Industrial Safety Project

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Electricity is definitely a safety threat, especially in the case of electrical accidents at

construction sites. Construction workers are sometimes required to work with and work
around electricity, putting them in dangerous situations. An electrical accident can cause
serious injury or death, even in cases where only a small amount of electrical energy is

According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics, electrical accidents are the second most fatal
kind of accident to occur at construction sites in the U.S. Every year, thousands of workplace
injuries and hundreds of deaths are reported to have been caused by electrical shocks and

If a construction worker is injured from an electrical accident because they lacked the
appropriate safety equipment or were not given the correct tools, that person may be eligible
to recover compensation for damages from the construction accident.

Common Causes of Electrical Accidents at Construction Sites:

 High Voltage Power Lines: These are one of the most fatal threats at any site.
Deadly electrocution can occur from touching high-voltage power lines. It is the duty
of responsible parties to point out power lines and assist in prevention against
contact with them.

 Power and Extension Cords: Construction work is not easy on cords. Wear and
tear can cause exposed wires, short circuits or breaks, which can all cause serious
electrical injuries. Responsible parties should check cords often to ensure they are

 Power Tools: These must be inspected and properly maintained, as they can also
cause electrical accidents. Workers are required to be trained on proper usage. Only
specific power cords can be used on power tools, and ground plugs should never be

 Lightning: Acts of nature can also cause serious electrical accidents at construction
sites. This is especially true if the right precautions are not taken, or if workers are
required to keep working during unsafe conditions.


If your job requires you to work on scaffolding or cranes near electrical wires, the odds of
you falling victim to an electrical accident are significantly increased, as reported by The
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

The severe power of an electric shock can cause you to fall, easily knocking you off your
feet. Both construction accident falls and electric shocks can cause serious injury or death,
but the combination of the two is even more deadly, especially with consideration to workers
who work high off the ground.

Electrical accidents happen at construction sites all too frequently. The Electrical Safety
Foundation International reports that between 2003 and 2010, 2,610 construction workers
suffered from electric shock, and 3,440 sustained electric burns. According to OSHA,
electrical burns are some of the worst burns that anyone can sustain, including severe entry
and exit wounds. Internal organs can also become severely injured in electrical accidents,
but injuries may not be readily apparent. It is very important that you seek medical attention
immediately after any electrical accident or shock.

If you or a loved one were injured or killed as a result of an electrical accident, you may be
eligible for damages. Contact the experts at the Sweeney Law Firm and let us review the
facts to see if you have a personal injury case. If we decide to take your case, we work on a
contingency fee basis, meaning we don’t get paid unless there is a settlement or recovery of
funds for you.

Principles of Electricity:

Electricity is a form of energy. When properly controlled, it can do much of the work
required to keep our society going. Electricity has become so must a part of our daily living
that we tend to take it for granted, as well as the hazards associated with electricity.

There are two types of electricity: Static (stationary) and Dynamic (moving). Our primary
concern when working with electricity is the Dynamic type; therefore, we will focus on the
flow of electrons through a conductor. However, first we will need to review some basic
chemistry regarding electricity. Chemistry has taught us that all matter (solid, liquid, or gas)
is composed of elements. Each of these elements is unique to itself because of the basic
assembly of their atoms. Atoms that go into the building of matter also contain structures
which make them unique to them. Atoms are composed of a nucleus (protons and neutrons)
the inner core and are orbited by negative charged electrons.

These electrons that orbit the nucleus of an atom can be removed from the atom, some
more easily than others. When an electron has been removed from its orbit, they are called
free electrons. Thus, by directing the movement of these free electrons, we therefore, have
a flow of electrons. Thus by removing electrons from the orbit of an atom and controlling the
direction of its flow (through a conductor) we have established electricity.


A conductor is used to control the direction of free electrons;therefore, a conductor is any
material that contains many free electrons and is capable of carrying an electric current.
This generally means metals and water can be conductors of electricity. Examples of
conductors are:

Good - Gold, Silver, Aluminium and Copper.

Fair - Human body, Earth and Concrete.

Poor - Wood, Rubber, Glass, and Mica

Electricity can be produced by magnetism (most inexpensive means). This is

accomplished by either moving a magnet past a piece of wire or passing a wire through a
magnetic field. The wire serves as a conductor and thus we have a movement of free

The force of movement of free electrons in the conductor (wire) is called the electromotive
force (EMF), more commonly referred to as Voltage, which is measured in Volts (V). Voltage
provides the force for movement of the free electrons and when given a potential difference
in the conductor, we acquire a continuous movement of electrons past a given point,
resulting in a Current, which is measured in amperes (A). As electrons flow through a
conductor, they meet opposition, this opposition is called Resistance, which is measured in
Ohm’s (). It is through resistance that we can control the current flow and voltage.
However, this same resistance also generates heat. This control of electricity by resistance
can be achieved through:

Material of the Conductor,

Length of the Conductor,

Cross Sectional Area, or

Temperature of the Conductor.

Circuits serve as the pathway for electricity to travel and through the usage of Ohm’s Law,
we can calculate electrical quantities. Electrical quantities play a significant role in the
operation of electrical products. Ohm’s Law states “The current is directly proportional to the
voltage and inversely proportional to the resistance.” George Ohm, a German scientist,
developed this into a mathematical expression.

Direct Current (dc) flows continuously in one direction through a circuit because the polarity
of the voltage source never changes. Alternating Current (ac) changes rapidly in both
directions and value. Current flows from the positive terminal to the negative terminal, but
the polarity of the ac terminals reverses at regular intervals causing the direction of current
flow to also reverse. Using alternating current generators, the power companies are able to
transform the produced electrical energy into a high voltage, but low current, equivalent
power. Transformers are used to raise or lower the voltage (force). Transformers perform


two functions in the transmission of alternating current. They step up or step down the
voltage, and they isolate the generating station from the load.

