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This Service Description forms part of Optus' Standard Form of Agreement pursuant to the
Telecommunications Legislation.

This Service Description for the Optus Mobility Managed Service comprises of the following Parts:

 Part 1: Service Family Terms (applicable to all Mobility Manager Services); and

 Part 2: Service Option Terms.

The Service Option Terms are separate terms applicable to each of the following Optus Mobility
Manager Service Options and are to be read in conjunction with both the General Terms and the
Service Family Terms:

 MMS Basic
 MMS Standard
 MMS Premium

Service Description - Optus Mobility Managed Page 1 29 September 2016

SERVICE FAMILY TERMS: Optus Mobility Managed Service

If there is any inconsistency between the terms of the documents that form the Agreement, they will
be interpreted in the following order of precedence: the Standard Pricing Table, the Service Option
Terms, the Service Family Terms, the General Terms and the associated statement of work, except
to the extent of any inconsistency in pricing or modification to the scope of the service features (in
which case the statement of work overrides the Standard Pricing Table and Service Option Terms,
as applicable).


1.1 Service Description:

The Optus Mobility Managed Service (MMS) is a complete enterprise-class mobile fleet
management solution for Optus Mobile Service. MMS offers a single point of management
for mobility hardware, mobility applications and mobile carrier service related requirements.

The service is available to any organisation who is seeking to rationalise their costs and
streamline the management of their mobility fleet. MMS is a complete end to end solution
which includes but is not limited to reporting, asset management, procurement,
provisioning, device staging, logistics, warranty, hot swap, asset disposal and end-user
technical and professional support.

1.2 Optus Group Company

Optus Mobility Managed Service is supplied by the following Optus Group Company:

 Optus Mobiles Pty Ltd (ABN 65 054 365 696) if the Agreement was executed or
renewed by the parties on or before 30 June 2015; and

 Optus Networks Pty Limited (ABN 92 008 570 330) if the Agreement was executed
or renewed by the parties after 30 June 2015.


2.1 Service Options

 MMS Basic Option

 MMS Standard Option
 MMS Premium Option

2.2 Related Service Options

Some Service Options can only be provided to you on the basis that you also acquire other
Service Options (“Related Service Options”). Related Service Options are identified in
the relevant Service Option Terms. The service details and terms of supply for the Related
Service Options are set out in their respective Service Descriptions.

Service Description - Optus Mobility Managed Page 2 29 September 2016


3.1 Service Provision

(a) Your Application (statement of work) will contain:

(i) your selected Service Option(s), the charges, and any applicable
features and characteristics

(ii) A Target Site Audit Date; and,

(iii) a Target Service Start Date (where applicable), the charges and any
applicable features and characteristics

(b) Optus will use reasonable endeavours to meet the Target Service Start Date, as
set out in the Application, however Optus does not make any warranty,
representation or guarantee as to the accuracy of this date.
(c) In order to help ensure that the Service is provisioned by the Target Service Start
Date, you must make available all appropriate resources as requested to enable the
completion of the Site Audit to ensure that the Target Service Start Date can be
(d) At the completion of the Site Audit, Optus will determine if the Target Service Start
Date cannot be achieved, if this is the case, Optus will provide you with an updated
Target Service Start Date.
(e) You acknowledge that completion of the Site Audit will vary according your
requirements and availability of required resources or provision of active carriage
services (if relevant).
(f) If service provisioning is delayed due to your failure to take all reasonable steps
in supporting the provisioning process or your failure to provide all requested
information, Optus may, at its option:
(i) withdraw its acceptance of your Application and cancel your Service/s; or

(ii) commence charging for the Service from the Target Service Start Date.

3.2 Service Implementation

Optus may vary the Service or any term of this Service Description if reasonably required
to do so for technical, operational or commercial reasons.


4.1 Service Rebates are not available for the Mobility Managed Service.


5.1 The Optus Mobility Managed Services use third party Products and services. Optus is not
the manufacturer of the Products, or the primary provider of the services. As far as the law
allows we don’t offer any warranties for the Products or Services where Optus is not the
manufacturer or primary service provider and the only warranties available are as set out in
the Third Party Usage Terms.

5.2 You acknowledge that:

Service Description - Optus Mobility Managed Page 3 29 September 2016

(a) your use of any third party Products, intellectual property or services is
conditional upon your acceptance and compliance with the relevant Third Party
Usage Terms;
(b) the Third Party Usage Terms may be amended from time to time. If you do not
accept the amended Third Party Usage Terms, you must cancel the Service. If
you do not respond to a request from Optus or the Third Party Service Provider
to accept or comply with the Third Party Usage Terms, Optus may cancel your
right to use the third party Products or services;
(c) Optus may be required to keep records of and provide details to the Third Party
Service Provider relating to your use of the relevant Products or services and you
authorise Optus to do so;
(d) Optus may cancel your right to use the third party Products or services, for
example, if the licence granted to Optus by the third party licensor ends in
accordance with the Third Party Service Provider’s end of life/ end of support
policy; and
(e) your use of the third party Products and services will involve the collection and
processing of data and information, which may include personal information.
Whether this data is collected either directly from you or forwarded by Optus to
the Third Party Service Provider, the Third Party Service Provider will manage
such data in accordance with the relevant Third Party Usage Terms and its own
policies and procedures.
5.3 Where you use third party Products and services that are not on-supplied to you by Optus,
you are responsible for ensuring you obtain all necessary approvals and licences to
authorise your use of those Products and services are in conjunction with the Service.


