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A study on the effects of playing video games on

International Bachelor’s Degree students

Group 2 – I19S2
Nguyen Trung Hieu
Ha Vi Kieu Anh
Nguyen Tuan Duong
Hoang Duc Thinh

Lecturer: Mrs. Tran Minh Chau

Table of Contents
List of figures.......................................................................................................................3
Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................4
1.1. Background of the study.......................................................................................4
1.2. Purpose of the study..............................................................................................4
1.3. Research question............................................................................................5
1.4. Scope of the study.................................................................................................5
1.5. Structure of the research.................................................................................5
Chapter 2. Literature Review...............................................................................................6
2.1. The information and development of games.......................................................6
2.2. The effects of video games..................................................................................7
Chapter 3. Research Methodology......................................................................................9
3.1 Participants of the research......................................................................................9
3.2 Research Instruments...............................................................................................9
3.3 Research procedure..................................................................................................9
Chapter 4. Data Analysis...................................................................................................10
4.1 Participant’s background profiles.....................................................................10
4.2 Participants' intention and frequency with playing video games......................11
4.3. The method of playing video games................................................................13
4.5 Taking money for video games.........................................................................16
4.6 Discussion..........................................................................................................17
4.7. Recommend the solution...................................................................................18
Chapter 5: Conclusion.......................................................................................................19
5.1 Summary reasearch..................................................................................................19
5.2. Limitation...............................................................................................................20
5.3 Recommendation for research.................................................................................20
Reference list.....................................................................................................................21
List of figures

Figure 1: The gender of the gamer.....................................................................................10

Figure 2: The age start playing games...............................................................................10
Figure 3: Frequency of students playing games................................................................11
Figure 4: Time to play in a day..........................................................................................11
Figure 5: Purpose of playing video games........................................................................12
Figure 6: The benefits of playing games...........................................................................13
Figure 7: People who play games with..............................................................................13
Figure 8: Equipment to play games...................................................................................14
Figure 9: Genre of games that students often play............................................................14
Figure 10: Action while playing games.............................................................................15
Figure 11: Amount paid for games....................................................................................16

1.1. Background of the study

Technology has become an essential part of our lives in this day and age. The
evolution of entertainment may be observed across various mediums, ranging from
newspapers and comic books to radio and electronic gadgets, including advancements in
technology and artificial intelligence. The growth of the leading entertainment sector,
video games, coincided with that development. One could argue that technological
advances have fundamentally changed people's lives. Video games are gradually
replacing their traditional role as a entertainment tool for the younger generation,
becoming more and more important while also creating a billion-dollar business today.

Several computer games were developed in the 1960s for mainframe and
minicomputer systems, but due to the limited availability of computer resources, these
games did not become widely popular. Program delivery between computers across
different geographies is challenging due to a lack of fully trained programmers that are
interested in creating entertainment items. However, the circumstance had significantly
changed by the late 1970s. A multitude of issues, including an oversaturated console
market, competition from computer games, and an excess of low-quality games, led to
the dramatic collapse of the North American video game industry in 1983. Throughout
the course of time, video games have exhibited a significant divergence across many
platforms, encompassing arcade games, mainframes, personal computers, portable
devices, and ultimately computer systems.

The purpose of this study was to look at how young people, especially IBD Intake
students, play video games. Each of them has played video games at least once, and many
of them continue to do so to this day. Every day, after school, students spend time
playing video games for entertainment and stress relief. However, playing games too
much is not a beneficial habit, and it negatively affects time management, study results
and health. Hence, the inclusion of student video games is deemed highly significant and
indispensable in order to furnish precise statistics and data that can contribute to the
enhancement of student well-being and scholastic achievements.
1.2. Purpose of the study

The main objective of this study was to determine if playing or watching video
games had any adverse effects on IBD students. Although playing games can improve a
child's reflexes, attention and social connections, it also has certain negative effects on
learning. The most obvious negative impact of playing games on students is the problems
of nearsightedness, inactivity, sitting at the computer a lot, causing spinal pain, and
obesity, games also make students neglect their studies. This study shows students' video
game habits by demonstrating the negative effects of playing games, which will enhance
their quality of life.

