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Conde Labac Integrated School

Inquires, Investigations and Immersion



A Research Paper
Presented to
The Faculty of the Conde Labac Senior High Schoo
Conde Labac Integrated School
Division of Batangas City
Batangas City

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for
Inquires, Investigation & Immersion
Grade 12 Senior High School Applied Subject

Abejo, Angelina S.
Alegria, Eron A.
Almarez, Sharmyn A.
Ebora Khen D.
Claveria Dianne C.
Guico, Baby Lyza A.
Macatangay, Glaiza B.
Macatangay, Jhon Matin P.
Miranda, Roma Denisse D.
Soneja, Judylyn M.

May 2024
Conde Labac Integrated School
Inquires, Investigations and Immersion




Based on the study of Nadaraja (2023) Social media marketing refers to the

use of social media channels to promote a company and its products. It is a

rapidly growing trend that complements traditional online marketing strategies.

By encouraging users to share messages with their personal contacts, social

media marketing has revolutionized mass communication and marketing. This

approach has led to the development of new tools and analytics applications that

provide businesses with better insights. Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and

LinkedIn are some of the popular social media sites that businesses use for

marketing. Marketing through social media can take various forms, such as

creating brand pages or groups and leveraging user connections to spread

awareness. Collaborative projects like wikis and blogs are also effective

platforms for marketing. Diversifying social media strategies is crucial to reaching

the right audience and achieving success.

Muhammad (2023) Consumer buying behavior refers to the actions and

decisions that individuals or households make when they purchase goods or

services for personal use. It involves the process of identifying needs and wants,

searching for information, evaluating alternatives, making a purchase decision,

and post-purchase evaluation. It is important for marketers because it helps them

Conde Labac Integrated School
Inquires, Investigations and Immersion

develop effective marketing strategies that can influence consumers' purchasing

decisions. By understanding the factors that influence consumer behavior,

marketers can tailor their marketing messages and tactics to meet the specific

needs and preferences of their target audience.

The internet and social media have been significant to the lives of the Filipino

people. Social media is a technology that allows people to collaborate or share

information (Dollarhide, 2021). It can provide real time exchange of information

through the help of the internet. As a matter of fact, data shows that the

Philippines ranks one of the highest in the most time spent online despite the fact

that the internet connection is often slow and unstable (Digital Marketing Institute,

2021). Due to the emerging market trends and technological advancement,

online platforms had evolved to become business and marketing channels.

Furthermore, because of the recent economic changes, many traditional

businesses had to adapt to e-commerce and social media marketing to remain in

the competition.

Social media has revolutionized communication on a global scale, connecting

people from different cultures and countries like never before. With the world

becoming increasingly interconnected, social media plays a crucial role in

fostering real-time communication and understanding among individuals and

organizations. In addition to bridging the gap between brands and consumers,

social media also offers numerous benefits for marketers. According to Statista,

increased exposure is the primary advantage of using social media for marketing

purposes, as it provides access to billions of active users who can be potential

Conde Labac Integrated School
Inquires, Investigations and Immersion

customers. Furthermore, social media enables improved web traffic, lead

generation, and increased customer loyalty, making it an essential tool for

marketers worldwide. The influence between social media and marketing is

reciprocal. Social media not only shapes marketers' preferred channels and

tactics but also helps them customize their messages and strategies to cater to

the specific needs of international consumers in the global market.

Nonetheless, social media has given opportunities for businesses to grow and

reduce cost. Also, because of social media, it became easier for businesses to

connect with their customers and it was also easier for businesses to influence

their customers. The top social media sites used for commerce and marketing in

the Philippines are Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter (Malig,

2021). In terms of e-commerce, Lazada, Shopee, Carousell. Zalora, and

Facebook Marketplace are the top five leading platforms. (Prosperna, 2022).

Moreover, during the pandemic, it was noticeable how Filipinos became inclined

with social media in terms of their purchasing behavior. It is not new that Filipinos

are easily influenced by trends as they love connection and recognition. It also

became a habit or interest for many Filipinos to share their best and worst

purchases. online. Due to these online activities, it is easier for businesses to

analyze market demands. and increase brand recognition. As for the Filipino

consumers, it became more convenient to stay connected. This makes social

media equally beneficial for both consumers and businesses.

Social media has a profound effect on people's lives. It plays a significant role

in the world because people spend vast amounts of time using social media in
Conde Labac Integrated School
Inquires, Investigations and Immersion

every aspect of their lives. The use of social media is steadily increasing. As it

does, it exposes enterprises. to both risks and opportunities (Effing et al., 2016).

That is why social media presence or strategy is a vital aspect to every company

as it gives a distinct perspective than traditional media which has a profound

impact on society. It is an expression of curiosity, personality, and self-

awareness, an aspect of human experience that is fundamental and innate to

people. The emerging media platforms' structural features and advanced

applications provide customization of different strategies that companies could

maneuver for them to be more palatable to consumers and potential consumers

(Gündüz, 2017).

