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Case Analysis of Facebook:

Social Platform



Prof. Danilo J. Mercado

Prepared by
Jayson A. Castro

Institute of Computer Science

College of Arts and Sciences
University of the Philippines Los Baños
March 26, 2024

Facebook has developed into a social media platform with several facets, including the Facebook Store
Platform, Web Application Architecture, Website Page Structure, and other Platform Components. Each
component will be examined in-depth in order to determine its importance, advantages, disadvantages, and
possible areas for development. Advertising is Facebook's main source of income. Advertisers pay to have their
ads displayed, and they target particular Facebook user demographics, interests, and behaviors. Facebook also
receives income from other sources, including payments, fees from platform developers, and virtual items.
Businesses may develop and operate online stores directly on Facebook thanks to a technology called the
Facebook Social Media Store Platform. It enables users to engage with businesses, view products, and make
purchases all within the Facebook platform. Facebook has become one of the most influential social media
platforms globally, with over 2.8 billion monthly active users. This case analysis delves into various aspects of
Facebook's social platform, including its revenue model, technical architecture, strengths, weaknesses, and
potential areas for improvement.


 Privacy Concerns: Facebook has been embroiled in a number of scandals involving user
privacy, such as the Cambridge Analytica incident, in which millions of users' personal
information was obtained for political purposes without their knowledge or consent.

 False information and misinformation: The platform has come under fire for its part in
disseminating false information and misinformation, which can have serious negative effects on
society, such as influencing elections and inciting violence.

 Algorithmic Bias: It has been said that Facebook's algorithms uphold bias, resulting in problems
including the amplification of contentious material and discriminatory ad targeting.

 Hate Speech and Online Harassment: Due to Facebook's difficulties in successfully policing
hate speech and online harassment, there are worries regarding the dissemination of damaging
content and how it may affect users' mental health.

 Political Manipulation and Influence: Facebook has been linked to political polarization and
the propagation of extremist views. There have also been claims of foreign meddling in elections
via the social media platform.

 Addictive Design: Some contend that Facebook's features and design are purposefully addictive,
raising questions about overuse and potential negative effects on mental health, especially for
younger users.

 Data Security Breach: Facebook has been involved in a number of security incidents and data
breaches that have exposed users' personal information and called into question the platform's
efficacy in protecting user data.


The Facebook app is a carefully designed program that seamlessly combines an engaging user
experience (UX) with an easy-to-use user interface (UI). Its design philosophy centers on visual
appeal, usability, and simplicity, making it easy for users to navigate via a variety of services like
news feeds, profiles, chat, and multimedia sharing. Functionality is key, and the platform provides a
wide range of services to meet various user needs, such as social networking, communication, event
planning, and marketplace transactions. Sturdy technologies that use an advanced stack of
frameworks, tools, and programming languages to guarantee scalability, stability, and security
underpin the architecture. Every element of the Facebook application design, from real-time
interactions to personalized content recommendations, is painstakingly created to encourage
engagement and keep users connected in a constantly changing digital world.

 Scalability: An application's capacity to accommodate expanding workloads and adjust to

evolving user needs without compromising dependability or performance. An application with a
scalable design can effectively handle more users, data, and transactions over time.

 Reliability: is the degree to which an application can reliably carry out its intended tasks without
malfunctions or errors. Applications that are dependable are strong and resilient, reducing
downtime and interference with user tasks.

 Security: is the process of preventing unauthorized access, misuse, or damage to an application's

data, resources, and functionality. Access restrictions, authentication procedures, encryption, and
protections against malware, phishing, and data breaches are examples of security measures.

 User Interface (UI): An application's graphical layout includes interactive visual elements that
users may interact with, like text, images, buttons, and icons. Enhancing usability and
accessibility while guaranteeing a visually pleasant experience is the main goal of UI design.

