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Teaching-Learning core process

February, 2013

Redesign team members:

1. Chanyalew W/Gebriel
2. Defaru Negera
3. Shumet Abebe

1. Introduction
Adama Science and Technology University (ASTU), formerly called Adama
University, is one of the youngest universities identified as prominent center of
production and dissemination of scientific knowledge, skills, and behaviors that
have significant contribution to the technological, socio-economic, and socio-
cultural development of the country.
Vision, Mission, and Values
ASTU envisions becoming a first choice in Ethiopia and one of the distinguished
Universities dedicated to excellence in applied sciences and technology.

In line with the vision, this has put forth the institutional mission(s) of the university.
Accordingly, the mission of ASTU is geared towards contributing to the economic
development of Ethiopia. To this end, ASTU is dedicated to:

Produce competent and ethical professionals in science and technology through

practice oriented, problem solving, and quality education both in undergraduate
and graduate studies through on-campus and off-campus programs.

Promote research through the engagement of staff, students, and partners and
disseminate findings to end-users through seminars, publications, and other
appropriate means.

Provide community services in various areas including consultancy service and

need based training for the betterment of the society.

Enhance links with national and international universities, research institutions,

industries, and the private sector to address quality of education, good
governance, and crosscutting issues such as safe environment, gender, special
needs students, and HIV/AIDS.

1.1 Rationale
Higher learning institutions should consider changing their methods of operation in
order to secure competitive advantage in today’s ever-changing world. The late
twentieth century witnessed enormous changes in the world, a process of great

upheaval and great possibility. In just a few past decades, we have witnessed the
advent of the information age, the rush to computerization, the birth of
biotechnology, and not the least of these changes, the human-relations rev
olution. With the advancement of human thinking, the business environment has
grown dramatically. Competition has become more global and more energized and
technology races on. To survive in the years to come as an institution, the
university needs to undergo a profound positive change. The university should be
filled with people that think quicker, worksmarter, dream wilder, and relate to each
other in very different ways.
Adama Science and Technology University has been unable to provide itself with
the opportunity of self-evaluation, critique, and rectification. The methods of
operation in place today are antiquated and not supporting the mission and vision
of the University. Therefore, working in the old traditions hindered the university
from maintaining excellence in learning-teaching that would have immediate and
significant impact on the quality of graduates. This reality has resulted in the
dissatisfaction of stakeholders.

The current performance of the university is not up to the need of the

stakeholders and the standard of global competition. The growing discontent by
stakeholders on the quality and quantity of academic programs has triggered
the ambition of the university management to undertake Business Process
Reengineering (BPR) to redesign the existing academic process. The target is
to fundamentally change the current work process aiming at radically increasing
quality and productivity by focusing on customer satisfaction, increase
competitiveness, and copping up with the dynamically changing global

In general, advancement in technology, cost of education, global competition and

society’s expectations are the four major factors that drive reengineering of the
core business processes of learning-teaching at Adama Science and Technology
University. Reengineered processes, new organizational culture and leadership
are expected to help the University bring dramatic changes towards

achievingexcellence in learning-teaching and realizing the vision and mission of
the university.
It has started to reengineer the whole process by establishing seven BPR
teams three on the Academic core process.

1.2 Goals and Objectives

 to redesign the learning-teaching processes of Adama Science and
Technology University;
 to clearly define jobs and structure for the newly designed processes;
 to create effective and efficient learning-teaching process management and
measurement systems;
 to establish new organizational value and beliefs
 Strengthen partnerships and linkages with local and international
institutions for the purpose of rendering high quality training, applied
research and services
The aforementioned visions, missions and goals of the university basically
revolve on achieving graduates of high caliber and satisfy the needs of the
society from their service. These can only be achieved when the current
practice of training changes radically to provide a seamless service to the
customers and meet the needs of the stakeholders via BPR.

2. Scopes of the Academic core process

After several revisions, the academic (from admission to graduation) core
process was categorized in to the following three sub processes

 Curriculum development and review

 Student admission and enrollment (admission, placement &
registration) up to certification
 Teaching learning to graduation
 Quality Assurance and auditing
 Library Service

These sub process are consequential of each other whereby the output of the
first sub-process will become the input of the next sub-process and finally show
a seamless service of the university in academic core process.

As can be viewed from the subsequent tables and/or flow charts; the necessary
steps on each of the sub-process as well as estimated time lapse for each step
have been given to show the pain of the core process for each service delivery.
The issue of quality assurance and relevance may be looked in conjunction
with the all sub processes as a cross cutting parameter in all academic

3. Outcome of the study

The outcome of the academic core process will be to provide
customer/stakeholder satisfaction for all academic services rendered by ASTU in
terms of the speed, efficiency and quality with minimum possible cost. This can be
achieved by producing new business processes that will create seamless service
to the customer and enable Adama Science and Technology University center of
academic excellence per its mission and vision.

3. Methods of Data Collection

To get in depth knowledge about teaching-learning process (Admission to graduation),

the following data collection methods were employed:

 Focus group discussion:

 Academic vice president
 Office of Academic Affairs
 eLearning /eTeaching Center
 Continuing and Distance Education FGD1
 School deans and associate deans
 School Distance and Continuing Education Coordinators
 Department heads
 Dean of Student Affairs

 School Registrar Offices
 Student Union Head FGD2
 ASTU Police Head
 Anticorruption and Ethics Office
 Under Graduate Students ………………………………………..FGD 3
 Post Graduate Students…………………………………...…………...FGD 4
 Expatriate staff ………………………….…………………………….FGD 5

 Reviewing existing document

o ASTU Senate Legislation
o ASTU Strategic Plan
o Existing curricula across all departments in all schools in ASTU
o Student Hand Book.
o Different policies/strategies from MOE
o HERQA…..
o ASTU CBE guideline

 Reports of various internal and external workshops ,seminars ,meetings etc

 Visit or Observation- Registrar offices, Classrooms, Laboratories, etc

In addition to the time limitation and the principle of BPR not to waste much time on
data collection and analysis, attempt was made to collect data from external
environment like MOE but they have already started working separate as well as
general BPR that can link all universities through national steering committee so that
they recommended the team to do it in other ways (sources than MOE). Therefore, the
team used alternative information for external stakeholders (employing organizations,
sister institutions, surrounding communities, etc. from final reports of ASTU strategic
planning document). Therefore, FGD is the main technique of data collection for this
study and the points raised for collecting the information are annexed.

I. Planning Stage
Adama Science and Technology University top management has realized the need for
drastic change in most of its service to cope with the global market and respond to the poor
service delivery systems explained above. To materialize this total of three teams each
having from 3-8 members has been formed as follows:
A. the core processes including
(1) Academic business process
2) Research and consultancy business process
(3) Hospital service core process
B. The support business processes including
1) Student service
(2) Human resource management
(3) Procurement and purchasing
(4) Accounting and finance

The initial preparation also began by formation of reform office and a coordinator for the
whole BPR work. For the smooth functioning of the BPR works, the management
expressed its commitment to provide all packages (offices, working documents,
stationeries, etc) for both core and supportive business process. After the formation of the
BPR team for the different process by ASTU, all team members including the academic
core process have taken the training on general BPR concepts, collected some documents
to read on and prepared action plan/TOR for the study. The initial work began on, 8
December, 2012 with one week visiting of Jimma University. However, the BPR team and
the university top management have realized after long time effort that it was difficult to
concentrate while members are working with minimal assembly. Similarly, our team was
working only once per week and many members are highly engaged in academic and office
responsibilities. Hence, it was agreed by the management unit as well as all team members
to throw out of all office duties and course offering for One month and complete the reform

Part II. Understanding the current process (AS IS)
Academic core business process deals with understanding and redesigning the series of activities
performed from program development to student graduation. In other words, it considers the
efficiency and quality of the tasks performed during program development and review, student
recruitment (admission, placement and registration), course delivery and assessment and student
Broadly, the core business process can be categorized in to three sub processes:
a) Program development and review
b) Student admission and enrolment (admission, placement & registration
c) Teaching learning to graduation
The input for program development and review business sub process is the results of need
assessment while its output is the approved curriculum document which can in turn serves as input
for the next sub process (student recruitment). Similarly, the output of student recruitment sub
process is registration for a course. Finally, the output of the whole core process is the number &
quality of graduates under each program.

Students (regular, advance standing, evening, summer, distance, post graduates) and their family
(community) are the main customers of this business process. Institutions (NGOs, public institutions,
private sectors, etc.) who demand long or short term training of our programs are also our customers.
The government in general & ministry of education in particular are the main stakeholders who
provide policy direction for the overall educational standards and governance of the country. The
graduates will be employed by various governmental and non-governmental organizations or
industries which can be considered as consumers. Therefore, all re-engineering works of the
academic core process has to respond to needs of the customers, consumers (employers of the
graduate) and the stakeholders in holistic approach.

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Need DC Preview Incorporating School Managing

Program Task Force Draft
Assessment Comments Council Review
Initiation Curriculum

Senate MBA Senate Standing School Managing Incorporating

Approval Committee Council Approval Comments

Intake VAP OAA Dispatch List Orientation Field Screening

Registrar Office
Request to Schools Choice
from MOE

Grade Assessment Course Registration Notifying School

Processing and Delivery Placement Managing
Evaluation Council

Terminate Certification
Senate Graduation Clearance
No School Managing Approval
Council Approval


Next Semester

Major problems identified and expectations reflected by customers/stakeholders
regarding the academic core process.

The main problems in academic core process of ASTU as well as possible solutions
suggested by different stakeholders and customers are given in Table 1 below.

