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Daily English Inputs by Antony Innocent – Day-5

Hello Everyone…

How many of these words do you use in your daily conversations? Introspect,
speculate, in retrospect, in hindsight.
Welcome to Daily English Inputs by Antony Innocent!
All these words deal with thinking, but in different ways. Let me break it down for
 Introspect means to examine your own thoughts, feelings, and motivations.
"You might need some time alone to introspect after a personal setback or
after a personal failure, allowing yourself to analyze your feelings and
 Speculate means to form a theory about something without having all the
facts. In other words, it is making an educated guess. You might speculate
about a stock's future price based on recent news, such as a new product
launch. Your speculations may come true or they could be wrong. You may
want to find out here how the word prediction is different from speculation.
 In retrospect means looking back on something that has already happened
and making an observation or conclusion based on that past event. You might
say, "In retrospect, the use of plastic has caused far greater damage to our
planet than we ever imagined."
 In hindsight is very similar to "in retrospect" and can often be used
interchangeably. They both refer to understanding something better after it's
already happened. You could say, "In hindsight, I should have worked harder
to improve my English language skills and I would have got that promotion."
As you keep getting these fresh inputs from me, try to use them in your daily
conversations and that is the best way to gradually improve your English
Language Skills, do not hesitate to use them.
See you for now! Feel free to share this with someone who might find this English Input
useful… and invite your friends to join this community.

General Thinking:

1. Cogitate: To think deeply about something.

2. Contemplate: To consider something carefully and thoughtfully.
3. Conceive: To form an idea or plan in your mind.
4. Consider: To think carefully about something before making a decision.
5. Deliberate: To weigh different options carefully before making a
6. Discern: To recognize or understand something.
7. Grasp: To understand something clearly.
8. Mull over: To think about something carefully for a long time.
9. Ponder: To think about something seriously and carefully.
10. Ruminate: To think about something repeatedly, often in a negative way
or to understand it better.

Analytical Thinking:

11. Analyze: To break down a complex issue into smaller parts to

understand it better.
12. Deduce: To use logic and reasoning to reach a conclusion based on
13. Dissect: To examine something in great detail to understand its parts.
14. Evaluate: To judge the value or importance of something.
15. Infer: To reach a conclusion based on evidence or clues.
16. Reason: To use logic and evidence to come to a conclusion.

Creative Thinking:

17. Conjure: To bring something to mind through imagination.

18. Craft: To create something skillfully and carefully.
19. Envision: To form a mental picture of something that is not real or
20. Imagine: To create new ideas or images in your mind.
21. Innovate: To come up with new ideas or methods.

Reflective Thinking:

23. Introspect: To examine your own thoughts, feelings, and motivations.

24. Reconsider: To think about something again, especially in order to
change your mind.
25. Reflect: To think carefully about something that has happened in the
26. In hindsight: To understand something better after it's already

Decision Making:

28. Decide: To make a choice between two or more options.

29. Discern: To recognize or understand something, especially in order to
make a decision.
30. Judge: To form an opinion about something or someone, often used in
31. Weigh: To consider the pros and cons of different options before
making a decision.

Other Types of Thinking:

32. Daydream: To think about pleasant things that are not likely to happen.
33. Hypothesize: To form a theory or explanation that is not based on
proven facts.
34. Intuit: To have a feeling or understanding without conscious reasoning.
35. Wonder: To feel curious or surprised about something.
Phrases related to Thinking:

40. Jump to conclusions: To form an opinion about something without

enough evidence.
41. Think critically: To analyze information and ideas carefully before
accepting them.
42. Think outside the box: To come up with new and creative ideas.
43. See the bigger picture: To understand how something fits into a larger
44. Think on your feet: To think quickly and creatively in a new situation.
45. Have a change of heart: To change your mind about something.

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