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Nama : Ni Komang Juliantari

Nim : 2301010037

Jenjur : D1/Manajemen Administrasi Rumah Sakit

Matkul : English for Business II

Kelas / Semester : EBII – 1 / II

Dosen : Putu Duiyatcita Arma Khinanti, S.Pd


1. Asking and Giving Opinionn

 How can technology help student learn?

Rian : “What do you think about how technology can help students in the learning

Maya : “In my opinion, technology provides access to various sources of information

and learning such as learning videos and educational applications which make
learning more interesting. This allows students to learn according to their
needs and interests.”

Aldo : “But, in my opinion technology can reduce students' ability to concentrate

and deepen their understanding. They may prefer playing games or surfing the
internet rather than focusing on the study material.”

Rian : “I agree with Aldo, there is the potential for students who are too dependent
on technology and experience disruption in learning. However, if used wisely,
technology can also be a very useful tool in increasing student engagement.

Maya : “Yes, of course, it is very important for educators to provide guidance on

using technology responsibly and integrating it into varied learning strategies.”
Aldo : “So, the bottom line is how can we ensure that technology is used effectively
to support student learning without compromising their engagement in the
learning process.”

2. Expressing Agreement and Disaggreement.

 Having life insurance is important

Ali : “In my opinion, having life insurance is very important, because it can
provide financial protection to the family if something unexpected happens.”

Budi : “I don't agree at all, I think life insurance is a waste of money. It's better to
save independently for the future.”

Citra : “I agree with Ali. Life is full of uncertainty, and having life insurance can
provide peace of mind and financial protection for families.”

Ali : “That's right, Citra. Moreover, with life insurance, we can ensure that the
family will not be burdened by debt or unexpected costs.”

Budi : “But in my opinion, we can use the money that should be used to pay
insurance premiums for other, more profitable investments.”

Citra : “But investments do not guarantee the same financial security as life
insurance. We must consider the risks that may occur in the future.”

Ali : “Yes, that's right, and by having life insurance, we can provide greater
financial protection to our family, especially if we are the backbone of the
economy at home.”

Budi : “Hmm, maybe there are some benefits to life insurance, but I still feel unsure
whether it's the right investment for me.”

Citra : “Everyone has different perspectives and needs. But what is certain is that it
is important to weigh the benefits and risks and protect the family's financial

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