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Chapter 2


This chapter presents the interpretation and analysis of the results of the

experiment conducted on the formulation of Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum) Enhanced

Braided Yeast Bread for a techno- guide. The descriptive test and nine point hedonic

scale rating scale test was used. This test was used as the basis of determining the

acceptability of the product.

FORMULATION OF Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum) Enhanced Braided Yeast Bread

This study used the experimental method. The activity of the experiment involved

different levels of blended fern. The rest of the ingredients were maintained constant

throughout the formulation.

The three (3) formulations formulated with the different levels of blended fern.

Product innovation was applied to be able to create an innovative product coming from

an indigenous ingredient. The following were the modified formulations.

Formulation 1 (F1), Formulation 2 (F2) and Formulation 3 (F3) had a similar ingredients of

the control group but with the varying amount of blended fern. Formulation 1 (F 1)- used

60 grams of blended fern, Formulation 2 (F 2)- had 40 grams of blended fern and

Formulation 3- used 20 grams of blended fern.

The table given below presented the three Formulation.

Table 5

FORMULATION OF Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum) Enhanced Braided Yeast Bread

Formulation 1 Formulation 2 Formulation 3

(F1) (F2) (F3)
¾ cup oats ¾ cup oats ¾ cup oats

¾ cup boiling water ¾ cup boiling water ¾ cup boiling water

½ cup low fat milk ½ cup low fat milk ½ cup low fat milk
¼ cup honey ¼ cup honey ¼ cup honey
1 tsp salt 1 tsp salt 1 tsp salt
2 tsp olive oil 2 tsp olive oil 2 tsp olive oil
2 ¼ tsp yeast 2 ¼ tsp yeast 2 ¼ tsp yeast
1 tsp sugar 1 tsp sugar 1 tsp sugar
¼ cup water ¼ cup water ¼ cup water
2 ¾ cup bread flour 2 ¾ cup bread flour 2 ¾ cup bread flour
½ cup whole wheat flour ½ cup whole wheat flour ½ cup whole wheat flour
¼ cup yellow cornmeal ¼ cup yellow cornmeal ¼ cup yellow cornmeal
1 tbsp water 1 tbsp water 1 tbsp water
60 grams blended fern 40 grams blended fern 20 grams blended fern

It is shown in Table 5 that there were three (3) treatment formulations from T 1-T3

with different amount of blended fern.

SENSORY ANALYSIS OF Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum) Enhanced Braided Yeast


The sensory analysis of different formulations with varying amount of blended

fern were rated by the panelists as to its sensory characteristics in terms of color,

aroma, taste and texture.

There were two phases of the study that the researcher had undertaken in order

to come up with the result of the study. The formulation process was the first phase.

The preparation of baking ingredients and the materials or utensils needed were

secured in the formulation of the three formulations.

The sensory evaluation of the three (3) levels of formulations in order to identify

the most acceptable formulation was the second phase. There was an orientation done

by the researcher on the selected sensory evaluators consisting of 10 Cookery

Teachers, 20 Consumers. In the presentation of the product, the experimental method

was used. The sensory attributes of the product were the color, aroma, taste and



The color of the Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum) Enhanced Braided Yeast

Bread was evaluated by ten (10) Cookery Teachers, twenty (20) Students and twenty

(20) Consumers. It is categorized into five (5) with a corresponding points such as

Golden Brown-(5) points, Yellow Brown-(4) points, Light Brown –(3) points, Brown–(2)

points , and Dark Brown (1) point.

Table 6 presents the Sensory Analysis of the Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum)

Enhanced Braided Yeast Bread in terms of Color.

Table 6

Sensory Analysis of the Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum) Enhanced Braided Yeast

Bread in terms of Color


Cookery Teachers ( =n10 ) 2 B 3.1 LB 4.9 GB

Students (n=20 ) 1.4 DB 3.3 LB 5 GB

Consumers ( n=20 ) 2.25 B 3.2 LB 4.9 GB

Average Weighted Mean (X) 1.88 B 3.2 LB 4.93 GB
GB- Golden Brown B-Brown
YB- Yellow Brown DB-Dark Brown
LB- Light Brown VD- Verbal Description

As presented in Table 6, the Cookery Teachers described the Formulation

1 (F1) as Brown with the weighted mean of 2, the Students described it as Dark Brown

with the weighted mean of 1.4, and the Consumers described it as Brown with the

weighted mean of 2.25. The average weighted mean for Cookery Teachers, Students,

and Consumer was 1.88 which described as Brown. The Cookery Teachers described

the Formulation 2 (F2) as Light Brown with the weighted mean of 3.3, the Students

described it as Light Brown with the weighted mean of 3.2 and the Consumers

described it as Light Brown with the weighted mean of 3.2. The average weighted

mean for Cookery Teachers, Students and Consumers was 3.2 which described as

Lightly Brown. The Cookery Teachers described the Formulation 3 (F 3) as Golden

Brown with the weighted mean of 4.9, the Students described it as Golden Brown with

the weighted mean of 5, and the Consumers described it as Golden Brown with the

weighted mean of 4.9. The average weighted mean for Cookery Teachers, Students

and Consumers was 4.93 which described as Golden Brown.

