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Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 24 (2015) 19–26

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Characterization of drinking water treatment sludge after ultrasound

Zhiwei Zhou, Yanling Yang ⇑, Xing Li, Yang Zhang, Xuan Guo
Key Laboratory of Beijing for Water Quality Science and Water Environment Recovery Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Ultrasonic technology alone or the combination of ultrasound with alkaline or thermal hydrolysis as pre-
Received 7 June 2014 treatment for anaerobic digestion of activated sludge has been extensively documented. However, there
Received in revised form 17 October 2014 are few reports on ultrasound as pretreatment of drinking water treatment sludge (DWTS), and thereby
Accepted 5 November 2014
the characteristic variability of sonicated DWTS has not been fully examined. This research presents a
Available online 13 November 2014
lab-scale study on physical, chemical and biological characteristics of a DWTS sample collected from a
water plant after ultrasonic treatment via a bath/probe sonoreactor. By doing this work, we provide
implications for using ultrasound as pretreatment of enhanced coagulation of recycling sludge, and for
Drinking water treatment sludge
the conditioning of water and wastewater mixed sludge by ultrasound combined with polymers. Our
Sludge disintegration results indicate that the most vigorous DWTS disintegration quantified by particles’ size reduction and
Organic solubilization organic solubilization is achieved with 5 W/ml for 30 min ultra-sonication (specific energy of
Microorganisms inactivation 1590 kWh/kg TS). The Brunauer, Emmett and Teller (BET) specific surface area of sonicated DWTS flocs
Recycling pretreatment increase as ultra-sonication prolongs at lower energy densities (0.03 and 1 W/ml), while decrease as
ultra-sonication prolongs at higher energy densities (3 and 5 W/ml). Additionally, the pH and zeta poten-
tial of sonicated DWTS slightly varies under all conditions observed. A shorter sonication with higher
energy density plays a more effective role in restraining microbial activity than longer sonication with
lower energy density.
Ó 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V.

1. Introduction [3], thus limiting the concentration of organic matter and metal
ions, and controlling microbial activity to a low level within sludge
Drinking water treatment sludge (DWTS), characterized with before recycling can help ensure the safety of the recycle outputs.
elevated concentrations of inorganic or organic substance, as well The reuse of DWTS can contribute toward an improvement of
as precipitation hydroxide that is derived from inorganic alum- treatment performance regarding the particulates and phosphorus
based or ferric-based coagulants, is largely produced during floccu- removal [3,4], and an improvement in settling and dewatering
lation–sedimentation or flotation process. DWTS and solids within characteristics of the re-coagulation flocs as well. However, the
filter backwash water are known as the main components of water enhanced removal of pollutions, i.e., organic matter of recycling
treatment residual. Okuda et al. [1] report that global production of processes sometimes is not desirable due to the release of pollu-
solid residuals ‘might be totally 10,000 tons per day’, of which the tions (humic-like and protein-like substances) that are derived
European countries including Ireland, Germany, Netherland, Uni- from sludge [2,5,6]. We recently recommend one idea that to dis-
ted Kingdom and Portugal take up 10.38%, and the United States integrate DWTS, and simultaneously to maximum inactivate the
and Chinese Taiwan accounts for 72.6% and 0.003%, respectively pathogenic microorganism by ultrasound to enhance organic mat-
[2]. The increasing generation of water treatment residues, coupled ter removal in sludge recycling process [7]. A higher disintegration
with environmental restraints regarding their current disposal out- degree of DWTS is expected prior to recycling, since intracellular or
lets, has prompted increased research toward their reuse. extracellular polymers, i.e., proteins and polysaccharide among the
The reuse of DWTS is an important approach to realize the solubilized organics that are difficult to be removed by coagulation
reduction and reclamation of the total waste residues. Chemical are discharged in the pre-sonicated recycling DWTS, thereby low-
safety and bio-stability are the two main concerns of reuse process ering the burden of recycling process.
The ultrasonic technique is well known for disrupting sludge
flocs and lysing biological cells, which can lead to the solubilization
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +86 10 67391726. of organic matter, reduction of particle size and inactivation of
E-mail address: (Y. Yang). sludge microorganisms [8–11]. The effect of sonication parameters,
1350-4177/Ó 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V.
20 Z. Zhou et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 24 (2015) 19–26