Table 1: Major problems of the academic core process in view of the


Sub process Customer/ Problems Need/expectation

1 Curriculum development Student Not need based/problem Need based/ problem solving
and review solving design
Lack of curriculum review Periodic curriculum review
Staff Low quality of curriculum Need based and problem solving curricula
Lack of curriculum review Periodic curriculum review
curriculum development is online/correspondence of
expensive reviewing/development curriculum
Frequent curriculum change
Continuously reviewed curriculum
2 Student Admission and Enrollment
admission, placement Students Multiple placement
&registration Staff Lengthy admission procedure Admission, Placement and Registration
should be on-line (for the future)

3. Teaching-Learning to graduation
High level turnover of teaching staffs Creating conducive teaching-
learning environment and
Lack of practical skills Avail appropriate facilities and
sufficient time for practical

Teacher-centered mode of delivery Student –centered mode of delivery
3.1 Teaching-Learning and Staff aided by eLearning technology
Evaluation Lack of uniform student evaluation system Need for continuous assessment
lack of qualified and experienced staff Staff development by short and
long term training
Outdated theories ,principles and skills Updated theories ,principles and
Poor academic background Admitting only competent students
Lack of awareness about continuous Creating awareness
Students Undesirable behavior displayed by some Rewarding and enforcing desired
students behavior
Less responsible for independent learning Giving more individual works
External Lack of industry-university linkage Strengthened industry-university
stakeholders linkage
/NGO, GO, PO etc/
Less participation in curriculum development Active participation in curriculum
and review development and review
4 Academic calendar academic staff No commencement of “1st Day 1st Class Implementing “1st Day 1st Class
Motto” by the majority of instructors Motto” by all instructors
No uniform academic calendar Set uniform academic calendar
No compliance with the academic calendar Comply with academic calendar
5. Graduation academic staff Insufficient preparation of graduation Start preparation of graduation
ceremony ceremony (giving adequate time )
Graduating date deviating from the academic Holding graduating in line with
calendar academic calendar
6. certification & record students/academic lengthy time to receive temporary degree; provide the temporary degree as
keeping staff unreliable recode keeping soon as possible; automat the
records and train staff

Among the weakness of ASTU explained in terms of academic core business process the
following can be tackled through quick wins.

Quality of teaching –learning process-bring about paradigm shift in teaching-learning
process from brick only (traditional teacher-centered) to blended learning (face-to-face
aided by eLearning platform, which is student-centered).

Academic calendar- approve constant calendar once and use it any time

Record keeping and certification: Full automation of record and reliable backup; provide
final certificate in short time (2 weeks) after graduation

Phase III. Redesigning the academic core process
3.1. Steps for redesigning
 Displayed the current process
 Review redesign principles
 Brainstormed on WHACKO ideas
 Create ideas from clean sheet in small groups
 Design alternative processes for some of the activities
 Rated the alternative processes for those which can be opted

Table 2: Performance gap of the academic core process

Sub process/activity Current performance Customer/stakeholders expectation

No step time Quality/service step time Quality/service level
1 Program development 16 82 Low standard 7 43days Problem solving and demand
& review days (not based on the driven program
needs, favors
lecture mode of
delivery, doesn’t
consider available
resources, etc.)
2. Student admission and enrollment (admission, placement & registration)
2.1 Admission, placement 12 75 MOE organize all 6 1and Fast
& registration up to days student ½ days admission ,placement ,registrat
certification recruitments ion and certification with
customer satisfaction
3 Teaching-learning & evaluation
a Course 19 90% lecture dominated 13 2/3 of the time for self-paced
delivery learning
less targeted to acquire High emphasis given to skills
skill and attitude but and attitudes

focus on knowledge
Low qualification of Highly qualified staffs

Low utilization of ICT Incorporating e-learning

b Assessment Lack of uniformity Use of criteria referenced
&Evaluation and normative method

Lack of continuous Implementing continuous

assessment assessment

Common expectations
 Need based and task oriented curricula
 Quick and online student admission, placement and registration
 Focus on student competence (good knowledge, skill and attitude) modifying the
course delivery to student centered approached.
 Uninterrupted 24/7 teaching-learning process via eLearning platform.

3.2. Experience sharing

Organizations used for experience sharing are:

1. Jimma University
2. Haramaya University
3. Hawasa University

Table 3: Best Practices of the institutions
Institutions Best performance on:
Curriculum Academic Calendar Teaching, learning and Evaluation
development and and Student
Review Recruitment

Jimma University Teaching learning:Use of ICT in

classroom- JUCAVM
Criteria referenced method in health

Hawasa University
Haramaya University

ASTU good practices (internal best practices)

o Curriculum: Completion of modularized curricula across all schools and
o Teaching-learning:eLearning implementation and startup of modular
o Evaluation: Continuous assessment in all schools and departments and
criteria referenced method of evaluation for all 2005 entry students.

Performance gaps of the academic core process

 programs begin before proper need assessment (identification of required
knowledge, skill and attitude) and hence not targeted for problem solving
 Delay in student recruitment at MOE pushing the academic calendar
 graduate students lack the proper skill, attitude and team sprit
 high student dissatisfaction in assessment/evaluation
 low quality of academic staff
 outdated teaching learning methodology

3.3. Desired outcome and Stretch Objective
Table 4: Performance gaps, desired outcome and Stretch Objective
N Performance gap (from Desired outcome Stretched objective/s/
o customer/stakeholders’
I Program development & Review
1. current program has low graduates will be competent All programs will be designed to respond to the needs
1 relevance for problem solving and responsive of the country.
lengthy curriculum development There will be quicker
and approval system curriculum development and Curriculum approval will be reduced from 29 to 12

approval system steps and from 150 days to 75days

II Student admission and enrollment (admission, placement and registration)

2. Lengthy process of regular students will be satisfied with ASTU will reduce the delay in student admission
1 students admission efficient admission system and enrollment to 1 day
3 Teaching, learning & evaluation
3. Current mode of delivery is lecture Graduates will become Mode of delivery will be changed from 90% lecture
1 dominated skillful, self-learner, and to40% (60% student centered).
3. High dissatisfaction on student high student satisfaction on All students will be evaluated based on ‘must know
2 evaluation system their assessment and and be able to do’ rather than relative to the
evaluation knowledge of the peer

3.4 Designing from clean sheet

The steps used to design from clean sheet include:

 displayed the needs/expectations of the stakeholders/customers and the stretched
objectives for each sub process
 reviewed the design principles to follow and revealed old assumptions
 Brain stormed on WHACKO ideas, separated in groups to design new process.
After listing all new ideas, common themes among all were listed
 created tables and basic flow charts for the new process with options based on
alternative lists of WHACKO ideas

 Selected the best alternative among the new process based on Score card shown in
table below (Table 7)
 conducted several discussions to mature the new process

Table 5: Problems, Rules, and Assumptions for the academic core process

N Problems Rules Assumptions Breaking old assumptions

o (written/unwritten
1 lengthy approval should increased quality, avoid Possible to avoid non-
curriculum pass through duplications, value adding steps;
approval various standing 3. shares while maintaining the
committee and accountability/higher quality
offices (ASTU transparency
senate legislation,
Curriculum is -start/Adopt  Reduce cost Need assessment and
not problem programs without  Produce the program design to
solving detail need graduate and bring focus on student
assessment/readines quality gradually competence per the
s when there is high  Need assessment required jobs/tasks
manpower is covered at other from stakeholders
requirement site

Table 5: Problems, Rules, and .... (contd.)

N Problems Rules Assumptions Breaking old assumptions

o (written/unwritten
2 Lengthy University wise Universities have no Expansion of network to
admission placement through capacity to arrange the woreda level can make
procedure MOE entrance exam online admissions
MOE places on equal merit
for experienced and new
3 lecture Instructor has to -Students can’t exhaust the students can succeed
dominated cover all/the topics independently through self learning if
course delivery majority of sessions -lack of facility for large provided sufficient
in class room number of students resources (time, ICT
facilities, modules, etc)
4 High varying standards: Normal curve could students must be evaluated
dissatisfaction Normal curve for provide flexibility, while based on “must know and
on student non-health health Science students be able to do” principle
evaluation programs and fixed require minimum pass
system scale for Medicine mark for major courses
students (ASTU
Academic rule,
article )

Sub process 1: program development and review sub-process

Input: Result of need assessment

Output/outcome: Approved program/level of competence achieved by the graduate

Stretched objective: a) All programs will be designed to respond to the development needs.

New ideas/strategies of program/curriculum development and review:

1. Job analysis should be carried out by subject matter experts and include full descriptions
of all relevant jobs

2. Task analysis include all tasks within a job or a function and level of control of every
task under supervision and/or independently

3. Competence profile is derived from the tasks i.e. which competencies (Knowledge,
skills and attitude) are necessary to fulfill the task.

4. Training objectives should be categorized as general and specific. Objectives should

cover competencies

5. Program design

– Entry requirements for students

– Resource planning
– Course design
– Instructional strategy (the role of the teacher/trainer)
– Assessment techniques should focus on critical job situations and require
preparing well designed formal tests to achieve the critical job situations

6. Implementation

7. Evaluation

Stretched objective b: Curriculum approval will be reduced from 16 to 7 steps and from 6.5
to 2.5 months.

 Proposed WHACKO ideas for approval system;

 Development & approval only at department/School
 Department and then complete after national workshop
 Individual consultancy work, checked by quality control unit +
national workshop + MC
 Department + quality audit unit to complete the draft for national
 Department + quality audit + national workshop + senate
 Department + quality audit unit complete the draft for national
workshop + MC approval and then announce to respective offices
 How to bring competence
 Need assessment should incorporate most of the stakeholders
 Look at the various policy issues
WHACKO ideas to be stressed/common themes
 Necessary units/activities mentioned:
o Department
o Quality assurance unit
o National workshop
o MC approval

Table 6: Activities, steps and time needed during curriculum development and review
Option 1: involvement of MC only and no senate approval (recommended by the team)

Activities Responsibility time

1.Program initiation Department, staff members 1 week
2.Need assessment Task force 3 weeks
3. Draft curriculum Task force 1 month
4. DC comment DC members ½ day
5.Draft checked by School and central quality Quality assurance and audit 2 day
audit center
6.National workshop Workshop participants 8 days
7.MC approval MC members 1/2 day
8. Final document & dissemination Dean 3days
Total 75 days

Program P
initiation Need Draft Dc Quality audit
assessment Curriculum comment

Final document Ac National

and dissemination Approval workshop

Program development flow chart

Option 2: involvement of MC and senate

Activities responsibility time

1.Program initiation Department, staff members 1 week
2.Need assessment Task force 3 weeks
3. Draft curriculum Task force 1 month
4. DC comment DC members ½ day
5.Draft checked by college and central Quality assurance and audit 2 day
quality audit center
6.National workshop Workshop participants 8 days
7. MC Approval MC members ½ day
8. senate approval Senate members ½ day
9. final document dissemination dean 3 days
Total 74.5 days

Option 3: No involvement of MC and senate

Activities Responsibility time

1.Program initiation Department, staff members 1 week
2.Need assessment Task force 3 weeks
3. Draft curriculum Task force 1 month
4. DC comment DC members ½ day
5.Draft checked by School and central Quality assurance and audit 2 day
quality audit center
6.National workshop Workshop participants 8 days
7.Incorporate comments and dissemination Task force + dean 5 days
Total 75.5 days

What is new in the redesign?

 focus of program development/review on competence based education

(required knowledge, skill and attitude)
 Design the courses to achieve the required competence
 Quality assurance and audit unit will be established at the University
and School level to monitor the suitability of curricula.
o Review/evaluation should be a continuous process
with possible accreditations
 Non value adding Approval steps (ASCRC’s, senate and Board) and
time were removed.
 Critical reviewers should be included for the national workshop
 Review comments may be also received through various
communication accesses regardless of distances (online).