6.1 To the extent permitted by law, if Optus is liable to you in connection with the Third Party
on-supplied hardware, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), statute, under an
indemnity or otherwise, Optus excludes liability for Consequential Loss and limits its
liability to the price you have paid for the relevant Third Party on-supplied hardware.

6.2 Liability for your Loss in connection with Third Party software or services on-supplied by
Optus as a direct right of use from the Third Party Service Provider, whether in contract,
tort (including negligence), statute, under an indemnity or otherwise, is excluded by Optus
to the extent permitted by law, and is governed by the Third Party Usage Terms between
you and the Third Party Service Provider.

6.3 If Optus is liable to you in connection the Third Party on-supplied software or services,
whether in contract, tort (including negligence), statute, under an indemnity or otherwise, to
the extent permitted by law, Optus limits its liability to the price you have paid for the
relevant Third Party software or services right of use, on-supplied by Optus less any
amount, if any, recovered by you directly from the relevant Third Party Service Provider.


7.1 Subject to limitations of liability specified in the General Term and in clauses 6 and 7.2 of
this Service Description, Optus’ will be liable for your Loss (but excluding any
Consequential Loss) where that Loss is caused by an act or omission of Optus or Optus
Personnel, in the supply of the Services.

7.2 Optus will not incur any Liability resulting from:

Service Description - Optus Mobility Managed Page 4 29 September 2016

(a) good faith reliance on information provided by you; or
(b) any failure of the installed Products (including Software) or access to or use of
the hosted platform services due to operator error or security breach caused by


You must comply with the following obligations:

8.1 Sites

(a) ensure Optus Personnel have full and safe access to your relevant hardware and
software when required for the purpose of providing the Services;
(b) ensure that each Site is at all relevant times ready and available, including all
necessary access, permissions, cabling and security, and of appropriate
standard for the equipment and for Optus or its representatives to provide any
necessary services (either onsite or remotely);
(c) where and to the extent that Optus Personnel are required to deploy to and/or
work within your site, you must comply with the WHS Laws;
(d) provide suitable and adequate working space around the relevant hardware and
software for the use of our Personnel, including adequate light, heat and
ventilation, electric outlets and telephone facilities in accordance with applicable
Work Health & Safety (WH&S) guidelines for safe working environments;

8.2 Privacy

(a) You are solely responsible for ensuring your collection, use, disclosure and any
other handling of data that occurs in relation to your use of the Service (including
its storage) and the information provided to individuals about how their data is
handled) complies with all laws;

8.3 General

(a) implement equipment refreshes and install software upgrades (that are not In-
Scope Services) as and when required in respect of the equipment or systems
utilised or accessed by the In-Scope Service, which are necessary to meet the
vendor support conditions and In-Scope Service capacity requirements for the
relevant equipment or system;
(b) provide Optus with reasonable advance notification of any changes, projects or
strategic direction that may impact the performance or scope of the Service;
(c) provide timely notification of changes to IT policies and procedures, business
requirements and facilities, projects or strategic direction likely to impact on
current and future service utilisation;
(d) in the event of any incident or alarm being raised, comply with all reasonable
requests made by Optus including, if requested, resetting or rebooting your
equipment; and
(e) ensure that your users are aware of the scope of the Services and the related
procedures, as defined by Optus’ documentation.

Service Description - Optus Mobility Managed Page 5 29 September 2016


9.1 Global Resources & Privacy - You acknowledge and agree that:

(a) Optus may use global resources (non-permanent residents used locally and/or
personnel in locations worldwide) in providing the Service to you, including
escalation of technical support issues where required.
(b) Optus is not responsible for contacting any individual in relation to collection, use,
disclosure or any other handling of the individual's Personal Information as part
of the Service;
(c) Optus will refer to you any matter raised to Optus, by a third party relating to
Personal Information in connection with your use of the Service. You must
handle all referred matters at your cost and you agree to indemnify Optus for all
Loss Optus incurs in respect of any claim or proceedings commenced against
Optus by a third party including a Regulator, in relation an individual's Personal
Information collected, used, stored or disclosed in relation to your use of the

9.2 Termination for Convenience - You acknowledge and agree that:

(a) Optus may terminate the Service for convenience, on 55 days prior written notice.


10.1 Where your Service or Individual Service is cancelled during the Committed Term and a
Cancellation Fee is payable under the General Terms, you will need to pay us an amount
equal to the net present value of:

(a) the profit component of all amounts that would have been payable in respect of the
monthly recurring charge for the relevant Individual Service for the remainder of
the Committed Term from the date cancellation takes effect; plus

(b) all amounts that will be incurred by Optus as a result of the cancellation; plus

(c) any unavoidable third party costs that will be incurred by Optus, in respect of the
relevant Individual Service for the remainder of the Committed Term from the
date cancellation takes effect;

unless a different formula or a specified amount is otherwise expressly provided in the

Standard Pricing Table in your Application.


Terms not defined in these Service Family Terms are as defined in the General Terms,
unless inconsistent with the context.

Professional Services means the performance of the professional service activities

specified in the associated statement or work by suitably qualified resources.

Related Service Options means those Service Options that are pre-requisites to
obtaining the relevant Service;

Service Description - Optus Mobility Managed Page 6 29 September 2016

Service Description means the Service Family Terms and Service Option Terms
applicable to the Service.

Service Family Terms mean the terms applicable to all Service Options and Associated
Services that collectively form the Optus Evolve Service as set out in Part 1 of this Service

Service Options means the service options detailed at the beginning of this Service

Service Option Terms mean the terms applicable to each Service Option only as set out
in Part 2 of this Service Description.

