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Personality and Individual Differences 51 (2011) 237–241

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What makes people cooperate? Individual differences in BAS/BIS predict

strategic reciprocation in a public goods game
Anya Skatova *, Eamonn Ferguson
Personality Social Psychology and Health (PSPH) Group, School of Psychology, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Heterogeneity in contribution levels within public goods games (PGGs) is indicative of individual self-
Received 19 January 2010 or other-regarding preferences. Reward and punishment mechanisms have been demonstrated to affect
Received in revised form 26 April 2010 contributions in the PGGs. This paper examines whether dispositional sensitivities to rewards and
Accepted 13 May 2010
punishments (BIS and BAS) explain some behavioural heterogeneity in PGGs. Seventy-two participants
Available online 9 June 2010
took part in a sequential PGG, in which, prior to making a decision about contributing, participants
received information about how much their co-players had donated, which was manipulated either
as high or low. They also completed the Carver and White BIS/BAS scales. Participants contributed more
Reward sensitivity
Behavioural inhibition
when other members of their group contributed a high proportion of the initial endowment and less
Individual differences when others gave a low amount. When participants knew that their group members had contributed
Public goods games a high amount, BAS Reward Responsiveness was significantly negatively correlated with the contribu-
Reciprocity tion levels, while BIS-anxiety was positively related to a lower proportion of zero contributions. The
Cooperation findings are interpreted in relation to strategic responding in the PGGs. Motivational traits, such as
Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory those conceptualized in Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory, are proposed to underlie pro-social behav-
Decision-making ioural preferences.
Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 1.1. Public goods games (PGGs) and Reinforcement Sensitivity

Why do people cooperate at the levels they do? Exploring this PGGs provide an experimental model to explore peoples’ prefer-
question has been a central concern in biology (Nowak, 2006), psy- ences towards pro-social or selfish actions (Fehr & Gintis, 2007). In
chology (Dovidio, Piliavin, Schroeder, & Penner, 2006) and econom- a standard PGG, participants are required to divide their initial
ics (Fehr & Gintis, 2007). Within economics (Andreoni, 1990; endowment (real money) between a personal account and a public
Crumpler & Grossman, 2008; Fehr & Fischbacher, 2003; Fehr & account, which they share with their group members. The amount
Gaechter, 2000, 2002; Fehr & Gintis, 2007), psychology (Ferguson, entered into the public account is multiplied (usually by a factor of
Farrell, & Lawrence, 2008) and biology (Nowak, 2006; West, Grifin, 2), then divided and re-distributed equally to all the group mem-
& Gardner, 2007) reward and punishment contingencies have been bers regardless of the amount that they contributed. If everyone
implicated as a mechanism underlying levels of cooperation (see contributes, it maximizes the return, but each individual cannot
Post, Underwood, Schloss, & Hurlbut, 2002). The focus on reward be confident that others will also contribute. This creates an option
and punishment suggests that studying traits reflecting variation either to cooperate (i.e. give something into the public good) or to
in sensitivity to reward and punishment should contribute to our free ride (i.e. give zero or very small amounts to the public good
understanding of human cooperative behaviour. Reinforcement but reap the benefits of others’ investments). Even though over
Sensitivity Theory (RST) (Gray & McNaughton, 2000) proposes that multiple anonymous trials the tendency is towards free riding
sensitivities to rewards and punishment explain the variation in (Fehr & Gintis, 2007), a large proportion of individuals make non-
personality traits and as such this paper examines the relationship zero contributions (e.g. 50% of their endowment, Keser & van
between traits within this theoretical framework and behaviour in Winden, 2000) into the public good, which is a puzzle in behav-
a public goods game (PGG). ioural economics. Free riding is reduced when the possibility of
reputation building is created or there is a risk of punishment
(Fehr & Gintis, 2007; Nowak, 2006; Rockenbach & Milinski, 2006;
West et al., 2007). Reciprocation, or acting as you expect others
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 7794295992.
E-mail addresses: (A. Skatova), eamonn.ferguson@ to behave, is one predominate mechanism that drives contribu- (E. Ferguson). tions in the PGG (see Falk & Fischbacher, 2006, for a discussion).