Table 7: Scoring matrix format of different options in each sub process

Value given out of 5

Criteria for Scoring
S.N Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
(direct) (modify) (entrance)
1. Implementation time
Amount of change needed in various areas to
support the Process etc.
3 Time effectiveness
4 Risk involved in terms of breaking regulations
Compatibility of the proposed alternatives with the
organizational mandate (mission)
Compatibility of the proposed alternatives with the
customer orientation and satisfaction issues.
7 Cost-effectiveness of the proposed alternatives.
Potential for value-addition of the proposed
9 Alternative service delivery mechanism(Flexibility)
10 Purity from redundancy
Conformity with requirements of one-stop-
Consideration of input-output-relation and
12 coordination with other service providing with
other core and supportive processes
13 Existence of supporting directives and manuals
Total Score

Sub process 2: Student recruitment (admission, placement and

Input: Application/ request of students for admission to the specific program developed
Output/outcome: No of students accepted and registered for each program

Stretched objective: ASTU will reduce the delay in student recruitment to 1 day
So how to achieve this reduction the lengthy steps/time? Options;

New ideas on student recruitment

 Take students directly from high school and provide some refreshment/remedial
courses (the set up to be worked out latter) -could be for one month.
 Take students directly from high school, provide entrance exam at ASTU and
provide some remedial courses for those who fail the exam
 Take students directly from high school but no entrance exam & remedial courses
except flexibility on number of credit hours to be allowed per semester
 Trigger MOE to fasten the process with full information provided (forms modified
and filled for field choice) from high schools on line for direct placement
 Prepare entrance exam that fits for ASTU specific field after announcement for
admission but no remedial courses
 In all cases possibility of online application and registration, with payment
arrangement through university account
o Provision of a electronic card that can serve them as ID, meal, banks and
 Cases related to registration issues:
o All students should take the minimum credit hour set in the curriculum but
can take /be registrar from one course to maximum recommended in the
curriculum per semester

o A regular student can take courses along the CDE (evening/summer) if
he/she want to resolve some inconvenience courses so long as the program
has the capacity to accommodate

Table 8:Admission, placement and registration for undergraduate/PG students

No Activity Responsibility Time Comment

A. Option one (Direct Admission from high schools ) –recommended
1.1 Announcement and Receive Registrar office, 3wks - Online, mass media
Admission application & liaison office
relevant document
1.2 Document Admission office, 1week on contractual agreement
verification/screening department
PG entrance exam process School/department 5 days
1.3 Placement and Approval APC 1/2 day
1.4 Notification of placement (Registrar / ½ day 2**if networks expand to
Schools) regions
1.5 fee arrangement, Schools, registrar, 2 days
Registration and digital audiovisual
image for ID card
1.6 Campus visits/orientation Schools 1 day Next day after final
1.7 preparation & provision of department, 3 days Single ID for multi-use
ID card* registrar
Sub total 35/40 d

Option 1 is preferred with the following remarks;

 Direct application at high schools via webpage (Woreda net) or fill form
and submit to registrar /liason office.

 Two times/yr application for regular in addition to distance mode, summer,
short course (more on modular based than formal system, weekends, etc)
 Intake capacity ready with yearly plan and no letter exchange unless forced
 Admission application will consist of students’ 10th national qualifying
examination result and Preparatory transcript of 11th and 12thgrade.

 Application fees should be covered by students (payment could be transferred

to ASTU account number through bank system or incorporated in student cost
 Refreshment courses shall be offered for one month before the actual class.

Admission Screening APC Notification


Class begin Id Registration

Provision Orientation

Figure 3: Flow chart for student recruitment sub process

No Activity Responsibility Time Comment
1.1 Receive Admission application MOE 1 wk ASTU placement committee
& transcript [online, soft &/or hard copy
including photo]
1.2 Data entry MOE 1 month at least one per School
1.3 Receive National Exam result MOE 1 day Result expected in soft copy
1.4 Consolidation of transcript & MOE, APC 2 day Requires experts
National exam
1.5 Screening & Placement APC 2 days Returning extra to MOE, each
approval from 7Schools + one chair
1.6 Notification of placement Registrar ½d if networks expand to regions
fee arrangement, Schools, registrar, 2 days
Registration and digital audiovisual
image for ID card
Campus visits/orientation Schools 1 day Next day after final
preparation & provision of department 3 day
ID card*
Sub Total 48. 5 d

No Activity Responsibility Time Comment

C. Option Three (Entrance exam )
2 Conduct Entrance exam All/most students cover their
2.1 Announcement and Setting Registrar office, 3 ms Only during initial stage by
exam station/linkage with liaison office ASTU OAA and Regional

regions representative
2.2 Establish exam. OAA 1 wk Parallel to 2.1
2.3 Professional selection for exam departments 10 days
preparation/exam setting$
2.4 Pooling & screening exams Exam committee 3 days professional of Each courses and
2.5 Exam scheduling ,, ½ day
2.6 Exam duplication/packing Exam committee 1 Professional of Each courses,
week coordinator, duplicators,
compilation men.
2.7 Orientation on examination Invigilators One Encouragement of some fields
and field choice day may
happen by gov/
2.8 Invigilation Invigilators 4 days
2.9 Collection of field choice Exam committee 1 day Forms should be detail to
form include dept
2.10 Exam correction Professional staff 3 wks Contractual
2.11 Data entry & grading Exam committee 1week Based on national standards,
through contractual agreement
2.12 Placement approval APC 3 days
2.13 Notifying results & Registrar 1 day Could be online
2.14 Receive Online pre- registrar ½ hr
2.15 fee arrangement, Registration Schools, 2 days
and digital image for ID card registrar,
2.16 Campus visits/orientation Schools 1 day Next day after final
2.17 preparation & provision of department 3 day
ID card*
Sub total 162.5 d Regular

Sub process 3: Teaching learning and evaluation

Teaching learning

Input: No. of students registered for each program

Kind and nature of the established resources to commence each program

Output/outcome: No of students graduated per discipline/quality of graduate in each


Stretched objectives:

o Mode of delivery will change from 90% lecture to40% (60% student centered).
o All graduates will develop team spirit and confidence through group work and more practical
o There will be 100% criteria referenced student evaluation system
o All Adama Science and Technology university students will be evaluated based on ‘must know and
be able to do’ rather than relative to the knowledge of the peer

New philosophy/assumptions for teaching learning and evaluation is based

on the outcome-based education or performance-based education

 The first part is to set new, higher standards to be expected of

every student.
 Then the curriculum must be aligned to the new standards.
 Finally, the student must be assessed if they meet these standards
of what every student "must know and be able to do".
 A quarterly grade report/certificates of course successful
completionis awarded only when these standards are achieved.

 A criterion is set up for standards of what every student is
expected to know, and a score is set compared to these
benchmarks rather than a ranking compared to a norm.
 It is fully expected that every student will become proficient in
all areas of academic skills by the end of a period, but sometimes

New ideas for learning teaching and the required competence

2. Use modular approach, block course for three weeks, provide continuous and
final exam and go to other courses. i.e. the student will complete on average one
course in three weeks.
3. Use modular approach, offer all the courses at once (per semester), provide
continuous and with two weeks final exam (modification of current system)
4. Use yearly based course offering but should be modular, provide continuous
and with two weeks final exam ( applies for some courses especially in
5. Quarter system of delivery (2.5 month for 9 credit hour), modular, provide
continuous and final exam and go to other courses- for regular

For the implementation:

o Divide the academic year (10 months) to quarters

o Divide the quarters into modules (contains similar courses together)
o Divide the module into courses
o Categorize course topics in to lecture, self learning and/or mixed
 The self learning part will be enhanced through the use of case
studies, group/individual assignment, presentations, analysis and
explanation of topics, classroom interaction, learning by teaching

 Accordingly, the tentative time suggested is 60% of the
course would be used for students self learning and the
remaining 40% shall be operated by the instructor.
 Steps to achieve 60% self learning;
o Develop module/compile teaching material
for a course
o Specify the time needed for each course
content with respect to total credit hrs
o Divide the course content in to practical and
o decide the portions to be covered by instructor
and student with 60% of the total credit hour
for self learning by students
o For CDE programs (evening, summer & distance) the time will be
doubled from the regular for coverage of the parts in each quarter.
o Required resources
 Teaching materials: Module, use of e-learning, e-journal, texts,
audio/video, audiovisual
 Advanced Technology built-in in selected class
rooms across the University/School, Example: Tele-
conference, LCD.
 Standardized class size according to student population: -
Maximum of
o 30-40 students/lab or language class, computer
room, filed works, etc.
o 50 students/class for all other lessons and
o 10 students per bed side
o Manpower resource (academic staff):

 Qualification for teaching –minimum one level of rank above the
graduates and Practical/Tutorial/ Lab session etc. could be handled
by Graduate Assistant
i Pedagogical training before the commencement of the class for new
o Ratios
a. Staff : Student
i. In BuckinghamUniversity 1:10
ii. UK over all 1:18
ASTU: existing-1:80-100 (including 50% GAs)
Recommendation: 1:20
 students per class
o USA 1:24
o Defence Engineering college-1:12
o Civil service & Unity- 1: 50-60
ASTU roughly current: 1:85 and the rule is 1:120
Suggestion: 1:50
 students per computer
 ASTU overall current (?? computers) : 1: 63
 Suggestion: 1:20 for UG and 1:1 for PG
o Credit load per student-
 If the student can take 9 credit hour per quarter it will sum up
to 36 credit hours per year
 However, the student can be registered for one course or one
module to be active on record

o Course offering in group with senior instructor as a coordinator

o Credit load per instructor
 Academic staff (75% teaching and 25% research)- teaching 288
hrs per year or 72.2 hour per quarter or 7.2 hours per week

 Research staff/staff on other related services (e.g hospital)- 75%
research or service and 25% for teaching: teaches 72.2 hrs per
year or 18 hrs per quarter or 2 hours per week

Assessment and evaluation methods

Stretched objective: All ASTU university students will be evaluated based on

‘must know and be able to do’ rather than relative to the knowledge of the peer

New ideas (options) for standard Student assessment and Evaluation

o Continuous assessment and final exam but through criteria

referenced evaluation system (recommended option)
o Continuous assessment and final exam but through norm referenced
evaluation system
o Only mid and final exam but through norm referenced evaluation system
o Only mid and final exam but through criteria referenced evaluation
o Complete all evaluation only through continuous assessment
o Evaluation based on external exam only after course coverage

To implement the selected option i.e. Continuous assessment and final exam
through criteria referenced evaluation system it is necessary to use a standard
evaluation system explained above.

