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Nama : Ni Kadek Ditha Sasmita Putri

Nim : 2301010032
Jenjang/Jurusan : D1/Manajemen Administrasi Rumah Sakit
Mata Kuliah : English For Business
Kelas : EBII-1
Dosen : Putu Duiyatcita Arma Khinnti, S.Pd


- Is Learing English Important For Our Life?

Dista : Hello Budi, do you think learing English important for our life?.
Budi : In my opinion, learing English is very important because we can directly interact
with foreigners and we can also understand their language.
Wulan : Sorry friends, but I think learning English is very boring and makes me dizzy in
learning it.
Dista : But Wulan, why can you give an opinion like that, because in my opinion and
budi’s opinion, learning English is very fun, especially in this era where we really
need to learn English.
Budi : Yes, what Dista said is true, it’s also very important for our future live because
in this era, what do you have to use English, especially now that you’ve studied
English since elementary school?.
Wulan : But Budi and Dista,I don’t like studying English because it’s hard to understand
and comprehend.
Dista : Ok Wulan, hopefully after you listen to our opinion you will be interested in
learning English , then see you wulan.
Wulan : Also convey Budi and Wulan.


- Having Life Insurance Is Important.

Faiz : Hello gyus, I want to ask, why do we have to Life Insurance.

Aldi : Hello Faiz, in my opinion it is very important tjat we have to life insurance
because there is a protection program for the family if things happen that we don’t
Zali : In my opinion, it is not very important to have life insurance because it makes
our expenses iscrease, especially since prime is too expensive
Aldi : But what happens if something happens to your family and you don’t have life
Zaki : I Colect emergency funds if they cover urgent needs, I only rely on money.
Faiz : Ok, friends, accept your opinion, but for Zaki, having life insurance is important
in the long team
Zaki : Ok, Faiz, thanks you for the information about life insurance, but I’m not
interested in joining the pogram.
Aldi : Thank you also Faiz and Zaki

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