Understanding customer purchasing behavior is crucial for businesses as it

helps predict how customers will behave and what their preferences, demands,

and lifestyles will be (Asma & Misbah, 2009). Marketers can greatly benefit from

comprehending customer preferences as it enhances their ability to segment,

target, and forecast. Before launching a product, it is essential to determine the

specific products that buyers want. With advancements in technology, marketers

now utilize social media as a platform for advertising and selling their products

and services. This enables them to develop effective strategies to attract more

customers. Social media has become a popular means of communication,

making it easier for businesses to reach and engage with their target audience.

Social media marketing provides a new channel for businesses to communicate

and influence customer purchasing behavior (Barhemmati & Ahmad, 2015).

Conde Labac Integrated School
Inquires, Investigations and Immersion

Social media also allows companies to control their information dissemination,

engage in dialogue with customers, and enhance customer engagement. It

shapes public discourse and businesses are increasingly recognizing its societal

impact. A company's social media presence can influence customers' purchasing

decisions, leading to increased website traffic, revenue, customer satisfaction,

trust, and better decision-making (Buffer, 2019 in Nanda, 2022).

The researchers have undertaken this study to assess and analyze the impact

of social media marketing on customer purchasing behavior, specifically among

senior high school students.

Statement of the problem

The main objective of the study is to analyze the Effect of Social Media

Marketing on Consumer Purchasing Behavior in the ABM Industry

1. What are the potential challenges observed of using social media

marketing that influence consumer buying behavior in ABM Industry?

2. Is there significant relationship between social media marketing and

purchasing behavior in the ABM Industry?

3. What marketing strategy can be proposed and empower online

consumers in the ABM Industry?

Scope and Delimitation

This study the limits and boundaries of the research would be specified by this

study on the impact of social media marketing on consumer purchasing behavior

Conde Labac Integrated School
Inquires, Investigations and Immersion

in the ABM Industry. This could involve defining the target audience (e.g.,

particular demographics or geographical areas), the kinds of social media

platforms that are being evaluated, the duration of the research, and any

particular ABM techniques or tactics that are being looked at. It could address

things like the omission of different industries or marketing channels, possible

biases in data collecting, and the exclusive focus on consumer behavior instead

of larger business effects. These guidelines aid in maintaining the study's

feasibility and emphasis within its specified parameters.

Significance of the Study

The primary beneficiaries of the research are the consumers, who will help

positively from the study. The research is the answer to know the effects of

Social Media Marketing on consumers purchasing behavior:

To the Marketers, It make the customers aware of their products or services,

engages them, and helps them make the buying decision.

To the Customers and Consumers, It will give them more information about

understanding how they make decisions to spend their available resources like

time and money, and effort while purchasing goods and services.

To the Educator and Students, This study can be used as an instrument or

an additional reference by teachers in teaching the students especially business

and economy related subjects. It will also give connect them with sources of

information and networks of professional support.

Conde Labac Integrated School
Inquires, Investigations and Immersion

To The Researchers, As a future entrepreneur this study will tremendously

help to know and understand the purchasing behavior of consumers by buying in

online or social media marketing.

To the Future Researcher, The findings of the study will give additional

information for future researchers who wants to conduct further research about

the Effect of Social Media Marketing on Consumers Purchasing Behavior in ABM


Definition of Terms
The following terms are defined conceptually and operationally for better
understanding of the study.
ABM - is designed for students who are interested in business, finance,
entrepreneurship, and accounting. The curriculum of the ABM strand provides a
strong foundation in the principles of business and management, as well as
financial and accounting concepts. This study helps businesses leverage
consumer buying behavior to deliver highly relevant and customized content,
resulting in increased engagement, brand awareness, and ultimately, higher
conversion rates.
Behavior - is how someone acts. It is what a person does to make something
happen, to make something change or to keep things the same. The consumer
actions and preferences on social media platforms influence businesses’
marketing strategies. It involves understanding consumer behavior to create
effective campaigns and engage with the target audience.
Business Development - is a process aimed at growing a company and making
it more successful. It helps the businesses gather insights about consumer
preferences to improve marketing strategies and drive sales.
Business Strategy - is an outline of the actions and decisions a company plans
to take to reach its goals and objectives. It supports the consumer buying
Conde Labac Integrated School
Inquires, Investigations and Immersion

