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Letter No: GUB/GC/38/19 / OOt

Date: 0B January 2019

Subject : Policy for Transferring Credits from GUB.

Reference : Agenda Item 6 of 3Oth (5ttt of 20LB) Syndicate Meeting.

As per the decision of 3Oth (sth of 2018) Syndicate Meeting and in accordance with
the approval of competent authority, the Policy for Transferring Credits from GUB is
attached herewith for your kind information and necessary action please.

Md. Shifullslam

Registrar [Acting)

For Action:
All Concerned

For Kind Information:

Vice Chancellor
Pro Vice Chancellor


220/D, Begum Rokeyo Shoroni, Dhqko-1207.
Tel: (PABfi;1fffr6Q?*?Ql.#/,?tr ,,Q0fl,i1,03[,,,[q6,,:ogp8-02-8031032, E-moil : info@green,
Policy for Transferred Students from GUB

A University is a social services oriented institution. Green University of Bangladesh

from its inieption is rendering this service for disseminating quality education and
imparting knowledge. Consid..i.rg the socio-economic condition of the people from
different stratus ofihe society, the university management has fixed the tuition fee
and other such fees. This has been revised a number of times depending on the
demand of the current market condition. Our university is maintaining low tuition
fees for the students in comparison with other universities keeping standard
education, environment and tther facilities at an extremely satisfactory level. In
addition, waivers are offered depending on the results of the students.

It is expected that the students after achieving their degrees will serve in different
fields with the knowledge they acquired here. But it is also found that some students
want to leave the univeisity beforl completing their degree though they have been
provided waivers for facilitating their education in Green University incurring
iubstantial loss to the university. In this case, the university may take the following
steps/rules for the students who want to get transferred to other universities:

1. The financial facilities she/he has received must be returned'

Z. lf she/he,was awarded scholarship, donation from SCWF or any allotment in

any format or cash, she/he must pay back the entire amount that student has
enjoyed during her/his stay in GUB.

3. Green University has several categories of waiver [such as, freedom fighter,
female, siblings, spouse, ethnic groups, players, skilled players, corporate,
gyoup, and baied on SSC & HSC results etc) for students. A student can avail
multiple waivers from the categories of waiver and may receive consolidated
waiver percentage from 10 to 100. When this student is seeking for transfer
. from Grlen University to another institution, she/he must reimburse the exact
amount of the percentage of her/his waiver to Green University which was
enjoyed by the student.

off \kfi',fri,n ,,mffi#,..0,,
[Treasurer) [Dean, GBS) [Director, Finance & Accts)

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