0191-8869/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
238 A. Skatova, E. Ferguson / Personality and Individual Differences 51 (2011) 237–241

Given the focus on rewards and punishments as part of the tion of their endowment. The experiment is a series of one-shot
explanation for cooperation it is argued that traits associated with PGGs, where participants do not know each other, and know that
reward and punishment should predict performance on PGGs. In in each game they might be playing with different participants.
this respect, the revised account of RST (Gray & McNaughton, Thus anonymity is maintained and there is no option for reputa-
2000) is particularly pertinent. The RST suggests three motiva- tion building or tit-for-tat responding. The optimal strategy to
tional systems based on variation in sensitivities to reward and maximize reward would be to give less: be more self-regarding.
punishment which explain various individual behavioural out- This should not be the case when others contributed a small
comes. These systems are: Behavioural Activation System (BAS); amount, as there is less to be gained by defecting. Thus it is
Flight-Fight-Freeze-System (FFFS); and Behavioural Inhibition Sys- hypothesised that when participants know that their group part-
tem (BIS). When a reward (either social, such as money, or physi- ners contributed high amounts, high BAS-RR should be related to
ological, such as food) is presented, BAS is involved in calculating reduced contributions. It is important to note here that if we con-
approach behaviour. Individuals high in BAS-trait are more likely sider a repeated PGG scenario (where participants play with the
to choose behaviours with higher rewards, such as to free ride same group partners over a number of rounds) the predictions
and get a larger profit (i.e. financial reward). BIS is responsible regarding BAS-RR would have been opposite, as the strategy to
for actions when goal conflict is present. After receiving inputs maximize reward in such a context would be to invest more into
from both BAS and FFFS, BIS calculates what is beneficial: to ap- public good, which should result in greater cooperation predicted
proach a goal or to avoid a punishment by withdrawing. By inhib- by BAS-RR.
iting one or several ongoing behaviours in favour of the others BIS While there are no studies examining the role of BIS within eco-
performs computations of risk assessment for benefits/losses ex- nomic games, Hirsh and Peterson (2009) showed that neuroticism,
pected from the outcomes. When there is no evident punishment which is linked to BIS (Corr & McNaughton, 2008), was associated
possible (such as in a standard PGG), BIS might receive two re- with greater cooperation in a repeated Prisoners Dilemma (PD)
ward-related inputs: approaching immediate reward or a greater game. Furthermore, an fMRI study by McCabe, Houser, Ryan,
delayed reward through the means of cooperation. Smith, and Trouard (2001) demonstrated that cooperative behav-
iour occurs through a neural network, which provides binding joint
1.2. Individual differences in strategies within PGGs: The roles of BIS attention to mutual gains with inhibition of immediate reward:
and BAS those who cooperate inhibit the dominant response of getting a
quick smaller reward in order to gain a larger delayed reward by
Distinctive behavioural strategies are observed in PGGs, which the means of cooperation. Thus, we test the prediction that BIS
may be grouped as either self-regarding (free riding) or other- should be associated with more cooperative behavioural strategies
regarding (e.g. reciprocation, conditional cooperation) strategies in the one-shot games studied here. BIS-related traits do not imply
(e.g. Bardsley & Moffatt, 2007; Fehr & Gintis, 2007; Fischbacher, strategic behaviour, but rather high BIS is linked to a state of a