Hazards of Electricity:

Eight of the most common hazards associated with electricity are:

1. Shock
2. Ignition of combustible or explosive material
3. Overheating and damage to equipment or burns
4. Arc Blast
5. Inadvertent activation of equipment
6. Inductance
7. Capacitance
8. Transformers

1. Shock:
A shock results when an electric current produces a sudden and accidental stimulation of
the human body’s nervous system. Shock can occur when:
- contact is made with a normally bare energized conductor
- contact is made with an energized conductor on which the insulation has deteriorated
or has been damaged.
- equipment failure which causes an open or short-circuit
- static electricity discharge
- lightning strike
The human body has a certain amount of protective resistance against electricity
(generally 500 ohms), however, this is insufficient as the amount of current increases.
Charles F. Dalziel of the University of California, Berkeley, studied the effects of
electricity on the human body using 60 Hz alternating current, and published the
Current Effect on Human

1mA or less no sensation, not felt

3 to 10 mA painful shock, jerk away.

10 to 15 mA local muscle contractions, “freezing in 50% of population”

50 to 100 mA breathing difficulties.

100 to 200 mA possible Ventricular Fibrillation

200+ mA severe burns and contractions

Side Note: Most injuries that occur associated with electricity result from a fall. A
person’s automatic defence when they get shocked is to jerk away and this generally
causes the person to lose their balance and fall.


2. Ignition of combustible or explosive material:

Electricity provides a source of ignition. Ignition can be due to overheated conductors or

equipment, normal arching (sparking) at switch contacts, or direct contact with an
electrical circuit. Familiarize yourself with the surrounding environment to est
establish the


types of combustible or explosive material that might be present in the work area. This
- trash and debris
- chemicals
- clothing
- metals
- cleaning solvents
- human flesh

3. Overheating and damage to equipment or burns:

Heat is developed in an electrical conductor or equipment by the flow of current and

resistance. This heat is conductive, therefore will transfer to other parts of the
equipment, which is also sufficient to cause damage to equipment or burns. For
example, an energized 200-watt light bulb, if you have ever touched one then you
know that a lot of heat can build up in an enclosed space.
4. Arc Blast:

An Arc Blast occurs from high-amperage currents arcing through the air. This abnormal
current flow is initiated by contact between two energized points. This contact can be
caused by persons who have an accident while working on energized components, or by
equipment failure. Arc Blasts have three primary hazards:
o thermal radiation
o pressure wave
o projectiles


• Arc Flash is the result of a rapid release of energy due to an arcing fault between a
phase bus bar and another phase bus bar, neutral or a ground.
• Sustained by the establishment of a highly-conductive plasma. The plasma will
conduct as much energy as is available and is only limited by the impedance of the
• Massive energy discharge burns the bus bars, vaporizing the copper and thus
causing an explosive volumetric increase, the arc blast, conservatively estimated, as
an expansion of 40,000 to 1.

5. Inadvertent activation of equipment:

The unexpected start-up of equipment and machinery places workers and the equipment
at risk of injury or damage. The controlling of all stored energy is essential and the safe
release of stored energy to assure that a zero-energy state exist is of the highest priority.
Some hidden energy sources include:

1. electrical (all ranges of voltage)

2. mechanical
3. pneumatic
4. fluid and gases
5. hydraulic


6. thermal
7. water under pressure
8. gravity

6. Inductance:

Inductance is the electrical property which opposes any changes in the magnitude of
current in a circuit. Physical devices which are used to provide inductance in a circuit
are called inductors (chokes, coils, and reactors). Inductance is the result of a voltage
being induced in a conductor. The magnetic field that induces the voltage in the
conductor is produced by the conductor itself. The safety hazard that can occur is
surrounding equipment or circuits can become self-induced with voltage and not even
have direct contact with the conductive materials.
7. Capacitance:

The ability to store an electrical charge is called capacitance. A physical device

designed to posse’s capacitance is called a capacitor. In a capacitor the conductors are
called plates, and the insulator is called dielectric. The safety hazards that can occur is
an electrical charge can exist on capacitors even after the circuits have been opened.
8. Transformers

Transformers are multiple-wiring inductors. They operate on the principle of mutual

inductance. For a relatively simple device, they are extremely versatile. Without
transformers, our present power distribution system could not exist. The safety hazards
that may occur are inductance, step-down voltage, step-up voltage, heat loss and

Electrical Accident Prevention:

Various methods to prevent electrical accidents may be employed and often times we will
find a multiple of these preventative measures in place.

 Insulation provides a non-conductive barrier. Some common electrical insulators include

glass, mica, rubber and plastic. However, if an electrical circuit is overloaded, insulation
can breakdown.

 Protective Devices serve to interrupt current flow should it exceed the conductor’s
capacity, these include fuses and circuit breakers.

 Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter monitors electrical flow and detects any difference from
the electricity going and that returning.

 Guarding is required for all energized electrical equipment over 50 volts. Guarding can
be accomplished by room enclosure, screens or partitions, balcony or platform or
elevated if at least 8 feet above the work area.

 Grounding is a low-resistance path directly to the earth. This pathway has the capability
of carrying enough current to prevent the build-up of voltage in equipment.


 Personal Protective Equipment must be appropriate to protect from electrical hazards;
 Fire Resistant Clothing is designed not to burn and melt.
 Controlling hazardous energy through lockout / Tag out procedure - see page 5-5 for

Electrical Injuries:
The human body is vulnerable to electricity, primary because we are mostly composed of
water (98%) that is enriched with electrolytes and we learned earlier that water is a good
conductor for electricity. The severity of an electrical injury will depend on the following four
factors: Current and Voltage, Resistance, Pathway Traveled, and Duration of the Shock.

 Current and Voltage:

Although high voltage often produces massive destruction of tissue at contact locations,
it is generally believed that the detrimental effects of electric shock are due to the current
actually flowing through the body.

 Resistance:

Studies have shown that the electrical resistance of the human body varies with the
amount of moisture on the skin, the pressure applied to the contact point, and the
contact area.

 Pathway Travelled:

The pathway electricity travels through the body will affect the degree of injury. A small
current that passes from one extremity through the heart to the other extremity is
capable of causing severe injury or electrocution.

 Duration of the Shock:

Duration of shock has a great bearing on the outcome. If the shock is of short duration, it
may only be a painful experience for the person. If the level of current flow reaches the
approximate ventricular fibrillation threshold of 100 mA, a shock duration of a few
seconds could be fatal. This is not much current when you consider that a small light
duty portable drill draws about 30 times this amount.

Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tag out) Program


This procedure provides a means for employee protection while working on hazardous
energy and/or potentially hazardous energy, release of stored energy which could cause
injury to employees and/or property.