1.3. Research question

- What do IBD students think of video games?

- What effects do games have on IBD students?

- What needs to be done to overcome those negative effects?

1.4. Scope of the study

The research will focus on students enrolled in the International Baccalaureate
Diploma (IBD) program due to time limitations. This particular group is chosen since it
represents a more proximate and convenient target audience compared to a broader
population. The inquiries and surveys will be refined in order to yield optimal and
pertinent outcomes, so enabling the research team to scrutinize and derive findings in
accordance with the research query.

1.5. Structure of the research

The research will be divided into six primary chapters, with Chapter I serving as
the introduction and Chapter II serving as a review of the literature. The Methodology of
Research, Synthesis, and Analysis of Reputable Tools is covered in Chapter III. Data
analysis is covered in Chapter IV, and findings and discussion are covered in Chapter V,
which includes a detailed analysis, a discussion of the data that was studied in the
preceding part, and an explanation of the results. The study's conclusion, Chapter VI,
concludes by summarizing the findings and offering suggestions for additional research.
Chapter 2. Literature Review

Technology is increasingly developing, so it comes with the rise of video games.

This is a habit to entertain and relieve stress after stressful studies and projects at school.
And so are IBD students, they also play video games before and after school. This study
intends to learn about their video game-playing behaviour and some of the potential
impacts generated by gaming activity in order to highlight some of the effects of video

2.1. The information and development of games

2.1.1.The Emergence of video games

Computers in the 1940s and 1950s were limited in scope and accessible only to
colleges and businesses. Software-generated games like tic tac toe and two-player tennis
piqued public interest and support (Bernedan Freeman, 2022). One of the earliest such
video games created in 1962 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) students
was Space Wars who were fans of the game.

The first home video games as we know them now appeared in the 1970s.
Computer Space and Pong were the first arcade games, while the Brown Box was created
and planned to be iconic and later evolved into the revolutionary Magnavox Odyssey by
the man considered to be the father of video games Ralph Baer. Very few people can
honestly claim that they foresaw the multi-billion-dollar business we have today when
this initiative began. The development of microprocessors has become very important
(Marriot Guy, 2016)

2.1.2. The recovery and increase of games

The home video game industry began to recover in 1985 when the Nintendo
Entertainment System (NES), known as the Famicom in Japan, arrived in the United
States. The company released several important e-commerce games that are still alive
today, such as Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda and Metroid. Super Mario Bros.,
a live-action movie, and the subsequent two years' releases of Street Fighter and Mortal
Kombat marked the mid-1990s transition of video games to the big screen. Since then, a
lot of video game-based films have been made.
The Internet was still not developed or used widely enough in the early 2000s to
support online multiplayer games. So LAN parties are held for gamers to fight each other,
players bring their own computers and link them to a local network. Technology also
advances rapidly with each passing decade. A realistic video game environment has been
made possible thanks to advanced graphics technology. Artificial intelligence has made it
possible for simulated opponents to react to in-game events automatically instead of
reacting consistently across all situations. In an open-world game, the player can explore
the broken world structure on their own and choose how the game will play out
(Alexander R., 2020)

2.1.3.The current age of games

In recent years, the market for video games has grown to be worth a billion
dollars, with revenues outpacing those of the music and film industries. Numerous
independent gaming companies have produced games for PCs, consoles, tablets, and
mobile phones, among other platforms. As a result, more individuals now regularly play
video games. And the days when only children and teens played these games are long
gone. On their mobile phones, older generations are also learning about puzzle games.
With the proliferation of smart mobile phones, the number of game addicts is rising
(Alexander R., 2020).