including ultra-sonication time, frequency and energy input, and ties (1, 3, and 5 W/ml) using the probe sonoreactor. Each sample is
sludge characteristics (solids content, origin of sludge) on the level sonicated for 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 min in sequence. For each exper-
of sludge disintegration, as well as the increase in biogas produc- iment, the chemical parameters (total chemical oxygen demand
tion in anaerobic digestion have been well investigated [12,13]. (TCOD), sCOD, proteins and polysaccharide in the supernatant of
Low-frequency and high-intensity ultrasound facilitates activated sonicated DWTS), microbial parameters (counts of total bacteria
sludge disintegration, due to the elevated mechanical shear forces and total coliforms), as well as physicochemical parameters of
produced by the implosion of the cavitation bubbles [14,15]. Low DWTS flocs (pH, zeta potential, average size and BET specific sur-
energy density ultrasound causes the release of substances capable face area) are systematically assessed. All experiments are run
of solubilizing, such as nucleic acids, lipids, humic acids, and pro- twice and the average values of organic, microbial and physico-
teins [16]. Furthermore, increasing ultrasound intensity leads to chemical parameters are recorded.
the lyses of cells of the present microorganisms, with the release 15 L of raw DWTS sample is sonicated in a rectangular bath
of cellular liquid and components of cytoplasm [17]. (250 mm (L)  250 mm (B)  300 mm (H)) reactor where the
Previous results [8–13] are obtained on the basis of using ultra- transducers are located at each side of the vessel. Ultrasound fre-
sound or the combination of ultrasound with alkaline or thermal quencies of 25 and 40 kHz, corresponding energy density as low
hydrolysis treatment as pretreatment for anaerobic digestion of as 0.03 W/ml are evaluated. The ultrasonic power dissipated into
activated sludge. However, there are few reports about the use of the suspension is measured using calorimetry [22]. Such low
ultrasound as pretreatment of DWTS, and thereby the characteris- energy density is used, due to the limitation of the dimensional
tic variability of sonicated DWTS has not been investigated. In pre- configuration and the maximum power input of 450 W for batch
vious research, the soluble organics that were derived from sonoreactor. At each sampling point, firstly the sonicated DWTS
activated sludge mainly consisted of intracellular or extracellular is homogeneously mixed, and then about 250 mL sonicated DWTS
polymers, i.e., proteins and polysaccharide [18,19], which were dif- is withdrawn from 150 mm below the upper surface of the vessel.
ferent from DWTS that fulvic acid was the main constitution that During the experiments, we find that the temperature of the DWTS
also contained humic and hymathomelanic acids [2]. Furthermore, is slightly improved from 20.4 ± 0.8 °C to 22.5 ± 0.5 °C at the end of
the organic concentration quantified by soluble chemical oxygen the sonication of 30 min. So, the impact of the raise in temperature
demand (sCOD) in the supernatant of activated sludge was about of DWTS matrix on DWTS characterization is not investigated.
10-folds or 50-folds higher [20,21] than that in DWTS of our previ- As to the probe-type sonoreactor, under low energy density of
ous study [6]. Since the organic constitution and characteristics of 0.03 W/ml, 150 mL of raw DWTS sample is placed in a double-wall,
DWTS are different from those of activated sludge, the insights into jacketed glass container and subject to continuous ultrasound irra-
characterization of ultrasonically DWTS are needed. diation emitted through a 18 mm in diameter tip at power input of
In this study, the sonication parameters, including ultrasound 4.5 W. At each sampling point, about 25 mL sonicated DWTS is
frequency and energy density, as well as type of sonoreactor on withdrawn from the center of the container. The temperature of
physical, chemical and biological characterization of a DWTS after DWTS medium is controlled with a water bath coupled to a circu-
ultrasonic treatment are systematically investigated. The main lator, and is kept constant at 20 ± 1 °C. In order to minimize con-
issues focused upon are: (1) to evaluate the effect of ultrasound tamination of the sample, the probe is immersed in the DWTS
frequency at 25 and 40 kHz with low energy density of 0.03 W/ through a silicon rubber plug. The DWTS level inside the container
ml on organic solubilization and the flocs characteristics, as well is 4 cm and the probe (total length of 10 cm) is positioned in the
as the microbial activity via a bath (C)/probe (T) sonoreactor; (2) middle of the container, with its tip 2 cm from the bottom. When
to elucidate the DWTS disintegration degree and microbial activity the energy density is 1, 3 and 5 W/ml, 50 mL of raw DWTS sample
after the DWTS subjected to higher energy densities (1, 3 and 5 W/ is put into the container and the responding power input is 50, 150
ml) with frequency of 25 kHz using the probe sonoreactor. and 250 W accordingly.

