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Question 1

Which form of expert judgment is associated with the Develop Project Charter process?
Correct Answer: A
The question is asking for the form of expert judgment that might be beneficial in the development of the project charter. All of the answer choices describe forms of expert judgment.
However, only technical knowledge of the industry and focus area of the project is relevant to the Develop Project Charter process. All of the incorrect answer choices describe forms of
expert judgment for use in other project management processes. Therefore, of the available options. interviewing someone with technical knowledge of the product to be developed is
the best answer to the question asked.
Details for Each Option:
A Interview someone with technical knowledge of the product to be developed
Correct. This answer choice best describes expert judgment in technical knowledge of the industry and focus area of the project. This form of expert judgment may be beneficial in the
creation of the project charter.
B Speak with someone who specializes in the project scheduling Software
İncorrect. The project charter may include a summary milestone schedule but not at the level of detail that is provided by project scheduling Software. This form of expert judgment may
be necessary during the Develop Schedule process, but not the Develop Project Charter process.
C Meet with a group of quality assurance experts
İncorrect. A meeting with a group of quality assurance experts may be beneficial in the development of the quality management plan. However, the quality management plan is not
created until later in the project during project planning.
D Talk with the individual in charge of the organization's Communications technology
İncorrect. Expert judgment in the organization's Communications technologies may be useful in the development of the Communications management plan, but this level of detail is not
necessary for the creation of the project charter.

Reference Slide: Lecture 2, page 8

Question 2
İn addition to establishing the roles and responsibilities of the change control board (CCB). what else does the change management plan provide?
Correct Answer: C
The change management plan is created as part of the Develop Project Management Plan process. While a change management plan may not even be used for agile projects, it is a
critical component when utilizing a traditional waterfall framework. The purpose of a change management plan is that it provides direction for managing the change control process and
documents the roles and responsibilities of the change control board (CCB).
Details for Each Option:
A To avoid gold plating by developers during project execution
Incorrect. Gold plating can be described as the addition of features or functionality that is not included in the project scope without following the established change control process. For
example, a Software developer might create additional functionality that was not requested by the customer but which the developer believes would provide extra benefit to the
customer. Gold plating can occur on a project with or without a change management plan because the developer, in this example, does not even submit a change request to add the
functionality. Since gold plating occurs outside of the change control process, a change management plan is not likely to prevent gold plating.
B To prevent changes from occurring on the project
Incorrect. One purpose of a change management plan is to prevent 'unnecessary' changes from occurring on the project. İt is not realistic, or in the best interest of the project, to try and
prevent any changes from occurring on projects.
C To provide direction for managing the change control process
Correct. The change management plan provides the direction for managing the change control process and documents the roles and responsibilities of the change control board (CCB).
D To streamline the approval of ail change requests
Incorrect. Effective change control on projects means avoiding unnecessary changes to projects. Some change requests may be denied or deferred in the best interest of achieving the
project objectives. Approving all changes requests does not represent an effective change control system.

Reference Slide: Lecture 2, page 26

Question 3
Scope should be compared with one of these documents to determine if all of the project objectives have been met.
Correct Answer: A
The question States you are carrying out the Close Project or Phase process. All of the answer choices describe inputs to this process. However, only the project management plan contains the three
baselines (scope, schedule, cost) against which project performance is measured. The project management plan, including its subsidiary plans and the baselines, are updated throughout the project to
include the latest understanding of project objectives and project approval requirements. Therefore, among the choices provided, to make sure that the project objectives are met before considering
the project closed, you should review the project management plan.
Details for Each Option:
A Project management plan
Correct. The project management plan is the document that describes how the project will be executed, monitored and controlled, and closed. The project management plan includes all the subsidiary
management plans and baselines for the project that covers all the Information needed for the project manager to determine whether the project has met its objectives and can be closed, making this
choice the best answer to the question asked.
B Requirements documentation
Incorrect. Requirements documentation describes how individua! requirements meet the business need for the project. Requirement documentation does not contain project objectives.
C Physical resource assignments
Incorrect. Physical resource assignments are project documents that contain Information about the material, equipment, supplies. locations, and other physical resources that will be used during the
project. Physical resource assignments are not inputs of the Close Project or Phase process nor are they used to understand whether the project objectives are met before considering the project
D Summary of the kick-off meeting
Incorrect. The purpose of the kick-off meeting is to communicate the objectives of the project, gain the commitment of the team for the project, and explain the roles and responsibilities of each
stakeholder. The summary of this meeting does not document the criteria against which the project performance is measured, and it does not contain a determination of whether project objectives are

