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Combined science
Term 1

Name and Surname

Centre Number Date

ZA331 15 March 2024

Page Marks
Section A
60 minutes
Section B
Additional materials: 30

- Multiple Choice Answer Sheet

Soft clean eraser
Soft pencil (type B or HB is recommended)
Total 50

Write in soft pencil.

Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.
Write your name, Centre number and candidate number on the Answer Sheet in the spaces provided
unless this has been done for you.

Read the instructions on the Answer Sheet very carefully.

Each correct answer will score one mark. A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer.
Any rough working should be done in this booklet.
A copy of the Periodic Table is printed on page 16.
Electronic calculators may be used.

RUIMSIG ACADEMY is a registered Cambridge International School 1

[Turn over
Centre Number ZA331
Multiple Choice

A reproduction, nutrition, growth and sensitivity

B respiration, nutrition, digestion and photosynthesis

C respiration, nutrition, digestion and transpiration

D sensitivity, respiration, growth and photosynthesis

2 What causes oxygen to diffuse into the blood from an alveolus in the lungs?

A The oxygen concentration in the alveolus is higher than in the atmosphere.

B The oxygen concentration in the alveolus is lower than in the blood.

C The oxygen concentration in the atmosphere is higher than the carbon dioxide concentration.

D The oxygen concentration in the blood is lower than in the alveolus.

3 Which equation represents aerobic respiration?

A carbon dioxide + glucose → oxygen + water

B carbon dioxide + water → glucose + oxygen

C glucose + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water

D glucose + water → carbon dioxide + oxygen

4 The diagram represents an atom.

p proton
p p p p e
n n n n neutron
n n e electron

What is the nucleon number of this atom?

A 2 B 4 C 9 D 13
5 A solar panel is used to heat water. The hot water is then stored in a water tank. Water stored in
the water tank is returned to the solar panel for further heating when the water cools. There is no

pump to move the hot water to the water tank and the cooler water back to the panel.

Which arrangement enables the hot water from the solar panel to move freely to the water tank

and the cooler water to return to the solar panel?


water water
tank tank

solar solar
panel panel


solar solar
panel panel

water water
BELOW tank tank
6 The diagram shows a ray of light passing from air into glass.

ray of light

w air
y glass

Which labelled angles are the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction?

angle of angle of

incidence refraction

A w y

B w z

C x y

D x z


7 Which statements about elements in Group I of the Periodic Table are correct?

1 They become less reactive going down the group.

2 Sodium forms positive ions more easily than lithium.
3 Their melting points increase going down the group.
4 Rubidium is more dense than sodium.

A 1 and 2 B 1 and 3 C 2 and 4 D 3 and 4

8 Which statement about noble gases is correct?

A Argon is used in lamps because it gives out a bright light when it is heated.
B Helium is used to fill balloons because it is more dense than air.
C Krypton forms diatomic molecules because it is an unreactive gas.
D Neon is unreactive because it has a full outer shell of electrons.
9 Iodine is a non-metal.

It is a solid at room temperature.

What is a property of iodine?

A It can be stretched into a wire.

B It is brittle.
C It is a good conductor of electricity.
D It is a good conductor of heat.

10 The atomic number of argon is 18.

The mass number of argon is 40.

How many protons, neutrons and electrons are in an argon atom?

protons neutrons electrons

A 18 22 18
B 18 22 22
C 22 18 18
D 22 18 22

11 Which dot-and-cross diagram represents the bonding in nitrogen?



12 Which row describes an element and a compound?

element compound
A contains more than contains elements
one type of atom chemically combined
B contains more than contains elements
one type of atom mixed together

C contains only one contains elements

type of atom chemically combined

D contains only one contains elements

type of atom mixed together
13 Potassium chloride is a solid.

Hydrogen chloride is a gas.

Which statement explains why potassium chloride has a much higher boiling point than
hydrogen chloride?

A Covalent bonding is stronger than ionic bonding.

B Covalent bonds are stronger than the attractive forces between molecules.
C Ionic bonding is stronger than covalent bonding.
D Ionic bonds are stronger than the attractive forces between molecules.

14 A measuring cylinder contains 20 cm3 of oil. The measuring cylinder is placed on a balance and
the reading on the balance is 100 g.

Extra oil is added to the measuring cylinder. The volume increases to 70 cm3 and the reading on
the balance increases to 140 g.

measuring 70 cm3

20 cm3 oil

100 140 g

before extra oil is added after extra oil is added

What is the density of the oil?

A 0.50 g / cm3 B 0.80 g / cm3 C 1.25 g / cm3 D 2.00 g / cm3

15 A farmer chops down a tree to provide firewood. He gets warm when chopping down the tree.
The farmer then burns the wood to keep warm.

What is the original source of the energy that warms the farmer in both cases?

A photosynthesis by the tree growing the wood

B respiration
C the match used to light the fire
D the Sun
16 A metal bar is heated at one end.

metal bar

What is the main method by which thermal energy reaches the other end of the bar?

A Free electrons at the heated end gain kinetic energy and move along the bar.
B Free electrons at the heated end move apart and set up a convection current along the bar.
C Molecules at the heated end gain kinetic energy and move along the bar.
D Molecules at the heated end move apart and set up a convection current along the bar.

17 How is thermal energy transferred from the Sun to the Earth through the vacuum of space?

A by conduction, convection and radiation

B by conduction
only C by convection
only D by radiation

18 Which graph shows the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis?


rate of rate of
photosynthesis photosynthesis

0 0
0 light intensity 0 light intensity


rate of rate of
photosynthesis photosynthesis

0 0
0 light intensity 0 light intensity
19 Which statement describes oxygen molecules at room temperature and pressure?

