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Foreword (C)
1 Hateful New Neighbors
2 A Little Bakery Adventur
3 Kim Kibum
4 Surprise Visit
5 Stuck With Him
6 Gathering Hateful New Neighbors
7 Part of the Past Reveale by dailysymptoms
8 A Small Change Tags jonghyun jongkey key romance shinee alternateuniverse slightonho | Report Content
9 Unexpected
10 Something New
11 Anna
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12 Realization
13 Let's Talk About Love 1 Hateful New Neighbors
14 The Whole Truth
15 Enough
16 Embracing the Newness
17 Chicken Soup for the Sou
Jonghyun furrows an eyebrow as he stares at the screen of his laptop, fingers drumming on the edge of the coffee table as he struggled to work
18 Cloud Nine (?) (M)
on one of his cases. The particular client barely had any information in his defense, so Jonghyun was forced to work with the lack of evidence.
19 Confrontations
Usually he’d be done typing everything up by now, but he was still currently looking at a blank page of Microsoft Word. He barely registers the
20 Love and its Surpris (M)
door opening and Jinki waltzing in, who was coming back from the supermarket. He had a handful of grocery bags in his hands, barely
21 Important Announcement
managing to stumble into the kitchen.

Jonghyun makes no move to help him.

“How’s it going over there, Mr. Kim?” Jinki calls out to him, used to the younger boy’s cold attitude.

Jonghyun grunts in return.

Jinki shakes his head and tosses his friend a bag of chips. “Go eat and take a break.”

The lawyer ignores him, waving a hand in dismissal.

The older boy frowns. “Jonghyun, you’re obviously having a tough time right now. You need a break.”

“I just got started.”

“You’ve been sitting there ever since I woke up this morning. It’s three in the afternoon right now.”

“I’m making good progress.”

“Huh. Last time I walked by you, the Word document you had open looked pretty empty to me.”

Jonghyun groans and pushes his chair back, snatching the bag of chips beside him and ripping it open. He plops down at the counter and
glares at Jinki.

“There, happy?”

The older boy hums in approval.

The two has been living together for a few years now, ever since Jonghyun graduated from college. He had asked Jinki to move in with him for
company, finding the large house too empty to live alone in. The older boy agreed, despite his best friend’s harsh and cold personality. He had
gotten used to his sour expression and the permanent scowl on his face. After all, they were childhood friends. It took some time to adjust to
Promoted Link | Advertise Jonghyun’s behavior, but Jinki managed to translate the other’s actions after a while.

Fix Me
“By the way, I saw a moving truck parked in the driveway of the house next to us. It seems like we’ve finally gotten new neighbors.” Jinki
Just when he thought that his life mentions, stuffing some of the groceries into the refrigerator.
was over, Kai got to know Su Min
and fell in love. She saved him “Good for them.” Jonghyun says robotically, shoving a hand in the bag of chips to get another handful.
once, could she do it again?
“I heard they’re quite young like us. That could be exciting.”

Story Feed “More exciting than our old neighbors?” the younger boy snorts.

Nothing here yet An old couple had been living previously at the house, much to Jonghyun’s annoyance. They would always smile and greet Jinki every morning,
but would scowl and turn their backs whenever Jonghyun came out of the house. He didn’t know what he did to upset them so much, but Jinki
More Stories pointed out that maybe it was because of the time the lawyer practically kicked their cat off the porch when he found it pooping on the
Welcome mat by their door. Jonghyun argued that it was their fault for letting their cat out in the first place.

Against All Odds “They were pretty nice.” Jinki smiles, chuckling at his best friend’s frown.

“They hated me.”
To Love Again

The Plan “Cheer up, I bet they forgive you for beating up their cat.”

“I didn’t beat it up; I was just shoving it out of the way!”

“Just like what you do with everything else in the world. Besides work.”


“Nothing.” Jinki shakes his head and smiles. “You really need to stop being so distant with people.”

“I’m not being distant with you.”

“Jonghyun, I think I’m the only person that is your actual friend in this world.”

“One friend is enough.”

“What happens if I die? You’ll have to live on without me guiding you how to be polite and keep that frown off your face.”

“I’ll keep a picture of you and take it with me everywhere I go.”

“That was touching, I’ve got to admit. But still not a valid answer.”

“I’ll go talk with my old friends from high school…..”

“The ones that go to the bar? The ones sexing girls up day in and day out?”

“It’s not like I’m going to get influenced or anything!”

The older boy sighs as he stashes the empty grocery bags in the trash. “Sometimes I wish you can actually be influenced.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” Jonghyun asks hostilely.

“No offense or anything, but you’ve got a heart as solid as a rock. Actually, scratch that. You’ve got a heart tough as nails and even more
durable than the hardest diamond in the world.”

“I’d take that as a compliment.”

“Only you would take it as one.” Jinki rolls his eyes.

He saunters back to the front door and laces his shoes on. “I’m going to go say hi to the new neighbors; they might need our help. Come out
later and greet them as well, get on your feet and give your eyes a rest from staring at the computer screen too much. And I know you probably
won’t listen to me, but I’m just taking a chance and hoping you’d actually listen this time. Which you probably won’t.”

Jonghyun looks back at his friend in somewhat of a shock, barely having a chance to reply before the door closes and he’s left by himself in the
house once more.

He takes a moment to let the atmosphere sink in before scowling and throwing the empty bag of chips in the trash, sitting back down in front
of his laptop and forcing himself to focus.

He barely gets anything typed out before he hears faint laughter coming from outside.