Based on the figures, it can be observed that the color Golden Brown was more

appealing to the eyes of the panelists. It gives a yummy, tasty and rich bread.

This means that in terms of color the Formulation 3 (F3) was the most

acceptable in terms of the panel’s Sensory Analysis in terms of Color.

The aroma of the Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum) Enhanced Braided Yeast Bread

was evaluated by ten (10) Cookery Teachers, twenty (20) students and twenty (20)

Consumers. It is categorized into five (5) with a corresponding points such as Excellent

-(5) points, Very Good-(4) points, Good –(3) points, Fair–(2) points , and Poor (1) point.

Table 7 presents the Sensory Analysis of the Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum)

Enhanced Braided Yeast Bread of Aroma.

Table 7

Sensory Analysis of the Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum) Enhanced Braided Yeast

Bread in terms of Aroma

Cookery Teachers ( n=10 ) 2.4 F 3.7 VG 5 E
Students (n=20 ) 1.8 F 2.6 G 5 E
Consumers ( n=20 ) 2.55 F 3.25 G 4.65 E
Average Weighted Mean (X) 2.25 F 3.18 G 4.88 E
E-Excellent F-Fair
VG-Very Good P-Poor
G-Good VD- Verbal Description

As presented in Table 7, the Cookery Teachers described the F ormulatio1 (F 1)

as Fair with the weighted mean of 2.4, the Students described it as Fair with the

weighted mean of 1.8, and the Consumers described it as Fair with the weighted mean

of 2.55. The average weighted mean for Cookery Teachers, students and Consumers

was 2.25 which described as Fair. The Cookery Teachers described the Formulation 2

(F2) as Very Good with the weighted mean of 3.7, the students described it as Good

with the weighted mean of 2.6 and the Consumers described it as Good with the

weighted mean of 3.25. The average weighted mean for Cookery Teachers, students

and Consumers was 3.18 which described as Good. The Cookery Teachers described

the Formulation 3 (F3) as Excellent with the weighted mean of 5, the students

described it as Excellent with the weighted mean of 5, and the Consumers described it

as Excellent with the weighted mean of 4.65. The average weighted mean for Cookery

teachers, students and Consumers was 4.88 which described as Excellent.

Based on the figures, it can be observed that the aroma categorized as

Excellent was more appealing to the eyes of the panelists. It gives an excellent aroma.

This means that in terms of Aroma the Formulation 3 (F3) was the most

acceptable in terms of the panel’s Sensory Analysis in terms of Aroma.


The taste of the Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum) Enhanced Braided Yeast

Bread was evaluated by ten (10 Cookery Teachers, 20 Students and 20 Consumers. It
is categorized into five (5) with corresponding points and Verbal Description such as

Highly Palatable -(5) points, Very Palatable- (4) points , Moderately Palatable- (3)

points, Less Palatable- (2) points, and Not Palatable –(1) point.

Table 8 presents the Sensory Analysis of the Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum)

Enhanced Braided Yeast Bread in terms of taste.

Table 8

Sensory Analysis of the Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum) Enhanced Braided Yeast

Bread in terms of Taste


Cookery Teachers ( n=10 ) 1.3 NP 3.4 VP 5 HP

Students (n=20 ) 1.9 LP 2.3 LP 5 HP

Consumers ( n=20 ) 1.95 LP 2.85 MP 5 HP

Average Weighted Mean (X) 1.72 LP 2.85 MP 5 HP

4.20- 5.00- HP- Highly Palatable 1.80-2.59- LP- Less Palatable
3.40- 4.19- VP- Very Palatable 1.00-1.79- NP- Not Palatable
2.60-3.39- MP- Moderately Palatable VD- Verbal Description

As presented in Table 8, the Cookery Teachers described that in Formulation1

(F1) as Not Palatable with the weighted mean of 1.3, the Students described it as 1.9,

and the Consumers described it as Less Palatable and the Consumers described it as