behavior by enabling businesses to target the right audience, position their brand
effectively, communicate a compelling value proposition, and engage with
customers through social media marketing.
Challenges - a situation, task, or problem that is difficult, new, or complex and
presents the possibility of testing skills or resources and being interpreted as or
transformed into an opportunity. This study can help in social media marketing to
increase brand awareness, build trust, and engage the right audience.
Consumer – It refers to an individual or organization that buys goods or services
produced by other individuals or businesses. Consumers play a vital role in the
economy by creating demands for products and services. They make choices
based on their needs, preferences, and budget. The consumers have the power
to influence market trends and the success of businesses.
Demands - they require you to do things which need a lot of time, energy, or
money. It refers to consumer to purchase goods and services also willingness to
pay a price for a specific good or service.
Economic - concerned with the organization of the money, industry, and trade of
a country, region, or society.
Engagement - the official conditions that someone must agree to before they
can start to be employed by someone. Marketing
Internet – it is a worldwide interconnection of computers and computer networks
that facilitate the sharing or exchange of information.
Marketing – is the management process through which goods and services
move from concept to the customer.
Merchandising - promotes products and increases sales in a physical space and
on a digital platform.
Purchase - the act of acquiring something in exchange for money or other forms
of payment and are sometimes used interchangeably.
Social media - involves natural and general conversation between people about
a topic of mutual interest. Social media facilitates the exchange of information via
email, chat rooms, blogs, discussion forums, digital audio, images and movies.
Conde Labac Integrated School
Inquires, Investigations and Immersion

Social Media Marketing - marketing represents marketing communication

opportunities in virtual or online environments. This study promotes companies
and products through social media channels, complementing traditional online
strategies. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and LinkedIn that is
popular for marketing. Businesses create brand pages, leverage user
connections, and use collaborative projects like wikis and blogs. Diversifying
strategies is crucial for reaching the right audience and succeeding in social
media marketing.
Target markets - are groups of specific consumers at which marketing strategies
are focused.
Conde Labac Integrated School
Inquires, Investigations and Immersion


This chapter presents the discussion on the reviewed related literature

and studies that are considered significant in the study. The review is presented

based on the statement of the problems of the study. This study also based on

the independent and dependent variables of the study.

Review of Related Literature

This study gives the readers a better understanding to The Effect of Social

Media Marketing on Consumer’s Purchasing Behavior in ABM Industry. The

researchers reviewed materials relevant to the content of the study.

Jothi & Gaffoor (2017) found that consumers tend to purchase more when they

are interested in media that provides them with additional information.

Furthermore, they discovered that the majority of purchasers belong to the age

group of 18-32. The preferences of customers when making purchases include

factors such as product quality, the security of credit/debit cards, and a variety of

product options.

Sema (2013) highlighted that social media not only influences consumer

purchasing decisions but also serves as a platform for sharing reviews, opinions,
Conde Labac Integrated School
Inquires, Investigations and Immersion

and suggestions. Companies also leverage social media as an advertising

medium to connect with their target audience. The information shared by users

on social media platforms helps others gain insights into products and lifestyles.

The study of Al-Dhuhli & Ismael (2013) emphasized the two-way

communication between customers and e-retailers facilitated by social media.

This communication channel has proven to be instrumental in helping customers

access information about brands and products.

Hajli (2014) focused on the opportunities social media provides for consumer

interaction. Consumers use various social media platforms to generate and share

content, thereby influencing the purchasing decisions of others. The study also

highlights the advantages that businesses can gain by building relationships with

customers through social media.

Chivandi et al. (2019) examined the impact of social media platforms and

brand awareness on consumer decision-making and buying behavior. They

found that social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter have

helped companies promote their products and increase brand awareness.

Customer feedback expressed through social media has also played a crucial

role in product improvement.

Pütter (2017) discovered that excessive use of social media has indirectly

established a relationship between consumers and companies. Businesses have

adopted strategies to increase brand loyalty and encourage consumers to make

purchases. Building brand perception and awareness among customers are key

aspects of these strategies.

Conde Labac Integrated School
Inquires, Investigations and Immersion

Voramontri & Klieb (2019) identified social media as a critical tool for

customers, particularly for complex buying behavior. Convenience, easy access

to information, and the availability of online reviews influence customers to prefer

social media for their purchases.

Mukhaini et al. (2014) found that social media platforms like Instagram

are predominantly used for purchasing fashion-related products. Factors such as

information and design influence customers to choose social media as their

preferred buying medium in this specific area.

Paquette (2013) highlighted the role of social media in increasing brand

awareness through customer interaction. Platforms like Facebook provide a

wealth of information and enable customers to provide valuable feedback,

helping retailers adopt new strategies and promote products with new designs.

Understanding which social media sites to target is crucial for companies aiming

to succeed in the market.

Lee (2013) emphasized that social media has brought about significant

changes for both consumers and businesses. The two-way communication flow

provided by social media platforms supports the exchange of information and

enables consumers to access relevant product details, ultimately saving them


This study aims to provide valuable insight to assess the impact of social

media on consumer behavior and purchasing decisions.