2.3. Analytical methods

2. Materials and methods
All analyses are made using chemicals of analytical grade. pH is
2.1. The raw DWTS used in the experiments
determined by Thermo (Shanghai, China) pH meter, which is cali-
brated daily using pH buffer solution. The TS, SS, VSS, TCOD and
The raw DWTS sample used in the experiments is collected
sCOD are determined by the Standard Methods [23]. The proteins
from a water treatment plant (Beijing, China), which handles
and polysaccharide in the supernatant of DWTS are determined
1,500,000 m3/day using a coagulation–flocculation–sedimenta-
spectrophotometrically with a UV/Visible spectrophotometer
tion–sand filtration process. Poly-aluminum chloride and ferric
(UV2600, China) after centrifuging at 4000 rpm for10 min. Fluores-
chloride is employed as coagulant. The alum and ferric sludge set-
cence measurements of the solubilized organics in the supernatant
tled in the sedimentation basin and is discharged to the thickener.
are performed using a spectrofluorometer (F-4500, Hitachi, Japan)
The obtained DWTS samples are transferred immediately to the
equipped with a 150 W xenon lamp at ambient temperature of
laboratory and stored at 4 °C. Before each experiment, DWTS sam-
24 °C. Zeta potential is analyzed with a Zetasizer Nano2000 (Mal-
ples are warmed to ambient temperature. All of the experiments
vern Instruments, UK). BET specific surface area of samples is
are performed within a week from the date of sampling. The micro-
determined by the BET/N2-adsorption method, before measure-
bial parameters are firstly investigated for each sets of experiment.
ment the samples are prepared as described by Wang et al. [24].
The characteristics of raw DWTS used in the experiments are dis-
The average flocs size of the DWTS is calculated using image
played in Table 1.
analysis, as describe in the reference [7]. Briefly, after transferring
the sonicated DWTS sample to a flat microscope slide, three images
2.2. Sonification experiments of the flocs are captured by an optical microscope (Olympus,
BX51TF, Japan) equipped with a video camera. The floc dimensions
We conduct two sets of sonification experiments (seen in are obtained by processing the flocs images using Image J software
Fig. 1), one of which is to investigate the impact of low energy den- to obtain values for the average size. The total number of the
sity of 0.03 W/ml using both bath and probe-type sonoreactor. The aggregations larger than 14 pixels (10 lm) for a given flocs image
second experiment is to examine the impact of high energy densi- is about 30–50.
Z. Zhou et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 24 (2015) 19–26 21

Table 1
Main physicochemical characteristics of raw DWTS.

Analytes (Units) Range Mean ± SD Analytes (Units) Range Mean ± SD

Temperature (°C) 19.7–20.4 20.4 ± 0.8 VSS/TS (%) 26.7–38.5 31.2
pH 6.99–8.37 7.60 ± 0.54 sCOD/TCOD (%) 2.87–4.24 3.72
TS (g L1) 1.33–2.13 1.57 ± 0.22 sCOD in supernatant (mg L1) 10.53–12.04 11.43 ± 0.56
VSS (g L1) 0.39–0.60 0.49 ± 0.07 Proteins in supernatant (mg L1) 0.23–0.40 0.37 ± 0.05
TCOD (mg L1) 298–331 307 ± 10 Polysaccharide in supernatant (mg L1) 10.10–14.46 11.82 ± 1.30

Note: SD means standard deviation. Number of measurements (n): for temperature and pH, n = 5; for total solids (TS), suspended solids (SS), volatile suspended solids (VSS),
total chemical oxygen demand (TCOD), sCOD, proteins and polysaccharide, n = 10.

Fig. 1. The arrangement of ultra-sonication experiments.

