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Term Assignment One International Cuisine and Flavour

Profile Report
COOK 303 International Cuisine

Due Date: Week 10

Grade Value: 25%

Student Name: Student ID:

Course Name: Course Code:

Date: Time: Am PM

International Cuisine and Flavour Profile Report

It is important when we learn about different international cuisines
that we consider the geographic, historical, and cultural conditions
that influence a particular cuisine. By exploring food through a lens of
culture, time, and place, we build a deeper appreciation of how
regional characteristics have shaped what we eat the cuisine's food
If a specific national or regional cuisine is defined as the ingredient,
equipment, style of cookery, indigenous traditions, and methodology
of a particular geographic region, then a cuisine's flavour profile is
how each of the mentioned elements is utilized to create the dishes
of that cuisine.
A flavour profile includes the overall attributes and tastes of a
particular food product or cuisine. Due to international trade,
hybridization, and globalization, numerous cuisines around the world
use many of the same essential foods but may season those foods in
distinctive ways. Within each cuisine's profile are very significant
regional differences, but the choice of seasonings and often
ingredients allows us to associate a predominate flavour profile. For
example, the cuisine of Thailand, although regionally it is different,
some predominant ingredients and flavours are consistent amongst
regional differences.
Term Assignment One International Cuisine and Flavour
Profile Report
COOK 303 International Cuisine

There are four distinct culinary styles in Thai cuisine, norther, Isan
(northeastern), central and southern. With influences from
neighbouring Burmese, Laotian and Malaysian cuisine. The
ingredients associated with Thai cuisine are garlic, coriander,
turmeric, lemongrass, Thai basil, kaffir lime, coconut milk, and fish
The flavour profile is based on a balance acquired through carefully
balancing four different primary flavours of sour, sweet, spicy and
Part A Report
The student will research a cuisine and its associated flavour profile
from one of the world's five major inhabited continents. Through
research, the student will determine the cuisine's flavour profile by
examining the key ingredients, seasonings, regional or national
dishes, applied methodologies and Indigenous traditions. Students
are encouraged to choose a cuisine and its associated flavour profile
that either reflects their heritage or ethnicity or represents their
favourite food flavours.

The student may choose to present their report in an alternative

format such as visually (visual essay), auditorily (podcast), or digitally
(SlideShare). Please confirm with your instructor. Your research
needs to be cited from a minimum of 3 different sources, one of
which must be a cookbook, published biography, blog or official
organization. To include in your report must be a cited page
(biography resources), links to several examples, handouts, and
websites that may be useful to you while working on this project.
Term Assignment One International Cuisine and Flavour
Profile Report
COOK 303 International Cuisine

Part B Recipe
The student will create an inspired international dish (entrée, starch
and vegetable) that is representative of the selected regional or
national cuisine and its associated flavour profile. The student will
provide a recipe(s) and summary to explain how their recipe is
representative of the selected cuisine and associated flavour profile
with consideration given to geographic, historical, and cultural
conditions that influence the recipe. Through research and
independent study, the student will apply critical thinking skills, gain a
better understanding of international cuisine, menu trends and world
cuisine principles. Also, by using word processing skills, the student
will learn the necessary word processing computer skills used in
today's foodservice environment.

Steps to Complete Part A Report

Step 1: Choose a regional or national specific cuisine

Review the content and resources provided during the course then
decide on a cuisine you are interested in learning more about.
Students are encouraged to choose a cuisine and its associated
flavour profile that either reflects their heritage or ethnicity or
represents their favourite food flavours.

Step 2: Research – (including works cited page)

You can resource information through books, magazines, videos,

course content sources, websites, blogs, interviews, news feeds,
library resources, and social media etc. Make sure to use a variety of
resources (minimum of 3 different ones) when researching.
Term Assignment One International Cuisine and Flavour
Profile Report
COOK 303 International Cuisine
What to research about (guiding questions)

1. Discuss the geographic, historical, and cultural conditions that

influence the recipe.
a. What is unique about the geography of the region that
influences the cuisine?
b. Are their historical events which influenced the cuisine for
example colonization, occupation, or famine
c. What cultural elements influence the cuisine, for example,
hybridization of the cuisine, globalization or migration?
d. How do Indigenous traditions, teaching or practices
influence the cuisine?
2. Describe the critical ingredients associated with the cuisine.
a. What are the ingredients?
b. What is it about the ingredients that contribute to the
flavour profile?
c. What is unique about the cuisine primary ingredients are they
native to the region or country or they imported?