Site(s) means your nominated site location(s) for the delivery, installation and or
provisioning of the Service and associated Products.

Site Audit means the site audit is initiated by the Optus appointed Third Party Service
Provider at the commencement of the Service.

Target Service Start Date means the date requested by you and/or estimated by Optus
and agreed between the parties, as the target date on which the service is intended to be
activated and supplied to you, as specified in the associated statement of work.

Third Party Services Provider means the third party service provider identified in the
relevant Service Option Terms.

Third Party Usage Terms means any warranty terms, end user licence agreement
(EULA), subscription service terms, or cloud service terms of the Third Party Service

WHS Laws mean applicable legislation dealing with work health and safety in Australian
states, territories and the Commonwealth in place from time to time, as well as any
regulations, codes of practice and/or advisory standards made under or in connection with
the legislation.

Service Description - Optus Mobility Managed Page 7 29 September 2016

Service Option Terms

Service Option: MMS Basic Service

This Service Option forms part of Optus' Mobility Managed Services

The Mobility Managed Service Description comprises of the following Parts:

 Part 1: Service Family Terms (applicable to all Optus Mobility Managed Services); and

 Part 2: The Service Option Terms.

The Service Option Terms are separate terms applicable to each of the Optus Mobility Manage
Service Options and are to be read in conjunction with both the General Terms and the Service
Family Terms:


1.1 The MMS Basic Service consists of:

(a) Site Audit and Setup;

(b) the on-supply of access to a third party Online Support Portal and reporting;

(c) the on-supply of third party “MMS” Mobile Application;

(d) Asset Register;

(e) Mobile Device Support – Help Desk

(f) Mobile Carrier Moves, Adds and Changes (MAC) ;


2.1 None.


The Service includes the following standard service features:

3.1 Site Audit and Setup

(a) The site audit will be initiated by the Optus appointed Third Party Service
Provider at the commencement the Service. The Third Party Service Provider
will appoint a project manager to your account and will, within 21 days of
acceptance of your Application, contact your nominated Authorised
Representative to coordinate the Site Audit workshop. The Site Audit will be

Service Description - Optus Mobility Managed Page 8 29 September 2016

conducted either remotely by phone or video conference. Following the workshop
the Project Manager will contact your authorised representative to obtain any
follow up information, where required. Site audit and set up required to be
performed on customer premises will incur an additional charge.

(b) The Site Audit and setup consists of the following activities which, when
completed will present and deliver the design framework for your organisation
and outline the offering and Service functionality:

(i) Customer Requirements review and definition;

(ii) Support Process review and customisation, where required;

(iii) User access credentials to online portal set up;

(iv) Confirmation of nominated VIP’s and Authorised Customer


(c) During the Site Audit workshop you will be required to provide the following;

(i) a list of pre-authorised MAC request types and MAC request types that
are not permitted;

(ii) a list current mobile devices, makes models and corresponding

operating systems and corporate device email configuration

(iii) a list of current Microsoft Exchange Servers and/or RIM Blackberry

Enterprise Servers;

(iv) a list of VIP end users personnel, (who are deemed to be an Authorised
Customer Representative for the purpose of approving changes or
request in relation to that VIPs mobile device);

(v) a list of Authorised Customer Representatives authorised by the

Customer to:

(A) approve requests which may result in an additional cost on

the mobile carrier invoice;

(B) approve a new MAC request type;

(C) request Extended Hours Mobile Device Support;

(D) request On-Site Mobile Device Support Level 1 and/or On-

Site Professional Services Support Level 2; and

(E) authorise additional charges for new services

3.2 Online Support Portal and Reports

(a) The On-Line Portal provides following self-service functions 24 hours a day, 7
days a week. Access to the On-Line Portal is accessible to Authorised Customer
Representatives only. The On-Line Portal features include:

(i) Procurement - to order devices online.

Service Description - Optus Mobility Managed Page 9 29 September 2016

(ii) Support Call View - view all support calls logged and filter the reports
by call status, and resolution progress. Additional filters and quick
search functions are also available for authorised administrators and

(iii) Asset Register - Authorised Customer Representatives will have

access to the most current Asset Register. Details of each device
including model number and IMEI, are available.

(iv) Reports - Authorised Customer Representatives will have access to a

set of default reports. The default reports include;

(A) Report 1. - Number of support calls split by device type:

Windows Mobile, iPhone, Blackberry, Symbian, Android,
Maemo, LiMo, Palm.

(B) Report 2. - Status of all support calls within the system for
each month: support calls registered, calls in progress, calls

(C) Report 3. - Performance: Support calls answered within the

SLA timeframes, calls closed within SLA timeframes, on-site
response within SLAs timeframes.

3.3 MMS Mobile Application

(a) The “MMS” mobile application is a personalised, automated Service engagement

tool that provides end users with the following functionality:

(i) Place a call with Helpdesk

(ii) Request international roaming to be enabled or disabled

(iii) Request a call back from Helpdesk

(iv) View the status of logged support tickets

(v) Receive notifications from the service

(b) Once the Site Audit has been completed MMS mobile application can be
downloaded and registered. A registration code will be emailed to you from the
Help Desk, alternatively any authorised End-User can contact the Help Desk to
request the registration code.

