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Pengelolaan Limbah Padat / Solid Waste

ManagementTLK 302 KK

Session: Semester II – AY 2021/2022 Date: 5 Juli 2022

Including period of Submission
Faculty: Engineering and Computer Science Duration:
5 hours
Study Program: Environmental Engineering Permitted Materials:
Any verified references

Level of Study: Undergraduate (S1)


• Check the following exam paper information:

Exam paper:
Total number of pages :9
Total number of questions : 10
You are required to answer all compulsory questions below briefly
and clearly. The total number of marks you can be awarded is 100

• Please write your name and student ID on the exam paper and answer sheets.
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• Candidates may use this exam paper to write notes as necessary, but should
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• Any form of cheating or attempt to cheat is a serious offence leading to dismissal.

• Candidates may answer the question in Indonesian

10 Numbers with a Total 100 marks

• Answer in Bahasa Indonesia
• Do the exam by yourself
• Upload your answer pdf file to BIG on Assignment Session UAS.
• Pay attention to submission period
• File name: TLK302 PLP UAS Gnp 21-22_NAMA_NIM
• BEKERJA MANDIRI, kecurangan menyebabkan kegagalan.

• (5 Marks) Please answer correctly!

Source reduction or waste prevention includes the design, manufacture, purchase, or use
ofmaterials such as products and packaging. It reduces their amount or toxicity before
they enter the waste management system. By not producing the waste, we do not need
over storage, collection, disposal costs, and liability. Give examples of source
reduction activities!
Explanation Real example!
Present photos will be better!
Designing products or packaging to reduce Refillable bottles, reusable pallets,
the quantity or the toxicity of the materials and reconditioned barrels and drums.
used, or to make the materials easy to
Reusing existing products or packaging

• (15 Marks) Please answer correctly!

Solid Wastes can be designated by generator type. Some major classes of waste include:
Municipal, Hazardous, Industrial. Medical, Universal Construction and demolition,
Radioactive, Mining and Agricultural.
• Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) is known as domestic waste or sometimes
General waste (limbah Umum) . Its items such as food waste, old newspapers,
plastic packaging and refrigerators & stoves may be present along with construction
and demolition debris.
• For ease of visualization, MSW is often divided into two categories: garbage and

• Some institutions generates most of the medical waste include hospitals, clinics,
laboratories, physicians, dentists, veterinarians, long-term healthcare facilities,
bloodbanks, and dormitory covid 19 .

• Composition of MSW: Chemical Class

• Organic: food, yard waste (Grass clippings, garden trimmings, leaves,
wood,branches) , textiles and
• Inorganic: glass, metals, dirt and bulky waste. 2 other Example of bulky waste
arefurniture and packaging

• Residential (single and multi family homes) generates: food scraps, food packaging,
bottles, newspapers, yard waste, old appliances. Give 3 example from Industrials
source! Metal cutting, woods , papers

• Please match the category with one or more of these following answers:
• Lamps that contain mercury or lead.1
• Cultures from medical, pathological, research, and industrial laboratories);
• Discarded materials contaminated with fluids from humans who are isolated to
protectothers from highly communicable diseases
• Contaminated carcasses, body parts, and the bedding of animals exposed to infectious
• Tissues, organs, body parts, body fluids
• Concrete, asphalt, wood, metals, gypsum wallboard, and roofing. Land-clearing
debrissuch as tree stumps, rocks, and soil.
• Batteries such as nickel–cadmium and small lead–acid batteries
foundin electronic equipment, mobile telephones, and portable computers;
• Agricultural pesticides that have been recalled or banned from use, or are obsolete;
• Thermostats that contain liquid mercury;
• Both used and unused hypodermic needles, syringes, scalpel blades, etc.
• The soil or overburden rock generated during the physical removal of a desired
resource (coal, precious metals, etc.) from the subsurface.
• The tailings or spoils that are produced during the processing of minerals, such as by
smelting operations gold, silver, or copper are recovered from piles of low-grade waste
rock or tailings by spraying with acid or cyanide solutions.

Category of waste Number (1, 2, ….or 5) of

answer ?
Mine waste includes the soil or overburden rock generated during the 5
physical removal of a desired resource (coal, precious metals, etc.) from
the subsurface.
Universal wastes are generated by small and large businesses. These 1
businesses had been required to classify the above materials as
hazardous waste.
Construction and demolition (C&D) debris is waste material produced 4
during construction, renovation, or demolition of structures (residential
and nonresidential buildings, roads and bridges)
Pathological wastes 3
Isolation wastes 2
Waste human blood and blood products; sharps 3
Animal or human patient care or in medical, research, or industrial 2
Specific classes of regulated medical wastes include: cultures and stocks 2
of infectious agents.