 Continuous assessment shall take 50% of the evaluation.

o Option one: use of fixed assessment criteria including;
Table 9: criteria and proportions (x/50%) during continuous assessment
Criteria % contribution
o Attendance ………………… 5%
o Weekly/chapter assignment …... 15%
o Monthly tests ……………..…... 15%

o Semester individual assignment.. 10%
o Semester team assignment …….. 5%
 Overall 50%
o Advantages: planned and clear
o Disadvantage: the frame may not hold and work
equally for all courses or minimizes flexibility
o Option two: - over all continuous evaluation will be weighed 50%.
However, the percent share could also be modified to include attendance,
Practical, Projects, Laboratory Reports, Essays, Seminars, In-Class Tests,
home take assignments, term papers, and/or any other elements specified
by the instructor/department and the weights being indicated in the
 Option two is accepted based on criteria score card assessed
by the team. The acceptability comes from its flexibility to
instructor’s concern.
 Final examination (covers all portions taught) shall take 50% of over all evaluation
 How to standardize the final exam and avoid complaints;
o The coordinator will collect as many exams as possible from each instructor
and keep it in the bank.
o Send the list of exams to external examining professional/senior instructor
who can select the appropriate exam based on the course description
o Exams will be coded before and decoded after exam correction for grading
by course coordinator
o The grades will be posted and students are allowed to see their exam results
whenever they need
 Scaling/grading system-
o Based on score matrix, the selected option from the new WHACKO ideas is
continuous assessment and final exam through criteria referenced evaluation

o Number grading is preferred to the letter grading because letter grading has
got wider ranges which can mask individual performance. However, looking
to the various institutions from around the world, it would be wise to
consider and put its equivalent letter grading value to reconcile the number
grading (see next table). Otherwise students result for various courses of
different credit hour strength should be reported out of 10 (deciles).
Cumulative number grade value should be extracted by multiplying the
respective credit hour with the value brought out of 10 for each course and
then the summation of all courses divided by the total credit hour taken will
extract the average the quarters or Yearly Cumulative Grade Point.
o Fixed scale is more appropriate for all Schools of ASTU University as
shown in the Table below;
 Quarterly grade endorsement – shall be approved by School assistant registrar and
department heads one week before registration. However, to students at the last
quarter of final year (graduating class), their grade will be endorsed at the MC and
senate of the University. On the other hand, students requiring special decision
could be brought to the forum of MC.
 Although both deciles and letter grades can be shown on the transcript of the
students only the deciles grades are used in overall assessment of student statuses.

Table 10: Fixed scale ranges for student evaluation system of ASTU

Letter Scale
UG/PG Weight out of 4 Ranking
A+ > 9.0 Appreciation
A > 8.5 4.0 Excellent
B+ 8.0-8.4 3.5 Very good
B 7.0-7.9 3.0 Good
C+ 6.5-6.9 2.5 Above average
C 5.0-6.4 2.0 Average
F <=4.9 0.0 Repeat

NOTE: To standardize the grading system, one credit hour hereafter can be
defined to carry 50 points. Therefore, the value of a course more than ONE
credit hour shall be a multiple of 50 points. Example: if a student scores 100
for a 3 credit hours course, the deciles equivalent of this course will be

100/150x10 = 6.67. Hence the quarter average of the students will be
obtained by summation of all course deciles points and dividing by the total
number of courses.

Repeating courses

 The minimum pass mark for a student for each course will be 5.0/10.0. In other
words the minimum cumulative grade point for all courses for graduation is
 A student who scores above 50% in continuous assessment but fail due to final
exam will repeat the final exam only. However, those who receive continuous
assessment below 50% shall repeat the whole course when it is to be offered.
 Any result/grade obtained will be maintained for repeated courses.

Sub process IV. Quality Assurance and Auditing (cross cutting issue)
The focus of quality improvement/quality assurance procedures is not just on maintaining
the academic output standard of our courses (although this is a vital element if we are to
meet the needs of our students). We aim to assure the quality of the students’ experience
while they are studying at the University. We recognize that all areas of the University’s
operation affect (directly or indirectly) the quality of that experience and ultimately may
have an impact on student achievement.

Methodology for Quality Reviews

The components of the methodology are:

 Self-evaluation

 Peer Review

 Report by the Peer Review Group incorporating recommendations for quality


 On-going quality improvement.

Departments/units/directors of academic programmes together with a small group of
colleagues from ASTU and other Universities and/or other external bodies as appropriate
carry out the review. The review is of departments/units/academic programmes and not of
individuals. When a review is to be completed a report emerges which does not identify
individuals by name, and will be confidential to the department/unit/academic programme
course team, the Director of the Quality Promotion Unit, the Quality Promotion
Committee, Head of School, Dean(s) if appropriate, and the members of the University
Management Group of the University, until the approval of the report for publication by the
Quality Promotion Committee. The Governing Body will publish a report on the Quality
Reviews and the findings. This report will be made publicly available, when finalised. A
report is prepared each year, following the conclusion of the reviews scheduled for the
previous academic year and the reports are published on the web site of the Quality
Promotion Unit.


A co-ordinating committee of the department/unit/academic programme course team will

prepare a Self-Evaluation Report. The purpose of this report is to provide a succinct, but
comprehensive statement of the department’s/unit’s activities and, in the case of an
academic department, will include an analysis of its teaching, learning and research. It will
help the department/unit to identify its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
(SWOTs) and will allow it to suggest appropriate remedies where necessary.
Benchmarking of the department’s/unit’s activities is an essential component of the Self-
Evaluation Report. Some of the data for the Self- Evaluation Report will be collected in
the form of questionnaires completed by staff, students, graduates and employers. The
Quality Promotion Unit, if requested by the department/unit, will provide assistance in the
conduct of the survey.

As the primary goal is Quality Improvement the formulation of strategies and

recommendations for improving the work of the department/unit should be highlighted.

The Quality Promotion Unit provides detailed guidelines for the format of the Self-
Evaluation Report. The guidelines should be approved by the Quality Promotion
Committee and the Governing Body of ASTU. The guidelines emphasize the goal of
quality improvement and the necessity to bring forward strategies and recommendations
for how improvement can be effected. The guidelines indicate the information that should
be supplied in addition to the recommendations for improvement. This information
includes an analysis of the students’ assessment of the services provided, of the teaching of
academic departments, a summary of the staff profile of the department, the workloads of
staff, and, in particular for the academic staff of a department, a breakdown of the
distribution of effort between teaching responsibilities and research. All academic staff,
including all research staff, are required to submit a brief summary of their research
activity, including publications for the past five years, number of postgraduate students
supervised, number of postgraduate students supervised with degrees conferred, research
income, etc.

It is important to get views of staff, students, graduates, communities and employers. A
collection of questionnaires has been compiled by the Quality Promotion Unit and are
available to all academic departments and administration and support services units. The
collection is not definitive and is intended as help only. Individual departments/units may
have special requirements and these should be discussed with the Director of Quality
Promotion as early as possible.

Peer Review
The Quality Promotion Committee appoints the Peer Review Group who will conduct a
peer review of the department/unit. The Quality Promotion Committee appoints the
members according to procedures approved by the Governing Body of ASTU. The Chair
of the Peer Review Group is selected from among the members of the Group by the Group
itself when it convenes in ASTU for the site visit. Departments/units are invited to submit
nominations for the external members of the Group. However the final selection and
appointment of reviewers is made by the Quality Promotion Committee, who will seek the
advice of an external expert before final selection. The Quality Promotion Committee

reserves the right to appoint members other than those nominated by the department/unit.

The Peer Review Group will typically consist of not less than five members, including
three members external to ASTU and a representative of employers/professional bodies.
There must be at least one expert drawn from the international community. The Peer
Review Group will study the Self- Evaluation Report and then visit the department/unit.
The aims of the two- to three-day site visit are to clarify and verify details of the Self-
Evaluation Report, to view the facilities and to allow members of the department/unit and
students/users of the service to meet with the Peer Review Group. Before leaving the
campus the Peer Review Group will complete the first draft of the report and will make an
exit presentation to all members of the department/unit. The Peer Review Report is
prepared by the peer reviewers in accordance with the guidelines for preparation of the
report provided by the Quality Promotion Unit. Initially, the Report is a confidential
report. Reviewers are asked to comment on all the recommendations for improvement that
a department/unit may make and, in addition, the report may include recommendations for
quality improvement from the peer reviewers. The reviewers are requested to submit the
report within one month of the site visit. Following verification of the factual content a
copy of the report will be sent to the chair of the departmental co-ordinating committee, the
Head of Department/Unit, the ASTU Quality Promotion Committee, and Dean of
School/Vice-President/budgetary head, as appropriate. The Quality Promotion Committee
will prepare a report on the review that is submitted to the Governing Body for approval.
The Governing Body will publish a report on the findings of the review.

The site visit is central to the review process and must be carefully planned. Close liaison
is required between the departmental/unit co-ordinating committee and the Quality
Promotion Unit in planning the visit. It is envisaged that the majority of site visits will take
place during the teaching periods of the academic year. Membership of the Peer Review
Group is decided approximately six months before the site visit is planned and the dates for
the site visit fixed. The detailed structure and timetabling of the site visit is organised by
the Chair of the departmental/unit co-ordinating committee in consultation with the Quality
Promotion Unit. The Quality Promotion Unit arranges the logistics of the site visit.

Follow Up and implementation

Discussion takes place between the Head of Department/Unit, the Director of the Quality
Promotion Unit and the Head of School/School Officer, as appropriate, with a view to

 Implementing the recommendations contained in the peer review report.