This procedure requires employees to affix appropriate lockout devices or tag out
devices to energy isolating devices pertaining to all energy sources including but not
limited to any source of electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, chemical,
thermal or other energy and to otherwise disassemble machines or equipment to
prevent unexpected energization start-up or release of stored energy in order to
prevent employee injury.


Authorized Person: One familiar with and trained on the construction and operation
of the equipment and the hazards involved.

Authorized Employee: A person who locks out or tags out machines or equipment in order
to perform servicing, maintenance and/or construction tasks on that machine, equipment
and/or facilities.

Energy Source: Any source of electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic,

Chemical, thermal or other energy.

Energy Isolating Device A mechanical device that physically prevents the transmission or
release of energy, including but not limited to the following: a manually operated electrical
circuit breaker and disconnect switch; a manually operated switch by which the conductors
of a circuit can be disconnected from all ungrounded supply conductors and in addition, no
pole can be operated independently; a line valve; a block and any similar device used to
block or isolate energy. (Note: push-button; selector switches and other control circuit-type
devices are not energy isolating devices).

Lockout: The placement of a lockout device on an energy isolating device in accordance

with an established procedure ensuring that the Energy isolating device and equipment
being controlled cannot Be operated until the lockout device is removed.

Lockout Device: A device that utilizes a positive means such as a lock, either key or
combination type, to hold energy isolating device in a safe Position and prevent the
energizing of a machine or equipment.

Tag out: The placement of a Tag out device on an energy isolating device in accordance
with an established procedure ensuring that the Energy isolating device and the equipment
being controlled may Not be operated until the Tag out device is removed.

Tag out device: A prominent warning device such as a tag and means of attachment which
can be securely fastened to an energy isolating device in accordance with an established
procedure ensuring that the energy isolating device and equipment being controlled may not
be operated until the Tag out device is removed.

Shock Protection Methods

 Isolation


 Current limitation

 Low voltage

 Double insulation

 Earthing


 All electrical equipment should be isolated from accidental contact & approach by
unauthorised men. Providing barrier

 Panel boards, generators, large motors, batteries should be enclosed

 Low & medium voltage OH lines should be kept 19” above the ground

Double Insulation

• In addition to the normal insulation required for functioning of the equipment, a

second layer of insulation known as protective insulation is interposed between
functional insulation & any accessible metal parts of appliances.

• Double insulated power tools have non-metallic body

• Need not be earthed (two-point plug is sufficient)

Check in General for

 Neutral earthing (In case of Transformer or DG)

 Protective shed

 Body earthing

 Earth pit for body earthing

 Earth resistance

 Fuses

 Loose connection of cable

 Housekeeping

 Fire extinguisher and type







Intentional connection of neutral point to earth is Neutral or System Earthing

It is universal practice to have a neutral earthing at each voltage level

The voltage does not reach to a dangerous high value. Earth fault protection becomes easy


Connecting to earth the non-current carrying metal parts of equipment is Equipment earthing

The potential of earthed body does not reach to dangerously high value since it is connected
to earth

Earth fault current flow through the earthing and may readily cause operation of fuse or an
earth fault relay


 Fuses are proven safety devices for overload conditions

 Circuit breakers and fuses opens the circuit with large amount of current which is
fatal to human beings. So ELCB’ s of small current sensitivity are used (generally 30

 Check the fuses for their current ratings

 Never replace fuse wire with ordinary copper or aluminium wire

 High reputable cartridge fuses are now a days easily available and has advantages
over traditional fuses

Current Limitation

 Safety is assured by purposely limiting the shock intensity from a device (ELCB) to a
value known to be reasonable safe

 Circuit breakers & fuses will open under comparatively large current which is fatal to
human beings. ELCB's are sensitive to small currents & hence isolate the supply
within very short time



For portable power tools power supply is taken through ELCB

Saves persons from electric shock


 It opens the circuit when it senses leakage current from earth.

 For portable power tools power supply should be taken through ELCB

 ELCB’s OF 30 mA sensitivity to be used

 See the current rating of the ELCB. It is normally 63 A. Depending on that the
number of ELCB’s to be determined. It is uneconomical to go for large no. of ELCB
for few connections

 Test the ELCB weekly and record it.

Cable Routing:

 All electrical cables should be run either overhead (7 feet) or underground

 Cable routing layout map to be prepared so that it does not cause tripping hazards

 Welding and power cables not to be overlapped

 Single phase supply

 Phase - red

 Neutral - black

 Earth - green

 Three phase supply

 Phases

 Red

 Yellow

 Blue

 Neutral – black

 Earth - green

Cable Joints:

 Staggered joints

 Joints are not to be overlapped

 One primary insulation and an overall secondary insulation is to be done

 Proper insulation tape are to be used


 Jointing kit

 Joints are not to be overlapped

 One primary insulation and an overall secondary insulation is to be done

 Proper insulation tape are to be used

Causes of Electric fire

 Selection of improper/substandard equipment and materials.

 Electrical installation not in accordance with statutory regulations.

 Overloading of equipment.

 Maintenance negligence.

 Failure of insulation level.

 Damage due to rodents, termites and pests.

 Lightning.

 Water seepage.

 Static electricity.

Maintenance negligence

i) Temporary electrical connection

ii) Bad switch contacts
iii) Improper substitution of electrical equipment and materials
iv) Allowing equipment for regular usage after repairs without complete check-up
v) Non-protection against mechanical damages.

Failure of insulation level

Insulation failure occur due to following various reasons: -

i) Reduction in voltage with standing capacity because of excess temperature.

ii) Deterioration in mechanical properties due to excess temperature where the

insulation is mechanically vulnerable and the mechanical failure leading to
electrical failure of the insulation.

iii) Aging causes deterioration of the insulation.

iv) Sub-standardmaterials are more prone to insulation failure.

