Ojt Na Truee

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Chapter I


Nature and Importance of On-the-Job Training

On-the-job training is a type of work instruction that takes place directly in the
workplace while the learner performs their duties (or works alongside and learns from a
more experienced employee). It is a component of a college curriculum designed to
inform and guide students about their current and future careers. It is a process of skill
development where students learn how to perform a job by exposing them to a real-life
work setting.

The goal of OJT is to provide inexperienced learners with training and practice
opportunities to develop the knowledge, skills, and competencies required to perform the
work tasks associated with their job function. Students will be able to learn new skills
that will benefit them in the future through OJT. It is also an excellent method of
producing competent students with a strong sense of professionalism and dedication to
their work.

Objectives of On-The-Job Training

The main objective of the training is to expose students to the actual working
environment in the various fields in the hope to produce a more competent individuals’
part of the society. However, its specific objectives are to:

1. Produce a competent and skillful psychologist and psychometricians who can

actively participate in nation building by providing services to people in different
fields such as Clinical Field, Industrial Field, and Academic Field;
2. Continuously provide high quality education that will support every student in
practicing their degree in different programs;
3. Provide opportunities to learn from and network with experienced professionals;
4. Identify future career directions and become candidates for future job opening.

Location and Duration of On-The-Job Training

The internship was held at Lipa City Government- City Social Welfare and
Development office located at 987 President Jose P. Laurel Hwy, Lipa, Batangas. The
duration of the internship started at August 16, 2022 until September 30, 2022.

Profile of Training Agency/ Institution

Lipa City Government (City Social Welfare and Development Office)

Lipa City Government has been providing service to every Lipenos in 72

barangays for many years. With its current mayor, Hon. Eric B. Africa, the Lipa City
Government continuously strives for faster, more efficient, and higher-quality public
service by improving not only its facilities but also its programs aimed at empowering
Lipenos and enhancing the skills of every public servant and official for the benefit of the

Lipa City Hall- Lipa City, Batangas

Chapter II


This chapter presents the presentation and orientation for the on-the-job training
as well as recording of activities undertaken during the 200 hours off campus training.

Preparation for On-The-Job Training

On-the-job training requires a lot of work, and before engaging oneself in a real
work setting, one must know how and what to prepare. Before the internship starts, I first
prepare my pre-OJT requirements, such as my resume, an endorsement letter from the
university, the internship agreement, an acceptance form, a parental consent form, my
student-trainee personal history, and a copy of my vaccination card. I passed my
requirements on to the personnel office on August 8, 2022. I was assigned to the City
Social Welfare and Development Office, where I have to complete a total of 200 hours of
training based on the memo from the OJT office.

On the Job Training Orientation

The first orientation was on August 16, 2022. I came to the personnel office at
6:30 am for my orientation. Ma'am Jona from the personnel office briefed me on my
responsibilities during my internship. She handed me the recommendation letter signed
by Mr. De Castro, head of the office. The recommendation letter must be forwarded to
Ms. Lerma Laylo, head of the CSWDO. Based on the letter, my schedule was Monday,
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Recording of Activities

The activities done in the span of the internship were recorded daily through
logging in the daily log book in the office and also doing the personal daily time record.

A daily journal was also kept to keep track of the activities and see if the target objectives
and internship plan were achieved.

Activities Undertaken During On-The-Job Training

The following activities were undertaken by the trainee during her internship at
the City Social Welfare and Development Office.

 Interviewing clients and patients

 Transferring data from intake sheets
 Answering peoples inquires in person and on phone
 Releasing of documents
 Daily recording of number of social case study reports and doing monthly tally of
it sorted by district
 Arranging important papers
 Doing power point and video presentations

Chapter III


This chapter presents the discussion of the different activities performed by the
student trainee in the training agencies.

1. Interviewing clients and patients/ Answering peoples

inquires in person and on phone/ Release of important

Most of the time, I was tasked with doing initial

interviews with clients and patients. This interview is
necessary in making social case study reports that are needed
in asking for financial or medical assistance from government
offices or private offices. Some interviews include those for
marriage, an indigency certificate, a solo parent application, and a free electric meter. I
was also assigned to answer people’s inquiries about LGU programs related to social
welfare or any concerns related to DSWD programs. Release of important documents
such as social case study reports, marriage certificates, indigency certificates, and solo
parent ID cards was also part of my job.

