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The words below are the names of items you will find in an office, except…

 Fax machine
 Computer
 Filing cabinet
 Lawnmower
Which one from the sentences below has proper punctuation?
 Hey! Can you hear me!
 My best friend, is going to the mall today.
 What time did you go to the movies last night.
 I need to buy eggs, milk, lettuce, and bread.
Which one from the sentences below has proper capitalization?
 Abraham lincoln was the sixteenth president.
 She has a friend from London, england.
 The Sydney Opera House is a gorgeous Building.
 George visited the Grand Canyon last week.
Which one from the sentences below has the proper grammar?
 The short-term benefits of sending professional business emails is enhanced
productivity, optimal cooperation, and a minimal amount of wasted resources.
 The term "small talk" is frequently using in and outside of the business world.
 Toyota is the large car manufacturer in the world today.
 Meetings are important for connecting colleagues, sharing ideas, and for fostering
innovation and creativity.
The sentences below are examples of descriptive sentences, except….
 The left side of the outfit is light blue, and the right side is red.
 The autumn sky was as bright as Zeus’ eyes.
 Everybody saw the accident.
 The clown wears a fluffy, two-tone nylon costume.

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