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Developing models for the prediction of hospital healthcare waste generation


Article in Waste Management & Research · October 2015

DOI: 10.1177/0734242X15607422


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3 authors, including:

Esubalew Tesfahune Abebe Beyene

Debre Berhan University Jimma University


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WMR0010.1177/0734242X15607422Waste Management & ResearchTesfahun et al.

Original Article

Waste Management & Research

Developing models for the prediction of

© The Author(s) 2015
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hospital healthcare waste generation rate
DOI: 10.1177/0734242X15607422

Esubalew Tesfahun1, Abera Kumie1 and Abebe Beyene2

An increase in the number of health institutions, along with frequent use of disposable medical products, has contributed to the
increase of healthcare waste generation rate. For proper handling of healthcare waste, it is crucial to predict the amount of waste
generation beforehand. Predictive models can help to optimise healthcare waste management systems, set guidelines and evaluate the
prevailing strategies for healthcare waste handling and disposal. However, there is no mathematical model developed for Ethiopian
hospitals to predict healthcare waste generation rate. Therefore, the objective of this research was to develop models for the prediction
of a healthcare waste generation rate. A longitudinal study design was used to generate long-term data on solid healthcare waste
composition, generation rate and develop predictive models. The results revealed that the healthcare waste generation rate has a strong
linear correlation with the number of inpatients (R2 = 0.965), and a weak one with the number of outpatients (R2 = 0.424). Statistical
analysis was carried out to develop models for the prediction of the quantity of waste generated at each hospital (public, teaching and
private). In these models, the number of inpatients and outpatients were revealed to be significant factors on the quantity of waste
generated. The influence of the number of inpatients and outpatients treated varies at different hospitals. Therefore, different models
were developed based on the types of hospitals.

Healthcare waste, generation rate, hospitals, prediction, models, Ethiopia

All over the world, there is a continued growth in the number of and Govindan, 2013). Hence, the development of predictive
hospitals and other health facilities in relation to meet the health- models should consider the type of hospitals. The amount of dif-
care demand of the alarming population growth. An increase in ferent kinds of healthcare waste generated at hospitals can be
number of health institutions, combined with an increase in the determined by identifying the relationship between the weight of
use of disposable medical products, has contributed to the large the healthcare waste generated and main important factors that
amount of healthcare waste being generated (Karamouz et al., affect healthcare waste generation rate, such as type of hospital,
2007; World Health Organization, 2002). The high generation hospital specialisation, hospital size and proportion of patients
rate compounded by poor handling and disposal practices treated on a daily basis (Askarian et al., 2004; Cheng et al., 2009;
(Hassan et al., 2008) has increased the risk of environmental pol- Razali and Ishak, 2010; Silva et al., 2005; Tudor et al., 2005).
lution and diseases transmission (Awad et al., 2004). Owing to Statistical analysis is one option to evaluate the relationship
these facts, installation of an integrated healthcare waste manage- between these important factors and the amount of healthcare
ment system for health institutions is becoming a cross-cutting waste generated (Eker and Bilgili, 2011) in each type of hospital
issue (Nema et al., 2011). that most predictive models lack.
Many researchers have argued that the availability of enough The study conducted by Bdour et al. (2007) in Jordan, con-
information about the amount and composition of the healthcare firmed that high statistically significant (linear) correlation exists
waste generated is the first step for the implementation of sound between the number of patients (R2 = 0.945) and the number of
waste management systems (Altin et al., 2003; Karamouz et al., beds (R2 = 905) with the amount of daily healthcare waste
2007; Taghipour and Mosaferi, 2009). In addition, healthcare
waste should be characterised by source, generation rates, types
1School of Public Health, Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa,
of waste produced and composition in order to monitor and con-
trol the existing healthcare waste management systems (Altin Ethiopia
2Department of Environmental Health Science & Technology, Jimma
et al., 2003). Therefore, development of models is not only a University, Jimma, Ethiopia
necessity, but millstones for proper healthcare waste manage-
Corresponding author:
ment system.
Esubalew Tesfahun, School of Public Health, College of Health Science,
The generation rate of healthcare waste varies among the type Addis Ababa University, PO Box 100796, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
of hospitals (government, private and teaching hospitals) (Rahele Email:
2 Waste Management & Research