Reference Slide: Lecture 2, page 54

Question 4
The daily standup meeting is a very narrowly focused and timeboxed event.
Correct Answer: D
İn the scenario, a conflict that has occurred during a daily standup meeting has created an impediment as two project team members will be idled until a resolution can be reached. The fact that work
has been decomposed into a work breakdown structure (WBS) and the team is holding daily standup meetings, implies that this project has a hybrid lifecycle. The daily standup is a very narrowly focused
and timeboxed meeting. One of its objectives is to surface issues that cause an impediment to the project team's progress. However, resolutions of the impediments are not typically discussed at the
daily standups. The project manager should capture the impediment (issue) in the issue log so that it can be assigned and tracked to a resolution.
Note that an issue log may or may not be used for agile projects. However, under the circumstances described in the scenario, which implies the project is carried out using a hybrid approach, capturing
the impediment in the issue log is the most appropriate action, given the choices provided.
Details for Each Option:
A Review the requirements documentation
Incorrect. The requirements documentation will likely be helpful in solving the issue. However, a daily standup is a meeting where issues may be surfaced but is not an appropriate venue to solve them.
B Refer to the requirements traceability matrix
Incorrect. The requirements traceability matrix might provide some useful Information to identify the source of the requirements. However, the daily standup is a very narrowly focused meeting that is
typically time-boxed to 15 minutes. This meeting would not be a suitable time to attempt to resolve the issue.
C Perform the Validate Scope process
Incorrect. Deliverables are accepted as part of the Validate Scope process, but they should first be verified before seeking formal acceptance. A daily standup meeting is not used to perform the Validate
Scope process. This meeting is a short timeboxed event used by project teams to quickly update on progress, plan work for the day, and report impediments.
D Record the impediment in the issue log
Correct. The issue that has surfaced should be recorded in the issue log, so it can be assigned and tracked to resolution. it would not be appropriate to attempt to resolve the issue during the daily
standup, which is intended for the team members to update on their work progress quickly, plan work for the day, and report impediments, if any.

Reference Slide: Lecture 2, page 31 and 32

Question 5
What should be done with an approved change request?
Correct Answer: D
The question suggests that the Direct and Manage Project Work process is being carried out. Approved change requests are one of the inputs to that process. The project manager has
received an approved change request. İt is now her responsibility to ensure the approved change request is implemented as specified. Since the change request calls for the replacement
of the defective unit, the next step for the project manager is to have the defective unit replaced.
Details for Each Option:
A Capture the problem in the issue log
Incorrect. An issue log is a project document where Information about project issues is recorded and monitored. The issue log is updated with the status and final solution, but a
description of the problem would have been captured at the time the issue occurred rather than when the remedy is implemented.
B Meet with the change control board
Incorrect. The change control board (CCB) is responsible for reviewing and rendering a decision on change requests. The question indicates that the project manager received an
approved change request. so, a decision has already been made. Therefore. meeting with the CCB is not required. Additionally, it is not clear what is the purpose of meeting with the CCB.
C Have the defective unit repaired
Incorrect. Alternatives for resolving the issue would have been analyzed during the Perform Integrated Change Control process when the change request was originally submitted. The
decision was made to approve the change request to replace rather than repair the defective unit.
D Have the defective unit replaced
Correct. The project manager has received an approved change request. it is now her responsibility to ensure that the approved change request is implemented as specified by replacing
the defective unit.

