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Redirected Zn Electrodeposition by an Anti-Corrosion

Elastic Constraint for Highly Reversible Zn Anodes
Ruirui Zhao, Ying Yang, Ganxiong Liu, Renjie Zhu, Jingbo Huang, Zhiyuan Chen,
Zhonghui Gao, Xiao Chen, and Long Qie*

stands out for its high theoretical capacity

With advantages such as high theoretical capacity, low cost, and nontoxicity, (820 mAh g−1 or 5855 mAh cm−3) and
Zn metal has been widely investigated as an anode for aqueous batteries. low negative potential (−0.762 V vs the
However, the problems of dendrite formation and sustained corrosion standard hydrogen electrode (SHE)).[2]
originating from severe interfacial side reactions and uncontrolled Zn elec- Although Zn anodes have been widely
used in commercial primary batteries
trodeposition in aqueous electrolytes significantly slows down the practical
(such as Zn||MnO2 batteries),[3] their
application of Zn metal anodes. To address these issues, herein, an anti-cor- applications in rechargeable aqueous bat-
rosion elastic constraint (AEC) is introduced that is built with nanosized TiO2 teries remain a challenge due to low Cou-
and polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) matrix to Zn anode, where the PVDF layer lombic efficiency (CE) during repeated Zn
serves as an elastic H2O/O2-blocking layer and the decorated TiO2 nanopar- plating/stripping processes.[4]
ticles assist uniform Zn electrodeposition. With this corrosion-inhibition and Fundamentally, the loss of Zn metal
during the electrochemical processes is
electrodeposition-redirection coating, the electrodeposition consistency and mainly due to 1) the sustained chemical
thermodynamic stability of the Zn anode are significantly improved, enabling corrosion due to serious interfacial reac-
a long-term stable plating/stripping performance for 2000 h with an ultralow tions with water or dissolved O2; and
overpotential (<50 mV) and a high average Coulombic efficiency (>99.4%) 2) the uncontrolled Zn dendrite formation
for 1000 cycles without obvious dendrite formation. Even at a high current caused by nonuniform Zn electrochemical
exfoliation/deposition, which additionally
density of 8.85 mA cm−2 with limited Zn supply (DODZn = 60%), stable Zn
promotes the chemical corrosion. Because
deposition is achieved over 250 h. When coupled with a MnO2 cathode, the of poor thermodynamic stability of Zn in
AEC-Zn anode shows a remarkably enhanced full-cell cycling stability, indica- aqueous electrolytes, the chemical corro-
tive of high reliability of aqueous Zn batteries for practical application. sion of Zn is responsible largely for the
low reversibility of Zn anode. According
to the Pourbaix diagram, the interfacial
1. Introduction reactions between the electrolyte and Zn metal inevitably occur
in aqueous electrolyte,[5] especially at the presence of dissolved
Recent explosions of electric vehicles and grid energy storage O2, which lead to the formation of loose by-products (mainly
have raised great concerns for the safety of rechargeable bat- zinc hydroxides and zincates) on the surface of Zn.[6] Unlike
teries, which Professor John Goodenough always emphasizes.[1] the successful lithium-ion systems, where the solid electrolyte
For the traditional rechargeable batteries, the safety issue is interphase (SEI) film formed on graphite anode could serve as
mainly ascribed to the use of the flammable liquid organic a dense protective layer to prevent further side reactions with
electrolyte. In this context, the development of energy-storage the electrolyte, the loose by-products on the surface of Zn fail
systems employing intrinsically nonflammable aqueous elec- to prevent the inner Zn metal from being exposed to the elec-
trolytes is imperative. For the aqueous batteries, the Zn anode trolyte and thus aggravate the corrosion of Zn.[6b] On the other
side, during the Zn plating process in aqueous electrolyte, Zn
R. Zhao, Dr. Y. Yang, R. Zhu, J. Huang, Z. Chen, Dr. Z. Gao, has a strong tendency to electrodeposit as hexagonal flakes,
X. Chen, Prof. L. Qie which are known as Zn dendrites.[7] Such loose electrodepos-
Institute of New Energy for Vehicles ited Zn could not be thoroughly exfoliated during the following
School of Materials Science and Engineering
Tongji University
stripping process, leading to the formation of residual inactive
Shanghai 201804, China Zn and hence a significant decrease in CE. Furthermore, due
E-mail: to the low Zn/Zn2+ potential (−0.762 V vs SHE), the H2 evolu-
G. Liu tion is unavoidable during the zinc deposition process, causing
School of Automotive Studies increase in the pH value of the electrolyte and the by-products
Tongji University accumulation.[8]
Shanghai 201804, China
To actualize the rechargeability of aqueous Zn-metal bat-
The ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article
can be found under
teries, we need to adequately address both the sustained chem-
ical corrosion and uncontrolled dendrite-formation problems
DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202001867 for Zn anodes. Up to now, many strategies have been proposed