 Ensuring continual quality improvement.
 Reviewing the self-assessment procedures.

A Quality Improvement Plan is agreed between the Head of Department/Unit and the dean
of School to whom the department/unit reports. The plan details the actions to be taken by
the department/unit within specified times and lists those actions that should be taken by
the University. Those recommendations which need additional funding resources are
considered in the light of School and University policy, having regard to the resources
available to the University at the time and the strategic plan of the University.

Approximately one year to eighteen months following on the completion of the review the
department/unit is asked to report to the Quality Promotion Committee on the
implementation and actions taken on the recommendations for improvement that were both
endorsed and made by the Peer Review Group and endorsed by the Quality Promotion
Committee. A report on this Follow-Up Review is made to the Governing Body as a part
of the Annual Report of the Quality Promotion Committee.

The main indicators of quality in academic issues are summarized below;

1. Curriculum should -

 be competence (need) based

 be well and frequency reviewed/evaluated
 have standard guidelines for development and review process
 inclusion of all concerned body in curriculum development & review
 standardization of the curriculum at national/international level
 go through periodic accreditation system

2. Student recruitment

o availability of clear admission criteria

o Online application/registry system
o Flexibility of admitting dismissed student

3. Teaching learning and evaluation

A. Teaching learning

 Student centred approach including modular system of teaching learning

 Greater links to the world of work-professional practice, external links, etc.
 Lesson plan preparation and implementation
 Standard course load per instructor and per student
 Resources:
 Manpower- qualified staff (MSc and above for UG study), in-service training,
pedagogical skill
 Appropriate ratios of students to classroom, laboratory, workshops, library,
wards, instructors, computers, etc.
 Sufficient learning resources- teaching materials (modules, texts, journals, e-
learning, etc.), Audio/video, audio-visual, ICT facilities

B. Evaluation/student assessment

 Continuous assessment and standardized exam (final exam)

 Criteria referenced grading system (Use of fixed scale and/or deciles system)
 Online submission and checking of grades instructor/students
 Any grade to be considered for repeated subject
 Student promotion based on the principle of "must know and be able to do".
 No failing but students may repeat courses for unsatisfactory results.

Chart 6:

Program Need Draft Dc Comment National

initiation assessment curriculum Comment by QA workshop

PG Screening Receive Document AC

entrance application dissemination approval

APC Notify Fee Orientation

approval result registration

Senate AC approval Grade Course

approval Remedial ID card
processing delivery and course

Graduation Clearance Certification

*Table 11: SUMMARY OF THE ‘TO BE’ VERSUS ‘AS-IS’ in quality of academic
core process
S.No Activity/Component As-Is To Be
- focus on quantity of graduate
required in specific field - focus on graduate competence
- low level of quality assurance - quality assurance and audit system in place
1 Curriculum - lengthy approval -shorter approval system
-all admission, placement and
registration through personal - online application (web based & updated
contact information system)
2 Student recruitment -placement 60% merit based - 80% of placement merit based
Teaching learning &
3 evaluation
3.1 Resources Size, not standardized Avoids over crowding
Class, Laboratory, Work and disproportion to the
Shop Room, and number of students
Library No or insufficient ICT In built ICT facility
- Manpower Resource
(Academic Staff):
Qualification No restriction for course One qualification rank above the students’
Pedagogical training offering level of training.
Late or no training Mandatory for new academic staff before
class commencement
3.2 Teaching Load 9 credit hours per week and 144 288 hrs per year or 72.2 hour per quarter or
credit hours semester? 7.2 hours per week?
credit load/student average of 18/semester average of 9 per quarter
3.3 Teaching material focus on handouts and few -Modules, sufficient references, texts, audio
reference materials video, ICT based (e-learning), e-journals,
Little use of ICT facilities etc
-similar courses in one module to be
completed in same quarter
3.4 Course Offering Or Delivery -Focused on Lecture method  Focus on student centered/ self learning
Approaches (90%) (60%)
-Semester/yearly based  Quarter system
-course delivery by individual  Course delivery in group
3.5 Assessment Methods  Lack of uniformity and  Continuous and summative assessment
much complain 
 Student is obliged to score  Criteria referenced evaluation system
2.0 every semester &/or on (pass mark for every course is 5.0/10)
cumulative  Quarterly grade endorsement by the
 Grade endorsed by AC faculty assistant registrar and
 Assessment by letter grade department head except for special
 Semester grade report decision making
provision is too late or  Assessment is based on deciles bases
nonexistent  Students have access to their
grade/report via net work

Appendix 1: Main points used for interview/FGD

I. Admission, placement and registration

i. How do see the current process of student admission, placement & registration
in ASTU in terms of;
1. the length of the process
2. the length of time for completion till announcement
3. availability of guidelines and formats
4. decision making power of officials
5. decision making power of Schools/departments/students
6. Linkage between registrar and Schools
7. Linkage between registrar and Student affairs office
8. general strengths and weakness
ii. How do you see the current process of registrar decentralization crucial in
enhancing the service delivery?
iii. Explain your view for future strategies to be designed customer satisfaction
II. Teaching learning and evaluation
a. How do you evaluate the teaching learning process of ASTU in terms of
i. Availability of guidelines
ii. Available resources (manpower, class rooms, labs, computer, library, budget,
etc.) qualitatively and quantitatively
iii. Academic calendar and schedules (availability, timely distribution, flexibility,
follow up by respective bodies, ranges to cover the courses)
iv. Credit hour load per semester for each of the program (relevant regulation,
implementation and consequences)
v. Mode of delivery ( theoretical, practical, attachment, CBEs)
vi. Major problems attached to each of the teaching methodology especially to
vii. Evaluation systems (examinations, grading, student appeal procedures, etc.)
viii. Academic advice to students (consultation)

b. Major complaints by students/customers and instructors/Schools
c. Explain your view for future strategies to be designed customer satisfaction.

III. Curriculum development

a. How do you evaluate the curriculum development and review of ASTU in terms of
i. Availability of guidelines
ii. Available resources (manpower, budget, etc.) qualitatively and quantitatively
iii. Length of steps required to make the curriculum
iv. Length of time required to complete
v. Frequency of revision
vi. Estimated cost incur for the development
vii. The vertically and horizontally relationship of the curriculum
viii. Major problems attached to the development, revision and implementation of
b. Major complaints by /customers/students and instructors/Schools
c. Explain your view for future strategies to be designed customer satisfaction

Part IV Graduation and certification

a) Graduation
i. How do you see the current process of graduation the University in terms of;
1. the length of the process (preparation and the ceremony)
2. the length of time for completion
3. availability of guidelines
4. Availability of resources (human resource, benches, tents, gowns,
financial support, etc.)
5. Linkage between registrar and Schools
6. general strengths and weakness
ii. explain your view for future strategies to be designed customer satisfaction

b) Certification
i. How do you see the current process of certification in the University in terms
1. the length of the process (preparation and handing over)
2. the length of time for completion
3. availability of guidelines
4. Availability of resources (trained record keepers, computer, software,
financial support, etc.)
5. complaints regarding efficiency and reliability of providing the
6. Linkage between registrar and Schools
7. Linkage between registrar and Schools
8. Linkage between registrar and the A/VP
9. Linkage between main registrar and School registrars
10. general strengths and weakness
ii. Explain your view for future strategies to be designed customer satisfaction
in this regard

V. Record Keeping /documentation

1. Is there clear guide line for document ordering?
2. How documents/files (both active and inactive) are handled?
3. Who is/are managing files ( are they qualified?)
4. How many people are involved in the document management (main registrar, Schools
5. How many files (active and inactive) are handled by an individual? (at main and School
6. How long does it take to get a document?
7. Do you think that the service is satisfactory?
8. What are the major problems in data handling?
9. What do you recommend for the improvement of record keeping and management?

Appendix 2: check lists used during bench marking
What do we expect from the Bench marks?
1) Service requirements for
a. The five sub process – Admission and Enrollment; teaching learning and evaluation;
curriculum, Library services,
2) Organizational structure
3) Formats developed to render services
a. Samples of the formats (admission, placement, filed choice, reg., course outline,
ordering, official documents, WD, ADD/DROP, grade submission/re-grade, ID no.,
exemption, semester grade report, evaluation format for CBE, etc.)
4) Payment requirements and amount
a. Application, registration, tuition, lodging, ID no., research, etc. for various category of
5) Office arrangement
a. Links between office and within offices
b. Distance among class rooms, lab., workshops, hospitals, cafeteria, dormitories,
Libraries etc.
c. Availability of the different offices
6) Manpower and other resources
a. Quantity and quality
b. Student: staff
c. Academic: supportive
d. Course: instructor (specialty)
e. Student: computer
f. Student: text book
g. Student: ward/patient/lab/cadaver
h. Access to internet, e-learning and new technologies for teaching learning
7) Mandate and institutional jurisdiction
a. Affiliations
b. Decision making capacity
8) Existing Legal frameworks (proclamations, procedures and regulations)

a. Senate legislation
b. ICT
c. Student motivation/affirmative action
d. Student code of conduct
9) Records and archives
a. Hard and soft copy handling
b. Way of utilizing technologies
c. Provision of materials
10) Other documents- catalogue, curriculum

Appendix 3: Different formats of the University registrar

Formats, Procedures, Requirements

_________ ACAD.YEAR_____________School
INSTRUCTION Please Read The Instruction Carefully
I. This form is to be completed by the _______faculty Students to be placed to one of the following departments/schools
 __________ _____________________
II. This application form should be completed by the applicant himself/herself
III) Fill in the required information or mark (x) in the appropriate space. Use block letters.
1.1 Full Name Of The Student
___________________ __________________ ________________
First Name Father's Name Grand Father's Name
1.2 Sex Male Female

1.3 Date of Birth in E.C DATE_______ Month_______ Year_______

1.4 Date of Birth in G.C Date_______Month______Year____
1.5 Place of Birth___________1.6 Region___________1.7 Nationality
1.8 Date of Registration__________1.9 Language 1st________ 2nd ____________ 3rd
1.10 Any Health Problem? Yes______ No_____ If Your Answer Is Yes, Please Specify_________ Attach
Medical Board Certificate
ii. Make sure that you have the aptitude to join the field you have chosen
ii. Your choice should mainly be based on your total mark scored in entrance Examination and results obtained in
preparatory program.
iii. Due to limited number of places and high competition in some fields, one might not get his/her first or second
choice. Please be advised to give due consideration to the choice you make
i. The program to be chosen based on the current categories of the student.
ii Indicate your priority setting by putting numbers 1,2,3…. choices according to your preference of major discipline
or department
____________ Accounting ____________ Management ____________ Economics