 User Experience (UX): The whole of a user's interaction with a program, including factors like
usability, effectiveness, emotional resonance, and satisfaction. By comprehending consumers'
needs, behaviors, and preferences, UX design seeks to provide them with meaningful and
pleasurable experiences.

 Functionality: The assortment of attributes, aptitudes, and duties that an application can carry
out to satisfy user needs. From fundamental capabilities like communication and content sharing
to more sophisticated ones like data processing, personalization, and service integration,
functionality includes it all.


Iterative improvement, technology advancements, and user feedback integration are all necessary
to improve the design of an application such as Facebook. Several tactics to enhance the Facebook
app are as follows:
 Optimized Performance: Reduce latency, slow down loading times, and use fewer resources to
make the program run better. To improve speed and responsiveness, especially on mobile
devices and weaker internet connections, use strategies like code optimization, caching, and
asynchronous loading.

 Investing in sophisticated personalization features can enhance user experience by delivering

personalized content and recommendations that are based on their interests, behaviors, and
preferences. Make advantage of data analytics and machine learning algorithms to examine user
data and offer tailored experiences that increase engagement and retention.

 To safeguard user data, stop unwanted access, and reduce potential vulnerabilities, strengthen
security measures by regularly evaluating and improving the application. To guarantee strong
defense against attacks and breaches, use encryption, multi-factor authentication, and frequent
security audits.

 User Feedback and Research: To learn about the wants, needs, and pain points of users, do
user research. To acquire direct user feedback, employ methods like questionnaires, interviews,
and usability testing. Assist with usability problems and improve user happiness by incorporating
this input into the design process.

 Reduce Complexity: Make the user interface more straightforward by clearing out unnecessary
elements, streamlining navigation, and giving priority to the most important functionality. To
facilitate users' ability to locate what they need and complete tasks quickly, prioritized design
elements that are clear, consistent, and intuitive.

 Integrate Emerging Technologies: To incorporate cutting-edge features and capabilities, keep

up with the latest developments in application development and emerging technologies. To
increase user engagement and set your application apart from the competition, investigate
technologies like voice interfaces, augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR).

 Cooperate with Developers and Designers: Promote cooperation among developers, designers,
and other relevant parties to establish common objectives, rank enhancements, and efficiently
execute modifications. Continuous improvement and innovation can be fueled by putting an
emphasis on communication, iteration, and cross-functional teamwork.


Enhancing the user experience on a platform such as Facebook is crucial for increasing user
pleasure, engagement, and overall platform success. It is impossible to exaggerate the relevance of
this. Improving the design is vital for the following reasons:

 A well-designed application offers users a smooth, easy-to-use interface that makes it simpler
for them to explore, find content, and communicate with others. This results in an enhanced user
experience. Facebook may improve user experience overall and increase engagement and
retention rates by making improvements to design elements including UI layout, navigation flow,
and visual aesthetics.

 Enhanced User satisfaction: By addressing problems and frustrations, usability testing and user
feedback can inform design components, resulting in improved user pleasure. Users who
perceive an application to be practical, aesthetically pleasing, and easy to use are more likely to
continue using it on a regular basis and to have positive opinions about the platform.

 Competitive Advantage: An application with a strong design can set itself out from the
competition in a crowded market where users have a lot of options. Facebook can set itself apart
from rivals, draw in new users, and keep hold of current ones by always improving and
customizing its design, which will ultimately help it maintain a stronger position in the market.

 Global Reach and Influence: Facebook is the main communication and networking tool used
by people, companies, organizations, and communities all over the world, with over billions of
active users. It has a significant impact on how people connect, share information, and interact
with content because to its broad reach and influence in contemporary digital culture.

