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Write C++ program to implement the following without using in-built string functions
i) Concatenate two strings
ii) reverse a given string compared to strings.
iii) Extract a string from another string
iv) Check whether the given string is present in the main string and return the position
2. Write C++ program to implement stack data structure using arrays and class
3. Write C++ program to convert decimal number to binary number using stack data
4. Write C++ program to convert given parenthesized infix expression to postfix expression
5. Write C++ program to evaluate given postfix expression using stack data structure.
6. Write C++ program to implement queue data structure using arrays and class
7. Write C++ program to implement circular queue using arrays and class
8. Write C++ program to implement input restricted double ended queue using arrays and
9. Write C++ program to implement ascending priority queue using arrays and class

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