I certify that all the above information given is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I fully realize that
omission or falsification of any information will be sufficient reason for the rejection of my application.
______________ ______________
Signature Date
3.1 Entrance Examination (EHEECE) and results obtained in preparatory program total mark out of 800
3.2 Choice considered in the placement_____________
3.3 Final placement_________________
3.4 The Grounds for the final placement of the students
3.5 Cheeked by Decision Making Committee.
Name Signature Date
1____________________ ____________ _________
2____________________ _____________ __________
3____________________ _____________ __________
4____________________ _____________ __________

(2 Copies)
Application for Graduate Admission
Attach here your recent
passport size photograph
showing your full face

Two copies of OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT should be nailed directly to the office of the registrar by
your previous institution.
a) ORIGINAL DEGREE with two photocopies
b) Submit two copies of ESLCE or its equivalent school leaving certificate.
c) A receipt of Birr 100.00 (hundred Birr) application fee
i. Application must be submitted not later than the 3rd week of May to enroll in September.
ii. Letter of Recommendations of form-BSGS/05 should be mailed directly to the office of the
Registrar by your references.
iii. Application must be submitted directly to: OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR
P.O. BOX 1888
1.1. a) ( in Amharic) --------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------- ( in Amharic)
b) Full name -------------------------- ------------------------- --------------------- (in English)
First Name Father's Name Grand father's Name
1.2. Sex: Male Female
1.3. Date of Birth: (E.C) ------------------------- ---------------------- -----------------------

(G.C) ------------------------ ----------------------- -----------------------
Day Month Year
1.4. Place of Birth: Town ---------------------------------- Region ----------------------------
1.5. Your Mother's Full Name: ----------------------------
1.6. Nationality: ---------------------------------------------
1.7. Marital Status: Single Married Divorced Widowed
1.8. Present Address: Kebele ____________ Woreda ___________ House No.___________
Town _____________ Region ____________ P. O. Box ___________
Telephone No: Home ___________________ Office ______________
1.9. Number of children or dependents: ______________________
1.10. Name, relationship & address of person to be contacted in case of emergency
1.11. Your present occupation:________________________________________________________
1.12 Name and address of employer:
Years attended
Name of High School Location From --------- to -------

High Schools Name of Institution Location Diploma Awarded Date of award


State field of specialization of your undergraduate study:

Major _______________________________ Minor ______________________________

State the kind of work you are engaged in:

Give particulars of any relevant experience in research. Give references to any published
work you have done. Enclose if possible.

Government Organization sponsored

Non-government organization sponsored
Self- Sponsored
a) If government of non-government organization sponsored, give name and address of the
Organization sponsoring your graduate study. Form-C SGS/05 should be completed and duly signed
by your sponsor and submitted to the Registrar with your application.
b) If self sponsored, a statement of financial evidence should be attached indicating that your
financial Position, or that of your family, is adequate to cover all the tuition and other fees for the
whole period of Study at Adama Science and Technology University. Form-D SGS/05 should be
completed and duly signed by you and Submitted to the Registrar with your application.

Proposed field of study: Major _____________________________________________________
Planned date of enrollment: __________________________
I here by certify that all information given in this document is complete and accurate.
Date ________________________ signature of Applicant ________________________
RECOMMENDATION: Admitted Not admitted
(Please attach minutes of the FAC to the application)

Name of Advisor: ____________________________________________

Date ______________________ Name _________________ Signature of
Applicant________________ Chairman, Faculty Academic Commission
Not Approved
Date _________________ Name _________________ signature _______________
Dean, school of Graduate studies

(Please attach minutes of the CGS to the application)

(3 Copies)
Application for Graduate Admission

Letter of Recommendation for Graduate Study

FULL NAME OF APPLICANT __________________________
DEGREE SOUGHT ____________ FIELD OF STUDY ______________
The above-mentioned candidate has applied for admission to the school of graduate of
JimmaUniversity. The office of the registrar will greatly value your assistance in helping the
candidate. Please kindly supply genuine answers to the following questions. The information
provided will be confidential. Please mail the completed form directly to: OFFICE OF THE
P.O. BOX 1888
RESEARCH ADVISOR _______________ OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY) ______________

Excellent Good Fair Poor Unable to judge
Research ability
Command of filed of study
Written English
Oral English
General Education
Potential as a Teacher


Blew Average Some Good Unusual Outstanding Truly Inadequate
Average what Exceptional opportunity to
average observe
Lowest Middle 60-74% 75-89% 90-100%
40% 45-59%


I recommend this applicant strongly
I recommend this applicant
I recommend this applicant with reservation
I do not recommend this applicant
Name and Title ( Print) ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Institutional affiliation or Business firm if applicable _______________________
signature ________________________________ Date ________________________
Please put in a sealed envelop, stamp and send to the above address. The confidentiality will be
respected by ASTU .

(5 Copies)
Application for Graduate Admission

Letter of Sponsorship for Graduate Study

(To be filled out and signed by the Head of the Organization)
P.O. BOX 378
On behalf of _____________________________________________________________the
Organization of which I am a head, I am committing the said Organization to grant a financial
support or employment to _____________________________________ in the course of his/her
postgraduate training in __________________________________________. The financial support
or employment, which is intended to cover the living expenses of the graduate student, will be
maintained until the termination of the program of study. Moreover, I express the organizations
agreement to refrain from obligating the graduate student to undertake extra work assignments, which
may jeopardize his/her, program of study.

I am cognizant of the fact that the concrete realties of the country dictate that education in
general, and postgraduate studies in particular, must be geared towards the solution of specific
problems affecting the society. I am, therefore, aware that this specific training my Organization is
sponsoring must be geared towards fulfilling a definite national purpose. Accordingly through my
signature affixed below, I am committing my organization to maintain an appropriate position of
employment for the student after the completion.
Date: _______________________ Signature:' ___________________ Office seal ________
Name ___________________________
Position: _________________________
Organization: _____________________ Address: _____________________

(5 Copies)
Application for Graduate Admission

Self sponsorship Form

From Graduate Study
(To be Filled out and signed by the applicant)
Name of the applicant _____________ _________________ _______________
Employer/ Institution______________Region________Zone__________City/Town___________
Program intended to join ____________________
I the undersigned candidate firmly agree to fully sponsor myself and pay the entire necessary tuition
fee if I secure admission and abide by the academic rules and regulation and regulation of Adama
Science and Technology University.

Signature_________________ Date ___________


Attach one Recent
Passport Size Photograph
I. Instructions
1. Pleas fill out two copies
2. Pleas attaché one passport size photograph (latest student copy. Personal letter with
the suggestion of the respective program) and reach of the office of the registrar before
the dead line

Personal information
Full Name____________________ __________________________
Sex M___________ F_________
Person to be contact in case of emergency
Name _________________ _____________ _______________________
Telephone: Home ____________ office _____________
Address: Kefitenga___________ Kebele ___________ House No. _________
Applicant residential Address Adm. Reg_______________ Town ______________
Kefitenga________________ Kebele ____________ House No. ________________
Telephone House______________ Office _____________
Father’s Name (Full) _______________ __________________ _________________
Mother’s Name (Full) ______________ _________________ ____________________
Applicant’s present occupation__________________________
Eployees Name Address_________________________________
II Education

Previous Department/School_________________________________
Class Year I_____ II ___ III____IV____ V__ VI___
Previous I.D No ________________________
Date of leaving __________________________
Reason for leaving

(attach supporting document where appropriate)

III Statement by Applicant

I here by certify that all the information given in this application form is complete and
correct. I fully realize the institute is entitled to take action including dismissal if the
information given by me in this application is found to be incorrect or rules and regulations of
institute in general and those of the department or school in particular.
Signature_______________________Date ___________________

Do not write below this line

Deciding Body


Accepted Rejected Pending



One copy for respective School/program and the record remains in the office of the registrar
after the final decision.




(Academic Year………… (……….. E.C))


 You are a diploma holder of from recognized college.

 Minimum of two years service.
 One recommendation letter from your working area.
 Original diploma with two photocopies.
 Original student copy with two photo copy.


1. Order two copies of official transcripts and directly mailed to


Office of the registrar

P.O.Box 1888
2. Payment of an application fee 30Birr
3. Collect triplicate copies of application formats from the office of the Registrar
4. Fill them and return to the registrar office attached with other relevant
documents. (Original documents will be returned immediately after cross check)

DATE OF APPLICATION : From ……………… up to ……………………

 An application document sent with out payment of application fee 30(thirty)
Birr will be rejected from further processing.
 Application for 10+3 diploma holders not allowed.
 Self-sponsored applicants should pay tuition and other fees before registration


(Academic Year ……….. (………… E.C)))
Original degree with two photocopies
 2 copies of official transcripts
 Application fee of Birr 100(foreigner 100 US Dollar)
 3 copies of recommendation completed and mailed directly to
the admission office by three references.
 2 recent pass port size photograph
 Letter of sponsorship (form CSGS) should be completed and
signed by the head of your organization.
1. Order two copies of official transcripts and directly mailed to ASTU
University, office of the registrar, p.o.box 1888.
2. Collect the following three types of application forms starting from
…………………… from Registrar Admission Office
i. 2 copies of Admission Application form (Form-ASGS/06)
ii. 3 copies of letter of recommendations (Form-BSGS/06)
iii. 5 copies of letter of sponsorship form (Government or non- governmental)
(Form-CSGS/06) or
iv. 5 copies of self sponsorship form (self-sponsor application only) (Form-
3. Distribute recommendation and sponsorship letters to the concerned bodies.
4. Please note that the admission office will not accept completed application forms
prior to receipts of official transcripts and recommendation letters.
5. Submit completed admissions Application form in two copies with the relevant
6. Entrance examination will be announced with internal notice
 From ………………… up to ………………………………
* Self-sponsored applicants should produce bank statements of 5,000 (Five thousands)
or above
financial evidence, which means to cover tuition fee of and other.



(Academic Year……………….. (……………………. E.C)))
 You are a diploma holder of from recognized college.
 Minimum of two years service.
 One recommendation letter from your working area.
 Original diploma with two photocopies.
 Original student copy with two photo copy.