 Business and Marketing Opportunities: Facebook provides businesses with effective

advertising and marketing platforms to reach prospective clients, increase brand recognition, and
boost revenue. Because of its extensive advertising platform, which enables companies to target
particular demographics, interests, and behaviors, it is a crucial component of digital marketing

 Cultural and Social Impact: Facebook has a significant impact on public discourse, social
behaviors, and cultural standards outside of its digital platform. It now forms a fundamental
component of contemporary society, impacting online communication, information
consumption, and self-expression with ramifications for politics, activism, and social

 Data Privacy and Security: Facebook's approach to data privacy and security has a
considerable impact on user confidence and trust, given the size of its user base and the volume
of personal data exchanged on the network. Maintaining user trust and reducing the likelihood of
misuse or breaches requires strong data protection measures and openness in data processing

In May 2020, the Facebook Store platform—also referred to as Facebook Shops—was

introduced. Through the creation of fully customizable online shops that can be easily customized,
businesses can promote and sell products to clients directly on social media platforms like Facebook
Pages and Instagram profiles. Within the Facebook ecosystem, the platform gives businesses the ability
to handle payments, manage inventory, develop product catalogues, and interact with customers.
Facebook Store incorporates e-commerce features into social media posts in a seamless manner in an
effort to leverage the expanding trend of social commerce. The web application architecture of
Facebook Store likely follows a client-server model, where the client-side interface (web browser or
mobile app) interacts with server-side components to deliver content and functionality to users. The
background of Facebook's platform components encompasses a wide array of features and
functionalities that have evolved over the years to create a comprehensive social media ecosystem.
These platform components collectively form the backbone of Facebook's ecosystem, providing users
with a multifaceted experience for social networking, communication, content consumption, commerce,
and more. As Facebook continues to innovate and evolve, new features and functionalities may be
introduced to enhance the platform's capabilities and meet the changing needs of its users and


1. Facebook Store Platform

Results: Customizable online storefronts may be easily created by businesses on Facebook

Pages and Instagram profiles thanks to the Facebook Store platform. Within the Facebook
ecosystem, it enables companies to display products, control inventory, take payments, and
interact with clients.

DISCUSSION: Facebook's e-commerce capabilities have been greatly expanded with the launch
of Facebook Store, which capitalizes on the expanding social commerce trend. Facebook hopes
to give businesses new ways to reach consumers and increase sales by adding e-commerce
features to its platform. At the same time, it hopes to improve user experience by giving users an
easy way to find and buy products within the social media environment.

2. Website Page Structure:

Results: The website page structure of Facebook Store typically includes components such as a
homepage, product pages, category pages, shopping cart, checkout page, account dashboard, and
contact/support pages. These components are designed to provide users with a seamless
browsing and shopping experience, allowing them to navigate, explore, and purchase products

Discussion: The structured layout of Facebook Store's website pages plays a crucial role in
guiding users through the shopping journey, from product discovery to checkout. By organizing
content into logical sections and providing clear navigation paths, Facebook Store enhances
usability and encourages engagement, ultimately driving conversion rates and customer

3. Web Application Architecture:

Results: The web application architecture of Facebook Store likely follows a client-server model, with
layers such as the presentation layer, application logic layer, data access layer, and integration layer.
Technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript frameworks, server-side scripting languages, and databases
are used to build and manage the various components of the platform.
Discussion: The architecture of Facebook Store's web application is designed to ensure scalability,
reliability, and security, enabling it to handle large volumes of traffic, process transactions securely, and
integrate with external systems and services seamlessly. By adopting a modular and layered architecture,
Facebook Store can accommodate future enhancements and adapt to evolving business needs and
technological trends.


Facebook Store Platform:

Argument: Facebook Store represents a strategic move by Facebook to capitalize on the growing trend of
social commerce, where consumers increasingly turn to social media platforms for product discovery and
purchasing decisions.

Explanation: With the rise of e-commerce and the increasing integration of social media into daily life,
Facebook Store offers businesses a unique opportunity to reach and engage with customers directly within
the Facebook ecosystem. By providing businesses with the tools to create online storefronts and sell
products seamlessly on social media, Facebook is tapping into a lucrative market and expanding its
revenue streams beyond advertising.

