Resilient Remittances 2

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Resilient Remittances
as frontline delivery workers. The clo-
sure of money transfer operators during
lockdowns disrupted remittance ser-
vices, but people still sent money home
through digital channels. Remittances
The money that migrant workers send home recovered strongly and grew by almost
20 percent in 2021–22.
provides stable income to millions of people in The United States is the largest
developing economies source country for remittances, espe-
cially for Latin America and the Carib-
bean. Stricter border controls have
trapped increasing numbers of migrants
Dilip Ratha in transit countries, including in Mexico
and Guatemala. A surprise result is an
increase in remittance flows to transit
remittances sent home by in annual remittances. Mexico, China, countries as stranded migrants receive
migrant workers provide vital income and the Philippines are also large recip- money from relatives. There’s a similar
to millions of people in developing econ- ients. For smaller countries or those story on Europe’s borders, with more
omies. A growing income gap between caught up in conflict, these trans- remittances going to trapped migrants
richer and poorer nations, demographic fers are especially vital. Money from in Morocco, Tunisia, and Türkiye for
pressures, and changes to the planet migrants is worth more than one-fifth example. These flows are having a pos-
itself will add to the number of peo- of GDP in Tajikistan, Lebanon, Nepal, itive impact on host economies.
ple who migrate in search of economic Honduras, The Gambia, and a dozen The Gulf Cooperation Council coun-
opportunity. This will, in turn, fuel the other countries. tries are the second-largest source of
flow of remittances for decades to come. remittances in US dollar terms but
According to official statistics, Stable flows by far the largest when remittances
global remittances reached a record At times of crisis, remittances provide a are measured as a share of their GDP.
$647 billion in 2022—three times offi- financial lifeline. Migrant workers usu- The proportion of foreign workers in
cial development assistance. In fact, ally increase the sums they send home the Gulf often exceeds 70 percent of
remittances are worth more than that in the aftermath of a natural disaster, the population. Saudi Arabia and the
because many people send money say, so that stricken relatives can buy United Arab Emirates are large sources
through informal channels not cap- food or pay for shelter. Remittances are of remittances for South Asia, North
tured by official statistics. Egypt’s often stable even if the source country Africa, and Southeast Asia. Yet growth
remittance receipts are greater than falls into crisis. During the early stages in remittances from this region could
revenue from the Suez Canal; Sri Lan- of COVID, in 2020, for instance, remit- shift. Governments in the Gulf are start-

ka’s exceed tea exports; Morocco’s are tances fell by just 1.1 percent—in a year ing to recruit fewer foreign workers as
larger than tourism earnings. when global income shrank by 3 percent. part of a push to employ more locals and
India is the world’s largest recipi- Migrant workers played a pivotal role in are diversifying recruitment of foreign
ent. In 2022, it became the first coun- the economy during the pandemic, both workers, targeting those from Africa
try to receive more than $100 billion as highly skilled doctors and nurses and and Central Asia.

8 S E P T E M B E R 2023
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“Egypt's remittance
Russia is another large source of international bond markets by improv-
remittances. After the invasion of ing debt sustainability and sovereign

receipts are greater

Ukraine in 2022, remittances to Cen- credit ratings. Future remittance rev-
tral Asia rose sharply. This confounded enue can be used as borrowing collat-

than revenue from the

expectations, especially after sanctions eral. Commercial banks in Brazil, for
imposed via the SWIFT payment sys- instance, raised over $1 billion at low

Suez Canal.”
tem. The rise stemmed from a spike interest rates in 2002 through bonds
in the price of oil—Russia’s principal backed by future remittances from
export and the main driver of the ruble’s Japan. Remittance channels can mobi-
exchange rate. It meant that the value lize diaspora savings, too. Nigeria raised
of ruble remittances was larger when $300 million via diaspora bonds in 2017.
expressed in dollars. India has tapped its large diaspora for
almost $10 billion this way.
Expensive Africa Governments have, from time to
Sending money is often expensive. On time, tried to tax remittances. The rev-
average, customers must pay $12.50 in enue could, they say, be used for pro-
costs whenever they send $200 to a low- ductive purposes. But taxes of this sort
or middle-income country, according to would be hard to enforce. People might
World Bank data. That represents 6.3 per- simply shun formal remittance chan-
cent of the transaction and is more than Cumbersome regulations intended nels. Governments would do better to
double the target set under the United to combat money laundering and ter- improve the business environment in
Nations Sustainable Development Goals. rorism financing stifle competition. their countries so that people choose to
Africa is the most expensive place Every remittance transaction is treated invest the money they receive from rel-
for money transfers, with remittance with suspicion by the current rules- atives overseas.
costs reaching 8 percent. More than based approach to regulation. Many In many countries facing scarcity of
two-thirds of cross-border migration banks refuse to provide correspon- foreign exchange, prevalence of paral-
in Africa takes place within the conti- dent banking services to money trans- lel market premiums have encouraged
nent itself, and the flow of remittances mitters, especially fintech start-ups, remittance flows through informal
between African countries is sizable. But because they fear falling foul of the reg- channels. A combination of currency
the cost of multiple currency conver- ulations. These “de-risking” practices devaluation, higher interest rates on
sions, exchange controls, and a lack of have led banks to close the accounts of foreign currency deposits (and making
interoperable payment systems all add many money transmitters, especially such deposits repatriable), and elimi-
to the expense of sending money. those serving fragile economies, such nation of surrender requirements can
Another factor that affects almost all as Somalia. increase flows through formal channels.
countries is the partnership contracts Remittances will continue to grow.
between money transfer operators and Remittance potential More than a billion people, most of
national banks and post offices. It can, When people cannot find regular them in Africa and South Asia, are
for instance, cost more than $70 to send channels to send money, they resort to expected to join the working-age popu-
$200 from Tanzania to Uganda—an irregular channels. This makes it more lation by 2050. By contrast, populations
eye-popping 35 percent of the transac- difficult to fight financial crime. A risk- are aging in many advanced econo-
tion. Making it just 5 percentage points based approach that reduces regulatory mies. This demographic imbalance will
cheaper to send remittances would cut requirements for small sums (under increase the supply of migrant work-
costs globally by nearly $30 billion a $200, say) could unlock the potential ers and the demand for them. Climate
year. Most of the savings would bene- of cross-border digital remittances. change and extreme weather will add
fit poor migrants and their families in Where regulations have freed fintech to migration pressures. As the number
developing economies. companies to take advantage of mod- of migrants increases and cross-border
Digital wallets accessed via smart- ern technology, the cost of sending payments become cheaper and sim-
phones are the cheapest way to send remittances has fallen sharply. pler, remittances will continue to pro-
money. Digital remittances have grown With better regulation and lower vide stable income to millions of peo-
rapidly since the onset of COVID-19, but costs, remittances have the poten- ple and play a vital part in the global
most remittance transfers still involve tial to improve financial inclusion fur- economy. F&D
cash at one or both ends. The remit- ther. Remittances can be leveraged
tance market is notoriously oligopolis- to broaden people’s access to bank dilip ratha is a lead economist
tic—a cartel-like structure with a small accounts, as well as to saving, loan, and at the World Bank and an advisor
number of providers exercising control insurance products. Remittances can to the Multilateral Investment
through their own exclusive networks. also give countries greater access to Guarantee Agency.


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