Less Palatable with the weighted mean of 1.95. The average weighted mean for
Cookery Teachers, Students and Consumers was 1.72 which described as Not


The Cookery Teachers described the Formulation 2 (F 2) as Very Palatable with

the weighted mean of 3.4 the Students described it as Less Palatable with the

weighted mean of 2.3 and the Consumers described it as Moderately Palatable with

the weighted mean of 2.85. The average weighted mean for Cookery Teachers,

Students and Consumers was 2.85 which described as Moderately Palatable. The

Cookery Teachers described the Formulation 3 (F3) as Highly Palatable with the

weighted mean of 5, the Students described it as Highly Palatable with the weighted

mean of 5 and the Consumers described it as Highly Palatable with the weighted mean

of 5. The average weighted mean for Cookery Teachers, Students, and Consumers was

5 which described as Highly Palatable.

Based on the figures, it can be observed that the Formulation 3 (F3) was the

most acceptable in terms of the panel’s taste of the product with the verbal description

of Highly Palatable. This is because of its distinct and unique taste due to the amount of

blended fern.


The appearance of the Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum) Enhanced Braided Yeast

Bread was evaluated by ten Cookery Teachers, twenty Students and twenty

Consumers. It is categorized into five (5) with a corresponding points such as Most

Pleasant-(5) points, Very Pleasant-(4) points, Pleasant –(3) points, Less Pleasant –(2)

points , and Not Pleasant (1) point.

Table 9 shows the Sensory Analysis of the Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum) Enhanced

Braided Yeast Bread in terms Texture.

Table 9

Sensory Analysis of the Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum) Enhanced Braided Yeast

Bread in terms of Texture

Cookery Teachers ( n=10 ) 1.9 NP 3.4 VP 4.6 MP
Students (n=20 ) 1.8 LP 2.5 LP 5 MP
Consumers ( n=20 ) 1.95 LP 3.05 P 4.75 MP
Average Weighted Mean (X) 1.88 LP 2.98 P 4.78 MP
MP- Most Pleasant LP- Less Pleasant
VP- Very Pleasant NP-Not Pleasant
P- Pleasant VD- Verbal Description

The Cookery Teachers described the Formulation 1 (F 1) as Not Pleasant with

the weighted mean of 1.9, the Students described it as Less Pleasant with the

weighted mean of 1.8 and the Consumers described it as Less Pleasant with the

weighted mean of 1.95. The average weighted mean for Cookery Teachers, Students

and Consumer was 1.88 which described as Less Pleasant. The Cookery Teachers

described the Formulation 2 (F2) as Very Pleasant with the weighted mean of 3.4, the

Students described it as Less Pleasant with the weighted mean of 2.5 and the

Consumers described it as Pleasant with the weighted mean of 3.05. The average

weighted mean for Cookery Teachers, Students and Consumers was 1.88 which

described as Less Pleasant. The average weighted mean for Cookery Teachers,
Students, and Consumers was 2.98 which described as Pleasant. The Cookery

Teachers described the Formulation 3 (F 3) as Most Pleasant with the weighted mean of

4.6, the Students described it as Most Pleasant with the weighted mean of 5 and the

Consumers described it as Most Pleasant with the weighted mean of 4.75. The

average weighted mean for Cookery Teachers, Students and Consumers was 4.78

which described as Most Pleasant.

Based on the figures, it can be observed that Formulation 3 (F3) was the most

acceptable in its Sensory Analysis in terms of Texture

General Acceptability

The general acceptability of the Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum) Enhanced Braided

Yeast Bread with three different levels of formulations was determined based on the

result of the sensory evaluation among 50 panelists: ten (10) Cookery Teachers, twenty

(20) students and twenty (20) Consumers, using descriptive analysis and 9-point

Hedonic Scale rating. The panelists assessed the product based on the following

sensory attributes: Color, Aroma, taste and Texture. Table 10 shows the General

Acceptability of the Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum) Enhanced Braided Yeast Bread in

terms of its taste.