Reference Slide: Lecture 2, page 51

Question 6
İs your project formally complete when all planned work is done, and the customer is satisfied?
Correct Answer: B
The question does not say that the project is complete. Rather, it says: "All planned work on your project has been completed." The project is formally complete only when all actions
and activities listed in the Close Project or Phase process are completed. The closing actions and activities include: obtaining final acceptance of the project deliverables, obtaining
financial, legal, and administrative closure, communicating the final project report to the stakeholders, collating lessons learned that were documented throughout the project, archiving
project documents, and transferring the ownership of the project deliverables to the customer or the assigned stakeholders in accordance with the project management plan.
Details for Each Option:
A Nothing. The project is complete.
Incorrect. Just because all the planned work on the project has been completed, and the customer has approved the deliverables does not mean the project is complete. The project is
complete only when all closing activities are completed.
B Transfer the product to the customer
Correct. The project is complete only when all closing activities are completed. One of the activities that should be performed as part of the Close Project or Phase process is a transition
of the ownership of deliverables to the customer or the assigned stakeholders in accordance with the project management plan to facilitate the formal project closure.
C Take the team to a celebration party
Incorrect. While there is nothing wrong with taking the project team to a celebration party after all planned work is done, there is another answer choice which better addresses the
question asked.
D Perform the procurement audit

Incorrect. There is no Information in the question to determine if the project involved any procurements.

Reference Slide: Lecture 2, page 55

Question 7
Which baselines might be impacted by implementing the requested change?
Correct Answer: C
The question States that a change has been requested which will not affect the required resources or project costs. However. these are not the only project constraints which must first be evaluated
when a change is requested. Change requests that have an impact on the project baselines should normally include Information about the cost of implementing the change, modifications in the scheduled
dates, resource requirements, and risks. Even though the question indicates that cost and resource requirements will not be affected by implementing the change request, the request should still be
documented and evaluated against all of the other project constraints. For example, implementing the change may delay the project and impact the schedule baseline. The full impact of implementing a
change request must be fully understood before the CCB can render an informed decision. Therefore, of the available choices, the project manager should next evaluate the change request against other
project constraints.
Details for Each Option:
A Ask the project sponsor to approve the implementation of the change
İncorrect. The question States that a change control board (CCB) has been authorized for the project. The project sponsor may or may not be a member of the CCB. Even if the project sponsor is a
member of the CCB. the entire board must approve the change and not just the project sponsor. Additionally, there is another activity which should be performed before the change request is submitted
for approval.
B Request the change control board (CCB) to approve the change incorrect. Although the CCB has been authorized to approve change requests in this scenario, the change request should be evaluated
against all other project constraints first. The full impact of the change must be understood before the CCB can render a decision.
C Submit the change request and evaluate it against other project constraints
Correct. Change requests that have an impact on the project baselines should normally include Information about the cost of implementing the change. modifications in the scheduled dates, resource
requirements, and risks. Even though the question indicates that cost and resource requirements will not be affected by implementing the change request, the request should still be submitted and
evaluated against all of the other project constraints.
D Implement the change as requested by the customer
İncorrect. Changes should first be documented (by filling out a forma! change request form), then evaluated for their impact on all project constraints. and, finally, submitted to the CCB for approval. Only
approved changes can be implemented.

Reference Slide: Lecture 2, page 51

Question 8
Which of the choices describes an item available during project initiation?
Correct Answer: B
The project business documents include the business case and benefits management plan which are created as part of pre-project work. The business case is a documented economic feasibility study
used to establish the validity of the benefits of a selected component lacking sufficient definition, and that is used as a basis for the authorization of further project management activities. The benefits
management plan is the documented explanation defining the processes for creating, maximizing. and sustaining the benefits provided by a project. These documents will contain the relevant
Information which can be used in preparation for the meeting described by the question. Additionally, with the project in the initiation stage, items described in the other answer choices are not yet
available to be used as a source of Information. Note that the project charter and stakeholder register are created during project initiation. The question does not State whether or not these documents
have already been produced, but they would also provide relevant Information for the meeting If they are available. However, the project charter and stakeholder register were not listed as answer
Details for Each Option:
A Review the project management plan
Incorrect The question States that the project is in the initiation stage The project management plan is not developed until project planning Therefore. there is no project management plan at this point
in the project.
B Examine the project business documents
Correct The project business documents include the business case and benefits management plan which are created as part of pre-project work. These documents will contain the relevant Information
which can be used in preparation for the meeting described by the question.
C Read the stakeholder engagement plan
Incorrect. The stakeholder engagement plan is a component of the project management plan. The question States that the project is still in the initiation stage. and the stakeholder engagement plan is
not developed until later in the project as part of project planning.
D Study the project alignment plan
Incorrect 'Project alignment plan' is a fake term made up for this question.