A They are closely packed and move around slowly.

B They are closely packed and vibrate about a fixed point.
C They are loosely packed and move around rapidly.
D They are loosely packed and vibrate about a fixed point.

20 Which statement about the compound formed between a metal and a non-metal is correct?

A It forms strong bonds by sharing electrons.

B It has strong bonds between its atoms.
C It has strong bonds between metal ions and delocalised electrons.
D It has strong bonds between oppositely charged ions.
Structured Questions

21 Carbon and oxygen are two elements in Period 2 of the Periodic Table.

proton number
6 8
C 0
carbon oxyge
nuc eon ) 12 n
(mass number

(a) Complete Table 21.1 to show the numbers of neutrons, protons and electrons in an atom of
carbon and in an atom of oxygen.

Table 21.1

number of neutrons number of protons number of electrons




(b) Explain why carbon is in Group IV of the Periodic Table and why oxygen is in Group VI. Use
ideas about electron arrangement in your answer.


............................................................................................................................................. [1]
(c) One carbon atom and two oxygen atoms combine together to make carbon dioxide.

Complete the dot-and-cross diagram to show all outer shell electrons in a molecule of carbon

0 C 0


22 Sodium is an element in Group I of the Periodic Table.

A small piece of sodium is added to water containing Universal Indicator solution, as shown in
Fig. 22.1.

small piece of sodium

water containing Universal Indicator solution

Fig. 22.1

The experiment is repeated using lithium and then repeated using potassium.

(a) The temperature of the water increases during all three of these reactions.

Explain this observation.


............................................................................................................................................. [1]
23 (a A teacher places the first three metals of Group I in the Periodic Table into separate beakers
of water. This is shown in Fig. 231.


beaker A beaker B beaker C

Fig. 23.1

The three pieces of metal are the same size.

A student records her observations in Table 23.1.

Table 23.1

time for metal

beaker the metal floats the metal melts to fully react in flames are seen

A yes yes 15 yes

B yes no 60 no

C yes yes 40 no

(i) Use the information in Table 2.1 to identify the three metals in beakers A, B and C.

beaker A ............................................................................................................................

beaker B ............................................................................................................................

beaker C ............................................................................................................................

(ii) Complete the sentences about the reaction in beaker A using suitable words or phrases.

The temperature in the beaker increases because this is an

........................................................ reaction.

During this is changed into

(iii) The fourth metal in Group I is rubidium, Rb.

The student observes the reaction between a piece of rubidium and water. The piece of
rubidium is the same size as the other metals.

Suggest how long it takes for the piece of rubidium to react completely.

.................. seconds [1]

24 (a) Fig. 3.1 shows an aircraft flying at a constant height and constant speed above the Earth’s
surface. The arrows labelled A, B, C and D show the forces acting on the aircraft.


Fig. 24.1

(i) State which letter, A, B, C or D, corresponds to:

1. frictional force, ...................

2. lifting force. ...................


(ii) Force D is measured and found to be 500 000 N.

State whether force B is 500 000 N or has a different value.

Give a reason for your answer.


...................................................................................................................................... [1]
25 An aircraft is flying at a height of 10 000 m. Outside the aircraft the temperature is −55 °C, but
inside the aircraft the air temperature is kept at 21 °C.

(a) (i) State the main method of thermal energy transfer from air inside the aircraft to the air

...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Describe in terms of molecular motion how thermal energy is lost from air inside the
aircraft to the air outside.




...................................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) Inside the aircraft’s jet engines, the temperature reaches 1700 °C as the jet fuel burns.
The combustion of the fuel forms exhaust gases containing carbon dioxide and water

(i) State which of the diagrams in Fig. 25.1, X, Y or Z, shows the arrangement of
these molecules as they are formed in the engine.
Give a reason for your answer.

X y z

Fig. 25.1

diagram ..............

reason ...............................................................................................................................


(ii) Suggest how the motion of the water molecules formed in the jet engines differs from
the motion of water molecules in a glass of water inside the aircraft.

Give a reason for your answer.



...................................................................................................................................... [2]
(a An atom of element X is in Group VI of the Periodic Table.

(i) State the number of outer-shell electrons in an atom of X.

.................. [1]

(ii) State whether element X is a metal or a non-metal.

Suggest one physical property of element X.

metal or non-metal ............................................................................................................

physical property ...............................................................................................................


(b) Chlorine, Cl, is in Group VII of the Periodic Table.

(i) Complete Fig. 27.1 to show the electronic structure of an atom of

chlorine. Use the Periodic Table on page 20.

Fig. 27.1

(ii) Draw a dot-and-cross diagram to show all of the outer-shell electrons in a molecule of
chlorine, Cl2.

Cl Cl

(c) Chlorine reacts with sodium to form a compound.

(i) State the type of chemical bond in this compound.

...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Describe what happens to sodium atoms and to chlorine atoms when they react
together to form this compound.

Use ideas about electrons in your answer.

sodium atoms ....................................................................................................................

chlorine atoms ...................................................................................................................


(d) Noble gases are unreactive.

Explain this observation using ideas about the electronic structure of noble gas atoms.


.............................................................................................................................................. [1]
(a Table 5.1 shows the melting points of some Group I elements.

Table 28.1

chemical symbol melting point /

Li 181
Na 98
Rb 39
Cs 28

(i) Suggest the melting point of potassium.

.............................................. °C [1]

(ii) Potassium reacts rapidly with water.

Compare the reactivity of rubidium with the reactivity of potassium.


..................................................................................................................................... [1]

Achievement is largely the product of steadily raising one's levels of

aspiration . . and expectation.
- Jack Niklaus

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