The reduction rate of the flocs’ size is calculated according to and the sCOD, proteins and polysaccharide in supernatant of raw
the Eq. (1). Where R0, Ri is the average size of the flocs before DWST is 11.43 mg L1, 0.37 mg L1, 11.82 mg L1 respectively.
and after ultrasonic treatment at time t (min). The low VSS to TS ratio in the raw DWTS, 31.2%, which indicates
  raw DWTS mainly consists of inorganic substances. The sCOD to
Reduction rate of flocs’ size ¼ 1   100% ð1Þ TCOD ratio is 3.72%, indicating that a large part of COD in raw DWTS
is associated with the insoluble phase.
A dilution series (103–105) of each DWTS sample is prepared The extent of DWTS disintegration quantified by the release of
by serially transferring a 1 mL portion of raw or sonicated DWTS. sCOD is investigated, as shown in Fig. 2. The sCOD increase repre-
Specifically, 1 mL raw or sonicated DWTS is first added into 9 mL sents sludge disintegration that releases organic matters from
sterile water, and then 1 mL of the 1:10 diluted DWTS sample is sludge flocs to water. For the bath sonoreactor, the release of sCOD
added into another 9 mL sterile water to prepare the 1:100 diluted continuously increases with ultrasonic time, and it exhibits simi-
DWTS sample. Such procedure repeats once or thrice again to make larity at the initial 15 min for the two frequencies, afterwards it
a dilution of 103 or 105. 1 mL of serially diluted sample is trans- boosts and more apparently at 40 kHz than that at 25 kHz. At the
ferred to a plate containing Nutrient Agar medium. Incubation time end of the sonication of 30 min, the release of sCOD is 70.73 and
is 24 h at 35 °C and then counted. The concentration of total coli- 59.67 mg L1 for 40 and 25 kHz, respectively. Comparatively, as
forms is determined by membrane filter technique. Total coliforms to the probe sonoreactor, the release of sCOD slightly differs within
are enumerated after the plates with agar medium are incubated at 20 min ultra-sonication for both frequencies, but it is much higher
37 °C for 48 h. The inactivation efficiency (IE) of total bacteria or at 25 kHz than that at 40 kHz at 30 min. As a whole, the extent of
total coliforms is calculated according to the following Eq. (2). DWTS disruption using bath sonoreactor is greater than the probe
Where N0, Nt is the number of total bacteria or total coliforms one, and 40 kHz with 15 min or more has greater potential than
before and after ultrasonic treatment at time t (min). 25 kHz to solubilize the carbon organics from the DWTS into the
  bulk liquid. Several studies [25–27] have demonstrated that the
IE ¼ 1   100% ð2Þ release of the organics from activated sludge using ultrasound is
mainly attributed to intensive cavitation which results in vigorous
and effective sludge disruption leading to release of intra-cellular
3. Results and discussion materials, and transformation of insoluble particulate organics into
soluble ones. Here these two aspects also play significant role in
3.1. Effect of low energy density of two sonoreactors at frequency of 25 the release of carbon organics from DWTS.
and 40 kHz Generally, the reduction in flocs size of sludge is accompanied
with the release of sCOD [5,13,18]. The relationship of average size
3.1.1. Disintegration and solubilization effect of DWTS flocs and sCOD in the supernatant after ultrasound treat-
As indicated in Table 1, the average TS, VSS and TCOD concentra- ment for two sonoreactors is plotted in Fig. 3. It is found that the
tion of raw DWTS is 1.57 g L1, 0.49 g L1, 307 mg L1 respectively, flocs’ average size of sonicated DWTS is significantly negatively
22 Z. Zhou et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 24 (2015) 19–26

(a) Probe sonoreactor
Energy density:0.03W/mL
70 25C
40C energydensity: 0.03W/mL

Polysaccharide (mg/L)
60 0.7 14


40 12

30 0.5

20 25 kHz-poteins 10
0.4 40 kHz-poteins
10 25 kHz-polysacchdide
40 kHz-polysacchdide
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0.3 8
ultrasonication time(min) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Ultrasonication time(min)
Fig. 2. Effect of frequencies of 25 and 40 kHz of two sonoreactors on the release of
sCOD (energy density: 0.03 W/ml). Note: 25C–25 kHz, bath sonoreactor; 40C–
40 kHz, bath sonoreactor; 25T–25 kHz, probe-type sonoreactor; 40T–40 kHz, 2.0
probe-type sonoreactor. (b)
Bath sonoreactor 20
correlated with corresponding sCOD in the supernatant, suggesting 1.6 Energy density:0.03W/mL
that a greater average size of the flocs varies, a higher released

Polysaccharide (mg/L)
sCOD could be. Moreover, from the slope of the fitting line (3.21
Proteins(mg/L) 18
against 0.89), it can be deduced that the disintegration degree for 1.2
bath sonoreactor is greater than probe one, which is consistent
with the results from Fig. 2. Here under the low energy density
of 0.03 W/ml, the highest reduction rate of average size of soni- 16
cated flocs reaches up 23.32%, 37.69% respectively for bath and 25 kHz-poteins
40 kHz-poteins
probe sonoreactor at 25 kHz with 30 min ultra-sonication.
25 kHz-polysacchdide
Fig. 4 shows the concentration of soluble proteins and polysac- 0.4 40 kHz-polysacchdide 14
charide in the supernatant of DWTS after ultrasound treatment.
The increasing of soluble proteins and polysaccharide represent
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
cell lysis that transfers them into the supernatant. In present study,
the relatively higher polysaccharide concentration indicates that Ultrasonication time(min)
polysaccharide takes up a larger portion of the DWTS organic mat- Fig. 4. Concentration of released proteins and polysaccharide in the supernatant;
ters as compared to proteins. Meanwhile, the very low proteins for probe sonoreactor (a) and bath sonoreactor (b); energy density: 0.03 W/ml;
and polysaccharide content detected in the raw DWTS reflects frequencies: 25 and 40 kHz.
low concentration of extracellular polymeric substances.
extent of polysaccharide at 25 kHz is lower than that at 40 kHz.
As indicated in Fig. 4(a), the release of proteins into supernatant
The opposite trend of proteins and polysaccharide under different
basically continuously increases as the ultra-sonication time is pro-
frequencies is not consistent with the finding of Gallipoli and
longed, which might be due to the release of cell components dur-
Braguglia [28] that the increase of soluble proteins in solution
ing cells lysis. Meanwhile, the release extent at 25 kHz is higher
was significantly higher than that of carbohydrates. The concentra-
than that at 40 kHz. Additionally, the trend of polysaccharide with
tion of released proteins and polysaccharide in bath sonicator is
ultra-sonication time is similar as the proteins, and the release
comparatively displayed in Fig. 4(b). It is found that the concentra-
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 tion of released proteins and polysaccharide increases as the pro-
26 80 longing of the ultra-sonication time. What’s more, the release
extent of both proteins and polysaccharide at 40 kHz is greater than
that at 25 kHz. As compared to the probe sonoreactor, the highest
70 released proteins and polysaccharide can reach up to 1.85 and
20.23 mg L1 from 0.4 and 14.46 mg L1, respectively, indicating
bath sonoreactor has greater capacity to disrupt the raw DWTS