Reference Slide: Lecture 1, page 43

Question 9
The project manager is drafting the project charter.
Correct Answer: B
The question implies that the project manager is drafting the project charter, the document which formally authorizes the existence of a project. Data gathering techniques that may be useful in
the Develop Project Charter process include brainstorming, focus groups, and interviews. Interviews may help obtain information on high-level requirements, assumptions or constraints, approval
criteria, and other information from stakeholders by talking to them directly, in a one-on-one setting. Since the question describes private discussions as the most appropriate approach, of the
available options, scheduling an interview with each of the relevant stakeholders provides the best approach.
Details for Each Option:
A Conduct a small focus group
Incorrect. Focus groups bring stakeholders together in a group setting to gather information more conversationally. However, the question indicates that the discussions should be held privately
rather than a group setting.
B Schedule an interview with each of the relevant stakeholders
Correct. İnterviews are used in the Develop Project Charter process to obtain information on high-level requirements, assumptions or constraints, approval criteria, and other information from
stakeholders by talking to them directly.
C Facilitate a brainstorming session
Incorrect. Brainstorming is a data gathering technique which is conducted in a group environment. However, the question States that the stakeholders will speak more candidly if the discussions
are conducted privately. Therefore. gathering information in a group setting is not the best approach in the scenario described.
D Ask each of the key stakeholders to complete a survey
Incorrect. A survey may or may not be structured to maintain confidentiality. However, the question indicates that the most appropriate approach in this situation is to conduct a private
discussion with the relevant stakeholders. Competing a survey is a form of one-way communication rather than a discussion.

Reference Slide: Lecture 2, page 9

Question 10

Your research assistant may have found a better way to save lives. Think about what needs to happen first to make sure this is possible.

Correct Answer: D


A change request is a formal proposal to modify a document deliverable, or baseline. After a change request has been submitted, it must be reviewed and analyzed using the Perform Integrated Change Control process as outlined in the change
management plan. This includes an analysis of the impact of the change request on project constraints such as scope, schedule, cost, quality, risk, etc. A change control board or authorized individual such as the project sponsor will review.
approve, postpone or deny change requests based on the results of this analysis. Since the question describes a situation in which a team member has already drafted a change request, the next step is to begin the Perform Integrated Change
Control process and discover in what ways (if at all) the change request impacts the project and its constraints.

Details for Each Option:

A Have the members of the change control board decide on the change request

Incorrect A change request is a formal proposal to modify a document, deliverable, or baseline. After a change request has been submitted, an analysis must be carried out to determine the impact of the change request on project constraints
such as project scope, schedule, cost, quality, risk, etc. Afterward, a change control board or authorized individual, e.g., the project manager or a designated team member, may approve, postpone or deny the change requests based on the results
of the analysis. Based on the scenario described, the change request has not yet been analyzed. Since a change control board typically makes a decision 'after' analysis of a change request has been performed, this answer choice is not the best of
those provided.

B Update project documents affected using the configuration management plan

Incorrect. The configuration management plan is a component of the project management plan that describes configurable items for the project and identifies which items will be recorded and updated so that the product of the project remains
consistent and operable. Before any project documentation can be updated, a change request must first be submitted and processed through the Perform Integrated Change Control process. If approved, the configuration management plan
would then be used to identify which project documents need updating as a result of the change. A better answer choice would have been to receive an approved change request and then update the project documents affected, however, that
option is not listed.

C Instruct the team to implement the change since the new vaccine may save lives

Incorrect. A change request is a formal proposal to modify a document, deliverable, or baseline. Change requests and the procedures used to analyze their impacts are part of a greater project change control system. While this change request
may result in a new vaccine that saves lives, proper change control is mandatory for every project so as to prevent scope creep, or the uncontrolled expansion to product or project scope without adjustments to time, cost, and resources. Without
a controlled analysis of the impacts of this change request on the project, it is possible greater schedule or budget issues could arise as a result of improper implementation and analysis. As such, this answer choice is not the best of those

D Make sure the impact of the change request on project constraints is analyzed

Correct. Before a change request can be implemented, an analysis of its impacts to the project must be conducted as part of the Perform Integrated Change Control process. This includes a thorough review of which project constraints the change
request will affect, and if the change request is in keeping with organizational! objectives laid out in the project management plan Once this analysis is complete, an authorized individual or a group (such as members of a change control board)
will decide on the change request. As such, this answer choice is the best of those provided.

