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by John Green

1. Explain Hazel’s family’s dinner time rule. Does you family have any similar rules?
She Is not allowed to use phone at the table

2. (page 65) How/Why were Hazel’s parents preoccupied during dinner that evening?
They were preoccupied with talking

3. In what way does Gus think that the author of AIA had violated his contract with the reader?
Gus contacted with the manger of the author.

4. (page 67) What surprise did Gus have for Hazel?

He explained that he contacted with the AIA books manager/ because hazel always sent letters to the author
of the book but never replied.
5. What do we know about the author of AIA’s writing career?
He has only a book and he is not going to announce any two/

6. (page 69) What ‘gift’ does Gus give Hazel?

He wanted to use him wish to go to Amsterdam with her.

7. What questions does Hazel ask Mr Peter Van Houten?

What happened to Anna’s family after Anna died

8. What has a love of books done for Hazel and Gus?

The book was similar to life it ends on the middle of our lives.
9. What do we understand about Gus’ old girlfriend, Caroline?
She was not that good
10. (page 73) Explain the positive and negative outcomes of Isaac’s surgery.
He become blind but happy to not see Monica again
11. Who did Isaac think Hazel was when she went to visit him in hospital?
He thought it was Monica
12. Why did all the flowers for sale at the hospital smell the same?

13. Why didn’t Peter Van Houten feel able to answer Hazel’s questions?
Because he was afraid of the knowledge will announce on the internet
14. (page 79) What sacrifices have Hazel’s parents made for their daughter?
They let h’m meet with Gus. Even she was really sick/
15. Explain the Genie Foundation.
This foundation gives opportunities to cancer people to what day want like Disney land, holiday, traveling to
16. What word that Gus said stuck in Hazel’s mind?
17. (page 82) What is the significance of the tulips that Gus gave Hazel?
It signifies everyone’s flowers so they would be hazels flowers.

18. For how long has Gus been cancer-free?

For 14 moths

19. (page 84) What is always at the back of Hazel’s mind?

The cemetery

20. What is the significance of the colour orange?

National color of the Netherlands/ w’ll’am of the orange and everything
21. Explain how Gus is able to make Hazel’s dreams come true.
He contacted with the ginnies foundation for to go Amsterdam to visit the author of the book with hazel.


 In a few sentences, summarise this chapter of the story.

Give important information on the setting, mood and action from the chapter.

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