Gaechter, & Fehr, 2001). Similar other-regarding (altruists: maxi- greater inhibitory intensity, thus we do not predict different effect
mize benefits for others; and co-operators: maximize joint group of BIS in one-shot or repeated games.
benefits) and self-regarding (individualists: maximize their own
benefits; and competitors: maximize their relative advantage to
2. Method
other players) strategies have been reported in the social value
orientation literature (Liebrand & McClintock, 1988; Van Lange,
2.1. Participants and procedure
Agnew, Harinck, & Steemers, 1997; Van Lange, Otten, Bruin, &
Joireman, 1997). While these classifications of participants’
Participants were 72 undergraduates (mean age 20.5, ranged
strategies are important, no trait-like mechanisms that may under-
18–40, 58% female), drawn from different departments, mainly
lie these patterns is suggested (e.g. Burlando & Guala, 2005;
psychology. Questionnaires were administrated using online soft-
Fischbacher et al., 2001). As an initial step forward in this regard
ware prior to the experiment. The experiment took place in the
this paper explores the role of BIS and BAS.
computer room, where all participants, in groups of 8 or 16, were
Scheres and Sanfey (2006) looked at BAS effects on performance
seated in the individual booths with dividers. They were told that
in a Dictator Game (DG) and an Ultimatum Game (UG). Both games
they would not know about any individual’s contributions or meet
involved two players: a proposer and a recipient, with the proposer
after the experiment. After finishing the experiment participants
dividing their initial endowment between themselves and the
were debriefed and paid individually. They received £5 as a
recipient. While in the DG the recipient has no power over the
show-up fee and they had an opportunity to earn up to £4.25 extra.
decision, in the UG they can refuse the offer in which case neither
On average, participants received £7.6 for a one-hour experiment.
party gets anything. If people are strategic, they should give less in
The experiment was programmed using Z-Tree (Fischbacher,
the DG (as the recipient cannot reject the offer) but more in the UG
2007). One participant was excluded from relevant analyses due
(to ensure that the recipient does not reject the offer) and the
to missing questionnaire data.
difference between contributions in UG and DG should be larger.
Scheres and Sanfey (2006) showed that BAS Reward Responsive-
ness (BAS-RR) was associated with strategic giving: predicting low- 2.2. Measures of motivational orientations
er offers in the DG (but not the UG), as well as a larger discrepancy
of individual contributions in UG and DG: thus high BAS-RR was BIS/BAS: The Carver and White (1994) BIS/BAS questionnaire
linked to a strategy to maximize rewards. was used. This contains 24 items to be rated on a four-point scale
The present experiment extends this work drawing on a design assessing (1) avoidance orientation: BIS (a =.71); (2) approach ori-
used by Bardsley and Sausgruber (2005) who demonstrated that entation (BAS): overall BAS (a =.84), plus subscales BAS Drive
when participants knew that their own group gave a high average (a =.74), BAS Fun Seeking (a =.75) and BAS Reward Responsiveness
proportion of their endowment they donated more compared to a (a =.89). Because our predictions concerning BIS-effects on perfor-
low average contribution condition (evidence in favour of recipro- mance fit both the original (Gray, 1987) and revised account (Gray
cation). Thus this design allows us to examine if BAS-RR individu- & McNaughton, 2000), we also used a split of a BIS scale suggested
als act strategically to maximize their rewards when they have full by Heym, Ferguson, and Lawrence (2008), into BIS-anxiety (a =.81)
knowledge that others from their group have given a high propor- and FFFS-fear (a =.75).
A. Skatova, E. Ferguson / Personality and Individual Differences 51 (2011) 237–241 239