Reference Slide: Lecture 2, page 51

Question 11
What must be completed on the third phase before the start of the fourth phase?
Correct Answer: C
The scenario described in the question implies that the project manager is going to perform the Close Project or Phase process. The project manager must ensure that this process is completed
before starting a new phase of the project. However, to close the project or phase, the project manager has to ensure that the deliverables are accepted by the customer or by the relevant
stakeholders. Of the available choices, the only activity that must be completed before starting the deployment phase is to obtain acceptance of the deliverables from the testing phase.
Details for Each Option:
A Ensure the sponsor has signed the charter for the fourth phase
Incorrect. Each project phase may or may not have its own charter. However, the project manager should not start the fourth phase until the Close Project or Phase process from the third phase
has been completed.
B Begin the Close Project or Phase process of the testing phase
Incorrect. The Close Project or Phase process has to be carried out but not before the deliverables are formally accepted. According to the scenario, testing has been completed and deliverables
verified, but there is nothing in the question that indicates that the deliverables have been formally accepted. Therefore. beginning the Close Project or Phase process is premature.
C Obtain acceptance of the deliverables from the testing phase
Correct. The scenario suggests that the project team has just completed the Control Quality process which resulted in verified deliverables. Verified deliverables are input to the Validate Scope
process, which, in turn, results in accepted deliverables as one of its outputs.
D Hold the fourth phase kick-off meeting with the project team
Incorrect. The Close Project or Phase process of the third phase must be completed prior to the start of the next phase of the project. And the Close Project or Phase process cannot begin before
the Validate Scope process (where the deliverables are accepted) is compete.

Reference Slide: Lecture 2, page 55

Question 12
İs there a restriction on which interested party can make a request?
Correct Answer: D
A change request should be submitted to change the scope of a project. The change request becomes an input to the Perform Integrated Change Control
process. The CCB is responsible for evaluating the request and rendering a decision. However, any stakeholder involved in the project can submit the change
Details for Each Option:
A All-change requests must be submitted by the CCB.
Incorrect. The CCB is authorized to review and evaluate change requests, but any stakeholder involved in the project can submit a change request.
B Only the project sponsor can submit change requests.
Incorrect. The project sponsor or any stakeholder involved in the project can submit a change request.
C The project manager is responsible for submitting change requests to the CCB.
Incorrect. Typically, the process of how change requests are handled, including who is responsible for submitting them, is specified in the change management
plan. İt might be the project manager, a team member, or the stakeholder who requests the change. Since the scenario does not specify this process, assuming
that the project manager is responsible for submitting change requests to the CCB would be inaccurate
D Any stakeholder involved in the project can submit a change request.
Correct. Changes may be requested by any stakeholder involved with the project and may occur at any time throughout the project life cycle.

Reference Slide: Lecture 2, page 33 and 47

Question 13
The scenario describes a project charter. Which answer choice represents Information included in the project charter?
Correct Answer: D
The project charter is a document issued by the project initiator or sponsor that formally authorizes the existence of a project and provides the project manager with the authority to apply
organizational resources to project activities. Additionally, the project charter sets a clear Vision and mission for the project team and stakeholders allowing the project manager to lead the team
towards the achievement of the project goals. Ail items described in the scenario are typically part of the project charter. There are several other items that are often specified in the project
charter, such as the key project deliverables as well as the summary milestone schedule.
Details for Each Option:
A The business need and the cost-benefit analysis
Incorrect. The business need and the cost-benefit analysis are part of the business case, while according to the scenario. you are reviewing the project charter.
B Requirements for formal procurement closure
Incorrect. The requirements for forma! procurement closure are usually defined in the terms and conditions of the contract and are included in the procurement management plan rather than in
the project charter implied by the question.
C Development approach and project life cycle
Incorrect. Development approach describes the approach which will be used to develop the product, Service, or result of the project. Project life cycle describes the series of phases that a project
passes through from its initiation to its closure. Both the development approach and project life cycle are components of the project management plan, while the scenario infers you are
reviewing the project charter.
D Milestone schedule and key deliverables
Correct. The items described in the question text are typically specified in the project charter. The summary milestone schedule and key deliverables are also part of the project charter. Those
items were not mentioned in the scenario, making this choice the best answer to the question asked.