(c) The use of the MMS mobile application is governed by the Third Party Usage
Terms which must be read and accepted by the end user and is available for
download on Apple iOS; Google Android; or Microsoft Windows Phone; operating

(d) Minimum Requirements – the Minimum requirements and direct download links
for the MMS mobile application are:

Service Description - Optus Mobility Managed Page 10 29 September 2016

Mobile Minimum Direct Download URL
Operating Version
Google 4.0.3
Android id=com.mobiliseit.mconcierge
Apple iOS 7.0
Microsoft 8
Windows mconcierge-by-mobilise-it/9nblggh595kg

3.4 Asset Register

(a) The Asset Register documents the following information deemed necessary to
identify the hardware assigned to each of the End-Users:

(i) Device Type;

(ii) IMEI;

(iii) Sim Number; and

(iv) Mobile Service Number.

(b) During the Site Audit and set up process, you must provide a complete and
current list of End-Users and the relevant company assets assigned to each End-

(c) The initial list will form the basis of the Asset Register and will allow the Helpdesk
to identify the hardware and the relevant End-User. Once the initial list is finalised
and verified by you, it will be hosted within the support portal for you to access
and update.

(d) The Third Party Service Provider can assist you with determining and pre-
populating an initial list of relevant services and hardware currently active on your
mobile carrier account. To do so you will be required to provide the Third Service
Provider with authorisation to obtain information from your account. .

(e) During the term of the Service, you authorise Optus and the Third Party Service
Provider to make changes to the asset register if the following occurs;

(i) You activate a new service with Optus;

3.5 Mobile Device Support – Help Desk

(a) The Help Desk can be contacted through the following methods;

 Phone - 1300 421 586

 Email -
 MMS mobile application select the ‘call support’ button within the
 Portal - Log a ticket via the helpdesk online portal

(b) The Help Desk is available as a single point of contact for authorised End-Users.
All incidents and requests will be logged and assessed; End-users may request a
reference number from the Help-Desk agent at the time of logging the ticket.

Service Description - Optus Mobility Managed Page 11 29 September 2016

(c) Mobile Device Support is available during Standard Business Hours.

(d) The Help Desk will undertake one of the following steps to resolve End-User

Step 1 Resolve issue over the phone

Step 2 If possible, attempt to resolve issue via remote access
Step 3 If required, an on-site visit to the End-User to determine source of
fault, subject to incurring an optional service feature charge for On-
Site / Remote Access Mobile Device Support – Level 1

(e) Typically Help Desk targets to resolve up to 80% of the issues in step 1.

(f) To ensure the End-User’s Help Desk experience is positive, you are responsible
for ensuring that any required authorisation is provided within 48 hours of

(g) The Help Desk will support and troubleshoot third party applications approved
and registered during the Site Audit workshop and identified on the Asset
Register. Where a third party application is not approved or registered, the Help
Desk may request the End-User to uninstall or return the device to the
manufacture’s standard settings before proceeding

(h) The Mobile Device Support does not include:

(i) On-site support or remote access support of the relevant device;

(ii) Support for devices which are not identified in the Asset Register.
Request to support unregistered devices will require approval and incur
an additional cost;

(iii) Installation of USB modem software may not be supported by Help

Desk; software must be installed by the Customer;

(iv) Device issues, faults or software bugs to which there are no

documented or publicly available resolutions from the device or
operating system manufacturer;

(v) Server side email issues including email username and password
related issues;

(vi) Mobile carrier coverage, black spots or network issues.

3.6 Carrier Moves, Adds and Changes (MAC)

(a) This feature allows End Users to request the Help Desk during Standard
Business Hours to submit on the Customer’s behalf the following carrier service

(i) pre-authorise certain request types e.g. ‘authorise all users for data’

(ii) activate a new voice and/or data service

(iii) change of ownership, port in/out

Service Description - Optus Mobility Managed Page 12 29 September 2016

(iv) international roaming requests

(v) voicemail issues

(vi) sim card replacement and registration

(b) Notwithstanding that an End User request to the Help Desk can be made during
the Standard Business Hours, Carrier requests will only be actioned by the
relevant Carrier during that Carrier’s standard operating business hours.


The following optional service features will incur a separate optional service feature charge
as specified in your Application:

(a) Extended Hours Mobile Device Support.

(i) Extended Hours Mobile Device Support is available Mondays to Fridays

from 1800 to 0800, excluding national public holidays for Authorised
End Users only.

(ii) The Extended Hours service feature is charged per hour, with a
minimum 2 hour charge.

(iii) For extended support, Customers will be provided an after-hours

support number during the site audit and set up process.

(b) On-Site / Remote Access Mobile Device Support – Level 1

(i) Ad hoc on-site support or remote access device support.

(ii) Available during Standard Business Hours only.

(iii) The On-Site Remote Mobile Device Support Level 1 service feature is
charged per hour inclusive of travel time, with a minimum 2 hour

(c) On-Site Consultancy Service – Level 2

(i) Ad hoc general consultancy and training services.

(ii) Available during Standard Business Hours only.

(iii) The On-Site Professional Service – Level 2 service feature is charged

per hour inclusive of travel time, with a minimum 2 hour charge.

(d) Ad-Hoc Advanced Device Staging

(i) Available during Standard Business Hours only.

(ii) Available for smartphones only (Tablet; iOS, Android, Windows and
Blackberry devices).

(iii) Performed during Standard Business Hours and does not include

Service Description - Optus Mobility Managed Page 13 29 September 2016

(iv) The Ad Hoc Device Staging service feature is charged per device.