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 2001867 2001867 (1 of 10) © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

to improve the reversibility of Zn anodes, such as designing protection, such a drop-casting approach is highly scalable and
new electrolytes with reduced water activity,[9] accommodating low-cost.
Zn into 3D hosts, and so on.[10] For example, Wang et al. As seen from the scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
employed a highly concentrated electrolyte with significantly images in Figure 1a–c, after the drop-casting procedure, the
reduced water activity, and obtained a dendrite-free Zn plating/ TiO2 nanoparticles are anchored tightly into the PVDF matrix,
stripping at nearly 100% CE.[11] Using 3D metal–organic frame- forming a dense AEC layer with a thickness of ≈5 µm, which is
work or MXene as Zn hosts, dendrite-free Zn electrodeposition much thinner than that of the reported protective coatings for
was also observed with improved plating/stripping kinetics.[12] Zn metals (e.g., 40 µm).[16] In addition, the use of high amount
Most recently, Archer co-workers reported the use of graphene of glutinous PVDF (30 wt%) also guarantees the flexibility and
as an epitaxial substrate to direct the electrodeposition behav- elasticity of the AEC coating,[17] which is essential for accommo-
iors of Zn, and demonstrated excellent reversibility over thou- dating the volumetric change during the Zn plating/stripping
sands of cycles.[7] processes. The elasticity of the AEC layer was evaluated on a
Despite the great progress achieved on Zn reversibility, it nanoindentation machine. Based on the elastic modulus col-
should be noted that the scale-up possibility and the cost issues, lected from 12 points (Table S1, Supporting Information), the
which are critical for practical applications, have been rarely calculated average elastic modulus of AEC is 2.67 GPa, which is
considered. In this context, the construction of an artificial pro- slightly lower than that of the pure PVDF film (3.50 GPa), but
tective layer onto the surface of Zn is more practical.[13] It was still higher than those of the most reported protective coatings
reported that coating a porous CaCO3 layer onto Zn could guide for Li metal.[18] It has been reported that an elastic modulus
the uniform and bottom-up Zn electrodeposition and thus sta- higher than 1 GPa is enough to suppress the growth of Li den-
bilize the plating/stripping of Zn.[14] However, only the electro- drites.[19] Here, the elasticity of the AEC layer is expected to be
chemical performance at a low current density (0.25 mA cm−2) strong enough to accommodate the volumetric change of Zn
with limited capacity (0.05 mAh cm−2) was reported, which electrodeposition.[20]
might be due to the fragile nature of CaCO3. So far, achieving To examine the anti-corrosion properties of the AEC coating,
highly reversible and long-life Zn anodes, especially under high we soaked the Zn plates without and with AEC coating into
current densities (>10.0 mA cm−2), via a low-cost and high-scal- an aqueous electrolyte (2 m ZnSO4 solution). As shown in the
ability method still remains a big challenge. photos of Figure 1d, the metallic Zn plate turned gray after
Inspired by successful design of the artificial SEI film for 4 days with white powder covering on its surface, indicative of
lithium metal,[15] herein, we introduce an anti-corrosion elastic the formation of the chemical-corrosion products due to the
constraint (AEC) as an artificial protective layer to stabilize undesirable interfacial side reactions between the unprotected
the Zn anodes. AEC is constructed with TiO2 nanoparticles- Zn and ZnSO4 solution. In contrast, the AEC-protected Zn
decorated polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) matrix where PVDF plate remained lustrous after 7 days, revealing the significant
with excellent mechanical flexibility serves an elastic constraint improved thermodynamic stability of AEC-Zn against to the
to relieve the interfacial reactions, and nanosized TiO2 particles aqueous electrolyte (Figure 1e; Figure S2, Supporting Informa-
redirect the even electrodeposition by modulating the current tion). The surfaces of the Zn plates before and after soaking
distribution. With this corrosion-inhibition and electrodeposi- tests were further checked with an optical microscope equipped
tion-redirection protection, the electrodeposition consistency with a 3D height scanner. As shown in Figure 1h,k, the AEC-
and thermodynamic stability of Zn anodes are significantly protected Zn plate soaked in ZnSO4 solution for 7 days shows
improved, enabling a long-term stable plating/stripping per- clear machining marks with similar height fluctuation to that
formance for 2000 h with an ultralow overpotential (<50 mV) of fresh Zn plate (Figure 1f,i). In contrast, the electrolyte-soaked
and a high average CE (>99.4%) for 1000 cycles without bare Zn plate shows a rough surface with a maximum height
obvious dendrite formation. Even at a high current density difference of 33.0 µm (Figure 1g,j), which is much higher than
of 8.85 mAh cm−2 with limited Zn supply (DODZn = 60%), a that of electrolyte-soaked AEC-Zn, demonstrating that the AEC
stable Zn deposition is observed for over 250 h. When coupled layer effectively protects the Zn plate from chemical corrosion
with a MnO2 cathode, the AEC-Zn anode shows an excellent in the aqueous electrolyte. The superb anti-corrosion capability
full-cell cycling stability, indicative of the reliability for the prac- of AEC-Zn also proves that the AEC layer has successfully pre-
tical development of aqueous Zn batteries. The as-proposed vented the direct contact of Zn metal with water or dissolved O2
method provides not only a low-cost and effective strategy to and mitigated the interfacial side reactions.
stabilize the Zn anodes, but also a fundamental understanding The AEC coating can not only suppress the chemical cor-
toward Zn electrodeposition. rosion of Zn, but also redirect the Zn electrodeposition and
reduce the electrochemical corrosion of Zn. To reveal the role
of AEC coating on the Zn electrodeposition behaviors, we
2. Results and Discussion assembled symmetrical cells in beakers with Zn or AEC-Zn
plates (Figure 2a,d) for electrochemical plating/stripping of Zn.
To prepare the AEC layer, TiO2 powder with a particle size The cells were tested at a current density of 0.667 mA cm−2 for
of ≈100 nm (Figure S1, Supporting Information) was first 100 cycles. After the plating/stripping tests, the cycled bare Zn
dispersed into a solution of PVDF dissolved in 1-methyl- plates were broken at the position of the electrolyte-air interface
2-pyrrolidone (NMP), and then the solution was drop cast onto (Figure S3a, Supporting Information), confirming the involve-
the surface of Zn plates followed by slow evaporation of NMP ment of oxygen in the corrosion process. The cycled Zn plate
at 40 °C. Compared with the most reported methods for Zn is covered by thick mossy products (Figure 2b; Figure S3a,