Extinguishing Electrical Fire:


 There are two methods to combat the fires of electrical origin or involving electrical

o With the use of hand appliances

 CO2 type fire extinguisher

 With the use of fixed installations

o Automatic DCP type extinguisher installation

o Multi fire system installation

o Halon/CO2 Flooding system installation

Registers & Procedures:

 Weekly ELCB check register

 Lockout / Tag out

 Permit system

Electrical Safety:

 Employ qualified electrician, preferably ‘B’ license holders

 Display electrical equipment & cable routing layout

 All electrical installation to be tested & commissioned as per BIS codes and IER

 All DB's should be covered

 Earthing of all electrical installations

 Regular maintenance


 ELCB Records to be maintained,

 Display caution boards

 Provide ELCB for portable equipment

 24 V hand lamp

 Follow rules and regulations

 Follow safety measures

 Adopt protective system

 Insulation

 Regular inspection




 Before an authorized employee performs any servicing, maintenance and/or

construction task on a machine, equipment, apparatus or facilities infrastructure
where the unexpected energizing, start-up or release of stored energy could occur
and cause injury, the machine or equipment shall be isolated from the energy
source and rendered inoperative by means of lockout and Tag out.

 In the event an energy storing device is not capable of being locked out, an
authorized person shall demonstrate through documentation and investigation that
the Tag out system will provide all employees with the potential of hazard exposure
to the energy, a means of safe and healthful working conditions in the likelihood of
inadvertent energization.

Full Employee Protection:

 When a Tag out device is used on an energy isolating device which is incapable of
being locked out, the Tag out device shall be attached at the same location that the
lockout device would have been attached, and the authorized person shall
demonstrate that the Tag out procedure will provide a level of safety equivalent to
that obtained by using a lockout device.

 In addition to the Tag out device, the full employee protection shall include, but not
be limited to the removal of an isolated circuit element, blocking of a controlling
switch, opening and isolating of extra disconnecting devices or the removal of a
valve handle to reduce the likelihood of inadvertent energization.

Energy Control Procedure:

 This procedure encompasses the scope, purpose, authorization, rule and

technique to be utilized for the control of hazardous energy and the means to
enforce compliance on (Company Name)’s premises.

(1) Prior to the commencing of work on job site, an authorized person shall identify
all hazardous energy isolating devices and/or potentially hazardous energy
isolating devices that require lockout/tag out devices.

(2) All identified hazardous energy isolating devices and potentially hazardous
Energy isolating devices shall be clearly marked on the drawings and all
Employees shall be informed and notified of the potential energy isolating hazard.

(3) Prior to the start of each shift, all employees shall review the existing drawings
And/or be informed or notified by the authorized person of any changes that will
and/or might occur within their area pertaining to the release of a hazardous

(4) Prior to a new employee working and/or servicing a hazardous energy isolating


Device, the employee shall be informed and trained on the lockout/Tag out
procedure. Certification of this training shall contain employee’s name and dates of
(5) All employees shall review lockout/tag out procedures prior to the start of any
New project or continuation of existing project that identifies and/or necessitates
the requirement of lockout/tag out procedures.

Periodic Inspections and Reviews:

(1) Tat projects limited at a minimum of once a year, shall conduct a periodic

Inspection of the energy control procedures to ensure that the procedures

and the requirements are in compliance.

(i) The periodic inspection shall be performed by an authorized employee

other Than the ones utilizing the energy control procedure.

(ii) The periodic inspection shall be conducted to identify any deviations or

Non-compliance of the procedure.

(iii) Where lockout is used for energy control, the periodic inspection shall
Include a review between the inspector and each authorized employee of that
employee’s responsibility under the energy control procedure.

(iv) Where tag out is used for energy control, the periodic inspection shall
Include a review between the inspector and each authorized and affected
employee of that employee’s responsibility under the energy control

(v) (Company Name) shall certify and verify that the periodic inspections
Have been performed, the date of the inspection, the employees included in
the inspection and the person performing the inspection.

(2) The Administrator shall periodically review and document (on a memo for Record)
the project lockout/tag out protocol to ensure that all policies, procedures, work safe
practices and OSHA regulations are being followed and are in compliance.


(1) The safety procedures for de-energizing of circuits and equipment shall be

Determined before circuits or equipment are de-energized.

(2) The circuits and equipment to be worked on shall be disconnected from all

Electric energy sources.

(3) Control circuit devices such as pushbuttons, selector switches and interlocks


may not be used as a sole means for de-energizing circuits or equipment.
Interlocks for electric equipment may not be used as a substitute for
lockout/Tag out procedures.

(4) Stored energy which might endanger personnel shall be released. Example:

Capacitors shall be discharged, and high capacitive elements shall be short

circuited and grounded in the event that stored electrical energy might be

(5) Stored non-electrical energy in a device that could re-energize electric parts
shall be blocked or relieved to the extent that the circuit parts could not be
accidentally energized by the device.

(6) A lock and tag shall be placed on each disconnecting means used to de-

Circuits and equipment on which work is being performed.

(I) A lock shall be attached so as to prevent persons from operating the

Disconnecting means unless they resort to undo force or the use of tools.

(ii) Each tag shall contain a statement prohibiting unauthorized operation of

the disconnecting means and removal of the tag.

(7) The placing of locks and tags shall be done in such a manner as to follow the

Logical de-energizing sequence of the hazardous energy isolating device

and/or the potentially hazardous isolating energy. Start at the energy
isolating device and work outward.

(8) Upon the placing of locks and tags and the isolating of hazardous energy

and prior to the commencement of work, all hazardous energy sources shall
be tested to ensure proper de-energization.

(9) Lockout and tag out devices shall be supplied by (Company Name) and shall

OSHA regulations (homemade/handwritten tags will not be permissible).

(10) In the event an energy storing device is not capable of being locked out, an

Authorized person shall demonstrate through documentation and investigation that the Tag
out system will provide all employees with the potential of hazard exposure to the energy, a
means of safe and healthful working conditions in the likelihood of inadvertent energization.

(11) When a Tag out device is used on an energy isolating device which is
incapable of being locked out, the Tag out device shall be attached at the same location that
the lockout device would have been attached, and the authorized person shall demonstrate


that the Tag out procedure will provide a level of safety equivalent to that obtained by using
a lockout device.

(12) In addition to the Tag out device, the full employee protection shall include,

not be limited to the removal of an isolated circuit element, blocking of a

controlling switch, opening and isolating of extra disconnecting devices or the
removal of a valve handle to reduce the likelihood of inadvertent energization.

(13) The removal of lockout devices and tag out devices shall be done in such a

manner that it reverses the logical de-energizing sequence.