Reference Slide: Lecture 2, page 12

Question 14
Where should lessons learned during a project be captured to improve performance on the current project and future similar projects?
Correct Answer: D
The question indicates that a project which has been plagued by problems and will likely fail to meet project objectives is nearing completion. Sometimes the best thing that can be achieved from a
problem-plagued project is the knowledge gained of how to avoid the same problems from occurring on future projects. A poor performing project will very likely have lessons learned which should be
captured in the lessons learned register to improve performance on the current project. During project closing, the lessons learned register is transferred to the lessons learned repository which is a
store of historical Information and available for future projects. Of the available options. the only appropriate action is to document the lessons learned from the project in the lessons learned register.
Details for Each Option:
A Close the project as quickly as possible and move on to the next project
Incorrect. Whenever a project does not go well, there is a temptation to move on as quickly as possible. However. if the lessons learned from the failures are not captured and analyzed, there is a risk
the same problems that plagued the project will be experienced in future projects. Sometimes the best thing that can be gained from a project is the knowledge of how to avoid problems in the future.
B Capture lessons learned in the lessons learned repository
Incorrect. The lessons learned register, not the lessons learned repository, should be updated during the project to improve performance on the current project. The Information captured In the lessons
learned register is then transferred to the lessons learned repository at the end of the project where the Information will be available to future projects.
C Downplay the issue to minimize the impact on performance appraisals
Incorrect. İt is important to avoid masking poor performance. Only an honest assessment of project performance will allow the opportunity to improve the performance of future projects. Skewing
reporting to appear more favorable to influence performance appraisals may violate the value of honesty outlined in the PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, which reads, "Honesty is our duty
to understand the truth and act in a truthful manner both in our Communications and in our conduct. ”
D Document lessons learned in the lessons learned register
Correct. A poor performing project will very likely have important lessons learned which should be captured in the lessons learned register to improve performance on the current project.

Reference Slide: Lecture 2, page 37 and 38

Question 15
Where is the product, Service, or result of the project going?
Correct Answer: A
Close Project or Phase is the process of finalizing all activities for the project, phase, or contract. One of the outputs from this process is the transitioning of the final product, Service, or result to
the customer, end user, and/or operations. The question States that the project is ready to transition its final deliverable. There is not enough information in the question to determine who is the
receiving end of this transition. However, one of the answer choices mentions an operations manager while other answer choices do not describe a party that would have been considered an
entity receiving the final project deliverable. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that the deliverable is being transitioned into the organization's operations. Hence, of the choices provided,
working closely with the operations manager would likely increase the odds of a better transition and project closure and is, therefore, the best answer to the question asked.
Details for Each Option:
A Coordination with the operations manager
Correct. Since operations are frequently a party to which a final product, Service or result is transitioned, coordination and communication between the project team and the operations' team(s)
increases the likelihood of a smooth, successful transition.
B Strong matrix organizational structure
Incorrect. Matrix, whether weak, strong, or balanced. does not ensure a smooth transition. İt is the processes. procedures, and. most importantly, human interactions, collaboration, cooperation,
and communication between the relevant parties that help ensure the transition of the final project deliverable is being done in the best possible way.
C Submission of a final project report
Incorrect. Submitting a final report occurs after the deliverables, and the project comes to a close. The final report aims to summarize the project, its operations, and other relative information
rather than to ensure the smoothest transition.
D Constant Communications with the project sponsor
Incorrect. While communicating with the project sponsor is important, Communications alone (whether it's constant or irregular) would not ensure the smoothest transition of the final project
deliverable. The project manager should work closely with the entity who is supposed to operate, maintain, and support the product after the transition..

