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Name : Nuha Mufinna (2008015069)

Class : 1E

Progress Test
1. Emma got her first period at nine years old
2. In the 1980s, on top of the teasing, she had to secretly grapple with sanitary napkins made for
bigger bodies, and they didn’t have bins for their disposal or machines that dispensed extras in
bathrooms and also the pads felt massive.
3. Emma blame her early puberty for causing her eating disorder.
4. Emma desided to have sex, but she had no real knowledge about it.
5. The anorexia and bulimia started as ways to backpedal all the changes in her body.
6. PMT makes her incomprehensibly miserable.
7. in addition to changes in the reproductive organs but also changes in sleep cycles, facial
structure, voice, fat distribution, body hair, weight and also puberty stimulates emotional
distress : it fractures self-concept, fosters social uncertainty, and creates new vulnerabilities to
clinical anxiety and depression, especially, but not exclusively, among girls.
8. Because it's hard to handle all the biological, social, and emotional upheaval when most of your
brain is still in grade school.
9. Girls who get their periods early are especially subject to distress and more likely than others to
suffer from panic attacks, suicidality, body dissatisfaction, substance abuse, and depression that
extends into adulthood. They are also at risk for antisocial behavior in their teen years.
10. Some of boys had early puberty experience but the data are simply not as robust for males as
for females.
11. problems experienced by boys who experience early puberty are sweeping changes in biology,
appearance, self-perception, behavior, emotion lay a foundation for later life, just like what
early puberty girls had and also psychological distress.
12. The goal of puberty is to prepare the body to reproduce. Traditionally, it is the gateway to
adolescence, a period of psychological, intellectual, and social growth that readies children for
the social roles and independence of adulthood.
13. The final age of puberty is between 15 and 17.
14. A boy is considered to have early puberty if the male begins to engender seed, and at the same
timme hair appears upon the pubes.
15. The signs of puberty is growth of pubic hair.
16. Puberty begins around age 10 or 11 in girls and 11-12 in boys

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