Theoretical Framework
Conde Labac Integrated School
Inquires, Investigations and Immersion

Social Media, Consumer Behavior, and Service Marketing by Abigail Chivandi

et al. stated that “Social media also has some influence to both the consumer

and the marketers and is becoming the most welcomed online selling point by

the millennial.” This also stated that “The rise in Internet accessibility and

availability of smartphones has led to the new form of what is known as

electronic word of mouth (EWOM) which is referred to as social media”.

Consumer behavior, on the other hand is described in blog as

“the study of consumers and the processes they use to choose, use (consume),

and dispose of products and services, including consumers’ emotional, mental,

and behavioral responses. Consumer behavior incorporates ideas from several

sciences including psychology, biology, chemistry, and economics” while your described Consumer behaviour as “the study of how individual

customers, groups or organizations select, buy, use, and dispose ideas, goods,

and services to satisfy their needs and wants. It refers to the actions of the

consumers in the marketplace and the underlying motives for those actions”

According to, “It’s essential to have a prominent online presence

on various social media platforms. The latest trend in marketing is the

introduction of the social media. Social media has the power to influence

potential customers from the start until the stage of a purchase and beyond as

well. To start off, consumers need awareness about your brand and its offering.

At a later stage, when they start to narrow down their choices, you need a social

media influencer to convince their choice. A constant dialogue between the

customer and the brand is essential to keep the relationship strong. Attractive
Conde Labac Integrated School
Inquires, Investigations and Immersion

and informative content can glue the customers to your brand”. Moreover, it

states that “Top 8 social networks drove more than 31% of overall traffic to sites!”

Furthermore, it states that social media influences consumer behavior by building

product awareness as it is a huge influence on consumers when they are

attempting to build awareness about a particular product. It adds that social

media provides social proof as a greater force which affects buying decisions.

Promotions, discounts, and deals are always available and provided with ease

using social media. It proves that “64% of online consumers wait to buy things

until they go for sale”. It adds that there are social media influencers who affects

the buying behavior of consumers who frequents the social media platforms and

that “It is true that 49% of consumers seek guidance from social media

influencers before making a buying decision”.

Finally, it concludes that “A Deloitte report highlighted that consumers who are

influenced by social media are 4 times more likely to spend more on purchases.”

Rust, Moorman and Bhalla (2010) maintain that while many companies have

access to a variety of types of technologies that could enhance consumer

interest, expand brand recognition and improve overall marketing, many

underuse technologies as a foundation for interacting with customers. These

researchers, though, seem to suggest that expanded use of information

technologies and social media are going to be the trends in the future (Rust,

Moorman, & Bhalla, 2010).

Rather than focusing on short- term advertising through technology, adept

companies are integrating social media mechanisms to enhance the relationship

Conde Labac Integrated School
Inquires, Investigations and Immersion

with consumers. Companies frequently focus on three of the most widely used

social media platforms for use in product marketing and branding: Facebook,

YouTube and Twitter (Muntinga, Moorman, & Smit, 2011; Shi, Rui, & Whinston,

2014). By 2017, the global social network audience is estimated to be around

2.55 billion people” per as (Schivinski, Christodoulides, & Dabrowski, 2016, p. 1).

Grant mentioned that traditional distribution channels have suffered as

consumers now use online purchasing due to easier access to product/service

information in Grant et al., 2010 Grant R., Clarke R.J., Kyriazis E. A Review of

Factors Affecting Online Consumer Search Behaviour from an Information Value

Perspective.Journal of Marketing Management, 23 (5-6) (2010)” According to

Rob fitzgerald from blog on November 19, 2019 in his “How

Does social Media Impact con sumer buying Behavior?”, “social media has

become an indispensable tool for consumers online in this day and age. It’s no

surprise that all kinds of businesses have turned to social media to find and

connect with their target market. The figures don’t lie either: consumers are 71%

more likely to make a purchase based on social media referrals”. According to

the said website in its Fast Facts That Prove Social Media Influences Consumer

Buying Behavior the following facts show that:

Consumers are 71% more likely to buy something based on social media


Conceptual Framework
Conde Labac Integrated School
Inquires, Investigations and Immersion

This framework outlines the various elements involved in understanding how

social media marketing influences consumers’ purchasing behavior, from the

initial input of marketing strategies and consumer characteristics to the

processes involved in exposure, engagement, and decision-making, leading to

various outputs such as purchase behavior and brand perception.