generated (Bdour et al., 2007). The study done in Irbid, Jordan, the local determinant factors. Nevertheless, there is no predictive
by Awad et al. (2004), indicated that the quantity of the health- model available in Ethiopia that can be used for predicting a
care waste generation rate has a strong correlation with the num- healthcare waste generation rate. Therefore, this research has a
ber of patients, number of beds and type of hospital at R2 = 0.973, paramount importance for improving a healthcare waste manage-
R2 = 0.956 and R2 = 0.368, respectively (Awad et al., 2004). ment system at a local and national level.
Similarly, the study conducted by Komilis et al. (2011) indicated
a linear statistically significant correlation at p < 0.05 with
Methods and materials
R2 = 0.43 between the daily healthcare waste generation rate and
the number of beds occupied (Komilis et al., 2011). The study Study area
done by Katoch and Kumar (2007) in India confirmed that the The Amhara National Regional State has a total of 18 public hos-
seasonal variation in the biomedical waste production rate pitals (two teaching, three referrals, two zonals and 11 districts)
remained nearly the same (Katoch and Kumar, 2007). and six general private hospitals, all of them located in 11 differ-
Determining an advance healthcare waste generation rate
ent towns. From these hospitals, we proportionally and randomly
using a mathematical predictive model can help to optimise
selected six governmental hospitals (one teaching, one referral,
healthcare waste management systems to set guidelines and to
one zonal and three district hospitals) and three general private
evaluate the prevailing strategies for healthcare waste handling,
hospitals. The towns vary in size from small (Boru media) to
as well as proper disposal (Katoch and Kumar, 2007). From the
medium (Debre Birhan) and large (Gondar), which correspond to
review of available literatures, we confirmed that only a few pre-
the size and functionality of the study hospitals. The total number
dictive models are available. The available models are presented
of beds per hospital varied between private and public hospitals
in equations (1) to (4):
and among public hospitals: Ayu private hospital (64 beds),
Selam private hospital (62), IBEX private hospital (32), Boru
Generation rate in kg day-1 = − 17.77 + 1.049 (PAT) +
(1) district hospital (80), Enat district hospital (54), Mehal Meda dis-
0.818 (BED) + 12.22 (Type)
trict hospital (41), Debre Tabor zonal hospital (89), Debre Birhan
referral hospital (135) and Gondar teaching hospital (512).
where PAT is the number of patients, BED is the number of beds
and TYPE is the type of hospital (Awad et al., 2004).
Monthly average biomedical waste generation rate (Wo) of Study design
hospitals in kg day-1 in terms of average bed occupancy rate, B A longitudinal study design was conducted to generate long-term
(beds day-1) equals: solid healthcare waste composition and generation rate. The
long-term data were used to develop predictive models that can
Wo = K1 + K 2 . B + K 3 * B2 (2) precisely estimate the generation rates of hospital healthcare
wastes. This study design allows capturing variations and com-
where, coefficients K1, K2 and K3 are constants for a particular position of healthcare waste generation.
type of hospital (Katoch and Kumar, 2007).
Data collection
Generation rate in kg day-1 = − 21.7 + 0.06(PAT) +
(3) Out of the total 24 hospitals, the data were collected from nine
0.372 (CAP)
proportionally allocated hospitals with different levels of spe-
where PAT is the number of inpatients and CAP is the number of cialisation, capacity and ownership (private and government) and
beds (Idowu et al., 2013). randomly selected hospitals. The data collection was conducted
in two rounds. The first round was conducted from November to
Y = (Thb *Whb ) + (Tcb * Wcb ) + (Tdt * Wdt ) (4) December 2013 (dry season) and in the second round from June
to July 2014 (wet season). The data collectors had secondary
where Y is the total healthcare waste generated per day in kg day-1, school certificates, and supervisors had BSc degrees in
Thb is the total number of hospital beds in sampled facilities, Whb Environmental Health. In both the first and second round of data
is the average waste per hospital bed per day in sampled hospitals; collection, one days training was given about data collection,
Tcb is the total number of clinic beds in sampled facilities, Wcb is demonstration of data collection tools and protocols for data col-
the average waste per clinic bed per day in sampled clinics, Tdt is lectors and supervisors. All waste collection buckets (black, yel-
the total number of diagnostic centres tests per day in sampled low, red and blue colour for general, infectious, pathological and
facilities and Wdt is the average waste per diagnostic test in sam- pharmaceutical healthcare waste, respectively), safety boxes and
pled diagnostic centres (Patwary et al., 2009). plastic bags were labelled to indicate the different categories of
All the equations (1) to (4) shows that the healthcare waste healthcare waste, date of collection and sample number. The
generation rate predictive models varied based on the difference quantity of waste generated was estimated by collecting and
of the study area. This indicates that estimating the generation weighing healthcare waste from all departments of the study hos-
rate of healthcare wastes in developing countries should consider pitals using a calibrated sensitive weight scale CTG 31 model
Tesfahun et al. 3