2. Transferring data from intake sheets

After the initial interview is written down on the intake

sheets and attachments such as photo copy of valid ID,
medical abstract or medical certificate, medical quotation,
partial or total bill from the hospital, list of medication or
laboratory tests that the patient needs to undergo are checked,
important details about the patients or clients are transferred to
the social case study sheet. This will help make the social case
study reports easier for social workers in the office.

The intake sheet, papers, and documents submitted in applying for a marriage pre-
counselling certificate, a solo parent ID card, and an indigency certificate are thoroughly

3. Daily recording of number of social case study reports and

doing monthly tally of it sorted by district.

The names of the clients and patients that go through

our office was recorded and by the end of the month, number
of social case study report was tallied. It will be included in
the accomplishment report of the office that will be
submitted at the mayor’s office and the DSWD Regional

4. Arranging important papers

Arranging DSWD survey papers was also one of the

tasks that I have to accomplish. Those survey papers will
then be sent to every barangay. This will help in monitoring
the social welfare of every Lipenos.

Papers of the recipients of Unconditional Cash

Transfer was also assigned to me. Bank notes have to be
sorted by district then by barangay and check if the names of
the target recipients were there. After that, attachments such as copy of valid ID with
three signature and the receiving copy must be check.

Chapter IV


In this chapter, the trainee comprehensively self-assessed the additional

knowledge and skills achieved during the conduct of the training.


One of my biggest achievements during my internship was being able to acquire

and enhance a lot of skills that I can use in my field. I was able to conduct a large number
of interviews with patients and clients, which expanded my knowledge of working as a
government employee and in public service. By the end of my internship, I was able to
produce an accomplishment report that I submitted to our office and also four PowerPoint
presentations regarding different topics (The Safe Spaces Act, GAD Terms, Concepts,
and Principles, GAD Planning and Budgeting, and the Local Council for the Protection of
Children) that our office will use in different seminars.

To access the copy of the presentations, see link below:


Skill Learned

Engaging myself in public service allows me to improve my communication

skills. I also had the opportunity to hone my language skills and active listening skills.
Talking to people requires a great deal of patience and understanding because it is not
only about speaking in front of people; it is also about making every client feel important
and understanding that their needs and providing them with quality service are our
outmost responsibilities. My critical and analytical thinking skills, as well as my
problem-solving skills, were also challenged during my training. Problems in the
workplace are present most of the time, and it was my duty to think of ways to solve

minor issues that emerged. With less supervision, I was able to formulate solutions to
problems that needed to be solved.

Equipment, Tools and Devices Handled

I was task to answer telephone calls. Most of my task was talking to people,
answering their concerns and inquiries, and releasing documents (Window transactions).

Best Experience on the Job

The best and most heartwarming experience I've had during my internship is
getting to know a lot of people through conversations and interviews. I find fulfillment in
assisting them with their needs. Public service will always hold a special place in my
heart, and when people express their gratitude for my efforts, I know I did my job well.
People I spoke with became a part of my incredible journey during my internship, and
with these things and moments, I can say that my internship was nothing less than great.

Problem Encountered

Problems are common at work. During my internship, I encountered minor

problems such as misplaced attachments, inadequate copies of certificates, intake sheets,
and social case study sheets. However, not all days are smooth sailing. There are days
that I consider rough because of the problems at work. Dealing with different types of
people with different behaviors is one of the most difficult aspects of public service.
Others aren't patient enough to wait for their turn, and these people occasionally start
shouting and misbehaving. It is frustrating and exhausting, but empathy and kindness
must be shared in this field at all cost.


Listed below are the recommendations of the student trainee

1. Assist student trainees in choosing agencies or companies to help them align their
training with their career paths.
2. Conduct a career assessment before letting students and trainees engage in work.
This will help the student identify what field or work they really want to engage
themselves with. This will also help the university produce quality students ready
to face career opportunities after their college years.

3. Extend training hours if the target training plan wasn’t achieved. This will help
the students become more familiar with working on the ground and experience a
real-world work setting.

List of Pictures

Figure 1: Interviewing Clients/ Figure 2: Doing Social Case

Patients Study Report

Figure 4: Daily record of social

Figure 3: Transferring Patient’s case study reports and monthly tally

Figure 5: Arranging DSWD survey




Endorsement letter

Acceptance Form

Registration Form

Personal History Statement ISO Form


Parental Waiver

Internship Agreement

Vaccination Card

Student Internship Template

Time Frame

Post Requirements

Appraisal Report/ Grade


Trainor’s Feedback Form

Student’s Trainee Feedback Form

Narrative Report

Related Learning Experience Journal

Post Individual Interview




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