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I. Choose the words that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
Question 1: A. vocational B. professional C. doctorate D. provide
Question 2: A. pressure B. depression C. embarrass D. issue
Question 3. A. encourage B. contribute C. delicious D. college
Question 4. A. minimum B. influence C. eliminate D. mind
Question 5: A. manage B. motivation C. separate D. babysitting
II. Find the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
1. A. confidence B. dependent C. management D. teenager
2. A. reliable B. permission C. financial D. housekeeper
3. A. emotional B. relationship C. achievement D. management
4. A. sufficiency B. adventurous C. application D. experiment
5. A. habitually B. confidential C. observatory D. reluctantly
III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
1.All buildings are kept in their original state. It’s a great place to explore.
A. change B. defeat C. discover D. broaden
2. She just needed someone who would lend a sympathetic ear to her once in a while.
A. rude B. unfriendly C. understanding D. impolite
3. Thomas is very reliable - if he says he'll do something, he'll do it.
A. mean B. independent C. decisive D. dependable
4. Despite poverty and difficult living conditions, John still manages to keep his self-esteem.
A. self-abasement B. self-restraint C. self-respect D. self-confidence
5. Using social media is one of the most effective ways to promote our cultural heritage.
A. appreciate B. encourage C. improve D. propose
6. Knowing how to use public transportation is an essential skill for independence.
A. responsibility B. freedom C. motivation D. confidence
IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 1: Learning to deal with financial challenges helps us manage money effectively.
A. self-study B. solve C. get around D. ignore
Question 2. Though built almost five hundred years ago, the church remained practically intact.
A. in perfection B. in ruins C. in chaos D. in completion
Question 3: Learning to deal with financial challenges helps us manage money effectively.
A. self-study B. solve C. get around D. ignore
Question 4: This programme contains language that some viewers might find offensive.
A. pleasing B. unpleasant C. horrible D. disagreeable
Question 5: Tiredness, loss of appetite, and sleeping problems are all classic symptoms of depression.
A. sadness B. anxiety C. hopelessness D. cheerfulness
II. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
Question 1: Independent thinkers aren't afraid to ____________ unique opinions in discussions.
A. carry out B. come up with C. make use of D. get around
Question 2. .……. Bullying includes using offensive language to embarrass or upset another person.
A. Physical B. Cyber C. Mental D. Verbal
Question 3. This………………… app helps me create to – do lists and organize my tasks.
A. time-management B. money- management C. skill- development D. self-study
Question 4: The Swedes regard ________ training as a part of a young person’s education.
A. vocations B. vocationally C. vocation D. vocational
Question 5: Parents don’t like their children hanging ________ with friends who always get in trouble.
A. out B. in C. on D. over
Question 6: The newcomers can pose a threat to _________ of species by altering ecosystems.
A. existence B. biology C. biodiversity D. balance
Question 7: Our heritage tells the story of who we are as a people and helps to ____ our identity and our
sense of belonging.
A. alter B. adopt C. preserve D. balance
Question 8: I have _________ the habit of writing a to-do-list for the next day after school.
A. got up B. got into C. got down D. got off
Question 9: I turned on the fan _________ the room was hot.
A. due to B. despite C. even though D. because
Question 20: They will never forget _________ a short vacation in Cue Phuong National Park last year.
A. to spend B. having spent C. spend D. spent
Question 21. The tour of the cave and grotto system is the main ________ for tourists in Phong Nha - Ke
Bang National Park.
A. attractive B. attractiveness C. attract D. attraction
Question 22. Hoi An Ancient Town is quite special among the heritage sites because it is in a good state of
A. preserve B. preservation C. preservative D. preservatives
Question 23. Our heritage tells the story of who we are as a people and helps to _________our identity
and our sense of belonging.
A. alter B. adopt C. preserve D. balance
Question 24. Cat Ba is also rich of cultural festivals and traditions that are highly potential for ________
and development.
A. promotion B. research C. growth D. conservation
Question 25. They also suggested creating __________ topics or challenges on social media.
A. new B. latest C. trending D. hot
Question 26. Although some of the structures are now ________ , most of the significant existing
monuments have been partially restored.