(e) Logistics / Dispatch

(i) Dispatch times vary between city and regional areas and may be
impacted based on the availability of a replacement device,
environment, remoteness of destination and seasonal peak periods.

(ii) Available during Standard Business Hours only.

(iii) Delivery of single or bulk items of up to 3kg.

(iv) The Logistics service feature is charged per device and is subject
quotation and delivery location (i.e. Capital City or Regional Areas).


(a) Help Desk Response Targets – during Standard Business Hours


High The user is Maximum 1/2 Maximum 2 8 Hours
unable to Hour Hours includes option of
use the (typically immediate during (typically 30 swap phone
device, Standard Business Hours) minutes) dispatched to the
software, Customer within
products 48 hours from
and services request
nominated in
and are
unable to
carry out
work duties.
User List
VIP Service,
must not
exceed 5%
of total user
Standard A low impact Maximum 2 Maximum 24 24 Hours
problem that Hours Hours includes option of
affects the (typically immediate during (typically 2 swap phone
efficiency of Standard Business Hours) hours) dispatched to the
a user, Customer within
however the 48 hours from
user is able request
to use the
device for
most tasks.

Service Description - Optus Mobility Managed Page 14 29 September 2016

(b) Onsite Mobility Managed Services Support Level 1 – during Standard Business

Category Criteria Acknowledgement Support Resolution

& Support Ticket Start Timeframe
Same The End-User is unable to Up to 30 minutes Up to 4 8 Hours
Day use the device, software, Hours
products and services A temporary and
nominated during the similar phone will
Site-Audit and are unable be made available
to carry out work duties. immediately and
Includes the
option of swap
phone dispatched
within 48 hours
from request.
Next Day A low impact problem Up to 2 Up to 24 24 Hours
which may affect the Hours Hours temporary and
productivity of the End- similar phone
User, however the End- available
User is able to use the immediately
device for most tasks. includes option of
swap phone
The rate for this support dispatched within
tier also applies to work 48 hours from
required on the Microsoft request.
Exchange Blackberry
Enterprise Server mail
Stated targets apply during Help Desk Standard
Business Hours


6.1 You acknowledge and agree:

(a) you are responsible for ensuring that your nominated IT and business
stakeholders or their delegates attend the Site Audit Workshop, to provide
information on systems access and analysis, such as Exchange/Lotus notes;
Gateway/Networks; Active Directory and to provide input Site Audit Workshop

(b) you are responsible for ensuring that your end user access information is kept
secure. Optus will not be responsible or liable for any damages caused by the
misuse of the access information

(c) You are responsible for updating the VIP list during the term of the Service.

(d) Your end users are responsible for downloading, installing and registering the
MMS mobile application and completing end user acceptance of the Third Party

Service Description - Optus Mobility Managed Page 15 29 September 2016

Usage Terms. End Users must be registered to access the MMS mobile
application functionality

(e) You are responsible for maintaining and updating your Asset Register. If the
asset register is not maintained regularly this could result in delays in providing
the End-User the required Help Desk support;

(f) When you or your End User requests a MAC via the Help Desk, you are
authorising the Help Desk to act on your behalf. You are responsible for ensuring
that any required approval is confirmed by your authorised contact within 48
hours to enable the Help Desk to act on your behalf;

(g) MMS does not apply to BYOD devices. Notwithstanding Help Desk support will
be provided to a BYOD device included in the Asset Register on best effort basis
only. For the avoidance of doubt BYOD devices are excluded from all standard
and optional service features (including the Carrier MAC).

(h) Mobile Carrier service desks have varying operating hours and may not be
available at all times during the Standard Business Hours.


7.1 The Optus MMS Standard Service includes the on-supply of the Third Party Service
Provider “MMS” mobile application.

7.2 The relevant Third Party Usage Terms applicable to the Service as available for
acceptance on initiation of the device App or the Service or when accessing the Platform
or as otherwise available at


8.1 Subject to your acceptance of and compliance with the Third Party Usage Terms, the Third
Party Service Provider will grant you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license for the term
of the Agreement to use the ‘‘MMS” mobile application for your internal operation and
maintenance purposes and not for commercial distribution, re-sale or other trade dealing.


9.1 The Service Start Date is deemed to occur on the date that you receive notification by
Optus or the Third Party Service Provider confirming activation of the Service.

9.2 The charges for the Service will be set out in your Application and are subject to the
minimum device volume specified in your Application:

9.3 Any request for additional or ad hoc services by an Authorised Customer Representative,
are deemed to be a variation and Optus will invoice you for the relevant charges on and
from the date of the relevant request.

Service Description - Optus Mobility Managed Page 16 29 September 2016


Terms not defined in these Service Option Terms are as defined in the in the Service
Family Terms or the General Terms (in that order).

BYOD or Bring your Own Device means a device owned by an end user and utilised for
the Customer purposes.

Third Party Service Provider means Mobilise IT Pty Ltd ABN 80 120 220 206.

Standard Operating Hours means Monday to Friday between 0800 and 1800 hours and
excluding national public holidays.

Service Description - Optus Mobility Managed Page 17 29 September 2016

Service Option Terms

Service Option: MMS Standard Service

This Service Option forms part of Optus' Mobility Managed Services

The Mobility Managed Service Description comprises of the following Parts:

 Part 1: Service Family Terms (applicable to all Optus Mobility Managed Services); and

 Part 2: The Service Option Terms.

The Service Option Terms are separate terms applicable to each of the Optus Mobility Manage
Service Options and are to be read in conjunction with both the General Terms and the Service
Family Terms:


1.1 The MMS Standard Service consists of:

(a) Hotswap & Warranty Management; and

(b) Procurement of Hardware.