Input Process Output

 Social media  Exposure to social  Purchase

marketing media marketing Intention

(content, content.  Actual purchase

frequency,  Engagement with behavior

platform choice, the content (likes,  Brand perception

etc.) shares, and loyalty

 Consumer comments)  Word-of-mouth

demographics  Cognitive communication

(age, gender, processing (online and

location, etc.) (attention, offline)

 Consumer comprehension,  Post-purchase

psychographics interpretation) behavior

(lifestyle,  Emotional (satisfaction,

interests, values, response (positive repurchase

etc.) or negative effect) intention)

 Social influence
Conde Labac Integrated School
Inquires, Investigations and Immersion

 External factors (peer

(economic recommendations,

conditions, influencer

cultural endorsements)

influences,  Information

competitor search and

strategies, etc.) evaluation




Review of Related Study

SeppoPahila and Juhani Warsta (2010), study suggested that attracting a new

customer in organization is more expensive than, trying to keep relationship with

existing customers. It covered that, online consumers were not much aware

about online shopping information Most of the time, their behaviour is changed

due to the thinking of other customers opinions and experiences towards online

shopping. Study recommended that, serving effective customers would help for

online service providers also should display the actual prices of products, clear

information about quality of products on sites by retailors during the shopping

process this will help customers to encourage to make decision of their buying

Conde Labac Integrated School
Inquires, Investigations and Immersion

Ziyadin Sayabek (2019) explores how consun experience and are influenced

by the digital. environment, emphasizing the role of social media advertising in

increasing brand loyalty. The study highlights the potential of social media to

interact directly with potential customers and enhance customer engagement.

Sony Virghese (2021) focuses on the impact of social media on the buying

process of complex purchases. The study emphasizes the positive influence of

social media influencers on customers' buying decisions.

Perumal Prasath (2018) evalnates the influence of social media marketing on

consumer buying decision-making processes. The study demonstrates that

social media marketing has a significant impact on consumer decision-making.

Neupane (2019) investigates how social media networks influence the

purchasing intentions of consumers in Nepal. The study highlights the differences

in social media usage patterns berween men and women, which may be

attributed to Various factors such as lifestyle choices and living standards.

Jade Xuccheney N. Jacinto (2021) evaluates the influence of social media

marketing on consumer buying behavior, particularly among consumers who

predominantly social media websites. for purchasing products and services. The

study identifies social media marketing as a predictor of consumer buying


According to Rani (2014), there are various procedures or processes that are

associated with buyers' behavior. At the outset, the buyer or consumer attempts

to discover what products he might want to expend and at that point, he picks

just those products that has essential use to him. The consumer estimates his
Conde Labac Integrated School
Inquires, Investigations and Immersion

money which he can spend choosing. Lastly, the consumer separates the

general expenses of the items and takes. the choice about the items he should

be buying. According to Rani (2014), all through an individual's existence, there

are a lot of people who can influence him like his family, his friends, his society

who will teach him values and preferences in his life. A person's groups, family,

status and role are examples of social factors. This clarifies the outside impacts

of others on one's buying decisions either directly or indirectly. This factor is

among the most influencing factors affecting a consumers' behavior essentially.

An example of this is reference groups which are characterized as those people

that might give direct advice to an individual about his behavior, way of life, or

even his disposition as a consumer. The impression that the individual has of

himself as well as his behavior also is an impact of reference groups (Rani,


Based on Aichner (2015) Social media changes the way on how an individual

and large organizations communicate with everyone and it actually has many

different forms of communicating like blogs, social gaming, social networks,

photo sharing, and video sharing also with regards in marketing. From

influencing customer's dining habits to keeping them updated on restaurant trend

news, social media marketing makes a difference.

According to Dr. Wu He (2013) many businesses have already adopted the

use of social media to simply connect to its market. Many of the companies are

using social media as crucial tools for their advertisements and for marketing

such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and other social media sites to provide
Conde Labac Integrated School
Inquires, Investigations and Immersion

information, various types of services to offer and to interact especially with the

customers. Companies need to check, monitor and analyze not only the

customer's content and reviews on their own social media account just to

increase the competitive advantages, effectively. assess the competitive

environment of businesses and to have a good relationship between the

business and its customer, but also the information they could get on their

competitors' social media sites to get some ideas on what's going on in the

competitor's business. In addition, an effort to help companies understand how to

perform a social media. competitive analysis and transform social media data

into knowledge. for decision makers and even for the customer's behavior when

it comes in purchasing.

As stated by Obar (2015) Social media are the computer- mediated

technologies made to promote the creation of exchanging conversations from

one person to another, participating common interest of information, ideas, and

other forms of expressions through virtual communities and different kinds of

social media networks that people will totally use. Furthermore, before social

media has been created, companies had to pay just to get out information about

its business, but now there are significantly have much less barriers to reaching

out people.

Moreover, in behavior of a customer when it comes in buying and purchasing

stuffs Roesles (2015) have mentioned in his study that the most influenced

people of social media are millennial because 47 percent of millennial are

influenced in their purchases by social media. Moreover, he has mentioned in his

Conde Labac Integrated School
Inquires, Investigations and Immersion

study that a report from The Deloitte. that consumers or customer who used

social media throughout the shopping process are four times more likely to spend

more on the purchases stage than those who do not use social media while in

the shopping process. In addition, as stated by research (2018) customer

behavior can be broadly classified as the decisions and actions that influence the

purchasing behavior of a consumer.