made in India every day at 12:00 pm for seven consecutive days In this study, the important variables (number of inpatients
(Monday–Sunday) during both rounds. The waste characterisa- and outpatients) that mainly affect the healthcare waste genera-
tion was done in accordance with World Health Organization tion rate were identified using correlation. Linear regression
(WHO) guidelines (Prüss et al., 2013). The daily generation of analysis was done in order to develop predictable models. It was
waste, together with the number of beds occupied and patients observed that the healthcare waste generation rate has a strong
treated in outpatient departments, were recorded daily. As correlation with the number of inpatients (R2 = 0.965, P < 0.0001),
described by different authors, the healthcare waste generation the number of outpatients (R2 = 0.424, P < 0.0001) and number of
rates were estimated on the basis of kg bed day-1 and kg outpa- total patients (R2 = 0.802, P < 0.0001). The results showed a
tient day-1 (Awad et al., 2004; Dagnew et al., 2009). stronger positive correlation of the healthcare waste generation
rate with the number of inpatients than with the number of outpa-
Statistical analysis tients. This is owing to longer hospital stays of inpatients with
services in the hospitals. Such positive correlations are also
We used EPI-INFO 7 for data entry and SPSS version 16 for data
reported by Komilis et al. (2011) in Greece and Idowu et al.
analysis. The analysis was performed separately for each of the
(2013) in Nigeria. The bed occupancy rates were 78.3%, 69.6%,
nine hospitals, grouped by public and private hospitals, and by
55.5%, 41.6%, 39.0%, 28.8%, 17.7%, 12.5% and 3.1% for
category of healthcare waste. First, we explored the distribution
Gondar teaching, Debre Birhan referral, Enat district, Debre
of the healthcare waste generation data, including normality
Tabor zonal, Mehal Meda district, Boru district, Selam private,
using a normality test, which showed that the data were normally
Ayu private and IBEX private hospitals, respectively. The waste
distributed. Therefore, we used Pearson correlation test for the
generation rates in kg day-1 were 689.5, 140.2, 62.7, 56.9, 34.3,
bivariate associations.
28.4, 25.4, 10.3 and 7.6 in row of the bed occupancy rates of the
In this study, the important variables that affect the quantity
hospitals. The relation between bed occupancy rate and health-
of wastes generated from the hospitals were identified, then
care waste generation rate have a linear relationship (R2 = 0.5). In
multivariate linear regression analysis was applied in order to
order to investigate the effect of each independent variable on the
develop predictable models that can be used in estimating or
dependent variable, scatter plots of healthcare waste generation
predicting the waste generation rate in sampled hospitals.
versus the number of inpatients, number of outpatients and total
Establishing the simple correlation matrices between different
number of patients were plotted (Figures 1, 2 and 3).
variables was the first step in model development. This step was
As shown in Figures 1, 2 and 3, the relationship of the health-
helpful to investigate the strength and form of the relationship
care waste generation rate among the number of inpatients, num-
between the variables included in the analysis. In order to see the
ber of outpatients and total number of patients is linear. Based on
effect of the parameters and their confidence levels on the waste
the linear relationship, the following predictive models were
generation rate in healthcare services, analysis of variance
developed and presented as equations (5) to (8).
(ANOVA) was performed to compare the rate by the type of
The predictive model developed for total healthcare waste
hospitals. The F-test was a tool to see which parameters had a
generation rate derived from inpatients and outpatients is given
significant effect on the removal efficiency. The data quality was
in equation (5) and the model results are presented in Table 1.
ensured by using calibrated instruments, experienced profes-
sional supervisors, training of supervisors and data collectors
Generation rate in kg day-1 (Y) = 1.26(NIPT) +
and daily on-site supervision was made by the investigator dur- (5)
ing the actual measurements. 0.135 (NOPT)

where NIPT is the number of inpatients and NOPT is the number

Results and discussion of outpatients.

The two-round data collected from the sampled hospitals showed

that the mean generation rates in kg bed day-1 were 1.14, 0.74, Healthcare waste generation rate
0.21, 0.27, 0.09 and 0.02 for general, infectious, sharps, pharma- predictive models by hospital type
ceutical, pathological and radioactive healthcare waste, respec- The results of this study revealed that healthcare waste genera-
tively. The percentage compositions were 46.32%, 33.95%, tion rate significantly varies based on the types of hospitals.
4.04%, 9.67%, 5.78% and 0.24% for general, infectious, sharps, Public referral hospitals were found to be the highest healthcare
pharmaceutical, pathological and radioactive healthcare waste, waste generators, followed by public district and private general
respectively. These results have significant differences compared hospitals in their order. This finding is also in agreement with the
with World Health Organization (WHO) reports of 80%, 15%, research reports of Awad et al. (2004). Hence, to increase the
1%, 3% and less than 1% for general, pathological and infec- accuracy of prediction, it is required to develop separate predic-
tious, sharps, pharmaceutical and radioactive healthcare waste tive models for different type of hospitals (private general, dis-
(Prüss et al., 2013; World Health Organization, 2005). The reason trict public and referral public hospitals). The predictive models
might be the absence of segregation practices in the sample for three categories of hospitals are presented in equations (6),
hospitals. (7) and (8) and their results are given in Table 2.
4 Waste Management & Research

Predictive model for private general hospitals.

