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Priority(N) – The children are the first priority of every parent.

Currently, security is a high priority. / List your tasks in order of priority.

Studying abroad is high (low) on my list of priorities.
It’s better to give priority to what should be done over what you wish to do.
I have/take priority over my career because I need to earn high income.
Prioritize(V) – You need to prioritize your tasks. / Prioritizing your work can help reduce stress.
Reluctant (adj) – He is always reluctant to say sorry. / Finally, he agreed with us reluctantly.
Stab (V) – The murderer stabbed the girl in the chest. / He was stabbed to death.
My friend stabbed me in the back.
Deaf (adj) – Although she’s deaf and dumb (she’s the deaf mute), she can use sign language.
He’s deaf to all my advice and suggestions. How terrible he is.
Turn a deaf ear (to sb/sth) – He turned a deaf ear to my words.
Fall on deaf ears - I’m absolutely upset that all my advice fell on deaf ears.
Turn a blind eye (to sth) – Just turn a blind eye to my faults this time.
Console (V) – No one and nothing can console me.
I console myself with the thought that I’m not the only one who encounter these problems.
Compensate (V) – Nothing can compensate for her loss. / The company compensated her for the
injuries. / Have you received the compensation for your injuries?
Recompense (V) – The boss has recompensed employees for working overtime.
The employer recompenses her for the loss of her job.
Take it or leave it – I can’t give you the red pen but the black one, take it or leave it.
Take it out on sb – Even if you have lots of problems, you shouldn’t take it out on me.
Don’t vent your anger on me. Just leave me alone.
Take sides – Don’t ask me to take sides. / I’m not here to take sides in this matter.
Down in the dumps – He’s feeling a bit down in the dumps.
I don’t want you down in the dumps like this, so come over and have a chat.
Bring a smile to sb’s face – She is cheerful for real, she can bring a smile to my face whenever I
feel blue.
Ain’t – short form of ‘am not’, ‘is not’, ‘are not’, ‘has not’, and ‘have not’
I’m not telling you. = I ain’t telling you.
Studying abroad isn’t easy. = Study abroad ain’t easy.
These two pictures are not the same. = These two pictures ain’t the same.
He has not eaten the pizza yet. = He ain’t eaten the pizza yet.
I have not been here before. = I ain’t been here before.
Ain’t that the truth? It ain’t so!
Can I ask you a favor/favour?
Could you do me a favor?
If need be (if it’s necessary), I can do housework for you. / I’m always here for you if need be.
Needless to say, he’s a bit weird.
Not to worry, we can try next time.
Don’t you dare (do sth) – Don’t you dare talk to me like that again. / Don’t you dare.
How dare you (V) – How dare you make fun of me like that! / How dare you say like this!
I dare say you didn’t study last night, right?
Dare – If you’re brave that much, I dare you to jump off the bridge into the river.
That’s enough. I’m full. (I can’t eat any more.)
Muddle sb up – Stop talking about that case, it muddles me up completely.
Don’t muddle up the papers on the table.
My life has been in a real muddle. / I’m in such a muddle.

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