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 2001867 2001867 (2 of 10) © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 1. The characterizations of bare Zn and AEC-Zn plates and the comparison of their anti-corrosion performance in the aqueous electrolyte
(2 m ZnSO4 solution): top-view SEM images of a) bare Zn and b) AEC-Zn plates; cross-sectional SEM images of c) the AEC-Zn plate with the inset
showing the thickness of the AEC coating; the optical photos for the d) bare Zn and e) AEC-Zn before and after being soaked for 4 days and 7 days; the
high-magnification optical and corresponding 3D height images for the surfaces of f,i) fresh Zn plates, g,j) electrolyte-soaked Zn plates, and h,k) elec-
trolyte-soaked AEC-Zn plates; the wavy lines in (f–h) show the corresponding height profiles for the orange line segments. Here, the AEC coating on
AEC-Zn was peeled off from AEC-Zn plates for the morphology characterizations.

Supporting Information), while the AEC-Zn plate remains plating/stripping test. The sharp morphology contrast between
dense and clear after being tested under the same condition the cycled Zn and AEC-Zn plates proves that the AEC layer
(Figure 2e; Figure S3b, Supporting Information). The 3D height is efficient in redirecting the electrodeposition, inhibiting the
images clearly show that the cycled AEC-Zn plate (Figure 2f) dendrite formation and alleviating the volumetric change of Zn
has a smaller height fluctuation than that of cycled Zn plate during the long-term electrochemical processes.
(Figure 2c), indicating that the AEC layer effectively protects the The mossy products on the surface of the cycled Zn plates
Zn from corrosion even after the long-term plating/stripping were checked with X-ray diffraction (XRD) and energy-
test. dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). In Figure 2k, strong XRD
To further study the effect of the AEC layer on the mor- peaks belonging to hydrated Zn compounds such as Zn4(SO4)
phology of the cycled Zn anodes, SEM test was carried out (OH)6·4H2O, ZnSO3·2.5H2O, and Zn4(SO4)(OH)6·5H2O
(Figure 2g–j; Figure S4, Supporting Information). Bare Zn are observed in the bare Zn plates after 100 plating/stripping
plate exhibits a rough and porous surface stacked loosely by cycles. The formation of a large amount of Zn-containing by-
hexagonal flakes after the plating/stripping test, which agrees products explains the loss of Zn during the electrochemical
with the previously reported results.[21] Not only the surface, process. Unlike Li-ion batteries, where the (electro-)chemical
as marked in the blue regions in Figure 2h, pits with a depth reactions between the graphite anodes and the ethylene car-
up to 25 µm were also observed in the bulk of the Zn plate, bonate (EC)-based electrolytes can result in a stable and robust
confirming the poor thermodynamic stability and uncon- solid electrolyte interface on the surface of graphite and hence
trolled Zn electrodeposition in aqueous electrolytes. In con- prevent the further side effects. For Zn anodes in aqueous elec-
trast, with the AEC coating, Zn2+ ions tend to electrodeposit in trolytes, the loose products formed on the Zn surface further
the form of monolithic and compact morphology (Figure 2i–j; expose the inner fresh Zn metal to the corrosive electrolytes,
Figure S4, Supporting Information), and negligible corrosion and thus accelerate the side reactions and deteriorate the elec-
or dendrite was found on the surface of AEC-Zn after the same trochemical performance. The corrosion degrees of the soaked