3. What are the standard culinary methodologies or techniques

associated with the cuisine?
a. Are there standard methodologies utilized throughout the
cuisine' repertoire?
b. Are there methodologies uncommon or borrowed from
other nations or regions due to colonization, occupation or
migration of other peoples?
c. Are the culinary techniques representative of Indigenous
Peoples' influence or interpretation?
d. Are the culinary methodologies unique or surprising to
Term Assignment One International Cuisine and Flavour
Profile Report
COOK 303 International Cuisine
4. Describe the flavour profile
a. Is there a balance of sweet, sour, salty and spicy?
b. Is there a predominant flavour that dominates the dishes
such as spicy, sour or sweet?
c. What herb, spices or seasoning contribute to the top notes
of the flavour profile?
d. What herbs, spices or seasoning contribute to the foundry
e. How would you describe the flavour profile of the dishes
typical to the cuisine? Is the flavour profile different
regionally or is it similar amongst all dishes

Steps to Complete Your Report

Choose and complete the information required for steps 1 through 2.

The information will help you gather the necessary information and
organize how you will convey your ideas in the report.

1. Write your report– a minimum of 5 paragraphs:

a. One introduction paragraph.
b. Three supporting paragraphs.
c. One concluding paragraph.
2. Proofread to check grammar and spelling. I encourage you to
ask your instructor for feedback on your draft report before
submitting it to the assignment folder for grading.
3. Complete the works cited page (biography resources) listing
all resources used. You need to use at least three different
sources, and one must be a book. Keep a running page where
you record each source as you use it. To find out how to do
this page, go to the website below. (How to format your
Biography Resources).
Term Assignment One International Cuisine and Flavour
Profile Report
COOK 303 International Cuisine
Steps to Complete Your International Inspired Recipe

Reflect on both the ingredients, flavour profiles, and applied

methodologies you have learned this semester. Create an
International inspired entrée with accompanying starch and
vegetable. The ingredients, flavour profile and applied methods
should be reflective of what you have learned in this course and from
the information gathered in your report. The entrée and
accompanying starch and vegetable require a recipe and
methodology and explanation as needed. The recipe will yield four

a. Prepare a recipe provided a template for the entrée with

methodology and notes as required.
b. Prepare a recipe provided a template for the starch with
methodology and notes as required.
c. Prepare a recipe provided a template for the starch with
methodology and notes as required.

4. Proofread to check grammar and spelling. I encourage you to

ask your instructor for feedback on your draft recipes before
submitting it to the assignment folder for grading.
5. Complete the works cited page (biography resources) listing
all resources used. You need to use at least three different
sources, and one must be a book. Keep a running page where
you record each source as you use it. To find out how to do
this page, go to the website below. (How to format your
Biography Resources).
Term Assignment One International Cuisine and Flavour
Profile Report
COOK 303 International Cuisine

How to Cite your Bibliography

Doing a bibliography is sometimes confusing, so we'll show you how to
format your entries for the most common types of reference material.

Author. Title. Place of Publication (first city): Publisher, Copyright Date.

Yolen, Jane. The Encounter. San Diego: Harcourt, 1996.
Fradin, Dennis. Explorers. Chicago: Children's, 1984.

****Anonymous Work (no author):

Same as single-author books except without an author name.

The Kids' Book of the 50 Great States. New York: Scholastic. 1998

Author of the Article. (if one, look at the end of the article) "Title of the
Article." Complete Title of the Encyclopedia. Copyright Date (edition).

Gibson, Charles. " Cortes, Hernando." The World Book
Encyclopedia. 1997 ed.
"Columbus, Christopher." The New Book of Knowledge. 1999 ed.

Magazine / Periodical Source:

Author of the Article." (if one) Title of the Article." Name of the Magazine.
Date of the Magazine (month, year): Page(s) used.

Karlgaard, Rich. "Post-Bubble Rules." Forbes. March 2001: 51.
Outing, Steve. "ePublishing." Writer's Digest. March 2001: 46-47.
Term Assignment One International Cuisine and Flavour
Profile Report
COOK 303 International Cuisine

Online Web Source:

Author of the Article. (if there is one) "Title of the Article." Date of the Article.
(if there is one) <Web address> Date Retrieved.

Miller, Chris. "Black Holes and Neutron Stars." http://www.
cmmiller/BH/blkmain.html 12 Feb. 2000.
1364/Constellations/html/ 10 Feb. 2000.

Online Reference Source:

Author of the Article (if there is one) "Title of the Article." Date of the Article. (if one) Title
of the Reference Source. Online. (This word with a period after it)
Publisher. Date Retrieved.

"The Renaissance." 2000. Compton's Encyclopedia version 4.0. Online. Learning.
25 Mar. 2000.
Zeichner, Oscar. "Miles, Standish." Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. Online. Grolier.
14 Feb. 2000.

CD-ROM Source:
Author of the Article. (if there is one) "Title of the Article." Title of the CD-ROM Program.
The "word" CD-ROM. Place of publication: Publisher, Copyright Date.

McClintock, Jeffrey E. "Black Hole." World Book Multimedia Encyclopedia.
CD-ROM. Chicago: World Book. 1999.
"Arizona." Microsoft Encarta. CD-ROM. Redmond: Microsoft, 1999.

Courtesy of Copyright © 2001 Inc. is an educational resource site bringing you cool tools and tricks for your brain.
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