for probe reactor 60

which is well consistent with the findings of Figs. 2 and 3.
22 Y=-0.89X+49.55, Adj. R2=0.91 Additionally, the released proteins and polysaccharide for both
for bath reactor
sonoreactors in this study are very low, which can be explained by
Y=-3.21X+165.46, Adj. R2=1 50
two reasons. Firstly, the low energy density is applied here. Sec-
ondly, DWTS contains mainly of non-degradable substances, i.e.,
20 sand and metal hydroxides that are not easily disrupted, while
the activated sludge is composed mainly of biological solids that
are readily disrupted.
18 30
28 29 30 31 32 33 34
3.1.2. Fluorescence characteristics of solubilized organics
Average size of the flocs(um)
In order to clarify the composition and distribution of released
Fig. 3. Relationship of average size of DWTS flocs and released sCOD in the organics in the supernatant, the fluorescence characteristics are
supernatant for two sonoreactors. analyzed using the bath sonoreactor at 25 and 40 kHz with
Z. Zhou et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 24 (2015) 19–26 23

sonication time of 5, 15 and 30 min as an illustration. The detail 40 kHz is higher than at 25 kHz. Additionally, with comparison of
data can be seen in our former study [6], which also can be found probe sonoreactor, the BET specific surface area of sonicated DWTS
in the supplementary file (Seen in Fig. 1S and Table 1S). There are flocs using bath sonoreactor is lower, responding to the smaller
commonly five key fluorescence peaks referred to as fluorophores average size of flocs and higher DWTS disintegration. The maxi-
A, C, T1, T2 and B in water samples [29–31]. Peak A related to mum BET specific surface area of 113.04 m2/g can be achieved
humic-like substance derived from the breakdown of plant mate- from 80.28 m2/g of raw DWTS under the frequency of 40 kHz with
rial exhibit maximums at emission (Em) wavelength of 420– 30 min ultra-sonication using probe sonoreactor.
450 nm from excitation (Ex) at 230–260 nm. Protein-like fluoro-
phores including tryptophan-like (Peak T) and tyrosine-like (Peak 3.1.4. Microbial inactivation
B) materials are usually detected at enhanced levels in water Fig. 5 presents the inactivation efficiency of total bacteria and
impacted by domestic sewage. Peak T1 which is tryptophan-like total coliforms of two sonoreactors. A higher inactivation efficiency
(protein-like) exhibits a maximum at an Em wavelength of of total bacteria or total coliforms reflects a lower microbial activ-
340 nm from Ex at the 275 nm, while Peak T2-tryptophan-like ity in DWTS. Schläfer et al. [33] assumed that under low energy
(kex/em = 225–237/340–381 nm) is detected [29]. density, the microbial activity might increase since the declumping
In this study, the peaks (A, T1 and T2) distinctly identified are effect was predominant instead of inactivating. As seen in Fig. 5(a),
selected because fluorescence intensity of peaks B and C is rela- for the probe sonoreactor, the inactivation efficiency of total bacte-
tively lower. Briefly, as to the fluorescence spectra of organic mat- ria initially increases, and then reaches a plateau as the increasing
ter in supernatant of raw DWTS, Peak T1, T2 and A is located at Ex/ of ultra-sonication time. While for bath sonoreactor, the inactiva-
Em wavelengths of 280.0/335.0 nm, 235.0/345.0 nm and 255.0/ tion efficiency of total bacteria continuously increases. The highest
425.0 nm, respectively. Fluorescence EEM spectra of organic mat- inactivation efficiency of total bacteria reaches up to 50% with
ter in the supernatant after sonication at 25 or 40 kHz with sonica- 25 kHz and 30 min ultra-sonication of bath sonoreactor. The inac-
tion time of 5, 15 and 30 min are similar to that of raw DWTS tivation efficiency of total coliforms shows the similarity with total
accordingly. The maxima of peak A, T1 and T2 is at the Ex/Em bacteria as the sonication prolongs. The highest inactivation effi-
250.0–255.0/420.0–445.0 nm, 280.0/325.0–335.0 nm and 230.0/ ciency reaches up to 29.4% with 40 kHz and 30 min ultra-sonica-
335.0–340.0 nm, respectively. The fluorescence intensities (Seen tion of bath sonoreactor, which is about 9.4% higher than the
in Table 1S) of the three Peaks of A, T1 and T2 firstly increase findings of Chu et al. [10] who observed that at frequency of
and then decrease with the increase of sonication time at 25 kHz, 20 kHz under ultrasound density of 0.11 W/ml with sonication
while significantly increase as sonication time increases at time within 30 min, the inactivation rate of total coliforms was