Reference Slide: Lecture 2, page 53 and 55

Question 16
Where should all issues be recorded and tracked?
Correct Answer: A
The question implies that the Direct and Manage Project Work is being carried out. The issue log is first created as an output of the Direct and Manage Project Work process. The issue
log is a project document where all issues are recorded and tracked. Data on issues may include the issue type, who raised the issue and when, description. priority. who is assigned to
the issue, target resolution date. status, and final resolution. Having two different versions of the same document leading to a dispute between the team members and potentially
resulting in incorrectly developed project deliverables is definitely an issue. Capturing this issue in the issue log is what the project manager should do first.
Details for Each Option:
A Capture the Information on the issue log
Correct. The issue log is a project document where ail issues are recorded and tracked. Among the available choices, capturing the issue in the issue log is the best answer to the question
B Submit a change request
Incorrect. There is not enough Information in the question to determine if a change request is required to address the problem.
C Consult the resource calendar
Incorrect. A resource calendar is a calendar that identifies the working days and shifts upon which each specific resource is available. Having two different versions of the same document
is an issue which should be recorded in the appropriate document. Consulting the resource calendar has nothing to do with recording the issue and, therefore, is not the first thing, if at
all, for the project manager to do.
D Document the problem in the change log
Incorrect. The change log contains a comprehensive list of changes submitted during the project and their current status. The scenario described suggests there is an issue. İssues should
be captured in the issue log. Therefore. the first thing for the project manager to do is to capture the issue in the issue log, not in the change log.

Reference Slide: Lecture 2, page 31 and 32

Question 17
What tool or technique might be useful in gathering Information on high-level assumptions and constraints?
Correct Answer: B
The question States that the project manager is about to start the development of the project charter, which implies that the Develop Project Charter process is just getting started. İnterviews, which is
a data gathering technique. may be used during the Develop Project Charter process to gather Information on high-level requirements, assumptions or constraints, approval criteria, and other
Information from stakeholders by talking to them directly. Therefore, of the available choices, conducting interviews with the project sponsor and other relevant stakeholders is the best answer to the
question asked.
Details for Each Option:
A Review the assumption and constraints log
Incorrect. The assumption log is sometimes referred to as the assumptions and constraints log. The assumption log is created as an output of the Develop Project Charter process, and the question
States that the project manager has yet to begin this process. Therefore, the assumption log is not available to serve as a source of Information at this point in the process.
B Conduct interviews with the project sponsor and other relevant stakeholders
Correct. İnterviews is a data gathering technique, which may be used during the Develop Project Charter process to gather Information on high-level requirements, assumptions or constraints, approval
criteria, and other Information from stakeholders by talking to them directly.
C Analyze the risk register
Incorrect. The risk register is created as an output of the Identify Risks process, which occurs during project planning. whereas the question suggests that the project is still in the initiation stage with
the development of the project charter.
D Perform the Qualitative Risk Analysis process since the assumption log is an output of this process
Incorrect. The assumption log is an output of the Develop Project Charter process rather than the Perform the Qualitative Risk Analysis process.

Reference Slide: Lecture 2, page 9

Question 18

When is product considered done and accepted?

Correct Answer: B


Note the wording of the question, "With all deliverables accepted, the project is nearing its end." This implies that the project has entered the Close Project or Phase process and that the Validate Scope process
has already been completed. During project closure, accepting the deliverables would be redundant since this has already been done during the Validate Scope process. What is done during project closure is the
'confirmation' of the acceptance, or, in other words, final acceptance. By obtaining final acceptance, the project manager is essentially 'confirming' the delivery and formal acceptance of deliverables by the
relevant stakeholders. Sometimes, this can be viewed as ticking a checkbox in the checklist of the activities carried out during project closure. İt is like asking a question, "Have the deliverables been accepted
earlier in the project as part of the Validate Scope process?". If the answer is "Yes", check the box. This would eventually confirm that the deliverables have already been accepted and that the relevant
stakeholders are aware of this fact and agree that the project can now be closed.

Details for Each Option:

A Release equipment and human resources to other projects

Incorrect. Delivering the final product to the customer is not reliant on reassigning people and equipment to other projects. Reassignment can be done before, during, or after delivery. The release of project
resources is typically specified in the resource management plan. Additionally. if there are closing tasks that shou/d be performed by the team members, reassigning the team members before the project is
formally closed is a premature action.
B Confirm the delivery and formal acceptance of the deliverables

Correct. As part of project closure implied by the scenario, the project manager should formally confirm the delivery and formal acceptance of the deliverables. İn other words, during the Close Project or Phase
process, relevant stakeholders should be formally informed of the acceptance of the deliverables, acceptance that has been already obtained earlier during the Validate Scope process.

