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No Advantages Disadvantages

1. Plastic is a lightweight material. A non-renewable resource is viewed as pla

2. Plastic has high adhesive strength and is very Plastics are flammable.
water resistant.

3. They have excellent finishing and may be easily Plastic is a soft material.

4. Plastic does not disintegrate and must be The recycling procedure is quite expensive

5. They have a high capability for shock Low temperatures cause embrittlement in

6. They are incredibly hardy and robust. Cancer is caused by plastic.

7. Corrosion cannot affect plastic since it is Plastics distort when subjected to load.
chemically inert.

8. Plastic has strong thermal and electrical Plastics have poor flexibility and low heat r
insulating characteristics due to its low thermal
expansion coefficient.

9. Plastic is a low-cost material to manufacture. Toxic gasses are produced when plastics ar

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