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Primary 3 Science

Chapter 2

Name : Date :

Class :

Section A: Multiple Choice

For each question, four options are given. Choose the best answer and write down
your choice 1, 2, 3 or 4 in the brackets provided.

1. Study the diagram below.

Four children A, B, C and D commented on the diagram above.

Which child, A, B, C or D is correct?

(1) A
(2) B
(3) C
(4) D
( )

2. Sue conducted an experiment with three similar plants, A, B and C. She cut off all the
leaves from plant A and only some leaves from plant B. No leaves were cut from plant C.

Sue then placed each plant in a container with 300 ml of water. The plants were
placed at the same location. A layer of oil was added to prevent water loss to the
surrounding air.
Sue recorded the amount of water left in each container the next day.

Plant Amount of water left in the container after one day (ml)
A 250
B 180
C 100

The aim of the experiment is to find out if

(1) the roots of the plant absorb water.
(2) the stem of the plant absorbs water.
(3) the type of plant affects the amount of water taken in by the plant.
(4) the number of leaves affect the amount of water taken in by the plant.
( )

3. Study the four set-ups below.

Which two set-ups should be used to find out if the presence of roots affects the
growth of the plant?
(1) A and B
(2) A and C
(3) B and D
(4) C and D
( )
4. Joe carried out an experiment using two set-ups, A and B, as shown below. The
plants used in the set-ups were similar and 20 ml of water was added to each test
tube. Joe recorded the amount of water left in each test tube after three days.

Which of the followings correctly shows the amount of water left in each test tube
after three days?
Amount of water left in test tube (ml)
(1) 19 20
(2) 19 14
(3) 14 20
(4) 0 0
( )

Section B: Structured Questions
Read the questions carefully and write your answer in the spaces provided.

5. Sue wanted to find out if plants need sunlight to grow. She prepared 4 set-ups as
shown below. She used the same type of plant and soil for each set-up.

a) Which two set-ups should Sue chose in order to achieve her aim and ensure a
fair test?
Set-ups and

b) Explain your answer in a).

6. Sue poured equal amount of water into two identical beakers, G and H. She placed
a plant in H as shown below. Oil prevents the water in the beakers from drying up.

She left the beakers by the window for one week.

(a) Write ‘G’ and ‘H’, in the boxes in the table below to match the beakers with the
reading given.
Beaker Amount of water at the start Amount of water after one
(ml) week (ml)

500 410

500 500

Sue then put H into a black box as shown below.

(b) After another week, the plant died. Explain why.

7. A group of students wants to know about the effect of fertilisers on plant growth. Here

are the steps:

• Prepare five pots filled with soil.

• Put one seed into each pot.

• Add a different amount of fertiliser to each pot.

• Water the plants every day.

• Measure the height of the plants every day for two weeks.

(a) Mention two things they should do to make this experiment fair.

(b) Predict which part of plant will grow first.

The table below shows the result of their observation after two weeks.

plant A B C D E

amount of fertilisers in grams 2 4 6 8 10

plants height in cm 23 40 50 35 10

(c) Use the data from the table to complete the bar graph below.

Plant height in cm

25 23

Amount of fertiliser in grams
Plant A Plant B Plant C Plant D Plant E

(d) What conclusion can you draw from this observation?

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