With the development of the internet and connectivity technology, online gaming
will continue to increase. Multiplayer online games and highly interactive games will
become more popular. Players can play on mobile phones and computers. There are
many games that are downloaded a lot like PUBG with more than 600 million or League
with more than 180 million plays per month (Rijad K., 2023) That's why the world has
created a lot of big esport tournaments with huge amounts of money. The most typical is
the Dota 2 games themselves with The International tournament in 2021 with a prize
money of up to 40 million USD. Gradually report is recognized by people all over the
world and is included in the Olympics.

2.2. The effects of video games

2.2.1. The positive effects of games

According to Jonathan D.O., 2019, playing video games has a certain impact on
students. Video game playing has been found in studies to improve learning. Teachers
claim that using video games in the classroom increases test scores. Games provide
students with the opportunity to acquire knowledge and afterwards employ it in practical
scenarios. Simulation-style games are utilized in both military and medical training
programs to impart knowledge and skills related to equipment utilization and strategic
decision-making. Numerous video games impart valuable life skills to young individuals
by instructing them in the areas of delegation, teamwork, and prioritization. Online
games that facilitate the engagement of young individuals with their peers in the physical
world typically necessitate collaboration and the allocation of tasks in order to progress
through various stages.It has been shown that playing video games can improve our
ability to reason and solve problems. We can successfully multitask thanks to them, and
we can also digest information more swiftly and make decisions in an instant. Playing
video games can improve hand-eye coordination and aural perception.

2.2.2 The negative effects of video games

Video games leads to addiction 2017 (Louis G.) Addiction to video games is on
the rise and is only going to get worse. According to the World Health Organization, 3-
4% of gamers worldwide suffer from gaming disorder, a real mental health problem.
Jonathan D.O. asserts that adults or parents should be aware of how much time kids
spend playing video games and whether it replaces or adversely affects other elements of
their lives. Playing online games with buddies after school is a simple way to "hang out"
without ever leaving the house. However, a virtual gathering of this kind cannot take the
place of an in-person engagement. The fact that some video games encourage gambling
through loot boxes and microtransactions that encourage compulsive spending is one of
the most significant repercussions of gaming. Due to how easy it seems to access
gambling-like components in modern games, gaming addiction can result in gambling
addiction, which is a problem in and of itself. Since children play these games frequently,
they have access to gambling features that involve real money. Parents have discovered
unauthorized charges totaling hundreds or even thousands of dollars on their credit cards.
(Cam A., 2019)
Chapter 3. Research Methodology

3.1 Participants of the research

The research team will focus on exploring the habits and behaviors of video game
usage among students enrolled in the International Bachelor Degree program at the
National Economics University. The primary objective of this survey is to target a cohort
of around 80 students enrolled in the International Bachelor program at National
Economics University. The individuals in question encompass a group of pupils who
identify as both male and female, falling between the age range of 18 to 20 years old. A
shared characteristic among all individuals is their inclination towards this area of
research, along with a consistent engagement in video game playing and a certain level of
familiarity with video games. In order to enhance inclusivity and equity, students will be
chosen for both morning and afternoon shifts.

3.2 Research Instruments

The primary target population will be surveyed using a questionnaire on the
Google Form system, employing the survey method that involves the use of concise
multiple-choice or single-choice questions. The research team will thereafter employ
methods of comparison, contrast, and measurement to analyze the data obtained from the
results. The feedback provided by students will be exclusively utilized for research and
educational objectives.

3.3 Research procedure

The study will commence by investigating the habits, behaviors, and attitudes
pertaining to video games among students. This will be accomplished by the
administration of a questionnaire, which will be distributed to the participants in an
online format. Subsequently, the responses and evaluations provided by students will be
gathered and presented using visual representations such as tables, line graphs, and pie
charts. This study will evaluate, interpret, discuss, and draw conclusions based on the
aforementioned statistics.
Chapter 4. Data Analysis

4.1 Participant’s background profiles

50 58
Male Female

Figure 1: The gender of the gamer

The user's gender is first determined in the survey. Figure 1 displays men and
women as a bar graph. Additionally, it includes the survey's response rate, which, while
modest, is enough for our study. The research shows that 100% of respondents, regardless
of gender, have played video games. The majority of responders and those who exhibited
an interest in the topic of video games were men. Meanwhile, this difference is negligible
and has no bearing on the survey's findings.