2.3. The public good game (PGG) X

pi ¼ 20  g i þ 0:5 gj ;
The experiment comprised four practice and 22 experimental
trials. No deception was involved in this study, as the trials were where a pay-off (p) for a participant i is defined by their contribu-
organized in a Conditional Information Lottery (see Bardsley, tion (g) and the sum of contributions of other players.
2000 for a discussion). That is, participants were informed that Participants received individual feedback of how much they
all trials except for one (a real trial) would not be played with peo- earned at the end of each trial. Prior to making their decision par-
ple in the room and for the non-real trials all information appeared ticipants were also asked how much they thought their group
on the computer screen would be defined by the experimenter. would contribute on average.
Only the earnings from the real trial counted towards their final To investigate the effect of traits on behaviour we used both
payment and participants were aware of this. In debrief partici- contribution levels and the proportion of zero contributions as
pants stated that they were unable to detect which was the real they have been previously described to be associated with different
trial and had treated all trials as if they were real. behavioural strategies in the PGGs (e.g. Bardsley & Moffatt, 2007;
Each trial consisted of an anonymous sequential one-shot PGG Keser & van Winden, 2000).
where participants played in the groups of four. In keeping with
the original design of Bardsley and Sausgruber (2005), there were 3. Results
two key parameters to each trial: (1) player position (first or last
mover) and (2) group membership (A and B). The first movers were 3.1. Descriptive statistic
not aware of the contributions of their own group before they
made their contribution. The last mover, however, was aware of Table 1 provides the means, standard deviations (SD) for all per-
the average contributions made by their group members before sonality and motivational traits. All variables were normally dis-
they made the contribution. On each trial there were three first tributed except for BAS-RR (Z = 1.91, p <.01, Kologorov–Smirnov
movers and one last mover. test for normality of the distribution) which was treated as non-
The group membership could be either Group A or Group B. parametric for all subsequent analyses.
According to the rules, those who played in the Group B, prior to
their decisions, saw the average contribution of the participants
3.2. Effects of the information about the contribution of others on
in Group A. In this way, when participants were on the first movers
individual behaviour
position, prior to their decision they saw the average contribution
of another group (Group A), while when they were in the last mov-
To explore the relationship between group contribution and po-
ers position, they saw both the average contribution of another
sition a 2 (Other Group Contribution: high or low) by 3 (Position:
group (Group A) and their own group (Group B).
first mover, last mover with ‘‘my” group high, and last mover
The feedback about both ‘‘my” (B) and ‘‘other” (A) groups
‘‘my” group low) repeated measures ANOVA was conducted. There
means contribution levels were manipulated as high, medium
were significant main effects of both Other Group Contribution
or low proportion of the initial endowment. In line with the
(F(1,71) = 13.85, p <.001) and Position (F(2,70) = 67.08, p <.001) and a
design of Bardsley and Sausgruber (2005) we were interested in
significant interaction between the two (F(2,70) = 12.49, p <.001).
high versus low feedback manipulations while participants were
Planned comparisons revealed that the contribution levels on the
on the last mover position, but we also had medium feedback tri-
first movers position were significantly different when participants
als, as well as first mover position trials as ‘‘masks” to insure that
received the information of ‘‘other” groups level of feedback as
the experimental trials of interest were not salient for partici-
either high or low (F(1,71) = 40.11, p <.001). Such that when the Other
pants. Additional analyses with medium trials did not affect the
Group Contribution was high they gave more (M = 10.04 MU) and
significance of any results. Mean group contributions were drawn
when it was low they gave less (M = 7.5 MU). When participants
randomly from a normal distribution with 17.5 average for high,
were on the last mover position, there was no significant effect of
10 for a medium and 3.5 for low condition with a standard devi-
Other Group Contribution both with ‘‘my” group high (p =.319)
ation of a 1 MU. There were a number of different combinations
and ‘‘my” group low feedback (p =.840). These analyses show
of feedback, which produced different trial types. This study fo-
that the information about other group contribution affects only
cuses on the last mover trials with the feedback about contribu-
contributions on the first mover position but not the last mover
tions of ‘‘my” group, which was manipulated to be either ‘‘high”
(four trials) or ‘‘low” (four trials). In addition to the information
To further explore the effects of ‘‘other” group and ‘‘my” group
about their own group contributions, in each of four high ‘‘my”
contributions in the last mover positions – which are the focus of
group trials participants were provided with the information
this study – a 2 (My Group: high or low) by 2 (Other Group: high
about ‘‘other” group (Group A) average contributions: it was
or low) repeated measures ANOVA was conducted. There was a sig-
either high (two trials) or low (two trials). Likewise, for four
nificant main effect of the ‘‘my” group contribution (F(1,71) = 126.38,
low ‘‘my” group last mover trials, in two trials the feedback about
p <.001), no significant effect of ‘‘other” group contribution feed-
‘‘other” group was provided as high and in two it was provided as
low. All participants underwent exactly the same experimental
schedule (i.e. had the same number of trials of each type). The full
experimental schedule is available upon request from the first Table 1
author. The order of the trials was randomized for each partici- The means and standard deviations (SD) for all motivational variables.
pant. To exclude the possibility of hearing when other partici- Scale Mean (SD)
pants were making decisions, everybody was required to enter
BAS Overall 2.95 (.48)
a number (the prompt appeared on the screen) all the time while BAS Drive 2.66 (.59)
waiting for others’ decisions. BAS Fun Seeking 2.90 (.65)
In each game each participant had to divide their initial endow- BAS Reward Responsiveness 3.31 (.69)
ment of 20 MU (equal to £2) into the private and the group ac- BIS 2.91 (.68)
BIS-anxiety 3.09 (.70)
count. After everybody made their decisions, the investments
FFFS-fear 2.69 (.80)
were calculated based on the following pay-off function:
240 A. Skatova, E. Ferguson / Personality and Individual Differences 51 (2011) 237–241