Table 10

General Acceptability of Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum) Enhanced Braided Yeast

Bread in terms of Color


Cookery Teachers ( n=10 ) 3.3 DM 5.5 LS 8.5 LE

Students (n=10 ) 4.2 DS 6.5 LM 9 LE

Consumers ( n=20 ) 4.65 NLD 5.85 LS 8.8 LE

Average Weighted Mean (X) 4.05 DS 5.95 LS 8.7 LE

LE-Like Extremely DS- Dislike Slightly
LVMV –Like Very Much DM-Dislike Moderately
LM-Like Moderately DVM- Dislike Very Much
LS- Like Slightly DE- Dislike Extremely
NLD- Neither Like or Dislike VD- Verbal Description

As revealed in Table 10, the Cookery Teachers described the Formulation 1 (F 1)

as Dislike Moderately with the weighted mean of 3.3, the students described it as

Dislike Slightly with the weighted mean of 4.2, and the Consumers described it as

Neither Like or Dislike with the weighted mean of 4.65. The average weighted mean

for Cookery Teachers, students and Consumers was 4.05 which described as Dislike

Slightly. The Cookery Teachers described the Formulation 2 (F2) as Like Slightly with

the weighted mean of 5.5, the students described it as Like Moderately with the

weighted mean of 6.5 and the Consumers described it as Like Slightly with the

weighted mean of 5.85. The average weighted mean for Cookery teachers, students

and Consumers was 5.95 which described as Like Slightly. The Cookery teachers

described the Formulation 3 (F3) as Like Extremely with the weighted mean of 8.5, the

students described it as Like Extremely with the weighted mean of 9, and the

Consumers described it as Like Extremely with the weighted mean of 8.8. The average
weighted mean for Cookery Teachers, students and Consumers was 8.7 which

described as Like Extremely.

Based on the figures, it can be observed that the Color of Fern (Diplaziuim

esculentum) Enhanced Braided Yeast Bread was more appealing to the eyes of the


This means that in terms of Color the Formulation 3 (F3) was the most

acceptable in terms of the panel’s Color and the General Acceptability of the Product.

Table 10 shows the General Acceptability of the Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum)

Enhanced Braided Yeast Bread in terms of its Aroma.

Table 11

General Acceptability of Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum) Enhanced Braided Yeast

Bread in terms of Aroma


Cookery Teachers ( n=10 ) 3.2 DM 4.6 NLD 7.5 LVM

Students (n=20 ) 4 DS 6.5 LM 9 LE

Consumers ( n=20 ) 4.35 DS 5.65 LS 7.75 LVM

Average Weighted Mean (X) 4.35 DS 5.65 LS 8.08 LVM

LE-Like Extremely DS- Dislike Slightly
LVMV –Like Very Much DM-Dislike Moderately
LM-Like Moderately DVM- Dislike Very Much
LS- Like Slightly DE- Dislike Extremely
NLD- Neither Like or Dislike VD- Verbal Description
As presented in Table 11, the Cookery Teachers described the Formulation 1

(F1) as Dislike Moderately with the weighted mean of 3.2, the Students described it as

Dislike Slightly with the weighted mean of 4, and the Consumers described it as

Dislike Slightly with the weighted mean of 4.35. The average weighted mean for

Cookery Teachers, Students and Consumers was 3.85 which described as Dislike

Slightly. The Cookery Teachers described the Formulation 2 (F 2) as Neither Like or

Dislike with the weighted mean of 4.6, the students described it as Like Moderately

with the weighted mean of 6.5 and the Consumers described it as Like Slightly with the

weighted mean of 5.65. The average weighted mean for Cookery teachers, students

and consumer was 5.58 which described as Like Slightly. The Cookery teachers

described the Formulation 3 (F3) as Like Very Much with the weighted mean of 7.5, the

students described it as Like Extremely with the weighted mean of 9, and the

Consumers described it as Like Very Much with the weighted mean of 7.75. The

average weighted mean for Cookery Teachers, students and Consumers was 8.08

which described as Like Very Much.

Based on the figures, it can be observed that the Aroma of Fern (Diplaziuim

esculentum) Enhanced Braided Yeast Bread was more appealing to the eyes of the


This means that in terms of Aroma the Formulation 3 (F3) was the most acceptable in

terms of the panel’s aroma and the General Acceptability of the product.

Table 12
General Acceptability of Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum) Enhanced Braided Yeast

Bread in terms of Taste

Cookery Teachers ( n=10 ) 2.6 DVM 4 DS 8.6 LE
Students (n=20 ) 4.7 NLD 5.5 LS 8.9 LE
Consumers ( n=20 ) 4.6 NLD 5.5 LS 8.9 LE
Average Weighted Mean (X) 3.97 DS 5 NLD 8.8 LE

8.12- 9.00- LE-Like Extremely 3.67-4.55- DS- Dislike Slightly
7.23-8.11- LVMV –Like Very Much 2.78-3.66- DM-Dislike Moderately
6.34-7.22- LM-Like Moderately 1.89-2.77-DVM- Dislike Very Much
5.45- 6.33 LS- Like Slightly 1.00-1.88- DE- Dislike Extremely
4.56-5.44- NLD- Neither Like or Dislike VD- Verbal Description