40 kHz, indicating that both humic-like and protein-like sub- about 20% in activated sludge. Additionally, it is comparatively
stances are largely released into the supernatant during sonication. found that 25 kHz is better than 40 kHz for inactivating of total
bacteria, which is opposite for total coliforms’ inactivation, and
the bath sonoreactor is uniformly more beneficial to disinfect
3.1.3. pH, zeta potential and BET specific surface area variation of
microorganisms. Moreover, the inactivation efficiency of total col-
DWTS flocs
iforms is much lower than that of total bacteria, suggesting that
The effect of sonication conditions applied here on changes in
inactivation capacity of co-existence of gram-positive and gram-
physicochemical characteristics of DWTS flocs, i.e., pH, zeta poten-
negative bacteria is greater, though total coliforms is relatively less
tial and BET specific surface area is studied, as summarized in
resistant to sonication (as displayed in Table 3).
Table 2. Here the change in pH and zeta potential is very small
under the investigated conditions (seen in Table 2). The 4pH is
3.2. Effect of high energy density using probe sonoreactor at frequency
in the range of 0.19–0.30. The 4zeta potential is in the range of
of 25kHz
1.4 to +2.7 mV. For a given DWTS matrix, after sonication the
flocs are broken, leading to the interior encapsulated hydrolyzates
3.2.1. Reduction in average size of sonicated DWTS flocs and release of
of poly-aluminum chloride or ferric chloride shift to the surface of
the flocs. As a result, the zeta potential of flocs is changed. But
It is stated that sonication density plays a critical role in the dis-
there is no additional coagulant, so the zeta potential cannot signif-
ruption for the formation and behavior of cavitation bubbles, and
icantly vary. The slight variance of pH demonstrates that the DWST
the transient bubbles is regarded as the major contributor [13].
has a strong acid and alkalinity buffering capacity. The zeta poten-
As mentioned in the Section 3.1.1, it is feasible to use the reduction
tial variance indicate that US cannot effectively change the surface
in flocs’ size to assess the disruption of DWTS. The effect of energy
charge of sludge particles, which is well consistent with Chu et al.
density with frequency of 25 kHz using probe sonoreactor on mean
[7] who pointed out that US had no effects on the surface charges
flocs’ size and concentration of released polysaccharide is investi-
of the suspended particles of activated sludge regardless of sonica-
gated. The result is shown in Fig. 5.
tion time under ultrasonic energy of 0.11 and 0.33 W/ml.
It can be seen in Fig. 6 that the average size of the sonicated
According to our recent findings [32], the BET specific surface
DWTS flocs decreases as the ultra-sonication prolongs. The higher
area of flocs can be calculated based on the following Eq. (3).
energy density attributes to a greater reduction in average size. The
Where S is the specific surface area of flocs, j is surface roughness
highest reduction rate of flocs of 42.67% is achieved under the
of flocs, Rpart is the radius of a single floc, q is the density of the
energy density of 5 W/ml with 30 min ultra-sonication. Mean-
flocs. It can be found that specific surface area of flocs is propor-
while, it is also indicated in Fig. 6 that a critical density level exist
tional to the surface roughness and is inversely proportional to
beyond which the flocs can be sufficiently disintegrated. The result
the particle size. Thus, when j is a constant, a larger average size
is not well consistent with the findings of Show et al. [13] that at
of flocs responds to a smaller specific surface area.
the same specific energy of 10 kWh/kg DS (dried solid), the mean
3j particle size of activated sludge could reduce to 9, 13, and 19 lm
S¼ ð3Þ from 49 lm with the density of 0.52, 0.33 and 0.18 W/ml,
Rpart q
respectively. Additionally, the polysaccharide in the supernatant
As indicated in Table 2, the BET specific surface area of soni- of sonicated DWTS continuously increases as the increasing of
cated DWTS flocs for the two sonoreactors gradually increased as ultra-sonication time. At the highest energy density investi-
the increasing of ultra-sonication time, and the improvement at gated (5000 kW/m3), the highest concentration of released
24 Z. Zhou et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 24 (2015) 19–26

Table 2 60
pH, zeta potential and BET specific surface area of DWTS flocs before and after ultra- (a) energydensity: 0.03W/mL
sonication under low energy density of 0.03 W/ml.