A. at risk B. in danger C. in ruins D. at war
Question 27. It was essential for him to be financially ________ of his parents, so he decided to find a
part-time job.
A. indifferent B. independent C.invaluable D. inefficient
Question 28. Besides Con Moong Cave, other significant _________ sites have been investigated and
A. environmental B. technological C. important D. archaeological
Question 29. The Imperial Citadel of Thang Long is a cultural complex comprising royal palaces and _________.
A. monuments B. citadel C. craftsman D. dynasty
Question 30: The Imperial City in Hue is a large ______ that represents the magnificence of Vietnamese
A. heritage B. landscape C. limestone D. complex
Question 31: Đờn Ca Tài Tử is a traditional Vietnamese ___________ that combines music and poetry.
A. crowdfunding B. cultural heritage C. ancient architecture D. performing art
Question 32: Many _________ files were gone when my laptop got broken.
A. trending B. historic C. historical D. ancient
Question 33: You should make a list of things to do and ________ them if you want to work effectively.
A. do B. arrange C. prioritise D. approach
Question 34: The Mekong Delta is a prime example of Vietnam's diverse _______ heritage.
A. cultural B. natural C. mixed D. complex
Question 35: Preserving heritage can ________ a challenge to many nations.
A. have B. make C. present D. lead to
Question 36: ___________ helps protect and restore heritage by raising money for cultural projects.
A. Limestone B. Crowdfunding C. Valley D. State
Question 37: Do you think bullying is a ________ or pressing issue?
A. social B. society C. sociable D. socialize
Question 38: The campaign helps to ________ people’s attention to social issues.
A. pay B. draw C. start D. play
Question 39: He owed his success not to privilege but to self-education and a driving desire for _______.
A. achieve B. achiever C. achievement D. achievable
Question 40: One of the most common forms of ________ bullying is body shaming.
A. physical B. cyber- C. verbal D. social
Question 41: The boy does not want to go to school because he is afraid of being ________.
A. bully B. bullied C. bullying D. to bully
Question 42: Making negative comments about a person’s body shape or size is called __________
A. mind B. body C. feeling D. appearance
Question 43: Bullying, peer pressure, and body shaming are some examples of __________.
A. children B. teenagers C. community D. social issues
Question 44: __________ is using the Internet to harm or frighten another person, especially by sending
them unpleasant messages.
A. Bullying B. Peer pressure C. Body shaming D. Cyberbullying
Question 45: There is tremendous peer __________ among teenagers to dress a certain way.
A. stress B. tension C. pressure D. reaction
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer seer to indicate the underlined part that needs correction
following questions.
Question 1: It is Dorry who installed the time-management apps for me. was
Question 2: It was at 10 p.m. who my father called me several times to go home. that
Question 3. Medical advances have helped to increase living expectancy. life
Question 4: Although the heavy police presence, there is an increase in crime in the city.
A. is B. in C. Although D. presence
In spite of/despite
Question 5: Won several biology competitions, I want to study biology and become a scientist.
A. Won B. to study C. become D. a
Having won
Question 6: It is only by hard work who you will succeed. that
Question 7: Their work involves restoring and recreating wildlive habitats all across the country.
A B C D (wildlive —> wildlife)
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions).
Making the leap from school to university
Getting into university is an important event for young people. While most students are excited
about it, they should also be aware of the difference between university and school.
At school, most of your learning is done in the classroom. Teachers give you regular assignments
and provide support and resources to help you complete them. Meanwhile, most of your learning at
university involves self-studying and project work that you need to plan and complete by a certain date. It
is your responsibility to review lecture notes, read textbooks, and do research to find information in the
library or online.
Your relationships at school are often limited to schoolmates or classmates. You interact with them
mostly in a school environment; therefore, your group of friends is small and very familiar. By contrast, at
university, you not only have more contacts, but you also meet people from different backgrounds.
Therefore, you need better social skills to deal with any conflict you may come into when interacting with
other people.
As a secondary school student, you also live with your parents who provide you with the daily care
and support you need. You don’t have to worry about things such as shopping or cooking for yourself. You
have your parents take care of your physical and mental well-being. Once you go to university, you will
probably move away from home and start to live independently. You need to improve your life skills so
that you can manage your own life.