Website Page Structure

Argument: The structured and intuitive website page structure of Facebook Store plays a crucial role in
enhancing user experience and driving conversion rates.

Explanation: Facebook Store's website pages are carefully designed to guide users through the shopping
journey, from product discovery to checkout, with clear navigation paths and organized content. By
presenting information in a logical and user-friendly manner, Facebook Store reduces friction in the
shopping process, increases user engagement, and ultimately boosts sales and customer satisfaction.

Web Application Architecture:

Argument: The robust and scalable web application architecture of Facebook Store ensures reliability,
security, and flexibility to accommodate future growth and technological advancements.

Explanation: Facebook Store's web application architecture is built on a solid foundation of modern
technologies and best practices, including a layered architecture, server-side scripting languages, and
databases. This architecture allows Facebook Store to handle large volumes of traffic, process transactions
securely, and integrate with external systems and services seamlessly. By investing in a scalable and
adaptable architecture, Facebook Store can support the evolving needs of businesses and users while
maintaining high performance and reliability.

In summary, Facebook Store is a major turning point in Facebook's development since it uses social
media to transform the e-commerce industry. Facebook Store capitalizes on the expanding trend of
social commerce by giving companies a strong platform to build bespoke online stores within the
Facebook ecosystem. This opens up new channels for businesses to connect and interact with their

The Facebook Store's well-organized and user-friendly page structure is essential for improving user
experience and increasing conversion rates. A frictionless purchasing experience increases customer
engagement and happiness. It is facilitated by clear navigation paths, well-organized material, and
seamless browsing.

 vast user base with a variety of demographics.
 Many functions and features that meet a range of user needs.
 robust advertising network with substantial income.
 Integration of services and apps from third parties.

 privacy issues with the acquisition and usage of user data.
 problems with fake news propagation and content management.
 Content saturation and algorithmic modifications are causing problems with user engagement.
 rivalry between new technology and other social media sites.

To address the weaknesses, Facebook can:

 Enhance privacy controls and transparency regarding data usage.

 Invest in AI and machine learning for more effective content moderation.
 Focus on improving user experience and engagement through algorithmic adjustments and feature
 Foster partnerships and collaborations to stay competitive in the evolving social media landscape.

Facebook should prioritize enhancing customization options for the Facebook Store Platform to empower
businesses in tailoring their online stores according to their branding and unique offerings. This includes
providing advanced customization features such as personalized recommendations and customizable storefront
layouts to drive engagement and conversion rates. Improvements in user interface design and navigation for
website pages are crucial to streamline the user experience and reduce friction. By optimizing website page
structure and ensuring consistency in design elements, Facebook can enhance user satisfaction and retention.
Conducting regular user testing and gathering feedback will help identify pain points and areas for refinement.
It is imperative for Facebook to continuously optimize its web application architecture for scalability and
security. By investing in robust security measures and advanced data management technologies, Facebook can
safeguard user data and mitigate privacy concerns. Regular evaluation and optimization of the underlying
technology infrastructure will ensure that the platform can handle increasing volumes of user interactions
effectively. Focusing on enhancing its platform components with new features and functionality to meet evolving
user needs and preferences. Introducing innovative features to existing components, such as advanced messaging
options in Messenger and enhanced event management tools in Events, will enrich the user experience and drive
engagement across the platform. Addressing weaknesses in content moderation and privacy protection should be a
top priority for Facebook. Implementing AI-driven content moderation tools and enhancing transparency in
privacy settings will help mitigate risks associated with harmful or inappropriate content. Providing users with
clear guidelines and resources for reporting privacy violations will foster trust and confidence in the platform.
Continuous gathering of user feedback and iterative improvements are essential for Facebook to stay
responsive to user needs and preferences. By establishing channels for collecting feedback and monitoring user
engagement metrics, Facebook can identify trends and areas for improvement. Implementing a systematic
approach to iterate and evolve the platform based on user feedback will ensure its continued relevance and
competitiveness in the market.

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