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Chapter 11 Twelfth Night

New words.

• Surfeiting
• Strain
• Odour
• Abatement
• Pestilence
• Elysium
• Prattle
• Bounteously
• Virtuous
• Provident

Word meaning
• Surfeiting- taking too much
• Strain- part of a tune
• Odour- scent
• Hart- a male deer
• Cloistress-a nun
• Elysium- heaven
• Provident-wise and far -seeing
• Prattle- rumour

Answer the following questions.

a. Why does Orsino ask the musicians to play on?

Ans. Orsino asks the musicians to play on so that he can hear so much of it that he tires of it entirely.

b. What is the play on words in Scene l and how does Orsino twist the meaning?

Ans. The play on words in Scene I is on heart/hart. Orsino is invited to hunt the hart (deer) and he twists
it to refer to his heart being hunted by his desires.

c. From the exchange between Orsino and Valentine, what do you think their relationship is?

Ans.From the exchange between Orsino and Valentine, in which Orsino ask him for news and
Valentine call him ‘my Lord’, we can workout the Valentine is one of Orsino’s attendants.

d. What does Valentine tell Orsino about Olivia?

Ans.Valentine tells Orsino, that Olivia hides away in her room, crying.

e. Who is Olivia mourning for and why?

Ans. Olivia is mourning her brother, because he is dead.

f. Why is Viola concerned about what she will do in lllyria?

Ans. Voila is concerned about what she will do in Illyria because her brother is not there with her.

g. What hope does the captain give Viola? What does he say to
console her?
h. Ans.The captain gives Voila hope that her brother survived the shipwreck, where he tells her
that he saw him tieng himself to a strong mast which would help him to float on the waves.
i. How did the captain come by the information he gives Viola about

Ans. The captain came by the information he gives Voila about Orsino through rumours and gossip.

j. What reason does Viola give for wanting to work for Olivia?

Ans. Voila says he wants to work for Olivia so that she can hide away from the world until she feels it
is the right time to reveal who she is.

k. How does Viola pay the captain a compliment?

Ans. Viola Compliments the. S. captain by saying that he seems to be a good person.

2. Answer the following with reference to context.

a.If music be the food of love, play on; Give me excess of it ...

i.Where do these lines come from?

Ans.These are the first lines of the play.

ii.Who is the speaker and what does music do for him?

Ans. The speaker is Duke Orsino. Music is the food of love and he would like to have his full of it.

iii.Is his desire to hear music temporary?

Ans. Yes,it is temporary.

iv.Why is the speaker in a confused state of mind following this?

Ans. The speaker is in confused state of mind following this because love makes him restless. It makes
him want things and that feel sick of them a moment late, no matter how good they are.

b. So please my lord, I might not be admitted; But from her handmaid do return this answer

i.Who is speaking to whom?

Ans. Valentine I speaking to Duke Orsino.

ii. Where is it that the speaker was not admitted?

Ans. The speaker was not admitted to Olivia’s house.

ii. Why was the speaker not admitted?

Ans. He was not admitted because Olivia is in mourning.

iv. What was the answer the speaker received?

Ans.The speaker has decided not to see anyone for 7 years because she is in mourning for her brother.

C. My brother he is in Elysium. Perchance he is not drown'd:

i.Who is the speaker and who is being addressed?

Ans.Viola is speaking to captain and the sailor.

ii. Where is the speaker?


iii.Where is the reference to Elysium?

Ans. Elysium means heaven, She believes her brother has died.

iv.What answer does the speaker receive and in what way is it comforting?

Ans. The captain says that he saw her brother tie himself to the mast and discomforts her because it
gives her hope that he survived.


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