(14) The lockout and tag out devices shall only be removed by the authorized

employee who installed the lockout/Tag out device.

(i) Prior to the lockout and tag out devices being removed, the authorized

employee who installed the lockout/Tag out devices shall confirm that the
work is complete, and all said employees and/or subcontractors involved
are clear and free from hazards.

(ii) In the event that the authorized employee who installed the lockout/Tag

devices are not available for removal of said devices, only the authorized
person designated by (Company Name) shall have authorization to
remove said devices in accordance with paragraph (14) (i).


Tata projects limited shall provide training to the employees to ensure that the
purpose and function of the energy control procedures are understood by the
employees and that the knowledge and skills required for the safe application, usage,
and removal of the energy controls are acquired by the employees.

(1) Prior to commencement of work in an energy isolating device area, each

authorized employee shall receive training in the recognition of applicable
hazardous energy sources, the types and magnitude of the energy and the
methods and means for energy isolation control.

(2) Each employee shall be instructed in the purpose and procedure of energy

(3) All employees, whose work operations are or may be in the area were energy

control procedures may be utilized shall be instructed about the procedure

and about the prohibition relating to attempts to re-start or re-energize
machines or equipment which are locked out or tagged out.


(4) Employees shall be trained that tagging devices are essentially warning

affixed to energy isolating devices and do not provide the physical restraint on
those devices that is provided by a lock.

(5) Employees shall be trained that when a tag is attached to an energy isolating

device it is not to be removed without authorization of the authorized person

responsible for it and is never to be bypassed, ignored or defeated.

(6) Employees shall be trained that all Tag out devices must be legible and

Understandable by all authorized employees, affected employees and all

other employees whose work operations are or may be in the area.

(7) Employees shall be trained that Tag out devices and their means of

must be made of material which will withstand environmental conditions


(8) Re-training shall be provided for all authorized and affected employees

there is a change in their job assignments, a change in machines, equipment

or processes that present a new hazard or when there is a change in the
energy control procedure.

(9) Tata projects limited shall comply with all training requirements mandated by

applicable regulations.

Authorized Employees Guidelines:

Below are guidelines for lockout/Tag out by authorized employees. These are the
basic step-by-step rules that should be followed to prevent the unexpected
energization, start-up or release of stored energy that could cause injury to anyone
working on equipment.

Step 1: Turn Off the Equipment and Disconnect the Energy Source

(1) Locate and identify all switches, valves, and other devices that will have to be

locked and/or tagged. More than one energy source may be involved.

Notice: Notify all affected employees that a lockout procedure is beginning



Step 2: Lock Out Energy Sources


(1) Use a lock to prevent the flow of energy from being restored. Snap your lock

the control lever or on the multiple-lock adapter. Test the disconnect to be

sure it can’t be moved to the “on” position. In other words, make it impossible
for the flow of energy to be re-established without your knowledge. PULLING
LOCKING OUT. If more than one

person is going to be working on the equipment, use a multiple lockout


Step 3: Tag Out at the Disconnect Point:

(1) Even though you’re using a lock, it is also a good idea to place a tag at the

disconnectpoint A tag provides vital information and extra protection. It tells

everyone who you are and what you are doing, as well as instructing them not
to restore energy. When it is physically impossible to use a lock, a tag is
absolutely essential.

a. Information required on the tag is as follows:

1) Your Name, Time, and Date work began, and type of work being done.

2) Other items that should be on the tag that act as a warning to others are:


Step 4: Release Residual Energy:

(1) Zero mechanical state means the machine has been put in a state in which the

Possibility of an unexpected mechanical movement has been reduced to a minimum.

Note: Some equipment does not run by electricity alone. Hydraulic and pneumatic devices
may also be involved. Air under pressure in a hose, and unsecured machine parts are also
examples of potentially dangerous energy that is often stored in a shutdown machine. That
is why releasing residual energy by discharging capacitors, grounding circuits, or releasing
built-up pressure is a step that cannot be overlooked.

Step 5: Test Equipment:

(1) It is necessary to test equipment to make sure it will not run before working on

A disconnect switch could be defective, or the wrong switch thrown, leaving

the circuit energized. After you have completed the first four steps, turn on
the switch or push the start button to make sure you have successfully
blocked out all energy sources. Then return it to the “off” position.


Note: Be aware of hidden energy sources. For example, if there is more than
one Energy source, make sure you lock out and tag the other sources
following the steps above

Step 6: Restore Energy Safety:

(1) When you have finished working, check to make sure all tools have been

Removed, all lines have been reconnected or unlocked, all guards have been
replaced, and other workers are safely out of the way before removing your
lock and tag and turning the machine on. Be sure you are not exposing
another person to danger by removing your lock. Make sure all co-workers
have been notified.

Note: Beware of multiple-lockout situations. If your lock is the last one

remaining on the lockout device, it is a good idea to check the machine and to
notify your supervisor before restoring energy. Just to be safe!


Hand and portable power tools are essential in maintaining building, keeping equipment and
machinery running, and especially in construction. However, these same tools of necessity
are also notorious for producing non-fatal injuries. It is estimated by the Bureau of Labour
and Statistics that most hand tool injuries occur in industrial settings, whereas portable
power tool injuries generally occur on a construction site.

Hand and Portable Power Tools:


To ensure that all hand tools and portable power tools are used properly, safely
and in accordance with all manufacturer’s guidelines.


It is everyone’s responsibility to use hand tools and portable power tools in the manner in
which they are indented. Employee-owned tools shall be inspected by the Company
Safety Officer or Supervisor (Foreman) prior to being used on the Company’s premises.


Employees who use hand and portable power tools, who are exposed to the hazards of
falling, flying, abrasive and splashing objects, or exposed to harmful dusts, fumes, mists,
vapours, or gases must be provided with the appropriate equipment needed, including
Personal Protective Equipment, to protect them from the hazard. All hazards involved in the
use of power tools can be prevented by following some basic safety rules:

 Keep all tools in good condition with regular maintenance.

 Use the right tool for the job.
 Examine each tool for damage before use.
 Operate according to the manufacturer's instructions.


 Utilize the proper protective equipment; and
 Participating in safety training.

