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No. Activities Time frame Remark

1 Targeting & assessment to identify kebeles and facilities for
hygiene promotion activities
2 Assessment & identify key hygiene messages, develop
IEC/BCC materials for Flyers, Stickers, Banners and supplies
for hand washing demonstration and awareness raising
3 Initiate & submit PR for procurement of supplies and production
of Flyers, Stickers & Banners
4 Procurement process
5 Distribution & use of Flyers, Stickers & Banners in Health
facilities and Community villages, including conducting
awareness raising campaigns
6 Develop TOR, stationery requirement & refreshment goods with
cost estimate
7 Raise PR for procurement of stationery materials and
refreshment goods
8 Supply of statonery materials and refreshment goods
9 Manage/Undertake the training
10 conduct training
11 Jointly with woreda water office and community representative
select WASHCO and caretakers members
12 Develop TOR, stationery requirement & refreshment goods with
cost estimate
13 Raise PR for procurement of stationery materials and
refreshment goods
14 Supply of statonery materials and refreshment goods
Manage/Undertake the training
Rapid assessment in each kebeles
Preparation Boq, assessment report, drawing and any relevat
document which will use for bid process
Preparation of RFQ, rehabliation work contract agreement
Bid evaluation and Contract Agreement signing with winner
Supervise & follow up the under way cwork
Final verification on completed works and review payment
Hand over the completed water supply schemes to the
respective woreda water office and communities
Procurement process
Targeting such as Registration, preparation of Beneficary
selection commitees and creat selection criateria
Verification process including verifiying each selected
population group, and stabøisment of CFM commitees
Distribution of all items for selected beneficiaries.
Post Distribution Monitering and evaluation
Procurement process
Targeting such as Registration, preparation of Beneficary
selection commitees and creat selection criateria
Verification process including verifiying each selected
population group, and stabøisment of CFM commitees
Distribution of all items for selected beneficiaries.
Post Distribution Monitering and evaluation

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