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& Safety Data Sheet LiguicPower ‘According to OSHA HCS 2012 (28 CFR 1810.1200) LP™ 100 Flow Improver Other means of identification: LP™ 100 ‘SDS Number: 472900 Flow Improver, + Allothers Emergency Health and Safety” +1 600-424-9300 (USA, 24 hours) Number: +1 708-527-9887 (USA, 24 hours) CANUTEC 612-096-5668, CHEMTREC Mexico 01-800-681-0531 SDS Information: Customer Servic ‘Manufacture LLubrizol Specialty Products, Inc. Phone: 800-762-0942 1¥1'832-765-6003 or +1 200-897-2774 P.O, Box 4428 Email: Houston, TX 77210 URL: won United States of America [Section 2: Hazards Identification Classified Hazards ‘Other Hazards ‘Tha aes nt hazardous under the ceri ofthe Federal OSHA Hazard None Known Cormanicaton Sinden 2267 1010 1200, Label Elements No clasited hazards Section 3: Composition / Information on Ingredients (ChemicalName JEASRN [Concentration® Wester [732-165 65-55 Ron-Hazaraous Matera ARIOUS 5-45 + Allconcarvatins ar percent by weight unless ingredient s a gas. Gas concentrations ae in percent by volume, ‘Bection Eye Contact: ini attention, First Aid Measures lor redness develops from exposure; fish eyes with clean water. If symptoms persist, seek mesical Skin Contact: First ad is not normally required. However, itis good practice fo wash any chemical from the skin, Inhalation (Breathing): First al is not normally required. If breathing diiculties develop, move victim away from source of exposure and into fresh air in a position comfortable for breathing, Seek immediate medical atention, Ingestion (Swallowing): First aid is not normally required: however, if swallowed end symptoms develop, seek medical attention Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed: No known effects of overexposure, ‘Other Comments: none [ection 5: Fire-Fighting Measures ‘F72B80- TPP 106 Faw improver Date of ssue: 07-Apr-2014 472980 - LP™ 100 Flow Improver Page 2/6 Date of issue: 07-Apr-2014 ‘Status: FINAL NEPA 704 Hazard Class Health: 0 Flammability: 0 Instability: 0 © (Minimal) 4 (Sight) 2 (Moderate) 53 (Serious) 4 (Severe) Extinguishing Media: Use extinguishing agent suitable for type of surrouncing fre Specific hazards arising from the chemical ‘Unusual Fire & Explosion Hazards: No unusuel fire or explosion hazards are expected. If containers not properly cooled, it can rupture in the heat of fire. Hazardous Combustion Products: Combustion may yield carbon monoxide and oxides of nitrogen. ‘Special protective actions for firefighters: For fires beyond the initial stage, emergency responders in the immediate hazard 1 ‘area should wear protective clothing. When the potential chemical hazard is unknown, in enclosed or confined spaces. aself Contained breathing apparatus should be worn. In addition, wear other appropriate protective equipment as conditons warrant (see Section 8), Isolate immediate hazard area and keep unauthorized personnel out. Stop spillrlease if it can be done safely. Move undamaged Containers from Immediate hazard areaift ean be done safely. Water spray may be useful in minimizing or dispersing vapors and to protect personnel. Cool equipment exposed to fire with water ifitcan be done safely. ‘See Section 9 for Flammable Properties including Flash Point and Flammable (Explosive) Limits [Section 6: Accidental Release Measures Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures: Stay upwind and away from spillrelease. Avoid 5 gig (estimated) ‘Rapiration Hazard: Not an aspiration hazard ‘Skin Corrosionliritation: Not expected tobe itating. ‘Serious Eye Damageriritation: Not expected tobe iriating. ‘Skin Sensitization: No information available on the mixture, however none of the components have been classified for skin ‘sensitzation (or are below the concentration threshold for classification), Respiratory Sensitization: No information avaliable ‘Specific Target Organ Toxicity (Single Exposure): No information available on the mixture, however none of the ‘Components have been classified fr target organ toxity (or are below the concentration threshold for classification). ‘Specific Target Organ Toxicity (Repeated Exposure): Not expected to cause organ effects from repeated exposure. Carcinogenicity: No information available on the mixture, however none ofthe components have been classified for Fa ‘carcinogenicity (or are below the concentration threshold for classification), Germ Cell Mutagenicity: No information available on the mixture, however none of the components ave been classified for _germ call mutagenicity (or are below the concentration threshold for classification). Reproductive Toxicity: No information available on the mixture, however none of the components have been classified for reproductive toxicity (or are below the concentration threshold fr classification). [Section 12: Ecological Information = — z 1 HS Classification: INo classified hazards Toxicity: Not expected to be harmful fo