Inactivation efficiency (%)

total bacteria
US conditions Characteristics of sonicated DWTS flocs
Frequencies Duration DpHa Dzeta BET specific surface 40 40T
(kHz) (min) potential area (m2/g) 40C
25C 5 0.22 0.5 87.34
10 0.07 0.7 91.53 20
15 0.01 0.3 95.63
20 0.02 0.7 101.34
30 0.02 0.2 100.44
40C 5 0.04 0.5 85.79 0
10 0.15 0.6 91.97
15 0.03 0.3 92.57
20 0.04 1.1 98.33 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
30 0.19 1.1 103.34 Ultrasonication time (min)
25T 5 0.01 0.6 85.76
10 0.03 0.7 91.09
15 0.03 0.6 99.68 30 (b) energydensity: 0.03W/mL
20 0.02 0.8 98.36 total coliforms

Inactivation efficiency (%)

30 0.05 1.3 107.44 25T
40T 5 0.22 1.4 87.36 25C
10 0.28 0.3 96.25 20 40T
15 0.30 2.7 102.57 40C
20 0.22 0.3 108.33
30 0.29 0.9 113.04

The pH, zeta potential and BET specific surface area of raw DWTS flocs is 7.60, 10
15.7 mV and 80.28 m2/g, respectively.
DpH = pHt  pH0;
Dzeta potential = zeta potentialt  zeta potential0.

polysaccharide reaches up to 23.61 mg/L, as compare to13.42 mg/L 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

with 30 kW/m3. As reported by Lehne et al. [34], 3000 kJ kg1 TS Ultrasonication time (min)
were required for floc size reduction and decreased the median
Fig. 5. Inactivation efficiency of total bacteria (a); and total coliforms (b) (Concen-
size of the particles down to 10–15 lm, and with a higher amount trations of total bacteria and total coliforms in raw DWTS is 6.5  104 CFU/mL, and
of specific energy (from 3000 to 100000 kJkg1 TS) a further sludge 800,000 total coliforms/100 mL, respectively). Note: 25C–25 kHz, bath sonoreactor;
disintegration could be achieved with the particle size as small as 40C–40 kHz, bath sonoreactor; 25T–25 kHz, probe-type sonoreactor; 40T–40 kHz,
5 lm. In his study, the maximum specific energy investigated for 1, probe-type sonoreactor.
3 and 5 W/ml is 4000, 12,000 and 20,000 kJ kg1 TS, respectively.
Thus, the DWTS flocs can be effectively disintegrated with the
highest energy density of 5 W/ml, accompanying the most releas- shorter ultra-sonication time can achieve a larger BET specific sur-
ing of polysaccharide. face area at higher energy densities. The results can be explained
that at higher energy density, i.e., 5 W/ml, the largely released
3.2.2. pH, zeta potential and BET specific surface area variations of polysaccharide (in Fig. 6) has greater stickiness that bonds the dis-
DWTS flocs rupted flocs together. The faster increasing of aggregations mass
The effect of energy density using probe sonoreactor with 5, 15 surpassed the increasing of aggregations’ area, leading to a decline
and 30 min ultra-sonication on the pH, zeta potential and BET spe- of BET specific surface area.
cific surface area of sonicated DWTS is also investigated. Here the
change in pH and zeta potential is very small. The 4pH and 4zeta 3.2.3. Microbial inactivation
potential is in the range of 0.13 to 0.38, 2.7 to 1.6 mV, respec- As indicated in Fig. 7 that the inactivation efficiency of the total
tively, which indicates that the high energy densities also play no bacteria initially increases, and then reaches a plateau as the
significant effect on pH and surface charge of sonicated DWTS. increasing of ultra-sonication time for all cases of energy density
Interestingly, the BET specific surface area of sonicated DWTS flocs ranging from 0.03 to 5 W/ml. Additionally, the ultra-sonication
increases as the duration prolongs at relatively lower energy den- time that the inactivation efficiency reaches the plateau under
sity (1 W/ml), while it decreases as the increasing of ultra-sonica- the highest energy density (5 W/ml) is much less than the lower
tion time at higher energy densities of 3 and 5 W/ml. From the Eq. ones (0.03, 1 and 3 W/ml). The inactivation efficiency under rela-
(3), it is known that the BET specific surface area is proportional to tively higher energy density is higher than that of the lower ones.
the surface roughness of the flocs, and is inversely proportional to The results indicate that shorter sonication time (5 min) with
the particle size. At relatively higher energy density (3 and 5 W/ higher (3 and 5 W/ml) energy density plays a more effective role
ml), the surface roughness of the flocs firstly increases and then in controlling the microbial activity than longer sonication time
decreases after a long exposure to sonication, which is confirmed (20 min or more) with lower energy density(0.03 and 1 W/ml).
by the scanning electron microscope of flocs in our former study
[32]. At the same time, the flocs size continuously decreases and 3.3. Specific energy analysis
the reduction rate becomes slower at later stage of the sonication.
Consequently, the BET specific surface area of sonicated DWTS The specific energy is widely used to reflect the energy con-
flocs reaches a peak value, and then decreases. Additionally, a sumption and required electricity cost during ultra-sonication.
Z. Zhou et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 24 (2015) 19–26 25

Table 3
pH, zeta potential and BET specific surface area of DWTS flocs with 5, 15 and 30 min ultra-sonication.