3-5 years old 6-13 years old

14-18 years old

Figure 2: The age start playing games

The presented pie chart offers a comprehensive breakdown of the proportion of
students who initiate engagement in video games, arranged in ascending order according
to age, ranging from 3 to 18 years old. The chart is categorized into three distinct
developmental stages: children, encompassing early years; age schooling and puberty,
covering the intermediate phase; and adolescent, representing the last stage. In general,
the proportion of individuals who initiated their engagement with video games during the
age range of 3 to 6 and 13 to 18 is very limited. This observation underscores the
prevalence of respondents who commenced their involvement with video games within
the age range of 7 to 13. The graph illustrates that the most notable demographic consists
of those who initiated their gaming activities within the age range of 7 to 12, commonly
referred to as teens, constituting the largest proportion. The age groups of 3 to 6 and 13 to
18 collectively constitute less than one-third of the student population, but the majority,
accounting for 78%, consists of individuals experiencing puberty. The age group of 3 to 6
year-olds represents 15% of the student population, while adolescents aged 13 to 18
comprise only 7%.

4.2 Participants' intention and frequency with playing video games

4.2.1. The time participants spend playing the game



Before learing During learing After learning

Figure 3: Frequency of students playing games

The table above shows how much time participants spend playing the game.
Thereby seeing that most of the time they play games after studying accounts for nearly
half. 34% of people spend their pre-study time having fun - playing games and the last
group of younger play games while doing homework is a small number (one in five).
More than 8 hours 16%

4 to less than 8 hours 38%

Less than 2 hours 46%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%

Figure 4: Time to play in a day

Figure 4 shows how much time students spend each day playing video games. The
bulk of respondents (46%) said they played fewer than two video games daily. The
average daily playing time for 38% of users is between 4 and 8 hours. Only 16% of those
polled claimed to spend more than eight hours a day playing video games.

4.2.2. Reasons why people play video games

To pratice focus

To kill time

To earn money

To socialize

To relax

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%

Figure 5: Purpose of playing video games

The study reveals the various intentions of pupils to play video games in this data
sheet. Figure 5 illustrates that the majority of students play video games for pleasure and
relaxation, as well as to pass the time, using multiple choice questions. About 44% about
33 students entertain and relax by playing games while 24% of students spend time to kill
time. 12% of participants admitted that playing games helps them practice concentration
and expand their social circle. A few (8%) think that playing games can help them earn an

30% 28%
26% 26%




Improve thinking Hand eye coordination Improve foreign Learn perseverance and
language increase theability to
work in a team

Figure 6: The benefits of playing games

In the survey about a quarter (28%) of students often admit they play games to
increase hand-eye reflexes. About 20 students said that playing games can increase
thinking ability and increase communication ability as well as further improve language,
this accounts for about 26%. 28% of the students who participated in the survey found
that after playing the game they learned their perseverance and teamwork improved

4.3. The method of playing video games








Alone Family Friends Strangers

Figure 7: People who play games with

The researchers in the study asked multiple-choice questions about how and with
whom to play video games. Figure 7 demonstrates that the majority of students polled
preferred to play video games with their family or friends, with 16 and 60 votes for each
option, respectively. Following that, 18people decided to play games alone, while only
six people stated they wanted to play games with strangers.