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 2001867 2001867 (3 of 10) © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 2. The comparison of the electrochemical stability of Zn and AEC-Zn plates: the setup of the symmetrical a) Zn||Zn and d) AEC-Zn||AEC-Zn cells
in beakers; the optical and corresponding 3D height images for the surfaces of b,c) cycled Zn plate and e,f) cycled AEC-Zn plate; the SEM images for
g,h) cycled Zn plates (g: top view, h: cross-sectional view) and i,j) cycled AEC-Zn plates (i: top view, j: cross-sectional view); and k) the XRD patterns of
the cycled Zn and AEC-Zn plates. Here, the symmetrical cells were assembled in beakers and charged/discharged at a current density of 0.667 mA cm−2
for 100 cycles; the AEC layers on the cycled AEC-Zn plates in (b, e, and i) were peeled off while the one in (j) was kept for the characterizations of
AEC-Zn plates.

Zn plates were further quantified based on the XRD results. for 2000 h with the voltage hysteresis gradually decreasing from
Here, we define the corrosion degree as the ratio of the inten- 50 to 27 mV, having much higher stability as compared with
sity of the strongest peak of the main by-product (peak (004) the most reported Zn anodes (Figure S7, Supporting Informa-
of Zn4(SO4)(OH)6·4H2O at 2θ = 17.1°) to that of Zn (peak (101) tion). While the Zn||Zn cell exhibits frequent voltage fluctua-
at 2θ = 43.2°). The calculated corrosion degree of the soaked tion, and internal short-circuit signals (sudden voltage drops)
AEC-Zn is 0.189, only about one-fifth of that of bare Zn plates are observed after only around 300 h. It is also noticed that the
(0.926), confirming that the AEC coating has adequately pro- dead Zn||Zn cell is dehisced while the AEC-Zn||AEC-Zn cell
tected the Zn metal during the electrochemical process, which remains unchanged even after 2000 h (inset of Figure 3a), indi-
is also verified by the EDS results in Figure S5, Supporting cating that gas formation (H2 evolution) is suppressed in the
Information. AEC-Zn||AEC-Zn cell during the long-term Zn plating/strip-
The long-term stability and reversibility of Zn anodes are crit- ping process. Besides, the AEC-Zn||AEC-Zn cell delivers more
ical factors for their practical applications. To examine the sta- stable plating/stripping voltages than the Zn||Zn cell at high
bility of the Zn electrodes, we first tested polarization curves of current densities (Figure S8, Supporting Information). The dif-
Zn||Zn and AEC-Zn||AEC-Zn cells at a scan rate of 0.05 mV s−1. ferences in cycling stability are also confirmed by the electro-
As shown in Figure S6, Supporting Information, the AEC- chemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) (Figure 3b; Figure S9,
Zn||AEC-Zn cell has an extraordinary steady polarization curve, Supporting Information). Unlike the cells with protective coat-
revealing the superb stability of the AEC-Zn electrodes. The ings, the intrinsic resistances and the charge transfer resist-
galvanostatic plating/stripping performance of symmetrical ances of the symmetrical cell using bare Zn electrodes gradu-
Zn||Zn and AEC-Zn||AEC-Zn cells was tested at a current den- ally increased with cycling, implying the increased internal
sity of 0.885 mA cm−2. Figure 3a displays the plating/stripping resistance due to the formation of side-reaction products on the
voltages. The AEC-Zn||AEC-Zn cell shows stable voltage profiles surface. Furthermore, even at an ultrahigh current density of

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 2001867 2001867 (4 of 10) © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 3. The Zn plating/stripping performance for bare Zn plate and AEC-Zn plate: a) long-term cycling performance in symmetrical cells with a cur-
rent density of 0.885 mA cm−2 with the inset showing the photos of the cycled cells; the Nyquist plots b) of the symmetrical Zn||Zn and AEC-Zn||AEC-Zn
cells after different cycles; c) cycling performance of the symmetrical cells with limited Zn supply at a current density of 8.85 mA cm−2 and an areal
capacity of 8.85 mAh cm−2; the inset of (c) shows the photos of the cycled electrodes.