1. Order two copies of official transcripts and directly mailed to


Office of the registrar

P.O. Box 1888
2. Payment of an application fee 30Birr
3. Collect triplicate copies of application formats form the office of the Registrar
4. Fill them and return to the registrar office attached with other relevant
documents. (Original documents will be returned immediately after cross check)


 From …………………. up to ………………………………

 An application document sent with out payment of application fee
30(thirty) Birr will be rejected form further processing.
 If you are eligible you should bring clearance to attached with
your documents.
 Self-sponsored applicants should pay tuition and other fees every
semester before registration.
 Application for 10+3 diploma holders not allowed.

(1 Copy)
Application for Advance Standing Program
Attach here your recent
passport size photograph
showing your full face


This form must be completed & returned to the office of the registrar on the specified date. All
relevant personal educational documents & their photocopies should be enclosed. Please note that
this form is obtained through paying a non-refundable amount of birr 30. 00. You are, therefore,
advised not to take this form if you do not qualify or if you are not sure to join the programs.
1. Personal Information
Full Name (English) ___________________ _______________________ _________________
Name Father’s Grand Father’s
(Amharic) ____________________ _______________________ ____________________
Sex Male Female Nationality ____________________
Date of Birth (Eth.Cal.) _______/ _________/ _________ G.C. _________/ _________/ _________
Place of Birth: __________________ ______________________ ____________________
Town Region Country
Current Address: _________________ __________________ _________________ ________________
House No. Kebele Woreda Tele.
Marital Status: _____________________
Occupation: ____________________________ Place of work: _______________________________
Physical Status: Any handicap to participate in Practical Session:
Application status I) Government II) Self-Sponsor III) Par time
II. (10+3) or ESLCE Results
Subject Grade or (100%) Year taken
1. English ___________ _______________
2. Mathematics ___________ _______________
3. ____________________ ____________ _________________
4. ___________________ ____________ _________________
5. ___________________ ____________ _________________
(10+3) or ESLCE Results ________________
III Training at Tertiary level
1. Have you ever been enrolled in Higher Learning Institution (College, University etc.) at home or abroad?
Yes No

2. If yes, please specify and attach the transcript and Diploma, or Certificate obtained. (Preferably,
official copy)
Year of Attendance
College/University From To Credits taken CGPA

IV Program
A. Generic Degree Program

1. Business Management
2. Accounting
3. Information Technology*
4. Horticulture
5. Biology
6. Chemistry
7. Physics
8. Mathematics
9. English
10. Amharic
11. Afan Oromo
12. Geography
13. History
14. Psychology
15. Computer Science
16. Environmental Health
17. Pharmacy
18. Law
19. Civil Engineering
20. ElectricalEngineering
21. Economics
22. Health Officer
23. Nursing
24. Medicine
25. Medical Lab.
26. Health Education
27. Crop production
28. Animal Science
29. Sociology
30. Statistics
31. Anesthesiology
32 Mechanical Eng
33. Business Education

Candidates are advised to clearly know the requirements of each area of study. Please note that you will be selected by your diploma CGPA, letter of
recommendation and may be the department prepares the exam to select the best candidate. Therefore, be sure that you are competent candidate to win
your choice.

Please write one field of study related to your diploma:

1. ________________________
I hereby certify that all the information given in this form is complete and correct. I will observe all
the rules and regulations of the institution and declare that I will refrain from any activity, which is
contrary to the interest of the institution.
Signature of Applicant: _______________________ Date ______________________
For self sponsor

Tuition and other fees will be announced with letter,

Name of the Candidate: ______________ signature: _______________ Date: _____________

For Official Use Only

Decision of the Admission & Placement Task Force: Accepted for (Field of study)
Name Signature Date
1. ____________________________ __________________
2. ____________________________ __________________ _
3. _____________________________ __________________
Head of Admission: __________________Signature ______________ Date ______________

Decision: underline one; Accepted not accepted / waiting list


Application for post basic summer program


This form must be completed & returned to the office of the registrar on the specified date. All
relevant personal educational documents & their photocopies should be enclosed. Please note that
this form is obtained through paying a non-refundable amount of birr 30. 00. You are, therefore,
advised not to take this form if you do not qualify or if you are not sure to join the programs.
1. Personal Information
Full Name (English) ___________________ _______________________ _________________
Name Father’s Grand Father’s
(Amharic) ____________________ _______________________ ____________________
Sex Male Female Nationality ____________________
Date of Birth (Eth.Cal.) _______/ _________/ _________ G.C. _________/ _________/ _________
Place of Birth: __________________ ______________________ ____________________
Town Region Country
Current Address: _________________ __________________ _________________ ________________
House No. Kebele Woreda Tele.
Marital Status: _____________________
Occupation: ____________________________ Place of work: _______________________________
Physical Status: Any handicap to participate in Practical Session:
Application status Self-Sponsor
II. ESLCE Results
Subject Grade or (100%) Year taken
1. English ___________ _______________
2. Mathematics ___________ _______________
3. ____________________ ____________ _________________
4. ___________________ ____________ _________________
5. ___________________ ____________ _________________
(10+3) or ESLCE Results ________________
III Training at Tertiary level
1. Have you ever been enrolled in Higher Learning Institution (College, University etc.) at home or abroad?
Yes No

2. If yes, please specify and attach the transcript and Diploma, or Certificate obtained. (Preferably,
official copy)
Year of Attendance
College/University From To Credits taken CGPA

V Program

Business Education In
2. Accounting
3. Information technology
4. Purchasing &Supplies Management
5. Marketing & sales management
6. Secretarial Science &management
7. Banking and Insurance
Candidates are advised to clearly know the requirements of each area of study. Please note that you will be selected by your diploma CGPA, letter of
recommendation and may be the department prepares the exam to select the best candidate. Therefore, be sure that you are competent candidate to win
your choice.

Please write one field of study related to your diploma:

1. ________________________
I hereby certify that all the information given in this form is complete and correct. I will observe all
the rules and regulations of the institution and declare that I will refrain from any activity, which is
contrary to the interest of the institution.
Signature of Applicant: _______________________ Date ______________________

Name of the Candidate: ______________ signature: _______________ Date: _____________

For Official Use Only

Decision of the Admission & Placement Task Force: Accepted for (Field of study)
Name Signature Date
1. ____________________________ __________________
2. ____________________________ __________________ _
3. _____________________________ __________________
Head of Admission: __________________Signature ______________ Date ______________

Decision: underline one; Accepted not accepted / waiting list


N. B Tuition and other fees will be announced with letter,



Excellent Good Fair Poor Unable to judge
Research ability
Command of filed of study
Written English
Oral English
General Education
Potential as a Teacher


Blew Average Some Good Unusual Outstanding Truly Inadequate
Average what Exceptional opportunity to
average observe
Lowest Middle 60-74% 75-89% 90-100%
40% 45-59%


I recommend this applicant strongly
I recommend this applicant
I recommend this applicant with reservation
I do not recommend this applicant
Name and Title (Print) ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Institutional affiliation or Business firm if applicable _______________________
Signature ________________________________ Date ________________________
Please put in a sealed envelop, stamp and send to the above address. The confidentiality will be
respected by JimmaUniversity.

IV Summer Program

1 Pharmacy
2. Medical laboratory
3. Nursing
4. Environmental Health science

Candidates are advised to clearly know the requirements of each area of study. Please note that you will be selected by your diploma CGPA, letter of
recommendation and may be the department prepares the exam to select the best candidate. Therefore, be sure that you are competent candidate to win
your choice.

Please write one field of study related to your diploma:

1. ________________________
I hereby certify that all the information given in this form is complete and correct. I will observe all
the rules and regulations of the institution and declare that I will refrain from any activity, which is
contrary to the interest of the institution.
Signature of Applicant: _______________________ Date ______________________

Name of the Candidate: ______________ signature: _______________ Date: _____________

For Official Use Only

Decision of the Admission & Placement Task Force: Accepted for (Field of study)
Name Signature Date
1. ____________________________ __________________
2. ____________________________ __________________ _
3. _____________________________ __________________
Head of Admission: __________________Signature ______________ Date ______________

Decision: underline one; Accepted not accepted / waiting list


N. B Tuition and other fees will be announced with letter,

PURPOSE:- If a student is withdrawing or claiming at the end of the academic year or graduating from the
University he/she has to complete the procedure on this form. Only with the proper clearance for withdrawal and transfer
act ten of enrollment, honorable dismissal be issued to the student. Readmission to the Institute can only be considered if
the University certifies proper termination.
1. Have terminal interview if withdrawal with the head of your Dept/sch. And the head the university obtaining
their Signatures below.
2. Obtain the other signatures designated.
3. Return this from top the Registrars office not latter than one week after your absence from class. This from
becomes part of your permanent file and record.
Full Name ___________________________ ID.NO ___________
Dep./Sch. ______________ Class/Year________ Date__________
Reason for withdrawal/clearance ___________________________
1. Department /Sch. Head_____________________ ___________
2. CBE coordinator _________________________ ____________
3. Book store Keeper _______________________ ____________
4. Librarian ______________________________ ____________
5. Housing Officer _________________________ ____________
6. Head, Food Services ____________________ _____________
7. Sports Master _________________________ _____________
8. Head, Student Services __________________ _____________
9. Store Keeper __________________________ ______________
10. Head, buget & finance _________________ _____________
11.University policy Dep.__________________ _______________
12 Registrar Office _______________________ _______________

PURPOSE:- If a student is withdrawing or claiming at the end of the academic year or graduating from the
University he/she has to complete the procedure on this form. Only with the proper clearance for withdrawal and
transfer act ten of enrollment, honorable dismissal be issued to the student . Readmission to the Institute can only be
considered if the University certifies proper termination.
1. Have terminal interview if withdrawal with the head of your Dept/sch. And the head the university obtaining
their Signatures below.
2. Obtain the other signatures designated.
3. Return this from top the Registrars office not latter than one week after your absence from class. This from
becomes part of your permanent file and record.
Full Name ___________________________ ID.NO ___________
Dep./Sch. ______________ Class/Year________ Date__________
Reason for withdrawal/clearance ___________________________
1. Departement /Sch.Head_____________________ ___________
2. CBE coordinator _________________________ ____________
3. Book store Keeper _______________________ ____________
4. Librarian ______________________________ ____________
5. Head, Budget & Finance _________________ _____________
6. Cont. Education _______________________ _____________
7. University policy Dep.__________________ _______________
8 Registrar Office _______________________ _______________

