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AED 500,000
Claims Settlement Basis (after
application of Copayments)

Direct billing available.

Within the Network Reimbursement is also possible but
will be settled at 80% of the usual &
customary rates of the selected

Outside the Network in Countries Reimbursement at 100% of actual costs

where NAS is not present (subject to be reasonable) or 100% of
the usual & customary rates of the
network, whichever is less.

reimbursement at 80% of actual costs

Outside the Network in Countries (subject to be reasonable) or 80% of
where NAS is present the usual & customary rates of the
network, whichever is less.

Pre-existing & Chronic Conditions All pre-existing conditions should be

declared in the Medical Application
Form and is subject to medical
underwriting. Undeclared pre-existing
conditions will not be covered during the
policy period and will be underwritten
at renewal. o waiting period applies if
evidence of continuity(from any other
individual plan- without any break is
provided) of coverage is provided;
otherwise a waiting period of 6 months
applies to the first scheme membership
on Inpatient treatment for the following
medical conditions: Diabetes mellitus,
Arterial diseases, COPD , All cancers
cases, Neurosurgery, Cerebro Vascular
diseases, All delivery cases (Maternity)
All adverse findings on health
declarations would be priced on each
case basis. In case of misrepresentation
insurer reserves the right to cancel the
policy and refund the premium less paid
Any form of Cancer shall fall within the
definition of Chronic conditions. Waiting
period of 6 months shall apply in line
with regulatory mandates. If cancer or
any other chronic condition manifested
after the policy start date, a waiting
period of 6 months from policy start
date shall apply.
Covered on Reimbursement up to AED
Cash Indemnity for In-Patient
250 per night and a maximum of 10
hospitalizations that are medically nights.
necessary and otherwise covered The Cash Indemnity claim must be
under the policy but are not submitted within 15 days after discharge
submitted to the Insurance Company from the hospital with a proof of hospi-
talization including a discharge sum-

Vaccination for Children (as per Inside Network: 100% Actual Cost
MOH, UAE) Outside Network : UCR Basis

Physiotherapy (Subject to Covered


Diagnostic and treatment services Covered

for dental and gum treatments,
Hearing and vision aids, and vision
correction by surgeries and laser
(Emergency cases Only)
Dental emergency is any injury to
your teeth or gums that can put you
at a risk of permanent damage, such
as Chipped or broken teeth,
Knocked-out tooth ,Soft-tissue
injuries etc

Hearing Emergencies include Covered

Object/insect in the ear , ruptued
eardrum , sudden hearing loss and

Vision Emergencies include bleeding Covered

or discharge from or around the eye,
double vision and Loss of vision, total
or partial, one eye or both etc.

Healthcare services for work illnesses Covered

and injuries as per Federal Law No.8
of 1980 concerning the Regulation of
Work Relations, as amended, and
applicable laws in this respect
Maternity services In-patient Maternity services: Inside
Strictly subject to Medical Emirate of Abu Dhabi: Covered up to the
Annual Limit of the policy (In-Patient &
Application Form (MAF). Pregnancy Out-Patient) Delivery inside Emirate of
at time of application should be Abu Dhabi is subject to a deductible of
AED 500/- as per HAAD law. Outside
declared in the medical application Emirate of Abu Dhabi (within UAE):
form and is subject to medical -Normal Delivery is covered up to
underwriting. Undeclared Pregnancy AED 10,000/-, C-Section and maternity
complications are covered up to
at time of application will not be AED 12,000/-, Medical Emergency
covered during the policy period and related to Maternity is covered up to
will be underwritten at renewal if Annual Limit of the policy.
Out-patient Maternity services:
needed. covered up to the Annual Limit of the
policy subject to the same deductible in
the selected plan on consultation.
An undeclared pregnancy, known or
unknown to Insured at the time of
buying policy, will be considered as
pre-existing and all pregnancy related
op and IP claims would be subjected to
charge of additional annual premium or
cancellation of policy with recovery of
all already settled claims.

Psychiatric Treatment Out Patient Covered up to Maximum

AED 1,500/- per person per annum
IN Patient Covered up to Maximum
AED 6,000/- per person per annum

Organ Transplant Organ transplantation shall cover the

organ transplantation as recipient
excluding any cost related to donor
and excluding the acquisition and
organ cost
Organs covered are: heart, lung,
kidney, pancreas, liver, Allogeneic &
autologous bone marrow.

Repatriation of Mortal Remains to Covered up to Maximum AED 10,000

the Country of Domicile: per person per annum settled on
Reimbursement basis with no co-pay

Second Medical Opinion This benefit gives members access

through NAS mobile application to
world renowned providers to
re-evaluate their earlier diagnosis,
medical history and treatment plan for
non-emergency cases.
Dental benefit Covered up to AED 2,500/- subject to
Covers the following: Consultation & 20% Co-pay
X-Ray, Scaling, Tooth Extraction, In-Network: Direct Billing
Amalgam fillings, Temporary and/or Out of Network: Reimbursement
permanent composite, fillings and
root canal treatment only.

Optical benefit Covered subject to 20% Co-pay and up

covers the following: Optical to AED 1,250 in total and up the
examinations conducted for the following sub-limits:
purpose of obtaining eyeglasses or AED 300 for Frames - one pair per year
lenses AED 200 per pair per single vision
lenses - once per year
In-Network: Direct Billing
AED 250 per pair per bifocal or tri-focal
Out of Network: Reimbursement
vision lenses - once per year
AED 300 for contact lenses per year

Alternative Medicines/ therapies Limited to AED 1,500 per person per

Covers the following: Chiropractic/ annum
Osteopathy/ Homeopathy and
Ayurvedic (on reimbursement basis)

Please note that in case benefits fall below the minimum required by HAAD or the
benefit which is not provided in this TOB and is required by HAAD, then the cover
under the policy will automatically increase/include the benefit to the same level as
requested by HAAD

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