Online shopping is more appealing to Grade 12 ABM students in Conde Labac

Integrated School since it saves them time and gives them a better feeling than

traditional shopping, where you must put out more time and effort to buy any kind

of products.


According to Kumar et al. (2020), the business models for numerous sectors

and organizations have evolved due to social media. Studying how social media

affects customers' behavior is a relatively new field of inquiry. To manage the

fierce competition in the market today, organizations and businesses must have

effective communication. Online businesses have made the time-consuming

procedure of product selection and purchase pleasant substitution for our young

groups. Almost every young person on the internet uses social networking sites.

According to Faisal (2016), marketers have tried to expand by focusing on

online-based channels for their advertising to enhance their methods of

Conde Labac Integrated School
Inquires, Investigations and Immersion

connecting with customers. The internet plays a big part in educating customers

about the new product through direct mail and online marketing like pop-ups.

To ensure that customers are happy with the company's goods and services

for a long time, these strategies must satisfy their target markets or customers’

needs (Gurau & Ranchhod, 2002; Pamsari et al., 2013).

Customers purchasing behavior is vital because it helps forecast how

customers will behave and what their inclinations, requirements, demands,

wants, necessities, and lifestyles will be (Asma & Misbah, 2009).

Marketers need to comprehend customer preferences. Marketing

professionals benefit from knowing what drives customers' behavior since it

enhances segmentation, targeting, and forecasting. Prior to putting a product on

the market, it is essential to determine what kind of products buyers want.

Marketers today use social media as a platform for advertising and even for

selling their products and services, thanks to technological advancements.

Marketers take advantage of this in order to develop a strategy to help them

attract more customers. Today, social media is used by so many people for

contact and communication that harnessing the social media ecosystem and

reaching customers is very straightforward. Thanks to social media marketing,

businesses now have a new channel to communicate and affect customer

purchasing behaviors (Barhemmati & Ahmad, 2015).

Customers purchasing behavior refers to the steps customers take before

purchasing a good or service, including the circumstances under when, why, and

how they make or decline to make a purchase. In all business and service
Conde Labac Integrated School
Inquires, Investigations and Immersion

industries, customer behavior has the highest concentration. The most crucial

factor for every company to consider understands how customer needs and

preferences are changing in the modern world. Since changes in culture,

economy, and technology affect how customers behave.

Furthermore, using social media allows a company to regulate its information

broadcast, connect and converse with its intended customers in a dialogue

format, and improve customer engagement. It moves and forms public discourse,

and businesses operating within it are becoming more aware of its societal

impact. A company's social media presence may influence its customers'

purchasing decisions. Increased customer behavior allows a company to

increase website traffic, revenue, client fulfillment, trust, and decision quality

(Buffer, 2019 in Nanda, 2022).

Nonetheless, social media has given opportunities for businesses to grow and

Reduce cost. Also, because of social media, it became easier for businesses to

connect with their customers and it was also easier for businesses to influence

their customers. The top social media sites used for commerce and marketing in

the Philippines are Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter (Malig,


In terms of e-commerce, Lazada, Shopee, Carousell, Zalora, and Facebook

Marketplace are the top five leading platforms (Prosperna, 2022).

Moreover, during the pandemic, it was noticeable how Filipinos became

inclined with social media in terms of their purchasing behavior. It is not new that

Filipinos are easily influenced by trends as they love connection and recognition.
Conde Labac Integrated School
Inquires, Investigations and Immersion

It also became a habit or interest for many Filipinos to share their best and worst

purchases online. Due to these online activities, it is easier for businesses to

analyze market demands and increase brand recognition. As for the Filipino

consumers, it became more convenient to stay connected. This makes social

media equally beneficial for both consumers and businesses.

Social media has a profound effect on people’s lives. It plays a significant role

in the world because people spend vast amounts of time using social media in

every aspect of their lives. The use of social media is steadily increasing. As it

does, it exposes enterprises to both risks and opportunities (Effing et al., 2016).

That is why social media presence or strategy is a vital aspect to every

company as it gives a distinct perspective than traditional media which has a

profound impact on society. It is an expression of curiosity, personality, and self-

awareness, an aspect of human experience that is fundamental and innate to


(Muntinga et al., 2011; Stephen, 2015). Iblasi et al. (2016) established in their

research that people spend a long time on the social networking websites, which

are quality places for many businesses to practice e- marketing and to influence

the consumers’ purchasing decisions. At the same time, being engaged with a


In another study in the Philippines, Lago, Nolasco, and Caliwag (2019) used a

20-item scale comprising four variables; the result of the study showed that even

though all four factors used have an influence on consumers’ attitude, and

reliability respectively.
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Conde Labac Integrated School
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This chapter presents an outline of research method that were followed in the

study. It provides information on the participants, that is, the criteria for inclusion

in the study, who the participants are and how they will be sampled. The

researcher describes the research design that we chosen for the purpose of this

study and the reason for this choice. The instrument that will be use for data

collection is also described and the procedures that will be followed in carrying

out of this study are included. The researcher also discusses the methods that

will be used to analyze the data that will be gathered.