C Present a list of quality concerns to the customer

Incorrect. Supplying a list of quality concerns to the customer is not an action a project manager should take at this point in the project. If there are any quality concerns, those are to be addressed by the project
team before the final product is even considered for delivery.
D Move on to the next project to please the executives

Incorrect. The delivery of the final product to the customer is conducted prior to the closing of the project, not after the project is closed and considered complete. Therefore, closing the project is not what the
project manager should do first.

Reference Slide: Lecture 2, page 55

Question 19
The project charter is developed during project initiation.
Correct Answer: D
The question States that the project charter is being drafted which implies that the project is in the initiation stage. A focus group is a data-gathering technique which may be beneficial in the
development of the project charter. Focus groups bring together stakeholders and subject matter experts to learn about the perceived project risk, success criteria, and other topics in a more
conversational way than a one-on-one interview. The expectations of the project manager do not change in an adaptive (agile) environment, but control of the detailed product planning and delivery is
delegated to the team who, in the scenario described, can be considered the subject matter experts. The incorrect answer choices represent meetings that would take place after project initiation has
been completed or are not held in a group setting. Therefore, of the available choices, scheduling a focus group is the best answer.
Details for Each Option:
A Facilitate an iteration retrospective
İncorrect. An iteration retrospective is a scheduled meeting to gather lessons learned at the end of an iteration. The question indicates that the project charter is under development as part of project
initiation, and an iteration retrospective would not take place until project execution is underway.
B Invite the relevant participants to the daily scrum meetings
İncorrect. A daily scrum meeting is a time-boxed meeting held daily to discuss what has been accomplished since the previous daily scrum, what will be done during the next 24 hours, and to identify
any obstacles. A daily scrum meeting is not held to support the development of the project charter.
C Conduct interviews with the identified individuals
İncorrect. İnterviews are used to obtain Information from stakeholders by talking to them directly in a one-on-one setting. Whereas. the question describes a meeting that will be held as a discussion in
a group environment.
D Schedule a focus group
Correct. Focus groups bring together stakeholders and subject matter experts to learn about the perceived project risk, success criteria, and other topics in a more conversational way than a one-on-
one interview. Of the options provided, a focus group best addresses the needs described in the scenario.

Reference Slide: Lecture 2, page 9

Question 20
Regardless of how a project ends. it must go through the Close Project or Phase process.
Correct Answer: C
The project is not over when the product scope has been completed or if the project is terminated early; there is still one more process to perform. The Close Project or Phase process includes
activities necessary for the administrative closure of the project. This process finalizes ail activities across all process groups to formally close out the project. İn the scenario described, the
customer has run out of money for the project, implying the project is terminated prematurely. No matter the circumstances causing a project to end, the administrative closure should always be
performed. One of the activities conducted during the Close Project or Phase process is archiving project Information for future use by the organization, making this choice the best answer to the
question asked. A better answer choice would probably be starting the Close Project or Phase process; however, this option is not provided.
Details for Each Option:
A Use management reserves
Incorrect. Management reserves are a specified amount of the project budget withheld for management control purposes to cover unforeseen work that is added to the project. The scenario
describes a project where work is likely to stop rather being added.
B Complete the project as planned
Incorrect. Completing the project as planned knowing the work would not be compensated by the customer makes no sense.
C Archive project information
Correct. Archiving project information is one of the activities performed during the Close Project or Phase process. This information can be used by the organization for future projects. No matter
the circumstances under which a project ends. the project must always go through the Close Project or Phase process.
D Take the customer to the court
Incorrect. Litigation in courts is part of the alternative dispute resolution technique considered the last resort and the less preferable action that should be taken only after all other options have
been exhausted. Those options are typically specified in the contract. The scenario does not provide information as to whether or not the parties have attempted to settle the dispute using other
techniques, neither does the question clarify the terms of the contract. Therefore. going to the courts is a premature action.

Reference Slide: Lecture 2, page 55

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