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In English

Arranged by group IV:

Muhamad Rosid Albar
Muhammad Nouval
Muhamad Fadilah
Yuriza Zairahny
M. Lutpi Hasan
Niki Nakesya


Jl. Karakal Kp. Cukangaleuh RT 02/05 Desa Jambuluwuk Kec. Ciawi kab. Bogor 16760
1. King: Muhammad Rosid Albar
2. Queen: Yuriza Zairahny
3. Princess Nirvana: Niki Nakesya
4. Advisor: Niki Nakesya
5. Gold smith: Yuriza Zairahny
6. Person 1: Muhammad Nouval
7. Person 2: Muhammad Padilah
8. Narrator: M. Lutpi Hasan

Telaga Warna

Narrator: Once upon a time there was a kingdom in West Java. This kingdom is ruled by a king. People
called their noble king prabu. Prabu was a good and wise king. This kingdom was very prosperous under
his leadership. There is no hunger in this kingdom.

The situation is very happy. But unfortunately the King and the Queen did not have children. This made
the royal couple very sad. Several royal advisors advised the king to adopt a child. However, the King and
the Queen did not agree.

Advisor: “Prabu, I advise you to adopt a child. Because you don’t have a child to replace your next
position in ruling the kingdom.”

King: “I don’t agree with your suggest!”

Advisor: “Why don’t you agree Prabu? Everyone in this kingdom only wants the next descendant to rule
this kingdom.”
King: “Because for us our own daughters or sons are better than adopted children. What do you think, my

Queen: “Yes, I think so. Our own daughter or son is better than an adopted child.”

The Queen was very sad. He often cries. That’s why Prabu decided to leave. He went into the forest.
There he prayed to God. Every day he begged for a child.

King: “Oh God, please give me and my wife a child. I promise you, if you give me a child, I will love

His dream came true. Several months later, the queen becomes pregnant. Everyone in the kingdom felt
happy. They sent many gifts to the palace to express their happiness.

Person 1: “I brought this gift for you, Your Majesty. Congratulations on the pregnancy you have been
waiting for.”

King: “Thank you very much for being happy to welcome my future child.”

Nine months later a daughter was born. People sent her gifts again as gifts to a little princess. This baby
grew into a beautiful teenager at that time.

Person 2: Oh my God, how cute she is.”

Queen: “Thank you. She is the princess I have been waiting for all this time.”
Person 2: “Here, I brought it for that maniac baby.”

Queen: “Thank you very much. I accept your gift.”

Narrator: Prabu only took some gold and jewels. Then he took him to a goldsmith.

King: “Please make a beautiful necklace for my daughter.”

Goldsmith: “My pleasure, Your Majesty.”

Narrator: The goldsmith worked with all his heart and ability. He wanted to create the most beautiful
necklace in the world because he loved the princess.

Goldsmith: “This is a beautiful necklace. I made it with my heart and skill. I hope you are happy with this

King: “Oh my God, this necklace is so beautiful.”

Narrator: Her birthday has arrived. People gathered in the palace grounds. When Prabu and Ratu
appeared, the people greeted them happily. Prabu and his wife waved to their loved ones.

Narrator: The cheers grew louder when the princess appeared with her extraordinary beautiful face.
Everyone admired her beauty. Prabu got up from his chair. A man gave her a small and glamorous pillow.
A necklace full of magic is there. Prabu took the necklace.
King: “My daughter, father has prepared the most beautiful gift, this necklace is a gift from people from
all over the country. They gave you this gift, because they are happy to see you grow up.”

Narrator: King Prabu immediately gave the necklace to his daughter, Putri accepted the necklace. Then he
glanced at the necklace. Then.. Princess

Nirvana: “What is this necklace? It’s so ugly! I don’t want to wear it!” (Necklace thrown)

Person 2: “That beautiful necklace made of gold and jewels was thrown away by the princess. I really
can’t imagine the princess doing something like that”

Narrator: Her beautiful necklace was broken. Gold and jewels were scattered on the floor. Everyone
present was shocked. Queen Purbamanah cried seeing the behavior of her only daughter. The people also
cried when they saw Queen Purbamanah crying. Finally, everyone shed tears.

Narrator: Suddenly a spring appeared from the palace courtyard. The water that came out was very strong
and became more and more abundant.

Person 1: “Look, suddenly this water forms a small pool!”

People 2: “No! This will be a disaster! What have you done evil Princess! You have harmed all your
people, look what you have done!”

Narrator: The princess was so frightened that she regretted all her evil deeds. However, the puddle had
become a very large lake and submerged the entire palace. By the local community, this lake is named
“Telaga Warna”.
This lake is in the peak area. On a clear day, we can see the lake full of beautiful and amazing colors. The
color comes from the shadows of the forest, plants, flowers and sky around the lake. However, people say
that the color comes from princess necklaces scattered at the bottom of the lake.


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