Research Design

The researchers have chosen to employ qualitative interviews to explore

the influence of social media marketing on the purchasing behavior of grade 12

ABM students at Conde Labac Integrated School. Specifically, they will utilize a

semi-structured approach, providing room for flexibility to delve into nuances and

address any uncertainties that may arise during the interviews. Recognizing the

significance of both subjective perceptions and objective observations, this

methodology is well-suited for capturing the multifaceted nature of the topic in a

narrative and descriptive manner.

Oakley's perspective, qualitative interviews serve as a solid structure for not

only documenting practices and standards but also for acknowledging and
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addressing challenges encountered along the way. These interviews offer a

unique opportunity to unravel the underlying stories behind participants'

experiences, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

To ensure coherence and depth in the discussions, respondents will be

provided with an interview guide ahead of time. This guide will outline the key

questions to be explored, facilitating a focused and productive dialogue while still

allowing for the organic emergence of insights during the interview process.

Research Participants

The study will include 20 grade 12 ABM students chosen randomly from

Conde Labac Integrated School. With the school's large population, this number

was selected for practical reasons. ABM students were chosen because they

have a good understanding in marketing.

The researchers believe these students will offer enough information to

answer the interview of this study.

Research Environment

Our study on how Social Media Marketing affects what people buy in the ABM

Industry takes place at our university's Marketing Department. We use Google

Forms to interview participants and gather their thoughts. With access to

computers cellphone and the internet, participants can answer questions at their

own pace. We make sure the questions are clear and easy to understand.

Researchers follows ethical guidelines to keep participants' responses private.

Conde Labac Integrated School
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Using Google Forms makes it easy for us to learn about the connection between

social media and buying behavior in the ABM industry.

Research Instrument

An E-Questionnaire was used to undertake this study as this method

allows us to measure as well as observe the opinions portrayed by our

respondents, to help us get an overall view as to how each aspect of social

media impacts consumer purchasing behavior.

Data Gathering Procedure

For our study, we'll create a set of questions to understand how social media

affects what people buy in the ABM industry. Using Google Forms, we'll make it

easy for participants to answer these questions online. First, we'll reach out to

ABM industry consumers through emails or social media, inviting them to

participate. We'll ensure their privacy and ask for their consent before they start

the interview. Once they've completed the form, we'll gather all the responses

and analyze them to find common themes and insights. Finally, we'll summarize

our findings in a report, making sure to respect the participants' confidentiality

throughout the process. With this approach, we aim to gain valuable insights into

the relationship between social media marketing and consumer behavior in the

ABM industry.
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This chapter presents the data gathered by the researchers, together with the

analysis and its interpretation. The data are presented in a tabular form

organized in a sequential manner, following the order of the specific questions

enumerated on the statement of the problem.

I. Profile of Respondents

The aim of this paper is to present a comprehensive systematic model for

thematic analysis that culminates in the development of a conceptual model that

encapsulates a researcher’s findings. Furthermore, we provide practical

guidance on each step of the thematic analysis process, discuss factors that

enhance its application, and illustrate how to transform observed phenomena into

potential codes and themes for deeper analysis. To ground our discussion in

practical terms, an exemple to provide concrete examples for each of the six

steps of the proposed thematic analysis process. These steps include the

selection of keywords and quotations, coding, theming, interpretation, and the

development of a conceptual model. This paper argues for the merit of observing

specific phenomena during data collection and refining them into potential codes

and themes. The subsequent identification of keywords, codes, and themes

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helps to form preliminary assertions that can be further interpreted to develop the

final conceptual model.

How do consumers attend, process, and select the information before a


In the intricate web of consumer decision-making, individuals navigate through

a myriad of information channels, from advertising to reviews and

recommendations. Each piece of information undergoes a rigorous evaluation,

scrutinized for its credibility, relevance, and reliability. Like skilled artisans

crafting a masterpiece, consumers meticulously select fragments that resonate

with their needs and preferences, weaving them into the tapestry of their

purchasing decisions. This process, akin to a discerning curator, reflects not just

a transactional exchange but a deeply personal journey of alignment and

resonance. It underscores the profound interplay between individual choice and

the multifaceted landscape of information, guiding consumers towards decisions

that mirror their authentic desires and aspirations.

Many of the respondents say or agree that their behavior when it comes in

purchasing product is change because of social media, whenever they sees

promotion or advertisement online they are encouraged to buy in online

marketing shop.

What are the changes social media has bought to consumers in different

stages of their decision making?

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Social media has revolutionized consumer decision-making by providing

access to vast amounts of information, peer reviews, and influencers' opinions.

