21FHuman Resource Management (SEC. 007) - 9

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21F --Human Resource Management (SEC. 007) - 9

Instructions Purpose of Assignment:

To examine beliefs, values, and behaviors that form individual and community identities and
the basis for respectful relationships in the workplace. Review the case titled DESSA: Growing
a diverse and inclusive artificial intelligence company and prepare a report answering the
questions listed below:

1. Your report must have an introduction and a conclusion.

2. Provide a discussion on what diversity and inclusion mean. How has the meaning of these
concepts evolved over the past decade?

3. Discuss why diversity and inclusion are important for Dessa.

4. How does Dessa compare with the Information technology sector in terms of diversity and

5. Assess the hiring practices at Dessa, discuss where bias might play a role in selection

6. Discuss the legal implications of biased recruitment practices and selection decisions for

7. With the current process, what is the risk some pools of highly qualified candidates will be
overlooked and underutilized.

8. Discuss steps Wong can take to increase the chances that strategic hires will be more

9. Describe elements of a diversity and inclusion program which Wong can implement at

10. Describe steps Wong can take to measure success and the business impact of the diversity
and inclusion program at Dessa.

Submission Instructions: This assignment requires you to prepare a written team report based
on the details noted below. Prepare a word-processed file of no more than 10 -15 pages (does
not include a cover page and references), double spaced, with a font size of no more than 14
and no less than 12. Please include a cover page, and note your names and student IDs. Please
submit your assignment in the online dropbox on centennial in week 8. Late papers will be
penalized 5% per day (including weekends) unless extenuating circumstances prevail. No late
submissions will be accepted a week after the deadline and once the grades have been
posted. The paper must be authored by the HRMT 301 students to be graded. To assist you in
preparing your paper please review Chapters 2, 7, and 8 in your text. I also encourage you to
visit the Ontario Human Rights website at http://www.ohrc.on.ca. You must conduct
secondary research to cite a minimum of 3 academic sources and 3 different sources utilizing
standard APA format for all aspects of your report (title page, page numbering, in-text
citations, references, etc.). All sources of information must be credited, whether a direct
quote or not. You can see the Centennial Library for APA citation style guide references
online. Assignments submitted without references or proper citation may incur a penalty
including a zero mark for the assignment.


Growing an assorted and comprehensive organization is a slippery endeavor that has crushed
many firms. This is on the grounds that there is certainly not an especially constructed
instrument to assist firms with this undertaking in the business world. Accepting Diversity and
inclusivity is one certain progression to better execution for any business. This thought is,
notwithstanding, a riddle that is consuming most firms a huge chunk of time to unwind. This is
even clear with the DESSA contextual analysis.

Diversity and incorporation are two regions that are the focal point of numerous cutting-edge
organizations. Diversity in a business setting is having a labor force that mirrors a wide scope of
abilities, culture, and individual convictions. Incorporation, then again, is the capacity to
establish a climate that can oblige the Diversity in an association without making erosions that
might hamper the tasks of the business. These two terms have developed a ton in the
cutting-edge world, particularly in the field of business. Variety, for instance, suggests any type
of special enrichment in a specific setting, not at all like the old application which fundamentally
implied social blessings.

Diversity and inclusion are two significant instruments to utilize if an organization expects to
help its presentation. On account of DESSA, Diversity, and incorporation have empowered the
firm to partake in an abundance of abilities drawn from various, foundations. Subsequently, the
firm has had the option to perform better.

Recruiting rehearses at DESSA present a couple of occasions of inclination. This outcome from
an over-accentuation on Diversity and incorporation could disregard some basic boundaries of
employing. this might bring about a circumstance where one is ridiculously turned down along
these lines plunging the firm on some unacceptable side of the law.
Mr. Wong can create a superior recruiting model that accepts Diversity and inclusion without
causing worries of predisposition. This should be possible by remodifying the recruiting system
to acknowledge specific lawful methods to guarantee the absolute lawfulness of the entire cycle.
This methodology will affect decidedly on the business by upgrading execution.
Diversity and inclusion can cause a business to perform incredibly well whenever done inside
the basic lawful system. There is a great deal that a business appreciates when it accepts
Diversity and inclusion.

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