Generation rate in kg day-1 (Y) = − 35.169 +

0.31(NIPT) + 1.005 (NOPT)

where NIPT is the number of inpatients and NOPT is the number

of outpatients.

Predictive model for public district hospitals.

Generation rate in kg day-1 (Y) = 3.929 +

1.159(NIPT) + 0.077 (NOPT)

where NIPT is the number of inpatients and NOPT is the number

of outpatients.
Figure 1. Daily healthcare waste generation versus number
of inpatients in all hospitals. Predictive model for public referral hospitals.

Generation rate in kg day-1 (Y) = 1.218(NIPT) +


where NIPT is the number of inpatients and NOPT is the number

of outpatients.
The healthcare waste generation rate also positively corre-
lated to the number of inpatients (R2 = 0.657), (R2 = 0.468) and
(R2 = 0.976) for private general, public district and public refer-
ral hospitals, respectively. The generation rate is also positively
correlated with the number of outpatients (R2 = 0.817),
(R2 = 0.210) and (R2 = 0.699) for private general, public district
and public referral hospitals, respectively. All independent vari-
ables used for the prediction of the healthcare waste generation
rate were found to be statistically significant. The linear regres-
sion based on the number of outpatients and healthcare waste
generation rate in district hospitals only explains 21% of the
Figure 2. Daily healthcare waste generation versus number
of outpatients in all hospitals. number of outpatient variables. The healthcare waste genera-
tion rate predictor variables (number of inpatient and number of
outpatient treated in the hospitals) that are identified and used
for the development of the predictive models in this study are
similar to the research findings reported elsewhere. For instance,
the studies conducted in India, Jordan, Kuwait, Greece and
Taiwan confirmed that the healthcare waste generation rate is
affected by the number of inpatients and outpatients in the hos-
pital (Alhumoud and Alhumoud, 2007; Bdour et al., 2007;
Katoch and Kumar, 2007).
This research included different type of hospitals, such as pri-
vate and government hospitals, and also different levels of hospi-
tals, which included teaching, referral, zonal, district and general,
which can represent all types of hospitals found in the healthcare
system of Ethiopia. Therefore, the results may serve as a stepping
stone in evaluating the success and failure of pre- and post-inter-
vention projects, and could be useful for the development of
Figure 3. Daily healthcare waste generation versus number operational guidelines for the management of healthcare waste in
of total patients in all hospitals.
health facilities nationwide.
Tesfahun et al. 5

Table 1. Statistical characteristics of the model (equation 5).

Analysis of variance

Model df Sum of square Mean of square F-value α-level

Regression 2 3281691.925 1640845.963 2.559E3 0.0001
Residual 123 78880.206 641.302
Total 125 3360572.131
R2 = 0.927, Adjusted R2 = 0.926
Regression parameter estimate

Variables Parameter Standard error T-value α-level

Intercept 1.629 3.125 0.521 0.603
Inpatient 1.216 0.023 53.824 0.0001
Outpatient 0.135 0.018 7.635 0.0001

Note: Acceptable α-level (level of significance) = 0.100; F represents general linearity test; R2 represents coefficient of multiple determination;
df represents degree of freedom; Adjusted R2 represents adjustment of R2; and T represents importance of model variables.

Table 2. Model summary of three types of sampled hospitals.

Hospital type R square Adjusted R Std error of Change statistics

square the estimate
R square F change df Sig F
change change
Private 0.678 0.662 11.83002 0.678 41.109 39 0.0001
Public district 0.296 0.260 14.40332 0.290 8.214 39 0.001
Public referral 0.970 0.965 37.93405 0.970 633.248 39 0.0001

Conclusion Funding
The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for
From the total healthcare waste, the major components were gen-
the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: We are
eral and infectious wastes, which account for 80.27%. Our finding grateful to Addis Ababa University for financial and logistic support.
proved that both measurement units (kg inpatient day-1, kg outpa-
tient day-1, kg sum-1 of inpatient and outpatient day-1) of the health- References
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