At the awareness stage, social media introduces consumers to products/services

through targeted ads and sponsored content. During the consideration stage,

consumers seek validation and feedback from their social networks. Finally, at

the decision stage, social proof and personalized recommendations often

influence the final purchase.

Most of the respondents says that the advantage of social media marketing is

the highly quality of products in a cheaper and discounted price, and also the

convenient way of saving time when you are buying or purchasing in online.

Have you ever made a purchase based on a recommendation from the

internet advertisement.

The most of respondents haven't made a purchase solely based on internet

advertisement recommendations, but I have considered them alongside other


How often do you research or seek information about the products in

social media marketing before purchasing?

Research products on social media occasionally, especially when I'm looking

for firsthand experiences or recommendations from people I trust.

In your opinion, what are the advantages of purchasing products through

social media marketing?

Conde Labac Integrated School
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The advantages of purchasing products through social media marketing

include targeted advertising, personalized recommendations, interactive

shopping experiences, and access to peer reviews. Additionally, social media

platforms often offer convenient purchasing options and seamless integration

with e-commerce platforms.

Do you trust the recommendation of social media marketers when you

purchasing a product through online?

While there consider recommendations from social media marketers,

participants also evaluate other factors such as product reviews, brand

reputation, and my own needs/preferences before making a purchase decision.

Trust in recommendations can vary based on the credibility and authenticity of

the source.
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This chapter represents the summary of findings, conclusion and

recommendation of the study.

Summary of Findings

In this study , the social media marketing's impact on consumer behavior in the

ABM industry, several key insights emerged. Social media greatly boosts brand

visibility, making consumers more familiar with products and services. Then, it

significantly influences purchasing decisions, with consumers relying on social

media for information and recommendations. Also, active engagement and

interaction on social platforms are crucial for consumer engagement and

preference. Additionally, trust and credibility are built through authentic and

consistent brand presence. Tailoring content to individual preferences drives

higher engagement and conversion rates. Moreover, social media amplifies

word-of-mouth recommendations, but it also poses challenges such as privacy

concerns and misinformation. Overall, social media presents valuable

opportunities for ABM brands to enhance visibility, trust, and engagement, but

addressing challenges is key to maximizing its benefits.


The dissertation project on the impact of social media marketing on consumer

behavior provides valuable insights into this dynamic field. Through a

Conde Labac Integrated School
Inquires, Investigations and Immersion

comprehensive analysis of quantitative and qualitative data, the project observed

a predominantly positive impact of social media marketing on consumer

behavior. Participants expressed positive perceptions towards social media

marketing efforts, indicating that they influenced their attitudes, perceptions, and

purchase decisions related to brands and products. Social media marketing was

found to play a significant role in increasing brand loyalty among consumers.


Based on how social media marketing affects consumers' buying decisions in

the ABM (Account-Based Marketing) sector, in view of the findings and

conclusion of this study the researchers recommend the following :

1. Targeting and Segmentation: Make good use of the information gleaned from

social media analytics to divide up your audience. Adapt your content and

messaging to appeal to particular ABM industry sectors.

2. Personalization: Use social media channels to target specific accounts or

decision-makers within those accounts with offers and information that are

tailored to their needs. This may increase interest and encourage conversion.

3. Engagement Strategies: Create plans to promote social media platform

interaction with your brand. This can entail holding interactive forums, conducting

surveys, or striking up discussions with specific accounts.

4. Influencer marketing: To spread the word about your business and reach a

larger audience, work with thought leaders or influencers in the ABM space.
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Make sure the influencers you collaborate with share the same values as your

business and connect with the people in your target market.

5. User-Generated Content: Invite clients to post on social media about their

interactions with your goods or services. In the ABM sector, user-generated

material can increase legitimacy and trust among prospective customers.

6. Social Proof: Highlight success stories, case studies, and testimonies from

contented clients in the ABM sector. Decision-making can be aided and any

doubts or concerns can be allayed by this social proof.

7. Consistent Branding: Make sure your messaging and brand image are the


on all social media platforms. In the ABM sector, consistency promotes

confidence among prospective customers and strengthens brand recall.

8. Constant Observation and Optimization: To determine the success of your

marketing initiatives, keep a close eye on social media analytics and customer

reviews. Make use of this data to improve campaigns and plans for better


9. Integration with Other Channels: Coordinate your social media marketing with

email, content, and event marketing, among other channels. Within the ABM

sector, reach and engagement can be optimized with a well-coordinated

omnichannel strategy.

10. Ethics and Compliance: Make sure that your social media marketing

strategies adhere to both industry rules and moral principles. In the ABM
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industry, establishing enduring connections with clients requires openness and


In the ABM sector, putting these suggestions into practice can improve the

influence of social media marketing on consumer purchasing decisions.

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Conde Labac Integrated School
Inquires, Investigations and Immersion


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