2.1 The MMS Basic Service is a related service option and must be acquired with the MMS
Standard Service.


The Service includes, in addition to the standard service features for the MMS Basic
Service, the following additional standard service features:

3.1 Site Audit and Setup

(a) In addition to the MMS Basic Service Site Audit and setup requirements, you will
be required to provide;

(i) a list of Authorised Customer Representatives authorised by the

Customer to:

(A) request a handset swap from the Hot Swap pool; and

(B) order and acquire Hardware;

(ii) a list of approved devices your organisation can acquire;

3.2 Asset Register

(a) In addition to the MMS Basic Service Asset Register requirements:

Service Description - Optus Mobility Managed Page 18 29 September 2016

(i) During the term of the Service, you authorise Optus and the Third Party
Service Provider to make changes to the asset register if the following

(A) You procure a new device through Optus;

(B) Your end user device is repaired or serviced by Optus;

(C) Your end user device is returned to Optus.

3.3 Mobile Device Support – Help Desk

(a) In addition to the MMS Basic Service Mobile Device Support – Help Desk;

(i) The Help Desk will undertake one of the following steps to resolve End-
User issues;

Step 1 Resolve issue over the phone

Step 2 If possible, attempt to resolve issue via remote access
Step 3 The hardware or device replacement or swap-out with another
Step 4 If required, an on-site visit to the End-User to determine
source of fault, subject to incurring an optional service feature
charge for On-Site / Remote Access Mobile Device Support –
Level 1

3.4 Hot Swap and Warranty Management

(a) The Hot Swap and warranty management service is available during Standard
Business Hours. The End User authorises the Third Party Service Provider, on
the Customer’s behalf, to resolve faulty hardware device, repair and general
swap out as required. This service feature consists of:

(i) Logging faults covered under warranty with the service centre;

(ii) End to end logistics management ;

(iii) Hot swap of hardware from the hot swap device pool to reduce

(iv) Procurement of new hardware; and

(v) Battery check to ensure not dead on arrival and population of device
set up information for initial use (“Basic Device Staging”).

(b) You will be required to supply an additional 3% to 5% of the total number of

devices in your fleet to create a hot swap device pool. The required handset
types and the total number of devices required will be determined during the Site
Audit process:

(c) Hot Swap Process

(i) When a device is faulty there are two ways a hot swap can be

Service Description - Optus Mobility Managed Page 19 29 September 2016

(A) an Authorised Customer Representative can log request on
the Help Desk Service Portal and place a request on behalf of
the End-User and receive an immediate approval or;

(B) the End-User can log the initial request via email on although this will require the Help
Desk to initiate approval request from an Authorised
Customer Representative;

(ii) The End-User will be provided with a Hot Swap device from the hot
swap device pool as a permanent swap and the original device is not
returned to the End-User. The Hot Swap Device will be the same or
similar to the End-User’s original device, where available;

(iii) The faulty device is diagnosed and the findings are communicated to
the Authorised Customer Representative.

(iv) If the device is found to be faulty;

(A) the Authorised Customer Representative will be contacted to

provide approval for the device to be sent for warranty repair,
once the repair is complete then the device is returned to the
Hot Swap pool.

(B) and if the device is out of warranty or the fault and repair is
not covered under warranty, the Authorised Customer
Representative will be contacted by the Help Desk to provide
approval for a quote fee to be applied on the mobile carrier

(C) if the device is not faulty it will be returned to the Hot Swap

3.5 Hardware Procurement

(a) This feature allows Authorised Customer Representatives to order and acquire
hardware devices online. The service aims to replicate your existing hardware
ordering process and includes the following features:

(i) orders are logged and updated at all stages of the process for tracking

(ii) devices are procured via the originating mobile carrier;

(iii) Basic Device Staging is performed; and

(iv) the device is sent directly to the End-User.

(b) Orders can be placed with the Help Desk via one of the following methods;

(i) Authorised Customer Representatives can email with their request

(ii) Authorised Customer Representatives can email with your organisation’s internal procurement
form, approved by an Authorised End-User

Service Description - Optus Mobility Managed Page 20 29 September 2016

(iii) Authorised Customer Representatives can log an order via the Help
Desk Service Portal.

(c) Availability and Warranty Exclusion

(i) Hardware Procurement services are provided during Standard

Business Hours

(ii) Where a device was purchased outside of the nominated mobile

carrier, it may be excluded from warranty;

(iii) Where a device becomes End of Life, an equivalent model will be

procured from the mobile carrier;

(iv) Delivery times are impacted by the delivery and logistics timeframes
experienced by the device and hardware reseller, this can include
mobile carriers, distributors and retailers; and

(v) Device procurement of a particular device make and model is subject to



The following optional service features will incur a separate optional service feature charge
as specified in your Application:

(a) EMM Moves, Adds and Changes (MAC).

(i) Available during Standard Business Hours only.

(ii) Allows system administrators to request a EMM MAC through the Help
Desk to; add or remove end user; assign end user groups and policies;
and to assist end users to configure their device.

(iii) System administrators are responsible for ensuring that the request will
not adversely conflict with any existing EMM MAC services.

(iv) The EMM MAC service feature is available at no charge.

(b) EMM MAC 24 x 7 Bolt On

(i) Allows end users to request:

(A) Lost Device Remote Wipe

(B) Passcode reset (including system administrator only request

to EMM remedial server reset):

(ii) The EMM MAC 24 x 7 Bolt On service feature is available 24 hours per
day, 7 days per week (excluding national public holidays).

