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Nama : Ni Luh Putu Octa Cahya Dewi

Nim : 2301010002
Kelas : EBII - 1
Jenjur. :D1 manajemen administrasi RS
Matkul. : English for Business II
Dosen. : Putu Duiyatcita Arma Khinanti,


Adi: How do you think technology can help

students learn?

Wira : Hmm, I think technology can provide

wider access to learning resources. For
example, with the internet, students can
find additional information instantly from
various sources.

Adi: That's right too. However, do you think

technology can also be a nuisance?

Wira : Actually, yes. Too much use of

technology, especially gadgets, can make
students distracted and less focused in

Cahya :I disagree. Technology allows the

use of learning methods that are more
interactive and interesting, such as
learning applications that present material
visually and play.

Adi: So, do you think technology can help

students get more involved in the learning

Wira: Yes, I agree. With proper use,

technology can increase student
engagement and facilitate more effective
Adi: Agree. With technology, students can
learn in a way that suits their respective
learning styles.

Wira: Well, let's consider the best way to

integrate technology in learning. Thank
you for these diverse views.

Adi: You're welcome . Hopefully this

discussion is useful to enrich our
understanding of the role of technology in


A: I think having life insurance is very

important to plan a safer financial future.

B: I agree. Life insurance provides

important financial protection for the
family in case something unexpected

C: I kind of disagree. I think life insurance

can be an unnecessary additional cost,
especially if we already have enough
savings to cope with emergency

A: But, imagine if something happened to

us without having life insurance. Our family
will struggle financially to meet daily needs
or even pay debts.

B: That's right. Life insurance provides

additional security for families, so they
don't have to worry about finances if
something unwanted happens.

C: Maybe you're right. I will reconsider the

importance of having life insurance after
hearing your opinion.

D: Alright, let's carefully consider each

one. Thank you for this kind discussion.

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