Employees and employers have a responsibility to work together to establish safe working
procedures. If a hazardous situation is encountered, it shall be brought to the attention of
the Department Supervisor (Foreman) and/or Safety Officer for evaluation and corrective
action. Additionally, only company employees shall use company hand/portable power

Hand Tools:

Hand tools are non-powered. They include anything from axes to wrenches. The greatest
hazards posed by hand tools result from misuse and improper maintenance.

Some examples include the following:

Using a screwdriver as a chisel may cause the tip of the screwdriver to break and fly, hitting
the user or other employees.

If a wooden handle on a tool such as a hammer or an axe is loose, splintered, or cracked,

the head of the tool may fly off and strike the user or another worker.

A wrench shall not be used if its jaws are sprung, because it might slip.

Impact tools such as chisels and wedges are unsafe if they have mushroomed heads. The
heads might shatter on impact, sending sharp fragments flying.

Employers shall caution employees that saw blades, knives or other tools be directed away
from aisle areas and other employees working in close proximity. Knives and scissors shall
be sharp. Dull tools can be more hazardous than sharp ones.

Appropriate personal protective equipment (e.g., safety goggles, gloves) shall be worn due
to hazards that may be encountered while using portable power tools and hand tools.

Safety requires that floors be kept as clean and dry as possible to prevent accidental slips
when using hand tools; and

Around flammable substances, sparks produced by iron and steel hand tools can be a
dangerous ignition source. Where this hazard exists, spark-resistant tools made from brass,
plastic, aluminium or wood shall be used.

Power Tools:

Power tools can be hazardous when improperly used. There are several types of power
tools, based on the power source they use: electric, pneumatic, liquid fuel, hydraulic and

The following general precautions shall be observed by power tool users:

Never carry a tool by the cord or hose.

Never remove prongs from electrical extension cords;


Never stand in or near water when using tools.

Never “yank” the cord or the hose to disconnect it from the receptacle.

Keep cords and hoses away from heat, oil and sharp edges.

Replace all frayed and/or damaged electrical extension cords. Do not tape cords.

Disconnect tools when not in use, before servicing and when changing accessories such as
blades, bits and cutters.

All observers shall be kept at a safe distance away from the work area.

Secure work with clamps or a vise, freeing both hands to operate the tool.

Avoid accidental starting. The worker shall not hold a finger on the switch button while
carrying a plugged-in tool.

Tools shall be maintained with care. They shall be kept sharp and clean for the best
performance. Follow instructions in the user's manual for maintenance, lubricating and
changing accessories.

Maintain good footing and balance; The proper apparel shall be worn. Loose fitting clothes,
ties or jewellery such as bracelets, watches or rings, which can become caught in moving
parts – should be removed; and all portable electric tools that are damaged shall be
removed from use and tagged "Do Not Use”. This shall be done by supervisors (foreman)
and/or employees.


Hazardous moving parts of a power tool need to be safeguarded. For example, belts, gears,
shafts, pulleys, sprockets, spindles, drums, fly wheels, chains, or other reciprocating,
rotating, or moving parts of equipment shall be guarded if such parts are exposed to contact
by employees.

Guards, as necessary, shall be provided to protect the operator and others from the

Point of operation.

Nip points.

Rotating parts.

Flying chips; and


Safety guards shall never be removed when a tool is being used. For example, portable
circular saws shall be equipped with guards. An upper guard shall cover the entire blade of
the saw. A retractable lower guard shall cover the teeth of the saw, except when it makes
contact with the work material. The lower guard shall automatically return to the covering
position when the tool is withdrawn from the work.


Safety Switches:

The following hand-held power tools shall be equipped with a momentary contact "on-off"
control switch: drills, tappers, fastener drivers, horizontal, vertical and angle grinders with
wheels larger than two (2) inches in diameter, disc and belt sanders, reciprocating saws,
saber saws and other similar tools. These tools also may be equipped with a lock-on control
provided that turnoff can be accomplished by a single motion of the same finger or fingers
that turn it on.

The following hand-held powered tools may be equipped with only a positive "on-off" control
switch: platen sanders, disc sanders with discs two (2) inches or less in diameter; grinders
with wheels two (s) inches or less in diameter; routers, planers, laminate trimmers, nibblers,
shears, scroll saws and jigsaws with blade shanks quarter inch wide or less.

Other hand-held powered tools such as circular saws having a blade diameter greater than
two (2) inches, chain saws and percussion tools without positive accessory holding means
shall be equipped with a constant pressure switch that will shut off the power when the
pressure is released.

Electric Tools:

Employees using electric tools shall be aware of several dangers with the most serious
being the possibility of electrocution.

Among the chief hazards of electric-powered tools are burns and slight shocks which can
lead to injuries or even heart failure.

To protect the user from shock, tools shall either have a three-wire cord with ground and be
grounded, be double insulated or be powered by a low-voltage isolation transformer.
Anytime an adapter is used to accommodate a two-hole receptacle, the adapter wire shall
be attached to a known ground. The third prong shall never be removed from the plug.

Tools shall be shut down before cleaning, repairing or oiling. Disconnect or use Lockout/Tag
out Procedures. Refer to Lockout/Tag out Program,

These general practices shall be followed when using electric tools:

Electric tools shall be operated within their design limitations.

Gloves and safety footwear are recommended during use of electric tools;

When not in use, tools shall be stored in a dry place;

Electric tools shall not be used in damp or wet locations; and

Work areas shall be well lit, even if this means the operators has to augment the work
surface illumination by other appropriate means.

Construction Accidents Articles:


What Every Construction Worker Needs to Know About Machinery

In the construction industry, a lockout is defined as a physical barrier installed to protect

against the activation of an energized piece of equipment. When discussing lockouts, tag
outs are also important. Tag outs are simply defined as a tag placed on a piece of machinery
that warns workers against activation.

Normally occurring just after lockouts, Tag outs serve to notify anyone on the construction
site that a certain piece of equipment should not be started. Often, this is because someone
is actively working on that piece of machinery. Tag outs usually accompany lockouts,
however, they do not serve as an appropriate substitute. Both should be used together.

