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>>Anonymous (ID: aUE1KNs8) 04/29/24(Mon)22:12:56 No.

466590707▶ >>466593979
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The Chinese Renminbi will be used as the main trading currency which will have
tremendous harm against the USD.
The very thing that made USD so attractive in the past is now over. USD is now
very common and very plentiful across the world and that is because of our failure
and not our success. The US was a creditor nation and other nations were borrowing
from us, countries were borrowing far more resulting in massive trading surpluses
which greatly increased American's living standards and enabled a robust American
manufacturing base. Literally, everything about that world is gone now and the US
is not the biggest creditor nation but rather the biggest debtor nation. When we
flood the world with USD, it is because we are borrowing from other nations, the
huge trading deficits mean we need to borrow money from other countries just to
keep our lights on.
Saudi Arabia and China are now trading in RMB, setting up swap lines, cutting
out USD. As a result, there are no chance of the West examining the trade and
risking seizing their assets.
China is very reluctant to allow its currency to float in the global market
subject to foreign governments and speculators. China is very strategic with their
Belt-Road Initiative and carefully measured to deepen their supply chain. China has
been making it clear, this is how they prefer to do business. Nobody wants RMB to
be the reserve currency of the world, not even China, but the RMB is becoming a
trading currency.
Everything coming out of Venezuela and Iran are done in RMB. Food and energy
and raw materials come in, finished products go out. And no need to ask London or
New York permission to do anything.
When you see talking heads rejoicing USD is the world's reserve currency, these
titanic reserves of dollars around the that everybody is proud of, those are not
our assets, they are our liabilities. Those are assets that we loaned to other
countries that can be used against us. Now there are so many dollars across the
world, even poor countries do not want to use USD and are wanting to use other
currencies. RMB is the world's favorite trading currency.
Remember how the USD became the world's reserve currency because we produced
more than we needed and lending to other countries to help them develop, who does
that sound like lately? Who now is considered the factory of the world? Which
country is lending to other countries to help develop their economies? Which
country is doing more business and dictating the terms of the trade and dictating
the currency of that trade? As more of those bilateral trading relations develop,
as RMB is more commonly used in hundreds of billions of dollars in trade, and now
trillions of dollars in trade, as these other countries realize they do not need
pools of USD. Those dollars will go back to the United States and inflation which
is terrible now will become intolerable as trillions of trillions of dollars of
American liabilities will come pouring back to American markets.
It was good while it lasted.

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