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Name(optional)________________________________ Age_____ Sex________

Grade Level_________

I. Classroom Design
Directions: Please choose the most appropriate for each statement, every option has a value
ranging from 1 to 4.

1. Classroom room Layout ( ex. curtains, furniture, frame)

______ Poor ______ Good. _______ other, please specify
______ Fair ______ Excellent

2. Lighting Conditions

______ Inadequate ______ Adequate _______ other, please specify

______ ______ Excellent

3. Seating Arrangement
_____ Uncomfortable _____ Comfortable _______ other, please specify
_____ Discomfited _____ Extremely Comfortable

4. Aesthetic Environment
_____ Distracting _____ Good _______ other, please specify
_____ Tolerable _____ Exceptional

5. Technology Integration (ex. Tv, computer)

_____ Insufficient _____ Advanced _______ other, please specify
_____ Satisfactory _____ State of the art

6. Flexibility of Furniture (ex. tables, chairs, desk)

_____ Limited _____ Flexible _______ other, please specify
_____ Adequate _____ Highly Adaptable

7. Storage Space
_____ Inadequate _____ Exceptional _______ other, please specify
_____ Sufficient _____ outstanding

8. Aesthetics and Color Scheme

_____ Unpleasant _____ Pleasing _______ other, please specify
_____ Neutral _____ Inspiring

9. Classroom layout
_____ Limited _____ Good _______ other, please specify
_____ Acceptable _____ Excellent

10. Ventilation and Climate Control

_____ Uncomfortable _____ Comfortable _______ other, please specify
_____ Tolerable _____ Exceptional
II. Student Learning
Directions: Please rate each of the following items by checking the appropriate number. the
numbers represent the following values: 5- Strongly agree, 4- Agree, 3- Neutral, 2- Disagree, 1-
Strongly Disagree

5 1
4 3 2
Strongly Strongly
Agree Neutral Disagree
Agree Disagree
1. I am satisfied with the layout and
arrangement of furniture in the
classroom for effective learning.
2. I consider the current classroom design
to be conducive to fostering a positive
and motivating learning atmosphere.
3. I find the comfort level provided by the
seating arrangements in the classroom.
4. I am satisfied with any specific aspects
of the current classroom setup.
5. I consider our classroom to contribute
positively to my learning experience.
6. I consider the flexibility of furniture and
spaces in our classroom to facilitate
different learning activities.
7. I consider a noticeable impact of
classroom design on collaborative
learning opportunities.
8. I consider our classroom design to
motivate us to participate in class
9. I consider the aesthetics in our
classroom effective in supporting our
understanding of our lectures.
10. I consider the resources (backboard,
TV) in our classroom easily accessible
for our learning needs.

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