20 mA cm−2 (Figure S10, Supporting Information), the AEC- To evaluate the effect of the AEC coating on the revers-
Zn||AEC-Zn cell could enable cycling for 250 h, much longer ibility of Zn, CE measurement was carried out with Zn||Ti
than that of the Zn||Zn cell (<30 h). and Zn||AEC-Ti cells in 2 m ZnSO4 electrolytes. The test was
For rechargeable aqueous Zn batteries, excess Zn is performed by plating 0.885 mAh cm−2 of Zn onto the Ti or
usually used to compensate for the Zn loss during the elec- AEC-Ti substrate, and then stripping to 0.2 V. The ratio of the
trochemical cycling, which greatly counteracts the energy amount of the stripped Zn to that of the plated Zn in each cycle
density advantage of Zn batteries. Considering this, we determines the CE. As displayed in Figure 4a, the Zn||AEC-Ti
further checked the plating/stripping performance of bare cell exhibits a very stable CE over 1000 h at a current density
Zn and AEC-Zn under a limited-Zn condition. The tests of 1.77 mA cm−2, and the average CE is as high as 99.4% after
were carried out by using symmetrical cells at a high cur- the initial three activation cycles. In contrast, the Zn||Ti cell fails
rent density of 8.85 mA cm−2 and a high areal capacity of after less than 400 cycles and shows fluctuating CE especially
8.85 mAh cm−2, corresponding to 60% of the total areal after 300 cycles, implying the unstable Zn plating/stripping on
capacity of the Zn foil used (thickness: 25 µm, areal capacity: bare Ti substrate. The contrast in reversibility and cyclability
14.6 mAh cm−2) (Figure 3c). Due to the accelerated accu- of the Zn anodes could also be confirmed by their polarization
mulation of the side-reaction products and the loss of the voltages during cycling. In Figure 4b, the polarization voltage of
active Zn under the high plating/stripping current density, Zn||Ti cell increased from 50.0 mV at the 150th cycle to 70.4 mV
the control Zn||Zn cell shows a sudden rise in voltage polari- after 350 cycles, while the polarization voltages of Zn||AEC-
zation only after around 10 h. While the AEC-Zn||AEC-Zn Ti cell decreased gradually from 71.2 mV at the 150th cycle to
cell exhibits steady charge/discharge response with a low 55.1 mV at the 1000th cycle, indicating an extraordinary steady
polarization of ≈70 mV over 250 h under the same draconian plating/stripping. The AEC-Zn shows ultrahigh CE and cycla-
deep-discharge condition, confirming that the AEC coating bility as compared with other reports in Figure 4c.
is highly effective in redirecting Zn electrodeposition and To further understand the effect of the AEC coating on the
reducing Zn loss. To find out the reason for the short life Zn-electrodeposition behaviors, an optical microscope was used
of the deeply charged/discharged Zn||Zn cell, we disassem- to in situ monitor the surface morphology evolution of the zinc
bled the cycled Zn||Zn and AEC-Zn||AEC-Zn cells. From the electrodes (bare Zn and AEC-Zn) during the Zn plating pro-
photo­graphic images of the cycled Zn electrodes in the inset cess. For the observation, homemade optical cells were con-
of Figure 3c, we can see that the cycled bare Zn plate is com- structed with transparent glass plates and a current density of
pletely corroded and breaks into small pieces, whereas the 10 mA cm−2 was applied to the cells. Figure 5a and Video S1,
cycled AEC-Zn remains intact without apparent Zn rupture Supporting Information, show the photographic images. Zn
or thickness change (Figure S11, Supporting Information). protrusions started to form randomly on the surface of the bare

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 2001867 2001867 (5 of 10) © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 4. The CE tests of Zn||Ti and Zn||AEC-Ti cells: a) CE of Zn plating/stripping at a current density of 1.77 mA cm−2 with an ending charging voltage
of 0.2 V, b) the charge/discharge curves for Zn||Ti and Zn||AEC-Ti cells at different cycles, and c) the comparison of the CE of AEC-Zn with those of
the reported Zn anodes.