(iii) The EMM MAC 24 x 7 Bolt On service feature is charged per device
per month.

Service Description - Optus Mobility Managed Page 21 29 September 2016

(iv) For extended support, Customers will be provided an after-hours
support number during the site audit and set up process.

(c) Ad-Hoc Advanced Device Staging.

(i) Available during Standard Business Hours only.

(ii) Available for smartphones only (Tablet; iOS, Android, Windows and
Blackberry devices).

(iii) Performed during Standard Operating and does not include Logistics.

(iv) The Ad Hoc Device Staging service feature is charged per device.

(d) EMM Version Upgrade

(i) Allows system administrators to request a single instance (2xservers)

version upgrade consisting of; configuration of the update repository
and credentials; Run “software check update”; run “software update”;
reload appliance; check/test version.

(ii) The Version Upgrade service feature is charged per upgrade.

(e) Additional Application Support

(i) Mobile Device Support for bespoke and/or non-bespoke applications;

(ii) The Additional Application Support service feature is charged

(A) per device per bespoke application; and

(B) per device per third party application,


(a) Hardware Procurement & Hot Swap Response Targets – during Standard
Business Hours.



Service Description - Optus Mobility Managed Page 22 29 September 2016

Device For New Device Maximum 2 Hour Maximum 12 Dispatched to the
Procurement Procurement Hours Customer Within
Time Elapsed 24 Hours
begins from the
requested is
received by

Cut-off time for

requests is 3pm.
**Device Staging
commences upon
receipt of device
by the Supplier
from the third
party supplier**
Basic Device For New Device - Maximum 2 Hour Maximum 24 Dispatched to
Staging Hot-Swap Hours
requests Time the Customer
Elapsed begins Within 48
from the moment Hours
requested device
is received by
MIT. Cut-off time
for requests is
3pm. Requests
received after
3pm are deemed
to be requested
at 8am the next
Business Day
Device For New Device Maximum 2 Hour Maximum 12 Dispatched to the
Procurement Procurement Hours Customer Within
Time Elapsed 24 Hours
begins from the
requested is
received by
Supplier. Cut-off
time for requests
is 3pm.
**Device Staging
commences upon
receipt of device
by the Supplier
from the third
party supplier**
Basic Device For New Device - Maximum 2 Hour Maximum 24 Dispatched to the
Staging Hot-Swap Hours Customer Within
requests Time 48 Hours
Elapsed begins Minimum of 50
from the moment Devices Per
requested device Day with 5
is received by Business
Supplier. Cut-off Days’ Notice.
time for requests
is 3pm. Requests
received after
3pm are deemed
to be requested
at 8am the next
Business Day

Service Description - Optus Mobility Managed Page 23 29 September 2016


6.1 You acknowledge and agree:

(a) When you or your End User requests a MAC or the procurement of hardware via
the Help Desk, you are authorising the Help Desk to act on your behalf. You are
responsible for ensuring that any required approval is confirmed by your
authorised contact within 48 hours to enable the Help Desk to act on your behalf;

(b) MMS does not apply to BYOD devices. Notwithstanding Help Desk support will
be provided to a BYOD device included in the Asset Register on best effort basis
only. For the avoidance of doubt BYOD devices excluded from the Carrier MAC
and HotSwap and Warranty management service features

Service Description - Optus Mobility Managed Page 24 29 September 2016

Service Option Terms

Service Option: Premium Service

This Service Option forms part of Optus' Mobility Managed Services

The Mobility Managed Service Description comprises of the following Parts:

 Part 1: Service Family Terms (applicable to all Optus Mobility Managed Services); and

 Part 2: The Service Option Terms.

The Service Option Terms are separate terms applicable to each of the Optus Mobility Manage
Service Options and are to be read in conjunction with both the General Terms and the Service
Family Terms:


1.1 The MMS Premium Service consists of:

(a) Advanced Device Staging;

(b) Third Party Mobile Application Support;

(c) Mobile Accessory Support; and

(d) EMM Professional Service Management (PSM);


2.1 The MMS Basic Service and the MMS Standard Service are related service options and
each must be acquired with the MMS Premium Service.


The Service includes, in addition to the standard service features for the MMS Basic
Service and the MMS Standard Service, the following additional standard service features:

3.1 Advanced Device Staging

(a) The Advanced Device Staging feature allows the Help Desk to setup a new
mobile device or return an existing mobile device to the functional state (eg: end
user preferences and specified mobile applications) as specified by you during
the Site Audit and Setup.

(b) The staging service is conducted by the Help Desk on premise in Melbourne,

(c) The Advanced Device Staging feature consists of the following activities

(i) Testing of mobile device for operability

Service Description - Optus Mobility Managed Page 25 29 September 2016

(ii) Develop and maintain a standard operating environment (SOE) as
required and specified in during the Site Audit, this can include;

(A) Configuration of the mobile device’s OS settings

(B) EMM enrolment and configuration

(C) Email setup and configuration

(D) If EMM is not present on the mobile device, installation of up

to three mobile applications

(E) Setting up Apple iOS Supervised mode

(iii) Delivery of the mobile device to End Users;

(iv) Creation of an Apple ID and Google account for End-Users if required

(v) Asset tagging if required

(vi) Mobile device covers & accessories fitted as supplied

(d) You are responsible for providing your End User asset tag information to the Help
Desk to ensure prompt delivery of the device to the End User.