Question 1: What is the text mainly about?
A. A comparison between school life and university life.
B. An explanation why university life is more interesting.
C. Advice on how to leap into university life.
D. A report on the difficulties of university life.
Question 2: What does the word ‘them’ in paragraph 2 refer to?
A. classrooms B. teachers C. assignments D. resources
Question 3: What does most of the learning at university involve?
A. Classroom interactions B. Group of friends
C. Self-studying and project work D. Small social circle
Question 4: The word ‘contacts’ in paragraph 3 mostly means __________.
A. people you know B. physical interactions you have
C. people you want to contact D. social benefits you have
Question 5: According to the passage, what do university students need better social skills for?
A. to interact with familiar classmates B. to manage their own life skills
C. to deal with conflicts with people from different background D. to complete regular assignments


I. Listen to the news and complete the following sentences with NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS. You will
hear the news twice.
Question 1. The police responded to a phone call about strange animal __________________.
Question 2. There were some endangered species in the house, including sea ______________ and tigers
Question 3. The people who were keeping the animals illegally were brought to the _______________.
Question 4. The animals were taken to an __________________.
Question 5. There are ________________ tigers discovered by the police.
Question 1. noises
Question 2. turtles
Question 3. police station
Question 4. animal hospital
Question 5. 13/ thirteen
Listen to the news and complete the following sentences with NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS. You will
hear the news twice.
Welcome back to the break. Tonight, we have a report on a major environmental problem. Yesterday, the
police responded to a phone call about strange animal noises coming from a house. The neighbor also told the police
they had seen people entering and leaving the house very late at night. The police rushed over to the house to check
it out. Inside the house, the police found several endangered species, including sea turtles and tigers. Keeping
endangered species in your home is illegal in our country, which means no one is allowed to have them. The police
brought the people who were keeping the animals to the police station. They told us the animals were caught in
another country and brought here to be sold. We had a chance to interview the neighbor who called the police. The
neighbor said he was shocked. He could not believe there is illegal wildlife trade in our city. The animals are all
alive and had been taken to an animal hospital. In total, the police discovered 13 tigers and 20 baby sea turtles.
II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the
other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1. A. cycling B. combine C. campaign D. complex
Question 2. A. habit B. admit C. wildlife D. public
III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. citadel B. festival C. crowdfunding D. historic
Question 2: A. restore B. landscape C. limestone D. complex
Question 3: A. complex B. festive C. preserve D. temple
Question 4 : A. performance B. heritage C. monument D. crowdfunding
IV. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word in each of the following questions.
Question 1. In addition to exploring the caves and grottos, and seeing its flora and fauna,
visitors can also enjoy mountain climbing.
A. plants and animals B. flowers and plants
C. plants and vegetation D. flowers and grass
Question 2: The government has implemented measures to protect and preserve historical landmarks.
A. polish B. destroy C. maintain D. purchase
Question 3: Exploring cultural heritage sites is becoming a trending activity among tourists.
A. festive B. popular C. ancient D. imperial
Question 4. For example, you can go on a boat trip there to enjoy the beautiful landscape.
A. painting B. picture C. opinion D. scenery
V. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word in each of the following questions.
Question 1. A good teacher can motivate her students to take responsibility for their own learning.
A. inspire B. encourage C. cause D. discourage
Question 2: Volunteers are working together to restore an old building that is part of our cultural heritage. A.
renovate B. rebuild C. destruct D. fix
Question 3: A local museum showcases a collection of historical artifacts that tell the story of the community's
A. historic B. antique C. modern D. old-fashioned
Question 4: Many young people feel reluctant to talk openly with their parents.
A. generous B. willing C eager D. fond
Question 5: Knowing the pros and cons of using technology can help us use it responsibly.
A. benefits B. drawbacks C. disadvantage D. advantage
VI. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 1. I think we should promote issues that affect a lot of people in our city, such as crime and ________.
A. populating B. populate C. overpopulation D. populated
Question 2. It’s important to raise people’s ________ of these social issues.
A. awareness B. anxiety C. depression D. pressure
Question 3. ________ is a method of raising money for something by asking many people to give small amounts,
usually on the Internet.