Zn after 10 min of plating, and proliferated to tree-like Zn den- uneven and loose products are observed under the PVDF layer,
drites with the proceeding of the electrochemical plating. Such apparently different from the cycled AEC-Zn (Figure 2i,j). In
dendrites may bridge the electrodes and result in short circuits Figure S14, Supporting Information, with PVDF coating, the
(Figure S12, Supporting Information), which is dangerous for symmetrical cell shows improved cycling stability compared
battery application. Due to the brittle nature of the Zn den- to Zn||Zn cell but fails after about 800 h, which is less than
drites, the growth of the dendrites was accompanied by the for- one-half of that of the AEC-Zn||AEC-Zn cell. Besides, the CE
mation of ruptured Zn or as-called “dead Zn.” Such host-free of the Zn||PVDF-Ti cell also shows a shorter cycling life than
Zn could hardly be reused in the following stripping process, that of Zn||AEC-Ti (Figure S15, Supporting Information). Fur-
which is responsible for the low CE of the bare Zn electrode. thermore, to verify the uniqueness of TiO2, we prepared ZnO-
In contrast to the electrodeposition behaviors of bare Zn, with PVDF-coated Zn electrodes and Al2O3-PVDF-coated Zn elec-
the elastic constraint of the AEC layer (marked in the blue trodes by using the same method as AEC-Zn. As shown in
region in Figure 5b), the Zn tends to electrodeposit under the Figure S16, Supporting Information, no obvious improvement
AEC layer and propels evenly, so no protrusion or dendrite is in cycling stability was observed for the symmetrical cells with
observed on the surface of AEC-Zn plate even after 30 min of these coated Zn electrodes as compared to the bare one. All of
plating (Video S2, Supporting Information). The uniform Zn the above results clearly substantiate the importance of TiO2
electrodeposition indicates that the AEC layer redirects the Zn nanoparticles in AEC.
nucleation and growth processes. Based on the results discussed above, we illustrate the
To understand the importance of TiO2 nanoparticles in AEC schemes for the Zn plating/stripping behaviors of bare Zn,
on the cycling stability of the Zn electrodes, we compare the PVDF-Zn, and AEC-Zn (Figure 5c, Supporting Information).
plating/stripping behaviors of samples with PVDF coating and For bare Zn, the poor Zn plating/stripping performance is
AEC coating in both symmetrical Zn||Ti cells. For comparison, mainly due to the serious interfacial reactions with water or
the thickness of the PVDF coating was also controlled to ≈5 µm dissolved O2 (chemical corrosion, pit I) and the uncontrolled
(Figure S13a, Supporting Information). After 100 cycles, the Zn deposition and exfoliation (electrochemical corrosion,
PVDF-Zn plate exhibits a sheet-like surface with many cracks pit II). With the introduction of the AEC coating, both the
(Figure S13b, Supporting Information), similar to the cycled chemical and electrochemical corrosion of Zn could be effec-
bare Zn (Figure 2g), implying that the TiO2 nanoparticles in tively suppressed: 1) the AEC layer not only serves as a dense
the AEC are critical in redirecting the Zn electrodeposition. In H2O/O2 blocking layer to avoid the direct contact but also as
addition, as marked in the cross-sectional SEM images of the an elastic constraint to accommodate the volumetric change
cycled PVDF-Zn plate (Figure S13c,d, Supporting Information), during the Zn plating/stripping processes; 2) the decorated

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 2001867 2001867 (6 of 10) © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 5. The zinc-electrodeposition behaviors of a) bare Zn plate and b) AEC-Zn plate using an in situ optical microscope at a current density of
10 mA cm−2, and c) the illustrations of Zn plating/stripping behaviors for bare Zn plate, PVDF-Zn, and AEC-Zn plate in aqueous electrolytes (2 m ZnSO4).
Here, pit I represents the pits produced by the chemical corrosion of Zn, while pit II stands for the Zn loss caused by the uneven exfoliation.

