Act #1

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The life story of Dr.

Jose Rizal was usually taught in schools for he is one of the

most notable person in the Philippine history; a smart student, a great doctor and an
intellect in writing political letters in attempt to free the Philippines from the colonizers
that triggers the Philippine revolution and however lead him to his death through

Looking back to our history, Dr. Jose Rizal truly deserves to be considered as
one of the greatest Filipino personalities for his courage to fight for justice and our
country's freedom. He made the impossible opposition possible through pen and paper,
in which it includes his famous works of Noli me Tangere and El filibusterismo, where
he exposed the malicious and illegal doings of the spanish colonizers for the awareness
of the Filipinos. His contributions in the Philippine history truly made a huge impact for
he fought silently but very powerful. Since then, the deeds of Dr. Jose Rizal inspires
every Filipino to always find a way to expose and oppose injustices, for that nothing is
impossible if it is done with love and courage.

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