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Myriam Htoo

Business School, University of the People

BUS5112: Marketing Management
Dr. Samantha Linden
Similar to traditional marketing, digital marketing is meant to retain customers and drive future

sales. Connecting with clients and establishing enduring relationships is made possible by digital

communication tools.

Would you consider the ad to be an emotional or rational ad? Why or why not?

Because it emphasizes arousing feelings and emotions over providing logical reasoning or

factual information, the advertisement might be classified as emotional. This classification is

supported by the way that emotional connections are made with the audience through narration,

music, and visuals.

Who do you think is the target audience for the ad?

Any individual who requires protection, be it for a home, small business, multinational

corporation, hospital, school, or any facility with glass, may be a potential customer, in my opinion.

Young adults interested in outdoor activities and adventure, between the ages of 18 and 35, may

be the advertisement's target demographic. The concepts and sentiments presented in the

advertisement are probably going to speak to this particular group.

Why or not should people want to share the ad for it to go viral?

Because the advertisement has emotionally engaging material that appeals to a broad

audience, people would want to share it in order for it to go viral. The commercial might arouse

strong feelings in viewers, raising the likelihood that they will share it with friends and family and

increasing the likelihood that it will become viral. When someone uses a product and is happy with

it, he or she may feel driven to post about it on social media or tell his story. Sometimes this causes

the advertisement to go viral.

Is the content for your chosen social media platform more suitable for B2B, B2C, or both?

The selected social media platform's content is more suited for business-to-consumer

(B2C) marketing. Marketing initiatives that target consumers are in line with the platform's user

base and content consumption habits.

How many times more likely is it for a lead (potential customer) to convert when developed

through employee social marketing? Why?

Businesses capitalize on the fact that consumers are more inclined to believe in a product

or brand if they know someone who has used it; they do this by designating employees as brand

ambassadors. Leads generated by staff social media marketing have a seven-fold higher conversion

rate. This is because leads produced by employee social marketing frequently have greater

conversion rates because of the leads' inherent credibility and level of trust resulting from the

employee's personal relationship.

List three social media which you consider to be most suitable for a customer testimonial and


Three social media channels that work well for client endorsements are:

Instagram: Because of its visual format, Instagram is perfect for distributing client endorsements

together with eye-catching photos or brief films.

YouTube: YouTube offers a forum for in-depth consumer stories and experiences by permitting

longer-form video testimonials.

LinkedIn: Businesses can display their success stories and client testimonials on LinkedIn, which

is appropriate for professional customer testimonials, particularly in the B2B context.

Online marketing is essential for any business in the modern digital age. Companies should

thoroughly consider their options for a platform and conduct market research before releasing an

advertisement on social media. Social media can increase brand loyalty and recognition, which in

turn can save marketing expenses. Companies can establish a connection with their audience by

consistently responding to and interacting with consumer feedback. Social media is therefore an

effective tool for reaching specific audiences and increasing revenues.


Kelsay, E. (2017, April 6). How employees influence perception of your brand on social media.

Stokes, R. & Minds of Quirk. (2013). eMarketing: The essential guide to marketing in a digital


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