TiO2 nanoparticles in AEC act as a Zn-electrodeposition redi- that of AEC-Zn||MnO2 cell (244 mAh g−1), the capacity fades to
rector by providing favorable nucleation sites and regulating 103 mAh g−1 after 300 cycles. The fast decay in electrochemical
the local currents during the electrochemical plating/stripping performance is mainly due to the continuous corrosion of the
processes, and thus guarantees the uniform and dense Zn unprotected Zn anode. With AEC-Zn as the anode, the cycling
electrodeposition. stability is significantly enhanced with a higher capacity reten-
The advantages of the AEC-Zn anode were also further veri- tion (234 mAh g−1) after 300 cycles (Figure 6c).
fied in full cells using MnO2 cathodes (Figure 6). MnO2 was
prepared via a hydrothermal method and its purity was checked
by XRD characterization (Figure S17, Supporting Information). 3. Conclusion
Here, MnSO4 (0.1 m) was added to the electrolyte (2.0 m ZnSO4)
to suppress the disproportionation reaction of MnO2. The We have demonstrated stable and high-efficiency Zn plating/
cyclic voltammetry (CV) curves in Figure 6a show that both the stripping by introducing an AEC coating onto the surface of Zn
Zn||MnO2 and AEC-Zn||MnO2 cells present two pairs of cath- anodes for aqueous Zn batteries. The H2O/O2 insulating AEC
olic/anodic peaks, corresponding to the two-step reverse oxida- layer can not only isolate the Zn metal from corrosive aqueous
tion/reaction between MnO2 and MnOOH.[22] It is noticed that electrolytes but also guide the uniform and dendrite-free elec-
the AEC-Zn||MnO2 cell shows higher reduction voltages but trodeposition for Zn. The electrodeposition-redirection and
lower oxidation voltages than those of Zn||MnO2 cell, indicative corrosion-inhibition protection provide Zn anodes remarkably
of improved reaction kinetics for the AEC-Zn||MnO2 cell. improved electrodeposition consistency and thermodynamic
The long-term cycling stability of the full cells was tested at stability. A long-term stable plating/stripping performance for
2 C (C = 308 mA g−1) between 1.8 and 1.0 V. Figure 6b com- over 2000 h is attained with an ultralow overpotential (<50 mV)
pares the charge/discharge voltage profiles for Zn||MnO2 and and a high average CE (>99.4%) for 1000 cycles without obvious
AEC-Zn||MnO2 cells at the second cycle. The AEC-Zn||MnO2 dendrite formation. More importantly, the AEC-Zn exhibits
cell presents similar charge/discharge curves to Zn||MnO2 cell steady charge/discharge responses even under a draconian
but reduced voltage hysteresis between the charge/discharge deep-discharge condition (60% DODZn) with a limited Zn
curves, consistent well with the CV results. Figure 6c presents supply (DODZn = 60%) and a high plating/stripping current
the cycling performance of the full cells. Although Zn||MnO2 density of 8.85 mA cm−2. By coupling the AEC-Zn anode with
cell delivers a higher initial charge capacity (256 mAh g−1) than MnO2 cathode, we have achieved a satisfactory aqueous full

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 2001867 2001867 (7 of 10) © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 6. The electrochemical performance of Zn||MnO2 and AEC-Zn||MnO2 cells: a) CV curves at a scanning rate of 0.1 mV s−1 (second cycle),
b) charge/discharge profiles (second cycle), and c) galvanostatic cycling performance at 2 C.

cell with excellent cyclability and high reliability. Considering microscope (6XB-PC, Optical Instrument Factory), where the zinc
the facile and low-cost synthesis, the present AEC-coating plates (100 mm long, 100 mm wide, and 50 mm high) were fixed
onto a transparent glass plate to construct a homemade optical cell.
method can provide not only a practical strategy to enable
XRD patterns were recorded by a Bruker-AXS microdiffractometer
rechargeable Zn batteries for commercial applications, but (D8 ADVANCE) with Cu-Kα1 radiation (λ = 1.5406 Å) from 10° to 90°.
also a fundamental understanding toward dendrite-free metal The mechanical properties of the PVDF layer and AEC layer were
electrodeposition. measured using nanoindentation (iNano, Nanomechanics, Inc., Oak
Ridge, TN, USA). The contact angle between the electrolyte and the
Zn electrode was measured by a contact angle measuring instrument
4. Experimental Section (JC2000D1, Shanghai Powereach Digital Technology Equipment Co.,
Preparation of AEC-Zn: PVDF (0.10 g, Mw = 1 000 000) was first Electrochemical Measurements: The cathode slurry was prepared by
dissolved in NMP (7.78 mL, Sinopharm Chemical) solvent at 60 °C mixing the MnO2 powder, acetylene black carbon, and PVDF with a
under magnetic stirring. Then, nanosized TiO2 powders (0.23 g AR, weight ratio of 7:2:1 in NMP solution, and then the slurry was coated
99.0%, Aladdin) were added to the above solution. After being stirred onto a carbon paper. After drying, the carbon paper was cut into circular
for 1 week, a homogeneous slurry was obtained. To prepare AEC-coated sheets with a diameter of 12 mm. The areal mass loading for the MnO2
Zn (or Ti) electrode, 30 µL of the as-prepared slurry was drop cast onto electrodes was about 1.0 mg cm−2. All the electrochemical performances
Zn (Φ12, Xingye Metal Materials, 99.9%) or Ti (Φ12, Xingye Metal were tested with CR2032 coin cells assembled with working and
Materials) foils, and the resulted electrodes were heated in a vacuum counter electrodes separated by a glass fiber separator (Φ19). Three
oven at 40 °C to remove any residual NMP. working electrodes were used in this study: bare Zn, AEC-Zn, and MnO2
Synthesis of MnO2: MnO2 powders were prepared according to the electrodes. The counter electrodes were either bare Zn or AEC-Zn. The
previous work.[22] In a typical procedure, 1 mL of 0.5 m H2SO4 solution Zn plating/stripping performance was measured in Zn||Zn (or AEC-
was added into 45 mL of 0.003 m MnSO4 solution under magnetically Zn||AEC-Zn) symmetrical cells using 2 m ZnSO4 (100 µL) solution as the
stirring until a transport solution was obtained. Then, 10 mL of 0.1 m electrolyte. For the long-term cycling, Zn foil with a thickness of 80 µm
KMnO4 solution was added into the above solution drop by drop. After and a current density of 0.885 mA cm−2 was used, while for the deep-
being stirred for 2 h, the above mixture was transferred into a Teflon- discharge tests, the numbers were 25 µm and 8.85 mA cm−2. The CE of
lined autoclave and heated at 120 °C for 12 h. Finally, the solid product Zn anodes was measured with Zn||Ti (or Zn||AEC-Ti) cells at a current
was collected by centrifugation, washed with deionized water, and dried density of 1.77 mA cm−2 for 0.5 h. The electrochemical performance of full
in an oven at 80 °C. cells (Zn||MnO2 or AEC-Zn||MnO2) was tested using 2 m ZnSO4+0.1 m
Materials Characterizations: The morphologies of samples were MnSO4 (100 µL) solution as the electrolyte at 2 C in a voltage range of
characterized using a FESEM (Nova NanoSEM 450) equipped with 1.0–1.8 V. All the tests above were performed on a Neware Battery Tester.
EDS and an optical microscope equipped with 3D measurement The EIS of the symmetrical cells in the frequency range of 0.01–100 kHz
system provided by Keyence Corporation. The in situ observations and CV curves of the full cells at a scan rate of 0.1 mV s−1 were recorded
of zinc deposition and exfoliation were carried out on an optical by a BioLogic electrochemistry workstation.