Construction workers run the risk of sustaining injuries while servicing and performing
maintenance on machines, and the risk goes up significantly in the event of an unexpected
start-up or release of stored energy. According to OSHA, proper lockout procedures protect
construction workers from the sudden release of hazardous energy. Lockouts protect
workers from the hazardous energy sources like:

 Electrical

 Mechanical

 Hydraulic

 Chemical

 Thermal

 Pneumatic

OSHA reports that close to 10% of all serious accidents among construction workers and
other labour industries is a result of the failure to control hazardous energy. These accidents
may have been preventable if the appropriate lockout/Tag out procedures had been

If hazardous energy is not properly controlled, construction workers who service or maintain
machinery can sustain severe or even fatal injuries. Injuries from lockout failures can

 Electrocution

 Burns

 Crushing

 Cutting

 Lacerating

 Amputating


Fracturing body parts

OSHA estimates that about 3 million workers who perform maintenance on machines and
equipment routinely face the highest threat of injury. OSHA has established a lockout/Tag
out standard that explains the employer’s responsibility to protect their workers against the
threat of hazardous energy. In addition, OSHA has established that employers are required
to train every worker on site appropriately, so that workers know and are able to follow the
correct procedures for hazardous energy control.

OSHA Requirements for Lockouts:

Workers must be trained in the function of the energy control program and have the
knowledge and skills required for the safe application, usage and removal of the energy
control devices.

All workers in the area where energy control procedure(s) are utilized need to be instructed
in the purpose, use, and prohibition against restarting or reenergizing machines that are
locked or tagged out.

All workers authorized to lockout machines and perform maintenance need to be trained to
recognize potential hazardous energy sources, the type and magnitude of energy found, and
the methods of isolating and controlling the energy.

Retraining of all employees to maintain proficiency or introduce new or changed lockout/Tag

out and control methods.

Machinery lockouts and Tag outs are only part of the solution to prevent hazardous energy
release. Communication is the real key, and that includes educating every worker on site
about the appropriate lockout/Tag out procedures.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a construction machinery lockout accident, the best
thing you can do is contact a personal injury attorney today. Call the Sweeney Law Firm and
let us review your case. You may be eligible for compensation. We work on a contingency
fee basis, which means we don’t get paid unless there is a settlement or recovery of funds
for you.

Construction Machinery Accidents and How They Occur

Construction machinery can be defined as a variety of heavy machinery used to perform

specific construction and demolition tasks under power. These machines are often
associated with their functions, like hoisting, hauling, paving, drilling, grading, excavating and
pile driving.

Many different types of heavy machinery used at construction sites can be dangerous for the
workers using the equipment, and those who work alongside the equipment. Construction
machinery that is old or has not been maintained properly and operators who are not trained
well can contribute to dangerous conditions for workers. These factors can lead to accidents
involving severe and sometimes fatal injuries. Common construction machinery accidents
can involve:

 Forklifts


 Backhoes

 Cranes

 Bulldozers

 Skid steers

 Front-end loaders

Though construction machinery poses a threat to workers on construction sites, it is still

commonly used. Most often used on big commercial and residential projects, construction
machinery helps to speed up the task of moving and installing heavy building materials and
large support structures.

Responsible parties, such as manufacturers of construction equipment, and those who sell,
rent and operate the equipment, are required to ensure that all machinery is safe, and that
those who operate the machinery have been trained properly.

But construction workers may be in danger even when construction machinery is used the
right way. Despite how much care an operator may take, if the construction machinery is
faulty or defective by any means, the operator can be in danger of sustaining injuries.
Construction machinery is only safe when:

 Workers using machinery are trained and supervised appropriately

 Machinery has been designed and manufactured safely

 Machinery contains appropriate warnings

 Equipment is maintained correctly

The failure of construction machinery is often categorized two ways. The first involves a flaw
in the design or manufacture of the equipment, including the lack of proper warnings,
rendering the machine unsafe. The second case often associated with construction
machinery failure occurs when workers sustain injuries from equipment because of the way
it was maintained or used. These often result in labour law cases, especially if the equipment
or construction site was non-compliant with specific standards set in place by OSHA.

According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics (BLS), construction equipment operators run a
higher risk of injury and illness than in other occupations. However, the BLS advises that
machinery accidents can potentially be avoided by paying attention to safety practices and
proper operating procedures.

Fatal construction injuries declined by 10% in 2010.

Fatal construction injuries have declined every year since 2006.

Economic conditions may explain the decline as total hours worked has also declined.

Despite decline in fatal construction injuries, in 2010, construction accounted for more fatal
work injuries than any other industry.


Although the BLS reports that fatal construction injuries were down in 2010, construction
workers still run the risk of sustaining injuries from construction machinery accidents.

If you or someone you love is has been injured in a construction machinery accident, you
should contact an experienced personal injury attorney today. Those injured may be eligible
to receive compensation for their injuries. Our firm works on a contingency fee basis. So we
don’t get paid unless there is a settlement or recovery of funds made on your behalf. Call the
Sweeney Law Firm today to find out if you are eligible for compensation.

Construction Accidents Law yers & Attorneys:

Every year thousands of labourers are killed or seriously injured while working at
construction sites. This occurs even though many state and federal regulations, as well as
industry standards, require owners, general contractors and sub-contractors to implement a
wide variety of safety measures.

In Indiana, it is your employers’ responsibility to ensure you have a safe place to work.
Safety issues affect all facets of the construction workplace, from: scaffolding safety, ladder
safety, prevention of falling objects, protection of construction workers on lifts, ladders and
scaffolding to properly maintained heavy equipment and qualified operators of heavy
equipment. In many situations, construction site accidents are caused poorly maintained
equipment and defective equipment that causes injuries.

Unfortunately, workers' compensation benefits alone may not be enough compensation. In

order to receive fair and adequate compensation for their injuries, workers must file “third
party” lawsuits against parties other than their employer. Owners of property, general
contractors, sub-contractors, architects, even equipment manufacturing companies and
equipment distributors may be held responsible when a construction site accident occurs.

The Sweeney Law firm has the expertise and resources necessary to uncover and develop
evidence regarding the cause of construction site accidents. Once we have completed our
investigation, we assess the legal and contractual responsibility of owners, contractors, and
subcontractors and identify the parties who are at fault for causing the accident. We consult
with construction experts and safety experts who are thoroughly familiar with the intricate
aspects of the particular construction trade(s) involved in the accident.