3.2 Third Party Mobile Application Support

(a) This feature allows the Help Desk to provide mobile application support to your
End-Users in respect of up to two (2) nominated third party mobile applications
available on the OS App store or one (1) bespoke third party mobile application,
identified during the Site Audit Setup and/or Asset Register. This service feature
consists of:

(i) Assistance with the installation of the application

(ii) Assistance with the configuration of the application

(iii) Assistance with Troubleshooting errors and logged events

(b) During the Site Audit workshop you will be required to provide all documentation,
knowledge resources, escalations points and training relating to each supported
mobile application.

3.3 Mobile Accessory Support

(a) This feature is an extension of the Help Desk support providing assistance to the
End User where they are experiencing difficulty with mobile device accessories
and consists of:

(i) Assistance in connecting or pairing the mobile accessory with the

mobile device

(ii) Assistance in resetting the mobile accessory

(iii) Assistance in configuring the mobile accessory

Service Description - Optus Mobility Managed Page 26 29 September 2016

(b) Help Desk Accessory support does not include power issues, radio interference
or general automotive issues in relating to Bluetooth car accessories.

3.4 EMM Professional Services Management (PSM)

(a) This feature provides your authorised administrators with access to expert
technical support in resolving issues with EMM issues arising under valid and
active EMM licences.

(b) The PSM service is an extension to the standard Help Desk support and provides
a single point of contact for level 2 technical assistance, this can range from
sharing detailed knowledge on EMM services, issues, functionalities to liaising on
your behalf with the EMM vendor level 3 and level 4 support teams and may

(i) configuration of policy changes;

(ii) level 2 moves, adds and changes requests;

(iii) administration portal guidance;

(iv) service improvement initiatives;

(v) software infrastructure monitoring;

(vi) remedial requirements to service;

(vii) roadmap consultation; and

(viii) annual email health check.

(c) Your authorised administrators can contact the PSM team during the Help Desk
standard Business Hours through the following methods;

(i) Phone - 1300 4215 86.

(ii) Email -

(iii) Portal - Log a ticket via the helpdesk online portal.

(d) During the Site Audit workshop you will be required to provide a list all authorised
administrators, authorised to access the PSM service feature.

(e) The Help Desk will undertake one of the following steps to resolve End-User

Step 1 Resolve issue over the phone with phone, email, portal, whichever
method was used to contact the PSM team
Step 2 If further clarification is required the PSM team will contact your
system administrator
Step 3 If required, the PSM team will contact the EMM vendor through the
standard escalation and ticketing channels

Service Description - Optus Mobility Managed Page 27 29 September 2016

(f) Where the severity of the issue may require an EMM software version upgrade,
the PSM team can support your authorised administrator at an additional charge
as outlined within the Optional Service Features table.

(g) Where the issue extends into your network, email exchange or system
infrastructure, the PSM consultant will advise if remedy of the issue will be
charged at an additional charge. Remedy charges are charged at the L2
On-site/remote Professional Services Support rate.


The following optional service features will incur a separate optional service feature charge
as specified in your Application:

(a) EMM PSM 24 x 7 Bolt On

(i) Allows authorised administrators and end users to request:

(A) Lost Device Remote Wipe

(B) Passcode reset (including system administrator only request

to EMM remedial server reset):

(ii) Allows system administrators to request EMM remedial server reset:

(iii) The EMM PSM 24 x 7 Bolt On service feature is available 24 hours per
day, 7 days per week (excluding national public holidays).

(iv) The EMM PSM 24 x 7 Bolt On service feature is charged per device per


(a) Mobile Advanced Device Staging Response Targets.

Category Criteria Acknowledgment Support start Resolution

& support ticket timeframe
Advanced For new device - Up to 2 Hours Up to 24 Hours Dispatched to the
Device Hot-Swap End-User within
Staging requests time 48 Hours
elapsed begins
from the moment
device is
received by Help
Desk. Cut-off
time for requests
is 2pm.
received after
2pm are deemed
to have been
requested at the next
Business Day

Service Description - Optus Mobility Managed Page 28 29 September 2016

Advanced For new device Up to 2 Hours Minimum of 20 Dispatched to
Device Request Time Devices Per nominated
Staging (Bulk) Elapsed begins Day with 5 destination within
from the moment Business Days’ 48 Hours
requested Notice.
device is
received by the
Help Desk. Cut-
off time for
requests is 2pm.
received after
2pm are deemed
to have been
requested at the next
Business Day

(b) EMM Professional Services Management (PSM) Response Targets.

Category Criteria Acknowledgement Support Resolution

& Support Ticket Start Timeframe
High The system Up to 30 mins Up to 2 8 Hours
administrators are unable Hours
to use the software,
products and services
nominated in your
agreement and are
unable to carry out work
Standard A medium impact problem Up to 2 Hours Up to 24 24 Hours
that affects the efficiency Hours
of the End-User, however
the End-User is able to
use the device for most


6.1 The Service Start Date is deemed to occur on the date that you receive notification by
Optus or the Third Party Service Provider confirming activation of the Service.

6.2 The charges for the Service will be set out in your Application and are subject to the
minimum device volume specified in your Application:


Terms not defined in these Service Option Terms are as defined in the in the Service
Family Terms or the General Terms (in that order).

EMM means enterprise mobility management

Third Party Services Provider means Mobilise IT Pty Ltd ABN 80 120 220 206.

Service Description - Optus Mobility Managed Page 29 29 September 2016


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