• (10 Marks) Please complete the following flow diagram of solid waste management
andmake a development with your ideas!



Transfer & transport Recovery & processing

• (5 Marks) Limbah padat perkotaan (MSW) harus diukur sebagai berat yang berbeda
dengan volume. Pengukuran berat konsisten, sementara volume dapat sangat
bervariasisesuai dengan pemadatan. Namun, pada akhirnya, kapasitas TPA adalah
pertimbanganvolume. Things related to the information above include:
• Measures and methods used to quantify solid waste
• Types of recovered materials
• Some Factors that affect waste generation rates. Please explain them!

• (10 Marks) Please make a comparative analysis!

Buat analisis perbandingan anda dari ke-2 sistem!

2. Transfer depo , kendaraan langsung menuju

ke transfer depo untuk mengangkut sampah
ke tempat pemrosesan akhir, kemudian
dilanjutkan hungga batas ritase yang
ditentukan lalu kembali ke pool

1. Operasi pengangkutan sampah dengan

sistem door to door: truk sampah berhenti
di setiap rumah, setelah penuh kendaraan
langsung menuju ke TPA, lalu berlanjut ke
area pelayanan selanjutnya, hingga selesai
dan kembali ke pool
Buat analisis perbandingan anda dari ke-2 sistem!

• (10 Marks) Please explain 4 positive things (bullet or numbering) that you
understandrelated to those pictures briefly, concisely and clearly!

Illustrations Your Explanation

Sampah yang telah penuh disimpan di bagian luar
rumah dengan wadah sampah, untuk memudahkan
kegiatan kolektif sampah.

Kegiatan kolektif sampah dengan lengan mekanis

side forklift.

Side loader truck tanpa forklift. Bekerja secara

Side loader truck dengan lengan mekanis ( forklift).

• (5 Marks) Penentuan rute pengangkutan sampah bertujuan kegiatan operasional

pengangkutan sampah dapat terarah dan terkendali dengan baik. Hal yang perlu
• Lebar jalan yang akan dilalui, peraturan lalu lintas yang berlaku.
• Waktu-waktu padat. mengikuti peraturan lalu lintas yang berlaku. Why?
Untuk memperkirakan rentang waktu yang dibutuhkan, sehingga target
pengangkutan setiap harinya dapat terpenuhi, lebar jalan akan menentukan tingkat
kepadatan laulu lintas, kemudian kendaraan yang digunkan merupakan truk yang
memiliki lebar yang lumayan panjang, sehingga apabila truk menepi maka
berpotensi menimbulkan macet arus lalulintas. Waktu padat dihindarkan agar tidak
mengganggu pengguna jalan, serta sampah tidak terlalu lama diatas kendaraan.

• Rute pengangkutan, sependek mungkin.

• Untuk Indonesia yang menggunakan peraturan lalu lintas jalur kiri (left way
system). Mengapa belokan melawan sistem ini seringkali tidak dapat
dihindari? Apa solusinya?
Panjangnya ryte transfer sampah mengakibatkan sistem tidak dapat dihindarkan,
akan tetapi bila rute pengangkutan di rekayasa sebaik mungkin maka akan
bertemu solusi untuk menghindar dari belokan ke kanan.
• (10 Marks) Kemasan/wadah plastik adalah komoditas baru untuk didaur ulang namun
kompleks karena terdapat berbagai jenis plastik yang berbeda dengan jumlah yang
terus bertambah setiap hari. Industri daur ulang plastik berusia beberapa dekade
sementara industri daur ulang kertas dan logam telah ada selama berabad-abad. Gunakan
konsep ekonomi sirkular, buat suatu diagram alir berisi ide strategi anda untuk
mengelola sampah plastik tersebut agar tidak terjadi pencemaran lingkungan namun
memberikan suatu benefit pada skala suatu Bank Sampah?