¬Å| F:ýÆ Áë@Ï>ú !!!
>™Î@ÐA| ë?Îû°… oFú>ú

½|H;T| GYOÉ (Student Copy, Official Transcript etc.)› » ¾ŒûsTWüy ¬Ã ¬úÜ /ÎTH <Œ /ÎT ¬úYÕ
>GY?¡ ½Gûë@Îú p>Îúľ… oFú>ú ½Gû»w>ú|« GJ?| ÁÓoep#®@$

1 oЫpT `To¬ú GYOÉ >GY?¡ >F¬úWÆ ½Gûë@Îú p>ÎÄÂ…:-

1.1 o`« øUÐRH ½wFOa ¿gOÓú ¬ÁH ›½wGP ¿>ú »<Œ ™Î@ÐA| ½Gû¿Î’| o4 aÕT
FY¢| Œ¬ú$

1.1.1 >Student Copy qT 5 (>p>ÎúÄÁ ½GûWÕ)

1.1.2 >Official Copy qT 30 (¬Ã ¬úÜ ™ÎT
>Official Copy qT 15 (™ÎT ¬úYÕ F?»ü¿)
1.1.3 >To whom it may concern
qT 20 (>wFOa) qT 20 (>GûGP ?gOÓú)
1.1.4 >Degree & Diploma Certification qT 50
(œQË>ú ÄüÐQ FeOq ™>o|)
1.1.5 ½GYOÉ ñTH FFú¿ qT 50 (p>oþx o›Ë
½Gû¿YI? »<Œ) Ÿ@<Œ Ы qT 75 Á<@$

1.2 oGz o¡OH| øUÐRH ½wFOa ¿gOÓú ¬Á«H ›½wGP ¿>ú »<Œ ™Î@ÐA| ½Gû¿Î’|
o™þ¡Y{«]« oüU FY¢}… ?Á
2.1.1 >Student Copy qT 5 (>p>ÎúÄÁ ½GûWÕ)
2.1.2 >Official Copy qT 30 (¬Ã ¬úÜ ™ÎT
>Official Copy qT 15 (™ÎT ¬úYÕ F?»ü¿)
2.1.3 >To whom it may concern
qT 20 (>wFOa) qT 20 >GûGP ?gOÓú
2.1.4 >Degree & Diploma qT 50 (œQË>ú ÄüÐQ
FeOq ™>o|)

2.1.5 ½GYOÉ ñTH FFú¿ qT 50 (p>oþx o›Ë
½Gû¿YI? »<Œ) Ÿ@<Œ Ы qT 75 Á<@$

2. oЫpT `To¬ú GYOÉ >GY?¡ >F¬úWÆ >GÁ…>ú

›«Äü/úH >p>Îúľ… oFú>ú
2.1 ;Ï ¬ú¡@ ¿>¬ú ½w¬»>o|« œTÉü@ ñ} ¢õ
Á;H ™ÎT ¬úYÕ ?>ú ¬úÜ ™ÎTH ?>ú Œ¬ú$
2.2 ;Ï ¬ú¡@ ½>þ>¬ú GF@»ƒ éñ ëTI »Fz¬b¿ ÏT oSËY|RT î¡Y aÕT ¬ú¡@ FYÓ| ™>o|
2.3 ½¬úÜ /ÎT ±þÑ… ¬ú¡@ o™þHpWü¿#¬ú o»ú@ ÁOÏÎÔ@

3. ½ðTÆ oþ| ¬ú¡@ ½>þ?#¬ú »<Œ o ¾ŒûsTWüy î¡Y aÕT ¬ú¡@ FYÓ| ¿>p#¬ú Wü<« »±ü;
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3.2 ¬Ÿ¾ ¬úÜ /ÎT ¿>ú »<Œ ½öYöTx« ¢õ î¡Y oGû¿ÃTÐo| Îû±þ ½zÃW öYöT| »<Œ
™ü|¾á¿ F<#¬ú« ½Gû¿OÏÐÕ »<Œ >™«Æ ¢õ:-
3.3 >Student Copy qT 15 (>p>ÎúÄÁ o™ÆR\¬ú
½Gû?¡ »<Œ)

4. ¬Ÿ¾ ½¬úÜ /ÎT ±þÏ »<Œ ¬ÁH ™ü|¾á¿ <Œ¬ú ½zÃW öYöT| ½>þ?#¬ú »<Œ >™«Æ ¢õ:-
4.1.1 >Student Copy qT 5 (>p>ÎúÄÁ ½GûWÕ)
4.1.2 >Official Copy qT 30 (¬Ã ¬úÜ ™ÎT
>Official Copy qT 15 (™ÎT ¬úYÕ F?»ü¿)
4.1.3 >To whom it may concern
qT 20 (>wFOa) qT 20 >GûGP ?gOÓú
4.1.4 >Degree & Diploma qT 50 (œQË>ú ÄüÐQ
FeOq ™>o|)
4.1.5 ½GYOÉ ñTH FFú¿ qT 50 (p>oþx o›Ë

½Gû¿YI? »<Œ) Ÿ@<Œ Ы qT 75 Á<@$
½SËY|RT î¡Y aÕT 251-
eM¡ aÕT 251-
þ.X.lÕT 1888

Office of the Registrar
(Service Charges Proposal)
March, 2001

Charge Charge
Service Charge Ethiopian USA Dollar
Birr (Non-Ethiopian)
1. Application fee
1.1 Graduate study 100.00 100.00
1.2 Advanced Study 30.00 30.00
1.3 Part-time 20.00 20.00
1.4 Transfer-External 20.00 20.00

2. Registration fee
2.1 Extension (CEP) 10.00 10.00
2.2 Post Basic* 10.00 10.00
2.3 Advanced Standing* 10.00 10.00
2.4 Part-time* 10.00 10.00
2.5 Transfer Exchange-external* 10.00 10.00
2.6 Transfer change local* 5.00 5.00
3. Late Registration fee with penalty
3.1 Regular 20.00 20.00
3.2 Extension (CEP) 30.00 30.00
4. Regarding request (if not changed) 10.00 10.00
5. Readmission fee
5.1 Regular 20.00 20.00
5.2 Extension (CEP) 20.00 20.00
6. I.D.Cards
6.1 I.D.Card preparation for extension* 5.00 5.00
6.2 I.D.Card Replacement 20.00 20.00
7. Transcript order
7.1 Student Copy 5.00 5.00
7.2 Urgent student copy 15.00 15.00
7.3 Official (local address)* 15.00 15.00
7.4 Official (to foreign address)* 30.00 30.00
7.5 Official (from foreign address)** 50.00 50.00
8. To whom it may concern
8.1 Regular 20.00 20.00
8.2 Extension (CEP) 20.00 20.00
8.3 Others (graduates, staffs etc) 30.00 30.00
9. Diploma/Degree Preparation 50.00 50.00
10. Authentication 1-3 copies
10.1 Local order 10.00 10.00
10.2 Foreign order 50.00 50.00

11. Name change 100.00 100.00
12. Diploma/Degree Replacement 200.00 200.00
13. Others:
Verification like professional
Hours, contact hours or field work, course break
downs etc.

13.1 Local order 50.00 50.00

13.2 Foreign order 75.00 75.00




If a student is withdrawing or claiming at the end of the academic year or graduating from the
University he/she has to complete the procedure on this form. Only with the proper clearance for
withdrawal and transfer, letter of enrollment, honorable dismissal be issued to the student.
Readmission to the Institute can only be considered if the University certifies proper termination.

4. Have terminal interview if withdrawal with the head of your Dept/Sch. And the head the
university obtaining their Signatures below

5. Obtain the other signatures designated.

6. Return this from top the Registrars office not latter than one week after your absence from
class. This from becomes part of your permanent file and record.

Full Name ___________________________ ID.NO ___________

Dep./Sch. ______________ Class/Year________ Date__________
Reason for withdrawal/clearance ___________________________

1. Department /Sch. Head_____________________ ___________

2. CBE coordinator _________________________ ____________
3. Book store Keeper _______________________ ____________
4. Librarian ______________________________ ____________
5. Head, Budget & Finance _________________ _____________
6. University policy Dep.__________________ _______________
7. School of Graduate Study________________ _____________
8 Registrar Office _______________________ _______________


Vice President for Vice Academic Vice president for Vice President for
Administration President Research Research & Graduate

Library Service ,Central Continuing & Office of Academic Registrar ,Main Office of Graduate Studies
Distance Affairs Office of Graduate
Education ,Dean Studies
School Associate Deans for
School, CDE Registrar ,School Graduate Studies
School &Female
Coordinators School Associate Deans for
Libraries Graduate Studies

Department, Heads
/Department Graduate
Study Coordinators
Heads/Department Graduate
Study Coordinators
Schools, Deans e-Learning /e-Teaching

Schools, Associate Schools, Associate Deans

Deans for Academic Affairs

Departments, Heads Department UG &G

Program e-LTC

Fig.1 ASTU Academic Wing Proposed Organizational Structure

ASTU Office of the Registrar
New Entry Students

Orientation Date : …………………………………………………

Venue: Dining hall
S.N Activity Time Responsibility
1 Welcome /Opening Speech 9:00 - 9:15 President or
AM V/President
2 Brief Introduction about Academic Rule & 9:15 – 9:30 Registrar
3 Brief Introduction of Library 9:30 – 9:45 Head, Library
4 Student Facilities & Disciplinary 9:45 – 10:00 Dean of Student
Rules AM
5 Brief Introduction of Student 10:00 – Council
Council 10:15 AM representative
6 Brief Introduction of Security 10:15 – Chief, University
10:30 AM Police
7 Brief Introduction of Gender 10:30 - Gender Office
10:45 AM
8 Brief Introduction About School & 10:45 – School Deans
Dep.* 11:25 AM (Edu-Law-Natu-Hum’ity)

9 General discussion 11:25- 12:00 V/President/

AM Registrar
* 10 minuets for each School dean is allotted

Moderator: ASTU Public relation Office

¾UÅv Seð`ƒ
........................ Academic calendar
1. Interest with GPA = 65%
2. Gender (Female) = 25%
3. Unprivileged Region = 5%
4. ASTU Staff Children = 5%
5. Health & Disabled = open with


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