As shown in Table 12, the Cookery Teachers described the Formulation 1 (F 1) as

Dislike Very Much with the weighted mean of 2.6, the Students described it as Neither

Like or Dislike with the weighted mean of 4.7, and the Consumers described it as

Neither Like or Dislike with the weighted mean of 4.6. The average weighted mean for

Cookery Teachers, students and Consumers was 3.97 which described as Dislike

Slightly. The Cookery Teachers described the Formulation 2 (F 2) as Dislike Slightly

with the weighted mean of 4, the students described it as Like Slightly with the

weighted mean of 5.5 and the Consumers described it as Like Slightly with the

weighted mean of 5.5. The average weighted mean for Cookery Teachers, students and

Consumers was 5 which described as Neither Like or Dislike.

The Cookery Teachers described the Formulation 3 (F3) as Like Extremely with

the weighted mean of 8.6, the students described it as Like Extremely with the
weighted mean of 8.9, and the Consumers described it as Like Extremely with the

weighted mean of 8.6. The average weighted mean for Cookery Teachers, students and

Consumers was 8.8 which described as Like Extremely.

Based on the figures, it can be observed that the Taste of Fern (Diplaziuim

esculentum) Enhanced Braided Yeast Bread was more appealing to the eyes of the

panelists. It gives a Like Extremely Taste.

This means that in terms of Taste the Formulation 3 (F3) was the most

acceptable in terms of the panel’s Taste and the General Acceptability of the Product.

Table 13 shows the General Acceptability of Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum)

Enhanced Braided Yeast Bread in terms of its Appearance.

Table 13

General Acceptability of Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum) Enhanced Braided Yeast

Bread in terms of Texture


Cookery Teachers ( n=10 ) 2.8 DM 5.4 LS 8.7 LE

Students (n=20 ) 4.1 DS 5.8 LS 8.8 LE

Consumers ( n=20 ) 5.3 NLD 6.2 LS 9 LE

Average Weighted Mean (X) 5.3 NLD 5.8 NLD 8.83 LE

LE-Like Extremely DS- Dislike Slightly
LVMV –Like Very Much DM-Dislike Moderately
LM-Like Moderately DVM- Dislike Very Much
LS- Like Slightly DE- Dislike Extremely
NLD- Neither Like or Dislike VD- Verbal Description
As shown in Table 13, the Cookery Teachers described the Formulation1 (F 1) as

Dislike Moderately with the weighted mean of 2.8, the students described it as Dislike

Slightly with the weighted mean of 4.1, and the Consumers described it as Neither

Like or Dislike with the weighted mean of 5.3. The average weighted mean for

Cookery Teachers, Students and Consumers was 4.07 which described as Dislike

Slightly. The Bakers described the Formulation 2 (F 2) as Like Slightly with the

weighted mean of 5.4, the students described it as Like Slightly with the weighted

mean of 5.8 and the Consumers described it as Like Slightly with the weighted mean

of 6.2. The average weighted mean for Cookery Teachers, students and Consumers

was 5.8 which described as Neither Like or Dislike. The Cookery Teachers described

the Formulation 3 (F3) as Like Extremely with the weighted mean of 8.7, the students

described it as Like Extremely with the weighted mean of 8.8, and the Consumers

described it as Like Extremely with the weighted mean of 9. The average weighted

mean for Cookery Teachers, students and Consumers was 8.83 which described as

Like Extremely.

Based on the figures, it can be observed that the texture of Fern (Diplaziuim

esculentum) Enhanced Braided Yeast Bread was more appealing to the eyes of the

panelists. It gives a Like Extremely Appearance.

This means that in terms of Texture the Formulation 3 (F3) was the most

acceptable in terms of the panel’s Appearance and the General Acceptability of the


Table 15 4hows the General Acceptability of the Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum)

Enhanced Braided Yeast Bread in terms of its Color.

Table 14

Summary Table on the Sensory Analysis of Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum)

Enhanced Braided Yeast Bread

Sensory Analysis F1 F2 F3

Color 1.88 3.2 4.93

Aroma 2.25 3.18 4.88
Taste 1.72 2.85 5

Texture 1.88 2.98 4.78

As presented in the table, the Sensory Analysis of Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum)

Enhanced Braided Yeast Bread

in terms of in terms of Color, the Average Weighted Mean was 4.93 shown in

Formulation 3 (F3), in terms of Aroma, the Average Weighted Mean was 4.88 shown in

Formulation 3 (F3), in terms of taste the Average Weighted Mean among the three (3)

formulation was 5 shown in Formulation 3 (F3); and in terms of Texture, the Average

Weighted Mean was 4.78 shown in Formulation 3 (F3).