Chart Title




PC Phone Handheld console

Figure 8: Equipment to play games

In this part, multiple-choice questions are employed once more to offer data on the
devices that students frequently use to play games in Figure 8. According to statistics,
just 12 students prefer portable handheld console for gaming, accounting for around 24%,
and only 18 students believe phone is a decent choice for gaming, accounting for
approximately 36%. Meanwhile, the majority of students favor PCs with 20 people (40%)
believing that PCs are the best platform for playing video games. Furthermore, cell
phones are used by a substantial proportion of pupils.
Others 18

Sports 35

Shooting 19

Arcades 21

Puzzle 18
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Figure 9: Genre of games that students often play

Figure 9 depicts students' selections for several video game genres in this part
using multiple-choice questions. It is clear that two choice that puzzle and and some other
types of games that are not on the list of less favorable, they only voted for these two
types 18 times, accounting for 36%. In particular, the two average favorite games are
Arcade and shooting with the rate of 38% and 42% of people choosing to play these 2
game genres. Finally, the report shows that sports games are the most popular of all game
genres with 35 votes accounting for 70% of the total of more than 50 students
participating in this survey.

Never Rarely Barely Often Always

Figure 10: Action while playing games

The results presented in Figure 10 were obtained by assigning scores to the form
questions on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 represents the response "Never" and 5 represents
the response "Always." The following are few prevalent activities that transpire during
the engagement of learners in video game play. It is evident that a significant proportion
of students, specifically 62 individuals or almost 75% of the total student population,
indicated a consistent engagement in physical movement while gaming. Similarly, the
majority of students also expressed a preference for the option "always" while making
this decision. Furthermore, approximately 67% of students reported a habit of
maintaining hydration when gaming. According to the survey results, a majority of
students (about 43%) reported consistently incorporating regular screen breaks into their
routine. In contrast, a smaller proportion (34%) indicated engaging in this practice only
on an occasional basis. Moreover, a significant proportion of students, specifically 56%,
consistently comply to the time budget limitation, with an additional 18% consistently
adhering to this limit. The outputs of the three exercises exhibited a comparable level of
execution intensity. In the survey about the frequency of daily gaming, it was observed
that 32% of respondents indicated a rare occurrence, 30% reported never engaging in
gaming activities, 19% claimed to engage in gaming regularly, 13% stated they engage in
gaming constantly, and a mere 3% reported engaging in gaming activities to a little
extent. A significant proportion of students, specifically 30%, reported engaging in the
regular consumption of healthful snacks while participating in video game activities. In
conclusion, the availability of a wide range of resources for seeking guidance, finding
solutions, and viewing game-related videos is utilized infrequently by 29% of students
and not at all by 23% of students. Conversely, the usage patterns of these resources are
very evenly distributed, with 20% of students consistently utilizing them and 18% rarely
doing so.

4.5 Taking money for video games



Only play free games A single-payment games

A paid-for games

Figure 11: Amount paid for games

Figure 11 illustrates the various categories of games or the monetary expenditure
incurred by students on video games. The data indicates a significant proportion of
students, specifically 54% of the respondents, engage only in playing free games on
various platforms. Subsequently, a total of 26% of pupils elect to engage in a paid game
on a singular occasion or a game that necessitates an initial buy before commencing
gameplay. Merely 20% of students exhibit a preference for engaging in pay-to-play or
pay-to-win games, indicating that such game genres, characterized by mandatory monthly
subscriptions or regular monetary additions, constitute a comparatively minuscule
proportion among students.

4.6 Discussion
From the information shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2, it can be seen that
students aged 6 to 13 years old and above have begun to have access to video games.
This number is also understandable because this is the age when they begin to mature,
interact with friends more and they have a desire to be entertained and connected around.
From the survey results, the number of male students tends to play games more than
female (58% vs 42%).

It can be seen that most students do not let playing games affect their learning,
only 20% of students study while playing. Figure 4 shows that nearly half of the students
at IBD played games for no more than 2 hours, indicating that they do not consider
games as essential entertainment during the day. With the number of students playing
games for 4-8 hours a day, it can be said that students not only consider games as
entertainment tools but also satisfy their interests. Only 16% of students played video
games for more than 8 hours. These students spend more than a third of their day playing
video games, which causes not only many harmful effects on health, but can also affect
the quality of work and outcomes. children's learning results.