A. Cyberbullying B. Crowdfunding C. Body shaming D. City dwelling
Question 4. Martin denied ________ the accused man on the day of the crime.
A. to having seen B. to see C. having seen D. see
Question 5. _______ all his money, he decided to go home and ask his father for a job.
A. Having spent B. Spent C. To spend D. Have spent
Question 20. It is the library ________ I often borrow books from.
A. whom B. who C. where D. that
VII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
1. The sky was grey and cloudy. __________, we went to the beach.
A. Therefore B however C. Though D. Moreover
3. __________ the weather conditions, the fire could not be constrained.
A. Because of B. As a result C. Consequently D. Although
4. Our city is going to ban supermarkets _________ using plastic bags.
A. to B. from C. for D. about
5. They are digging a new _________ in the park.
A. swim pool B. pool swim C. swimming pool D. pool swimming
6. Their _________ goes back to when they were at school together.
A. friendship B. shipfriend C. ship D. friend
7. He hasn’t found his little daughter. _________, he became impatient.
A. Although B. Therefore C. Moreover D. Because
8. English became the official language for business _________ the fact that the population was largely Chinese.
A. though B. even though C. because of D. in spite of
9. _________ our awareness campaign was a success, we still need to do more to stop cyberbullying.
A. Since B. Despite C. Although D. In addition to
10. Our enterprise is seeking for candidates who are _________ and hard-working.
A. reliant B. satisfactory C. unreliable D. reliable
11. _________ communication skill plays an important role in career success.
A. Personal B. Individual C. Interpersonal D. Interactive
12. Warmth, _________, and understanding should cost nothing in any country.
A. sympathy B. sympathetic C. sympathise D. sympathising
13. Self-study can make learners more confident ________ their abilities to complete tasks independently
A. on B. away C. in D. up
VIII. Read the following passage carefully and then choose the best option to fit each numbered blank from
Social media issues
It is hard to imagine a Gen Z teenager growing up without smartphones and social media. (1)________, while
these sites provide entertainment and ways to connect with people, they can also harm young people.
One of the risks is cyberbullying, especially body shaming. Social media users often hide their identities online,
so it is easier for them to post (2)________ comments or images. Social media can also make teens feel less
confident. As images of paper-thin models and glamorous ‘influencers’ with expensive cars and clothes are
everywhere, teenagers start thinking that being slim and rich is the only way to be acceptedin society and become
successful. In addition, there is a risk (3)________ they meet bad people online, as well as come across harmful
Parents can’t ban teenagers (4)________social networks because it is actually impossible to do so. Instead, young
people should learn how to stay safe online. Parents and teachers play an essential role here as knowing how their
children and students use the Internet is essential for (5)________them online.
Question 1. A. Therefore B. Besides C. Then D. However
Question 2. A. offensive B. offending C. offend D. offender
Question 3. A. who B. why C. that D. where
Question 4. A. on B. from C. about D. in
Question 5. A. preserving B. encouraging C. promoting D. protecting
IX. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following
Question 1. The heat and light energy produced by the sun is called sun energy.
A. by the sun B. produced C. sun energy (solar energy) D. and
Question 2. It is 20 dollars which he gets every week by doing chores around the house.
A. around the house B. 20 dollars C. which (that) D. every week
Question 3. They used to work in the fields cotton of the USA fifty years ago. cotton fields
Question 4. I feel really excited because of I have a date with Laura tomorrow. because
Question 5. In addition with health problems, alcohol could also cause memory loss. to
Question 6. It was his father whom recommended the time-management app to Viet. That/who
X. Rewrite each of the sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it. Write
your answers on your answer sheet.
Question 1. Although George had a very difficult childhood, he became a very nice and well-educated man.
In spite of having a very difficult childhood, George became a very nice and well-educated man.

Question 2. After I had watched the documentary about wildlife, I made a donation to an environmental
Having had watched the documentary about wildlife, I made a donation to an environmental organization.
Question 3. In spite of developing health problems, some people continue to drink too much.
Although some people develop health problems, they continue to drink too much.
Question 4. My brother had studied very hard, so he passed the exam easily.
Having studied very hard, my brother passed the exam easily.

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