The Sweeney Law Firm handles the following types of construction site accidents:

 falls
 electrical accidents
 struck by equipment
 trench collapse
 elevator accidents
 scaffolding accidents
 crane accidents


 forklift accidents
 machinery accidents
 machinery lock out
 nail gun accidents
 compressed gas accidents

The First Step in Pursing a Construction Accident

If you or a loved one has been injured as a result of a construction accident, call the
Sweeney Law Firm now at (866) 793-6339 or submit the case form below. The initial
consultation is free, and if we agree to accept your case, we will handle your case on a
contingent fee basis, which means we get paid for our services only if there is a settlement
or recovery of funds. There is no reason to hesitate. Contact us today for a free initial
evaluation of your case.

Wrongful Death Construction Accidents:

Construction accidents are accidents occurring during construction, often referring to

accidents at construction sites of large buildings and bridges. When it comes to construction
accidents, if you have lost a loved one from a situation that could have been prevented, you
may have a wrongful death claim.

Construction Accident Statistics

 In 2005, 1,224 construction worker deaths were reported, the industry taking the lead
in dangerous employment.
 In 2009, the Bureau of Labour Statistics reported 4,757 fatal accidents in the
workforce, and 751 of those deaths were construction workers.
 Over one in every five workplace deaths occur on construction sites in the US.
 The Bureau also reports that a construction accident is more likely to result in
wrongful death than any other workplace accident.

In the event of a wrongful death due to a construction accident, it is important to investigate

the site in the same condition as it was when the accident occurred. Construction sites are
constantly changing, and owners may attempt to cover up a dangerous situation that caused
the accident, or it may be fixed as part of the construction itself.

It is the utmost responsibility of a construction foreman or the workplace supervisor to make

decisions that protect all the construction worker’s health and safety. After a devastating and
fatal workplace accident, it becomes clear what action should have been taken. But by then,
it may already be too late.

Falls are the predominant cause of construction accidents resulting in death from:


 Head injuries
 Back injuries
 Neck injuries
 Spine injuries

When someone dies on the job, their family may be entitled to more than one type of
compensation. Workers’ compensation provides benefits for immediate family to
compensate for lost wages, expenses, and the other losses that unfortunately come with the
death of a loved one.

In the case of a wrongful death, if there is negligence, reckless behaviour, or wrongful acts
involved, this may also warrant a lawsuit. Wrongful death litigation for a construction
accident can provide lump-sum compensation for end-of-life costs, lost wages, and other
financial losses.

In cases of particularly outrageous wrongdoing, a jury may also call for punitive damages in
order to send a message about acceptable conduct in the workplace.

Often, wrongful death damages cover medical and funeral bills, lost earnings, and retribution
for pain and suffering. You should have the freedom to rest assured knowing that your family
will be provided for in the absence of your loved one. It is crucial to contact an attorney as
soon as possible. You may be entitled to retribution, but your claim must be filed before the
statute of limitation expires.

If you have been injured or lost a loved one due to a construction accident, you may be
eligible for damages. Call the Sweeney Law Firm and let us review the facts. We work on a
contingency fee basis, meaning we don’t get paid unless there is a settlement or recovery of
funds made on your behalf.

Construction Equipment Accident Prevention and Recovery:

There is no denying the fact that construction accidents involving workers who are struck by
equipment are highly dangerous and occur far too often. According to The Occupational
Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the number of construction workers fatally struck
by vehicles was at a seven-year high in 1998, and approximately 75% of all struck-by
fatalities at construction sites involve heavy equipment, such as trucks or cranes.

The US Department of Labour claims that every year there are nearly 600 workplace deaths
and almost 300,000 serious injuries associated with workers being hit by equipment or
objects. OSHA reports that one in four struck-by-vehicle deaths involve construction
workers, higher than in any other industry.

Just the Facts


 In the US, more than 800 construction workers die each year
 Struck-by-equipment accidents (including vehicles and other objects) are the top
cause of injury and second cause of death for construction workers
 More than 150 construction workers died in 2009 from these accidents
 OSHA requires a working backup alarm to meet vehicle safety standards

It is common to find large vehicles and pieces of equipment like bulldozers or excavators
located at construction sites. If a large piece of machinery or heavy equipment happens to
strike a worker at a site, they will often sustain major injuries due to the sheer size of the


To lower the threat from struck-by-equipment accidents at construction sites, construction

companies should make an extra effort to check that all equipment is in good condition while
in use. In addition, any person who operates the equipment should be trained appropriately.

Responsible parties should ensure that all workers know how to behave safely around heavy
equipment, including showing caution when approaching equipment and establishing eye
contact with the operator before walking in front of machinery that is in use.

Worker Protection from Struck-By Accidents

Your employer should:

 Allow only trained and experienced operators to operate heavy equipment

 Check to make sure operators and mechanics are trained by qualified persons
experienced with the particular model of heavy equipment being used (OSHA says a
qualified person, by extensive knowledge, training, and experience, can solve
problems related to the subject matter)
 Ensure that a copy of the operating manual is available to the operator of all
 Identify the hazards of overhead and underground power lines and utilities and
establish procedures for working around them.

Injuries sustained from struck-by-equipment accidents can be extreme and detrimental to

workers and their families, and often include physical, emotional and financial hardship.
Workers and their loved ones should be able to recover any and all compensation to which
they may be entitled.


Many complex legal issues can arise as the result of an unfortunate struck-by equipment
accident. An experienced personal injury attorney can help you carefully evaluate the factors
that may influence you and your family’s ability to recover damages.

Factors that may influence your case:

 Workers’ Compensation Law

 Insurance coverage
 Parties responsible for injuries (landowners, contractors, sub-contractors, equipment
suppliers or manufacturers)
 Compliance/non-compliance with state and federal occupational and work-site safety

An experienced personal injury attorney can assist you in the recovery of damages for pain
and suffering, financial losses, emotional distress, medical expenses, and in certain cases,
punitive damages for a responsible party’s wrongful acts.

If you or a loved one were injured or killed as a result of being struck by equipment or any
other struck-by construction accident, you may be eligible for damages. Contact the experts
at the Sweeney Law Firm and let us review the facts to see if you have a personal injury
case. If we decide to take your case, we work on a contingency fee basis, meaning we don’t
get paid unless there is a settlement or recovery of funds for you.




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