aquatic organisms based on test data from the individual components or similar materials Persistence and Degradability: Not expected to persist the environment if spilled or released. Bioaccumulative Potential: Not expected to bioaccumulate in the environment based on its physical properties, Mobility in Soll: Expected to have low mobilty in soll and sediments with adsorption being the predominant physical process. Other adverse effect Section 13: Dispo None anticipated, Considerations ‘aivays responsible for making proper hazardous waste determinations and needs to consider state ction to federal regulations. This material, ciscarded as produced, would net be a federally ‘regulated RCRA “istec” hazardous waste and is not believed to exhibit characteristics of hazardous waste, See Sections 7 and 8 for information on handing, storage and personal protection and Section 9 for physical/chemical propertes. itis possible thatthe ‘material as produced contains constitvents which are not required to be listed in the SDS but could affect the hazardous waste determination. Additionally, use which results in chemical or physical change ofthis material could subject to regulation as a hazardous waste. Container contents should be completely used and containers should be emptied prior to discard [Section 14: Transport Information ‘US. Department of Transportation (DOT) Shipping Description: ‘Not Fequlated {ternational Mariime Dangerous Goods (IMOG)_ Shipping Description: Tot regulate 472980 - LP™ 100 Flow improver Page 5/6 Date of issue: 07-Apr-2014 Status: FINAL ‘Transport in bulk according to Annex ILof MARPOL 73/78 and the IBC Code: Not applicable IAT) UNIO ‘Not regulated Passengor Aircraft Cargo Aircraft On) Packasing instruction Max. Net ay. Per Packager = = = CERCLAISARA - Section 302 Extremely Hazardous Substances and TPQs (in pounds): ‘This material does not contain any chemicals subject tothe reporting requirements of SARA 202 and 40 CFR 372. 12 (Titel Hazard Categors EPA (CERCLA) Reportable Quentity (in pounds): ‘This material does not contain any chemicals with CERCLA Reportable Quantities. n 65: ‘This material does not contain any chemicals which are known tothe State of California to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm ai concentrations that tigger the warning requirements of Calfomnia Propostion 65. Canada: ‘This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the ‘SDS contains all the information required by the Regulations. WHMIS Hazard Class: one tal Chemical i ‘All components are either Iisted on the US TSCA Inventory, or are not regulated under TSCA, All components are ether on the DSL, or are exempt from DSL listing requirements. U.S. Export Control Classification Number: EARS? [Section 16: Other Information of asue: revious fssue Date: [50S Wamber: A204 Sreb-2012 farz080 AL Revised Sections or Basis for Revision: Format change; Manutacturer (Section 1) 1 , ‘472980 - LP™ 100 Flow improver Date of issue: 07-Apr-2014 Guide to Abbreviations: [ACGIH = American Conference of Governmental Industial Hyglensts; CASRN = Chemical Abstracts Service Registy Number, CEILING = C Lit (15 minutes): CERCLA = The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Lisbity Act: EPA = Envwontnetal Protection ‘Agency: GHS = Globally Harmonized System IARC = Inlernatonal Agenoy for Research on Cancer, INSHT = Nabonal neta for Health and Safety at Work JOPC = International Ol Poulton Compersaion LEL = Lower Explosive Limi, NE = Not Establshod. NFPA = Netional Fre, Protection Association; NTP = National Toxcology Program; OSHA = Occupatenal Safely and Health Adminstalion; PEL = Permsble Pxposure Umit (OSHA): SARA = Supertund Amendments and Reaizhvizaton Act: STEL = Shot Term Exposure Limit (1 minutes). TLV = Teehod Ut Value (ACGIH): TWA = Time Weighed Average (8 hours) UEL = Upper Explosive Lim WHMIS = Worker Hazardous Materials information ‘System (Canada) Disclaimer of Expressed and implied Warranties: The infermation presented in tis Safely Data Sheets based on data boleved to be accurate a of the date this Safty Data Sheet was prepared. HOWEVER, NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ANY OTHER WARRANTY 1S EXPRESSED OR IS TO BE IMPLIED REGARDING THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE, THE RESULTS TO BE OBTAINED FROM THE USE OF THIS INFORMATION OR THE PRODUCT, THE SAFETY OF THIS PRODUCT. OR THE. HAZARDS RELATED TO ITS USE. No esponsbilty is assured for any damage or lyry resting rom abnormal use o rom any fire to adhere to recommended practoes. The information povided abovo, and be product. ere fumished onthe conden thatthe person recline ‘shall make te own determination esto te sutablty ofthe produc for thee parculr purpose and onthe candion that ey assure fe rek of ‘heir se. In scion no authorization fs vn nor Imp a practice any patented invention without Seanee, Y

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