Most students choose to play video games just to relax and kill time. But playing
games properly and in moderation will help students gain many new skills such as
practicing reflexes, communicating social problems and improving their ability to speak
other languages. Only a few students think that playing games can help them make
money. It can be seen that it is very difficult and hard to invest time to play games for the
purpose of making money. Based on figure 11 along with some quick interviews, the
research team came to the conclusion that IBD students only play games for
entertainment and they do not choose to play games that cost too much. They only really
invest in games when they are necessary for making them money.

With an increasing number and habits of playing games, the research team
investigated the activities when playing games of IBD students. Most to play games need
concentration and most students choose computers as tools, so in the process of playing
games, they rarely move their bodies and let the screen rest. This can cause harm to the
spine as well as the player's face. Besides, quite a few students used snacks while playing
games. That helps players have a little more energy, but it is this habit over time that
causes cases of obesity because they consume too much mineral energy, which is not
good. This number indicates that IBD students do not care too much about their own
health problems when playing games.

4.7. Recommend the solution

After taking the survey, there are many IBD students while playing video games
and encountering some negative things. This study will give some tips to help students
balance game time.

- The main purpose of students playing video games is to relax as well as kill time
but instead of diving into games they should choose other ways to entertain
themselves such as going out with friends, going shopping or playing sports.
These actions help students be more active and more socially accessible. Not only
that, because they do not sit still, they are forced to move, which results in
avoiding spine problems and obesity.
- Playing games too much can reduce the motivation in each student. They should
set themselves a limit of playing games a day and should participate in some
volunteer activities to help their bodies become more flexible.
Chapter 5: Conclusion

5.1 Summary reasearch

The video games business has experienced substantial expansion, transforming it
from a mere source of amusement into a multi-billion dollar sector that is now
acknowledged as a legitimate professional sport. Games, including video games, have
emerged as a prevalent and essential source of entertainment in contemporary society.
They have become an integral part of students' lives, serving as a means to alleviate stress
and unwind from the challenges of daily living. Based on the findings of the analysis, a
significant proportion of students engaged in video game playing from a young age up
until the time of this study, displaying a frequency that can be characterized as
moderately frequent. Nevertheless, there remains a subset of students who can be
described as engaging in excessive gaming on a daily basis. There exist numerous
motivations behind students engaging in video game play, with the primary impetus
being recreational enjoyment. Additionally, certain students may partake in competitive
gaming or eSports as a means to generate income. The pupils were instructed to be
mindful of safeguarding their well-being in order to prevent any negative impact from
excessive gaming. However, the issue raised by the students pertained to time
management, which might be considered a rather straightforward problem to address. A
significant proportion of students engage in recreational gaming activities that are
characterized by simplicity, lack of demanding specifications, and absence of financial
obligations. These games are typically played on personal computing devices such as
personal computers or mobile smartphones. This observation suggests that video games
are predominantly associated with the younger demographic. Students with Inflammatory
Bowel Disease (IBD) can serve as a means of amusement, but it is important to exercise
moderation in their utilization. Upon doing a comparative analysis, it is evident that the
gaming patterns exhibited by students enrolled in the IBD program bear a striking
resemblance to the gaming data documented on a global scale.

The primary aim of this study was to investigate the prevalent gaming behaviors
and experiences among student populations engaged in video game play, with the
intention of promoting a balanced and successful approach to gaming.
5.2. Limitation
Subsequent investigations may be constructed based on the discoveries and results
of this particular study. Furthermore, as indicated by the researchers, it is recommended
that future surveys incorporate a larger sample size and employ alternative measuring and
survey methodologies. Moreover, it is imperative to enhance and modify this study in
subsequent research endeavors owing to its inherent limitations.