• (15 Marks) Thermal processes that use high temperatures to break down waste.
• incineration,
• pyrolysis,
• Gasification
• plasma technologies

Read and make your analysis of minimum 4 international papers in the last 5 years
thatdiscuss the 4 thermal processes above!
Title of the papers References Your analysis
(bullet or numbering)
Prototipe incenerator untuk 1. insenerator merupakan alat
pembakaran limbah padat edia/publications/178675- konversi sampah yang tidak
industri ID-prototip-incinerator- bisa di daur ulang, tidak
untuk-pembakaran-li.pdf alayk diurug dan tergolong
Pembuatan bahan bakar mudah dibakar menjadi gas
cair dari pirolisis plastik buang, abu dan debu. Selama
jensi poliproilena 5562/1/122014031_BAB%2 pembakaran gas buang akan
0I_DAFTAR%20PUSTAKA.pd berisi energi bahan bakar
f panas, dengan target
Uji reaksi gasifikasi mereduksi massa dan
downdraft biomassa .php/mettek/article/downlo volume buangan, membunuh
sampah kota ad/51987/33080 bakteri dan virus, mereduksi
Penggunaan teknologi material toksik kimia,
plasma dalam mengurangi edia/publications/192301- memudahkan penangnanan
kandungan BOD dan warna ID-penggunaan-teknologi- limbah dan menghasilkan
pada limbah cair industri plasm energi ( waste to energy).

2. pirolisisi adalah dekomposisi

termokimia bahan organik
melalui proses pemanasan
tanpa atau sedikit oksigen.
Pada proses pirolisis
senyawa hidrokarbon pada
plastik dapat diubah menjadi
senyawa hidrokarbon pendek
dan dapat dijadikan bahan
bakar alternatif.
3. Gasifikasi biomassa adalah
proses konversi benda padat
(dalam hal ini sampah)
menjadi bahan bakar
(CO,CH,H2) melalui proses
pembakaran dengan suplai
udara terbatas, yaitu 20%
sampai 40% udara

4. proses pemusnahan sampah

dengn metode plasma
teknologi merupakan teknik
pemusnahan dengan suhu
tinggi seperti tiga penjelasan
diatas, akan tetapi metode
yang diterapkan adalah
metode pemanasan, seperti
memasukan sampah kedalam

• (15 Marks) Please answer correctly!

• Landfills can accept many kinds of wastes, and not just MSW. It is a common
practiceto landfill nonhazardous industrial wastes, such as those from the oil and gas
industry, residues from automobile salvage operations, along with MSW. Some
municipallandfills are used for the disposal from wastewater treatment plants in
the form of

• MSW landfills contain a significant proportion of potentially hazardous materials

from homes. Households generate used pesticide and paint containers, batteries,
household solvents, and many others even in small volumes.

• Diketahui pada 1 hari pengamatan suatu landfill terdapat data sbb:

• 10-16 yd3 Truk kompaktor
• 18-3 yd3 Truk pengangkut daun-daun yang berguguran dan kering
• 56-1 yd3 Mobil pribadi
• 2-45 yd3 Ttruk membawa pecahan beton

Hitung total berat dengan melengkapi table di bawah ini!

Item Number of Avg. Volume Specifica Total Weight
loads yd3 Weight lb
Truk kompaktor 10 16 500 80,000

Truk pengangkut 18 3 100 5,400

daun-daun yang
berguguran dan
Mobil pribadi 56 1 200 11,200

Truk membawa 2 45 2500 225,000

pecahan rusak

Total 321,600

• Understand the following picture of a municipal solid waste landfill!

Statements Answer
Pembatasan lokasi Pembatasan lokasi—memastikan bahwa
tempat pembuangan sampah dibangun di area geologis yang
sesuai, jauh dari patahan, lahan basah, dan
Persyaratan pelapis komposit—termasuk membran fleksibel
(yaitu, geo-membran) yang melapisi dua kaki tanah liat padat
yang melapisi bagian bawah dan samping TPA. Apa fungsinya?

Praktik pengoperasian—termasuk memadatkan dan menutup

sampah sesering mungkin dengan beberapa inci tanah. Apa
tujuan kegiatan rutin tersebut?
Closure and post-closure care requirements. Please explain!

Groundwater monitoring requirements. Please explain! Pengujian sumur air tanah

untuk menentukan apakah
bahan limbah telah keluar dari
Financial assurance. Please explain! Dana diperlukan untuk
perlindungan lingkungan
selama dan setelah penutupan
TPA (yaitu, penutupan dan
perawatan pasca-penutupan).

-End of paper & GOOD LUCK☺-

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