Based on the figures given on the table presented above, Formulation 3 (F3) was

described as the highest average weighted mean among three formulations. This

means that in terms of its Sensory Analysis of Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum) Enhanced

Braided Yeast Bread, Formulation3 (F3) was the most acceptable in terms of panel’s

sensory evaluation of the product.

Table 15

Summary Table on the General Acceptability of Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum)

Enhanced Braided Yeast Bread

General Acceptability F1 F2 F3

Color 4.05 5.95 8.7

Aroma 4.35 5.65 8.08
Taste 3.97 5 8.8

Texture 5.3 5.8 8.83

As presented in the table, the General Acceptability of Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum)

Enhanced Braided Yeast Bread ; in terms of Color, the Average Weighted Mean was

8.7 shown in Formulation 3 (F3), and in terms of Aroma, the Average Weighted Mean

was 8.08 shown in Formulation 3 (F3), in terms of Taste, the Average Weighted Mean

among the three (3) treatments was 8.8 shown in Formulation3 (F3) and in terms of

Texture, the Average Weighted Mean was 8.83 shown in Formulation 3 (F3 ).
Based on the figures given on the table presented above, Formulation 3 (F3)

was described as the highest average weighted mean among three formulations. This

means that in terms of its General Acceptability of Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum)

Enhanced Braided Yeast Bread, Formulation 3 (F3) was the most acceptable in terms

of panel’s sensory evaluation on the General Acceptability of the product.

TEST OF SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE OF Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum) Enhanced


The significant mean differences among three formulations were determined

using ANOVA. Analysis of Variance was employed where interrelationship of the

aforementioned attributes were being studied to arrive at scientific conclusion based

upon the data given. Table 16 revealed the test significant mean differences among

three formulations.

Table 16

Significant Difference in terms of Color

Source of SS Df MS F P-value Fcrit


Rows 24.13793 28 0.862069 1.692184 0.034652 1.610415

Columns 189.1444 3 63.04813 123.7593 9.93E-31 2.713227

Error 42.7931 84 0.509442

Total 256.0754 115

Based on the results on summary of Analysis of Variance from the panelists in

terms Color, the Sum of Squares of Rows was 24.13793 with four attributes such as

color, aroma, taste and texture and 28 degrees of freedom, producing mean square of


The sum of Squares in Columns was 189.1444 with 3 degrees of freedom and a

Mean Square of 63.04813 was produced. Dividing the Mean Square of Columns by the

Error yields an F Statistics of 123.7593 which was significant. This means that the

appearance of the formulation was significant in the study.

Table 17

Significant Difference in terms Aroma

Source of SS df MS F P-value Fcrit


Rows 12.9888 29 0.447893 0.894415 0.620493 1.662901

Columns 102.288 2 51.14444 102.1324 9.91E-20 3.155932
Error 29.0444 58 0.500766
Total 144.322 89
Based on the results on summary of Analysis of Variance from the panelists in

terms of Aroma, the Sum of Squares of Rows was 12.98889 with four attributes such as

Color, aroma, taste and texture and 29 degrees of freedom, producing mean square of


The sum of Squares in Columns was 102.2889 with 2 degrees of freedom and a

Mean Square of 51.14444 was produced. Dividing the Mean Square of Columns by the

Error yields an F Statistics of 102.1324 which was significant. This means that the

Aroma of the formulation was significant in the study.

Table 18

Significant Difference in terms of Taste

Source of SS df MS F P-value Fcrit


Rows 16.85 28 0.601806 1.460159 0.113695 1.677507

Columns 146.42 2 73.20977 177.6285 5.68E-25 3.161861

Error 23.08 56 0.412151

Total 186.35 86

Based on the results on summary of Analysis of Variance from the panelists in

terms of Taste, the Sum of Squares of Rows was 16.85, with four attributes such as

Color, Aroma, taste and Texture 28 degrees of freedom, producing mean square of


The sum of Squares in Columns was 146.42 with 2 degrees of freedom and a

Mean Square of 73.20977 was produced.

Dividing the Mean Square of Columns by the Error yields an F Statistics of

177.6285 which means it was significant. This means that the Taste in three

formulations are very significant in the study. Therefore, the more blended fern content,

the more Palatable it is.