This study initially examined the gaming behaviors of students, a topic of

significant importance. The study's scope is limited due to time constraints. In addition,
the research piece exclusively focuses on conventional perspectives or definitions,
neglecting the diverse ideas of students. Ultimately, despite the utilization of a Google
Forms online survey method, there remains a tendency for students to exhibit a lack of
complete candor in their responses. Consequently, there exist certain pragmatic
observations that may exert an influence on the investigation.

The rectification and resolution of research limitations can be achieved through the
implementation of a comprehensive methodology, which includes the utilization of
surveys, case studies, interviews, as well as the collection of opinions and observations
over an extended duration.

The primary aim of this study was to investigate the prevalent gaming behaviors
and experiences among students who engage in video game play, with the goal of
promoting a balanced and successful approach to gaming.

5.3 Recommendation for research

In subsequent investigations, potential enhancements for study pertaining to this
subject matter may adhere to the subsequent recommendations. Firstly, it is imperative to
note that conducting studies allows for the broadening of the study's scope, hence
facilitating the inclusion of a more extensive and precise dataset. Moreover, conducting
extra research on the subject matter may give rise to supplementary inquiries such as:
"What is the impact of engaging in video games on the scholastic achievements of
students?", "What strategies can be employed to foster a more equitable approach to
video game consumption?", and "To what extent do parental factors shape children's
exposure to video games?" Is pursuing a career as a professional gamer a prudent
Reference list

1. Oliver Kicks (2023). The History & Evolution of Video Games. Available at:
2. Cam Adair (2021). What Are the Pros and Cons of Video Games? Available at:
3. Sharlene Matharu (2022). What Are the Positive and Negative Effects of Video
Games? Available at: https://insights.gostudent.org/en/positive-and-negative-
4. Alexander Rechsteiner (2020). The history of video games. Available at:
5. Dam Sangnang (2018). Video games history. Available at: Video Game History
6. Louise Gaille (2017). 13 Video Games Pros and Cons. Available at:
7. DotNeck (2017). Disadvantages of playing video games. Available at:
8. Kabir.L (2020). 10 Negative Effects of Video Games. Available at:
9. Matt Gradner (2020). People Are Spending Ridiculous Time and Money on
Gaming During Coronavirus. Available at:
10. Editorial Staff (2023). 15 Surprising Benefits of Playing Video Games. Available
at: https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/65008/15-surprising-benefits-playing-
11. Cam Adair (unknown) 11 Positive Effects of Video Games. Availble at:

1. Your gender?
o Male
o Female
2. When did you start playing video games?
o 3-5 years old
o 6-13 years old
o 14-18 years old
3. How often do you play video games?
o Sometimes
o Everyday
o Rarely
4. How many hours do you usually spend playing video games a day?
o Less than 2 hours
o 4 to less than 8 hours
o More than 8 hours
5. When do you prefer to play video games?
o Before study
o During study
o After study
6. How do you prefer to play video games
o Alone
o With family
o With friends
o With strangers
7. What device(s) do you usually play games on?
o PC
o Mobile
o Console
o Handheld console
8. For what purpose do you play the game?
o To relax and entertain
o To socialize
o To compete for money
o To kill time
o To practice reflexes, concentration
9. Do you spend money on games/Do the games you play have a fee?
o No, I only play free games
o Yes, I have to buy the games/it’s a 1 time paid game
o Yes, I have to recharge to upgrade the game every month/it’s a pay-to-play game
10. What type(s) of video games do you prefer?
o Puzzle
o Arcades
o Shooting/FPS
o Sports and simulation
o Role Playing Game (RPG)
o Real-time strategy (RTS)
o Multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA)
o Survival and horror
11. Rate the following statements from 1-5 (1 is Never, 5 is Always): When you
play video games, do you…
Never Rarely Barely Ofte Always
Move your body
Take regular screen breaks
Stay hydrated
Ration daily gaming hours
Stick to your limits (time, budget)
Eat unhealthy snacks
Search for tips, solutions, watch game-related

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