Main Vent / vent stack b. VSTR c. SVTR d. Main Soil Vent

17. Provide flow of air to or from a drainage system; provide a circulation of air to protect traps seals from siphonage and backpressure
a. Vent Pipe b. Vent System c. Vent d. Vent Thru Roof

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the best answer.

18. A pipe or opening used for ensuring the circulation of air in a plumbing system; for reducing the pressure exerted on trap seals
a. Vent Pipe b. Vent System c. Vent d. Vent Thru Roof

19. An arrangement of venting so installed that one vent pipe will serve two traps
a. Unit Vent b. Individual Vent c. Loop Vent d. Yoke Vent

20. Acts as auxiliary vent (“yoke vent”)

a. Unit Vent b. Individual Vent c. Loop Vent d. Relief Vent

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