Duration (min) Energy density (W/ml) DpH 4zeta potential (mV) BET specific surface area (m2/g)
5 1 0.19 1.6 93.16
15 0.23 0.6 96.55
30 0.38 1.6 105.77
5 3 0.23 0.4 96.76
15 0.14 2.7 90.42
30 0.18 0.1 85.24
5 5 0.24 1.0 100.31
15 0.14 0.7 86.39
30 0.13 0.4 87.63

Note: The pH, zeta potential and BET specific surface area of raw DWTS flocs was the same as in Table 2.

250 W, as well as the initial raw DWTS volume of 50 mL. Based

26 1 24
on the experimental results above, as it is expected. The most vig-
3 W/ml 25kHZ
5 orous DWTS disintegration quantified by particles’ size reduction
24 22
and organic solubilization is achieved with 5 W/ml for 30 min

ultra-sonication, responding to the specific energy of 1590 kWh/
Average size(um)

22 kg TS. Considering the DWTS disintegration and bacteria inactiva-
18 tion together, the low specific energy input using bath sonoreactor
20 is recommended in the future work to clarify the feasibility of
16 using ultrasound as pretreatment of sludge recycling process for
18 ballast flocculation of low-turbidity water.
12 4. Conclusions
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 In this paper, the frequency at 25 and 40 kHz of a bath and a
probe sonoreactor under low energy density of 0.03 W/ml on the
Ultrasonication time (min)
physical, chemical and biological characterization of a DWTS is
Fig. 6. Effect of energy density on flocs’ average size and concentration of examined. The energy densities (1, 3 and 5 W/ml) of the probe
polysaccharide in the supernatant of sonicated DWTS. sonoreactor with frequency of 25 kHz on the characteristics vari-
ance of DWTS are also investigated. The main conclusions can be
drawn as follows:

0.03 (1) With energy density as low as 0.03 W/ml, DWTS is limitedly
100 25 kHz
1 disrupted quantified by the release of sCOD, proteins and
3 W/mL
polysaccharide, as well as reduction rate of sonicated DWTS
Inactivation efficiency (%)

80 flocs. From the perspective of disintegration degree and
microbial activity, the bath sonoreactor shows a little supe-
60 riority than the probe one, and 25 kHz displays nearly equal
behavior as 40 kHz does.
40 (2) The solubilized organics are mainly humic-like and protein-
like substances. The flocs’ average size of sonicated DWTS is
20 significantly negatively correlated with released sCOD.
(3) The highest reduction rate (42.67%) of sonicated DWTS flocs
is achieved with energy density of 5 W/ml for 30 min ultra-
0 sonication, responding to the maximum released polysac-
charide of 23.61 mg/L compared to13.42 mg/L of 0.03 W/ml.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
(4) The pH and zeta potential of sonicated DWTS slightly varies,
Ultrasonication time (min)
even the energy density is as high as 5 W/ml. The BET spe-
Fig. 7. Effect of energy density on total bacteria inactivation efficiency (Mean cific surface area moderately increases as the ultra-sonica-
concentrations of total bacteria in raw DWTS is 5.0  105 CFU/mL). tion prolongs at relatively lower energy density (0.03 and
1 W/ml), while it decreases with the increasing of ultra-son-
ication time at higher energy densities of 3 and 5 W/ml.
For the bath sonoreactor, the specific energy applied is approxi- (5) The inactivation efficiency of total coliforms is much lower
mately in the range of 1.61–10.06 kWh/kg TS, with the conditions than that of total bacteria with 0.03 W/ml. The highest inac-
of 450 W of energy input, 5–30 min of ultra-sonication time, 15 L tivation efficiency of total bacteria of 81.25% can be obtained
of initial volume of DWTS sample and 250 mL of successional sam- with 5 W/ml for 5 min ultra-sonication using probe sonore-
pling volume respectively, as well as 1.57 g/L of mean TS concen- actor, suggesting a shorter sonication time with higher
tration of raw DWTS. As to the probe sonoreactor, the highest energy density plays a more effective role in controlling
specific energy is approximately 1590 kWh/kg TS, with the longest the microbial activity than longer sonication time with
ultra-sonication time of 30 min and the highest energy input of lower energy density.
26 Z. Zhou et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 24 (2015) 19–26

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