Table 19

Significant Difference in terms of texture

Source of SS df MS F P-value Fcrit


Rows 18.3505 28 0.655378 1.759713 0.036204 1.677507

Columns 137.143 2 68.57184 184.1179 2.38E-25 3.161861
Error 20.8563 56 0.372434
Total 176.350 86

Based on the results on summary of Analysis of Variance from the panelists in

terms Appearance, the Sum of Squares of Rows was 18.35057, with four attributes
such as Color, aroma, taste and texture and 28 degrees of freedom, producing mean

square of 0.655378.

The sum of Squares in Columns was 137.1437 with 2 degrees of freedom and a

Mean Square of 68.57184 was produced. Dividing the Mean Square of Columns by the

Error yields an F Statistics of 184.1179 which was significant. This means that the

appearance of the formulations was significant in the study.

Table 20

Significant Difference in terms of General Acceptability

Source of SS df MS F P-value Fcrit


Rows 103.4368 28 3.694171 3.741788 1.31E-05 1.677507

Columns 354.8793 2 177.4397 179.7268 4.27E-25 3.161861

Error 55.28736 56 0.987274

Total 513.6034 86

Based on the results on summary of Analysis of Variance from the panelists in

terms of Aroma, the Sum of Squares of Rows was 103.4368 with four attributes such as
color, aroma, taste and texture and 28 degrees of freedom, producing mean square of


The sum of Squares in Columns was 354.8793 with 2 degrees of freedom and a

Mean Square of 177.4397 was produced. Dividing the Mean Square of Columns by the

Error yields an F Statistics of 179.7268 which was significant. This means that the

General Acceptability of the formulation was significant in the study.

Table 21

Shelf life Analysis

Formulation 3 day 1 day 2 day 3 day 4 day 5

Color 5 4 3 2 1
Aroma 5 4 3 2 1
Taste 5 4.2 3.2 2 1
Texture 5 4 2.8 2 1
Overall Acceptability 5 4 3 2 1.2

Shelf life is different from expiration date. Shelf life is linked to food quality, expiration

date to food safety. A product that has passed its shelf life might still be safe, but quality is no

longer guaranteed. In most food stores, shelf life is sell by date to front of the shelf, so that

shopper will pick them up first and so getting them out of the store. This is very important as

stores can be fined for selling out of date products. Most shops, if not all, will have to mark such

products down as wasted, leading to a loss of profit.

Shelf life is different from expiration date. Shelf life is linked to food quality, expiration

date to food safety. A product that has passed its shelf life might still be safe, but quality is no

longer guaranteed. In most food stores, shelf life is sell by date to front of the shelf, so that

shopper will pick them up first and so getting them out of the store. This is very important as

stores can be fined for selling out of date products. Most shops, if not all, will have to mark such

products down as wasted, leading to a loss of profit.

The analysis conformed that the computed data taken consideration and show that the shell life

of a formulation 3 in a room temperature in only 2 to 3 days. It is relevant in the table that the

formulation 3 shows some evidences of sensory attributes insignificant.

Chapter 3



The study proposed a Techno- Guide for Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum) Enhanced

Braided Yeast Bread using the varying amount of blended fern.

Specifically, this study formulated Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum) Enhanced

Braided Yeast Bread. With 60 grams blended fern as Formulation 1 (F 1); 40 grams

blended fern as Formulation 2 (F 2); 20 grams blended fern as Formulation 3 (F 3). The

Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum) Enhanced Braided Yeast Bread in terms of color, aroma,

taste, texture and General Acceptability among the significant difference of Fern

(Diplaziuim esculentum) Enhanced Braided Yeast Bread on the aforementioned

attributes, their findings were the bases for the techno- guide.

Based on the results of the findings of Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum) Enhanced

Braided Yeast Bread using the three (3) formulations, these are the findings:

The results of the ANOVA indicate that the simultaneous test in terms of color, aroma,

taste and texture was found out to differ significantly in the fifty (50) respondents such

as the ten (10) Cookery Teachers, twenty (20) students and twenty (20) Consumers.

Moreover, the general acceptability of the aforementioned attributes did not significantly

differ among the respondents.

Furthermore, it was found out that Formulation 3 (F3) was discovered to be

significantly higher among the other formulations. (F1, F1, F2). Formulation 3 (F3) had

the most acceptable treatment in terms of Color, Aroma, Taste and Texture as

perceived by the 50 panelists (10 Cookery teachers, 20 Students, and 20 Consumers)

as product evaluator.


Based on the sensory attributes as evaluated by the panelists, it can be

concluded that Formulation 3 (F3) that contains 20 grams blended fern was the most

acceptable for Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum) Enhanced Braided Yeast Bread.


