Part 3

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Site Planning Process

• Organizing Circulation
• Developing Visual Form and Material Concepts
➢ Image City
• Readjusting landforms
➢ Site Characteristics and Engineering Principles

Site Planning Process

• Data Gathering
• Site Selection and Analysis

Site Planning Design Process

➢ Kevin Lynch outlines an eight stage site planning cycle
Site Planning John Simind’s Planning Design Process

General Activities of the Site Planning Design Process

1. Research (pre-project phase)
• Program development
• Site inventory
2. Analysis (Site Assessment)
• Site Analysis and Site Inventory (Survey)
3. Synthesis
• Conceptual Design
• Preliminary Design
• Site Plan/ Master Plan

1. Research and Analysis Phases

Site Election
Existing Conditions
• Topography and slopes
0-2 % Most Developable
2-8% Easily accommodates most categories of development
16- 24% Significant restrictions to most development
24%+ Generally restricted for development
• Geology and Soils
• Vegetation
• Hydrology and drainage
• Microclimate
• Views
2. Program Development
• The development of the program is the bridging step between the analysis and synthesis or
design phases.
• Kevil lynch defines the program as composed of the four P’s”:
- Population – refers to the actual user who may or may not be the client per se.
- Packaging- involves the type and quantities of elements that will be provided in the design.
- Performance- standards set the quality of elements expected, whether in terms of materials
or function.
- Patterns- refers to general physical relationships that should be achieved.
• Simons explains “ in developing the program the designer responds to the client’s initial
statement of intent, modified on the basis of what/she has learned at the end of the analysis
• The analysis is based upon a basic program concept, the potential of the site for development
influences the planners ultimate program recommendations. The program should include:
a. Statement of goals that the project should achieve
b. List of project objectives by which these goals will be accomplished.
c. A list of project elements that will be include and a description or analysis of their
3. Synthesis (Design Phase)
a. Conceptual Design
b. Preliminary Design
c. Site Plan/Master Plan
d. Design Implementation
Sequence in Producing a Site Plan

Site Planning

- Organization of the external physical environment to accommodate human behavior.

- Deals with qualities and locations of structures, land, activities and living things.
- Creates pattern of those elements in space and time which ill be subjected to continuous
future management and change.
- Technical output – the grading plans, utility layouts and survey locations, planting plans,
sketches, diagrams and specifications, are simple a conventional way of specifying this
complex organization.

Site Selection Check list

• Site Characteristics – soil conditions, ground water, drainage, slope, elevation

• Availability of services – availability of sanitary and protective services, removal of waste, power,
fuel and communications
• Availability of community services – public transportation facilities, employment, stores and
market, schools, churches, recreation facilities, park, playground, medical facilities and library

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