He tries to ignore it and squints his eyes at the screen to try and block the noise out, but the laughs just keeps on coming. He starts to notice
that the familiar laugh was coming from none other than Jinki.

Jonghyun ruffles a hand through his hair frustratingly, stomping to the window and opening it to find Jinki standing next to two tall figures. The
older boy was speaking animatedly, making gestures with his hands as he pointed to their house. He sees Jonghyun looking out of the window
and the lawyer takes the opportunity to say something.

“Keep it down over there, hyung! I’m trying to work on my cases here!” he yells out, not giving the new neighbors a chance to turn around and
get a good look at him.

He draws the curtains closed and watches with his face concealed. Jinki has an expression of apology on his face, bowing respectfully to the
neighbors. The boy with the blonde hair says something Jonghyun couldn’t make out, and he strains his neck to try and hear what he’s saying.

After a while he gives up on spying and results to sitting back down in front of his laptop, churning his brain until he gets an idea and starts
typing away.

Jinki doesn’t come back for a long time after that, and Jonghyun actually starts to begin worrying about him. He was about to run over to the
next house to check on him when the older boy bursts through the door.

“God Jonghyun, they’re amazing.” Jinki says excitedly, eyes sparkling with delight.

“Seems like it. You spent half a day with them.”

“You should meet them, they’re absolutely wonderful. They’re so friendly and adorable, especially the guy-“ Jinki stops himself and clears his
throat while the younger boy stares up at him quizzically.

“The brown haired boy you saw earlier was Minho. Choi Minho, and the blonde haired one is Kim Kibum.” Jinki continues.

“I don’t remember asking for their names.” Jonghyun says drily.

The older boy looks at his friend for a moment. He searches his face until he notices a twitch at the corner of the other’s eye.

Jinki smiles widely. “Jealous?”

Jonghyun resists the urge to throw his cup of coffee at his best friend’s face. “In your dreams.”

“Well isn’t that cute.” the older boy chuckles, ruffling Jonghyun’s hair playfully.

The younger boy shoves the other’s arm out of the way. “I am not jealous!”

“I love you too!” Jinki cackles, climbing up the stairs and disappearing into his room.

Jonghyun scoffs and shuts his laptop down, his ecstatic working mood long gone.

In a span of twelve hours the new neighbors had distracted him from work, taken his best friend from him, and further ruined his already bad

He was starting to hate them already.

A/N: Oh my god guys, 51 subs already and I haven't even posted the first chapter yet? U don't know how incredibly happy and thankful I am
right now........

And also, thank you for the lovely comments and the warm welcome back (even though I wasn't really on hiatus).

You also may have noticed that I'm actually adding titles to my chapters now and I'm not going to add images at the beginning of every chapter
like I used to. I just find that it takes up a lot of space so I decided not to add it any more. Oh, and I'm keeping the color to black in the story so
its easier to read :)

I know this chappie doesn't have much in it, this is just the intro and I'm trying to introduce Jonghyun's character in this cuz its a really
important factor during the course of the fic.

I might not be able to update as frequently like in To Love Again, cuz school is very demanding right now and I'm ALOT busier this year. I even
have activities during the weekend T_T

But I promise, I will still try to update when I can.

Bye for now, I'll see you soon my lovelies :3

And don't forget to drop a comment ;)

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Seleni (Mar 1, 2014 15:51:47) says:

I love this fic!! All the characterizations(idk if it's the right word) are great!! And yours is the second fic with Onho which I read and I
kind of like Onho now, inspite of being a 2min inclined fan (Jongkey is my OTP, no questions)

shunpeis (Jan 11, 2014 18:00:52) says about chapter 21:

I adored this fic. I'm really going to miss it.

snsdsone96 (Dec 23, 2013 12:06:52) says:

I have read this three times and it never fails to bring a smile to my face every single time! Thank you so much for such an amazing
story ^^ Continue loving Jongkey~

shineexgirl (Nov 29, 2013 20:14:46) says about chapter 20:

I just read it...It's not fair.... you should make a sequel with about 100 chappies.... No, rally it was so cute and interesting and JongKey
are trtrthfgjn cute, cute.....I love you for writing this...keep going and hwaiting!

Shawol55 (Nov 23, 2013 22:54:03) says about chapter 21:

Woah~~ I love this story! Seriously its perfect cute romantic too its just amazing what a way to end a day and go to bed? That story will
did put a smile on my face <3 great talent hun

flamingho (Nov 2, 2013 06:03:21) says about chapter 21:

Ohmy a changed jonghyun is a good jonghyun indeed

Minhoppa (Oct 21, 2013 03:41:12) says about chapter 21:

Sobs my heart out. This story is utter perfection. I wish it didn't end cus I really want more of this Jongkey and even Onho. I will check
out more of your stories since I came to love your writing.

Minhoppa (Oct 21, 2013 03:39:41) says about chapter 21:

Sobs my heart out. This story is utter perfection. I wish it didn't end cus I really want more of this Jongkey and even Onho. I will check
out more of your stories since I came to love your writing.

peggy17688 (Oct 8, 2013 19:18:15) says about chapter 21:

omg. i totally love the jongho moments!!!ROFL. btw, i guessed that jong had preferences for guys, but i didn't know it was Taemin,
totally unexpected it. but i love the story, not overly smutty or fluffy but a good Balance of both.

and i can't wait for the updates for cadaverous. fighting!

kimfamily (Aug 5, 2013 13:40:58) says about chapter 17:

I get kibum here. How he can't stop thinking about the ex and whether they did the same stuff. Sigh. But i've been reading this fic for a
whole day now. Seriously good stuff. Squealing inside!!!!

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