back and no significant interactions. Regardless of what the other BIS-anxiety (Heym et al., 2008) is related to less free riding. These
group contributed, participants on the last mover position contrib- findings are interpreted in relation to strategic responding in the
uted more if their own group contributed high on average, and less PGGs, as well as in the light of recent theorising about traits as
if their group contributed low on average: results are depicted in evolved motivational responses to environmental contingencies.
Fig. 1. As there was no effect of other group contributions manipu-
lation when participants were last movers, for all subsequent anal- 4.1. Strategic reciprocation as the main mechanism of giving the PGGs
yses contributions were averaged across ‘‘my” group high and ‘‘my”
group low conditions. In line with the wealth of previous findings (e.g. Croson, 2007;
We have demonstrated that people’s contribution levels chan- Falk & Fischbacher, 2006), a form of reciprocation has been shown
ged in response to high or low contributions of others in their as a dominant mechanism explaining voluntary contribution levels
group, which may be interpreted as evidence for reciprocation in PGGs. Specifically, participants were affected by the feedback
(Bardsley & Sausgruber, 2005). On closer inspection it was ob- about the level of contribution in their group: while they fully
served that in the low feedback trials the contribution levels reciprocated on average to the cooperation of others (gave the
matched the feedback about the group contribution (15% of the same amount as their group) when the cost was low, they gave sig-
endowment: the difference between group average and individual nificantly less than others on average, when they were provided
contributions is not significantly different, one-sample t-test with the information that their group partners gave a high amount.
t(71) =.09, ns). However, in the high feedback trials after seeing This suggests that people reciprocate fully in environments when
that their group contributed 85% of endowment, participants only known costs are low, while when reciprocation requires high costs,
increased their contributions to the public good to 55% of endow- people are less willing to do so (Ferguson et al., 2008). However, it
ment, which is significantly lower than their group had given must be noted here that the absolute amount of giving is still larger
(t(71) = 8.33, p <.0001, one-sample). if people are provided with the information that the average giving
of others is high.
3.3. Influence of personality traits
4.2. Pro-social and selfish choices predicted by basic motivational
Contribution levels: Consistent with the prediction BAS-RR was
negatively correlated with the contributions in the high ‘‘my” group
We have demonstrated that individual differences in motiva-
feedback last mover position (q = .269, p <.05). This correlation
tional traits associated with reward and punishment do influence
indicates that those high in reward responsiveness gave less when
performance in the PGGs. BAS-RR was negatively associated with
they knew that others in their group had contributed a large pro-
contribution levels, specifically when participants knew that oth-
portion of their endowment. There were no other significant effects.
ers from their group contributed a large proportion of their endow-
Non-zero contributions: When the Carver and White BIS scale
ment: those high on BAS-RR gave less. BIS-anxiety (Heym et al.,
was scored as two scales assessing BIS-anxiety and FFFS-fear
2008) however, showed a negative relationship with the propor-
(Heym et al., 2008), BIS-anxiety was negatively associated with
tion of non-zero contributions. This indicates that BIS-anxiety is re-
the proportion of zero contributions in the last mover high ‘‘my”
lated to reduced free riding, suggesting that behavioural inhibition
group feedback condition (q = .243, p <.05). Thus high BIS-anxi-
plays a role in moderating the contribution levels in the PGG, and
ety participants were cooperative as they tended to contribute
more broadly, in the decision whether to cooperate or not. In this
something (not zero), when they knew that others from their
PGG, perhaps those who are low in BIS are less likely to inhibit
group had contributed on average a large proportion of their
the dominating response of getting an immediate reward, espe-
endowment. There were no other significant effects.
cially in the situation when the reward is high (high feedback last
mover trials) (see McCabe et al., 2001).
4. Discussion
4.3. Motivational traits and reaction norms
These results demonstrate, consistent with the predictions, that
individual differences in basic motivational mechanisms, associ- A further interpretation of the results reported here is to treat
ated with sensitivity to reward and behavioural inhibition explain behavioural outcomes as motivated strategic responses to particu-
variation in cooperation and free riding in a PGG. Specifically, with- lar environmental contingencies (Buss, 2009; Penke, Denissen, &
in the context of a one-shot game, BAS-RR is related to the strategic Miller, 2007). Borghans, Duckworth, Heckman, and ter Weel
use of self-regarding behaviour (reduced contributions) while (2008) have suggested that a trait is more likely to be expressed
when there is an incentive for it. Dall, Houston, and McNamara
(2004) have coined the term ‘conditional state-dependent behaviour’
to describe how organisms tactically choose to act in the given
conditions. Moreover, ecologists have developed the idea of reac-
tion norms as the ‘. . . function relating a phenotypic response of
a genotype to a change in the environment’ (Van Oers, de Jong,
van Noordwijk, Kempenaers, & Drent, 2005, p. 1197), and extended
by Denissen and Penke (2008) to suggest that broader personality
domains reflect individual differences in motivation to react to
environmental contingencies, with each domain being more or less
sensitive to respond to different environments. The results de-
scribed here fit this conceptualization well. If BAS evolved through
motivational systems designed to maximize rewards, within an
anonymous PGG, with no opportunity for reputation building or
punishment, rewards are strategically best achieved by contribut-
Fig. 1. Reciprocation effect: contribution levels. Dotted lines represent high and ing less especially when it is known that others have contributed a
low contribution feedback. large amount. BIS on the other hand could have evolved to avoid
A. Skatova, E. Ferguson / Personality and Individual Differences 51 (2011) 237–241 241

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