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 2001867 2001867 (8 of 10) © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Supporting Information [9] a) Q. Zhang, J. Luan, L. Fu, S. Wu, Y. Tang, X. Ji, H.-Y. Wang, Angew.
Chem. 2019, 131, 15988; b) Y. Tang, C. Liu, H. Zhu, X. Xie, J. Gao,
Supporting Information is available from the Wiley Online Library or C. Deng, M. Han, S. Liang, J. Zhou, Energy Storage Mater. 2020, 27,
from the author. 109; c) W. Xu, K. Zhao, W. Huo, Y. Wang, G. Yao, X. Gu, H. Cheng,
L. Mai, C. Hu, X. Wang, Nano Energy 2019, 62, 275; d) A. Naveed,
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B. He, J. Wang, Adv. Mater. 2019, 31, 1900668; e) J. Liu, N. Nie,
Acknowledgements J. Wang, M. Hu, J. Zhang, M. Li, Y. Huang, Mater. Today Energy
This research was supported by the National Natural Science 2020, 16, 100372; f) M. Zhu, X. Wang, H. Tang, J. Wang, Q. Hao,
Foundation of China (grant no. 51802225) and the funding from State L. Liu, Y. Li, K. Zhang, O. G. Schmidt, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 30,
Key Laboratory of Materials Processing and Die & Mould Technology, 1907218; g) Z. Wang, J. Hu, L. Han, Z. Wang, H. Wang, Q. Zhao,
Huazhong University of Science and Technology. J. Liu, F. Pan, Nano Energy 2019, 56, 92; h) A. Naveed, H. Yang,
J. Yang, Y. Nuli, J. Wang, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 2760;
i) Q. Li, X. Cui, Q. Pan, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11, 38762;
j) Y. Huang, J. Zhang, J. Liu, Z. Li, S. Jin, Z. Li, S. Zhang, H. Zhou,
Conflict of Interest Mater. Today Energy 2019, 14, 100349.
The authors declare no conflict of interest. [10] a) L. Wang, Y. Zhang, H. Hu, H.-Y. Shi, Y. Song, D. Guo, X.-X. Liu,
X. Sun, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11, 42000; b) J. Zhao,
J. Zhang, W. Yang, B. Chen, Z. Zhao, H. Qiu, S. Dong, X. Zhou,
G. Cui, L. Chen, Nano Energy 2019, 57, 625; c) Z. Hou, X. Zhang,
Keywords X. Li, Y. Zhu, J. Liang, Y. Qian, J. Mater. Chem. A 2017, 5, 730;
anti-corrosion coating, Zn anodes, Zn electrodeposition, Zn protection, d) M. S. Chae, J. W. Heo, H. H. Kwak, H. Lee, S.-T. Hong, J. Power
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Received: February 27, 2020 Interfaces 2019, 11, 44077; f) H. Pan, J. F. Ellis, X. Li, Z. Nie,
Revised: April 19, 2020 H. J. Chang, D. Reed, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11, 37524;
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