In the light of the findings of this study, the following recommendations are

stipulated. Food processor should adopt Formulation 3 (F3) because of its distinct and

unique taste of Bread integrated with blended fern and other ingredients making the
product yummy and tasty. For commercial purposes, entrepreneurs should adopt this

new innovation in Bread and Pastry Industry especially in starting a small business of

Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum) Enhanced Braided Yeast Bread. For the Teaches, to

encourage their pupils in eating this bread innovation as regarded as healthy snacks.

This can be included in the list of foods in the School Canteen. For the Farmers, to

patronize this crop and plant more fern for more innovation and creation out of this

plant. Moreover, the researcher recommends to the consumer to patronize the new

bread innovation because of its nutritive value and health benefits. They will also

conduct and follow up study on the probable profit that an entrepreneur will obtain.






December 2018


Technology Guide is a preparation for teaching and learning, that includes

construction of goals, objectives, and instructional and assessment methodology.

Systematic planning, developing, evaluating, and managing the instructional process

based on principles of learning and instruction. The big picture of “what to teach” and

“how to teach it.” It makes learning purposeful, reduces the impact of intrusions,

economizes time, provides documentation of instruction, guides teachers, makes

learner success more measurable, which assists in re-teaching and most of all gives an

overview of instruction.

Everyone deserves the right to eat healthy and nutritious foods. Health is always

be regarded as a major concern of every human being, malnutrition on the other way

around is one of the health issues and concerns.

This technology guide is an output of the researcher’s effort which goal is to uplift the

family’s food habit and nutrition through proper selection and preparation of food.

Moreover, this output can be a great aid for Food Trade Teachers since, it enhances

them to acquire desirable skills and improve techniques in baking. This output can also

provide an idea of starting small business of making Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum)

Enhanced Braided Yeast Bread, in this way, entrepreneurs who are devoted can make

their day a more productive one.


Nowadays, most countries that are considered to have a developed

economy, as well as a number of developing countries, have strong bakery industries.

Bakeries provide necessities to the population in terms of bread products. Almost every

household relies on the consumption of staple products such as bread, and so the

baking industry is able to thrive with this large, reliable demand.

This study whose main concern is Bread and Pastry Production which

provides health benefits to consumers and a good source of family income.

General Objectives

This experimental study is designed for a Technology Guide for the

Development of Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum) Enhanced Braided Yeast Bread.

Specific Objectives

1. Give importance on the role of Bread and Pastry Industry in improving

the Nutritional Status of the family.

2. Spread instruction on the utilization of fern for food processing and

product development.

3. Employ in a livelihood program to come up with an income generating

projects in Bread and Pastry production that could lead to productivity.

Fern (Diplaziuim esculentum) Enhanced Braided Yeast Bread


cup oats

¾ cup boiling water

½ cup low fat milk

¼ cup honey

1 tsp salt

2 tsp olive oil

2 ¼ tsp yeast

1 tsp sugar
¼ cup water

2 ¾ cup bread flour

½ cup whole wheat flour

¼ cup yellow cornmeal

1 tbsp water

1 large egg white

20 grams blended fern


1. Combine oats and boiling water in a bowl, let stand 5 minutes. Stir in milk, honey, salt

and oil.

2. Dissolve yeast and sugar in water in a large bowl, let stand 5 minutes. Stir in oat

mixture. Lightly spoon flour into dry measuring cups, level with a knife. Combine 2 ½

cup bread flour, whole- wheat flour, and cornmeal, and gradually add to yeast mixture,

stirring until a soft dough forms. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface. Knead

until smooth and elastic add enough of remaining flour, 1 tablespoon at a time, to

prevent dough from sticking to hands.

3. Place the dough in a bowl coated with cooking spray, turning to coat top. Cover, let

rise in a warm place, free from drafts, for 1 hour or until doubled in size.

4. Pre- heat oven to 375 degree.

6. Divide dough.

Ingredients Quantity Cost

Oats ¾ cup P10.00

boiling water ¾ cup P1.00

low fat milk ½ cup P14.00
Honey ¼ cup P5.00
Salt 1 tsp P1.00

olive oil 2 tsp P5.00

Yeast 2 ¼ tsp P8.00

Sugar 1 tsp P5.00

Water ¼ cup P1.00

bread flour 2 ¾ cup P15.00

whole wheat flour ½ cup P20.00

yellow cornmeal ¼ cup P 20.00

Water 1 tbsp P1.00

blended fern 20 grams P10.00

TOTAL P116.00

Number per serving: 8

Price per serving: 30

ROI= = Gain from Investment- Cost of Investment

Cost of Investment

= 240.00- 116


= Php 8.00

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